The Brussels Post, 1920-4-29, Page 5•
!XS azircJI
moo in the west Office, Hike!. 90.4
• SEE, will sell for bettor prloea, to
MAW men in less time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he wnet charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
pets 'sal appllaatton.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night molls. Office oppoelte
A9our 111121, Ethel.
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. C. P., & S. O.
61. O. H„ Village of Bre . da.
Physician, Surgeon, Accent. .or
°Mao At residence, opposite Melt:.. (thumb,
William street.
r0000fooT, IlLLORAN & COOKE
Barristore, So �,citors, Notaries Public,
Offioe on the Square, 2114 door from Hamilton
Private fund: to loan at lowest retee,
W, PNOtTr00T, H. O. S. L, KILLOa4N
Sam Weinstein
Is prepared to pay the I
highest price for 4
Scrap Iron, •
Rags, &c.
Highest price paid. See I
•Highest Cash Price for •
•Lrve Poultryand Hides
me before you sell,
Write or Phone 82x
• John Oliver
+ hae taken over the Deering Ag- •t
p ency and handles a full line of +
+' Varna Implements including the +
noted +
• I. H. C. Cream Separators
+ .I.
+ The only Create Separator with +
,+1, two wide open cream outlets— +
no cream screw in the path of '+l,
.1. the et'etnn, See it where in town. +
a The I, R, C. 8-16 and 10-20 Tractors
▪ are among the best. +
+ The kering Manure Spreader +
+ With the wide spread and very +
;a light in draft, +
o John Oliver
McCormick and
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country:
I am prepared to take orders for
McCormick and International Imple-
ments, TracLors, Engines, Plows, En-
silage C
uttote CreanSeparators,
Wagons and Sleighs,
Gull line of Tillage. and Haying
and Harvesting Implernente, No bet-
ter Binder, Mower or •Manure Spread
0f made than the McCormick,
Buy from me and save money a1.
I can pay cash and can sell on terms
to suit,
Will keep repairs or get them for
you on a day or two's notice.
Call and see me at Ethel before
buying and save money.
MINE - •Ethel
.}l esion'plan",,,n auer:h f.�" w"r ..."''S',wn••••• »•i."•rm'i.. .....e.-e-m'.cit(rEl.,;n
if Yota wish to Qat a High
Grade Business Educa-
tion and a Position soon af-
ter Graduating you will eel -
Sot the
Tonga 81 Oharioe Ota„ Toronto
.earn more ahorat this aiehcol by
writing for our large Catalogue. Hee
what we have done for others and what
we min do for you. This Hahool stands
for the bast in coarses, instruction
equipment and discipline. Open all
year. linter now,
firai'aV4 4zag9ka i i : itiZz- 4i�irM'v
GRAVE) FerNi ' 110114war
Golds SoUa'a Golan Notate'
Express 7:06 0 111 Mail 11:82 am
Express 8:53 p in Expr0se 0:07 0 iu
Qi',IgJV:i�IafJV ? CIPIC
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express 6:47 a nl I Express 11:41 pm
Express 2:27 p m l Express 9:07 p m
Going East - 7:11 a. in. and 8:81 p. m,
Going West - 12:80 and 8:63 p. in.
All trains going East oonneet with O. P. R. et
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
4. B. atatlone.
0E0, ALLAN, Local Agent.
Total Saes Plus
You can't boost with your little ham•
THE Kincardine Review says Mrs.
Bostock has sold her pool and billiard
parlors and tobacco store to Gordon
ADVERTISEMENTS in the home paper
pay the best They are theconnecting
links between producer and consumer,
buyers and sellers.
The Toronto Star, an afternoon
daily, ann0nnees an increase in rates
from $3,00 to f4 00 a year, to tette ef-
fect the first of May.
