The Brussels Post, 1920-2-19, Page 2Pure Clean
Preserved ft sold only In
Sealed adrAight packets
to preserve its Intithc
good' Aess.
Used in Millions o Tea -Pots Daily
Lieut. -Col. "Klondike" Boyle
mite fairly eatisfactory, proceeded on
his way.
The Weldon. Penile no eomment.
D'Artagnau could not have thane anon,.
After reaching Stufka, he was
asked to attend a. eonference with the
Go vi .ament at Petrograd. lie aid so,
mai! his report, and had the state -
fa& ni of seeing his recommen Latins
toes Wed in their entirety,
1 r the sake of space, as I Vint
wri e of his more spectacular ve-
la' $, it 3s necessary to muss over -
is stork of the next few months. It
I- • ffi.•mit to note tbat he began to
the Way They Feel About Teaches. cold for milk and egg stains, and
The way the children feel ahem.' sweet milk for ink stains.
intereet himself in Roumanian as well their teacher depends almeet entirely
Russian transportation, being fern- on the wey the). parents feel about
ished with a. special train or a dee- her—that ie. if the way the parents
troyer whene-ver he wiehed one. At feel is allowed to enter into their
men in Roumania, and had not shifted ..
that time Russia had about a ini io talk before the children, and it often- tle, adding a teaspoonful of lye and
(thin: etes acieleies;
a pound of flour for some weeks, thendthtehedeethrihaent both of about two tablespoonfuls of coal oil.
whereas the army was eating
For instance, a young teacher 11
olertninthgi boll up and set away until
a bread ration of two pounds a day n
The next morning, as soon as the
fire is lit, I put the soap solution in
the boiler and fill half full of cold
water. I put the white clothes he the
cold water, and cover. After the
water comes to the boiling point I let
it boil about fifteen minutes. While
the clothes are boiling I get the
breakfast and dishes out of the way.
When the clothes are boiled (I
punch them good while boiling) I put
women so seldom suffer from baldness
them in a tub of cold water; punch
and rinse them well; wring, blue, and as compared with men, and why a man
does not get bald on bis face, are
starch. Now they are ready to hang
mysteries. Indeed, it is often notice -
out, and even the roller towels and
able that the stronger and more
At night I wring the clothes out,
and covet. until Inorning. While get-
ting supper I melt a bar of soap with
a little water added in a granite ket-
per head. The Roumanian wheat was
disappearing fast, and experts estim-
supplies by January, 1918.
Enter "Klondike" Boyle.
He promptly arranged for eight
draught boats for Lake Yalpukh, pre-
pared a system which was subse-
quently carried out, and for several
months five hundred tons of flour per
day were delivered from Russia to
Having adjusted that trifling mat-
ter, the worthy Klondiker then hut-
, ried to Stafka and interviewed Keren-
CHAPTER I. sky who after thesifornileff trouble,
ated they would be at the end of their
friend of mine mid to me the other
day: "What do you suppose little
Doris Handy told me yesterday?
Why, she climbed into my lap during
recess, and put her arms around my
know how I am going to live down
that accusation,"
Seldom do remarks of a single
parent prove so far-reaching in their
effect on the teacher and the school,
but always they affect the one child's
conduct and attitude toward his
teacher. The child coming to school
with his father's rather blunt expres-
sum: That teacher of yours don't
I Not so this adventurer of the North. had' inve;ted himself with the rank of
know nothing" ringing in his ears
Same time ago a humorous weekly !Having achieved . money, he started Commander -in -Chief. At the confer -
isn't pang to buckle down to his les -
published a drawing of an inebriated' out to see wheat. life held for Inna He ence with Boyle and Kerensky were
ntlernan in a. hotel surveying a huge; became heavily interested in railroad.s, General Alexieff and General Douk- sons properly. Instead, since teacher
• "Th ' in dredging and anvested rneney in 'honin who later became the Com- doesn't know anything, he thinks,
• CI
is both re-
freshing and
Ready in a min-
ute—the minute
you want It
'lama a 10e.. aatiaa., 31.15, $2.26, Cy() ESJES1
Balduess—the medical term ior it le
alopecia-erequires no definitiom With
very few exceptions every man wile
lives long enough gains practical
knowledge of it through his oWil
perience. Whv this should be so, eta'
Orlando, Wilson ancl
ceau Have Suffered Loss
of Prestige.
