The Brussels Post, 1920-2-19, Page 1VOL. 48 NO, 34
$1.50 Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FE IA(!4y 19 1920 ITV. H. iRPR, Proprietor
g./ 111111111 1H11111 11111 11011111111111111111011111111111111014111111111111111111/11111111011$1011/1111111911111,111111111111,11110 In 1 '
New Advertisements
Attrition Sale—JIM, 1310lia011.
.Auolan Sale—Norman Knox,
To the farmers—David Milne.
May be wanted—P. R. Smith.
.Are you a woman—D. 0. limm.
Hos for servine—A.R. McNeil.
Factory meeting—Geo. H. Hare
Auction iiale—Donnld MaDonald.
A editors' Report—Brussels Holum).
Auction Pollard eetate,
Ristrict t,eis
There were no services held iu Bel -
grave churches last Sunday owing to
the prevalence of the flu.
Tor.—In the Forward Movement ii
conneetion with Trinity Anglican
church, Belgrave, the sum apportion-
ed to be raised by the congregation
wa s $925,00. So heartily and loyally
did the collector? find the contributors
that when the canvasses and Rector
met at the home of Richard and Mrs.
Procter last Thursday and totalled tip
the list they were well pleased to lite]
$1190. R. McMurray, who was of the
company, added $4.110 put ting the fig -
tire to the most respectable auto of
$1200, which is a ceedlb to Rector,
eemvaesers and people, A good sup-
per was seeved by Mrs. Procter and
the guests separated well pleased at a
duty well done and one that should
Ming blessings in Its Iain both ttt
home and abroad.
About 40 of the Bluevale Methodist
congregation met at the home ot' Mil -
on and Mrs. Smith, Tuesdey, Febru-
ary 10th to siend a social evening be-
fore they move to their new home at
Browntown. Following address was
read by Miss Lanett Bolph and Miss
Hazel Stamper presented them with a
beautiful silver Casserole with prex
over glass, also a silver butter knife
and sugar shell :—DEAR Mu, ,reen
MRS, SMITH.—It is with a feeling of
deep sorrow and regret that we have
learned you are about to depart from
our midst; and that we cannot look
forward to your association in the fu.
tuts. While you have been with. us
you have proven yourself untiring by
your efforts to help in all causes con-
oected with the ells -tech, Sunday
School and Epworth League and we
feel we could not- let you demo t with-
out some token of our respect and
A Savings Bank Account not
only provides an assurance for the
present, but guarantees you security
in the future.
To save is to succeed -
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
wALToN BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
- + ;
of the Future
Haab year that) passes will
call from among the living some
of those who served and sacrificed in the Great War.
Bach year will sound the final Taps for more and mots unbil the
last of those who served will be with those who went before thetn.
Yeb the Reveille will be heard again by the next generation and
by generations theveafter, For history will mord the event and.
Monuments and Memoeial Tablets in every comtnuttity will call again
the names of the men who served,
All our work is cat froth the beet granibe and marble, handsome..
ly executed and finished, dignified and appropriate.
• Brusselo Granite and Marble Works
love. We eels you to accept theee
gifts, ent fee their vette', Inti in recent..
Hilton of your faithful eerviets and
tat vet may Merle you with it long
life of happiness and protege i ter le the
IYINI1 Of your friends in the Bluevale
Methodist church. Signed 011 behalf
or the Bluevale Methodist ceitgrega-
time Mr, Smith made a suitable re-
PIY thanking them foe their kindness
and goodwill. The evenitig teas spent
in games mid musk, ant.), which an
exeellent Mitch was et -eyed by the
ladies of the (mom t'gat
Duncan MeKey's Aiello)! Sale
Thursday aftermini' of 111 11 week, Let
20, Dom 10, they tewnship. P. S.
Scott, Auctioneer.
Salary to be paid Assessor Oeddee is
$80 00
Next Connell meeting will be held
on Mare]) 22nd.
The cool net for I IteMailut deaill
giVeli 1 oHin y Mather .v the
mem of $2218 N tendere reeeiv-
ed foe the 151111 Nellet Kelly
drains, NV Well tv 1ill 1twaithig seine
enterprising 1111411.
