The Brussels Post, 1920-2-26, Page 6Care of Pregnant Ewes.
The chief items of proper manage -
merit to be remembered and put into
practise by the young shepherd are
that pregnant ewes must have plenty
of exercise, must be kept dry, and
must have such feed that their bowels
will lb0 active.
Closely watch andeater to the appe-
tites of fowls. Jest what would Im
right for ono Hoek might be wrong
for aeother, It is :dews well to
have the fowls pattially hungry.
This will induce them to eeratch, ....---
upon Him, that He mete; lift us to
Scratching is the bust eeereise for
Peter Writes About (1111 Living. His own purity and righthess of liv-
Mg, "that wo being tleed to sin should
The planting of shrubs in corners To be continually channg aithe bill 1•Peter 2; 1-5, 11,12, 19-25. Goklea I live unto righteousness"
. . s reminiscent:
improves the appearance of the farm-. of fare hurts egg produetion instead, Text ---I, John 2: 6. Thiwhole passage is
. of the great prophecy of the suffer -
stead. 1 of benefitting it. Have one system -of , - ,
1-5. Laying Aside All Malice. ing servant a Jehovah in Isa. 53,
Good fences are to be advocated. 1 feeding, but let that eystem contain, Peter is exhorting to pure and hon- which, .should be read in vonnection
All buildings and fences should be as mueh variety as poseible. Purityorable living, such ae is becoming to with this lesson.
allkept painted and in good repair at a food is important. the follbwers. of Jesus Christ, Malice
I Overfeeding is not feeding- well. toward their enemies or persecutorS, Ventilation of barns •Is never more
- Concrete walks from road to house' What a hen is able to digest and as- deceit, envy, false pretence, evil important than when they are closed
d t vhat she eats speaking—all are to be put away by
• • • • • during cold Weather.
February 29.
patience is the Christian's duty; it' te
payee° FE R-riuze
.11..viarasfo of
Avorao of oLongl WU"
*9l3 Rearal lloaultO on PO.
nuns on Wiweat taboo.' no real*
is indeed to this he is railed; for so
did Christ Himself suffer.
Whe alttrown self bear owe sins. It
was as .though He, the sinless one,
bad taken upon Himself the guilt of
our sins and suffered :for ue, or as
though hid entered into the midst
of our corrupt and sinful life, endur-
ing. all the pain that could Whet
Ewes can not stand wet or damp and from the barns to the house al '
s, and so fax as possible should be eliminate the tracking of dirt into makes both eggs and flesh. The prin. those who have tasted of the gmee
and loving-1(111(MM; a Jesus. They
ling farm and garden eeed. Try one
Try a few specialties when order
bed '
protected against wetting by ram or the house. In making walks, it is wise cipal requirement of a hen is a bal-
OA are as babes avowing up in the fam_
' snow. They need not have hot, close to execavate frone eight to ten inches anted ration and regular feeding, ily• of God, desiring "the sin -:re milk neav vegetable each year.
stabling, but must be protected and fill in with from four to six feast to -day and a famine to -morrow" af the word," that is the pule gospel To remove the coating .from stove-•
against cold. wirds driving hard over inches of cinders or similar material, will epset the hest of layers. If the ofby the life and teaching of the Lord, pipes and chimneys, due to burning
which their own Fife will ire nour- gre n wood, dissolve air -slaked lime
snow. Such winds may blind an en- well tamped to make a good basee stock is doing well under one system
tire flock in a single day. 1 On top of this place three and one -1 of feeding, it is a mistteke to make ' h d 1will
a is e anti grow etrong. •
in water 'until the water will take up
1 By a change of 'figure thee' 41" no more. Then apply it with w -white -
change . „ .
Portil 40(1. Not Port. Pori lliscd, Not Fort.
»Long Tints
Iserlohn OA
oa roast§
Fertilised. Not Felt Fertilized, Not Fort,
*Tests of 0 h.
*Tants of Ohio, taWa and Ohio
Pennsylvania, averaged.
In‘diliawniar,jaafd treat at Mono-
zninee School of
averaged.. At:rte., Mich.
