The Brussels Post, 1920-2-19, Page 4Cite t'nmset Vha5t ; Flax
-t;!jtYRSDA]', Fk:13RP\1t\'
ARa you belpipg the (tea. Fe weld
Moveme it to win on, ?
OUR Amertc+n ‘,l,nsins are ask ng whit
Will be the nest President) Woodrow
Wilson's record will not be easily beaten.
Wooer; folk in the U•d Countty have
their eye on Hume vacant Parliamentary
seats and say their cause will win. (4o
to it,
KEEP clear off iilduen2a, if possible.
It is taking a elect too tele season
• from the human tenni:}. Doctors and
nurses have beeu tumble to cope ,with
the epidemic iu some places. Avoid (By W S.Edwards in "Toronto Satur-
crowded rooms,day Night.")
live iu stn a to -(late ego, When :t new Prime Minister is ins-
WrsSttrely 1, F toted in the r.,d.rn ,id stead' of
w'il!!±nt 1-1. 11enst, he will''
,'tehth t , oc.upy 1het exalted position
in the province of Ontario since the
birth ,a the t'ontederetion fifty-two
ve.trs age'.
the seven Prime Ministeers who
the seven Prime Ministers who
the province it k a rather peculiar
,)incidence that the first and the sev-
enth held entree for practically the
same term of years, namely, four,
while the third to fill the office had an
unbroken run of twenty-four years, a
petered unequalled by any premier in
any country in which responsible goe-
er:rtnent (obtains. In fact, had he re-
tained his position for two years
leneer, which he quite readily might
b,tve done, it could at this date have
been said that he held the Premier-
•hir ter one-half of the Confederation
retied so tar expired. The Premier
tw ith this enviable record was, of
curse. Sir Oliver Mutvat, The late
?r James Whitney ante next in order
r; t,., length of service with ten years
le his credit, the late Sir George Ross
Herd with a little over five years,
e lisle the shortest terns of all was the
ten m•'nths the lata Edward Blake was
at the head of the Government.
The first Prime Minister, who came
int'' 'Ailed concurrently with the crea-
tien of the D"mini,in in 1867, was John
Sandfield Macdonald, In one other
resrect besides approximately the
same pri•i!,d of time they were in office
the gest end seventh Premiers of the
post lace had a siutilar experience; nei-
ther were leaders by selection of party
caucus. John Sandfield Macdonald
was Premier of the first Provincial Gov-
ernment by will of .John A. Macdonald
the Prime Minister „f the new Federal
Parliament, although his appointment
was endorsed by the electorate at the
eneral election which followed. Sir
AN aleim clock has been put on the William Hearst was the selection of a
Flax I a fe,t months later he deed from a DON'T
Pyo .
disease trolly which he hili long her+, "�'�
p1t Macdonald a ,r, not only tit,' ,m.---"
trst Premier of the pruyul+.e, Nut let: Backing's Heart and Warrenat:ttted7
fa IiI tell li4 who has onset' tilled that t,Lelia� it l n.L �� � wasthe first and only Roman 4 tttitn is simply a wonderful Preparation for
In Diseases of alto Heart; drives out
Ontario. Still another peculiar thing Pain, Pear, Worry and the uncertain -
about his regime is that during (ver I that goes along with diseases Q
I'h'' liuuw tt nuty Flax billy, Ltd„ three years of it tete llL et errant v- dila mast Important organ,
lain,>eiN, are open lit relit tt !united error. Sir William
N Idrth
Amtruan > SI. J')Ii1PLFSSNESS
uer,tge et No, 1 eiel land On Flax organ.
'1'11w111,.", pUtjll'NtlH. h'In'tnVr will ph'wv, A4 was
was wtt,'.allaexpected.
spit C` dll, Hon, f?dw'artt tbattenland You Must Rao Sleep in
Blake F
order to build up your health and
etrength, If the Nerves are all a
tingle and Jimmy, and the Brain Is in
a state of unrest through Overwork,
W orry Or 501110 Funettonal :Disorder,
a restful sleep will be difficult to ob-
tain. Do not dope yourself with
"sleaping powders" or "heart depress-
ents"-take Haeking's Heart and
Nerve Remedy and a natura6 sleep
will follow.
is Nature's Signal of disharmony
the human body. It may come from
impoverished blood, overtaxed brain,
Joss of elecp or it may be from Con'
gestion followed by Inflammation.
No matter what the cause may he
Hacking's 'Heart and Nerve Remedy
will help you.
People who have been ailing -for
years should not expect a Complete
Cam in a few days but should per-
sist in the treatment in order to ban-
ish the underlying causes and to cor-
rect the evil conditions that bring
about the trouble. You should bo
Sure to get Hacking's as no other
kind will do. lie particular about
your medicine, as YOUR health is
Haeking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
is sold by all first class druggists or
by mail post paid. Price EOn a box,
6 boxes for $2.50. Haoking's Limited,
upon 10 form the
new administration, and among those
whotn be tuck into his cabinet were
Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. who be-
am. Protinc tl Treasurer, end Mr
Ad.un l lolly, web) accepted the pont.
tele) et Attorney -General. nut tee
months later, both Blake and Mac-
kenzie, being ars( members of the
House of Commons, retired from the
Provincial Legislature, in compliance
with the provisions of an Act of the
Federal Parliament forbidding dual
Then came the advent of Sir (then
Mr.) Oliver Mowat as Prime Minister
0..1 the pee:ince, d eosition he heli!
without intelotption ter twwentsetonr
year•. it was tee (without seine daft
culty that Mr. Mowat was persuaded
to re-enter public life, he having, after
assisting, as a member of the Cana-
dian Parliament, in bringing about
Confederation, retired to the bench
in the hope and expectation that the
remainder of his days would be spent
in ease :old quietness, being at that
time 52 wears of age. leis lirst impulse,
Itis biographer tells us, '• was unhesi-
tatingly to recuse.' In fact. it was only
on the personal solicitation of Edward
Blake and George Brown that he
finally decided to leave the bench and
re-enter political life.
It is interesting to specuate as to
what the course of subsequent events -
might have been had Sir Oliver ab-
solutely refused to leave the quietude
of the bench) for the turmoil of politi-
cal life. Personalis he would have
leen known in history as line of the
Fathers of Confederation. Had he
persisted in remaining on the bench
he would undoubtedly have attained
fame for the greatness of his judicial
mind. But what would have happened
to•Ontario had he not been at the
belt) when the great question of pro-
vincial rights was the issue between
the Governments of Toronto and Ot-
tawa respectively Sir Oliver Mowat
was not only a great constitutitntal
lawyer, but he was a persistent tighter
as well, Had Ontario in those days
a Premier tweak and not strung in
boat these respects the outcome might
have been somewhat afferent. As a
result of these victories, which Inc
the outstanding achievement of Sir
4 liver eluwat's regime, Ontario ob-
tained an addition of about sixty mil-
lion acres to her territory; ownership
of the land, timber and mineral re-
sources of the northern part of the
province and authority regarding the
issuing of liquor licenses,
When in 1896, Sir Oliver Mowat re-
signed from the Premiership to enter
the Cabinet of Sir Wilfrid Laurier he
cots succeeded by Arthur Sturgis
Hardy, who had entered the, Legisla•
tive Assembly about twenty' -two
wears before, and had tar nearly twen-
ty years been a member of the Cabi-
net, Mr. Hardy possessed splendid
business Attitude and administered
with ability the several departments
over which he presided during his ac-
tive political career, but he was im-
pulsive in temperament and at times
inclined to be irascribe. To his politi-
cal opponents he was known as the
"wicked partner," but to his friends,
and he had a host lel them, he was a
good fellow. Owing to ill health he
retired from the Premiership a little
over three years after stepping into
Sir Oliver's shoes and was appointed
to a position in Osgoode Hall, He died
shortly afterwards from an attack of
Sir George W. Ross became Premier
in October, 1899, in succession to Mr.