Alex. anti Mrs. Nichol mixo an en-
joyable evening at their home 'Pepe -
day night of last week to their old
neighbors and friends on the eve of
their removal from their old home,
6111 line, Evening was spent in music,
games, claming, lunch, etc. All re-
porb a gond time. We are Emery to
lose Mr. and Mrs, Nellie' and family
front the neighborhood,
5TH LINE LITERARY.—Friday even-
ing, Feb. 00, the 5th liners met ouce
more to enjoy one of their Social and
Musical eveninge, Mei time at the
home of Wm. and Mrs. Smith where
they had been previously illVited. itt
the absence of the President, Miss Mc-
Kellar, it was decided to vote in a
Chairman and John McNeil was elect-
ed. Committee in charge of peogram
had decided to have an old -Unto even-
ing and following were the numbers
given :—Choens, 'The River Shan -
n0» ;" recitation, "Old Volk," Mervyn
McCauley ; song, "Dear Beeline,"
Chestee Rintoul ; mouth organ selec-
tion, Wm. Smith • solo, "Beautiful
Ohio," L 115 Cardiff; duet, "Mickey,"
Jim Smith and Rose Cardiff; accor-
dion selection T. Beyans ; Chinese
song, Oheste It in tont ; read in g,
"Moonshine News," NO11111111 Speie ;
old thne spelling match (15 tninutes)
captains, J. Sherrie and Adam Som-
ers, latter side whining 7 to 3, the Pub.
-lie School Speller being used°hotels,
"Jingle Bells," male voices, 'laughing
the chorus ; duet, "Jean McNeil," L.
10. and Mrs, Cardiff ; minutes of last
meeting by Secretary. Program was
a good one and encores heartily given
and responded to. John McNeil made
an ideal chairman, Acoompanists
were Mrs. Win, Smith, Mrs. L 111,
McCorm]sk ard
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country
t am prepared to take orders for
McCormick and International Imple-
MIMI% Tradtors, &minent, Plows, En-
silage Cutters, Create Separators,
Wagons and Sleighs.
Full line of Tillage and Haying
and Harvesting Imply -menu. No bet-
ter, Binder, Mower Or Mamme Spread.
er made than the AI cOormick,
Buy from me and save money as
I can pay cash and can sell on terms
to suit.
Will keep repairs or get them for
you nn a day or two's erd
Gall mid see me at Ethel before
buying and savo money,
OHM MINE - Ethel
Griz ALL.
Winter Underwear
Flannelette Blankets
and Shirts
10 make room for new goods
Underwear, Fleece Lined, veg.
$125 for . ... . .... $ 1 10
Flannelette Blankets, res. $4.20 3 85
Winter, Shine, reg. 82 50 for 2 25
Win tet, Shirts, reg. 82001'»' 1 80
Men's Winter Oaps, reg, $2 00— 1 60
Boys' Winter Cape, reg. $1.50 1 35
blen's Winter Rubbers at Prices to
101 t.
Reductions in all the rest of stock,
Belo to Commence February 2nd
roc tho following4 Wooke
Terms strictly Cash or Trade.
L ltewart
UPI tiolir
And Feed
Will be unloaded Mon- -
Clay, Fob, 23rd, at Walton
P, R.
Special prices olf car.
Ws G. Neal,
Phone 198 WA LTO N
Cerdiff and Miss M. Rintent. 1)eipite
the feet that in s01110 of the membere'
leenea there was sickness the Company
monleved between 50 .trel 00 perilous.
lietlemee of the evening was spent in
eideying tilt' time gallium, stories, ems -
ie, •and an A, 1 lunch, Everybody
e tine, 141111, eidnyecl the
evening', entertainment thoroughly.
A vole ef tit:mks Was proposed 10 Ale.
and Mrs, Smith and those taking part
in program. Both host and hostess
responded briefly maiming all that the
evening for them had been very en.
joyable. After singing "They are
Jelly Good Fellows" the company sep-
melded for their various home». Ow-
ing to the ban being placed on stroll
gatherings the next meeting, whieh
woe to have been Feb. 20111, has bee))
indefinitely postponed,
Have you been to H. L. Stewart's
store at Heavy» to see the bargains
he is giving during:the Special Sale e
Read his advt, in this weeks issue.
