The Brussels Post, 1920-2-12, Page 6Ion Can Deteett ['latrine Troubles. I The troublo i tteed by impeeper
"Perhaps the most delieate >r> Itt,itr, low.* t,e4s, broken tylts
sem that the Enneimer aetomobile
driverhas to deal with is thatof die- , 1°'"ie Pletan gbees vare11
tinguishing between . !knd toenting 1111)1''`' '41ve slaPi
various engine knotiks." says an ex• "ith th'e "r
tho n• m owed ueed in the
While there itro toimerous "1"I'• 0,- rY asila
quit° eontrivaiwee on the emeeeeery• '
=aka. „assi„„,,,,,,, 1,niways. the held aasinst ..,tri.Lr well. It te
best terehee, and It will enema yen > 1 1Lane goal. small piston.
to locate and rotate the foultv port iac member.
before it develops into eerieue
l>leSome of theep eetdotte knoeie•h• 1eet nit Braketi sao,k10.4 Eve,ily„
are the following: k rnadmsohlio.
"The more 04/eV:Owe h» -'o Inoi 014 -111 -
listening to 'engine talk' the more ea- n„ eers are aisipped with an
Pert you will become In 8 hi h temle to
and telling exactly riae. is loese. temimetth strain en tits two
Eavh part not .Yunet7cining• Orol1-r!3' 1111.1 these nre the 1.11al-
luts a peculiar 14111114 whah mmally to rie84.1y the reing atm-.
comee in regular pori -1 relative to 301'e:11 grip unevenly," eaeo. :01 expert.
the speed of the engine. "Mimi," he continual, "one drum
'A loose connecting rya, prodnees er !,e.',1111C firma with mud.
a sharp bump or a very hithvy holaav etteetree rest on the arum tend an
souna. To locate tins run the c Mrthe esitre. It -taring tendency on the part
slowly and cut mit the sylinders in of that. fatirlo. Or on the other hand,
turn. If a. roil happens to lie very the lining may become impregnd
.,riati %as
n' 1,0 SeVilia)
loose the knocks can bo iltaceted• by with oil, causing more wear on the
revolving .the engfrie with the hand nermel -brake drum than on the one I e,.....4s—s14na..11(e9+0
crank. This trouble is eaused by a greased. In either ease if the sitea-•
loose, scared or burnt out hearing. • lien ie bed it will be necessary to re --
"The main bearing knocks are ie.., 4he wheel and clear both Un-
readily located by running* the engine 1n31 and metal surfaee. This usually
on two eyliders at a time, one on etteh the fault of this method,
side of the crank bearing. A hale: "Mest cars, however, are equipped
bump will be noticeable thronghout
the eng.ine, produced regularly with brake !tele' from the drum and area
the firing of the two cylinders. Such adjueted eepartely. If thee grip
knocks are caused by end play in the evenly ono tire is bound to get the,
shaft, loose fitting, bearings, or sem:- more strain, which in time will wear;
ed or burnt out bearings. In the let- that tire down sootier than the other.
ter two instancee the engine will Sometimes it is very noticeable.
usually groan when it is started eold. When the brakes are applied sadden -
"A loose piston pin is dietinguished ly, one 'heel slides, while the other
by a )-01111.0) metallic. knoek. It can be revolees, perhaps causing the car to
locEttcd by using the 'listening red' swerve slightly. There is no excuse
tueen each cylinder and speeding up for brakes ,in this condition. If the
the ergine seddenly, then eloeing, the Waller cannot adjust them himself, he
throttle quickie. By 00 doirg a don- sheubl see that they are attended to.
ble Itemea le heard which 1' 'pry -At ether times the brakes have
S11;11'14( anti eshieli might be better lioen adjusted evenly and wear nu-
ts:mat 11 rap. Ti;e:e knocks are iwenly, so that in time one does not
mewl by a ,reaee:1 or a 1.0.,118n pin, ti!•'iti ais it should, or one, hemming
or perhaps a h.eitt beda; -aerie dame, melees rust and in this 'tray
creates enotigh eetra friction on the
ornalt,Imit 03 .1,27,1071 C11- ilrUM to wear it deun faster than the
mein eal, eiy tt. slap ether one.
