The Brussels Post, 1920-2-12, Page 7ee
Modern Lace Came From
Venice, Probably Offshoot
of Egyptian Product,
The earliest fabric' which deserves
the name a lace was probably made
1n Egypt,
Most of the "taco" metlttoned In the
early Bible ages was in reality a sort
of embroidery, and net lace In the or.
Binary sense of the word.
"Very charming is the derivation of
the word lace, coming as it does
through the old French las, from tate
Latin lagueus, a snare, allied to lacere,
to entice. Hence lace really moans
something that allures or' entices."
So writes Mr. Thomas Wright in his
interesting book, „The Romance of the
Lace Pillow," describing the rise of
the lace industry in England, "It is
in the Egyptian Lace that we find the
origin of bobbin work, A specimen
taken from a mummy case is pre-
served in the Victoria and Albert'
Museum, South Kensington.
"This primitive work was made on
a frame consisting of two vertical
rods whirls wore kept rigid on two
horizontal bars. Two foundation
cords were fastened across from one
vertical bar to the other, ono being
near the top and the other near the
bottom, Tho thread to be plaited was
wound upas these cords. After one
end had been tied to the top founda-
tion cord, the thread was wound over
and under both corde 111 such a mate
ner as to allow the fingers of the
worker's lett hand to be slipped in be-
tween the thread corning in from the
front. of the top cord and the thread
comiug from the back,
"By this means and by using the
Augers only, the threads were twisted
and plaited, the front threads drop-
ping back and the back threads being
putted forward. This plaiting was per-
formed In the middle of the work.
'Limn the contpletlo1 of each row a
stick was in:+ert, 1, and the work
pushed up and down into position. The
plaiting tinirlhe;t, the work could
either be secure,) firmly in the middle
or cut across and the end, tied, when
there would, of course, be two ar-
Other Days, Other Ways.
The• next step towards modern lace
making was to nee several shorter
lengths of thread instead of one con -
Mean:: one; and to faste Small
handles, now called hobble,. .o the
ends of these cut lengths v s which
to plait the threads. Later the frame
was • ed and the workplaced
a pillow.
The Venetians claim that Mee malt.
Ing, as we understand It, originated
with them. They produce documents
dated 1470 in which ate passages men-
tioning fabrics nind" with bobbins. It
is probable, however, that "face" made
its way to Votive from Egypt, taking
many velltnries to do so, and from
Venice to FIt nders.
In 1508 a number of lace makers ar-
rived in Kent from Flanders, driven
from their own country by Philip the
Second. From all accounts they were
mostly women, and very industrious,
"The lace they brought, with them
was regarded with wonder and admire -
tion. At first, they settled in the coast
towns of Kent and Sussex. Those
among them, however, who calve from
the Mechlin (Marines) country made
their way, in 1608, to Cranfield, in
Bedfordshire. A little later others
found their way into Buckingham.
After the massacre of Saint Bartho-
lomew, in 1672, many Huguenots es-
caped to England. There were many
lace makers, mostly ftom x.ille,
among thein, and they settled down
with the Flemish colony over there,
As a natural result, many of the old
designs of these parts aro a combing.
tion of the two laces, Mechlin and
When Queen Elizabeth ascended the
throne, the lace industry in this coun-
try advanced by leaps and bounds,
Mary Queen of Scots was also a great
lover of lace, and she is sald to Clave
made much herself dining her cap.
That Morning Grouch.
Morning "grouchiness" is frequent-
ly nothing more than a product of the
late -hour habit. So is a tendency to
see the world at all tines through
smoked glasses. Prolong the hours
of sleep and optimism may soon re-
place the pessimism deplorably it
evidence in many short sleepers.
And with the change in mood will
come an increase in working power.
Par pessimists aro notoriously inef-
ficient workers, 1f only because of tho
Mental and physical demoralization
which pessimism always involves In
Borne. degree.
Church Crypt for Skulls.
Under the Chancel of'iho church at
Hythe, tient, England, is a very curi-
e oila Crypt. This crypt is need as n,
depository for a large quantity of he.
man skulls and hones, which are be-
lieved ,,tn be those of Danes killed
close by in battle before the Norman
Conquest. Most of the skulls are ar-
ranged en shelves, while the bones
aro piled up In a, symmetrical heap.
