The Brussels Post, 1920-6-3, Page 5WO,
alwK3 GAM,
Ovalle 74 Ovvromze
7 WWWI • SPE/lir1E_
CON I Y t1 H' U dlii) ISSUER
Moe 1e the Post (plica, Fahel, 80.1
cull, will null for bettor prlous, to
' 11, liar moo in lees time 0110 Ices charges
.. than Loy ether Auctioneer in Nest Hnrou or
• he wuu't charge auy:Oleg, Hates aud orders
Dau always he arranged at Leis Whoa or by
p era mal application,
klouor graduate of the Ontario Voterhulry
College. Day and night salla. olttou oppusits
Irlour.61il1, Ethel,
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. 0. P., & S. 0.
Id. 0, Lt., Village of 13r
Physician, Surgeon, Aeoon. 'ar
Oaloe at residonoeopposite Maly! Olmroh,
White!!! street.
PMBMDFBBT, 8111.011411 & COOKE
Barristers, 9o. witors, Notaries Public,
'Oi$oe on the Square, 2u.: door from Hamilton
Private fun((; to loan at lowest rates.
W. PnouDe0or, K. C. T. L. BILLOW) e
R. T. D. Coons
I,�` s s
. e�
Sari � ate
i n
s Is prepared to pay the
highest price for
2 Scrap iron,
• Rubbers,
° Rats, &c.
0 _
Highest price paid. See
me before you sell, g
Cash Price for
Write or Phone 02> •
so I-Iighest
Lime Poultryand Hides
+4•+++'A 4.+E•3•+'3.4..1.4.3'+•3'+'3••3-•4+4. 44 4.4.
+ 4.
John Oliver M
+ has taken over the Deering Ag- '+F
a fill line of
• and trendies
+ Farm Implements including the 1'
4. noted 4'
I. N. C. Cream Separators 4.
-+€' The only Oream SeparaLnr t('ith +
'€€, two wide open evertor outlets— t
4.1.. no cream serew in Lhepath of .
+ the cream. See it when i,q
n town, +
a The 1, H.G. 8-16 end 10-20 Tractors
are among the best, '
1.}, The Deering Manure Spreader $
i+• With the wide spread and very
,e light in draft.
John Oliver
McCormick and
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country :
am prepared to take orders roe
J41nOorniek and International Imple-
ments, 'Tractors, Engines, Plows, 1eu-
elloge °utters, Oreton Separator's,
Wagons and Sleighs.
Full line of 'Pillage and }laying
and Harvesting Implements. Ne bet-
ter Binder, Mower or Manure Spread-
er made than the McCormick,
Buy from Ice and savO money as.
I can pay cash and man Soil on lemur
to Snit.
Will keep repairs o3' get (hem for
you on a clay or ttvo s notice.
\ Ethel before
11 and see the
buying and cave rno110y.
If You with to Get a High ,
f=ragile Business Eduoo
Hun mill 11 Pualtion :•"1111,11'
lot Graduating you will set-
ec'm. 1.11e
(7:) , ELUUOTT• , - - '9
"a ony-a m, (merles ate.; Toronto
011;0. sera+ 31,.0 1.1
,•rating Inv t.,:r large('aluIo lie o
whnt at, bay .-,lone for others and whet s
weeau dnfor ,ynn. 18,10 `+,haul 410ncia,,
fur 1hn 1,4 111 0111.0Q'. 11041•10,11011,
rquhuuout 1111,1 010010111M (10011 all
yon, stip,',' nut••.
�arr�t(Lt7f 0/ �Ti'� A1F^aift?4F0l tcaSF
We have openings for n row
+ gond reliable men to w111 k nn
Threshing Machines, Tractore
and other writ k.
The Roht, Bell Engine & Thresher Ca,
.p. Limited
h Seaforth - Ontario
Y°tat 1 etas Pars
Do you ever help THE Posy to stick to
its matte •Tl{ePose gives the uews ?"
Mr. Huxley, who was one of the form-
er owners of the flax mill here prior to
Livingston Bros. taking it, is still living
iu Guelph. His health is very poor we
are sorry to state.
George, sou of Wm, and Mrs. Baeker,
Brussels, has taken a position with the
Edison people of Strattord. He recent-
ly gra'tluated from the Stratford Busi-
ness College. We wish hen success.
