The Brussels Post, 1920-2-19, Page 3•
Stefansson, the Arctic Travel-
ler, is Very Sceptical Regard-
ing "Direction Sense."
The apparently marvellous way in
which Indians, Eskimos and other
Primitive peoplee mako their way
through forests, snow covered areas
or other regions that have little to ha
(Beate direction to white rewecmers
has led to a widespread belief that
they possess a mysterious sixth souse
01 direction.
Stefaussou, lila Arctic traveller, who
has lived much with E81d111os, is very
sceptical about the existence of any
superiority of 8011SO of direction
among primitive pcuplos of any kind,
and gives strong evidence from per -
sorter experience that Edkimns have
no such superiority.
Inferior to White Men.
The ability of Indiana and others to
fled their way ho attributes solely to
their familiarity with the country
through which they are passing. Tlley
note ]many things that they have seen
before and that have no significance
to the stronger in the land. White
mete can and do acquire the same
.ability to find their way when they
have learned to know a country. When
the land is equally strange to the
white ]man and the Indian or the Eski-
mo, the white man, because of his bot -
,ter developed reasoning power, is
more likely to have a correct line of
direction than the Eskimo.
Steflutsson tells how, at a time when
his little party was in great need of
food, one of his Eskimos, Tannaumirk,
.cane Mune late at night and caused
:great rejoietug by relating his suc-
cess iu killing it caribou which he had
.etartod to pursue early 1n the morning.
Ito was the hero of the hour and re -
minuted his adventures In great detail.
When he finished his story Stefans-
son asked him whether it was a long
way to the spot where the meat lay
and whether lie had cached it safely.
The 1 :4kimo"s answer was that he had
covered the pleat with snow and set
traps by it, and that the place wee a
long way off, Stefansson volunteered
to go with hilts tile ]text morning, but
Tannaulnlrk said this would not be
necessary: if he were to start early
in the morning he would, without as-
stet(nice, be tlhle to get the meat hone
by night, Bright and early the liext
day he was off with sled and dogs, bat
it had long been pitch dark when he
returned. In answer to questions he
said that leo had been hurried all the
time; that Ito hall hastily loaded the -
moat on the sled, had set two addition-
al traps by the deer kill, making four
altogether, and had come right back
Took the Long Way Around
The next day about noon Tannau-
mirk had gone off somewhere to set
fox traps. Stellaitsson and his com-
panion, Dr. Anderson, hoard some of
their dogs howling and whining be-
hind a ridge about half a utile away
from the camp. The'sounds indicated
that the dogs had been caught in
traps. As the weather was about 40
degrees below zero, there was danger
that 1f the dogs' paws, if pinched in
traps, would freeze quickly and ren-
der the clogs valueless for service.
Stefansson and Anderson hastened
therefore to the rescue. They found
four of the dogs, as they expected,
with their feet eau lit in traps. But
what greatly surprised them was to
find these traps around the deer kill,
which Tannaumirk had taken so
many hours to reach in his trips back
and forth. The explanation was that
Tanniutmirk, in starting after the deer,
had followed it as it took a circuitous
course of more than ten miles, After
• shooting the doer en had followed the
trail over which lit had come and in
going after its meat he had once more
made the circuitous trip, covering
more than twenty miles in a round trip
to a spot that was less than half a
mile away. White men even of slight
education would make allowance for
the angles of direction and would cut
across, but Stefanssson says that the
Indians or the Eskimos in his expert..
once have no such notion, but in re.
turning from a point will travel over
the same route by which they reached
it unless there are some landmarks in
might recognized earlier in the day.
When the Young Calf
In many sections 11 is a common
praceice to buy calves two and three
days old for vealing, in winter and
spring. I have found the journey
from one farm to the other sometimes
Injures the calf by chilling it, the re-
sat being scours, and„ possibly the
loss of the calf later.
When selling it two -clay -old Guern-
sey calf last winter, I was afraid that
the new owner eves taking a long
chance. Ile solved the problem by
bringing a large-sized sugar barrel,
Some dry straw wasput on the bot-
tom of the barrel, and the calf curled
contented' n
la I o this etre
p y w, and,
protected by the sides of the barrel
Send a thick 'blanket, it made a six,
mile journey through nearly zero
weather none the worse for bhp ex.