THE newspaperis a law book for the
indolent, a sermon for the thoughtless,
and library for the poor. It may stimu-
late the most indifferent, it may instruct
the most profound, but it cannot be
published for nothing,
AUTO owners are required to keep
their license number clean so that it can
be easily read at any time, otherwise
they are liable to a fine. It is difficult to
do so during the muddy season, but the
law must be observed or trouble will en-
LONDON Collegiate was destroyed by
fire which is supposed to have started in
the science room, of which J, H. Camer-
on, formerly of Brussels, Is teacher,
Thursday of last week. Loss is said to
be about half a million dollars. Light-
ning is supposed to be the cause.
to announcements given in Toronto
those having invested money in the late
Standard Reliance Co. will soon be fully
recompensed. It is said that hundreds
of thousands of dollars will be teellzed
from assets formerly thought to be
,vorthless, Depositors Bud debenture
holders wilt be paid in full with interest
al 5 per cent and as speedily as can be
arranged, though shareholders will
probably have to wait for some time, a
year or so, before their claims will be
SENSIBLE Move.—Stratford Beacon—
A special meetiug of the Retail Mer-
chants Association was held at
which there was a large representative
attendance, called for the purpose of
discussing earlier closing on Saturday
night, and nights before holidays. As
this was a question about (vhich there
was likely to be a difference of opinion,
a good deal of discussion took place,
with the result that it was finally unani-
mously decided to make the hour of clos-
ing g o'clock p m. on these nights, be-
ginning with May 1st. This will be
operative all the year round, including
days before holidays and the Christmas
WILL You Do Ie 2—Give Brussels a
Spring tonic, That's your job=•it
doesn't belong to the fellow across the
street. Let's clean up—paint up—shine
up—cheer up Brussels. Put the sun-
shiue of cleanliness, the cheery, homey,
glistening atmosphere into every dirty
coruer of the town. 14 points 01 , lean-
liness :-1. Fix up ; 2. Sweep up ; 3.
Rake up ; 4. Clean up ; 5, Dig up ; 6,
Build up ; 7 Screen up ; 8 Pen up ; g.
Giese up ; 10. Paint up ; rt. Dress up ;
12. Lift up ; 13. Cheer up, and 14 Keep
it up, Here is a plain duty you owe
yourself and your neighbor. Go over
everything from curb to beck feuce,
slake a list of things needful to clean up
your part of Brussels. Do your share
towards administering a Spring tonic—
God itch has been grouped with
Durham, Han ovev, , 1V 3nghatn and
Seal'ottit, iu the Intermediate Ontario
Amateur Lacrosse Association,
A pleasant time was spent in the
basement of the Public Library on
Thursday evening, when the W. O. T.
TJ, banqueted the sailors.
Wm. Lane was re-elected Preeident
of the Rink and Curling Association;
J. A. McEwen, vice President
Wm, Campbell, Secy.-Treas., and
Wm, Wallace, C. A, Nairn, H. J. A..
McEwen and C. I3, Humber as the
!Managing committee.
Goderich Industrial Fair Board met
to discuss the matter of repairs to the
Fair buildings which were damaged
with the windstorm last November.
South win will have to be re -erected
g re
other building and fences repair-
The project for a new hospital for
Goder'ich was advanced a stage when
Dr. Alex, McKay, inspector of hospi-
tal ; and Jaynes Govan, architect to
the Department of Ptovinoial
Treasurer, were in town, visited the
"Maples" and afterward attended a
meeting of the hospital board and
gave their opinion on the project for
the oonvetslon of the Cameron
property into a hospital. Asked as to
his opinion cif the feasibility of the
project, Dr. MacKay said he had look-
ed Lite building nvor quickly and was
of the opinion that the Hoard had a
bbildillg thattottid form ;the nttc'lel;e
of a hospital which would be very
satisfactory, ,uul would have ac.
eommodatlon enough for the coon-
mnllity for some time to conte. There
was room for 26 beds, keeping etriotly
within the Government regulations,
and 011 tt pinch provision could prob-
ably be made fol 80 beds.
John rectum., 54 yenta of age, of
Tuckeremith Township, a well-to-do
fanner, residing about 5 miles from
Herman, appealed before His Horror
Judge Diekeon upon a charge of in-
cest, The ;judge addt'eesed the prison.
OL' at some length • before passing the
sentence of not lees than 6 years and
not, move than 10 years in :the King-
ston penitentiary,,
Gordon Campbell, who has spent
0 months at Agricultural college,
Guelph, is home again on the farm.
Geo. Wilt has moved to his new
home recently purchased from Wn,.
McNeilly, Mr, I'leNellly has gone to
Mt'e, Seeluwer disposed of her prop-
erty and much o1• her household
effects by auction 011.1e, Jots, 51, Mc-
Kenzie bought the properly,
lir, Halliday, Listowel, delivered to
Mitchell 13t•os, it new Ford truck,
which they intend using instead of
horses in collecting produce and de-
livering goods this Sumner.