eombined with :t thtel. le aeme 011815 "The brakes sh.eild be exaMned
eele thud is malible; in mime from time to time, and the differ -
ea, -es tha lea.o•ne=ei of the; bearlre•h: en.ais noted. The beet way to adjust
ve'il E a. me IT, 5.11p 1.1:1 1-10- the on the ear is to jack up
tle. Gem: -rally th's trome is very the hind wheels and with the brake
hard to di:ate:me dee to tae preeeure ell:el:en- on and the engine running
of 1-,1110 'rite trouble at slow speed '1"ith the elutch in pre-
ean le. ete 1, heweeer, :ae smneling feral.dy in intermediate speed, any dif-
the ite,d0 case idol orun shaft bear- fererere in the speed of the hind
inas with lhe 'listdnine' apparatus. •tnheels at once will tell the differences
The Ittmene :me 0111,01.I11 lee 0 else
end elay ar hadly latenee leav-
"A tense flywheel will T.:reduce a
very heavy knock at :ow engine -
speed., and eppear regularly. The
kneel. will change its naeure entirely
with individual connections tothe
in the err'? of :he brwheel
If one 7heel
05 terning 8(11.11 slower than the
other, the 11111110on that side (130010loosening.
"It may even be that with the
weight and load off the rear wheels
in this manner ene wheel may not
when the engme ss speeded up, and revolve at all while the other is re -
the vibration of the shaft will pro-, volving at twice the normal speed.,
duce a dull chattering knock It is lo- Such an example only shows how
cated by disengaging the clutch and much extra force is applied to the
rockhig the .flywheel oack and forth. one 'heel than the other.
Most Patient of Toilers
Muth has beim writteo of the Wlt
iterful patience of the monkish scribes
of the Middle Ages, w110 were willing
to devote au entire life to copying' and-
embellishinga single book. The field
of modern 10101100 is full of effort that
is equally preloaged. '>01111113'?diastole.
fug, and in numerous eases equally
obscure.011 the great observatories
of Europe and America there are men
who are spenditig their lives in etl Yee-
ing in big books, night by night, figures
that merely go to make up tables I
front which ear deseendants centuries 1
hence Sh311 101 1111:0 to caleulate the.
I1>00>!>It-1, 60 11.• equlnexeh,
It hos 11,011 that pel-1111 11.1:1110
111001 1!!». 1,1410,4 of the
laid hundred aril 11
have lean In the ;lament et: Meetly. •
wherein c('('>01011Eistettialliegla oleo-
fatigible scientist have undo:till:on to
'Make a flora edit" ef ct,th e(1111811')',In these 1401:11,41401:11,4:1111:1 1101
merely a of 1,10 11)') pla(ln o) the
country, but a bpi 11)'" .1>10.
1>1 11411, le,ut it was not completed by
Parletore 0.011:41(1>1; he had 101131 since
gene to his reward. Prof. Teodor
enieheil the work.
Olt tale side of the weter, Prof. Asa.
Gray, thne "est distinguished Arneri-
eau b.:tan:1st, began the "Flora of
North Amerlao" at about his twenty-
fifth 318141'. The first number appeered
in 1834. Gray died in 10(9, and the
work was then only about mash-
ed, During the fifty you!, that Gray
toiled in this r•ork Op, 1:1>10 we,-
mayor interrupt ^.1 imam Gem a I
Leief eeried.
et:r .tie1e11 1:),!•!
of 011-11.1:0.I1'ai'•"1 1,-01 •!.(, ' ars 1)00!>>.0110 , I' 1. 1,...111 111 01, be
10.0 0 -,1. I.1 y • 1' P112,1101'w; ! :11 ty:11 III inewn•
t •, 1,01'; lt i • toudlly aerate>
1. 0,',' .',>l, died ,
l'ra• 1 flora,
;\ e-,;•alla and the Orient,
o(0.01)10011 or (.081)y) plant. coillid,ted by 11100!
k1,14,0114, notion of '4(1,101 it. task : original thfi
e rst by Witt-thm e1
111iist.aloti 1.1111) Srieeial OA Hie ,,,01.11 1r1p.'y
The Itallitn ;lore that Prof, Plappe sphialtd inheements. to the Men who
1,16 teae
m emploteri math, thole,
Terrible Effects of Turkish
Cruelty on the. Spirit of
Armenian Nation.
