The Brussels Post, 1920-6-24, Page 5Illt$INE CAM &
WM- SPENOE .., ..
Mee in the P051Oace, Ethel. 304
elan, will sell for better prices, to
hotter men, in less time and lose ubarges
than any ether Auutionoer In East Linton or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged al this moo or by
pars ,net application,
Donor bralntte Or the Ontario
College. 14 Day and night palls. Oaloo oppo,tto
Iflar M Ill, lotlW 1.
M. S., M. 0. P., & 8, 0.
M. 0, R., Village of 13r.,:, -la,
Phyutolan, Surgeon, A000at .m•
Office at residence, opposite Melvt :. Church,
Winlam street,
®arristera, Ba ioitera, Notaries Public,
OIHoe on the Square 2tal Icor from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
i3, J, D. Oooxa
a c.
Is prepared to pay
highest price for
Scrap Iron,
Rags, &c.
for .
Highest price paid. See
me before you sell,
Highest Cash Price
• Live Poultry and Hides
• Write or Phone 62x
+++++++•F -b+ f• :-4•++-:•'Fit• f-+++++++
The only Cream Separator with 2
two wide open steam outlets—
no cream screw in the path of
the cream. See it when in town.
* John Oliver
has taken over the Deering Ag-
ency and handles a full line of
Faxon Implements including the
I. H. C. Cream Separators
1 The 1, P. C. 8-16 and 111-20 Tractors +
a The Deering Manure Spreader "sFl.,
With the wide spread and very
light in draft, 2
are among the best.
. John Oliver
McCormick and
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country :
I am prepared to take orders for
McCormick and International Int)1rle-
ments, Tractors, Engines, Plows, En -
allege Clutters, Cream Separatot'o,
'Wagons and Sleighs.
Fall line of'a.'illage and Haying
and Harvesting Itnpletnents. No bet-
ter Binder, Mower or Manure l3peetul-
•er made then the NlcOorluiok,
Buy from me and save money as
I can pay cash and can sell on terms
to snit.
Will keep repair's or get them for
you on a day 00 twos notice,
Call and see one at Ethel before
buying anti save money.
If You wish to Get a High
Grade Business Edua=
'); ution and a Ponition 00(1{1 rtf-
LOP Graduating you will ee1-
t eat 1110
•-'7`+' 't'ango a.Oharoes Eta,' Toronto
1, I.warn marc osl)owt this School by y'..
writing ror our large Oarelugue. See 4
'-i5 what we hay.: done for others and what `rte
we 0440' do fur goir, Thls lichool 0(1000
�� ror the bavt in unurree, ioatruutiun
4 tiyene minnter tiowdlaelpluto. ()pen alt
: i OOOooOITOOOZ matOoy a oo``Ooo
2 We have openings for a few
+ good r
i, t reliable 1ab10 men to wmk on
Threshing Machines Tractors
+sand other work.
$ The Boht, Bell Engine & Thresher Co.
ISeaforth Ontario Limited It
rata' Ilelu~a Pms
AMHERSTEURG Echo has advanced its
price to $2.uo per annum to keep pace
with the rising cost of production.
$2.50 it not paid in advance.
A memorial tablet will be secured and
placed in the hall of the Court House,
Goderich in memory of the late Donald
Patterson, who was a former Warden
and also Co, Engineer for years,
'roR.—There is a habit among some
fanners, we hope not very widespread,
Of scatteringgrain over their
cornfields to protect then; From crows
and blackbirds, which cannot be too
severely coudemned. When we take in-
to consideration how many hundreds of
young birds die in the nest item slatva-
tiou after the old ones are killed and
remember the injurious insects that
would have been destroyed by these
birds, we think the loss will largely
overcome the profit, Besides if we con-
sider the 6th verse of the 12th chapter of
Luke we might understand how such
things appear in the eyes of our Heaven-
ly Father. Is there not a law protecting
our little feathered friends 1 Yours
Awnv :—The Enterprise of Dunduru,
Sask„ speaks as follows of a former resi-
dent of this locality :—The sad news
reached Duncluro Wednesday morning,
May 26th, that David j Whiting, one of
the early settlers of the Dunduru dis-
trict, had passed the Great Beyond,
aged 56 years, 5 tnonths and 4 days.