Soil and Crop
Improvement Bureau
or tile Canadian Pertlitzer Ass'n.
1 11 1 Temple Bldg., Toronto, Ont.
Side Issues.
Ae Itfe grows more complex and the
range oa choices enlarges there is in.
creasing need of a wise and balaneed
judgment as to the way to take.
A thousand distractiona compete for
our attention. A thousand preseIng
inter.ests insist on their importance.
Tho anail brings invitations which wo
must quickly debate, in order to de.
Bide whether their place is the waste.
basket or tho wire -wire All life
is asking OS at every turn to take part
hi it; the impoetunitiee of friendship
le11.16:yee=raenir ard(ltiSotlfaa-fuse. A t
ambition allures; we want to travel
and we feel Wend to stay at home;
we spend nitwit of our time In haI-
uncing the.proe and cone that we may
be wise in our use of the rest of tho
To insure exercise when the snow a inc es o cone e P represented. as Ming u • There is an account to be kept with
is dee'p, use. a snow -plow and open plate, and a top eoat of one-half inch' Careful calculations show that a ,, wash brush to the inside of the it
ItconlleYe'. De-egesieeiseeeeawee•-•eeesoee*E have on de >omit ni
GS minutes even as in money wo
a path to a dietant field to which the of cement mixed in the proportions fowl will eat, on averagc, three•into the walls of "a spiritual house,
) the smoke- i e ande-PiPle' 't t
er flues and smok '
e eirninahle, and 1,V0 only know that
with hay in racks, or if the snow is The gravel for concrete should be well; ounces of pain at noon and four rrhe'ideal isitelisaPtjt;le a (1' ph
or _O 92)
base of tho P ophimoapp y Mel it.. e. a rer of year,: al-
ey. Put back the le
lame -sneer utensils in shape .
sheep may Walk. There furnish them of one part of eernent to two of send.' ounces of the morning mash, two of
this deposit may not by overdrawn.
not deep scatter it over a wide area, graded in sizes from one -fourth -inch
ounces of grain at night. However, of humanity, ordered and perfeetPin pipe and start a fire. The .tar-likel Sap will soon be dripping.
• there can be no ,,at rules for feeding. all its p •
s,the o yr ne substance will drop off the Hues, or.
t 'd -t St•ed corn tested? Planting " 18 So easy 5° 1"st'e tile Preei°014
- substance of our strength and the
ereaehre• the walking. When pregnant proportions may well be one part Like human beings, fowls very in God win dwell—a redeemed and glora t•an easily b ser n d off. is not far away,
as that encourages exereise by in- o one -mei, an s
ewes have to walk. they stimulate cement, three of sand and six of appetite. We must approximate the fled humanity. Jesue Christ, the - e a- e
healthy eireulation of their blood. and gravel., Poorer materials should have amount. The quantity must be deter -
rejected of men. is chosen of God, and
corner -stone of this house, though -- .. --..
- - - •
thus keep their CNPrOtOry „14.1'0.11S in a richer mixture, The top coat should mined according to Me object in view.
each life of faith is joined with Him
active ecn;!,ltion. Sluggish livers and be troweled to arive it into the con- So,me fowls can existprolific and be In the growing walls. Again the fi-
kidneys c•ttu3e absOrption iota the trete base.
. on almost half what would be needed gure changes to, lbw: of all "holy
-.VI to • .1 d 11 for others. When this is noticed in priesthood," of which Christ -is the
blood o.• poisonous matters called e
toxins, and these read-ily kill sheep.' of these suggestions in one farmstead, a pen, it is advisable to cut down the
All sheep need exercise in winter; but as many ns possible should 'be allowance to meet the demand.
More fowls are overfed than un -
and weed patehes. ut keep pregnant ewes out of brush used. derfed. 1,Vhille overfeeding has its
Many of our readers, no doubt, are 1 Fruit Trees Along the Highway.