Lave of 'luxury is the hole lin the
pocket of thhi ,
A Tonic Medicine is Needed to
Build Up the Digestive
The old-fashioned methods of treat.
Mg stomach diseases are hotne dis-
carded, Tho trouble with the old-
fashiotod methods was that when the
treatment was stopped the trouble re.
turned in an aggrat'ated form.
The modern method of treating in'
digestion and other forms of stomach
trouble Is to tone up the stomach and
glands to their normal work. Every
step toward recovery is a step gained
not to be lost again, The recovery
of the appetite, the disappearance of
pain after eating, the absence of gas,
are steps on the road to health that oolits, In two IengLhs, suitable for
those who have tried the tonic treat- small women; front in two sections])I°fid' but which origlnafly were in-
remember distinctly, 1)r. Wil- two styles of sleeve. Cut in 8 sizes,accent enough, ttucted`vast con-
liums' Pink Pills are a tonic every 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 10 requires, courses to 1110 Coliseum et Rome. Gib -
constituent of which is helpful in with bell sleeves, longer length, `•'4 bon says that, with the upper wooden
building up the digestive organs, and ,yards 36 inches wide, or 2% yards 54 galleries, which have lees disappolr
therefore the very best remedy for ➢aches wide; with dart sleeves, od, the place could ac0Ommodat0 $7, -
simple or chronic cases of stomach shorter length, 3% yards 36 ,incites 000, and that it was frequently packed.
wale,yards G4 inches wide. The place was open to the sky, and
Width around bottom, 1% yards. j would have been a very likely objec-
No. 9146—Misses' Dress. Price, 25 tive for a Greek air-raid, say.
cents. Body and sleeves in one; with:
or without collar and flounces; dress
in two lengths. Cut in 3 sizes, 10 to a
20 years. Size 10, without flounces, STORMY WEATHER
longer length, 3 yards 36 inches wide;
with flounces, 4% yards 30 inches
wide; vest, % yard, 27 inches wide„
Width, 1% yards.
No. 9101—Misses' Dress. Price, 25
cents. Suitable £or small women; The stormy, blustery weather which
two styles of sleeve; two-piece skirt we have during February and March
in two lengths, with or without two- is extremely hard on children. Con -
piece tunic attached to basque. In 3 ditions make it necessary for the
sizes, 16 to 20 years. Seize 10, with mother to keep them In the house.
tunic, 2i yards, 54 inches wide; Theyare often confined to overheated,
without tend 2 yards, 54 inches wide; badly ventilated rooms and catch
vest, % yard 27 inches wide. Width
144 yards. colds which reek their whale sistem.
These. patterns may be obtained To guard against this a box of Baby's
from your local McCall dealer or from Own Tablets should be kept in the
the McCall Co„ 70 Bond St., "oronto,
Dpt, W.
Big Crowds,
I1. 1:' .ai:l Ii ni 1,4,110(1 pel,ptr• were
prt•4.(41(1 I' 11„• hil MIN:evolve at
throe ;are the r 1, , 1 wove, het more
have+ f�srinh Fal fn 11 fn,Ibatl Witt
.111E'11 I"7!l:,hlP„i :,iln Seotti/nll have mot
hi :1 match r ed' l tee handling eerie,
sad 14 11 4 "4 n)(4 mulch tr"twe•e.rt
the Ncotil , ';"'0 2!1,1113 at 1111,,•
guw Would reutu rly' at; met s t•rowd
1!11141 1t+.', bnl'orr, 2104 war•.
Tho 11.4 wit 11 tat watched tilt match
between 1 try and the 'Spots 1,1 the
Crystal Ili lt:: Wag Cut11Mnl"(1 at 1211,,
0041, and talcs h4 '.ilio for ',lee" it:
the recent.; of fere let 11 t r L ,t has
only once 01• Mil. gl,( ntiywflt re 'tear
foothe1 (Igo i'. for number!, ,resent
on ono, day, 1;14 4)1d 'rrcll :.4, .11au-
ellev.ter, sura«, , . urK '�Fco, iu .40 Ane,
ttuliatl nruleb, !:!1. ,r..,liiOf! v:ilh :i
crowd of fifty thou -,=and. -
I3111 Englishmen lishmen do not emelt b«x,t
8201 9A40 8181 the old lt0141', 0 !•' the,: att•edau'•e at
sport... The e1et;,tonal rec,tr:.•;te,
No. 9204—Misses' Dress, Price, 25 which latterly d' lm.ed.hito orgies of
trouble. The success of the treat-
ment Is best shown by hundreds of
hases liko the following. Mrs, Chas.