Mr. Whiting was -one of the best known
men in the district. With his family he
moved from Ontario 20 years ago and
settled near Mindere. First 2 years
were t spent on the Fletcher ranch near
town. IS ago this S riu Mr.
w years g P t;
Whiting erected a house on his home-
stead, N E. to 344 W. 3, Where he con•
tinned to reside, until Item, when he dis-
posed of bis hoillestead and purchased a
half -section North of Dunduru in the
Coates district, where the family still re-
sides. Several years ago his health be-
gan to fail and 2 years ago it was deem-
ed expedient to place him in the hospi-
tal where he remained until the (line of
his death, His death was quite unex-
pected, -as lately he seemed to be re-
covering and the family cherished the
trope that he might return home iu elle
Spring. He leaves to mourn his 'loss a
wife ; one daughter, Mrs.:Dan. McCrim.
mon, Hnghton, Sask. 1 David, the eld-
est son, Kerrobert ; Will, and Tom, at
home ; and Fred„ who resides on a
farm'uesr Duudurn, Mr. Whiting will
be greatly missed in the eomtnuuity as
his home was always open, and scores of
the younger and older people testified to
the high esteem in which he was held by
attending the funeral Sunday afternoon
to the Hillside Cemetery, which is locat-
ed on the late Ma Whitiug's homestead.
His sister, Mrs. 'Fred. Kanneman and
nephew Luther, of Medicine Hat, and
Rev. W. H. Ellis, brother to Mrs, Whit-
ing, of Shaunavon, atteuded the funeral,
Rev. W. H. Wagner, of Dunduru, con -
cleated the service,
A Gpoo PHOTOGRAPH.—The Western
(London Ont ) Gazette of May published
the following to their personal sketches
of young folk who were coming up for
graduation at the Western University,
concerning Dr. Roy C. Kingswood, B
A., known to a good many
readers of
r dun of Jame
and a ail S James
If j
Sharpe Brussels :—Roy Clifton Kings-
wood entered the Uutvetsity in Fall of
0913 from the local Lollegiate, register-
lug le the B. A., M. D. comae, The
first two years of Ilia attendance was
spent entirely in the College of Arts,
but since then meter his work for the de.
gree of Bachelor.of Arts, has been taken
extramurally in conjunction with his
medical classes. He is one of the lucky
candidates for graduation this year, for
his last paper' to Acts has beeu writteu,
tee last river crossed, Kingswood has
been a tower of strength iu all student
activities but he has been especially
prominent in athletics where be has wou
his "W" several tintos over in both rug-
by and basketball. He is one of the few
surviving veteraus of the famous
tie game with rho 149th lin. h1
t re city rugby lengpo of 1916, where our
uulformod friends }lid more In ono short
afternoon to prove that 1n silt( purse can-
not be made 0111 of a p01'ltet'a ear then
less been accomplished by tiny other
means in these ports h1 the lifetime of
the oldest-iultabltaot, Aggressive,
alive, hard-working, keenly inter—
ob-servant of the (thugs that melte of new
the profession of medicine, Kingswood
will be a doctor of wide influence for
good both in and outside of the ranks
Ot his profession ; and, if prophecy Ware
not a dangerous thing, we tniglitassure
our gentle renders that when LIie hotter
roll of successful medical graduates of
Western is posted the name Kingswood,
Roy C., will be written there In large
Moo Orator lost week)
David 13uckwell, 13uffelo, is visiting
his parents W. and Mr's, Hacltwell,
D. Settler and Mrd, Geo. Clark.
apent the week, eud visiting friends in
Mrs, Graham and little son, Acton,
are holidaying with the formet''s par-
ents, A, ttucl Mrs, Gardiner.
Alden and Mrs, 1M1r.(lavin motored
to neaten to visit Jas, and him, Har-
ris. They had a very enjoyable trip,
Mr. Reid, who has been relieving at
the Bank of Commerce here, has been
moved to another: brunch, He will be
much missed,
Mrs. Rus, Alderson M u . A d and family, wbo
have been visiting her pareuts, Jas.
and Mrs, Bishop, have returned to
their home near North Bay.
