The Brussels Post, 1920-4-29, Page 8ee -` r, ° "e,': dSg..' .e e._n+zee-•"'.tee ' .a .(`'ainee04rR•'ig„iree metal eieeeee• s:' i`ele ee C to 4s e .4. r isOn �7• Ma the Home Walls Smile Again Alt ,ser the country this ween is ibelug known ttti "Nall Pup(r Week." and the slogan is—Brighton up the house with New Wall Paper. Newly papered walls and ceilings will great- ly iluprove the appearauee of a room and add to its cheer. See °l -iv mtct,m'i Tapestries, Stapes. Oattneals and Plain Ef- fects for Living Rudms, Dining Rooms and 1920 ire? S e,3r:'L1S Halls Chin nd Stripes with Cut-out Floral Borders or Bedrooms. hen Papers • .•I Papers suitai. e tor Kitchens to select from A very good Paper for standing hard wear is .ich can be wiped art ..1th a damp cloth, as the priced at 200 per roll. 'i re you an estimate of what new paper will cost Ott buy or not. \V at 12o, 2 the 01nee, 11 colo, le.11 , ,. We strt,: for ,, • • 4. Nt•b • 4. •E• • 4. 4. ro „�:,r.;�'^ars; s�^...--"'� _ - �" _... •am�vs�a W. C. T. U. will hotel its regular ` ` I, its meeting Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the audience room of the Public Lib - New um° ,? ^iL1arterlies of the Pictorial Review FA,tit rf • ,,- ire here. Costumers saner: will do well ell,u secure Ine early, as there w:ts a shortage in the • n r•. tat Revier, Pet) eres kept in stock. N 'gar Kodak Now find Enjoy the Beautiful Spring Season 1:Odaks iron $1 ",'d1 no. 'a Browne Yen, Camera Cr to. No. 2 Br,,wilie flue flamers, f•, lr• k:: r lions r.• -t tr.i'••'1 anal Prim, ?, leer11 •p 5'tore Druggist and Stationer s c!q•d�•1•oq•a'a•s q•q>ted•i•!i3.O•I.0'i•`'FOd'O.1WI•®•I.93'!•i•'► SUcuERs ',r. 'i SOME fro:, -. SATURDAY TROUT hs.•:.ry it COUti CIT 1111, Arnent Pianing Mill We are prepared to attend to all orders for Platting and will be able to supply Lumber, Sash, Doors, &o,l AMENT BROS BRUSSELS 1' 'is,nem t Saturday. "day even - nary, A company of Bresselites have been invited to furnish the musical and liter- ary program for an entertainment in Clifford, next month. They have ac- cepted, ing• „cH22227 is your subscription to 'nue BOOS it ". 1 ents per PosT? We thank those who are paying dozen. , ••1 e , f up and saving us trouble and expense in LOCAL n . Page 4 mailing notifications, There are hen - this i 1 .fired, yet we hope to hear from, Fuzee e :.eason will be held Tee v. v ' Hover,:,• 11 f .. i. Directors will Fon Sale ahenvywork mare. Phone Lida. meet in ,i:iy of next week. 2 steel tire buggies in good repair for sale. A num"- ' t c ,t, •Fr h ,,,es are be- Apply to 380. AlcNiIL,Blacksmith, Ethel. Ing shlot- - om tens locality, good Fol SALE. --9 pigs ((hanks) from 50 t0 75 prices bele:: ?'.'.l. pnounds also 5 suckers about a month old. Rosset RoBERTIoN, Brussels P. O. 11,12, 2, Two car. ergs have been shipped by Robert '1.1..mson from hest Huron Produce Fieeerium. THE road '.; rrder was in 000 rounding off a nturee - of streets so as to leave a better c}r:at.,'r.: rot• water to get away, Anour I I:... chicks helve been hatched already tale :,e. son at the Poultry farm of Walter R Brussels, by way of a start. A gaily p•ein+ed ilex tank wagon and belongings 1i :e been sent to James Henderson, the local representative, by the Impe:tel r) 1 Company. THE Posy , irc'ilation continues to grow. Hel" n ',fid :mother too names. $I,00 seem.- f ,aper to auv Canadian post office t;.l• 1111. TEE rt?2I. THE S an. ''''` d bars,: "Minor flet" owned ltv 1?, t ,' tesols, will stand at the i' .e for the season oI eo sult his pr•t: •.