Young People's 51,Qiety at thele last,
meeting elerled new ollirere anti re.
organized their week. They tine en,
tering on a 2} y evre contest, and are
1ntrod ucing liteuu•y and social
features on the program,
Laster Meeting "f the Woman's
Missionary Society was in charge of
Mrs. H. Grainger, .A. helpfulrogram
bearing on the influence of Women's
Medical Mission work on Lhe social
life of India was presented. Easter
offering was upwards of $30.00, Mie-
sion Band also had a profitable Easter
meeting. A good program given by
the girls and boys, on our Mission
work in India was enjoyed by all.
Lunch was eerved at the close. A
self-denial offering of over $7.00 was
Sunday School has deckled to ob-
serve Sunday, May 18th, as Mothers'
DThe smoke stack on the McCrae
mill, which was blown down by a
windstorm last Fall, has been replac-
The "Ever Faithful" girls' class met
at the home of Miss Elva Knetchel.
Regular business was followed by
music,games and a parable gneasing
contest. There was about 25 present.
The "True Workers" mission circle
met at the home of Misses Margaret
and Clara Tughen. Mite boxes and
Easter offering envelopes were opened
and found to contain close to $20.
Officers were elected as followe
President, Mrs. Chester Adams ; vice -
President, Mrs. Lyle Bradford ; Sec-
retary, Miss Clara Johnston ; Treas-
urer, Mrs. Sydney Bissett ; Superin-
tendent of Christian Stewardship,
Mise Lizzie Hart ; Mite box Superin.
tendent, Mise Clara Thompson ; Lit-
erature and Periodical Superintend -
!• Implements
Massey -Harris
} Everything required on the
• 7carin,
* • J hra Long
Agent Brussels
Main Street, nppnsife Town litall
"FM -a -fives" Restored Her
To Peileot Health
158 PArisatu Av.., MONTREAL,
"For tluee years, Inures -ea' ,r, ren/
,pain in the lower part of toy hod),
with swelling or bloating. I saw a
specialist who said I must undergo
an operation. I refused.
1 heard rued "Fruii-rr.-fives" so
decided to try I.
The first box gave great relief; and
I continued the treament. Now my
health is excellent—I am free of
pale—and I give "Fruit-a-tives" my
warmest thanks".
50e. a box, 6 for$2.50, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a•tives Limited, Ottawa.
eut, Mrs, Arthur RpilletI ; organists,
Misses Rhea Hewitt and Myrtle Mar-
shall. The young ladies deckled to
observe each year the Sunday nearest
the 24th of May as special Sunday for
their work, Next wee,Ing will be at
the home of Mise Eva Thompson.
ED.—Following are the new office
bearers in the Methodist Sabbath
school here for ','ming year :—
Superintendent, John' Bray ; Assist-
ant, F. Raddatz • Secretary, James
Cochrane ; Assistant, Willie Alder.
e011reaelll'eOEtet Bl' Ernest Bray ay ; Or-
gani'Ist, Mrs. Instead ; Assistant,
Mre. N. Askin ; Superintendent
Home Department, Mee, Cochrane ;
Superintendent Cradle Roll, Mrs. N.
Askin ; teachers, P. Rteddatz, N. As-
kin, Mrs. John Bray and Mrs. John
Hunter ; Auditors Tre.tsurer'e books,
Frank Doxee and Ernest Bray. The
school under Superintendency of Mr.
Bray has enjoyed a very successful
year and is looking forward with hope:
to the coming term. . Rev. W. E.
Stafford presided at the meeting.
Mrs. Alex. Elder hae returned from
whe a spent the
Winter with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.)
W, McLean.
Sunday, May 9th, will be observed
as "Mothers' Day" in the Methodist
Sunday School, ladies will be in
charge of the service.
An appeal was made in the Metho-
dist Sunday School for relief of the
suffering Armenians,. Liberal re-
sponse was given, nearly 585.00 came
in through the school.
T. J. Hucketep hae moved hie hnnse-
bold effects to the residential quarters
in his block on Queen Street and Me,
Roues and family will occupy the
premises vacated by Mr. Hucketep.
Auction Sale at the Queen's Hotel
was well attended notwithstanding
that the weather threatened rain from
early morning. There was a large
quantityof goods sold at very small
rice in any cases, The hotel prop-
erty which was also offered for sale
was purchased by a wrecking firm
from London and it is expected that
the work of demolishing the structure
will begin at once, •Price was $3,250.