D, Sohier, of the Bank of Commerce
staff, who has been away undergoing,
an operation, has returned, lie is
mucic improved in health we are
pleased to hear.
Finlay Lynn was a visitor at South-
ampton and Tara.
Young Peoplb of Fordwich Methe.
dist Church gave an old fashioned
play, entitled "The Minister's Bride,"
in Brown's Hall, Ford wich.
Two barn raisings took place in this
neighborhood last week—Hugh Doug-
las, Atli Oon„ and Percy Ashton, 0th
Oon. Wes. Dareey, 4th 0o1)„ is also
erecting a pew barn and will raise in a
few weeks.
Jos. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Alex,
and Mrs. McLaughlin, and Norman
and Mrs. McLaughlin were in Wing -
ham Tuesday of last week attending
the funeral of their brother and uncle,
the late Won, McLaughlin.
Telephone central has been moved
to E. Dolor's,
Files Wherry, Listowel, has been
visiting at D, Vegan's.
Mrs. Elliott, Chicago, is spending a
fete weeks at her father's, Henry
Grainger. Mrs. Grainger is visiting
friends in Kincardine,
Mrs Williamr
F ase; of Dutton and
her daughter, h,r
et re. Walker, of Loa
Angeles,pal.Mrs., spent the week -end
with friends in this neighborhood.
Molesworth people were sorry to
lose as a resident Mrs. Seehaver, who
has left for Oarthage to Beside with
her son, Harry Seehaver, cheesemaker
at the Carthage factory. Mrs. See -
haver resided in Molesworth for 25
years and was well and favorably
known throughout the community,
She was a member of the Women's
Institute and at a recent meeting was
presented with a purse of money
accompanied with an address.
L. W. Payne, manager, of the Priu-
cess Theatre, has purchased new opera
ehaire to seat the entire theatre.
R. F. Taylor, who recently putchas-
ed the dental practice of Dr. W. A.
McDowell, Listowel, is now in posses-
J. M. Campbell, Mayor, has received
word from 11. B. Morphy, K, 0., M.
P. from Ottawa,- that the Director of
\Vat Trophies bus allotted one trench
mortor to Listowel and that the same
will vl be forwarded in due tour e
9 .
t -h 1
The wo ase street sweeper which
the Council p
urchased From the
Dominion Road Machinery 0o. of
Goderich, arrived and is now being
used on the roads. The sweeper does
its work thoroughly as the clean pave -
ed roads show.
1i, H. Lrohibald was re-engaged as
Principal of the Listowel High School
at a salary of $2,500 per annum. Miss
Hay was re-engaged at a salary of
$1,700 per annum, and Mies Tatham at
a salary of $1,600 per annum. Nliss
Stanley, Mies Ellis and Nliss Howie
have resigned from the staff.
1FrruttTu-tives" Conquered
Nervous Prostration
R. R. No.4, Gamow Proms, MAN.
"To the yeas' 1910, I had < erg: as
Prostration In Ito worst linin;
dropping from 170 to 115 pounds.
The doctors had no hope of my
recovery, and every medicine I tried
proved useless until a friend induced
me to take "Fruit-a-tives".
T bean I•n mend almost at onto
g a .� ,
and hover had such good health as 1
have enjoyed the past eight years.
J am never without "Frurl-adi 's"
to the house". JAS. S. DIILGATY.
60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e,
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottewa.
While riding his horse on Wallace
street, P. Gischler, son of Rev. and
Mrs. Gischler, met with a painful ac-
cident. The horse slipped, and falling
on Mr. Gischler, his toes and ankles
were severely bruised and he will be
confined to hie home for some time.
Citizens of Listowel and vicinity
without exception, will learn with
deep regret that J.. M. Onmpbeil,
manager of the local branch of the
Bank of Hamilton, has been transfer.
red to Guelph, and leaves next month
to assume his new dirties, Mr. Camp-
bell has been manager of the Listo-
wel branch for about 16 years. NV. P.