At the heels of the lion in the
kingdom swirl the Jackals, wett-
ing for the King of Beaste to :thaw
:sign of deadly wound that they may
spring upon him and tear from him
the spots of Me prewees. Certain
types of human beings bear startling
reeemblatme to the jackals. They ere
those who envy the glory of tierces
and who lurk ever in cowardly wait-
lng far the moment when the object of
their jealousy may falter for a mo-
ment, so that they, too, may spring
forward and seize the spoils rightly -
won by him they hate.
Defeat of Clemenceau.
With the startling, -sensational de-
feat of Georges Clemenceau for the
office of President of Franco there
disappears from active governmental
clean, luxuriant a roan's beard is, the earlier affairs the greatest and most romantic
men's underwear are beautifully
As soon as T take the -white clothes and the more nearly completely does figure of the world war. With his tall
Out of the boiler I put enough cold he get bald, It Is generally believed from power there remeine but one of
th•st the pressure of the man's eat, by the chlef personages of the conflict
(hie) a liar." 1 an individual, and bad become one of
! be Yukon's approval of Boyle's suggestions, the who, because of some misdemeanor shutting. oW mut of the blood supply still in real control- 1 av
was saying h "is' In a short time he had ceased to be
, , forces,Owing to General Alexieff's she tells me to learn?" Or the child
raan that caught tha' fish," the "I.g.", various enterprises of DIIWSOT1 City. mender -in -Chief of the Russian "What's the use of learning what water into cool it—just enough so
sh en os g •
witting of Joe Boyle, otherwise t sights of interest. It iswas compelled to remain after school
geCanadian was plaeedt. in complete
known as "Klondike" Boyle--sinee the not easy to dominate a mining -men- char of reorganization and tone
• hours, Was comforted at home with
war Lieuteriant-Colcalel Boyle, wear -I try, for the lure of gold draw men of stauction-work on the Bessarablan
the assurance, It that teacher keeps
character—but Beyle had
you can put your hand into it—then
put the colored clothes to soak while from the scalp, starves the hair aud George, the 33i,i ish zetn
caurs it to fall, But most men wear ready his enemies are eagerly at work
wringing out the white ones. I soap!
h» hats only for a fraction of the to cast him from his high plasm.
all very soiled spots, such scan men's . I
. day, and the pressure of the brim of - Others who, at time:, betweei, lelt,
bag the Stamslaus, 4th elass, the work shirts, etc. When I am ready
the hat le never enough to shut off the and 1919, were
Vladimir, 4th class; the Order of both, and imagination besides. By At this stage in Boyle's career of-
.• • you m another night I shall take up for them, I simply punch them wel , high in popular acclaim
Queen Anne with swords (all Russian . common consent he was given the d1eialdom decided that he had been a the matter with the school board," and very seldom have to use a wash- blood supply altogether; so probable and who have been emit down by the
decorations); the Order of the Crown • sobriquet of "Klondike" Boyle, and
free-lance long enough,
and the gen-1 is not going to coma to school with board for anything i that is only one of the factors that machinations of the envious aro Vit -
of Roumania, the Star of Roumania . his fame.began to spread from Van- eral who was chief of the British: the determ'nat'o to begoodr havebig'out h t
1 i n fus as: a washing y en.
1 cause baldness. torlo ()eland°, Itale'e "Premier of Vie.
end Grand Cross, and the Regina! eouver to New York. Probably the Transport Mission informed him th t •
a possible all day long. He is, however,' o'clock, my floor mopped, and have,
, One cause undoubtedly Is aeborthea, tory;" Lord Fr a in.) 1, who was hailed
Wiarria, 1st ideas; a gentlemen listed only place that hadn't heard of him he was und r th M' •
e e lesion foe orders.'
, in to d t t k t • t* t ef ti di
go g en eavor o ge ep in so une to res b ore star ng nn , or dandruff, end tor that reason, as P.13 the greatest of Illitie1i command -
In the Roumanian Peerage as the as the "Krondike King" was Wood- This struck Boyle as abeurd, and he' - e"'"' I well as because of the unsightlineee ors, and, in a somewhat different way
owl worry is MI stock. Ontario. I protested; but the, British Anthems -I
• i the teacher. And in nine eaboilerful'
that his mother can cause trouble for That much soap will do a large
rases out of of white clothes. The secret. of the white shower on the coat collar, but noue the less effectually, Prost -
no one who cares at all for his am dent Wilson.
lJu*e 00 how• much of the truth I can write i When the war hroke out, Boyle dor at Petrograd and the War Office
bdtfore my readers charge me with in- , gathered together two hundred choice informed him that he was subject to
vention. i spirits, called them "The Yukon Pack regulations.