Such ghastly relics aro rare in Eng.
Ash churches, although they are to be
formal et several places on the Conti -
Colds and Diseases May be
Avoided if the Blood is
Kept Pure.
DO not let your blood got thin this
)Tince Uses Explosives
on Farm.
The beauty spot. of lie vele ;Jeri
moor, wild( le part of the Welly of
t'.ullmall and therefore the properly
of the Prince of Wales, is being tralie-
furIli l be +•1ploeives inti prorluceive
farm lural. •
Gelignite le Inserted lets holes in
the )lard ground and dlec!utrged by
electric, current, The explosions
brcalc up Ute sub -son, and at the end
winter, For people who have 1a ten- of a few months the ground le ready
chewy towards anaemia, or bloodleete I for cultivation.
noes. winter is a trying 86118011. I,ac11 An expal180 of 150 acres on Dart -
of exercise and fresh air, awl the nano', which, though a delight 10 the
more diet are stinting the artist, was formerly unproductive of
many things that combine to lower I anything but heather and gorse, has
the tone of the body and deplete the grown 1111s year excellent crops of
Itay, carrots, swedes, turnips, pota-
toes and peas.
Mr, Henry Vendalmans, an agricul-
tural engineer, and a graduate of the
University of Louvain, devised the
method of reclaiming hard waste land
in this way.
"The crop of this year's grass alone
has more than covered the expense of
reclamation," said Mr. Vendelmans.
"I have studied the subject of re.
domination of war+te lands for many
years, In hngland alone I should say
there aro 2,000,000 acres of waste land
which can be reclaimed."
As soon as you notice the tired feel-
ing, lack of appetite and shortness of
breath that are warning symptoms of
thin blood, tales a short cou080 of
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, Do not wait until the color has
entirely left,; your cheeks, until your
lips are white and your eyes dull. It
is so much easier to correct thfuning
of the blood in the earlier stages than
later. This ie well illustrated in the
case of Mrs. E. Williams, Elk Lake,
Ont., 'who says: — "I take great
pleasure in letting you know the bene-
fit I have found in the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. I was in an
anaemic condition, and was very weak
and run down. The least exertion
would leave nae breathless and it was
with difficulty that I did household
welt. I was advised to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pill99, and after the use of
four boxes I fdlt like a new person.
e ill
llr fact, my system seemed filled with
,new energy and new life: I strongly
recommend this medicine to all who
fool weak 0r run down."
The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink
P111s is to build up the blood. They
do this one thing and they do it well.
Thoy are for this reason an invaluable
remedy in diseases arising from bad
or deficient blood, as rheumatism,
neuralgia, after-offects of the grip or
fevers. The pills are guaranteed to
be free from opiates or any harmful
drug and cannot injure the most de-
licate systoni.
You eau procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine,
or they will be sent you by mall at 60
cents a box or e1x boxes'for $2.50 by
writing (Bract to The r. Williams'
Medicine Co, Brocatville, Ont.
To enal•Ie bicyclists to carry babies
with them when riding, an English-
man has invented a sheet iron drum,
open at the back,"to be clamped be-
side the rear wheel of a bicycle.
Canadian factories employ nearly
200,000 women, most of whom are or-
Keep Minard'e Liniment In the house.
Youthful Achievement.
Ie it possible to speed up education,
as Ono can speed ur the production of
shot and shill potatoes and cos
sit ld 1
There are many examples to baud of
amazing precocity. Can this "for-
wardness" be made the rule rather
than the exception?
Music has always produced infant
prodigies. Sir Charles Halle was but
a child of four when he played a sona-
ta in public expressly composed for
him, Mozart made his debut at six,
Chopin and Rubinstein performed •on
the platform at eight, Samuel Wesley
composed a march for one of the
Guards' regiments at seven, and Eiger
wrote the music of a child's play at
twelve. i
In literature, Milton wrote epic
poems before he had turned eleven,
Tennyson wrote charming lyrics at
the age of twelve, Byron indlted fluent
and passionate love verses at ten,
Bacon wrote like a philosopher dur-
ing his tenth year, Macaulay began a
compendium of universal history at
the rips age of seven, Douglas Jer-
rold achieved success on the stage at
fourteen, and that Immortal boy,
Chatterton, wrote masterpieces before
he reached his teens.