Wanzer, Torontu, succeeds Mr. Camp-
Lloyd Vallance attended Grand
Lodge of the I. O. 0. F., at London
last week.
Mrs. J. A. Mc
Bain was taken e tothe
Listo e
w I he lital on Thursday mr •-
ing to be operated on for appendicitis.
Rev. Hyslop Dickann, wife and
children, Alexander, Man, tote holi-
daying with Thomas and Mrs. Dick-
As the result of a team running
away and throwing him off a wagon,
a son of William Hymer, Elma, lied
both bones of his left forearm broken.
Clerk Lochhead received word from
H. B. Morphy, M. P., that 2 machine
guns bare been slotted to Atwood and
would be sent shortly as souvenirs of
the war.
Annual meeting of the Woonen's
Missionary Society of the Stratford
Presbytery will be held in the
Presbyterian Church, Atwood, Thurs-
day, June 24th.
LI Elma, on Tuesday, ;June 15th,
Annie Augusta Hiles, beloved wife of
George 0. Fisher, died aged 52 years,
7 months and 23 days. The funeral
Planing Mill
We are prepared to attend to
all orders for Planing and will
be able to supply Lumber,
Sash, Doors, &c.
Lights and Shadows on an
Ohio Farm.
From Ohio comes a story which
gives "'an insight into what modern >
conveniences have conte to mean in
the farm home_.
A certain ;farm house in Montgom.
ery Oonnty, Ohio, was almost entirely
destroyed by fire a short time ago.
The house was of brick, roomy and
substantially built as most old-Fashinu-
ed farm houses are. Thick, stout walls
and good workmanship are probably
what saved the house from beteg de-
stroyed, but as it was nothing 1310011
but the four walla were left standing.
The hoose is being remodelled now
with some enlargements and consider-
+abia changes as to interior arrange-
stent, The owner is seeing to it Ju
this rebuilding that the new house will
have all mod en c.t • t
Amon such rani
( 101011<La is,O'
000000, electric ser Vire The owne1
had elec1tic1ty in the old hoose, the
electric plant being installed in the
basement. In a flee which destroyed
everything inside the walla the plant
was of enures ruined. Fortunately
there was a 1101V garage on the place a
abort distance Omni the house and the
family tuns forced to move into this
garage tetrlpol'tn•ily, The fits( thing
that Ilia fainter did on the morning
after the fire h'aS to ra11 up the man
a ho had sold him Ida electric plant
and order another one. Before night
the new plantwas in aid the Neatly
was eujnying the rotoreaienee of oleo -
OM light despite the feet that they
had no house to live its, The pumping
system wlrioh supplied the old house
was located outside of rho house and
a little dietenoe from it end %y'08 oat
deatroyed in the fire, sotiott it was an
easy matter to pipe the water boo the
garage. This pumping system was
atm operated by electricity at) that its
anon as the plumbing was completed
the fancily was enjoying donning Wat-
er in the girtago just as they had in
the house.'
This experionne goes to show the
extent to which the farm family be-
comes attached to modern couven-
iencee. This particular homily ,bas
found that eleetrio light anti running,
water have made life le their gloom.
rather crowded tieing quarters much
Better Living
UeIco Lisht
'5Eiectricity- for
Every Farm"
Delco -Light is tnot'e than a
mere lighting plant. It gives
you electric power toe,—for op-
erating all of the light machin-
ery around the house and barn,
usually Turned by haled,
It will pump and deliver water
to all parte of the hoose or bat t1.
Write for Catalog
H. G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
more comfortable and it is certain that
they will make the 11111081 possible use
of eloetricity in their new borne when
it le completed,
took plare.frora the family residence, ; +
Lal 15, Clem 32, On Ftiday.
John T3allautyne lout 2 valuable
heifers tvith anthrax; lioudereou ,'it.