This property was purchased by Mrs,
Mason sr., some years ago at $14,000.
Fibre Flax Seed
We can still supply mill owners
and farmers with choice Fibre Seed
at reasonable prices from our
stocks of direct imported Dutch -
Irish and our Dutch -Canadian On-
tario grown. About 500 bushels
of eael still on hand. Also a quan-
tity of choice metol seed.
Delivery can be nettle aL• Seaforth,
Blyth, Brussels or'Totnnto. Wire
or write us at either Pace.
Huron County Max Mills, Ltd.
Head Office:
95 King 8t, East, Toronto
WE have been fortunate in getting another large roll
of Linoleum at the old price. If you need any
this is the place and now is the time to buy it.
Heavy quality, "petto,'nn' 4 yds. wide, per yard ."$5.50
re rr 2 yds, wide, per yard ... 2.60
Other Housecieanin9 He uiremeIts
Sherwin-Williams Paints, Stains and Varnishes.
Scrim and Bungalo Net for dainty Curtains.
Cretonne and Chintzes make cheery Overdrapes, Bed-
room Box Covers, Etc.
Dismal, dingy surroundings make you feel tired and depressed, A
bright, sunny room will amply repay you in cheerfulnessa,,d happiness.
We are here to Serve You.
R. C. RATHWELLI Moncrieff
John Logan
I rnstrcls (.'hr,ill'in,; ,11,'1
�fl Quality first, Last and Always
G. M. Obanrbe,s has c.wrl;as ihu
store now etcupied he A. 14 1 nett,
from the estate of tie ha, orchis
'1'>tylot•. ft, ig Mo. Clot, het,' u,i 11'13
to considerably ,nlplot" this pn lna.,y.
by;hieing plate gots 1 •,,i is; f,.:.•
Mg the train Buil 441.4. 41. the
'West cornet o1' 1 he latill!,q iuw1:• . 1 , i
the '•esus ag it "s u"a.
The ob,u t , , -,.•t i “'The
tee's Bride," , 't•r, in 1 „ n- r 11 111
nutter the tm.p,res or the t't •on"'•.
Instil. Mat, wav well attended e"itaRI:-
stamliug that this; tv•s the 131•('13.3
presentation of this .;' ,+ithin t
rnnnlll, Pine. eds u, ,or,t1,i `til
to hrduut,t.•d to Illy t8 donte,el,. Hee
1,. mid
The mall lap a .'I' !h• !)"urhu t;•,d.
n'133 wan s"lenl0,z•`d in New 't'nrk on
April 10 to Miss Ethyl Noire,1 1> -
tee of Jaw all et I e el n„ nr. + .'1t t.
Dr. tend,tin is 111.' ,on f 11t i t•t.j
God, in, 828 Maitland creel, I i odrm,
and a Brother to Mrs Iter 1 R. 3Mr-
Om mirk, Myth. He i n gradirit.' 1 f
Ann Arbor 2)011t,t1 0nllege. ler. (i, :.
win set veil oversea." with the Atne1!-
can expeditionary forte-.
Mrs. John Sttoaster .'ud Role
ICenneth, iso ,l iieh, vi,1ted the..:
R. L, James hos returned from
Oshawa while, he spent the last fF:r
Ales, W, Mete!.nald, Chrsley, h,2
been the guest of DI', and ,lit . L. N.
Alt's. 1Vrn. Benuctl. ie sill o',1,51115
her usual good health et present, but
WS hope for improverue it,
51,', and Mrs. Steinnli'.er wer0 railed
to Torouto owing Lo the illness a,f
their daughter, who is now CODS.3lr "
ably better.
Wm. Archibelal ha- acc0plod a
school at Oil Springs.
Attendance in the Kutdergarteu is
increasing etealily at Lhe )t.• -cut
0. Brodie received wand of the 'lee
of his brother, W, 13ro:(ie, at Wood.
row, Saslf.
Sam. Jarkeon. who underwent an
operation in Toronto, has tett; m',)
much improved in heelf h,
Douglas Beattie and Henry Ilitivh-
ly arrived home last we •k after s:,, nd-
ing the Winter 131 the Agritereural
College at Guelph.
Mies Lukes, we, in malt atfa,.:ding
the funeral of hie broth rdn•law, Nail
M. Durran, who died on Saturday,
17th !net., the result of An accident,
H. W. Cook opened 131,3 11000 drug
store in this village.
Matched team of hlek IMAMS ,
t •
sold by P. F. Doig to Donald Wilkin-
son, of Ilarriaton.
A, and Mrs. Suteh, Aylmer, have: ar-
rived and are now got, ing Bette .1
their new home at he Ford with
Cheese factory.
Board of Trustees coati be appr.inted
by the Township Conned to en,•• for
the Public sheds and steps shoul:1 be
taken at once to have swine improve-
ments made. Strengthening or the
al P
wall, , t n ,- a 11
do 1'
Deet -end , t w
Dement on the floor for the horses to
1 sides,int
stand on alongboth draining,
etc., will be done by the Trustees as
soon as funds are available,
Police Magistrate Te,•hurlo bee re-
signed after 30 years set vice,
2 more cases of smallpox are being
cared for in Wallace town:hip.
Delegation woe here flout %Vinglulm
gleaning polsters in refetenee t"
l'erth Conm v Connell has v i ell e
donation of 41'100 to 1f1.° Li 1ntvel
Mental Jai hospital n•>d the saute
amount to the Stiatf0r,i hospital,
Deluded in 1110;0 5.113 0ed ''stili
males of exemption by the Board of
Examiners in Ontario, to .,amino,• in
the pearlise ,,r unman t, ) without ex •
aululation, K11 1).. 13 1 Parkin and
W A. Johe e nue, 1 i .t t tl,
Owing to using roste, pat t,culnl ly
the big inelease in the mice of news-
print, the Listowel papers intro tonna
11: nece1sat y to ha—pease thine subset!; -
tion rates and tft0, Daly 1st will
c'hu'gs 512 00 a year,
There was a 5„131 tin malt of
ors of Hort imil letrttl society w11',11
plans for the seeson's v .'Ok tver,r un-
der Consideration. 1t was decided to
dwe prizes this year for school chit.
ren's gardens and ;leo roe chihlran's
private gardens. 'Tulip show will n1 -
so be held if the showing of this
beautiful Spring flower wau';uns
W, A. Kibler was chosen President
of Listowel Lawn howling club :cl the
annual uo'etillg, AMC: tiding It", .•t,
Johnston, Other n0laete are t—Ui•nov-
1u'y President, r s'denC, J, W, Sento • Vice -
President, W. 13, Scr'a1on ; SSOBO-
bevy, J. P. Walter ; 'Tt,•a8ar0r, le A.
Olirnie. 11 was deo:ld. d to remodel
Y e
e tont Irl the premises
oils club bons 1 a
1 1
in flrst•clase aontiition
3, 0. 1114y has sold hie tile plant, in
Listowel to CV, D. 1'1 tact, Torted°
anti in connection with the deal has
purchased 055 acre fruit futon 3 ,piles
out of St, Catharine':, 30 acres of
which his friends will Ir. glad 111 know
are !peaches, There is a, good : tone
house, bank barn, and ;•aeltiug 1,33310
on the property, which le on the hil;h-
way and an 0leclr(4 line. front which
there is a siding for leaving Isle. fruit.
That the Listowel 51 e ,sot hal hospital
is filling a felt need in 0,e omonnroity
is indicated most clearly by the way
in which the institution le being pat-
ronized. Though opened bol two
tl erelile tett, inenta11I' of value h1 a
tr, u,nixl 1 ;it the slnnl• of
tta Mr, '3
,i, , 11 1'
,�, ,., 4nit .t j 1. ...,, 1
1er,11•1,'r111111es ire pei•tuanenee are
•t tl (', mite J , 1,01 p , feel .Is 11
n1e,11;ni'1l1 yuahty. 11,;•11.,• .nue
0011tai11 Mica, and fur the ,eons rea-
son it oaunot resist the action ni' air,
water, gases, frost and heat. A
structure! or mt oilauic,tl wrakrtpso
III Ihr material nom ,t l,ieh B "1 nnnnenl 1, 1.111 !elle, . 71 • 11:1, ker 1,1
:J1prop!•,t1r1:11''11••d1? , ..,0 1t •, 1:1.,••!'. 3.,n•'1•-
141 (. that It Skill ire h.deet.,11,:,391e,
In bnyin}, here y1 a avoid rh,• ri,i, .•f +: ,
1i:: tali; is r:.h hes!.
1,-, 1-..
.Brussels Granite and El t nrka
tnr"tthv ago, all the private weld, tele 1 1.r, M i. Tepee. / Wiged
neeupled and theta is bat otic Leman , 1./ 11.111'1 :1a . 1 ; 311}101111.111
108 bed itt the polus w 11.1. Ab fluty , =.,1 .. t , , : ,-, ; ,1rte,t•pa.l later teal(
31 pa)I"cite 11,tv,• Lanni r 1',' 10.11 and of 1 i,:• ,; ,r, :tt (1. -•r r„uditiwtr
these 23 were aurgusl ./., .,
--+a 1t.1 tr ,:ii (lei,rh,,,e the
Atwood 1•,ll,•0:_.Presi-
Roy Guenther, firsgeler, (s siting
as^ agent at the 0, T. 11
,.11,33 Mildred 11 he. ty, Petetl>tu,,
underwent a suetes,ful operation for
appe'11i ih at Pe gee t >sp,tal
Heil,, tu,5 Mr*, Pees,les, lener.'.t'.•,
Sask., have at rived in Atwood 3„
spend a eotiple „f mout',s,
1)u'ectt>r:t or Elma A•fricnit,u'tl w
et.ty nave pureitav, 1 to '1 fi'e,
',orlon tel tr.1"1 kr,133
Canker whirl, will give thin-. a ;"1111.10
grouted of athont 10 acres, intention
is to leave a 1r:wI, inane
t nnetlal accident 01- ettrretl at. tite
home of John I. Baliautyue, "Mull
two little girls were playing, the elder .
Annie having the ax n filch was yet y
sharp, and when its the net nl'
a piece of wood, her little erste', beside
het, stooped down, the RAO at3'3kin •
her on the side of the head, with the
leant; that a portion of her ear welt
nearly severed and her cheek lacet tot-
ed, 'Wounds required 12 stitches.
Harold Hill, of the Royal Bank
sotto', has his right hand tied up for 11
week or so from blood poisoning.
(3, D. and Mrs. MoTefgart announce
the engagement of thei eldest daugh-
ter, Jetts Dtughts to Alnstait• John
('reat•er, son of the late P, D. Crearer,
JftuniIto,,, the meeting', to take place
'May 15111.
Miss Mlaude Torrance went to Tot-
denr, :1 t 1'.' 1:sou : Vire-President
t. z,t't t, 1',. Dunper ;
• 013'.' 4, l;. (--.1tltl> : Treasinee, L.
Hnllrt t 1:
whir..., NV, .1, (`oak, W.
(3:11 , , 11/,' .•1.11101;; year al On-
1at(o.l eliulrh FootIll League
f'r0 lista, A.
r ,r•. to ,,'unlit•, Ander,
t u1. 1t 11•lWvteel :
rut t t 100 11 ,1.,,1aV s.tfl.
•1.e , r' 1• 1 1 e t;ay-. Helen
•tndetr0l r :;t .j.nmliut Seeretar),
l thin 1 !i•1 T,.',, -"e0. 111015
Ball : 1 . ••> _.t, ftp. 1 b.tuma P3unldteel.
+++4, +++•t ++++++++++++++++++
. .,
;.• xi 0..
4. •a Wted 4.
• •
o t� e have openings t'oi' a few +
+ good reliable men to work on .f.
'• ('111tshing Machines, Tractor's +
ted other work.
+ The Relit, Reil Engine & Thresher Ca.
"neo owing to the illness of her Broth- 3.144.4.+3-+'•'+4'+++++43•
Limited +
Seaforth - Ontario
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®'sr"0'eterAteA. gtreellseeee'eite 1.7 -",r,e""7"'ww 'O ^T`-eirege"'etv""s serer
I wish to acquaint thr people ofBrussels q 11. 1 I3t'Itssrl. anti
locality with the fact that I have. opened an
up to -date.. Bakery in the Garfield Block, Bar;
sels, and ant prepared to supply your rlt-r•,lu in
good Bread, Cookies, Cakes, &c.
Will endeavor to please our customers; and
solicit your hearty co-operntir't1 in t13(• t'nt='r,
prise. A call at our shot',
'n ti
W. z " . t: €:aa.Y
1: elvrietor.
v, r.
k4 aI 1
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Thor& ,a bred Stock
See Lite complete line of K.odaka and
Brownie Cameras al
0I Jt H, Wendt's, - Motor
Ask for booklet
"The Kodak on the Ptosis"