Archaeologists contend that draw-
ings of human beings and animals in
ancient caves in France prove that
man was right-handed as long ago as
in the stone age.
Fashionable Skirts and Blouses
T11I=, Do / 1;sk.
'Phis do I 'link Guardian
T1:1'l1ike , h.I2,101 lire,
1:41:141110.1.!..1:1.;T1:11:41:141110.1.!..1:1.;litT 111 u+
401110 lI1S shall r: a '., b•,.
Now In ply b, t e e .i.i. height yew it,
Tho yhrit' 1 r' days,
91st)1111 0 r rima
'aloe f'rr,•ti . ud 1. ndr•r rpr.,ye, i
Wiley, , 8 tn; v, i2 124' 1 11 211118 may
Like bird: to heed thole nisi,
And briluc IL + ••n -.o of npifu1, 10 I
11081.0, t
ltilth win's•, : f••..11 oppl•e,,,e.l.
May All 1)112) 1 111 t tt (nye Iler.
Lthio by th feint's!' veal
And, lingering, b; -;s hid burning heart
To ono white trete and email!
When autunul's shuttle hours shall
Their brawn and golden weft,
May then my patient branches spread,
Be not of fruit bereft.
I ask my share of rain and wind,
Of sun sereno and warm—
That I grow gentler in the light,
And stronger in the storm.
Constipation—that disordered state
of the digestive tract which i$ nearly
always caused by improper feeding-'
can be readily regulated by the use of
Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative.
n are
and s take
They aro easy
free from injurious drugs. Con-
cerning them Mors, Joseph Dion, Ste.
Perpetuo, Que.,'writes:—"I have noth-
ing but praise for Baby's Own Tab -
lots. When my baby was three
months old he was terribly constipated
but the Tablets soon set him right and
now at the age of fifteen months he is
a big bealthy boy and this good health
I attribute entirely to the use of the
Tablets." Thoy are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
Pearls to Order.
Some years ago considerable in-
terest was taken in the discovery of a
method of making real diamonds.
There was no mistake about the
genuineness of the gems produced.
The drawback lay in the fact that
they were exceedingly small.
h scient-
eel's ago a Prep
Y g
confilmede by careful investigation,
the accuracy of the Idea that a pearl
is the result of a disease which at-
tacks the pearl oyster.
Having established this fact, his
next step was to procure a number of
pearl oysters, and plant them\ in his
own pearl fishery in French waters,
after fist inoculating then) with the
disease which induces
them to
At first the pearls ne had been able
to produce by this means were small,
and of little worth: but, as he him-
self remarked, they were real pearls,
not mere globules of,mother-of-pearl.
Tho safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
A Lake of Oil.
Now and then a "gusher" breaks
loose, and the result is a lake of o11.
One of the most remarkable happen-
ings of this kind occurred not long
ago in the Lancs Creek district of
Wyoming. A veritable geyser poured
forth petroleum by the millions of
5728 8233 6245 9239 9227 barrelfuls, and, in order to save the
No. 8729—Ladies' Slip -On Blouse. wide; shorter Length, 11/ yards, 36 precious fluid a dam was built across
Price, 20 cents. In two lengths; body I inches wide, or % yard 64 inches the valley which impounded a small
and sleeve in one, closing .on shout -I wide; underwaist, 15t yards 36 inches sea of the fluid.
wade or 1 and 64 inches wide
der. Cut in 5 sizes 34 36 38 40 and
y Ordinarily when each air escape 00 -
Na. 9238—Ladies' Three -Piece Cir -
42 incl) bust measure Size 36, tiler Skirt. Price, 20 cents, I3igh curs, resort is had to the expedient of
shorter length, 11/1 yards 36 inches waistline; 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut throwing up banks of earth to prevent
wide, or 114 yards 54 inches wide; in 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 82, 34 and the oil from flowing far and wide.
collar, vest, ruffle, 1 yard, 36 inches 30 inches waist measure. Size 26 re- Then tank cars are fetcltetl and the
wide; longer length, 17e3 yards, 36 Ores, 88 -inch length, VA yards 40 petroleum is ]lumped aboard.