As a rnattee cf fact, Boyle's career, company,. took Omen to England at It is difficult to harness a hurri-
is more extraordinary than any ever his own expense, and offered them to sane.
conceived by the vigorous pen of Jack the British Government. Afterwards,Lieutenant-Golopel Boyle tendered
London. With all his adroit genius as part of the Yukon Machine -Gun his resagration to the Russians, offer -1 ditions and aspirations. Yet there are the line, I fold and put away marl", sults is irremediable. Indeed, the im
for creating heroes of romance, l3attery, they did gallant work M ing first to complete his Bessarabian many small communities which have articles without ironing. Everyday lenity of treating established baldness the tremendous power thoY °nee
ing figure than this Canadian. In, Some day, it is to be hoped, the full The Russians were much perturbed'1, there are many mothers who could I fold and run through the wringer I proved by the number of derma- wielded. Only after a storm of indig-
Denies neve:. pictured a more engag- France. I work, and then steal silently away.' not as yet such associations, and towels, pillow slips, and all flat pieces',
Lontlen, Petrograd, and Paris, "Klan- history of that little band will be writ- and invited him to Petrograd to con-,
in not attend the meetings even if they and put away. Underwerte 19 folded! tologists of middle age who aro them- Inuit pretest from the at large
dike" Boyle is knewn tie one of ten. It recalls olel times de -scribed fer with the Minister of War, . selves bald. In eases of premature ,t was Jotfre given a piste of honor In
Europe's first gentlemen of adven- On Conan Doyle's White Company, in .ei Waysa c — were held near at hand. But, whether smoothly and pressed out with the, baldness, except them caused by dead- the Victiny Parade at. Pools.
ture. tiers, and the Minister of Foreign Af- or not there be a weekly or monthly hands looks as well as if ironed, and. Diemen a•Litt was reinsed the ste
when English knights used to raise ruff, the victim is almost 'always in _ , ,
gathering of parents and teachers, is sweeter and healthier. • - h i 0 ' or e e .1. on to the Prem.
Without the Meet exaggeration it bands a men, and crossing the °Mtn-, farrs•
can be said ef this native of Ontario nO, waged chivalrous warfare upon "Gentlemen," said Boyle,- who felt the same responsibility rests on the
that his knowledge of local affairs, parents regarding the talk about the
that he juggled statesmen, diplomats,
the French, with much gl to them -
and generals as other men play with
selves and their ladies' eyebrows i made supervision not only irritating, teacher their children hear at home.
dice. In the tragi-eomedy of Bol-, ;but unnecesseary, "I am tired of work Not always, of course, can good
things be said of the teacher—yet
very seldom is it that the children
cannot be told that their teacher is
trying hard to teach them right, that
ten he succeeds. t of getting such good results is in pot -Per, either present or future. The efforts to drive Winston Spen-
Parent-teacher associations have ting the clothes on in cold water.. should neglect to treat dandruff It
ers together for a better mutual en-. it boils out. eer Churchill front the thane. Cabinet
done much to bring parents and teach- The cold water loosens the dirt and, ts comparatively easy to cure (land' and to deprive Marshal Jere of bon- .
derstanding of home and school con- I When I bring the clothes in from.
I ruff; but when tho hair follicles hare
been destroyed, the baldness that re. of both has been sadly reduced from
ors duo to him failed, but the influence
ghee ism e ae off th But there is one difference --a ven- in in the positMn I occupy, not be -
stage at evill, directing and changing turous spirits as they were, the cause of any effect it hae on my work
the course of events by sheer force Yukon men went for a great cause; but because of constant annoyances
that could be felt and to -night, in the evind-swept fields from the British and American Traese
poor bealth. A chronic invalid elationi
has a good growth of hair. ti sin'y if France, so the Paris dee.