Colnbr, Piston, Ont., says: --"For up•
wards of two years I was a great slit-
terer from indigestion, ' Food would
ferment in my stomach, and I would
belch gas with a burning sensation.
Often I would be troubled with nau-
sea, sick headache and dizziness.
Notwithstanding that I was under
medical treatment the trouble grew
so bad, that I would anly oat when
absolutely forced to, and I was in con-
stant misery, I was finally advised
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
had only been using them a few
weeks when I fowl they were help-
ing ine. I very, gladly continued their
use and the result is they have made
me a well woman, every vestige of the
trouble having disappeared. I am so
grateful tor what Dr, Williams' Plnk
Pills have done for rue that I strongly
advise any who may be suffering from
stomach trouble to give them a fair
trial, and I believe that like myself
they will find a sure cure,"
-Lou can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through troy dealer in medicine,
or by tnntl, post pate, at 50 cents a
box, or eix boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. WilliamsMedicine Co„ Brock-
ville, Ont.
Selling Farm Products.
Does advertising pay? It certainly
does or we would not see the ever-in-
creasing amount of space used in
magazines, in dailies, and ,in the farm
in all he kind; in Nothing be suspicl-
,Exile all doubt when thinking of a
And you will find the harmony delict.
That, life to cheer, the skies to mor-
tal send.
Ask for Minnrd's and take no other,
A Mountain Tragedy.
Occasionally there are tragedies in
the lives of bears just as iu the lives
of human beings, Mr. Enos A. Mills
The average business man is thor- writes in his new book, The Grizzly;
erghly convinced that publicity does ,a1111 he goes on to tell of au appealing
pay, bee -Luse he has tried it out foe- Incident 1n which a pair of cubs whose
mother had been shot by a hunter
were the heroes. The little bears
were discovered peeping from beneath
a large rock a short distance from
where the slate animal lay, and alter
hesitating for a moment they came
out and stood looking intently toward
the men and their dead mother.
As the men did not move, they took
a few steps toward them, Hesitating
again, they stopped, rose up and look.
ed around, and then hastily retreated
to the rocks. Evidently their mother
had trained them to stay wherever
she left them until she returned, but
they had waited a long time.
For a while they stood and whim-
pered very much like hungry, forsaken
children. They could scent their
mother, and use her, too, and they
were hungry and lonesome. Again
they started slowly toward the men,
walking closely side by side. When
very near, they paused, rose on their
hind legs, and looked In wonder and
longing at their lifeless mother. Then'
they went to her, One little cub
sniffed in a bewildered, puzzled way
over her cold, still body. He gently
stroked her fur with his paw and then
sat down and begin to whimper and
The other e0b stood looking with
awe into his mother's motionless face,
but at last he shook off his fright and
smelled her bloody head; then, all
forlorn, he turned to look into the face
of the hunter, who had been watching
the little cub all this while with tears
on his cheeks. After a moment he
took a step toward him, rose up and,
putting his forepaws upon the man's
knee, looked confidently into hie face.
The men carried the little Orphans to
camp, and the hunter raised them.
Their mother was the last animal that
he ever shot,
quently. But the average fanner is
not convinced that publicity will pay
I well remember the first time I
used space in my country papers. I
thought the money was thrown away,
but in due time I began to get in-
quiries, and sold the products I had
advertised, at a good profit. And
after the ice has once been broken ,it
is the natural thing to go right ahead
and advertise every time one has any-
thing of value to sell. But with many
farmers the difficult thing is to make
a start in the way of advertising their
Advertising is the same sort of in-
vestment that poult17 feed is. Feed
is bought to grow the chicks to let
and advertising space is bought to let
the people know you have them for
sale. Very few poultrymett can sell
their birds, no platter how good they
are, without first advertising them.