inches wide, or 11 yards, 54 Inches niches wide, or 2 yards 54 inches
wide. I wide; 36 -inch length, 3 yards 40
No 9233 Ladies' Waist Price inches wide or 21/s yards 64 inches
25 cents. With or 'without two-piece
peplum; back closing; sleeves in two
styles. In 8 sizes, 94 to 48 inch bust
measure. Size 36 requires, with pep-
lum, 2% yards 40 ,inches wide, or 21/1
yards 43 inches wide; without peplum,
114 yards, 40 inches wide, or 11/2
yards 48 inches wide.
Not 9245— Ladies' Overblouse.
Price, 25 cents. In two lengths; to
be slipped on over the head; closing
on shoulder; underwaist having ki-
Mono sleeves. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46
inch bust measure. Size 36 requires,
longer length, overblouse, 1% yards
86 inches wide, or % yard 64 inches
Width around 'bottom, 2% yards,
No. 9227—Ladies' Two Piece Skirt.
Price, 25 cents. With 'gathered side
seetions; high waistline; 88 to 30 -
inch length. Cut in. 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28,
30, 32, 34 and 86 inch waist measure.
Size 26 requires, 38 -inch length, 21
yards 36 inches wide, or 1h yards
48 inches wide; 85 -inch length, 2/
yards 36 inches wide, or lei yards 48
inches wide, Width around bottom,
11 yards. -
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Test or Coffee
often r,,rees cvvif k�
some one 1,111 the fam,
An easy' woio to
get sway if6rn. such <.
annoyance is to drink
1.t STA,
.11� `Wiv
4 a,H
It agrees with everyone in.
the family. No sleepless
might., disturbed digestion
or irritged nerves follow
it:� 1.18e. 'Ter r oRease ,
The publisher of the best ie mer's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to lis states:
"I wourO"say that I do not know of
a medicine that has stood the test of
has been an. unfailing remedy lu 0nt•
household ever since I can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would-be
competitors and imitators."
R!HEUMA's" 9 M
This 10 lest the season
wh,) n It h eu m eta, :m telt 111 to
gmindlUlf pain andstlfren-
intt of joints gets hold of
,you. Fight It wit%
Templeton's Rheureatlo
Oenauies bring for Gain
relief, and permanent re-
sulis. They are receme,
mended by doctors• and
sold by reliable druggists
everywhere f or 31 .04 a box,
or write to Templetons,
142 Ding St. W., Toronto.
Mailed anywhere on re-
ceipt of price.
Snorerb:all Tips.
Wheu you venture out immediately
after a fall of snow, you need have
little feardof cheeky urchins. It 18
when the -snow begins to thaw that
you will have to wattle warily for a
stinging snowball on your Check. And
2118 114 the reason.
The snow, at first, is powdery.
While It is freezing, it moires very un•
satisfactory snowballs. Open your
window immediately after a snow-
storm, and fill your hands front the
ledge. The snow w111 scrunch into
next to nothing, and will not aided to -
gaiter In a 111111, solid Riess.
13u1when the slaw sets in, it is a.
different matter. The crystal points
of the SUOW interlace each other, mid
i.ho auto can be squeezed together
into a. (minimal meas. '171e balls can
become almost as hard as ice and
then Is the time to keep your weather
eye 0111111!
Templeton's RAz-MAH Cap -
AST are
Moi guaranteed
sufferto nan
other day.
WrltoTempletons, 142 Xing St..
W., Toronto, for freesample.
Reliable druggists sell them at
61.04 a box.
Paying on the Nail.
An expression with which everyone
is familiar, "paying on the nail,"
conies from the old method of settling
accounts, says an English writer.
In the early days of trade and com-
merce, merchants on Change paid
their debts by counting out their gold
on to a copper "nail" or table, in the
market place,
Written receipts are now almost 11111-
versal, and these nails are no longer
used; but two splendid specimens
still remain atn021g the most interest-
ing treasures of the ancient port of
They are are each about four feet
high, shaped like a gigantic hour-
glass. There they stand 111 the busy
street, a lasting monument to the hi-
tegrity of the old trading and mer-
chant class, who paid on the nail and
scorned a receipt.
lCa1111n1'no farming, ie0116 of Amt..
tralia's important industries.