Rev. 5, M. Whaley, nester of Dur-
ham Presbyterian Church and Modera-
tor oftha haugeeu Presbytery, has been
ordered to cease work for several
mouths by his doctor.
STOCK Doc•ruW.—Toa POST T Editor
hes scan❑
ed "The Practical Stock Doc-
tor," a book of upward of 96o pages,
and by photogravure and plain well
printed type tells the story simply and
well how to care for live stock on the
farm. It is an encyclopaedia of informa-
tion and we would judge would be in•
valuable to any farmer or owner of live,
stock of any kind. A glance at the in-
dex will show its practical character,
L, S. Bartlett and J. S. Peck, reputable
young men, are canvassing this terri-
• Jamestown.
11114E 0T L1sTowet.,—Listowel was
visited bye. disatrous fire early Sun-
day Morning May 23rd, when J. 81c-
Keever'e stable, sheds and couteuts
and J, D. 81illee's (formerly of James-
town locality) ice house and garage
were destroyed. The fire broke out In
the East end of McKeever's eLables
about 3.30 a. 111. and spm eat so rapidly
that in 0. few llliillutel the enlil'e sl:rue-
tul0 1081.8 a mass o1' flames. .An tuns -
e(1 building cm the foundry properly
also (taught. fire and 0011N 80(111a wrack.
The flames then shot across the street
and 1111'. Miller's lee house caught on
ftre. A slanug Southwest wind was
blowing which carried the sparks and
burning pieces of timber a consider-
able distance and both H. Ellis' barn
arid Hay Bros,' elevator were ignited
but quickly put out, Mr, McKeever's
loss is a heavy one as nothing was BM, -
ed. 2 valuable Ionises were burned to
death, also 10 small pigs, end all his
poultry, cutters, buggies'A
0 bushels
0 l
Carte, robes, etc. an(ltlout
' also destroyed. of oats were e s yec.
$800 insurance on the building and
$700 on the contents, but it is eetimat-
ed that his loss will be about $2,0110 be-
yond tht(t (mltottnt. Mr, Miller's auto-
mobile was saved, also 111e Ice, but the
other uonteut8 were completely (les-
teoyed. A. 13. George owned the
building and cafe led $500 insurance.
This will hardly 00080 the loss,
.}{NIGHT- LBS.—Pile 110111e of Win.
and Mrs, Lee, South of Cypress Rivet.,
Man.) wee lite scene of a very pretty
we(ldihg,g, \V0dnesday, May 12111 when
their eldest dallghler, Margaret Mil-
dred became the wire Of'l'110111(08 Rus-
ton Knight, eldest son of Thos. and
Mrs. Knight, of that (11810101, Rev, F,
\V, Westwood, Pastor, of the TJnion
Church, performing the ceremony.
P1001 p81 y at 1 o'clock the beide enter-
ed theroomwith her retiree, to the
suedes of Lohengrin's "Bridal 0ho'-
v t and
r slater, 511IIPI t
i ' i1('I' Blel
114 played p ,
, p 3
took her. C
b11Ce beneath L
I t
chiffon, eibons
and flnweis, Her
gown was or ivory Romaine stale
trimmed with wbite georgette and
opal heads, She wore the convention-
al veil and orange blossoms and ear-
t16.d a briquet, or white carnations and
roues. 1111(18 end groom wine tin-
111181nde(1 siove by 2 little flower girle,
gronm'e sister and cousin, eliss08 Alioe
Knight and Velma Bond, who were
frockecl in white crepe -(le -chine aud
1101(1ed baolzete of eremiree, During
the signing of the register bride's sue
tor, Melissa, stone, very efficiently "Be-
cause." After congrabulaLions the
guests peat -vet of a dainty buffet
luncheon, elle wedding cane tending
the table doent•n;ted with billows of
ehifermand cut flowers. Decor: lions
throughout the home 000)8 010r104(1 008)
hl pule 111a1011 with pram(+ ('ar11908.
The happy young couple left. cm the
evening train for Winnipeg mid
showers of riCO VOW confetti, 011n'011W
to SeektoL0on, wa eons, and points in
Sass(„ whom a shoot honeym0ol will
be spent. 13eid0 travelled in tt 11t011(1 -
some snit. of nett brown tricobi(10 with
Ve81 of 011lbroideeed sitter end cream
georgette biome. Her hat was a
French model of pink georgette and
[receive straw with French flowers, a
brown marabou cepa completing her
o0SUpue. Only the immediate vela.