After an attack of some acute die- patches sac -rt, because he was "too
A yeey useful article in our horae I very commonly gets thin on the toP strong a man." Frame feared the ele-
vation of. pc. dynnulle a personality and
A Home Blackboard.
ease, suth as typhoid fever, the hair
equipment, writes a contaileitor, ,and: of the head, but it usuelly returns a. so energetic an Intellem to the high -
There was danger, so the
' one that has • successfully com'bined convalescence la established, and tf: est oillee•
0 , be hastened and assur'e71 Freuclt politicams thought, Mat "The es
Tiger" ‚sol( 'tense to be bound by
pleasure and profit for the children,' return can
even s
el mugh the medium of an inter- of Flanders, many of them.are a. rest..port Missions." is our home blackboard. It occupies. by the use of a tonic taken internalla
Is there any one whose imaginationThe matter was adjusted by the she is doing her best, that it is a a well -lighted corner of the dining and daily massage of the scalp. A tho tredition that the occupant of the
whois a has lived in the is so dead that there is not for hien "Steven -s" Mission and the British one hard task teaching so many active, room, is two feet wide and three feet good shampoo is mado of tincture of Elyse,. Palace Wen te be a mere figure-
pIeIne Illilaasnassimilated something something gripping in the thought of being kept to the civil area, while the eager little children, andframeddistinction and to make pretty speed'.
that ehe long, is in stout oak and is green soap containing ten grains. of head, to receive foreign vittitors ot
° of the vastness of nature's broad ex- those men of the North, who had once man fromneeds their help every minute if she clamped solidly against the -wall. 'ten
Canada was placed in eom- thymol to the ounce; but the scab
ritiense. .1When I met him in the "Ritz" wrestled with the earth for her rinhe&
s mended by Roumanian now lying asleep in her forgiving plete eharge of the military area.
(To be continued.) is to give the school a good name and years agowe bought fit for three don.
record. But even though the parents lars and fifty cents as an entertain-; than twice a inoeth, and after sham -
should not be shampooed °rimier es when he conferred the Legion of
Honor upon therm reememeeded tor
Staff officers, there was still an air bosom?
of the North about his.. thick -set fen CHAPTER III,
gure, with its powertul face and' Possibly if Boyle had gone to
shaggy light-brovrn hear. He does not France he would never have been
talk glibly; therefore, when he speaks,
beard of again; but the military Sing of the bee, taking her busy flight,
one listens. authorities in one of those :flashes Sing of the sun, driving off the night,
of intelligence which sometimes 11- Sing of Dame nature's days, fresh and
"Colonel Boyle," said the Queen of . . t
Roumania when she visited London, lurninate officialdom decided that he bright.
"is Roumania's friend. Our country
, should be sent with' the Canadian
A Song of Days.
owes him a debt we novel can repay.' Transport Mission to Russia. And
So much for so much. This is the that was the real beginning of the ro-
true story of the exploits of "Kien- mance of "Klondike" Boyle.
tation with the Russian General Staff, Happy our youth, it comes but once,
dike" Boyle. It was in June 191'7, after consul-,
Boyle was 'born in Woodstock, On- that he was sent to the south-western' alas:
Happy the springtime, strolling
through the grass,
Happy spring hours that brighten as
they pass,
tario, the son of an Irishman who had front to examine and report on thel
settled in Canada many years ago. condition of their light -railway and' Sunny the days that go to make July,
He is related to the Earl of Cork, and horse -transport system. He took Sunny the life beneath his flaming sky,
is devoted to the Empire—although along with him the official interpee..! Sunny the summer as our life goes by.
possessed of his race's natural love, ter of the General Staff, and had just 1
for "alarums and excursions." 1 completed six weeks' work when, on. Fruit fills our orchards in the autumn
His first bid for fame was to start hie way back to Stafka, there was a; days,
for the Klondike in 1897 as manager break in the line at Tarnopol. This. Fruit of the vineyard shimmers
for a heavyweight prize fighter. Un- struck Boyle as something which through the haze,
fortunately for the completeness of needed attention, so he entered the' Fruitage of iiie work fills our harvest
this narrative, the name of the mile place to investigate. Things were in,
ist is unknown; but it .can be assumed a "pretty kettle of fish." The officer; trays.
that he was knocked out, either by commanding had bethought himself , White is the winter, snowflakes rover
an adversary or by adversity, for hie and gone, the inhabitants were pass- all,
manager appears to have left him ing from a state of confusion to one
was preparing Yellow the fireplace In the cheerful
shortly after their arrival. At any of riot, and the enemy hall,
rate, it was not in the nature of things to exploit the situation,
that Boyle should remain a fighter 1 Golden aur visions as the evening
Bosevell—one could as readily con- 'Assuming an authority I did not
ceive of Lord Beaverbrook devoting Possess," Boyle subsequently wrote
ina charming naive report, "and
his life to chronicling the activities of
• with the assistance of two young
Ramsay Macdonald.
shadows fall.