Wednesday of last week Selwyn
Baker, of thisi
locality, WaS united n
marriage to Miss Hazel M., second
daughter of Henry and Mrs. Rowlett -
berg, Rev. Mr. Thompson, efonktoe,
performing the ceremony. The young
couple will live on the groom's farm,
14t1i Con, Grey, and commence house-
keeping under favorable enspicee.
nearby congratulations are extended,
Last week Mrs. C. Hoare, Clinton,
passed away after a short illuess.
She was a sister to the late Mrs, T.
K. Baker, formerly of the 9th Con.
The anniversary services announced
at Union ehurch have been postponed
until the Iltz ban is lifted. Rev. D.
Wren, Mount Forest, is to be the
pi exciter.
The churches and public schools in
Grey township have been closed by
the municipal Board of Health for 2
weeks as a measure for aiding the
banishing of the fin,
Quite a few farmers will have to go
particularly careful to make their sup-
ply of feed for stock last out to the
coming of Spring. The NVinter has
been long and severe.
Donald McNeil, fertnerly of the 14th
Con., has gone to Flint, Mich., where
he has accepted a position with one of
the Motor Oompaedee of that place,
We wish him success.
Last week Geo. Speiran, 12th Con.,
had the small toe on one foot ampu-
tated as ib had been bothering hint for
some time. Trouble resulted from a
COM. We hope he will soon be able
to get about as well as evee.
Many a home has had a visit from
influenza, grippe and some pneumonia
during the past 2 or 3 weeks, For-
tnnately there have been DO fatal re-
sults so far and we hope the worst is
Mrs, Elizabeth Stewart, 11th Onn„
who is in her 85th year, and one of
the old residents of the line, has been
confined to her bed sinee the 21st of
October, 1919, as a result of a stoke
of paralysis, Me. Stewart died a good
many years ego.
OARDor TITANICS.—We desire to
thank the amity kind neighbors and
friends for their words of sympathy
and deeds of kindness during the ill-
ness and subsequent death or our Inc.
00 one, Our hearts feel move than
outtongues can express.
away on Thursday. Fele 5111, 1920, a
former resident of the 14th Con. of
Civey townehip in the person of Mag.
gie McNeil, widow of the late Datliel
McNeill, itt the residence, of her
law, 111, A, Oakley 2288 Lewis Street,
Bay Oily, Mich, The lalo Mrs. Mc-
Neil was born i Dalbonsie, Lanark
Co., Orem ie, on June 20th 1849, and
vita therefoee in bet 71st Yeate She
nine to (-Ivey when a child and lived
1» Lot 2.% Con. 14, that being the
mine of her fathee, the late Donald
TeNeie She will be retnenthet ed by
he older. etisidents. Iilre Hugh Mc-
eil, Grey, and Mrs, Fulton, of Bens.
els, are sisters-imlaw of deceased.
T sympathy of old friends go to the
MAnteeetaer Al 'ELLER STEWART-
There passed away ou Saturday, Feb,
7111, Margaret Miller Stewart in her
51st year. She bad been operated on
for appendicitis the previens &malty
and for a Hine seemed to rally but not
ithstamling all that could be done
she gradually sank. Margaret was
the eldest daughter of the late Don.
ald and Mrs. Stewart and was born in
Grey township on the form on which
she died. She was of a quiet diapesi-
tion, industrious and kindly, a mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church and
trusted In her Savione. She leaves to
mourn her loss her aged mother, 2
brothers and 2 sisters, viz Alexander,
Donald and Mary at lo mime alid MPH.
.T01111 13114kOly, of Memel try. Puneral
took place on Tuesday to ihussele
cemetery, Rev, M. Rennedy conduct-
ed the service. Pallbearers were Nel•
eon Askin, Mark L. Cardiff, Archie
Sohn Stephenson end her tWo
brothers, A lere0dOr "th, h
The bt.hhaVVII f.Ihn hR in the snil)
Of 11>e eintlint1101 v.