The neighborhood in which he lives
may not need his surplus stock, but
in the adjoining county or in the next
province people may be looking—,for
that very stock.
Recently a neighbor had a promis-
ng young horse he did not need, Ho
passed the word among his neighbors,
but no buyer appeared. After some
fine he placed a 20 -word advertise,
merit in his county paper, costing him
ut one cent a words and before long
buyer appeared.
I have found that when replying to
the letter of a prospecbive customer
t will help greatly if one has a small
hoto of the stock or poultry adver-
ised. The investment of a -few dol -
ars in a camera will soon' be returned
many' ways.
There are nearly 3,000 sticlres in
pair of Band -sewn boots.
th.-Buildinn Cereal
A satisfying' food,
greatly pIIasing
to taste, full of
rich 1'1ourislunen-L
and ready to eat
without cookie&
Needs no Su5ar
Pleas inl8 �a11:lli/k�e to�ycyooau�n+g and old.
"F•>Ns a 0...s a Reason"
house and an occasional dose given
the baby to keep his stomach and
bowels working regularly. This will
not fall to break up colds and keep
the health of the baby in good condi-
tion till the brighter days come along.
The Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr, Wdilates' itledicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
Plain Livers.
The Rornan soldiers, who built such
wonderful roads and carried a weight
of armour and luggage that would
crush the average farm hand, lived on
coarse, brown bread and sour wine.
They were temperate in diet and re-
guiar and constant in exercise. The
Spanish peasant works every clay and
dances half the nigktt, yet eats only
black bread, olden and watel Ion.
The publisher of the best Farmer's
paper in rho Marithue Provinces in
writing to us states:
"1 would say that I do not know of
a medicine that has stood the test of
time like MINAI;:D'S LINIMENT. It -
has been an unfailing remedy in our
household ever since I can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would-be
competitors and Imitators,"
No Room for Complaint.
An Irishman was recently traveling
in a train accompanied by a minister
when two very'stout old ladles enter-
ed. They placed themselves one on
each side of Patrick, and he was
crushed between them. The minister
on seeing Pat so placed remarked:
"Are you quite comfortable?"
"To this question Pat quickly re.
plied: "Sure, soar, 01 haven't much
room to complain."
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents,
Too Late.
The parents of little Ethel had ideas
on the rearing of their child, and in-
sisted on trying to carry thein out.
One evening, just after toe, Ethell
ran into the dining -room, her little
face ablaze with excitement. Father.
sat reading his newspaper, while moth-
er was mending the stockings.
"Oh, mummy," burst out Ethel,
"may I say. something?"
"No, Ethel!" said mother firmly,
"You know it is against the rule to 0
talk when daddy is reading. You must t
Wait till lie has finished,"
To make the town More effective,
father wont on for ,luno time, Then
he laid down the paper, and asked:
"Now, dear, what is it you wanted to j 111
507?" � t
"It doesn't matter much now," said I
Ethel coldly. "I only wanted. to say
that I couldn't turn off the bath -tap,
and the water's rucuing all clown the
Do yen. e71d1110 the minory
Of Asthma wive ..14.4pless
nights, ellilou t breathing
nn d 1 um of etrelu't117 Bow -
ever bad peer nal+s .quick
relief is guaranteed by tale
use of
Tills preparation!: the roe
mat of yeer•+otex�r[e0ln'ont-
inganiciettid '1'keIsar,de
have derived the (ue,ttnet
benefit thromukr its use,
Write for tree 1atllpl5 to
Tamuletons, 542 King St.
W. Torcuto.
i3c1rt by reliable rime:lots
overywherefor $1,04 a box.
For fifteen years the standard
specific for
Rheumatism, Neurltia, Gout
Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia t;
Many doctors pro.:cribe them. r
ricnnl aadula ly 1, .021, e 1 12 v Kiulwavurywah,rie CO24
a1.a11„r lax.
A Bird of Paradise.
She'd inspected every parrot in the
London shop, and the dealer was get-
ting rather tired. Site declared one
bird was too green to go with the din-
ing -room, and another too red for the
drawing -room, and so on,
At last she almost settled on a pur-
chase, Then suddenly she asked:
"But is he a good bird? I mean, I
hope he doesn't use droad1ul Tan-
"1440 a saint, lady," breathed the
dealer fervently, "Sing's 'Trans beauti-
ful. 1 'ad some parrots wot used to
swear crool, but, If you'll believe me,
this 'ere bird converted the lot of 'em,"
reap MTaard'e X.iniment In the holm,
Digging a Pit for Teacher.