: bad effects underfeeding is equally
well aware that a horse is liable to an
attaele ef azoturia, characterized by Why not plant fruit trees instead
dark -brown urine, swelling and hard -of maples, elders, poplars and oaks
h h' 1
ening of the musclee of the loins, hips 9
chief, offering the sacenace and ser-
viee of good lives upon the altar df
11-12. ,Abstain from Fleshly LUstli
Which War Against the Soul. There
Is no teaching here of unnatural ab -
bad. An underfed hen may receive stinence or aacetie self-denial, but
sufficient food to sustain the body, only an earnest exhortation against
but there is a lack of material for such indulgences as are distinctly
egg making. The first food a fowl hurtful to mind and heart, and such
and thighs and paralysis of the hind Of course, you will raise the objee- takes goes toward the building up of as either militate against a man's
kgs, when he goes to work after hav- tion that if fruit trees grew along waste tissues, and the surplus to the own best life or, unfit him for service
ing been kept in for a day or two and the highway, the fruit would be making of eggs or fat, according to to others. The high ideal of the
h f • ' the quality of eood. Christlike character is set before the
fed heavily on oats. We are eon- '
fields of corn., melons, potatoes, other
vinced that many cases of. par-
vezetables and fruits? •
lyeie in hone are caused n ex- --
Lie: the ;eine way; a 1 e,,,;,,, joint ownership, community inter-
.. al" ''''—'''' est, public opinion and a little healthy • . who have here "no -continuing city
Way, fear of the law, all combined, would InvestigatiOns show that well-ar- but seek one to oome.". The goal of all
pregieent weeee ore pcIsoned in that
. ' do much toward protecting crops. ranged fields and farms generally good life lies on before, and it is
fer 0 preerant ewe. So Le swaie and 1,. t dm the ju .' (.1' t' 1 of the
The trees should be planted and produce -crops at a lower cost price worth a little present self-denial to
than where no. particular system of make sure ,of the eternal and glorious
Thnocity liay Is mighty poet, ettai:'
slough 6,` marsh bay. Ic only bluffs ^CP 1111 ' "S le IM- I treasure' of the city of God.
,d. ty dl,,,,.1,1_ • Provincial Agricultural Department. , field management is carried out.
Moreover they, who are Jewish
in„ tee., ,.t, n1 h. ...;,,.citt.srkt,' tile—i.'cc In cities, towns or villages; the lure! Well-arrauged farms also bring
a' Christians, live among Gentiles who
isti ion roe e ves e inthe (ice
di t. Id h vestel ' 1 I higher price upon the market, par -i ., .
i council, the fruit Within its boundar-i ticularly where the fields have easy speae against. them and regard them
as evildoers. It is only by 'upright
and teed- to ca:,:::, .:. ustipation •tn I
' '
bmuld1 g. :..o.vr 0:-. the liver,
' th b ' --------- el for its inhalai-1 access to the farm buildings or to and blameless life, by "good 'works
Well -Arranged Fields Lessen Crop
eyes of the followers of Christ.
Peter addresses them as strangers
and pilgrims, people who live only for
a little while here upon the earth,
atria • ei y eh, vex :Ind add tants. 1 highway& eThe arrangement of many which thev. shall behold, thatthey ,
isel Meer on good clover hay, Or
Cared for
Farm products will fetch good prices in
1920—fertilize freely!
Gunns high-grade SHITR-GAIN fertilizers will give you bumper crops
to cash in on. Grow more dollars and cents. Order your SHUR-GA1N
Don't Delay—Out: Stock is Going Fast
SHUR-GAIN users often re-
- 'mit SS or $4 gain fax every
$1 spent on It. Why not get
this yourself?
Use SHUR-GAIN—a formula
for every crop. Interesting
literature gladly sent on re-
• •/ \ io4"-
"Malting two bIade9 grow where
West Toronto onlY ona grew before."
Representatives Wanted in Unallottcd Territory.
mzEirct-c----W,,SOOWFS.1"=.7..i.=.X1ZiPan% ...10V.M1=13=212:31191=M7Slilc
46 farms is due to accident, a field here can 'be convinced, and may themselves - • -
two ‘311ceo each day eet 'As for disposing of the fruit when
rents el sl14;0 regulate the' ripe. that is the easiest part of the and there being laid out as the led to glorify God when their time
Fee:I od, 'weahered whole plan. You and wld cer- ests were cleared: away. irlany were of .trial and temptation comes. •
f Odder ar, o straw. Do not alloy.... tainly 1:,e on hand at the mobil, aue- laid out when farm work was done' 19-25. For Conseience Toward God.
ihd ilments ansmall isft man forb.eonselence sake suffer,
the eva , 'MO a fat, nabhy tion to ia creditable and honorable thing,
ti;ticit Th. iy 4oulkl be kept musc111-i Your wife and mine, your children: fieldwere no disadvange -----------------------------------------15that acceptable as a service rend-ered to
lee at ; sifl; . an 1 x ith bowels and mine, each with his or her ONVIItime. im God. To besuch suffering with
tii!A e:,.1 it usually is neces- interests, be it jellies, preserves, pies
sr.xy s‘mi feed other than or tarts, would also be on hand to
yeeeirae:, 1,11.114 Or Silage that help make the proper selection.
14251. ni. z• Ise lantiful for the sus- A certain per cent of the fruit
tereanee ef !emirs For that purpose should go to the provincial and city
netlike r thou a mixtuee of charitable institutions. The rest could
whole .• eehed oats, vi•heat-bran be auctioned off to the highest bidder,
ere1 „i. „erne shelled 00111 The householder especially where
rimy ie. oticlee in t old weatherthere are children, would be given
Keep ereemant ewes quiet and free Bret. choice. If one family could not
from aboml. Only use a dog that the afford to purchase the whole crop on
ewes emote and time; he should not one tree, or would like a patt of sev-
be a heel -nipper er loud barker. All eral different fruit trees, then several
work with ewes ;should be very gently families could dub together and pool
done. The ehepherti will have to lose their interests. After the householder
some .r•leep every night during lamb- had his choice, the farmers who wish
ing time. FO that no ewe shall die or to market the fruit, would be given
hare lane., f roin lack of timely an opportunity to bid for their share
atteetionin the crop.
The price would be so regulated by
Location of Farm Buildings. the committee in charge of the aue-
Ltreation of farm buildings is of the tion that there could be no profiteer.
8,0eatnt importance. Many steps are
ing with the property of the commun.
waseed because of poorly locat-
ity. The money realized should be
etl buiidinge. Aectifferent problem used for the initial expense, the up-
keep, and the salaries of the peovin-
is praseet on different farms, so that cial or town officials who have the
it is impossible to lay clown hard and
fast rules for Meeting farm buildings trees in charge.
The best trees to plant along the
Local conditions, such as natural
highway, instead of shade trees, are
drainage or Sleep, will affect the lee' apples, cherries, pears and nut-hear-
catiorrt, n to a great extent. Here are ing trees. These can be planted in
sosuggeetion for the location and. certain numbees, or alternated as the
arrangement of farm buildings:buildcertainnumbrs,
climate and conditions are favorable.
The Parmsteed should be convent -
sae, ieetited respect to the r---rhis planting should be left entirely
to the diem., lion of the provincial
Tlx he rear an• agricultural eepert 4 who have the
hivenecessary knowledge and are the pro-
, road.
persons to exerciee authority, The lei enyaril and Iota should be' Per
to -
welt eiti:er by natural drain -i gether with a kcal committee from
age or tiles. each communite.
tare trough. co.p;:ying into draitis;
160 CIsterns will eliminate 01 2110 mud; .Notes on Various Subjects.
In barnyards.
An e%posed hill IS undesirable, but; Probably the best tool protector and
:slope is to be desired, 1 carrying -case for a small kit may be
A timber windbreak is valuable oR made tit the shape of a roll from a
the ,mrth and west of the farmstead.' pleats of leather or leather substitute
The buildings should be grouped. having a napped or fleecy back.
around a central courtyard. 1 Test the sharpness of the tool by
The corn -crib and granary should drawing it across the thick of the
be convenient to the barn and hog- l thumb, to see if it takes hold of the
l skin, 15 not, then it is not sharp; but
A water supply must be available.' 1:e sharp, at will take hold enough to
Bunning 'water in house, barns and eatch the slciri, and care mud be
taken or a deep cut Will result.