+ LIGHTNI ' Howard Hall week and did st n home also. An in ,...r Saturday by f_, 1 Howick Mettle! Teen- LIGHTNING did considerable damage to Brussels Telephone Company's lines, Tuts should be good weather for sale of umbrellas, waterproofs and rubbers. O.'eAN rates and railway fares to the West have adysuced in common with al- most everything else. HELI,0 1 Do you want a Fertilizer that will boost your grain crop Read the advt. of Stanley Wheeler in this issue, He bas some other thiugs for your bene- fit loo, WILIn tr W. BM ea, a former Brussel- ite and son of j.. K, Baker. Grey town- ship, has sold Ins hardware business at Granton, Out., to Newton Gunniug, of K lrktou, who bad a general store. FoO'rBALL —There are 34 Clubs enter- ed in the W, F. A. this year. Brussels is in Intermediate group along with r Listowel, Atwood, E:he6 Convener, le Beverly Bamford, Listowel ; to meet at Listowel, THE POST 18 sorry to hear of the in• disposition of Mrs, John Wright. She fell while carrying a pail of water and injured her back and one itrm. We hope she will soon be as well as ever. nit home auoouneed for sale by P. Anteot has been disposed of to James Kernaghan, of Jamestown locality, who gets possession at once, Mr. Kernag- ban was a former resident of town be- fore moving North. DON'T forget the Spring Horticultur- al distribution of shrubs, plants, trees, Q c ,Thursday of this week, at the Pub - he Library, Every member is asked to secure their sbnre so as to clear up the order without lagging, Mermislr.• Advocate turned a nice corner when he referred to a new motor hearse coming to town as you may see by the following :—N. J. Boyd, furni- ture dealer and undertaker, has purchas- ed a beautiful motor hearse and had it out on Monday for the first time. We commend him on bis enterprise and though wishing him success, we hope that deaths may be few and far between. Loses VALUABLE NOTES,—Tuesday's London Advertiser speaks of a former Brusselite as follows :—J. H, Cameron, teacher of botany at the Collegiate In- stitute, has lost bis entire collection of botanical subjects. They were destroy- ed in the Collegiate fire cm Thursday evening, Many other valuable Dotes, colleetious of stuffed birds and skins were also a prey of the fire, AUCTION SALE —Saturday, May r5tb, at 2 p. m., an Auction Sale will be held at I. C. Richards', Turnberry street, consisting of household furniture, bed- ding, carpets, &c. There will also be offered for sale a Ford car, a modern brick residence and a frame dwelling. Watch out for bills for fuller particulars. F. S. Scott will be the Auotioneer, Mr. and Mrs. Richards purpose removing from Brussels hence the reason for the sale, DENTAL INSPECTION IN SCHO0L0.— Monday and Tuesday mornings of this week Dr. Hamilton, acting underdirec- tions of local inspector through instruc- tions issued by the Ontario Department of Education, completed the,deutal sur. vay of Brussels Public School. Each and every pupil was examined and de• fects if any, reported in a duplicate form provided for the purpose. One copy is retained by Provincial authorities, the other copy being given to the pupil to submit to his part nt, If the parent de- sires to have the proper attention giveu the teeth ;of child latter takes his copy to the dentist who sigus same upon com- pletion of tbe work and is then returned to teacher and filed. It is not compul- sory in any case that defects noted on report should be remedied by dentist. This is optional with the parent and whether action will be taken or not will remain to be seen, No time like the early stages to make the necessary cor- rections, INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTERTAINING.— Monday evening the Lecture room of the Methodist church was filled to capacity by au expectant audience who were well repaid for their attendance by the capital and informational adclress given by bliss Russell, of Bombay, India. After opening exercises J. T. Wood, who was instrumental in getting i lona r facto ler here,took the the m ss male t erene was chair and after a t to fl a Russell, B snug called upon Miss Ru s y the assistance of Mrs, Parker and a number of girls in costume some of the customs of the tEast were exemplified, a child 1 Ceremony being Marriage C v g the chiof, g i tion of about Follotvlu a laser s Following p work, civic life and many an interesting note of things concerning the