Pupil—"Would you think it right to
punish a boy for something he had trot
Teacher—"No, of course I should
Pup11—"Well, I haven't done any of
my lessons."
The national anthem of San Mar-
ino, the smallest republic, is second
in length to that of China; to perform
it from beginning bo and would take
several hours.
Look at tongue! Rerlove poi-
sons from Little stomach,
liver and bowels
m Accept "California" Syrup of Figs.
only—look for the name Callfornla on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little ,stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions tor child's dose
on each bottle. (,eve it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."'
4• _ e ! s,. r o s`
With the Fingers! °
•"Says Corns(Lift Out •
Without Any Pain •
�.a—o••—®—.6—•0— o 0 s o a s.�P
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of n corn can shortly be
lifted right out with the fingers if you
will apply directly upon the corn a few
drops of freezone1 says n CinclanaU
It is claimed that at entail cost one
can get a quarter of an ounce of free -
zone at any drug store, which le sulfa
tient to rid one's feet of every corn
r callus without pain or soreness or
he danger of infection.
This now drug Is an ether compound.
nd while sticky, dries the moment It
a applied and does not lnflnme or ovoa
rritate the surrounding tissue,
This announcement. will interest
any wometi hero, for it Is salol that
he present lligh-hoel footwear Is put.
ing corns on practtcaily every
woman's feet.
Red Tape Forever,
A London newspaper says that a 1•e -
gently discharged soldier, who had tut -
pleasant memories of his military ex.
patience, Molt the first opportunity
, atter resuming his civilian clothes to
write to his farmer colonel:
"Sir, After Lvhat 1 have mitered for
the last two years, it gives me 11111011
pleasure to tell you and the army to
go to ---- "' a place to which only the
wicked are consigned.
In dee course he got tllte reply:
"Sir. Any suggestion ler incfn{ries
concerning the movelneet of troops
10001 be entered on Army Form 3132,
te dopy of which I enclose." ED, 7,
a. •rstc-m r., t,ss+sla+. sae .vm
For Coughs, Colds,
and the relief of in -
11.1 flammatory conditions
of the throat arising
from Bronchial, Agile.
made affections and
derangements of the
Respiratory Organs.
Prepm•ed from Spruce
Gum and other mods.
deal agents. SUCCC221,
ee fully used for 60 years.
Al1eya buy Il,' Luruo 014.
ISSUE No. 7—'10.
Those Modern infants!
A Lely email boy say en It doorstep
weepier!, bitterly.
"Where. the trouble, 107 little man?"
tielttd ,t Lind -hearted passt'r•by. "Have
you bat your mother?"
"v(t wmiilc 1 1144: boy, "she's not lost.
But I got I1, wall for her, an' 1 didn't
want to be 'sorted Here all night."
Cautious Sandy.
A S,!otehmuil .vent t11 London for a j
nollclay. 4l":,11,iug along the streets he'
noticed •t balt-healed 1.hend:t stand.I
ing at his shop and inquired whether
be had any hair restorer
'Yee. sir,' said the chemist; "step
inside, please Here 1s an article I:
can recommend. 1 have testimonials 1
from great men vele) have used it, It
makes the hair grow within twenty-
four hours."
"Aweel." :eaic1 the Seot, "ye can gig
! the top o' your head a rub wi' it and
I'll look hack the morn au' sec if 7e're
i tenth.' the truth."
The chemist returned the bottle to
the shelf and kicked the errand hIsy
for laughing.
If Bilious, get your
Pep and Color back
with "Cascarets"
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigos
tion, Sallow Skin, and Miserable Head
aches come from a torpid Iiver and
sluggish bowels, which cause the
stomach to become filled with undi-
gested food which sours and ferments,
forming acids, gn144$ and poisons.
Cascarets to -night will give your bili-
ous liver and eonetlpated bowels a
thorough eleltnoing and have you feel -
Ing clear, bright 1)01(1 as fit as a fiddle
by morning, t,oer::,rets never sicllen
or inconvenience you like nasty (.•sir, -
mel, Salts, Oil, or griping P1P..e. They
work while yet sleep.
