The Brussels Post, 1920-6-3, Page 3Was Columbus First? The popular bellef that Christopher Columbus was the nest to Westover America, itt 1402, has had another eltoclt. Tho theory that I3udd1.)lat miasio)tar• las first vlslted America in the fifth century was put forward come yearn ago by Professor Joins fryer. Hieroglyphics have now been d'ie- coverea on the fonttdtttlon stands ot the tetaamldu' of San Jaen Teot!buttoan, in Mexleo, which are stated to be 1lntilar to symbols used to tho Chinese ua Iang g o. Those lend color to -Pro- tosser Fryer's' beliefs, Ho palnte out that front early times the Chinese classics, as well es the historical, geographical and poetical works, allude, le a country or continent far to the east or China, under the name of Iousutg or !Neu. The narrative of only ono visit to Ituertag Is (ln record in Chinese Itietery -t • Hui t • Met c l 11 a Shoe, a fico n r of Cop- Ilene 'op- h ne at veleta the ceter=. ti Bttddhtet Ir'. '•it;'• 1 It l I i � A t4 ., in early times. Phi eerier v e '- tai's that Hui alien, ill ea. avar 4,0 D., intuit, tea reign of the 1 utpean. serum `a1.1.!1, cams ;'root the tatrta .:[ l yo, 1, I t tetaww rho ,•,,ni tI of tit I ,...,.,i t' eei, Ile we,. tr. 1 I: tate tempo t- ad au en - eta, eel ,,.. t -i tee in•ratip.ti t.atdai L, I: t , .l.;;r 1 to inttrretale him u•,ut ^t n r „ tit:.• , .nn.u'y ,tad to tape ((see hi hat,.:'r ill vcritittA. aal the d •. triptaa,te t;ivea of the veleta- 't elle mot •apt- and their mark Lunar tti applying I to ti letsitic Poo -t in genet -el, and to lti••s:t', it,au'1 te_t t•. T_ 1 i'e ,to, the' W'or`d. The pr.r:,en1 population of the world dor.., not exceed 1,lotiatme00. yen ata even distribution ni people, rela- t;vois to urea and Nail protluetivenose, the planot air witiclt wa dwelt might attppnrt 6,000,000,000. But the tiistributica is exceedingly uneven, In India and China there are to many human beings that the failing of crape even slightly below the nor- mal fir a,t:nttie sensors means famine, britt ing death to multitudes. A pr;tne. cense of the age -long turmoil in blurt re is overerowdiag, which mattes trete:era wars inevitable. 'there. Is plenty of room la Africa and South America• when the conquest et tho triple, (mainly a matter of die - ease elhttinatten t shall lyric been ae colnplitfted. Tru• latter continent-- to•dny relatitely vecart territory for the most putt e;pettialiy ireett's pops - lateen, breut:.e, ea.Ve In the tar south, it to so bounteously watered. A "FOD`3" Flower. . fire calla Fly, tvlticit alas cultivated on a large :scale itt Egypt, azul prob- ably ill Palestine, ltou antis of years { i ago, was aunt is grown r,r a fond plant. it develops t:adal ;round, fleshy tubers that annowhet teat -110(e legatees, though more clot,„,,,ed in .,hope. \V.ith Preliminary boiling they may be cook - tel for the table by frying,. baking, or itt any other way Out potatoes are evoked. Large areae arc ttowadaya d. voted • in Fitn•lda to the culture of the calla tor it; tubona. 1t grows admirably in ewantp laude that are useless for other purposes, the yield et a single moist acre being enormous. In olden flutes, la Egypt, calla tubers were one of the meet important food crepe. They wore grown over extensive areas is each statue! season of the Nile's ov endow. Postman as Fairy Godfather. he little 1t'reuch boy can experience a joy that is unknown in this country. Ills father cr mother, or kind aunt, may have a generous impulse, and e'cnd itlm a poetc•:trd which will carry more fan with it than any condo card, such as they aril:narlly love. Ott the opposite side to the address Is a large space devoted to alone print- tine rinttug, which is signed by the generous relative, and commands the postman te han:l over to that lucky boy, at his ewe deer, some w'co little sum, per - baps ave or ten francs, The space de- voted to correspondence is about tut tech strip down the side, the right pro- porti'ou for a small boy. Think or the joy of answering a postInen t• knock, and findIng yourself preeeulcd with au extra bit of pocket money quite unexpectedly! it -adds a aew thrill to life, India's Gigantic Rice Crop. Much work is being done .by the Ag- ricultural Departlnant of India to im- provo the rice crop in. that .country, ,t4tod le being raised on governtnent farms, and as the result of detnonstra- tforte ,•urried out by the egricuitttral step:traucats in the villages trans- pkuiLtlion of rice is gaining in popular laver, Tho Government la carrying atlt a very largo program in developing communications rind Irrigation;;, even itt remote corners of India, to combat the effect of draught on the, cr'opa. The first forecast of the area under rice in British India tor 1010-20 perces It at 73,200,000 acme• morn than last your. Buy Thrift Stamps. The number thirteen, although rota eidered Far from being unlucky in these days, is missalg from the se- quence in nineteen well-known streets in London. The Russian Empire ooneists of one- sixth of the land eutfaco of tato world. .It has a total area of 8,610,000.squaro anilea. Half of Europe and the whole of Northern Asia are inducted Within ata hoteadartoe. ANAEMIA ROBS Il°S VICTIMS BY STEAL' tl Conditions of 'Zeldin Blom] That Could be Corrected Easily Are Stealing the Health and Ener- gy of Many Men and Woolen, and Boys and Girls. Anaemia, which lltorally means `•'.00dless'ness, le one of the most 'no- velette troubles of the present day. If neglected It is apt to develop Into per- nicious anaemia, ono or the most hope- less disertees. Wille enema:, ettarks men attd boys, it is more prevalent among Young girls and women' and for thus reason every woman, particularly every mother, should know how to re • cegnlzo the sighs or this trouble which tttakea it approach no gradually Lund to stealthily that it is often fair eta v:tuf 1 before the reamer of the trouble vetoed. Otto , •neral esaul•J tern et en:totnl t to patter. The chortles grata -illy lu.elime- 'ala ttntthe laps bt+t ne pale or elate. With title lee; t0 Make Up "Cosec Mind. Ile alight have been rn nethine hu'' ldrnty of brute - Ana. - Ahtl to labor lie ; ,t r pi -,.a• Yet 1'111 Mary ht ra; taut taut tel. :,ca I ern eine lie has never math r c ht t' u' )0e.. Ile always con lidet't 1 Just what'tt would do, And would hope snntctlting find; But the tame that he tit, tt !tt, hero gross,nncitt'tallt Ile gross, And he )ever could stake up lits mitre]. • Quite often he might. have got on tate Bond title, And ltavo ridded to power an wealth; But lin never felt able at once to de clde That Else damp wool:1XL ittjare his health. tI P'ortuuo would knack at hit door he wool. wait, To ler hetet=: and ler :male; ler was Mind* t,u , if he evened or follevael 't.was ;taw:Iytt too lotto, leer ha t;tver goolcl make tip his nihil, liappil oro. s 'there.; jay ht the ng of i r lir. Awl at r�.. tt ion iltt't "r1 t11' etc., i 1%-r,.'4 jay bt tie w•t- 1 10 ', r.:tti a tit '1:1 a 1It. r•iar of the • Oh, it - ,erne ani get a ...'•litug re., all i Cif dao ,: