The Brussels Post, 1920-4-1, Page 1•
VOL. 48 NO. 40
x$1.50 Per Annum in Advance
A1'RJL T. Ic20
i){jllljiJjAE iPl Este all.a1(i11MLit,J_' Ellieelniii!III r,T EO a
uccessf Me
Al a US Saved
They •were thrifty, They were
shrewd enough to see that the habit
of saving meant the strengthening of
character. With the money saved
they were able to take advantage of
opportunities as they arose.
B+.esolve today to open a Savings
Account in this Bank,
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital - - $ 6,700,000
Reserve Fund - - 10,000,000
Resources 020,000,000
i111111111q :.
P. II. CI 1,B0
Brussels Branch
47 �• y
I c, `J
New Advertisements
]nor sato-Tan Poem.
For anre-F. Raddatz.
Auction Sale -N, Platt,
N once -Angus Brown.
Oo lorito-F. B. Smith,
Car for sale -Phone N00.
Card -Maude O. Brynna,
To time Public -Gen, R. Weller.
Sugar -Brussels Farmers' Club.
Eggs for hatching -Wm. Grant,
Auction Sale-Dugald MoDonald.
Cows guaranteed-C.4.A. Deadman,
Bargains in Shoes -Chapman Bros,
(}ander for Bale -Donald McDonald.
Mistt;.ixt t eivs
afternoon, Mr. Forbes, an employee of
the Bell Telephone Company, while re-
pairing the overhead wires, met with
0 painful accident by touching a live
electric wire, carrying 2,000 volts.
Bis screams drew the attention of oth-
er employees who were working on
the ground, and they 'immediately
sent in a phone call to the electric
light plant to shut off the power,
which wns (prickly done, Mr, Foshee,
with great effort. was able to heli( re-
lease himself, end when taken down
with n cops by his comrades he was
attended to by brie of the heal doe.
tors. His right haul was badly burn-
(Intended for lost week
Duncan and Mrs McKay are spend-
ing a few weeks visiting friends be-
fore leaving for their new home in
Sunday School was held at Knox
Church Fast Sabbath afternoon but
owing to the bad roads Rev. Mr,
Lundy could not get down for errviee.
Nies, Harrison thanked the girle for
the nice gift and also for the kind ad-
dress and she will not forget the many
happy Sabbaths spent with her class,
When the Farmers' Club were ship.
ping rattle at McNaught station a
valuable steer belonging to John Mel-
ville in some way was crowded
a de nf the
culvert and before it eonld he got nut
it was so exhausted it had to be killed.
.As at 30th November, 1919.
Cash and Bank Balances $ 90,757,510
Other Quick Assets - - 129,154,213
Loans 283,870,274
Deposits - 393,605,156
Total Assets 479,644,205
PAiD-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND . - $15,000,000
WALTON l3RANCI1, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
IiiITi IlmIT111l111IFIMI01Q=I=lIIV11111MiIMI111IiI1=11111glI101111 161itlilm11l111111 1111ll111111=' IlglliOWIfill!
bargains in Shoos
.and Rubbers
Saturday, April 3rd,
we offer the following :
81 pairs Women's Kid Laced Boots,
sizes 84. and 4 only, market value
X000 and ,$1.0,00; �j
Saturday ...........t �� LR
Misses' Rubbers,, narrow toes, sizes 12 and 13
Saturday per pals only .... ...
See our beantiful Spring r st lea"tnLndJe '
and Gents' A
oe Kid and Calf
Laced Boots and the price is iow as we bought early on the market.
Shoes for an sizes of feet, Moen the little tots, at prices to please,
Harness Department
Light and Heavy Harness of good quality, appear/theent
nee and dnbil-
ity. Collars, Whfps, Sweat Pads, Trunks and Satchels, selected with
care to give our etistoruors extra valve and service,
Repairs III harness, collars, Shoes and Rubbers promptly dote.
All for Cash and et
Lowest Oao1J Prices,
Chapman Bros.
Successors to Richards tut Oo, Next, door to Bank of N(iva Scotia
Ilei illll'li n',r'�i.ugin npup l 'III, III' I '., ,� ; , ll
Most of the fits patien10 have recev-
rd sufiieently to be at work again.
Robert Campbell 't.moving, r
! 1 i t n his
faro( little y purchased from Geo,
'The Young Village 1)octet. will be
at Knox church'rhursday, April 8th,
at 8 p, rn. Come and get artluainted.
Entertainment will be under the auo-
pines of the Ladies' Aid Sneiety.
Last Sabbath afternoon at the close
tfthe Sunday 5
iol the girls in Mos.
Harrison's clime (who were being pro-
moted into a highes cines) presented
her with a 'diver 0(11(1 meat. fork. Fol-
lowing is LIM, nidi, s :•--DEAR TEACH-
ER -As our relationship /Id tcaeht-r
and taught is 10 I, v:•vered we can-
not think of leaving your cls-, with-
out ex(n•eseil14 our deep •tp peeciation
of your faithful, unselfish s''t'viee as
nor Snuday School reuniter, We
thank you for your kindness and
patience in teaching us and for the
lessons taught, both by !accept, and
example, guides for he
n) gt 10 1 us in toath uF
(luny and we feel their infiu.•ne0 will
he felt during all enc futuu' Hype,
\Ve trust you will n' i1,,tin to (regard
u0, with the '10,110' feeling whist we
bear Berard yon, one of I.Maneya, lore
and ttmt. A.F.ti tnkeu of out ',,Lee")
we ask you to nevem the ' meet, fork,
Every time you use 11may it be a
cerninder of happy Sundays spent
with Mary Machan, Lenora Patterson,
Hattie Ferg, lieleti 111rQuafrie, lnlo•a
Matta and Isabelle Inglis.
The Special service to the W. M. S.,
will be held in Knox church next Sun-
day evening, commencing at 7.30
Mrs. Byetdy, of Detroit, is visiting
MPS. James Sinclair, whose health is
none too good but we hope she will
soon he better,
OARD OP TRANNS.-I wish to thank
the kind friends of the neighborhood
and Rey. Mr. Kennedy, who showed
their sympathy in my great sorrow in
the death of my husband.
In the advt. of A. Leitch & Sun. on
page 5 the price of white sugar should
read 100 hags of white sugar at 817.00
per cwt, instead of $17 50, Bette('
hurry up it you want to get advant-
age as these prices are below whole-
sale -prices today.
-Last Friday Edith Osborn, beloved
wife of David H. Brown, of this locali-
ty, was called away from her earthly
borne at the early age of 84 years, 0
mouths and 17 days after an illness of
7 weeks. She is survived by her hus-
band and 0 ch110t'en to whom the sym-
pathy of the community is tendered.
The funeral took place Monday morn-
ing, service being conducted at 9.80.
+4.4-4+4-444.44.+4.4.4-4.4-4.÷ 4.4•44+4.4
a -
LAEff i
Spring is at heed and an IS 'F
+ • our choice new stock of e'
.1Stylish 4.
,4 Millin4.
. No formai Opening will be 'i.
•F' • held but. the Ladies of P✓thel 4'
• and locality are asked to call q,
and inspect the fine display. 4'
}. Mi89 I011a Steiss Fs 009 Mil-
a' liner this season, F
kPas37ionab)e (,'nods at Mod- '1:
q, emir Prices, '?'
1. i'
4. produce Taken. 'I•
4. 'i'
p 4,
:i. k
4' 4
Mrs, J.,,mes
4.++.1.++++++++++++.4.1.+e• ++ 4.4
+ I have a choice stock
that1 l
s lou (l be
fole youplZC(your Spring'
Splendid valuee Fu
'a Waterproof Coats
that are store to satisfy,
W. P. Fraser
Tailor - Brussels
0+'i„FNh'T'Wh'k'p'F•*'1•++++d'•F,F+++ P
Brussels farmers' Club
Oar of 5 X Shingles
I+1xpictled soon,
Phone 214 See,-Tienx,
Intel-0ten1, way made in the fiaevey
burying ground, Logan township,
from wlilnh neighborhood all'. and
(Mrs. Brown enure to Oranbrooit
year.; ago, Mr, and Mrs, Brown were
12 yeare married, 10 of which have
heel( spent nt Or•anbrook. Deceased
was 0 Hue woman and highly esteem.
The Morritt-Marshall wedding takes
plume Saturday of this week,
Laster service will be held in St.
George's clutrch next Sunday after -
Mrs, John Watson has been ap-
pointed organist in the Methodist
(hunch to succeed Miss Gertrude Mat.
Doaln't forget the Horticultural
Society meeting Friday evening of
this week. Mr. Ileavy's address will
be well worth hearing.