Branded women—iinela are the Al,
menians now returning from captivity
to the Arabs and the Kurds,
Of tragic human lutereet is the
plight of these victims of the Turkish
depait,:ii.a.s. They may bo found in
Mere:ming' numbers. heater:el among
the Armenian 1'' 1(111111111081) of Asid
Miller, to which they have
after nearly fire yo:;rs of enforced
exile. Were it not for the patrimiit
resolution ef their fellow Amenities
to regard the-io girls and wdania as
martyrs of tho race their fro
be horrible to al:tempt:Jo,
All the world knows how the Turks,
Kurds, Arabs and ether reeples, tem
took their pick of the girls and Young
women from aumme tide denomed Ar-
menians, who had lama sent illt0
"exile that the reel,' might die a "na.
How to Mend a Water Jacket
1 remember one day, the early part
of lEtst winter, 1 drove over to Et neig1i.
bora; to help FMK' It 10t 01 W01111. 110
11101 (111110 a 11110, 0101 was anxious to
get It sawed before the eeld Weather
eione. Por this 1'e11S011 ho had hired
a crew of men to. hurry 10 along. Ine,
even then it would take, a emit& or
weeks to get it in shame Aat I lrove
into the 31111'a he hailed me:
"It's 1111 off!"
"INMet's the trouble now?" 1 a$10:41.
n011, 1 dItl net- draw the water out
of the engine lost eight, and the water
froze and eraeked the water jaehet.
NOW 1 euppose 1 must send off for it
new eylinder and Ivan a week before
1 1 can run the engine twain."
"Lot. me look at 10," 1 :tektite "Can't
it he 11.Ned?'' and We walked over in
where it wee; standing. .,
1 found that It. Was the otllsble dui 1
was mucked; in fact, it ii; very sea
doill 111,10 the inside Wall 1s cracked
b,,, traosing.
'i siitv a follow.' rix a era),g of ilia;
earl mate." I told him, "otel if you do
tem mind. with your help, on eet, if
1 (101 il., the nante •that is, if you base •
lin' things to 110 it with 1 hey al,
g. );(1,1111),y ileitaild a fella 1101 0.;110i1:'
ll'e Nt :tit litto the sh.,;., sod 1 loal;..,1
avowal and manimod to 11111 teo ta.ils
and materials with Irltiell I tliotOtt
we evitill 110 1110 repairing.
We went hark to the eimine, end
the limit thing 1 101 was 1 o ent a
V•sh(Ipt. marl: alone: the elgo of the
. - creek, from 0110 end tt) the 111IV.,1, 1141 i 11 peime ef a ta • eylinder, and, what
side and et 011 the ends :them en inch.
I then plaeed it on the eytinder, and
laPPoll it lightly with a Mummer to
:them, it so that it fitted snugly. Next
I drilled a rely of holes obout, 1>11 Ineh
tiPari 141 (('31 the mien of the plate,
large enough to hit some suE11/1t)10110
nerews go through, Th1
tho phi! 0 in PoSitifIll 01111' 11P Vralli.
MO 1 ill'Ongh I 11(•:-,E• 01441014 >0110011 11111014
to correspond 011 the cylinder jacket.
'nom Itelee I math., a thee ethanol'
than the holas in the piaie. 'Chen 1
thrtheled these with a lap.
• After that I tint some paste 1111010
In 1/10 01 11001, 111111
rd Heim itshestee wieldag with white
noel ;And pieced that directly over the
(1111>1), letthne it stielt ever the sides
and evils. I Leith 11 pleen or ii."!hestOn
slicteing, cut It out_ the him! of 110
plate bedde of 1110 1111100 that were
dented 1,11 tee mom, soaked il-, in water,
and peeved it over tne creek with the
'eleithia (deeply In it, anti fastened
11.11 11 1.11° 00111011,
f took 11 lite oinoothed 1:10 Patel)
If the ongino had boon new (1110 1
F11011111 1,11:0 7,1,1 01! 1)0111 1101
1.0 11,-11 >'o the Oft
(0, ii!ol no 1)111111
on Ho) 0:.`!' ,O.). 0 11A not do that, So
with a impel, of email drills. 0 lap to
1; road .01': 1114.1-. 01.1111. scree- e, lron
plate, a serew driver, a cold
1,:bestos, and o little white lend, I
teeeded the "nett and euveil the eX•
terribli1 1011.; 11.4 (AIL
0111> 84 pliiittiy the tattoo north
With the 1'131 touri,:ti who tin -
a coltl elided. Then I tool,, a steal. )s mere allualde, tim time that 1t
Iron plate 11,111 tut it eo ilea it (-over- athint Meat ie.:tilt to get the repair ;
od 1018 era( extended over each lati•ts.