. Ruesian officers / got a Reagan GOT A CHILD'S COAT
eight -mile claim, subsequently selling
In the vush of '98 Boyle staked an 0Death Battalion '(women) to threw. al'
melon nand the town, and establish, BY DYEING GARMENT
it for a large sum. Now, if t 's were
fiction the stery would end here—any ntroli, 1.,nd restore some semblance 1.
"Diamond Dyes" Help Make the other scholars. I really don t obedience. Our boys wetis much nin- "--
ErniemeasmialAtmor-mn,iimlimm" Pour men made the League of Na-
rraving done that, Boyle stayed i New Outfits for Younglters. where problems presented by the chil-1 pressed, and Upon returning home
author knows that when his hero, °' °T"nr.
makes a million in the Klondike, his'
story is over. Give him a pretty .wient around for a day, during which timel
deem- e a 6 .
. • !the air, and feeling that everything, use "Diamond Dyes, guaranteed to
dm not consider the teacher as good . ment for two boys. It has been one peeing it is a good plan to rub Into
that tonen of merit
as a previous one, or do not approve of our best investments, not only as; the scalp a few drops of olive oil or ,,
Drlando's Stanien Fall.
of her methods of teaching or correct.; the means of unlimited entertainment,' liquid vaseline. VII twee Orlando'", loss of navi r (ma
populer acelaini was maiden, 1 its
pourer remained without serious enc:,
tion as long as the Italian armlos
were Itgbtlng. Lako Clement:cam 45
was one whose patriotism ard will to
ing unruly scholars, there as no ex- but also as the source of real educa-;
cuse for airing these beliefs before, tional benefit.
the children. 1 When -we first put the blackboard' LicIrd George Predicts His
Every parent should take sufficient in place, small Rob knew nothing of I Own Defeat Soon.
interest in the children s progress at 1 letters or figuresntut he often spent In fortune has atteuded statesmen
school to feel approval or disapproval hours "making things" Upon the. defeat the enemy could not be ques-
, intimately associated with the dram'
the teacher's methods or ability, smooth, black surface. Then one day: ing of the Treaty of Versailles, in the fumed' He hall driven film' °al" num
he voluntarily set about copying thei
1 opinion of Premier David Lloyd
figure he saw on a large, calendar.: George, at Great Britain, according to
'Unaided, he leaned to make the num-i _
, a newspaper article published • In
hers as far as thirtysene. Melillo k varis.
began to ask questions about the In conversation with a member of
numbers. With a little help he was the Chamber of Deputies the British
soon counting up into the-hundreds,1 premier is said to have expreseed an
and each day filling the blackboard opinion that the "peace treaty was
with crooked rows of tippy- figures; hard luck for anyone leasing had a
but gradually the rows grew hand in it."
straighter and the figures stood up 'Vas," the Deputy is quoted as. re -
better. The boy who learned thus lying "Premier Orlando is nut of of.
but discussion of the latter should
be carried on when the children are
absent. Whenever possible the
teacher should be invited to the home,
neck in that loving little way she has;
then she startled me by saying:
'Mama says you're just a little girl,
and I can't expect to learn anything
from you. She says we ought to have
a grown-up teacher—but like you
My friend smiled at thought of the
child's affectionate words, then con-
tinued soberly and thought•fully: "I
suppose I am just a girl, but I'm try-
ing to do my best as a teacher. Some -
whose., loyalty might have been open
to attack. De wont to the Peace flon•
termite at Versailles with the cheer
of the Italian people still ringing in
his ears, At Versailles he pretented
112171 Irreducible demands, in which
was inelnded a declaration of the right
to annex Fiume, Dieter the leadership
of President Wilson the other dele-
gates -to the matcrencti defied Feline
to Italy.