Hardy, a position he retained until his
administration was defeated in January
1905. Sir George entered the Legis-
lature in 1883, having resigned his seat
in the House of Commons to enter the
Mowat Cabinet as Minister of Education
an office he held until assuming the
The outstanding achievement of the
Ross administration was the construct-
ion of the Temiskaming and Northern
Ontario Railway, which not only open-
ed up the fertile clay belt lands of the
North to settement, but led to the dis-
covery of the wonderful mineral re-
sources of that part of the province, the
utas, harrow and P4(' i i4' laud lel
good level timid hilt. Uou)lntuy will
furnish seed and do tilt' sowing. Poe
lsiaeat 'word twi11. the 111111 Nino i1o'r, 'J,
RfMENIli)I'Ft;, Ht,i':^.'•I
One of the news fearer L, t`ta
ing of a branch BBanl, :4baat,1 ocean litt-
ers where regular Iets.ress may be 11.lus-
aeted. A register staff wtli Lr mane.
tained it is said.
WR sometime:, puke tun at luau
n rt.''!'. Aaothel
Chinaman but he b. t±
proof of their eieidy l.. 410eteee i' the
- fact that they lead Ewes., .0 tile` u s lit
wireless telegraph: Unite: ebb stian
tutelage China rt, .,kegreat alvaaees,
it in t..r ertaade.
It's;ours t0 aid
ST. Txoii v ' 11 ticuliami
which is a genwiut e; live organ z treat,
will re-engage their expert lautlsc+pe
gardener to take charg'..''.4 the te,,n .fi.
cation of the city as 1 re•.ates , Rota.
Wafture A trip t( that ci'y wuu d hi a
lover of dottrels gt„d
JUDGE COA1'.W0RTH, 1'0105(0, tcwa-otly
imposed 5 days' uupr.,.•,umcnt or. 'ten 10
year old yu:tths, plus a grad so 0 king.
for stealing a watch. If egret dear old
mother could be secured to ply tine slip
per it would he well dune, it she were as
good a band as some e'1 the arty fashion•
end mothers.
POPULATION et Catt:ei;l is said lit be :,t
this period a 835,icx. (\Matin Province
leads with a reseed „ 2 ?2) gets. The
next IO eats wi.1 1.e a Y""t1 gruW ilg
time for the Land of tale Maple. slur
rah 1 for Canada. Ad in boosting rt
market that instead of kicking up old `li Zoe '454 w'as rejected on his first ap
Ned with its tvhirrrr, when the desired
hour is reached a ithnu^grnph record is
set in motion and the sleeper is rcusrd
thereby. Musiea'. numbers with too
much solace wvou d n)' do however nor
such popular melodies as "It's nice 10
get up in the moraine "
SOME. folk say the 1)•tmiuiOn Gtvern•
ment may increase the sessional indem-
nity from dea.50o to $3,5oo or perhaps
$4,000. Might as well. this will be the
last chance for a good while. Every M
P. will close his eves, took resigned and
vote for the increase, no doubt, but it
looks considerable like going thrnugb
the country's pants pockets when the
wearer is not looking,
GERMAN array it still 400,000 strong
We expect it is no easy matter to "cut
out" the militaristic ideas and ideals so
carefully implantsd for many a year
The reign of Peace will triumph despite
the inhumanity , f ratan Golden Rule
iutrodaetien at': t •:thful adherence to
its measureme1's w:'.i solve the maty
perplexing prob:ams lit today and in -
Mori ow.
LAST week the 4 4't''." e' not elm" ehes
of Canada enga t J i , '1'e Grua' For-
ward Movement styli- > ' 1 themseiw• sin
the heartiness arid 11ilu;lieence of their
gifts. 1Vhen 'hr'a ea's:scornp'ettd
the objectives wy''i he a taine'1 and a
great itnpetti.s giv�;a to Sit1. e'1 advance.
meat in this and Other lands. Faith and
Works must go hand in hand to secure
the ultimate triumph.
'TuA'r Liberty fel League gang would
be a pretty hunch to put in power at
'rorouto $20,00.' to take revenge on
Hon. Rainer wt a trifle high t0 ' tet
With. Some It'ldin g met) who ell Wtd
their names to be as, minted Willi the or
ganiaation have tobogganed a long piece
down hill in public estimation since
they signed tip, It savors a bit of same
one endeavoring to wotk r.ff a little
black art 011 the Province. Dear Lretb-
ren of the League, you are making fools
of yourselves but not fooling anyh'.tly
else, Better crit it att.
peal tri the people.
There was one pecularity about the
first general election in the province
which differentiates It from those
whish have since followed, It was not
fought nut on the party lines, the result
in each t,t the eighty-two constintuen-
cies then existing being largely de-
termined by local feeling and condi-
ti„us. But although there was not an
ergani,ed Opposition party it was not
long before one was evolved. In fact,
from the very start there was a group
of men in the House, the leader of
whom was Edward Blake, who were
sharp. able and alert in their criti-
Part of the Oppusition was due to
the fact that in the opinion of the Re-
formers they were ^not adequately
represented in the Cabinet, the five
members composing it being John
Sandfield Macdonald, Matthew Crookes
'Cameron and John Carling, Conser-
vatives, and E. B Wood. and Stephen
Richards, Reformers.
But that which was probably more
at the root of the opposition was sus-
picion regarding the influence of John
A. Macdonald. it was held that the
latter always had his finger in the pro-
s erNial pie, and that during the pre-
-ilex. ge,leral election the two premiers
had "hunted in couples." That the Fed-
eral ,elacdonald did try to run the Pro-
vincial ship "1 state there can be no
doubt. it is clearly set forth in Pose's
Life of Sir John that at rue time, owing
to John Sandfield not always being am-
enable to the Federal Premiers's wishes
the latter had seriously considered en-
tering the Provincial Legislature by
twat' el the constituency of Frontenac,
dual representation at that time being
permissible, hoping thereby to be in a
better position to control the situation.
To use his own words, he "wanted a
check on the powers that be at Tor -
As with the last Parliament of the
province, so with the first, legislation
for the cuntrol of the liquor traffic
came in for considerable attention,
-although its aim was the regulation
t tavern licenses and not prohibition,
Another matter which came in for ser-
ious 5'msideration and one which to
the present generation must appear
peculiar, was tate building of wooden
r,iile ars, "as a means of furthering
the .settlement of the province," a
atnuuittee being appointed to consider
its feasibility. And this within the life -
SANDWICH Township 'telephone Co.
removed a phone from the home of a
subscriber for constantly "listening."
27 witnesses were called in an appeal
vase over the cancelling of the instru-
ment, Somebody who says they know
Whereof they stfirm states there would
hardly be a telephone left on some
party lines if they were governed by the
same rule. By the way it is One of the
regulations of almost every Company
and warnings have been seat to same
'phone holders who are craoker-jacks at
"Listening -in,"
time ',t men of to-dayl
John Sandlield Macdonald Was a
41111 "f considerable experienee in
public life, and in 1.862 succeeded to
the Premiership tef Canada of that
day. But he was scarcely an astute
politician, was slow and over -cautious
and eitltout a definite policy, "the
rock. upon which," according to.. one
who knew him well, "he ultimately
split." Ile could also strongly dislike
as well as like, and George Brown was
one of those whom he particularly
disliked, In fact his dislike of Brown
appears to have been born largely of
Althnupht his defeat of the Govern-
ment came in the general election of
March, 1871, John Sandfield Macdon-
ald held on to office until December,
when, on a vote of watat of confidence,
moved by Alexander Mackenzie, be
was finally compelled to resign, while
aggregate output of which had, up to
the end of 1918, exceeded in value the
enormous sunt of over half a billion dol-
Sir James Whitney came to the
Premiership following the defeat of
Sir George Ross. The outstanding
achievement of his administration was
of course, the creation of the Provincial
Hydro -Electric 'Commission under the
leadership of Sir Adam Beck, as a result
of which Ontario to -day leads all coun-
tries, en a per capital basis, in respect
to its electric development.