Unlit) a htrifer with blackleg ; 'leer
Ought; a cow and Rebell, Galbraith
it colt by lightning, I F
tit raja
•3aserai 0,202 of hay 3:03.0 siaippped
from title Gartlan tc Obicago and Tole-
Orangemen of llowick District will
celebrate the corning 12th( of July in
.Wilfrid II'win, who has been iu the
service of the Domiulon. Bank, Mon -
treat, has lately been 1raneferred to
A. E. and Mis. Toner lett for Mau -
cheater, New Hampshire, where they
will spend a Few weeks visiting friur,ds
and telalives,
Rev, Mr, and Mrs. Rivera, formerly
of Garde, were presented with a puree
of'looney asa tangible expressinu of
the high oaten his which lhuy aro held
by the people of Bailey's appuuitweut,
Dorchester circuit, '1'Ire best wishes
of many friends follow them to their
new Immo iu llensall,
Mre. H. McQuarrie, who has been
somewhat indisposed, is improving,
John ;repot,, 111. L, A., Lncknow,
was a visitor in town and while here
subscribed $160 to the ]Memorial Hall
At a special meeting of the Council
it wee decided to purchase 'a new
boiler for the electric light plant.
The one, now in use at the Hilboz'n
Milling Ws s mill is the one purchased.
A number of teams are busy haul-
ing logs from Auburn to the Geddes -
Tyson Lumber Co's mill here. George
Crawford put on the scales the logs he
hauled from Anburn and Lhe weight
was over tone.
Thos. Stewart left for Toronto to
meet Miss E. Brown, of Regina, and
on Wednesday of last week they were
quietly married. 'Oise bride is well-
known in Blyth, having resided here
until a fetb years ago. Mr, and Mrs.
Stewart will spend a few days eight -
seeing at Niagara Falls and other
Ratepayers of Wingghaln will vote
on 2 important by-laws, Monday,
July 5311.
J. W. Dodd and H. 13. Elliott were
in Montreal attending the High Court
of the Comedian Order of Foresters as
delegates from Court Maitland,
Dr. Irirna Kennedy, with a party of
Toronto doctors, left for Vancouver',
to attend the annual meeting of the
Dominion Medical Association, which
meets in 'Vancouver this year.
J. W. and Mrs. McKibben and child-
ren left last week on a two months
trip to the Canadian Wert. Mrs, 341e-
Kibbon and children will visit with
her sister, Mrs. Elliott, in Saskatoon,
and Mr. McKibben intends going
through to Vancouver.
Members of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church choir met at the
of Mies Robt. Currie, sr„ and present-
ed 141iae Gwendolyn Jackson with a
beautiful silver cake dish and a silver
olive dish prior to her marriage.
Meals will be served at Victoria
street Methodist church at the 12th of
July Celebration.
A lar audience e
e udi nue h old the famous
Jack Miner in North street Methodist
Dr. W. F. Clark was ill last week
and unable to attend the meeting of
County Council at Clinton on Tues-
d Board of Trade is trying to induce
the G. T. R. to restore the Buffalo ser-
vice as it used to be, with a train ar-
riving in Goderich about 2 o'clock in
the afternoon,
A communication from Ottawa
stated that one 77 in -m. gun had been
allotted to this town as a war trophy
and would be shipped here.
William Hunter, of the Hunter
Bridge & Iron Works, Kincardine,
was in town and conferred with the
Water and Light commission with re•
ference to the proposed addition of
26 feet to the standpipe, which would
give it a it total height of 125 feet and
a much greater pressure. It was the
Hunter firm that built the standpipe,
The eotOtioet l side of the major-
ity at people enanot be satisfied by
Free Libraries, Gymnasiums, Play-
grounds, ete. The love of movlieg the
hesiitlrbodyt the rhythm. of music
o u1
Y yt
in some Poem dancing is an in
born peculiarity of bhe average man
and woman; with liquor and indec-
ent ;music, however, dances may do
more harm than barkeria. It is 'Oath -
Otte to see in our large towns and
cities young men and women rush
to some dance hall to satiety a
desire for anmusement.
People who have used up theca'
Otrength in Dancing, Late hours,
Rich roadie or have, perhaps looked
tlao long upon the Wine when it was
Red and have let Old John Barley-
corn sap their eitaiity wiffi find a
bon in the nae of
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy.
It 'svili dtlmpet '}that tired feeling,"
!take away that feeling of depreesion
and nervousness that comes from
lowered vitality and br'ings back the
wealthy rich, red color to the cheeks.