Otiondo Noche. back 1.0 Ram for it
has always lilted arithmetic, ace, Premier Cleinencean ea again in umuctate from Itis people. He Wan tw-
angy to work things out for himself
As the children grew older the en-,
li,Priveic life and President. Wilson has
th *ent•rtbg Washingtom -.1.1evt.•°1115(‘1‘0.101h 0°Vntehr'sisailallKeLus; butRiole ii.‘ivandnet
I met et) e
no headway. Then, as quickly as the
tertamment that the blackboard pro-,
times 1 get discouraged, though, and vided gradually yielded to utility. An; only yun have boon spared.
'Yes, and In less than ax months
now, since Doris' mother made that arithmetic problem brought up in re-! it wpi-be my tUrn," is the reply at -
remark before Doris, I'm almost view of the clay's lesson, a sketch, a
afraid I'm going to lose control of bar of music, an outline map, or psi:‘,1 tributed to the British leader.
the whole school. Doris won't take baps a drawing of some article made, Highest Mount In England.
anything I say, seriously; she has in the manual -training chop appeared
been told I'm just a girl, and given in rapid suneession on its surfece. tietaell Peak, 1.210 Feet, le the fligh-
t Once n veteran of the Great War ' caet. mountain in Dugland, It is in um nity nor honor In 110i lig 50, but he did
to believe I know no niore than she I
does herself. And she has comment- spoke to the :school children about! 1...temity of Combernind, in the Lake lose power and high place, Re no
Imigot. tilts In the seats of the mighty,
cited her feeling to a'good many of the value of the heisit. of prompt '1".itri(st.
— ______ Lloyd George Alone Remains.
thought could ho formed, the Italian
peoplo turned against Mel.
01 landn, a patriot to the last and
putting his nountry's Intereete above
hie own, bent before the storm and
gave up Aim Ile lost neltber'
I t
-- Iran can ho discmiscd when the chil-. they wrote the word, "Prompt Obe-, 11" s Yo 111 Money tions-- President Wilson, Cletnenceata
a , ;; I C'est the place was twice Mtaz'ked front! Don't worry abotit perfect. reallIts. dren aro not &round, and the patent : dience" on the blackboard. As the In leo; d George and Orlando.- There was
and the teacher can come te a better, subject was further diectissed Mutt' eye% DEBENTURES evidespread teller that Mr, Wilson
understanding. 1 evening, other desirable traits of ; intereet payable hall yearly.
But whatever youv real feelings' character naturally suggested them.' The Great West Permanent
CaPada's Silver Fox Farms
Oliver foxes on a ranch at Hungry
Hollow, near Regina. are epicureans
and live on the int of the land. This ,
need not be wondered at, for silver
tome leerally are worth their weight
In gold.
The little ariiilectstii- are red ee ex-
peneively pg gallaitn 111 the beet hotels.'
The meiiit served them ltept in a .
peinaely reenhilea and :vedette re.
leer:Proton It ceneiete of the choieest
eas tenderloin etectite met pork
chops, with a little horse !neat added
by way of variety. The foxes ha,v'e
shredded vvheat prepared as carefully
ee it might be for tome wealthy and
miertdous invalid. rithor breakfast
Nestle, cereals ana vegetables /glamor
the appetites of the little beton&
The, ranch tightly fenced in Iva',
wire night feet high end sunk in rho
ground several feet. The fax house::
aro oensteue,ted ecientifie hygienic
plans. They aro kept (tempulonely
1000ese 01 1,11111 fax rarieb, on the
Canadian Peak Railway and ei sever,
al others near Winelpeg has lemma
stinted that tlie prairie provinces all'e
as well adapted to breeding elver
foxes as Prince Edward island which
is the world's centre of the indoetry.
Nome the fax rancher 111 Prince Ed.
wart) Wend nee °permed by minion -
Gone eeidtalized at eriveral hundred
theimand dollen. Many of them hove
made immense fortnues Inc their
oe nem. Others have lost heavily,
Breeding foxee seema to depend ae
miteli on a -know how" its any other
bueineze. In tee poseibilities of Plan],
niong profits the industry seems afj
allureng tie emld One breed,
(darted two years Ago wIth two pairs.