great In- dian Empire of the East, the story was more tally explained by numerous mic- roscope views of town and city "lie with pictures of cathedrals, schools, idols, &c. The necessity of more help in this great field was urged and the value of Chris- tianity fully explained particularly in the Lenana life and Medical Missions, Miss Russell is a public speaker much above the ordinary end her visit will be a pleasant memory in days to come as well ns an impetus to the work in India, Sbe is an English officer's daughter and has a sister engaged in missionary work in Cashmere, At (he close of Miss Russell's address brief complimentary remarks were made by the chairman, Rev, Mr, Stafford, l', el, Gilroy, W, H. Kerr and Rev. Mr. Mann. After a lib- eral offering Heber's well known Mis- sionary hymn wan sung shit Rev. Mr, Mann pronounced the Beuecliction, Mr. Wood took the occasion to speak of the return of Pte. Fred. Iilllson, wino had arrived iu Brussels on Saturday and welcomed bio back, the audience see - onling their approvalbyheartyap plause. Brueselites have a tie to India this year particularly from the fact that Miss Monet Brothers, B. A„ has gone to India as a Missionary teacher. Miss Russell spoke to Melville Sabbath School Sunday afternoon, She will be wet. 0011:10 back to town again, Phone 474, QPANTrTY of alluminum ware for Sale. Alay be seen at the home of Geo. C. LowIY, Prinness street, Bru,Sels. LAnY'a wide woolen scarf lost in Methodist church shed, pink, brown and white strip. Will tinder please phone 0410 or leave at Tua POST, COAT found. By proving property and pay- ing aying for this advt towner may have it at TDB POW. CEMETERY Woax,—Wilt those who are hav- ing awing their plots in Brussels Cemetery eared for and are In areears kindly remit Benne and state whether I am to continue caring for them. My charges are $1.00 per year, if paid in advance. Phone 88. ROBERT DA RR, Caretaker Brussels Cemetery. FoUR nonthe' old heifer 'calf far sale. Ap- ply to Wm. ROBB, Thomas 8t., Brussels, Fon SAtw.-0. A. C, 72 Oats, Marquis Spring Wheat, Seed Potatoes and Maple Syrup. Phone 4915 050. WHITYLICI,D, Lot 20, Con, 13, Grey townehip, ill 000- Mon key found. Owner nifty have it by calling nt Tog P098 and paying for this not- ice. %I% tree at Onn pen of Rodent Laying Contest, Ottawa, •-`il'. of last Ont,, after 24 weeks' laying, are leading all n l,r;e to the Bob.eand stand fourth place in entire Con. testi Egg' for hatching off this oto: ir, 80 each, .•t was made Phone 7x Jan, T. DUNCAN, Ernsselo, t'aer, of the FRAME house and small stable for sale, East mpany, id Lot 92, Grey Twp. Appply IRENE k'owe $, iiena10N. 1M onkto , Perth to., On t. FRIDAY Cta meet- , and nearly +aare o f ground. d ing Of i1 1 wilt be PTinCHHe and streets, held in the Bee," 1 Pub11C'Bru 14 oBRr and soft unite, good oellar, Library. Objece third club canunt ri5tarn Dlcoaey tight, good garden for IO2o, recri,r. 1 1019 and particulars to theyterm.. For further partfculnre apply to the owner, transact any : , business. JAMES Senors, Brussels, 5, WILTON a 1 t ";'1 -re elected 8 or 4 tons of good Tinothy. Flay t o s ell in delegates tiewe • O7reIElie barn. Apply to D. bleKINNaN Phone 217 Let Con. � Grey, O. O. fie, Ertl Lodge, which will ', t 1 1 „1 text June, The same tee. ' i • •. 7 .•+ 11 will re- present the 1,4,1, ',II?. District meeting to 1,,. , a 1 • 1Y ,,m. I. O. 0 F.•• -i t , m itl,Vergary of Canadian 0,11x1 a 'Fill be ob- served next ,'•, . uy Western Star Lodge, l i. ,_as, by at- tendance at .. eeeee., when Rev, A. J. Mann 1i e, e.annual ser- mon. Beeth 4,, meet tat their Lodge r'' a T11"; 10,8 block, at 6,45 o'clock, fs n•1 ornh to the church Visit i, • nr"l.n,: will be heartily weiceined. WELGosti- 17,9 r . u:, u- EliI!son,• a former Arusloell 00805088 with the well lei, eve ,',t i' ettalion 4 years ago, arriv int . 1 a Saturdey. He was 1; 5 days be. fore the art nit !teo,u : hot through the chest ea l 1 i'•; hack to Canada has 1..