- 1
veiled with me et rese Aeia alinor we at
a young .ereteulan girl and her
brother, hoineWiltd boatel to a 41001'>',
the only eurviver of 111e family. The
girl wit., really beautiful.- Iter I'' -a- 1
tures were (ego:or, 110' shill was ilea!, I!
her color good. Site lied not become
hardened by livr captivity, atid
face Was 1,10n14141 and win-z,oni?,
cause of her beauty slit, had 1-)oen tal•
toiled with unusual claim sitenovs of
1)41311! liY Woolen ef the Kurdish
%lag (tieirs' Work,
Tht.• world (meal limelly >1>11 of 10'011- subtle 0111(110111(11 of the team:hey to do •
mit timer who do the w0.011),. tellers' Ivork >0>in thfs inert: tinealled-
wc11 Os their own. Dow loopy i11)''>>'
0.1(0(11 aim t1101'0, 0.'11000 shienthere
are teed wall their 0011 Funnels. wit.
yet 1111'4'11 itt teem oh Et 101013' keel or
'4140(0 heloems to others tool 11)111)1
usehold where silo had bean item. 1t110';'13''.11L1,1(10'1:-‘1.i
ho:Ind 141
her traltt drew elt•-•t of tie ! ;,11,0 poH., a pn,l >1 11- .11. 11.1141
rue bor 1.0 /o.:)0, r• eity !wed ne )1, lb- 11)
1-0 1,1 111i.1'., 10,101,1 „1,11,4, Lint,
v: 11.1.• i 1' .00- r.101
4are...1••:1 n .1
• 1 rea ' ' •"'•
0 ss1tI.i1VleE":rtrtO. y ti.),0 : o., .•• •»t.:.h: '1 iit'.1'Cts• '1'I . ;1•e„r1
'1 oir .^eit i,t*.•
1 .11110' 11..tht.i1de ,
- a •) Ill 001.
0:en:, ,,
,• .14)1;'. , 11.311111(1'), to (11,1At01tr131>11> Ili.. ) 11,111, t.1 lr1110, to 'all how '
1)" 1 :10" illt110,1 0, 1.110 111 0.113111111(10.11 Itie
Itl.• undoe. wis-mtally proper tnorh'd,,'
,1" tio,2•.,l- 11:111111 L..
, iIer ethe t.tee teiti.pletely c-
es per-
tire,I 0.: it !1 . H11wollw1teer to 1;;I0N,rtor1.110110111113'it10111113'ty disnmee la dhkhi10 11ll! 110:.',1 ,i1 00 i,„‘ , 0
f11vve and
0 hld000
Direrdeathhat to me t .7 „e is in, way
' ruther thau he Illas,aered,
am am gmag 00 reheur,e the hereent knows ic them id. ..le removal of tat -
t308131 • o, IOW If 1 111., is
of these days, writes Dr. W. T. Ellis. ,, tee Ni!! 111. umnas of Armenian
Literally thousands of Armenian girls -• •
to de it better -with results that 1V0
all know and do not care to dwell er•
Tho e is, however, a much more '
for 1110>11110>131, 11 1>111(3' >0:>t is really
111-1'i1-1'131' !>111'1111140 it
eel legs from the aoeire to told
earn ti netts>, of 1e:eon:ability foe 'allot
11.. 1101141:1131 11,41,11. it is "40,:...11
• '
!,001.1.. Allt) 01 ,111)07, 1,1 0.1V0
• .