11 .4.
Tile Lake atdiv->,tt ,
11 m Mow,: r1 14 pee:v.100
Blade 10 5J101, .101111 11 '1511. 1)1104
Alise Julia .Ppain, eldest .ittitgli ter Id
Lorenw, and Airs. Frain, :kit
fire)* : •"Aleeriames Alf Klemm, 1)oro•
yen and Winter enteetethwe 311 11
Wedne„ley afterttlem at He. lump. cif
1 Ile 1110 el, in 11o111/1' of etre. Jai
flong, dilto will 1,vi,00lt
home at Lind: Lalee Mem
preeent tel with a ellen' el,mmelm de it
file Ladies. The host esees
imirdletto. 11.04 1.
130;3;1.00.11V Illiased eilli1.011
she MIA, nig been Prm.ident of 1 im
Jol 1' Uniffit and an Emerge!. ie wot key
in nubile. allethe. nw Mier achite.,4
5,1(1 "De:en AIR. ihi tie—'jehe weft,.
hs ell of the Ladies' Unien take pl.
MP in presenting yen we h tete gi
gift in appreciation your o.
among es. We hope yt,“ Will he v,
11.!tipy in yeur HMV holm.. hi, ai
metres go with yen. Moe 1i. 11 11
BY. ill behalf the Ladisee1,1
A fitting, reply was reacie by Lilo
ttiVi• I CI) F361111 liaPhrin
; Ciao alai I j Mani LI II 5 Wards of Wisdom from
end let. 1M. 11 uta fur the ecinting sett- ze eze e you when it le
HE Dirrel.nre and Patrons of week.
""" genet a,1 Pa..tory bueimen •• is.lye [Token the
meel leg on akelVe date. at 2 p. 1 1...,.ven.
Cheese Factory will hold let, All the way to Heaven is
ate several Sentence Sermons this
Loral Pastori
Town:iliip Ettle1
SatUrday, Feh 'y 2 1St Ma. Horron,—
Your religions readers may appreei-
1 ' ' y , ...fee it.
0: no man that im-
pel teb it toyd es, hie friend hub he
00 Matt that hon -
pa, es us- giii,f;1 Itis friend but he
tll ''1,
1> >i-1 0,1101 is worth one
howls term,
1 h.1 eate rule
ll GlIO. 1-1. HART,
Maker - ETHEL
reeelpielitm bri, By expressed
their thanke and Moored the visiting
de iron denten that 1 V greatly ati.
,rk 'yeti/teed the ittoughtfulneer and
The following sketch refers to a I.
er, resident of Grey toweebie, a broth-
er of Mrs, Wm. Brewer, Grey, and
Peter McDougall, Jameetown, end is
taken from a Lengdon, North Delwin
paper, cleceeteecl having resided there.
Ir years :—Sunclety afternoon J. D.
Langclon, received a message
from Chas. Hunter, wi) is at Log
Beach, Oalifornie, conveying the netts
that James eleDougall atpa on soul. -
day night. Air. MeDottgall is well
known over Cavalier County ,ss be
came here something over 30 years
ago and homesteaded 0 quarter eeet ion
near Langdon. Of late years he has
worked about town as a colleetote
desk at Auction gales and other Mite
that he was able to handle. He wee a
first class penman and any Met teal
work that he had to do Wall always
Retailed in good eltape. He was beim
near Brussels, Ont , on Jan. 200, 18112,
and at the time of his death was. 58
years of age. Last Fall he was taken
ill and senb to a hospital at Rochester,
Minn., for treatment Doctors said he
bad a cancer and that it was impos-
sible to do anything to Nave his tiler.
He realized he was in a very serious
condition but, we understand he was
not told of the real cause m his
trouble. He expressed a ()Pahp to go to
California to spend the NVintet with a
sister living et Long Beach and his
Masonic friends assisted in sending
him and also sent Nick Haves, Alin-
neapolis, to aecompany him on Itis
trip. Alt. McDougall was is member
of the Modem Brotherhood Lodge
and carried an iusuetusce policy for
$1,000 in that Order. He was else a
member of some of the Masonic bodies
in Langdon. According to the data
stated in his application for life insur-
ance, we noted he basil sisters fold 2
brothers, Most of his brothers and
sisters are dead and a brother a'.,l
ter are heeled at Towner, Noah Da-
kota, where they lived for a number
of years. He has a sleeve living in
Ontario and a sister, Mrs, Jenne; Lem_
burner, who formerly lived at Timmer
now at Long Beach, Oalifoenia.