• . 111, ,: Couvales• cent Hosps,r,l 1, .v uflicially die• eharged+;",,: 1 •' Arrival in England F...1-t".,rl into a Machine Gee , ,"'t en getting to Franceeine Gun thF ivn 1 U U Co. Flt .1 stripling 04, , 1,7 mai,. His preson . • r l to remain ie this local 1, e."• lee team Brussels as his home Pe el. is glad to lee stack and mane 01,1 Ire elle ate just as well pleased to see 1,140. 800200 (1nLL88lost a few weeks ago, Dark yellow In color. Any information will be thankfully received, J. W. STBPRRN8oN, Phone 4018 Dn. P8100010, Osteopathia Physician, visits Brisels Monday afternoon of eeoh week. Chronic and nervous diseases suooeastully tree! ed. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen'. Hotel. A Few QUERIES.— Wheu are von going to clean up ? Where, to kids get their cigarettes? Which is the untidiest street in town ? Why is noon train nearly always late ? What are you doing to boost Brussels ? Why don't you go to church regoa larly Where would you find a prettier spot than Brussels? ADVERTISING RATES A»VANCED Commencing with May ist the rate for advertising space in THE Pos'r will be a•lvanced to 15 cents per inch and local notices to ro cents per line, Cards of Thanks are 50c, and In Memoriam 5oc with ase added for each four line verse additional. No advertisement inserted under 85 cents per issue. This advance is rendered necessary by the constant rise of supplies and expensee in 0ounect:on with the printing business, Few lines of trade have been bit harder then newspaper offices and the prospect of redress does not seem to be likely to arrive for some time, .Y4.•A,`,'«w.Y'J.: a'a-"V`441,4,4kM1-,ek44441'i�'IfYK.. Counter Check Books TEE POST is prepared to sup- ply the various styles of Ootlnter Check Books on short notice, Samples may be seen and prices ascertained by calling at our office. You 21111 buy as cheap from us ao from any company, Let reit have your order, THE POST, BRUSSELS. 1 People We Talk About $$ $t xs Miss Lovise Sinclair was visiting at Hamilton daring the past week. Edward Lowry, N. roxeter, was call- ing ou old friends in town last Saturday, Airs. E Metelle and baby, of Clinton, were visiting at the home of Reeve Pluto, Leslie Lowry hes taken a position with a clotbtng firm in Toronto. We wish him success. Miss Eva Bryaus, who bas been laid up with rheumatism, is able to get to, led to eta about again we are p,eas Mrs. George Muldoon has been laid up front en attack of tousilltis but is im- proving nicely now we are pleased to any, Councillor and Mrs. John Bryaus and family, of Fordwich, were visitors with Mrs. Edward Bryans and family on Tuesday. Mrs, T. T. Wood was called to Lou- don last week owing to illness of her sister, Mrs. Macfarlane, We hope for speedy convalescence, Mrs. Heury Howe and son, Moles- worth, were visitors at the home of Wrn. Dark, Alexander street, the former's father, for the week end, Stewart Fox, who has been attending the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, is home for a few days before writing on i success. 4V e wish him his exatIt h s H. Gourley Darroch, Listowel, was in town Inst week in the interests of the Delco light plants for which he is the District agent and is placing a number of thein. He gave THE POST a call. Congratulations are extended to Dr. Alex. D. and Mrs. McKelvey, Toronto, over the arrival of a son and heir Friday of last week. The former is an old Brusselite well kuown to many readers of THE POST. S. Twist, Toronto, Inspector Indus- trial Prevention Association, authorized under the Workmen's Compensation Board, gave THE POST a call last week when makiug his inspectorial visit to Brussels. W. R. Stretton, of Port Arthur is here for a short visit with his brother, W, F. The former is an old Brusselite who followed railway engineering for a num- ber of years and is always welcome back t0 the old town. Will. McMartin, who has been in town for the past year, bas gone to Galt to as- sist