When a tool has been honed, draw
the corners across the hone once or
The barn and yards should be from twice to round the square corner&
150 to 200 feet from the -house, and This will prevent the corners making
eget en the direction of the prevailing
The hoose should. be set well back
Porn the road to avoid the dust.
The bowie ehould 'command a vim
)11.)5 the barn door, the front entrance
from the road, and the central come:-
The shop and implement shed
rellould be handy to both house and
The poultry house may be .'nearer If the silo is empty, refill with
the house than the Other buildings, shock fodder POO through the silage
but ellould be so placed, if possible, eater. , The operation is the same as
that the ehickens Will mit overrun the filling from the field, except that
yard. enter is added.
srards Is a great eonvenience.
Barnyards should not ,face the
Mouse or road,
a score or mark on the surface of the
wood -when it is tut or planed.
Next time you have a job of put-
ting in le window -light, make your
Own petty. Mix Portland eement with
just enough linseed oil so it will be
Crumbly under the knife. This mix-
ture sticks to glass and wood, stays
where you put it and never dries out
so hard, as regular putty.
f„.„ • — '
QittA 461
1 sto 4;V
1:2=. es%
'et • '15240 1*'
t. 47c, 40/21
Yon Require a Garden
to Reduce the High Cost of Living
will do the rest.
They not only grow, but 11130 -
produce the largest and best crops.
Free for the asking. Our 123 -page catalogue of Seeds,
Plants, »albs, roattry Supplies, Garden linpInments.
etc., Is ready. \Vrite to -day.
LIMITEDHmslton Ont.
Establi.shed 70102113. 221
pRETTY good milking you will admit! Yet it is
Macartney double unit to milk a herd of this
size in less than an hour.
What thie means in dollars and cents is easily illustrated. The
average person milks about 8 COWS in an hour, by hand. Figur-
leg wages and bowl at 25 cents an hour, handmilicing one cow
costs about 8 conte or 75 cents for the entire herd. Twice a
day for 365 days means a wage expense of 5547.50.
At 25 cents an hour the labor cost per cow with the Macartney
Milker works out at 1 cent, or 25 cents per day. Twice a day
the year 'round this would mean a milking teat of 5182.50, oe a
yearly saving of 8865.00 through the use of the Macartney
Machine Milker.
Simple figures but very expressive. And remember that Macartney means
profit In other ways. Unmans More walk per 1100, 506616 lactation periods,
less hired help and more time for other ImpOrialit work in the fields,
by no means unusual for one man with a
The Macartney Machine Milker Is a real
160660 166061066 investment, You are losing
money without IL You 00166 in every
way when you adopt it,
Woe Particulars
Further tmormation Contemns toe mem;
ney Machine Maker will he malted you or
receipt of the attached coupon filled In a
Indicated, This Informadon will not obligati
505 )0 any 066y. Even 111 you are not con
templatIns an Immediate purchase ow
litarature will °rove heltiftd and interenthla
The Macartney Milking
Machine Co.
Limited '
The 'Macartney Milking
Machine co. Linitred
Please send nut ScSI particulors
about the Macartney
1 hay* taw
March 1st is Last Receiving Date
for the Great March Sale
When on. the morning of March 22 this first
great Canadian sale begins, as hundreds of
buyers from the United States, Great Britain,
France and Canada, eagerly outbid one another
for the finest average furs ever assembled at
any sale— then you'll be glad you have your
furs on our floor.
And as, day by day, lot after lot is sold and you
realize you are getting more for your furs than
ever before, you will resolve always to send all
of your f1.11:3 to the
Auction Sobs in Pilontrea
—to this great, bigHoine market specializing in
fresh, original, uncuiled Canadian furs, unmixed with
inferior southern varieties.
Do not hold a package or a bale another day. Ship
all your furs nowt They must he sorted, listed and
put into shape in good time for the buyer's inspection.
Liberal advances will be made, gladly, to any shipper„
large or small on request.