PRESENTATION, -Friday evening a
number of members and adherents of
the Methodist church assembled at
the Parsonage where a social time was
spent in games and tuusic. During
the evening Miss GerLrnde Marshall,
who has resigned bee poeition as
organist, wits presented with a fine
leather rocker. Adclre;to was react by
Jas. Williamson and the presentation
made by Jas. Oantpbt II and was as
follows :-DEAR FRIEND,-\Ve have
met this evening on an occasion that
is rt most pleasurable o,o to us in the
way of a congregation us it has been
clueing the years that we have been
associated with you. Yet this pleas-
ure is tinged with regret because these
associations are about to be broken,
The trustees and every member of the
church felt that wo could not let you
Ieave us without expressing regret all
the severance of ties that have been
most pleasant during the time we
have been associated together. We
also desired to spend a social evening
with you and in some way show one
appreciation, We appreciate metre
than words can convey the faithful
services you have rendered here in the
iuterests of the church. Ae organist
you have been moat a sent and faith-
ill, 1
fol and always at yr 110 post, even
though it .meant, at times, 80001000
to you. In the Huntley School you
also have rendered va1it tble assistance
as Teacher and the boys ttnd$girls will
have pleasant ulertwri0e of yen in the
years to conte, As a sight token of
our regard svo ask you to accept this
chair, not because of the value attach-
ed to it but Ln remind iron when you
use it in the future, of the eet00m and
good -will which goes with you. Wo
wish for you and yours the hest that
life can give and assu1e you that you
will be kindly remembered by us.
Sind n behalf of the Signed o t Walton
Methodist church.
J. W. BUTTON, Pastor,
J As N. OAnn'BntLL, Tsetse.
The recipient briefly re, mired thanits
for the kind words and girt and wish-
ed the church, Sunday School and
other organizations oye•v success.
fine time
was enjoyed and lunch sow-
ed after which the crowd dispersed
after the singing of "Auld Lang
MRs. Wets REA DEct•:ASEu -The
Edmonton Bulletin, of March 18th,
gives the renewing wiener'( of burial
of the wife of Fiarr1stet \Vm IIea, a
former well known re, Went of Wel-
ton locality :-"One of the most large-
ly attended funeral services held in
the city for seine tune was that of Lite
late Mrs. \Vin. Rea whish took place
in the bleat Presbyterian church Tues..
day afternoon. In the tthsenoo of Dr,
McQueen, the service, which was ,t
'v impressive ant' 00 is t
vet t conciliated
by Dr. T 0,i. al111SLr, prenoipal of
et tby
llo u'r'lsnu Holl end Rev,11
11. Grant, pied of or \V est nil Matte
church. Ml Grant, tvhn wag IL
mate of Mrs. Reit in Trnetn Utiversi
Gy, delivrt d L urnyL improptiate nd•
dr0s h0 funeral ul tv> 9 meritedL
0, I t l I c byl
toh sion of Hnal tributes, Be -
the wreaths ulelved int -
mediate lieu
relattvee and personal Mends,
public bodies and olmielal organiza-
tions sent, many tokens (if esteem.
The l'oliowing seat their tributes .--
Ladies Mission/try Society of Fits(
Presbyterian chinch ; Edmonton Dis-
trict Bar Association ; Jasper Lodge
No, 14 A.. 6". and A. DI. ; 1)klmontou
Choice C u0, 1I i Western
1,,,d'-...,-..'. e'-eC, : �•-'o.r•,,,.,.,rVtS,,,,.
Expected 119 course of at
few days, Special price
oft car.
W. C. NEA[ Wattan
Pttbht Schrel Beard ; IIigh ' it, 01
Teachers' Alleauar t o,Iit ods r.1 1 he
Edmonton Ptthhe 0.110,.1 Bout ; I'tt1•
lir, School 9banit Is' Al'nutcP ; i 1 , Fc
School Cttfeta4 ee' Av.1 ('11111:m : telt
of McICay Avenue Public, H, .,l
The pallbettreu.. vete -1 hr ,tbero-eo.1,0e
of deee'Lsed, B. T. Bishop, J
ertssel, Frank Ken wo, d, John Ilea,
1)1.. T. H. %VIt11E411 : 0,•11 1:, H. Jnhn-
etot. The body wits kid 1o rest, F,1
the l.dmanloil r."utelety." 11 re. Reit'
maiden name was Alice Blanche
Wooster whose home berm e her mew
riage, 14 years ago, we -i
Ont. Iu addition to her surto , ieg
hueband, who is a awn of the late Jim.
Rea, of Walton, a sou taut 2 dimwit ties
are left to hold in loving eeintrnb,auce
the life of deceased. The snbj.•et
this 1100(110 was most highly Pste„mi'd
and was well worthy cf it, 010 f, iende
here tender: sympathy.
MARKLIMttN1AL •- On Wecltmeaday,
March 24th, the home o0 Vines and
Mrs. Harrows, 18th Con. air.Killr'p,
was the 50ene of a matrimonial at,
liance, when at 4 p, rut., Mies Luella
Barrows, became the bride of Jtu A.
Marshall, Morris township. As Mics
Gertrude Mru'ehall played the we,1•
ding march the principals took their.
places, the bride being given away by
her father. Ceremony was performed
by Rev. 51. W. Edwards, Seotorth, 08
silted by Rev. .mfr. Bunton. Bride
wore a becoming gown of white .satin
and georgette et epe with head trim-
ming and carried a bentttiful b,:met
of carnations and Maiden hair fern.
Full justice was done to the excellent
spread at the supper table.:; The pres-
ents wet'o costly, nnnternus and well
chosen. Groom's gift to bride was 0
gold tvfiet watch iutd a piece or :liver'•
ware to the pianist. Hneial ere Fug
was enjoyed by the 35 or 40 tun este.
Mr. and Mrs, Marshal( will commence
married life on the groom's Hoe farm,
8011 Oon., Morris township, 09111 the
hearty. good wishes of warty sweatives
mud ft tondo.
Al r9, J. T. Bell and Miss Maude Bell
spent the weak end with Blyth
Thursday afternoon of next week
Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock,
implements, &c„ will b.1 hold eel the
farm of Dugald elcDona,d, 7th lite, at
1 p, at. Ha has sold cis font) [Lure
ever thin oes. List in this issue,
'I'lhe cleating Att0Linn sale of the S.
Me0nrdy Estate Farm stock, •turtle.
ments, &c,, takes place 'nurseries',
afternnnn of this week, Lot 4, 5111
line, with JatuesTaylor is Auctiouee,
DIED IN SAGIN:oW,-O i March 18.11
last Mary Mu sell,beloved wife of
Ohne, Agin, passed away at Saginaw,
Mich., h7 her 61st year, for a period
of poor health fur past 2 years. Slu-
heFs survived. by her hesbaud and :3
children, D, R., Grand Rapids,
and T. P. and Miss Oetherine at. )tome..
Another daughter, Morgaret, is de.
ceased. Mrs, Agin was a daughtee of
the Into Thomas and Mrs. Rowell,
formerly of the Otis line Morris town-
ship, and was married 32 years ago,
removing to Saginaw 2 year's later,
She was born near S confetd,
7 brothers and 2 sisters t0 cleceas:-d ni-
so suevive, the latter hentg ales. Jets
Haley, Saginaw tutu Mrs, Joseph
Long, Leanb7•ook locality. Alex.
Bussell, 7th lino alnrt•is, is tt brothel.
-He and J, P. Belly (b' -ether -in-law,
'Morris) and Ohtu'les Armstrong (nep-
hew of (it•0y totvltehip) attended the
funeral. It was held at St. Pi ter's
and St, Paul's church, Rev, 1+',, he
Fevre, singing the mass. Float tt9b-
nteswere beantifal, Kra, Agitt was
a fine woman wire rnj'ty^d the esteem
of a wide circle of Mends. The be-
reaved are deeply ayurp ithised with,
Mrs, Joseph Long, Gtey Lovnrhip,
visited her se tes afew weeks 1u'f.
her demise.
5'rti LINE Lrrent nee- 0.Ye ' , titan -
v t 1
out evening was spent •tt the Unspi•
tattle Itcute of Alex, and Mirs. Jlt'Neil,
5th line,on 7lttesdtLY evening. Meryl)
28rd wen the Literary Sweets met to
spend social evening. Owing c a r V (wu to 1.