"Jimmie," as he was popularly keown
in Langdon had a great many friends
in Cavalier County and we undeest and
the people from Langdon who are
spending the Winter at Long Beach
made frequent visits with him and
made things as pleasant ae possible
l'or him. No word was sent i egarcling
the funeral but it is presumed that the
remains will be interred at Lome
fore James and Mea. At tnstt ong and
fatuity left the homestead Oth Cot,
they were waited on by R. J. Hoover
and Oliver Heed tigwityas a Ommult
tee representing the neighborhood and
presented infoeinally with the follow-
ing address aceompanied by a tine
casserole and enviv berry spoor, for
Ales, Armstrong and a neett mantle
clock fat IlIr AsItistiong
DEAR FRIENDS, —After a residence
one Com Inntil 17 for 20 years, duping
which period you have proven your
trustworthiness and a right to be >,'.
eliglliZed ae possessors or a title to env
highest eeteein and confidence, we feel
we could not permit you to retrieve to
Bruseele without, a practical expres-
sion of our regard and appreciation of
your neighborliness and friemiship,
\Ve always found you "all-wool-aud-a-
yatel.wide," ever eady to do a gaud
turn, help a weal*, Canal, and by
your geniality and hospitality scat -
teed smiles and sunshine, An even-
ing ab you), home wunki have been
touch enjoyed by your old neitthiens
and friends but as the flu epidemic
forbids one assembling we ask Mrs,
Armstrong to accept this Casserole
and silver berry spoon and Mr. Arm-
steong this mantle clock as small tok-
ens of one confidence and kindly re.
gard and hope they may frequently
vended ecu of old friends in GI ey
township, We Melt you many happy
years of comfort and prosperity in
yet irettlent from the fat m and hope
you will enjoy vine new home in
Brussels where we train, to often have
the opportunity of meeting you and
continning the friencishio`e Netted in
the past. May you and the varions
members of your estimable family be
ever guided and guarded by the
er of all and when the changing ecenes
of this life are over may it bi the
happy lot of each one to join in en
tinbroketi circle in the Home prepared
by One who loved us from the begin-
ning and whom you have endeavored
to serve, Von and your-, will always
be welbnme at our homeSigned on
behalf or the Commmill y,
R. S Hoovsn,
O. lismrsowA v,
Nitr;reist Lows,
grey ToWnehip, Feb. 18t1t, 1020.
e of the me whit la only on [sae
with whet lied been accorded diene
for i he past 21 yesis tvhen they new -
e>1 tO the tie'irhico hood 1001 Auburn.
(ireY t‘ANIAlip h111alws, ye hold many
kindly reniembrenees for them and
the geed people with whom they ,net.
The Armstrong family moved to Bios-
-1>>1>1this week where they purchased
the home of Sanders and Mrs. Roe,
Flora street They are 110 strangers
10 Bi ussels and will no doubt soon
feel quits at home, They are succeed-
ed on the farm by W. 0. and Mrs.
11311,rentt and family wilt, some highly
recommended and will be heartily wel-
Duneau and Mrs. McDonald and
Miss Dotielda rats the gauntlet with
the lIn .o grippe but are able to be
about all right once more.
Several from this loeality were a
Gerrie last Friday afternoon attend-
ing the Annual meeting of the Hew.
ick Mutual Fire insurance Oempee v,
Don't forget Relent J. McLetinati'e
Anetion Sale of Farm stock, &c., Fels
day of this week, at 1 p nm. Ni Lot
19, Cote 2, Moms. hue Purvis will
be the Auctioneer.
Hugh Oolsvell, of Calgary, has been
a welcome visitor at the home of D,
and Mrs. Ramsay. He is a brother of
the latter and has been overseas for
the past 2 years and hoe many inter-
eeting stories to tell of what: he saw
and hoar d.