Iiiim.111F0 .1,11 of 114.11 11 .1.410 by ''ill -
'11018)10', '1110 marl: of Et 4,,l1,1 ':100>1.01>',', lyllellier ia the le11,:0)•!onit or 111
10,.' toil too i, tro.,t
101,11, 1,, !!!•:')o)t risilit 111. al stud
Leads for ti 11-10118 -11-14 "ay toil (lie
0 -IAA ,,I11 010' !). loot i '4'>> 14:1>'»ipo head and han!t- to oA lt 11 11,11
limb' (11111 01') 1'. a. ro !,....le, 0V011
11,1' 0>121>,' \ill, 0 boi'1' 1014111
1.!, weer, f Illy, ;
Thoy r..1)0y pion :0 poral
\-4:1"%! 1)1131'111;1 ;lbey
fl 111y, s.111.0'.111..11.1 111g
'1, 11.101111-1 a 11'10 1II‘rt1, a 1:arg,,,,tlint
erblvising 'net, not
;in nithlitilly eei et, 1'110 '.141111 till ill..
.111010131' (lad every (10)),!! 1111(11(1(1
11.• eerried out j'> -t LIS 011>7'10-0111(1
ry it out tineneelves, aleanahile the
larger function, which they should
properly perform, is likely to be ne
glect eft.
Iteuallr, the hest way to do our wort
is to lot others do theirs.
Movie Earthquakes Are Some.
times What They Seem and
Sometimes Not,
Cinematographer:4 have at the call
01' (11>031 even had the nerve to go in-
side voleatunie 1111110.1 erUption,
Not mo long ago a pluelty Yells
Bired up 3-1,1>1101 11(1(1>1 111 a time of its
activity, teeing within a few feet 0>1 110
edge of 101,01 3110(0 crater. Added to
O 110 1,1111)1 ion 'MO 11 lieree wind, and,
in (.1'.11,01. It) get nal or the path of the
ashes, the cement -titan tool( up. hie
P''111'"1 on the winaward eide.
Thee W11,11 the 111et (11>3111(11 on W111011
an active ender 1nel been filmed. in.
mitle. The 011111 showed the htream of
lava, the volumes 1,0 141(8(11''emu-
ing ma and the volcanic explosions,
"(''>011(1'!) antirlinnma m
ha. otion-
picture photographer, with ',eyelid
perilleth imeeeteltimei to his riredit,
nrinemel ileacend 11111(0Vesevlue
to a depth of twelve levelled and
twelve foet. reaching the bottom of the
coa mut to a point Malin tee feet
of dot altysm, which ii' two Miles deep,
with a m
teperature of sixty degrees
Very Nearly Gassed.
New avalanches itneending, and the
bottom of the come notatred with fresh.
lava, gave 1.01(1') of 11(10.'exploalon.
On the vete- down the operator, when
at a depth of five 1,1111(10111 feet, was
ahmist emothered by the groat volume
of smoke. Not mile wore there sill.
Mier fumes to imetenti with, but there
,, >0 ,11 Honda of hydrochloric
As a 1')'4)t1'('1 01>11 (('''1114 these he lay
einem as still 1141he 1110111, 1(11,1 care.
fully refrained from breathing until
he ,',n0.1 ((1,1 le, eer held our. Then he
, , ,
used. several tatemnes,tot el cloth as a
11-0, tlils ordeal for
alemt taamty 8)10111)14,and. -ending
the sithel'on gettnig despe,Tie, de•
()bled to 1,1011 boo:, almo.),loo Ihe
it!! 011101i:0i Ito '0:115
0.111 .1 1111 tea ittrttetx let paot•
1111 '0 1'1.1 11110111>' 1' .11 1011' :110
A 1101' feeling 14!'>nee eitet "1111,0.01131111 11(1)11 891111110 or 1.•1111,b1
- acid, hi!, 1'11110'l,11'1 0,1.01,0,1 (1>1(31>'!.i Tint purveyor f thrill • eth!-) Winn
the Enettenthit•tere dire, kn.. 1,1
1111.,V0 ree.iliStIt11.1 ‘0";),ri lopoilte,t
ore (11101>1)1,1111e)i)1 ot
1111 to dol. i.)0, One pat oti in Californ4i
reeve:, ly 1i'110 tons of gin:-
powder 111 ;Idea sipuire
feet a depth of lone yttrils,
Filmed Feora Steel Huts.