F R I, bed
' ofe 1,1
roads 5)1111. the IrJ 1711 7 P
ta 9V ![ 1 11
able to debate attend and the dot e t
tt vhu•h
had been arranged for was called MT,
owing to the absence of 2 of the de.
betels. I2olfnwing was the progrein.
with Miss Mcileller tatting her place
as President -Accord eon select ion,
T. Bryans ; reading, iTh,s Baldheaded
Mau," Russell Marks ; waltz, Elsie
Oonnon and 5, Alcock which ended in
a tag waltz, John McNeil being the
young Loehiuvar ; sung, "N"alt's
Ark,' Thos. Clark ; recitation "Als•,l,-
er's Fool,' Lillian Nc :tet mewl)l
organ selection and ar
Arm 0 1311sseI
Mat ks, reading "A tittle walk
aroundyursr]I', itinegaeet McNeil
treading of "Moonshine News," Nea-
man Speit' ; trio, "Lit 91,1 Jetk and
Doris," ' of a
10,," In gar IrN,nl, Normal]
Spolr, Jack McNeil duet., "He loves
1110 too," Annie sod Jank Gluck. The
program 000,9 well giant and L•ery
much enjoyed by all, The acrem-
ppanists were Mt's, 1. l.tintoal, arias
Margaret MoNell and .lark Smith,
Rest of evening was sp'nt in the
usual way. Settle lively gime.' of
et•okour le were put v111 and sociability
0 a general way mole the evening
pass very p10080ntly. A vote of
thanks was tendered Mr. and Mks etc- 8
Chas. °amiss
i * CAR. OF
to arrii'e this week.
4. Special Price Off Car.
AxDTiit�,rl (Se 1t nl? +
fit:• r ATS P
In at rive, also ut"rlt on 1111:11 for F
'i. irmnetliate delivery. ,*;,
'F 4.
W. J. McCracken
l• J
✓1. Phone 43 .1,
a. .L
Nei) fee heir bntut' ar.d l3aapitulit- ,
311 \Io:v'•it replying expt'P1srilg tlt'Fl
pleaau/' at having the Hnniety meet
there eau, ya.vine that if tlleee meet.
tugs were held another Whiter they
would be glad to again open their
home far On PVeuing. A splendid
lunch wee enjoyed and after heartily
singing the good cld sclrig of "Jolly
gond fellows" the company separated
for their diffelert homes. An exenit•
Live meeting leill he held shortly to
finish up the buait,e,-s pati of the
Society and alio to decide on continu-
ing or discontinuing meetings during
Summer months,
NOTJUO.-The person who tonic the Alsike
clover seed from Angor. Brownie barn nitre:
day night is advised to return It at once and
01103 further trouble and expense as the party
is known and tracked to hie own .
ANrtt7RoteH BRowto.
Last week Herbert Mitchell, J0,+.
Dickson, Mervyn Miller nn,l Thee
Davidenu left for the Nest. 1\'e wish
tlt.01 811ncees.
Next meeting of Township Cent/tell
will be held, at Ethel, Monday, April
12th. Did yon read about the Tenders
\Violted et that meeting
It. 11 McKinnon holds an unreserv-
ed Anetinn Sale of Farm stook, imple-
ments, &C., at his farm, 7th (`on.,
Wednesday afternoon next. Read
the list in another column.
MIscrLLANEors SROWi':R,-An in-
teresting event, took pltt'e on Tuesday
afternoon, Mauch 10th, when a num-
ber of girl friends and neighbors stet
at the home or Mrs. Hugh Richmond
and presented Miss Mayme Denman,
who was ebottly to bo married, with a
ntiseellaneous shower, Gifts were ac-
companied by poetic notes that were
read by the recipient causing much
merriment. Mise Denman thanked
the girls for limit. kindness and after.
of lunch t1PV
left wishing
Mayme, much jay and good lank in
her Future Inoue. She was united in
marriage to W. E. Little, of Eiam
township, on March 24th.
GOLDEN WEDDING, -Tuesday even -
Mg of lasteest.ek a ,joyous company of
(10 or 70 people assembled at the emus
mndious home of Roane t and Alta,
Meuare9,'Jth coo., to share with them
the happy occasion or celebrating tate
50th anniversary of their wedding.