One halfpenny is capable of carry-
ing 2,000,000 miceobee.
Don't stint yourself in order to save
up money for your relatives to quar-
rel over after you are gone.
0— 0
11 0 G e 0 0 0 0 0,03....-0
Let folks step on your feet hereafter;
wear shoes a size smaller if you like,
for corns will never again send electric
sparks of pain through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority.
He says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
e, tender, aching corn, instantly re-
lieves soon the entire
soreness, a
Ifevea so ,
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug is a sticky ether cora.
pound, but dries at once and simply
shrivels up the 61'21 without inflaming
or even irritating the surrounding
tissue. -
It is claimed that a quarter of an
ounce of freezoue obtained at any drug
store will cost very little but is sute-
cient to remove every hard or sett cora
or callus from one's feet. Cut this out,
especially if you are a woman reader
who wears high heels.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
-- 4
the Point of View,
Classified Ativt:rti.prr,..-'stt4
1_fyQ1UItiIT /1,1•,22, '1 -
..i1. geed prints sten ittriehbe 1.,a,•st
prices on trances ---ask tor ralulultuaa
United Art Co„ # 231 unswlols Ave., To-
PPR gArai
10VtSPA7'I•1ll, W1P:K1.Y. 1N Iartlicti
County. Splendid opportunity. Witte
:"!; 'i'oni'c uMt ),,,1,01 n Furl... Box T. Wilson Publishing Co, Limited.
1 " 78 Adelaide St. 17., Toronto.
bitt',, ,,,,,,:i.,.;..14,24
11,: 'stn oboe 2,,vo:llryrc.` and lob printing plant in 108818111
air Nil
'1"h.+e. guult cal, lust, Ontario. Insurance carried MM. Will
it si't. i, r - fi ilsv i 01.210
'n)bi 0ahln5 quick
7 t4.,sTcu nto. x 80 -
Question of Identity.
In Miyrtle Aeer,» c: lives Mrs. Brown,
the proud mother of linty twins,
named, not inappropriately, May and
Thu other day May Was out for a
walk with her nurse. They had not
gone very far when they met an old
friend of the fatally, 4150 out for a
constitutional. ale WOMB(' to the
nurse and shook the little girl's hand.
"Good morning, my dear," 11e said.
"And which of the twins are you?"
The 101111at:,-i 1,1:11+i, ,: smiled sweet•
ly, as she nn,•,..r,,l: "I'm the one
that's ant well:ii g!"
That was a wise Did rural philoso-
pher who called warty "interest on
trouble," paid it advance.
1.,..,......,....,,. -.....,..,...•...... .......................,t
If Bilious, Constipated
or Headachy, take
Feel grand! ('lean up inside! Your
system is hailed with fiver and bowel
90i,on whirl) keeps your akin sallow,
your etoma'lll upset, Your )lead foggy
and aching. Tour meals are turning
into poieon and you can not feel right.
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
splendid always by taking Cascarets
occasionally. They act without grip-
ing or inconvenience. They never
sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or
nasty, harsh Pills. They cost se little
Lao—Cascarets work while you sleep.
ret®ar=a,me sremetemerm,elet,
A Kidney Remedy 1
Kidney troubles are frequently 6
caused by badly digested food
which overtakes these organs to
eliminate the irritant acids g
formed. Help your stomach to
properly digest the food by .b
taking 15;to 30 drops of Extract
of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your kidney
disorder will promptly dis-
appear. Get the genuine. 7 BI
mo:nm®a,�a,.ca,�m®.e:emorm a�.se�
America's Pioaeor Dal• 8,e3nedtes
:3osl oa
and Vow to Peed
Mailed Free to.a.ay Ad-
dre:as by the Author.
re Clay Glover 00,, Silo.
1)5 -V;•!,1; t 311. S0'cat
Ni -a 5:78., U.B.Q..
You'll find Sioan's Liniment
softens the 'severe
rheumatic ache
arta it on freely. Don't rub it in.
Just let it / euetrat,' naturally. What a
sense of soothing relief soon follows!