SMALL SHIPPERS—Any quantity is acceptable. Honest;expere
grading carefully supervised yielda the best possible results. You.
will never know how much your furs are really worth until you,
ship to us. Our stdes truly test the world's buying strength.
AN INVITATION—Every shipper, every dealer, every manu-
facturer, EVERYONE interested in raw furs is v.Iftity
invited to attend this epoch -marking age.
Auction Sales
nadian Fur
Company, Limit'ed
fra Lagauchstlere Street Wed
Temporary Masi
Windsor Hotels
4N'e°,w /t-
dreio 4?
reeloel oiec/ffte
minted gold of our moments on that
which does not -matter; and a man
must strictly determine that which be
can and cannel; doto hest advantage.
That best advantage is not to lie hie
own. It meet belong to the rine of
which he is involuntarily a member.
The strong and useful people as 16
rule are those that concentrate and
specialize; yet the rule is sometimes
magnificently broken, by men who
defy the danger signals, evade the doc-
tors, conquer weariness and weakness,
and spend themselves in N11;710115 gond
works that leave others wandering
what personal advantage is derived
from such activity.
The lazy—who load their burdens
on the busy—are ever ready to ascribe
to the latter some ulterior motive for
their industry,
They -are ever ready to sae, of the
busy one: "He does it from a love of
power. He seeks a prominence, a con-
sequence. He is puffed up by the sight
and the spread of his name before the
The strong man, unmuraturingly
carrying the burden 1 -kat his slanderer
refuses, has made up his mind that
something is important and that thing
,is relevant for him, lie cannel pielt
and choose for others. That whieh is
rightly the main purpose of his fellow
Is for himself a nil e issue. Nature
has decreed a fortunate diversity of
taste and circumetanee and individual
eapacity. There is a work to do for
every sort of man; and he is happy
when he has discovered where he fits
in the universal echeme and what he
can do thnt commands a value. It
Is no nee to rail at eircumseaneee
and to blame it on our luck When our
station is•below our notion of 'our own
deserts. Tho 10615011 WO are where wo
aro is that we did not choose ono
strong, flon line- o-5 action and subor-
dinate the byways to the highway.
We permitted ourselves tho tangents
and excursions that find us presently
with a youth spent and so little to
show for R. Wo did not distinguish
soon enough between side issues and
the main business for which we were
set on this earth to serve it. All we
can do is to redeem the time remaln-
Mg by our best endeavor.
Try Some of These Vegetables.
Every gardener should try out
some new vegetables each year along
with the regular erops of standard
Among the older vegetables which
should be given a trial is Swiss chard,
which gives quantities of succulent
leaves for greens from spring until
fon Another useful plant for greens
in the fall is kale, which stands much
cold without injury, Eggplant is a
line vegetable, but it is not widely
grown because of its delicate consti-
tution, It does well, however, if good
plants of the rhpht variety are set in
rioh ground, and the potato hugs or
other insects areyicked off,
Salsify and winter radishes aro
root crops valuttble for winter use.
The former vegetable has a distinet
oyster -like flavor, and the latter is
used as fresh finger radishes or is
cooked like .turnips.
Beds of warsiey, as well CB mint,
thyme and other herbs which ewe so
useful for flavoring purposes are not
found en many gardens, although
these plants renew themselves from
year to year without replanting.
Bed cabbage, although it is hand-
some, of extra quality, and sells for
twlee as much as ordinary cabbage,
is seldom seen,
All of these useful vegetables aro
being neglected by the garclenge. Of
ta'erse, most ettentIon should be
given to crops that, are already known
and liked, but every gardener should
try something new each season, Ile
Will probably find e0ittething valu-
Out -of -Doors. • v.
Beautiful Isl.
The raging storm; the quiet etar;
'elle rolling eeal the' shallow bar;
The white' meadow snowy dime;
The little brook in shade SION):
The barren plain; tba nowory vale;
The 'songful bird; the drumming
The gentle rain; the Realty alt';
All out-of.doore everywhere,
Is beatttiftil,
-. • .'se
112 •
Wier ",