A Quick Relief
for Headache
A headache in frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gases
and acids resulting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerve, and
causes painful symptoms called
headache, neuralgia, rheuma-
dam, etc. 115 to 30 drops of
Mother Solgel's Syrup will correct
faulty digestion and afford relief.
EJot Sleep Ernpfion
Itched and B
"fI noticed a little pimple on my
baby's face. I thought it was from
the oun.but h kept getting worse and
the skin was red and very hot. He
could not sleep or rest the eruption
itched and burned so, and It caused
him,to scratch. I was quite dis-
"I saw an advertisement for Cutl-
et= Soap and Ointment and sent for
a free, tlanipie. I bought more and
efteruaingtwo cakes of CuticuraSoap
andtwo arida hall' boxes of Cuticura
Ointment be was healed." (Signed)
Mrs. S. D, McGuire, Clarksburg,
Ont., Dec. 18, 1910.
Dee Cuticura; Soap, Ointment and
'Faletunfor every-deytoilcr purposes.
Soap •26o, Ointment 26sd Sec, Sold
thibughoutthe5Nlttti on, Caoadi11Depet:
se, limited, St:3'aid St:, Manfred.
Neem Soap ehaaon without 01:114124
Clnnaified Advetti'1'r,menta.
AG1nsrre trfitse• Bay,
rices a en ptranmmae-'aapk b('1i! aealalIoe
(011)154 Art Co„ 4 Mrenowleh Ave. 'law
Ma to,
roa SAW'`"
1%•TICWai'AI'I:It, WEEKLY, ne BRtice
11 County. Splendid opportunity. Writde�
lin* T.Wlleon k'ubliehing Co„ Limited{,
75 Adelaido fit. W„ 'Toronto,
%NrEtanLd ,Init;Qgfr7g,Dplall'IvesEtalatOntarla. Insurance carried 41,500.
go for ;1.200 on quick sale. Box Bit
Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd„ 'Toronto,
tis have 8uu—whato prim•%
Bald Bros.. Bothwell, Ont,
�J are able to supply, advise u:+, as we
w111 pay the highest prices, dry or green
from the saw. Keenan Bros., Limited.
Owen Sound, Ont.
�.l lntsrnal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late Dr. Tallman Medical
Co., Limited, Collkregwood, Ont,
Amet3own Rioauer Dog Eemedieo
Hook On
and. nom to Food
Maiked Free to any Ad•
drool by the Author-
B. Clay Glover Co„ Sao.
115 West 31st Street
New Yorlc,
Give way before the pene-
trating effects of Sloan's
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve -
inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck,
the joint wrench, the ligament sprain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
The ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the
cleanliness, and the economy of
Sloan's Liniment make it universally
preferred. Made in Canada.
35c., 70c., $1.10,
Don't worry! Let 04Danderine"
save your hair and double
its beauty
To stop failing hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter for a few cents, pour a little
in your hand and rub it Into the scalp.
After several applications the hair
usually stops coming out and you
can't flnd any clo.ndruf. Your hair will
grow strong, thick and long and ap.
pear soft, glossy and twice as bent'.
ful and abundant. Try it!
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
For Collis, Pain, Headache, Neural. package which contains eomplote di-
gia, 'Toothache. Earache, and for reetlons, Then pelt are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, 14 laden, Nen- Aspirin --tete genuine Aspirin pre-
riLis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physielans for over nine -
name "Beyer" or you are not taking teen years, Now made in Canada.
Aspirin at all. Handy tilt boxes containing 10 tab-
A000pt only "Bayer Tablets of lets east but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin" in nn unbroken'Bayer" also sell larger ".Bayer" paottages,."
tall oto fs 0817 bilis aspiritu:,'llayer""--'S,"on :mtitt nay "Sayer"
Aonirin Is rho trado mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufaoturo of Mono.
aeolloacldoeter of Sellcyuonr.IQ. While it la well )tnown that Asplrla motoe Bayer
maautactura, to assist (1(4 pu1110 against Imitations, the '1'ahtotb of Sten C0m134
will be atampod vita thole general trade mark, tido "savor drone"