D. B. McDonald, butcher, with whom he worked before Mr. McDon- ald's removal. Robt. Herr has taken his place at the Howard Bolger shop here, Misses Barbara, Mabel and Emma Speers, of Gerrie. sisters of Mrs, Will. McQuarrie and Mrs. W. H. Stiles, are visiting in Brussels. The former's health has Dot been good for the past to months but she is improving we are pleased to state. "Bub" Warwick arrived home last week from Torouto, for a holiday after bis exam. in his course of civil engineer- ing. He has another year yet to spend on his course at College. Practical work will be taken up during the vaca- tion, probably in Northern Ontario. Elmer Ewan, wbo has beeu in Toron- to for some time, has returned to town and will be the mechanic at the Ford garage. Mrs. Ewan and son are also here, The former is an old Brussels boy being a son of D. and Mrs, Ewan, hence is well acquainted with many. We are sorry to state that Miss Mar- jory Jewitt, who is living at her grand- mother Jewitt',, Mlll street, Brussels, has been threatened with appendicitis. We trust she may soon be as hearty as ever. Miss 'Lewitt is a daughter of 12.. W. and Mrs. Jewitt, of Kincaid, Sash. This week Georgy and Mrs, Lott and family remove to Wingham where they have purchased a property of q acres, They carry with them the good wishes of the people of Brussels for prosperous days in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Lott are old residents of town, Monday evening the ladies of Mill street waited on Mrs. Lott t presented resentsd her with sant and a ' re stand and e jardiniere p. 7 bou bon dish as a parting gift accom- panied by their good wishes. Mrs. Lott thanked the donors for their kindness. A. H, Milligan, who has been teller in thetScotia for the past Bank o E Nowa few years, (during which period he was absent for a time wearing tbe King's colors) has been promoted to the Ed- monton breech and after a short holi- day at the parental home, at Clifford. Ont.. will go to bis new post of duty. Mr, Milligan leaves tnany warm friends in town and surroundings and is the type of young than a town don't like to lose, We wish him tbe highest success, Church Chimes miumosimelimmil EARN TO SAV.a�.. every man, woman and child can save. Every one should save. Every ambitious person does save, The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. 201 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS MANAOCR Next Sabbath morning T. L. Hamil- ton, a well known layman of Listowel, will give an address on the Forward Movement in Melville ohurch, The canvass for the financial objective will follow next week, Rev. W, A Bradley, Teeswater, gave a practical address on the Forward Movement in Melville church last Sun- day morning, In the evening "The Open Door" was the theme. A ladies quartette, "The Lord is my light" was given in the morning by Misses Walker, Strachan and Fox and Mrs. Robert Thomson, many For the first time in nag years the Anglican Synod of Huron meets out- side London. This year it meets on May ro in Grace Church, Brantford. Owing to the fact that anew parish hall has been built for this church the con- gregation extended an invitation to the Synod to meet there, which the Bishop of Huron accepted, The Last time the Synod met outside of London was in 1911. Sabbath morning last a congregation- al rally was on the program for the day at Brussels Methodist Church and was a well enjoyed service. Auto- mobiles were sent tor those who were unable to walk to and from the church. The Fellowship service was lead by W. H. Willis, of Wingham and gave the day a good start. Variety was given to the usual service by 3 laymen (T: T. Wood, W. H. Kerr and F, H. Gilroy) giving short addresses iusteed of the customary sermon, the pastor presiding. In addition to the anthem by the choir a male quartette was sung by H. L. Jackson, F. H. Gilroy, W. J. McCrack- en and W. H. Kerr ; and W. H. Willis rendered a most appropriate solo. At evening