It Will melte your beaoty sleep more
satisfying so that you will amaake in
tiro mornings full of lite and hope
and more alble to +carry on with the
duty's work. The "halbits that hurt"
can mare easily be overcame if you
will use Hacking% Heart and Nerve
Remedy to strengthen the Nerves, to
ROA power to the Heart and: to re-
vive vlJve and stimulate toe circulation of
the Blood, Buy them twos rout
tlewtloo Sofa a hies, 4 for $2,01
As I have returned to
Brussels to make my
home• I am prepared to +
resume busineos along the t
ulcl litres and will handle :
any quantity of Junk at
the best prices going.
Phone 2x
M. Yollick.
Alexander St. Brussels
+.1.+-1-1-1.++++++++ +++++++++++.1.
over 20 years ago, and made a first -
clubs job of it.
Perth County
Steps are being Laken to have the
interior of the Methodist church at
Mitchell renovated and re -decorated,
John Raiz and Henry Mulholland,
delegates nom the ratepayers of U.
S. S. Nu. 6, Ftillarton, Ellice and
Logan, called on William Smith,
Ulitebell, and presented him with a
1 ha..'- 4 ,1,,•A..,. stow}:
that should be seen
be -
tom I1, your �7rn^ .a:t
F1pleedtd 0011305 iu
Waterproof Coats
that a1Q sure to satisfy,
W. P5 Fraser
lailot - 131nesele
+++444-i -t•++d'•f:d•,l•+ +d•++•i+++++
gold headed ebony cane as a token of
;heir appreciation of his services as
secretary treasurer and trustee of that
section during the past 53 years. Mr.
Smith, replying thanked the rate-
payers for d
p y r their l tr kind consideration in
making him such a valuable present
which he would certainly value very
School plots of Dashwood echool
are presenting a tine appearance at
pteseet—are well cared for and ate ,t
credit to both teaehere and pupils.
•.•••••.••.••••.••.•••.... t 61e¢teeeseet etoseeeecooeoleee en
8 0
it5 "3
Wants an
When you need Repairs for your Farm Equipment buy the e
• 8 Genuine—made of the same material, have the saute finish, •
•fit •
as accurately and wear just as long as similar parts par- •
. chased with the original machine. We are the authorized •
dealers for the I. H. 0., McCormick, Cocksliutt and Frost 0
s tat Wood Machinery and Finery Flows and carry a complete •
o atoclt.
a In Carriage Tire Applying to•
• We give you prompt service, applying all sizes of the bet- •
• ter grade of Carriage Rubber Tires, and will replace, with- d
•a out charge, any tile failing to dive 12 months' continuous a
Set vice.
a is
• •
offers you a job second to none for duality of service and
appearance. We give this line our careful attention and
your satisfaction when completed. 0
w Trusting to be of horns service to you.
• e
E. & S.Plu
• Phone 83 Phone 41x s
• t„ Palace Bakery
a 4.
• a+
•For Loaf of ;'read
• o
Bread is Your Best food
ot Phone 32x
Eat More of it
• •••0•••••••••0••4••.••6••a •4..4.+•••••eo••••.veeeee t0
2 O•FO+•+•+O+e+O+O+O+O+O+O+••t>•+O+•+O+40+10•'•0+.4.0+0•F440+0+
eWdding Gifts
• For the Bride
"11911109141911MNII 2919119119l9111191101111199111
+ We are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles,
2F Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets, Butte(• Tubs, Mar-
emalades, also large assortment of Cut Glass and Flat-
• ware in the up-to-date Patterns.
♦ Diamond Hangs
• In stock at special Price—$25,
+ $40, S50, $75 and $100. Call and
see the aalinement and save
Wedding Rings
A complete stook, all sizes, in
the new style, and are most
comfortable. Let us supply the
Wedding Ring.
A Kodak
Means increased pleasure on that Holiday
trip. Let us show you our complete line.
FREE inetruetion and a Monthly Maga
zine to all purohueere,
Jeweler and Optician
+•••••+•+•+•+•+•44+00+0+• 44+ 044144+0+.444.*+•44