SCittem Rea-were—Following is the
report of S. S. No. 4, GI ey: Names in
eider of merit. Those In brackets
equal. Sr. IV—Evelyn Holt,- Gen -
rude Payn, Jr IV—Sybil Ring, Cecil
Payn, Bim Hayden. Sr. III—Mary
Breckenridge, Winona Frain. ,Jr. III
—Rent McAllister, Waltet. Hamilton,
(CHI -Teed McAllister, Margaret Hay-
den,) Willie Parkes, Se. II—fjeckson
McCutcheon, Melville Jacklin) Lynda
1Vieltay, Mary Ballingall. -Pr.—Violet
Jacklin and Velma Hamilton,
Read the list of Jas. Dickson's Ana.
thin Sale on Friday, Febrnary 27th, in
this week's issue,
There was a holiday in the churches
last Sunday owing to the ban put on
by the Township Board of Health,
ISIrs, J. Ballantyne, formerly of this
locality, %veiling from Flint, Mich.,
says :—We have real Winter here.
Must have Tito Poser so enclose sub.
Miss Jessie Menzies was borne from
Toronto for the week end to attend
the marriage of her Sister, Miss
Mabel, to thweali VeDonald, of Hay.
ter, Alberta, lest Saturday.
We nee Stilly to state that Mrs,
Wm. Rat 'melt, of this place hi not en-
joying geed health and has been un,
der the doctor's eare. Her numerous
Mends hope she will soon be restored
10 (1(1 time vigor,
Seen 11> Felt:U.—Fred. Jeschke,
has sold his eligible 05 acre farm to
his neighbor ,lohn Fischer for the sum
of 8.1,000. The purchaser owned 80
acres before so the combination will
give hint a fine property on which he
will do well. Mr. Jeschke has been
on the place for 9 years and has proe.
pered but his health is none too rugged
and be }imposes taking it comparative
rest and with his wife will likely re-
move to Debi nit, where a brother, of
the farmer is ht bneitteea, A clearing
Auction Sale of farm stook, iinple-
men is household turn it ure, &c„ will
be held next month before possession
is given, Mr. Fischer and family will
move tet the Jeschke fiom its it is more
convenient, especially in the Winter,
to get to school and other placee We
wish hint the same thi ift that has fol-
lowed him and trust, all concerned
will prosper.
fit:maenad l3ltekse»tiu Shop for sale. ROM.
donee len comfortable brink with 14 of an acre
of lend. Shop iv frame roe further malice.
lars apply M Ates G. W. PomAnn,
Phone 5910tOthel
00Al..—Oar of stove octal at 0, 81.81, and a
Oar of 01testent expected next wMih. Leave
y0111. Wore. Beat &Tamen coal. Gltovint E.
(tun,, Ethel.
"Tho Country dinister" has indefi-
nitely postponed his call to Ethel.
Announcement, will be made in doe
Church serviees aro cancelled to aid
in the expulsion of the du from this
locality. School is also having a
'The special collection taken in the
Presbyterian ehureh here for the Ar.
modems totalled the fine amount of
$111.00, It was duly forwarded to
G. W. Pollard was home from Stmt.
rota over Sunday, His stay WAS ex-
tended on aceount of delayed trains
tlt Monday. He is well pleased with
the Classic city,
Saturday afternoon, at 2 P:
Township Hall, a meeting of tho
Directors patrons and others Interest -
e41 will bo'hold to lot the mills routes
if you meant
to •Ilei•It ;here, never omit,
e. 11.140 word or an
opeei tool, Soong a kiednew, or
Hese Mr a I,
.•:1 ,,f ("heist is the busi-
ness, 1.f 1 2.1,, w .11 ,,f Chriet is the
14, ..f 1.1. • of Christ is the
ei, s,
F.1!1 •1,1l14•1-j,}t,f,..the church-
es ley ibe success Of the
1>2 10h,i Li, in other
towns, 1•1 sus resolve, In the geography
of this to put "Brussels on
bulle8stili.T.this he mit slogan "The
Ohalleisge t11s. lossiecompliehed,"
(Pi May next Monday be a delight-
fully pliet ill the realm of the
W. E, Snurroari.
12gr: i TH17t101511
1,, 1920,C
Th lrtv,i 1., :B. trial ee never he.