Ile. now has tifty-A8 animate, He has
soda 916,000 worth of. pelts. A liver
fax pelt brings; Mon $200 to mem
Ile selle his two-year-old lethal:11s at
$400 to $24)01). Ile field elghtenonthss
old pups this year at public auction at
9900 ttDiollu. no Valltelt bt'oOdIng
steel( at cloao to 9100,000,
give a new, rich. fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods — dresses,
blouees, stookinge, skirts, children'S
coats, feathers, draperies, covering&
The Direction Beek with each pack.
sae tells how to diamond dye over any
To mateh any material, have dealer
, color.
sbow tem "Demon,' Dye" Color Card. an grade% Write tor price&
: farm W01110.11 has, especially if there out which we should feel inus'h at a TORONTO SALT WORKS
would be its first proeident. Yet the
league is now being organized at Paris
toward the teacher, rt it be not goo , selves and such weeds as lime:sty, , e , p • without Anierlean ropreeentation and
let no inkling of it reach your chin, "Unselfielmese" and "Industrious- Toronto office e0 King St West Clexnenceau and Orlando are out of
dren's ears. Instead, pia out all the; men, went up t,o join "Prompt Obedi. estsemeffereanareamteesegettorsieseveasmemento alo0.
teacher's geoid 'mints aiul hold than; 0000. (01 q h„ they formed the habit ' —en-- ' ' '' . 11'. Lloyd (Merge so far retains
constantly lafere the children, of expressiuge in blank and white weer, yet the storm clouds have been
anything that they might 551)ito gathering around him for months.
Seeing Theo and Strength on I make especially impree.sive. Our England le beginning to Ibsen to the
Washday. 1 blackboard long ahem 'became a sort talk of the politicians that it might be
1 think all° af t'll' bartio't jobs a of bulletin of :family progress, with- well to dissolve the coalition of parties
which has kept. him In fliee. He is a
ehrowd man of politica himeolf and it
will be betereeting to watch the de.
velopments of events as its enorelee
carry out, their plats to wreet the
prntiership from him.
Made Film Feel Oman. Inc amall children and num to cook n, °tarp . TOPiORTO
foppish 70U111( man who (timid for, is th° wa'thinte. 1 large votisbing eneeseseeneeenee,,,,,enenneseeine
I only find a met ennate a lisliwife in a. done in the old we mettne each a
North of Scotland :molting earrlage bardbele' daY•
expreesed his dieg aSt, kee many (We -
1 define! glancea,
et Invent the *50011reetedoel:
etli bet ye, my money, yee eo' meat
•- Wit, end the clothes are benutifelly
white and much (sweeter than if sent
the eolith haugailly„ white
-Yon are wieldue: et 1,7 to the lartudiet.
The day before I wadi. I pot all the
white clothes to soak in cold water.
If there age :Omit etoins on table -
1 was never vegy 81 ring, and 1 fin -
idly got 110 that1 could nut do the
large heavy washings in the old way,
and 911,01 mesh .nisy, offiecrit, way
that ihe'naehing to -day is 107 easiest
next. 5, gentleman '."
"I am, indettl," rrpilel the (mug
m th
"So a 1," e ash -one replied I 13.1111.
Waneare xantment, toeAl
*e errertwItIlta
cloths, etc., 1 poet, ng tete1' 011
them first. Either hot er cold water
will remove te.a, coffee, and eocoa
stains; butI like hot best for coma, ne„011'
Frenchmen First, Comma
The art of canning fruit, vegetable:4
and other food was discovered by it
a'reechmen, aginicole Apnea, who was
employed by linnole,m to help provide.
food during the bleeltatio of lerance by
Greet Britain,
targeet Airplane Motmna
native eritomoolle negineere Juwe
bent the everld'e helmet irirplane me -
tors, a twelvn•cylinder dour of 120
lab:dont lzlbleveSIffourabiln.
Appear A.t Your
11 you receive 15 sudden
caller 05 an Unexpected
vitatican yon Can teal eon-
fetent of alwase appearing
at yew best, in but a tew
moment -45 050/55$ to your
shin a wonderfully rine,
e011 C0111051100 014 bs
besond corm/arises.,
11 WA% nie fleet public semen as at
election oundidate, and before he was
half way through the trying ordeal 4
wag presented with a turnip, which
bit him fairly and squarely in the
head. In a moment he Mid recovered
his eompoeure, and with 4 smile. re-
' marked :---
"9 node& gentlemen, that one of my
political opponents appeors to have
lost his head."