service Miss Russell, tram Bombay, India, gave an interesting ad• dress on phases of her work in tbat wonderful country. A Ladies quartette, consisting of Misses Aryans, Downing, Wood and Bailey, was given. The pester, the Rev. W. E Stafford, assisted in the service. Quarterly Communion service will be observed next Sabbath morning in the Methodist church. Testimony service at xo,15. The program for Maitland Presbyter- ial has been issued and is a fine one. Meeting will be held in Kincardine, Tuesday, May 18th, The services in St. John's church last Sunday were taken by a student from Huron College, London, in the absence of Rev. H. Smith, rector. Rev. D. R. Drummond, Hamilton, was chosen Moderator of the Hamlitou and London Presbyterian Synod at its utford this week. gathering in Brainier(' A deputation of clerics and laymen from the varlons Presbyterian chutches are attencliug the London and Hamiilou Synod meeting being held in Brantford do the 26th, 27th and 28th of tills month, - Perth County i Listowel business men are re -organ- izing their Board of :Grade. $160 was realized at a sale of home made baking at Mrs. W. C. 3 idd's, Listowel. Proceeds for local hospital. At annual meeting of Mitchell Sporting Association, following officers were elected for ensuing year : President, Wm. Forrester ; vice - President, Wm. Schafer ; Secretary, Wm. Martyn ; Treasurer, John Brod- erick. It was decided to hold the an- nual celebration on Victoria Day, May 24111. There will be horse races and others ports. Provincial convention of the Con- servative party will be held in Toron- to the last week in October. The Ontario Government tax on raciug has been reduced to $7,600 a clay for one -mile race course aid $2,600 a day for half -toile courses. s 4. 9 tm ft e to * 4. a * sone( -AfoIiwuvwY,—At private pavillion on Aprilril l0el 1920,'i to Dr Alan. D. and Mrs. Mo• Itelvey,Toronto a soli, WELaa. At Olds, Sask., on April 10th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, J. 1. Welsh, a son, Jnmee Lawrence, TOUNo,—In Alorr'is on April 15th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, Bert. Toting, a eon. 0 MARRIED GLon4Haa BOLTON.—At the Methodist Par. soilage, Wingham, on April 21st 1920, by Rev. E. 11, Armstrong, B. D, Miss Stella biathlon Bolton, of bialon townehip to Alr, George Glouaher, of Huullett town. ship, DIED NwwrANn0.—012 April 22, 1020, at his late rest. dense, 800 Rushobne rd, Toronto, Jahn Neelands, formerly High 'Treasurer of Canadian Order of Foresters, in his 110111 year. SHANNON.—In Hallett township on April 27th, 1920, Gladys A. ]roster, beloved wife' of Bagll Shannon, aged 20 years, 7 months and 7 days, IN MEMORIAM BELL,—In memory of Mrs, Juo, R. Bell, who died on April 80, 1010, When a mother breathes her last farewell: The stroke anemia more than tongue can tell; The world seems quite another place Without the smile of Mother's face; Her cheery ways her emiiing face Are a pleasure to recall ; She had n kindly word for each And diad beloved by all, THE FAMILY, cs 80 6 0 0 m L a 0 g a e 0 e 4t 0 B Fox's Drug Store TI -IE STORE �ci�rrrailns�teo. Weekly Scor(<' Ne, Smoke Essence 1'a 1• Smoking and Preserving Meat hoc per bottle Easy to apply and gives splen- did satisfaction, Pensiar Tooth Paste One of our most popular Tooth Pastes, Pelee sante Its usual - 25e per package. Palm Olive Soap and Palm Olive Shampoo Mc and 600 respectively, Quality the beet,. Red Cedar Flares With Moth Camphor For storing Furs, Clothing, Car- pels; woolens, &a. Pkge. 25c, Auto Road Maps Something every Auto Driver will And most convenient. ' 26c each. Auto Eye Glasses A great comfort to Auto Driv- ers, Good variety in style and colors. 25o and 50c, A Comb Forthe Home in great variety -200 up. Also— GENTS' COMBS POOK17T COMBS FINE OOMBS BARBERS' COMBS Chocolates in Bulk Are yoti on our Obocolate lief ? If nob just try a satimple package and see how really delicious they are. Always fresh. 