Lives were present to witness core -
twiny, the brlde'e ruuther being g',l n•
ed in grey erepe•dr:-chine. The young
rumple will take up br,ueekeepine iu
Cy River where the (1000111 is en
gaged in the e(uleetinnel y I ileiti0'13N,
alone nerivi ug from e,•ivu8 !worsens
during which time he held the rank of
Lieutenant. The hent tvi0111,, er the
eutnuun,ily go Mill the young couple
to their home.
Att i llrnu
fl, Bl andley, elownetuwn, 8110, re.
ani veil the appointment, ad 050111 (11
Lh0 (3. T. 11•. alaiinfo
7'110 bl'idge 011 the eldet'oad Lots 10
loud 11, Con, 11, l;hua, ie In 10 very
/laky condition and unsafe rnr lily
heavy loads to (drew, but the Council
has (decided to build a new one its scion
toe possible.
elavec(1 let 8 have completed the
k ut the c' s 1i0and have made
work l tor1
the old building into practically a new
one with modern convemleuces.
Waiting room is 110•ger, turd up Io-
date office, baggage room and freight
Y1'eparatinos are being made for the
unveiling of the memorial tablet ill
1110 Presbyterian (1111111311, Atwood,
on Friday, June 11th, at 8 p. m, Rev.
1.)r, Oliver, founelly Chaplain of the
Western UuiversiLies' BALtalion, will
be the preacher,
A very peetty but quiet wedding
was solemnized in Atwood, oil Wed-
ueeclay, May 20th, when Hiss Maty
Murray, who wan given away by iter
uncle, Thomas Dickson, betaine the
bride of Andrew Stevenson, of Elma
township. Rev. W. D. McDonald,
pastor of the Presbyterian church nr-
Heated. After a wedding dinner the
happy couple left on a motoring trip
to Loudon, Hamilton, 'Toronto,
Kernptville and Ottawa. On their re-
rmit will 1'eeide 011 the groom's farm,
4181 Coo,
Serwol. REPOler,—Tile following is
the lepnrt of S. S. No. 9, 1301018.
name being arranged in order of
11(81'it. Sr. IV,—Katie Laidlaw, Jr,
IV.—Mae Watson, George Kirkby.
Sr. LII.—Katie Reeldman, Jr, III.—
Mary Kelly, Lew Kitkby. Jo. II.—
Alllul Pease. First'.—Ft'auk Kiikby,
Walter Pease, Sr. Pricier.—Mahle
Bewley, Walter Shortreed, Jr.
Pelmet—Harvey Aryans, Olitfold
Pease, Alarg
et Russell Kate Rus-
N. P. iIt?A0D, Pearlier,
Graduating exercises fir the 1101908
of the Goderich Alexandra elarine
and General hospital will be held in
the Od(lfellows' Hall, Thursday, June
1018,, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. at, Duckworth, who has as-
sociated with her A. L. and Mrs. Hag-
man, Tomato, (Ire now in charge of
Meneeetung, which opened to the pub-
lic June lst. ,
Sunday was Women's Day in North
St, Methodist church. Morning ser-
vice 001[8 conducted exclusively by the
ladies. A choir, of ladies lead the see -
vice of song at bothe services, and bliss
Mabel Baillie, gave the address in the
morning. In the evening the, pastor's
theme was "'The Women whom Jesus
Ashfield Soldiers' Aid ail'11e met for
purpose of winding up work of Circle,
a11(1 coming to decision as to disposal
of fund still 111 hand, to
some $500. Rev. Me. Pard, De. Eco-
merso0, Sheriff Reynolds and MINS
were present, on in
i8(1 nn and
explained plans for new hospital at.
Goderich, Several plans for the use
of the fund were propose(, to devote
it to Lhe building feud of the new
hospital, to the X -Ray fund, to use it
in employing community nurse, to a
community hall, or Le use it Lo fur-
nish a hard in the new hospital at
^r"ia(1iT .A(t eeiee ftie4s ri,,, yr
tuella teed V eozeee
805 Cartier 8t., Montreal,
"I suffered terribly from Cons-
tipation and Dyspepsia for many years.