After full e
After 1u5tic had been done to
well spread tables, prepared in the
best style 01' the, hnetess, and when
the bride's cape had been served an
orchestra rendered settee ions of music,
Mr. and Mrs. Menru 0y were then callefl
forward and the following atlrh'ess
was read to theta, while Elgin Porter
presented and seated them in a pair of
Hue oak, leather uphols' erect chairs :--
To Mr. and Mrs. Rnbt. Monarey,
Brag FRtI:YDs.---We wish to take ad-
vantage of this glad occasion to eon-
gralulate you on attaining this Gold-
en Wedding anniversary of your mar.
tinge in good health and surrounded
by so many nl' the contorts of this
life. Merry, no doubt, have been tile
changes witnessed by you in the past
150 years but a hind Providence bas
watched over you amidst them and
blessed you io thein• mussing. To
mark (hie important event and as em
evidence of the respect and esteem in
which you are held by steighlnto and
friends we tisk you to accept these
oak leather upholeterod shahs and we
trust yon may both be 041110d to en-
joy thole comfort for many a day. It
is 0 great pleasure Ln be have and to
t9Rlim \alt that your net ti'I
and willingness n tor1 0, good d turn hits
lint passed by nnnolined'and one hope
Fs that these happy relations will tint
be !woken 9090
r 111 n rn f. .r extended
'L I Pn.II 1 1 it
period We eve coneetouR tltttt we ere
n ,
only 11 taus here brit o sulr1ltl
1 g
desirehot♦ 0 v
to twhen the ht Jint L i
d byt
has to be said in time that the Home
Eternal may be the abiding place of
all --an undivided company. Amidst
the transitory things of tithe few
people have the appntt.nnity to cele-
brate a Golden Wedding and no ac-
count or its rarity m0 esteem it it pre.
vilege to !ring nor felicitations, Sign-
ed no behalf nf neighbors and old
fr lentis,
GFA, Evans,
Et.onN Pnot en,
Grey, March 25 1.11, h, 1f2
IA 1
Ablef reply 9
a made by bIr.Men-
t -
I ,bre p
; mq thanking the company for thee.
splendid gifts and kindly worded ad-
dress and wished all concerned many
happy prnsperens ,3'1100'$. '.Crusted the
company would (nuke themselves per -
Neely at home es the house was
9hoir'efin, the eventing. While there
was Ito 501, program the time was fill-
ed in with vocal and instrumental
.(talc, enceal chat, story and daneing.
The matrimonial isnot wn8 tied 110
years ago ab ilgtnnndville by Rev, Mr,
Graham, Jnn, Jackson and MFes Mem
may being the witnes015, • Both Mr,
and Alva, Menarey were born al,
Ohurohville, Ont„ the former no Oct.
1845 and latter on September 27,
W. N. HERR, Proprietor
134 o !'hey lived in tnwitst,ip of C:ai♦•.•
dun, ronung In Grey ill 1882, where
they have eontinuntualy reoided.
Thar family consists fit 3 sous (Robes r
u nt1L,- 1t'ut., all Con.: Grey . an4
It.e., ul
:seat hern NIatiitnba,J and
rlauglttot'e ilJdts, (1. Maker, ural:brow.
Mrs, Meblcheren, Grey ; and Martha,
deceased) The general health nf the
prittipttls is comparatively good and
the enjoyed adv+r y much the
of Dearth 211rd They have proven
themselves fine neighbors and con -
time. to P11j4 the estte1I1. of this
neighborho ti, The ,company separee-
d f'' their trNpec,Live homes after
lull Lang Syne" and "They
u„ jolly -,t)11(1 f,•11on•o," itt the (tope
Me. and Mr, M' ,,trey will live to t''.'
I. 4,11 ft.; „ 7;1 \V'eddiug under NNW -
L1'1e ,,..- p ?Its. 14c11arcy'o maid•
n nit RIO WO, Maly J. Shannon, het'
home h..i.,p :u AleKillop township.
11 p :it" t 9t. --.A quiet wedding took
lases ;it 1.1,;11 teen mt Wednesday.
1,,,- 2, h it the home of the bride's
r t.;, Lu,. and MIs. Ilentuan, when
their .1:1,.,1 daughter, Diary Alice, tvttw
ot, <l 111 to trt Lige tt, 0Vm, Edgar
i utt,•, s,i tVort Moo !Eton. Ceremony
nevi.) Hoed by 1.11'1•, P. S. OICeiI in the
pr !vibe of (neat' relatives and a few
ut+ tonne ttiet.d-,. The bride, who was
9099,:, away by her father, entered the
paths to the 81101ns of the Bridal
Chorus played by.11:118k4 Hattie Denman,
sister of the brine, Bride met the
groom under an arch of evergreerre
with wedding bell and Easter Lilies
and banked with foliage and gerani•
eons. She looked charming in a gown
of white :;ilk crepe de -chane with seed
pent l trimming and carried a beetle':
of pink and white (tau'natiooe with
maiden hair fern. After rougratula-
10 r,, the bride Hurl gem= led the
ttev to the dining room where a tasty
wedding dinner was served. The
presents were numerous, showing
the high esteem in which the bride
and gismo.' are held. They included a
cheque from the bride's parents.
(ittonl'a,t;:ft 10 the bride was a neck-
eck.•t e end to the pianit:t a gold pin,
pile merle trneelled in a hlue serge
Mt with peach colored crepe-de-eheno
waist and gray hat.. Amid showers of
etutetti, the happy couple left on the
afternoon train ter a wedding trip to
Brantford, Ayr and Tavistock, Ott
their return they will reside on the
:;tutu's farm near Moukton. We are
glad to extend to these young people,
who are launching out on the sea of
matrimony, our sincere wishes for
health, happiness and Divine blessing.
Epworth League Anniversary
A Most Successful Time,
The anniversary of the Epworth
League of Brussels Methodist church
vv on SundayRud
March 21st and 22nd, and wits both
pleasing and profitable, comparing
l'avot'R t
b t pastyears.
Y wi h
Rea. Dr. Oaten, lorontn, a former
well known pastor, who is naw one of
the Associate Sectetaries of the Dom-
inion Alliance, was the preacher and
delivered two timely and well directed
discourses, in the morning his text
was Deut. 12 : 13-14 "Take head to
thyself that thou. offer not thy burnt.
offerings in every place thou seeist,
but in the place which the Lord shall
armee in one of thy tt'ibes, there thou
shalt offer thy burnt offering, and
there shalt Hum do all that 10out-
mand then,': "Wayside shrines" wag
the subject. Worship was a baois of
activity and among qualities neces-
sary self control, capneity, concentra-
bion, Reif rentincittion, with a desire
of goodness rather than greatness,
love for God's house, His people and
His work, obedience to Ills commands
and implicit Pettit were requisite.
Evening sermon was a companion
to the morning, full of good cheer and
progression. Joshua t -R was the
foundation :---"gvvery- pi000 that the
sole of Illy foot tread upon that have 1
given unto you, as I said unto Moses."
The N-11'1.1;:pr showed, convineiugly,
the goodly heehaw, tate .111 :Fathrp'
had given Its rbildlon if they fire will
ants In leases, ;I., 11, was an 0neour0g.
ing theme for the necasinn, Before
Dr. Oates 410100hed he sang, in gond
veiny, "Beautiful threads of gold,"
The Avis. did thele part web. Rev, W.
P. Stafford, pastor, assisted in the
services. At the close
of the evening
r sr, t ttl. Die Oaten spoke ok.
P for a1
wt et hair n
rrlsofh. f nn the question
of Prohibition and the action of the
recent (r l l
udurrd fidelity
ftdel tv
to the muse est and a persistent demand
fr a hone -dry Oanttda, Rev. ih•.
Oaten , u
1 *L
tt last veattlar,
st address at the
Sabbath Behead in
Young ng men acted as ushers in the
morning and young ladies in the even-
Monday evening a Muskrat and Lit-
erary program. was given in the Ler-
thee loon(, with Albert. Lott filling
Oho post as chairman very capably,
Progritnt consisted of opening Hymn
and prayer by Rev, Mr. Stafford
ehttirman s remarks t solo, Rev, Dr.
Oaten ; reading, Mrs, Parker ; solo,
b' }t tiilrny : reading, Miss Margaret
Maunders u
Dr, Oaten
3516110 duet, Misses Windrow])
t Debate
"Resolved that it is better M be born
handsome than rich." Miss Ida Bail-
ey and \V, H. Kerr supported the
,'iilerneltee and Misr+ Flo, Buchanan
and F, 111, Gilroy the n0 alive,
Judges were B. 4. Scott, W. 161, Sin -
elate and Jas. Fox who gave judg-
ment for aliirtnative. Allan Lamont,
President of Melville Young People's
Society, and Roo, A.. 3, Mann, pastor,
brought rardiat greetings front their
young funk. Atl enjoyable time was
spent 01711 the financial proceeds wets
over $87.00, ii tasty lunch was eery
ed befofe the close, itoi', Dr, Oaten
met many old friends, It is Iieerly
years 51)100 be loft 13rr95eetl,