roi, no, h :lever had such an
oppi.irt loyalty
(.111Fit. tte,i ltS owe spirituality
and we twee. riot let the POI:Ward
. it, ,.pirit oat life and nods:
service fail, '.%liatt'Ver the cost or
sacrifice. The day el eielons hes not
yet closed, To Christian people has
been given a vision splendid of what;
is pnesible, if they will only consecrate
themselves to their Nlaster, and de-
vote their lives and powers to the do-
ing of Hi:. tot 0(1)1 will. To the con-
theli 14+ Lldiy 000 ViZ—a lire or
ne eect pat tnership with God.
Like Peel seell we .w,t say "I was not
disobedieot to the heavenly vision."
Let (.1..4 nut forget that a vision brings
responsibility, that, a, vision must lead
to action. It led Cornelius to send for
Peter ; it led Peter to go with the tier.
vents of Cornelius, doubting nothing
and it led Pant to give himself with
unbounded zeal to the service of
Ohrist. When Savonarola wae a lad
it was his custom to spend many an
afternoon strolling on the banks of the
river Po with his 'eTandfather. Once,
after a long eilentrest, the boy end-
denly mid to his companion, "There
are emcee calling me," "Yes 1 I believe
it." said his grandfather, "You must
listen for the voice." Thie thought;
that he was destined for Nome special
work never left him, and his constant
prayer was "1,11,4 teach me the way
my soul should walk. 'When at 18
Ithee seetint et rwecol :11 °Mulliti'suafsrtilenYnclas,t VVBh°01°.agned..
not known his pttrpose, "I havehlis-
tened to the vole," After a few
yearn there he was sent, out to preach
10 the Churches nea.rby, and then to
Florence. Here he felt and rightly
that the trne message had coma to
lino, that he had received God'e cont.
mission to purify the church from its
iniquities. When ordered by the
Pope to cease preaching he answered
"I muet preach because God has calls.
ed me thereto" and his last words be-
fore he died a martyr's death were,
"My God was pleased to die for my
sins, why 11)01110 not 1 he glad to give
up my peer life out of love to Hun."
vision, of
Evatteeheation. Led and
t.s1.!' stili''s'.:.117,111,11)',,:tve°,rakbouitf the etrengthessed by the 4pirit of Oheist
will we 1,el give elltSelVeS. With zeal
pet ieli." Earl Beatty said,
"If half the z..sil and passion, half the
nutpeurlog 1,.. !ant end treasure of or-
gatilzati. es • uel enldency, that the
Slate Itus in1 . into the war, could he
&lin anti the eterlial ire
threttrii iiito the eatitie of Itehtei e 810 tn1g10-
world would soon he won."
Field -Marshal sir Douglas Ilaig
said ',I am cetivineed that for the full
development of the splendid future
whielt the efforts of a United Empire
lave opened op before ns, we still
need the impulse and inspiration of
the united action of !he Christian."
Melville Men:se, Fele. 10th, 1920.
• y
and discuss factory alTairs for the
season, Now's Me timo for getting
ready fit good ,eason. See advt.
The homestead 100 acres of the Its
Pollard. Lot 11>, Con, 6, Grey
township, will be offered for sale on
Thurniky. March ith, at 2 p. at
the notes, how, by the Executors.
W. Pollee( and 311o. Bateman.
An adVertisentent hl DIM issue and
bills give fie thee partieulers, Male is
made to close up the estate.
With no small regret, we chronicle
the death of Minnie Berne, beloved
wife of Charlie Melee, of Calgary,
formerly of Ethel, The sad event
took place Wednesday of last week,
pneumonia being the cause. The hus-
band and 8 children survive and Will
be deeply sympathised with in their
bereavement , It is a dozen or txxore
Years Mose hire Davies left hare. Eto
a brother of Mrs. (1)r.) Vorgusoui