I felt pains after eating and had gas,
constant headache, and was unable
to sleep at night. I was getting so
thin that I was frightened and saw
several physicians who, however, did
not seem able to help me.
At last a friend advised me to talcs
`Fruit -motives: I did so and soon I
felt some relief. I continued with
`Fruit -a -threw' and in a short time;
the Constipation was banished, I felt
no more pains or headache or the
disagreeable sensations that follow
dyspepsia. Now /an well, strong and
50c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or from Fruit-a•tiees
Limited, Ottawa, Oat.
(loderich. Last lneulinned snggeetinn
was decided on, and Ju the meantime,
until hospital is ready, looney will be
invested u ' 1 Victory Bonds.
Mise Margaret Harding was attend-
ing the Women's Auxiliary Oonven-
tion of the Diocese of Huron in Lou-
Rev. J. G. Kerr is at Stratford at-
tending tothis duties a8 a member of
the Stationing Oommittec of the
London Methodist Conference,
Members of St. Stephen's congrega-
tion intend the Jubilee of the
opening of the church, Sunday June
20th, There will be services at 10.30
a. 111. and 7 p, in. Special preacher
for the' clay will be The Venerable
Archdeacon Perry, M. A. Monday a
Social will be lien in the Church and
Rectory lawns.
+44. *+ t-+1 4••0'1"..7.0 + ++++•f' 4.+++d'+
Ageo Seed Oa't4
,* Royal Household flour
Clover and Timothy Seed
Overland oar was putchased by
Thos, Shearer.
A line team of black Belgian mares
was purchased by F. J. Gadke, Waw -
henry Becker, Hanover, visited for
a few days with his 8ister, Mrs, James
A. T. Ooopor, Sen'y of the Huron
County Alliance, spoke on the present
Prohibition situation last Sunday,
at the 3 appeinlntents on ilea Ford -
with Methodist Oircuie,
Farming on a Business Basis
Day by day the farmer is coming to
a rootlet. realizaLiou of the fact that the
farm tee well as the factory must be 1'011
nn busin5Ssy lines if farming is to be
made really profitable. There is no
better proof of the great profit po8-
8ibil111es Jn ageienlLtu'e than the fact
111111 l'armiog has always been the
n1ea115 of making a good living and of-
ten a alnd'oetablo fortune despite the
very inefficient methods used in one
grandfathers' and even in one flothere'
The city manufacturer would be in
the barrio uptcy mutt in a very shore
time if he employed Merely hand lab-,.
or ; 3f he slid not use all the machinery
applicable to his bnsine8s he would
find himself fax behind bis 00nlpeti-
Lore. to fact he would nob be able to
do any business at `all beeense he
would bo unable Lo sell his peocTuet tot
10 price anywhere near' the competing
pl'Ice of the matelni(le-I1e1ng meteorite -
three. This principle of inmensing
I<l ilrn1 h l
abor saving has erecognized oil Lhe farm as well es
in the city with the result that
lnech,1nirnl equipment of all kinds has
replaced to a great extent the old,
Lime -worn heed work methods of do -
Ing business.
And now the farmer le following the
city 1)11011 yet another step toward real
living efficiency. Mr. Oily blml has
learned that labor saving is re good
thing not merely in his business but in
his daily life at home, that he will have
More energy for his daily work if he
can enjoy his leisure hours to the ('ill
without having to do any tiling 11011-
prnd(CIiv0 work. The farmee ie fol.
Moving his 8xtenple•111 this 1 aspect and
to -day or farms where the pumping
chiming, sweeping, 00aeh105, 011111111g
and at hundred other tiring chores were
clone by hand in time outside of the
real working hours, we now find the
farmer and his wife and family enjoy-
ing the leisure that their hard work
entitles them to, 18150101ci1y, ful'nish-
ed by dependable 1it118light end (1000-
001i1a1Ls, haus bocntne the household
servant anti extra hired ma11 on thous-
ands of farms all over this country.