70c per Ib, Eco ,i'.`.4 :'m7ze Use Colorite ra 6) Se 12 412 (a m <9 112 r0 43 0 e 6 49 6 Ia 4; Make your olcl hat new, We have all the shades. Easy to apply. 30c per bottle. see 3 An Irishman was Sitting in a depot smoking when a woman came in and, sitting down beside him, remarked : " Slr, i1' you were 15 gentle- man 7011 would not smoke here.", "Mum," ho said, "If ye wuz a lady ye'd cit farther away." Soon after rho woman burst out again : "If you were my husband I'd give you poison." "Well Mum," returned Ole Irishman, as be puffed away ae his pipe, "if ye wuz me wife I'd take 11." - JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER 4. 4h 0 45 00 0 ea O e (0 to 6 ea 0 W e 000000fil0000960900*m400000fn*030t300rdce00008000640ae®ease BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat 51 96 $1 05 Spring Wheat.....— ............ 1 000 2 10 Oats Peas 2 85 2 85 Barley 1 22 1 20 Butter 55 48 05 1Egga48 Haws 19 20 00 20 0 19 60 Wool "0 00 AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, 108810th.—ira'm Stook, Imple. loon ts, Household Furniture, 80, East jt Lot 24, Oon. 18, Grey�township, Sale unreaerVed nt 1 p. n1, W, 1r, Sahnloolr, Prop, ; F, S. Scott, Aim, BAToan48 MAY 0000. --Household Aunt. tSrerr,.,,B,oddinQ,�, Carpets, &a. A1so Ford Car and Residential property, 7Drlberr street, BriSsela. Sale nt 2 p, m. I, 0. UIeitards, Prop.; P. 8. Boort, Auc, Debentures for Sale Village of Wroxeter Denbentures to the amount of $5,000.00 are offered for sale ]n lots of 000 00 or over, bearing interest at 51 per neat and to run for a term of 25 years. For further particulars apply to JNO. DOUGLAS, Reeve, or D. 51. MAOTAVISH, Clerk, 44.8 Wroxotor P. O. Farm for Sale Farm for sale, being Lot 18, Oen. 4, Grey township, containing 100 acres. Immediate possession. For further particulars as to price, 2 o„ apply on the proppe ty. Phone 000. MAUDE 0; BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Oplithahnology, Me - Cormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill. 'Throe months poet gredunte Course during past year. Eyes oorrectly erred with Glasses. Head- aches. Interned Eyes, Granulated. Eye Lids and other Eye troubles, caused by Eyestrain. relieved through properly fitted Glasses. Satisfansion Assured. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinclair's office. Wednesday snd Saturdaya.ievenings,o 8 m. Also SCIATICA TORONTO MAN 'BLESSES THE DAY HE TRIED T. R. C.'e. The following testimonial is vouched for by a Justice of the Peace for the Provinee of Ontario: "1.1 Temple Ave., 'Toronto, 13 13 /10. Dear Mr. Templeton: :My hitabttnd'8 experience was a trying one, but he blesses the day he first tried '('.11,1'.'x, lir. Kiseer was greatly truul,lcd with Sciatica and suffered suets awful pain that in the end, to obtain relief, be had a very severe operation to have the Sciatic Nerve stret,'hed, This gave him relief, but was, of course, very ex- pensive. Two wars later his ell trouble returned and grew steadily worse. Finally he took to his bed ut- terly helpless and a doctor was called in. While still en invalid a friend told us of your Capsules. 'We gate up the deetor and tried them. Before the second box was hurl1'' through he was better, and has not been troubled since. 'We can't say too 11111011 or do enough to help spread. the news of your wonder• fol medicine." succeed 111 Si' i. of all eases and are 011ri efficient as an almost in- stantaneous relief for pain. Try them! Ask your druggist for a box. Temple. toes, Limited, 1(7 King Street West, Tomato, We mill T.I4,0.'e anywhert en receipt of $1,01. Ae Sold at Jas. Fox's Deng Store, Brussels. Gun ertil ON SHORT NOTICE Any person desiring to procure this BEST .FERTIL- IZER may have their needs supplied very promptly by application to the undersigned, Gunn's Tankage You cannot afford to feed Pigs without it. IT IS CHEAPER THAN GRAIN, Supply of Gunn's Calf Meal on hand,. Once used, always used. Stanley Phone 218 Local Agent, Brussels