Sir William Hearst assumed' the Monthly Horse Faire will Inc held in
Premiership on the death of Sir JameS Brussels this seaenn es follows :
Whitney in 1915. The outstanding THURSDAY, al Alt. 4th, 1920
achievements of his administration APR let, 1D20
were. directly and indirectly, associated
with the war. But that for which Sir
Willlant Hearst will be best remem- • local
tiered in history will be his temperance
legislation, which the people of the
province have recently so emphatically
endorsed, although both he and his
5 e
0 ,.Y
•f surance
i s
►► Persons intending to ••
► place Weather Insurance
on buildings would do
iwell to see
Immigrants To renada from the VIINIMUI11111110�
United States fol the firm dight
Months of 1919 numbered 38,222,
an increase of 7,709 over the game
period last year.
Auction Sale
Purvis, Auotloneer,bait reoetvod inalrnn
tions from the undersigned Proprietor to soil
by Public' AusSion at Nt Lot I0, Con, 2, Morris
township, 12 )piles Sattth Fane of Bluevelel on
Frod1 arty bl20th, t o'clock. the
500mare following d
to drive, i1 heavy home lrelosiint g 8 years,
n1 t heavy
colt rising 2 genre by Gott
1 heavy no
rising 1 year by Mascot, 2 farrow caws, 1 ter•
raw cow 0 goner old 1 000 and calf, $ steers
rising 2 years, 11 hopers rising 2 yours, 7 tears
rising 1 tear, 8 heifers rising 1 rent' t young
read 7)155 about 126 41', 1 sow wl(b 4 pigs
ready to wean, 2 sows can'vitt and litter to
farrow at limo of sale, 1 pigs about 2 months
,Id, kity' fork, oar r0p0, 0111155 and pulieylt
Hale will be wll'hout reserve as Pronrletot^ s
'seem hos expired. Terms. -Stuns of 510 00 and
under rash : over that amount 10 mouths cred-
it amounts.
MAT, J, 510LENNAN, Proprietor,
1't.annt:ms. &o -Thos, Gundry Anct)oneer,
hast been instructed by the undersign cid to sell
by Public Auction at 1,01 10, Con 0, Morris
Township, on Tuesday, lteb. 24th, at 1 o'clock,
the following property ;-1 heavy draft inure
7 rears old, 1 heavy draft 114:4'0 12 years old,
1 general purpose horse 6 years old, 1 general
purpose colt rising 1 year. 4 fresh cows, 1 oow
inge o,tppottdiIni only, 1 heife O0isingo5 years,
8,i -taffeta rising 2 years, 1 Metier rising 2 years.
0 yearling calves, 4 intuit: valves, 40 hens, 27
Rock pallets, Massey -Berrie hurter, Prost C
Wood mower, int tsay.H nrrta Bekasr hay
loader, thessey.Rn1'r''n manure 5145,511. •. 'rix•
well cultivator, seed drill, int drile. hay
reke, Conksbutt 2 furrow plow, '- watt Mg
plows. set harrows, disc harrow, snuffler, fan•
Meg mill, wagon, demoerut wagon, 1 pad enrt,
top buggy, elitist., asst sleighs, iiokln grinder,
tongue trunk, hayrack, gravel box, sleigh plat.
form, Delaval cream separator. Chatham in-
cubator and brooder, sugar kettle, 60 sap 05110,
logging chain, 26 gal. steel barrel, root pulper,
2 seta double harness. 2 sets plow herness, set
single harness, forks, ehovnls anti numerous
other articles. ,A quantity of peas, wheat
mixed grain and hay, gttontity bedroom and
kitchen furniture. Sale wit110111 re-
serve ea the proprietor hail sold his farm
Terms -610.00 and under cash ; over Mint
amount 10 manna credit given on furnishing
approved joint notes, 4 per cent oft for naso
on ortdit amounts
lUl L1 Stewart
Agent for the Ontario farmers'
• Weather insurance Co.
0 •
Head of rico, Grand Vailoy
administration were at the same time
emphatically rejected.
Of the seven Premiers the province
has had since Confederation Sir James
Whitney was the only one to die while
in harness, and Sir George Ross and
Sir William Hearst were the only ones
to he ejected from (Ace by the will of
the people.
To enable a man with one leg to
mount a bicycle or rest while riding,
a Eurrpean inventor has patented a
small wheel to be attached upon one
side of the frame of a machine.
A Brazilian living in New York has
invented It machine to cast piston
rings at a rate of 18,000 to 20,00 a
day by whirling molten metal into
shape by centrifugal force.
Rates ; $ix.00 per 1000
to 44444i'404i41+sA'► 41444ti44t44444
_._.. '.i,EMPLETON'S
P,,s1EUM TI a
''' 1 Ut PAGO, f!-EUP.. LGIA,GOUT ETC. t4
iCh'PLFi0151°time '411IN557.117000070
Bumnn!ty has1 tekrti a practical nccumnt'e
since tins..' l,e 4911. Y,r bnlen ore 61.11 t
eartyat lust..'4'-,:; e, ea ,tr:c' a lbs and
?oda t„ ala in r,lief, wet hell. r rt'.+,its are
nchlr. -4 ti '.'1'.1 ty nein,.'0.r..11's 'O c
roman.❑ crus01 ' intent.." .t 31111 arc coat
and t, .rifle 611(1 ecr caber lrcntm, nt and
yea t^ .1 11,c n 'a.' d Ask yout dot gist
nt rn v i'5 10uw 10':1 11ase,± rest-
in)'•e,d 6 s yen nathl 4".n11..',.111, 112
Rnit; w, Toronto). W0'111;111uuywhereou
receipt tf 11.111.
Sole agent in Hrn4+ole. .l is. Fox, Draggist.
f has taken over the Deming Ag- 4,
, full line of +
+1, Vern) ilttipit'mietlta hdles etelnlling elle :
!I' .noted 4
t, 1. H. C. Cream Separators
John Oliver
BRUSSIt1L', 4.
and Outside
will be Present
By order of Council.
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
�iplUiVUU141111iUf{fi11�UV�IIIUI IiUUVIfilfiViillliVf�111tilY�UIUI�U(UUP�UiiIT��UUIUAIii � u bi1111ilIVuUVU1@ll 1. �f�'�li!e
Chapman Bros. Cash Sh.'e Store
High Quality in Sh les
Spring Goods Latest Styles
to hand
0011 1%0170 :
Quality and Oreatest Value
for your money t' emplifittl
in each pair.
Your Examination of these
goods will please us.
Harness Department
Light. anti Heavy flatness, Robes, Blankets), Tutt 1(1. nod Sateliels,
Whips, &c.
Repairs it) Beefless, Collars, Shoes and Rabbets 1e, mealy dune,
J" \v e etre Shoe and harness Makers of 1')xperi'!ut itt,tl 4 tuu'an'
tee satisfaction.
Chapman Bros.
;text door to Vinik of 51 .v., bounty �
i I
I Jliullllmi�i
Successote to Richards it Co.
Farm for Sale
Gond 160 acre farm for sale, being P:1 Lot 16,
and Bi of Si Lot 14, Con, 7, Morris townohlp,
100 bores are under cultivation with 60 acres
ready for seeding : 0 aures Fall wheat ; good
bash and pastor° with never failing aprtng
'00011le thrungh pasture Good comfortable
house, bank barn 40 x 00 feet, man hay barn
and driving shed, pig pen, orchard, well Wilt.
erect, Aa. 0 mneo from town, To bo sold
on account of ill 1lsalth. For further partleu-
lnrs as to price, terms, eta.. apply to it. 11. S00tt
Brussels or FRA120I5 4. BS1RNES,
20•tf Blyth R.R. No. 2.
Short Horn Bull Calves for Sale
Undersigned offers for 1,510 5 Short Horn
bull calves, Prom the well known sire, Hera -
field Stamp bred by Harry Smith and owned
by undersigned. A cow, Pr'intot,0e Pat from
same ball, sold et Brioker'e sale, Elmira re•
meetly for SI000, the highest price et sale. Re-
port says "She is a heifer of Show calibre and
5 oars old,' Rersdel.l Stamp is also for sale.
Will riled Foil a registered Berkahlre !tog. 6141
Lot 00, Con, d. blot'ria,I owsnhipG. I'hIn,
Phone 100 Brnosels P. 0,
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on Sy'
Lot 00, Con, 2, Morris township, thetltore'-bret).
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No.
00418-. Sired by Gainford Marquis (106(300) ;
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 1180601. Ped-
igree b0 peen on application et time
610 i i for trier • gtt to payable r time lit ser-
vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not
allowed. THOS, PIEROE,
Short Horn Bulls
W o base won 1st Pi 0 , u mar' at. Bats- ..
self; Fall Pair fora years m ..... ........hal and havo
always smoothing e,.r1 ,n 6 ,m I 1.,t' rale.
0.'I'Un:Q I'. tJLL fi HON,
Phone 2814 1,01 10, t'„n. 15. Croy Twp,
matter ofthe estate of James Sim -
son, late of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, Farmer, 110-
Notice o hereby given rel-naut to "Ten Ho•
vtaed Stalntes of Ontario," that all ortdltele
and others having claims ngoiest the a -tate of
the said ,to,nes Stinson, who die.; on or abort
the lath clay of dannary, A. D.1010, are renter.
ed 0n or before the 21st day of February, A.
1), 1010, to send by anal prepaid or deliver to
W. M. Sinclair, of the Village of BP°eaela, in
the County orSoMieo-
torn of the las ttWtn and II'esYt m11ent tor fort,f 'lieie ed e.
sensed their Christian and surname., nddreoses
end desortptinirtr, the fell pnrtieu'nre of lhetr
eloims, the statement or their evocators and
the natant of the securtt tea lir ans1 held by
And. further take nobs' that after such 10,1
mentioned Stile the onttl Executors w'il1
proneed to dierributn the 0601(5 of the having
smong leo parties entitled !which, having re•
surd only to ten claims or which they shill
then hove notice, and the said Executors will
not he liable for the. anid i,sete or any part
thereof to any person or persons of whose
claim Notice shall 110t )lave been received by
theta et the time or mini' distribution.
Dated tit Brussels this and clay of Pebrnitry,
A. D. 1020.
Solioi d
slld Stran, Andrew da,
itrhe only Oream Salim atot' with
,t, twn wide olyen mean) outlets- .1.
tter(ream, See it lwhenei in tows tath o 4'
a The I. ft C, 8-16 and 111-20 Tractors •
I' etaatnnng tee treat. 4.
1The Deering Manure Spreader
t with the wide spired and very 4.
light it draft,::r
'Naves ...,eieeseere
E, ARE Ford Dealers in this
distri& and have formed an
estimate of the number of cars we
will require to meet the needs of
this territory. We cannot get
enough cars to fill that estimate
i carsg
are not enou
because there �,
being made to fill all dealers'
estimates throughout Canada.
The number of cars we can get
depends upon the number of orders
we send in and the early date at
which we send them in, as the Forel
Shipping Department follows the
principle, `First Come, First
Cars ordered now will not be
delivered until March, and deliver-
ies will be uncertain throughout the
year. If you do not want to wait
for summer or autumn delivery,
come in and reserve your car by
signing an order today.
D. M. Scott, Dealer Brussels