Of amuse light is the first thing one
thinks of when 01001016Ly is 10001.ioled
and it is true that electric light is un-
ivorsally used wherever it can be ob.
rained. Itis also true that electric
light slakes a wonderful difference in
the farm home, brightening and cheer -
It Pays for
Delco- Light
Electricity for
Every Farrn"
Delco -Light really costs
you nothing. It pays for it-
self' by doing wo1'k—souping
the washer — pumping the
water and doing Many other
od(i jobs, This is the opinion
or the vast alto, of Delco -
Light users,
Write for Catalog
H. G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
ng every phase of borne life, But,
nary a farm family is 111nditlg that the
work electricity does t.hrongl1 the
early electric power appliances now
avalllablo foe home use le evert a great-
er service than the futnishiug of light,
W. J. McCracken
Phone 413
.t +
Airs A. IS, Cooper, of the Ith Con.,
had the Misfortune to 14,11 down the
cellar steps at her home and 8'10111(110
the large bone in her ankle.
eV1(1le putting up a window shade
iu her hotn8, Mrs, Jacles Brown, of
the village, received a nasty blow on
the head from a hammer w111c11 fell
Froin the pop of the ladder sIle wad
What plight have been a fatal auto-
mobile accident occurred early Sun-
day morning, 23rd 81(1., when A. E.
1114h:o hne; new Marmon touring ear
turned over at the cornet' of Mill and
Alain streets and threw the occupants,
Malcolm and L. K. Hacking, Ont.
Mr. Malcolm escaped without scrimp;
injury, but Mr. Hacking had one lib
hrnken and a couple fractured. The
car was considerably damaged, wind-
shield being broken to pieces, one
fender badly bent, hood torn and
other ruiner injuries infii^_ted, MI'.
Malcolm had brought the car {some
only a few days pllaviously.
Supreme Court
A summary cif the actions disposed
of at the 11011 -jury Supreme Court en -
tinge in Go(10rieh by the More
Jive ice Sutherland is toe fellnwe :-•
(leery vs The Northern Life Assul-
ancea 'o an tion to recover amount
4 c
insuranceli of i e life of
of life policy the
Prank Stewart Getry, who was killed
in actino in France, Aug. 28th, 1918.
Plaintiff, Noble F, Getty, hardware
Merchant, of Brussels. Question of
extra war premium figured in this
case. W. M. Sinclair for plaintiff.
M. G. Cameron for defendant, Action
settled out of Ccul t.
Brewr1 vs Middleton—An action to
(ectify conveyance. J. R. Carling for
plaintiff. Wm. Proudfoot for defend-
ants. Conveyance appatently ,had
certain omissions in the way it was
drawn up which left it not sufficiently
definite. His lordship declared that
the conveyance from the late Matilda
eliddietcu and Jane Myrtle Hayter
slated the 2411) day of Feb., 1911, to
R, D. Hayter, intended to convey the
Southerly one-third of Lot 7, in the
21st Con. of the township of Stephen,
and directed dna said conveyance be
rectified to conform to such declara-
Trench vs Burchill and Burchill vs
Trench were two snits arising over
dealings in certain property
in 135-
eels. Some lots in Saskatoon were in-
cluded in the dead but these proved to
be of my small marketable value
compared with the supposed value.
Dissatisfaction and rearrangements,
and threatened law suits followed.
The records in both cases were with-
drawn. W. M. Sinclair for Burchill,
R. Varstone for Trench.
Gadke vs Gallagher— Action for
specific perfnrman00 or, in the alter-
nate, for $2000 damages. The plain•
tl � r
'1 is ted. J, Gadke, a saw -miller at
w' r defendant, 'uetin
1'o d 1138,, and the de (, ant, A
Gallagher, resident in Howiek. The
plaintiff dairies to have bought the
pine Limber on Lot 30, 1st Con., of
Howick, from defendant for $10 per
thousand, payable $100 down and the
balance on measuring up the timber.
Plaintiff alleged that defendant refus-
When the Blood does not circulate
freely through the Veins you have
High Blood Pressure and this is but
a Symptom of some other disease or
trouble, There ie us/wrlly Kidney
Disease, Heart Disease, Nervous
Troubles, Hardening of the Arteries
or Brain Trouble.
There is always the danger of a
rupture of a Blood Vessel end as the
Ilea the Blood Venae
is and the
Kidneys are ail associated with High
Blood Pressure the hest and most
satisfactory ctory treatlment is
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills.