External aches, stifness, soreness,
cramped Muscles, strained ,:news,
back "cricks"—those ailments can't
light • off the relieving. qualities of
Sloan's Linin cat Clean, c.enveat ent,
economical, Made in ..C.aneda,
35e., 7Oc., $1.10.
Accept "California." Syrup of Figs
only—look for the namo California en
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most
,harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels, 01111d.
ren lave its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on eacb
bottle. Olve it without fear.
Mother! You must soy "California."
+uS1fx•AA 1~211
`Coughs and Colds
Restless Nights
which sap lite vitality.
Danger Fuks in every
hour a cold 10 allowed
turnAssist nature
tohring your children
quickly back to 118111h
and strength and mold
serle,ls e8t111111ea11el1n
bythe prompt use of
Gray's Syrup — over
e0 yeap in use,
Lu, a he the
rie 8l: y
ISSUE No, 6--'20
CHOICE SILVER BLACK BREEDING Foxes. Also, we are buyers of Raw
Furs, What have you—•what prtce2
Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
1Nt../ are able to supply, advise us. as we
will pa the 11b.hest prices, dry Litnrteln
Iron) 1110 ,taw. IOesnan Eros..
Owen Sound, Ont.
fiA.NCIIt, 5U2IU1tS, I:L12211S, 19TC„
Y./ internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write us
titteodMedloalCo, Timed,Coiiinwo. Ont.
To freshen stale breaddip the
loaf, wrapped in a clean cloth, into
bailing water, let remain there for a
half minute. Then take off the cloth
and bake in a slow oven for ten min-
utes and fresh bread results.
Ask for Minaid's and tairo no other.':
One huueewife has n new dustpan
hanging beside Clef' kitchen stove.
remove lies
t s a lieter to
uses It l 1
and other hot dishes from the even.
In Britain, nig):' .in law, begins
second hour after sunset, and ends
second hour before 1.08::8.
Let C,fiq, fytipcutr r ,. i e1' Yoa
Look Lk;a} s
Nothing better to care for your skin,
hairandh^_nds. TheSoaptocicanse
and purify, the Ointment'to soothe
andheal. Use them for daily toilet.
Soap 22e, OL-,tment 25 rued SOc. 8.111
throughouttteDominion. f: anadiar,Dc10C
Sa"Cobo ora Soap o,a estwwithoutus.
girls! Have a mass of long,:
thick, gleamy hair
)fit 'Liana, rine"ssTe yin)+' i,,t and
double its be,tuiy. Yea can l,,,,..1 lots
of hong. thick, strong„ 11110 ma , ;10.
hon't let 1t st•17 lm , -.. thir. r.: ,.;17
or fadlus. Bring t:t 1 Ite colo.., %leer
and vitality.
Get a ..,cent 'mitis r leli'itlatl
"Llanderille" at any drug , t ). e of
toilet (0311 280 to freibee your ,ye=c19;
check dam -111W and falling hair. Your
littlest 2. (11811
its t1 linefe,ds celor,hia batr!ghmllule1ssg andt31'1md-
{{{ alive will return flurry:
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross'
t bell
As ism w
The ale±re 'Bayer" k the thumb- of Beyer Tablets 8f p
print ef gelatine Aspirin, It post- eoni.aine proper directions for Colds,
11v01y identifies the only gennlne 'Headache, To8t.haehe, k.areche, Neu-
Aoi'ri 1,-•. the Aspirin prescribed by ralgia, Lumbago, lthculnittism, Neuri-
phYelrhans for ',o'er nineteen years and tis, Joint Pans, and Pain generally,
now made in Canada, Tin boles of 13 1.,,blots Oust but
Always buy an unbroken paclengr: a few cents, i,art+n• "128.101" park€tg8e.
There is way. one Asplrila..."nayex"^'Tait wrist say "pagox"
Aspirin is ru0 trade merit tresistor011 In Canada) of 7tnyer lfanutaeture of Monc-
2, ,Hcaridestll of ; alicylic:ooid• wh1lo 2t le wen known that AoMrtn mea08 Wow
tne:u,fseture, to aro2:,t the public aludnst imitations, iia 'Tablets of Mayer Company
*ill bo stamped Pith their dermal trade marl, rho "134700 Croce."