This treatment -wall reduce the
Brood Pressure by removing the
cause and driving out the Poisoue
Brom the system. We are firmly con-
vinced that t'h'is treatment will re-
duce the woo pressure below the
danger mark end thus free your
mind from the oongtant worry of
People who have been ailing for
years should tot expect a complete
euro in a few days, one should take
at least six boxes of Heoking's Heart
and Nerve Remedy and three boxes
of the Kidney and. Liver Pills. Be
sure to get Hacking's. If your dealer
does not 'have them, he will be glad
to get them for you,
Mrs. Walder, 1onmerly of Port
l 1F'in, now living in Flint, Michtglln,
says: "The neighleme are perfectly
astonished to see me getting along
so tole, I contribute my good health
to the persistent use of Hocking's
Heart and Nerve Remedy and gladly
recommend it to all my f`riends.°
+444+044+.1-44+444.44+444+++1. t t ++4✓r.++4+
Back „,
1�P 1
di +
b d
As 1 have returned to
Brussels to make my
home I and prepared to
resume business along the
old litres and will hiuldl'e: 2
any quantity of junk ai
the best 1)ril",CS g(ling.
2 i that sh()llld be Seen n be-
+ .1. ,•
Phone 2x
M. Yollick
Alexander St, leruwele
e( to allow him to enter on prernieee
tri rut and renews timber. 1)0f(ud.
ant claimed that it was pert of the '
agreerileat thattimber wee tri be 1e -
moved on or before April . 111th, 1010.
1011,1 np to that tinge be did nut pre-
vent plaln111r from euteriug on the
ti lit
on fm h u[ l
'P 'aPII R. Val S e
1 I ) G
1. 1111Terhune for defendaut.p Judg-
ment ill terms of consent minutes.
Defendant agrees to pay the plaintiff
$350 in full of his claire and costs,
defendant to/keep the timber in qu8e-
1 1011.
Stewart eta 1. vs Bell et al —An for-
tiori by Janne G. Stewart and Arthur
J. Irwin, executors under the will of
the late David Bell, AVJ1lgharn, manic
(lealer, who died July 4, 11119, prabat-
+ph'iulid vnhe, in
Waterproof Coats lt1e 41(1'• 1.1-lti,fy. :
•t -
'Pilin Brussels 2
+'++++++4.4.++++4 1.44,4 44.444+
+ W. P Fraser
ed. Ir-fen(leut 1.11,1131 Jane hell,
widow (•1' t8,' de (sed, who war: al•r,1
tlalue(.i ex(v'au'i1 "1 11,' will, tiled- (0
caveat against the ((111111 of probit..,
alleging that the will +t^r, ru,ule
time when 18,,- 1','',(:,e,t 0,184 011110,10,
teel,arn0111101 y rapa,•i(y and that, she
blah was 1 Orme
believes the deceased us n((t led 111
Make the will by undue inHueuce and
fraud. She !Anima lhsu n will made
June 4811, 1101.5, wae her husband's
true last will and 1r'etanlent. The
other defendants 1100 the 80100 bent•-
Heiaries of the will. Dudley Bettors
for plaintiff. R. Varlet fine, Proud -
foot, Killoran ,ti eemke, and Ii,. C.
Hays, fee defendant.. J(111gmeet in
terrier of eon -e.t.a minutes, agreeing I
divi8inu ol'1hi'' property.
•40.40•4ia010666ii6rlitfi6Yo880ia •comm RCco4Aesoeet?l4oSs0asoSOee ry
In Carriage Tire Applying1
We give yeti prompt service, applying all sizes of the bet-
ter grade of Carriage Robber Tires, and will replace, with -
011t charge, any the failing to give 12 month.' eon? Moons
service, 8
Who Wants an Imitati'i
\Vhen you need Repairs for your ram Equipment hue the
Genuine—made of the same material, have the Paml' finish,
fit as accurately and wear just as long as similar parte pur-
chased 0vitll the original machine. We are the authorized
dealers for the I. H. 0., McCormick, Cockshut1 and F:i'st.
& Wood Machinery and Finery Plows and carry !t Complete
offers you a job second to none for quality of service and
We give this line 111 careful I ateeIli
on and
your satisfaction when completed.
Trusting to be of some service to you.
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t,,,. ' al ace Bakery
a°r Loaf of Bread
Bread is Your Best Food -:- Eat More of it a
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a Al Bruce'eIthlaSod
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangold
Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet
Bruce's New CenturyHall's Westbury
Hartle 's Bronze Top
Also Greystone and Yellow Aberdeen
For Sale by
A. Strachan