At the distant...44f a foot between
each two, "011,y01 1' 1101..1" aere dug, in
c 111111•11 000 p1110'>)! gunpowder. The
hatnre f the task may be
teted ft•nt the fact that four
expert quarrymen laid to he employed
for ten days, so ae tit place the wires
• and 1111 the Imles.
The valuer:mum 40,1111 01110101111>1 In
yttrium positions al the bottom in or-
der to cover the itteldent from n11 van-
tages. Their tiny theelemelueed huts
prevented them from injury, daylight
being let in by two boles, 0110 OZ which
eras for the lone of the 0111>1»1'11, the
other for observetion 1>1101>0111111,When all was ready the buttons
wore pressed, 101>,! t'),3 wires al:teethed
to tho galvanic. buttery performed
their good work. Thee the hill 0X.
PlOded W1th One 11:11101, and for a
whole minute 11(111111(1114 1,10! 0411>11)1 aud
stones poured down the hill. The
clouds of smoke vakted by the >141110.
01011 >1010 not entirely disappear for
fully two hours after. At times the
players were planed in danger, but,
happily, received no 111,jury (010(0 Mari,
008 than. a few bruises.
The explosion Was So 00104411)101' that 1101>1(10
people eighteen miles away wove ter.
rifted, and thought they W0110, going to
have a repetition of the 1:106 dieeeter
that wiped out San Francisco.
A Bit at a Time,
were forcibly made members of Moe- "13 '3 P011"111°. • -
tem houeeholde; Etna some were TI» Wc• acro. etages o0 the persecutions has now
legally. married to the men who had Recompense.
neat hrateme, 1 t ' been Stleeeeded by a numbness aud in-
.'. i101 I/01 '14' tha .
secured them.
The Arab's Idea of Beauty, thee. eitorlee (rein the Near hale': have People, the animal -like conditions or 1 Yet the brown. 011111811 singe.
has 111101..,'11.,"1 10 the Armenian depor- difference. Once a notably chaste Brief is tho time for 0011431,
life into which Ole deportation has , Careless of the morning's dawn
Among the Kurds and Arabs it is dwelt so eat:leen-el:: upon the horrorS
women It is theuelit that their beauty little has beea 1411011 about the worst
the custom to tattoo the fares of the of hunger and 1111110100>11001 that :
. moral deterioration.
forced them have resulted -in a serious She spreads her golden wings,
is thus enhanced. Designs on fore., fate that has reale ti, the Armenians .All or which is Mid to the door of
the Tarks tho ((('00.11 of their
head lips chin mid ,.h,,,,1,,,' are 11001e- as a result ef the persecution This
times only a 1 0 IV blue 4pot t. ittel some.; ls the effect upon tneir spirits.
times an elaborate ilitelen•. rho, Lai dads of Armenians hale been
menian girls were sultjecte 1 to the branded in their eanIs. Many, or .most,
custom of the pentle tim.!:$1. whom of the girls in captivity, for instance,
have neither sought nor desired de. they had been token,
Armenian v.'omen tlh •,ear the liverance. They prefer to reratain in
veil, so titter fare, le exposed to 1 the indolence of Meeltim harem life;
public ga:1).. 1l1.:r1,..!:•t's ore thus ap.) they have becurne idostems in reality,
! perm! dtair.y oh: ervo.!, since tat- This is the deepest wound the Turks
.0431,1,1. tn all use 1 in Western have made 11111111 A>',110114, True, ence
e • -elm., the volIt features Sn free, most of the liberated girls ugain
proclohned 10 friend b'11>e Arawnlrir: in spirit; but their
I iron 1. a us 11 former inmate of 0 real life 110001 Only a
..1)::0.1.1 twine. Ifer story is writtEM Ilo 11"1:10( .11, a liege emit)] wrie this
11:1111101akably. Even although. Almen• melt:all:. if is the commit.
10.11 (10111111un It i,15 are agreed that theme tire.tIting 3181(11 '(117', it is he eonsen• :
raturiva refugees should be treated 0111 101011,131 relief , , that theft'
de:i'l'i!ng of special honor because has been Inevitably a o eet slarip in -
of whet, they have iniffered for being ; the character of the 001iii:•!.luns wha
.1 :1113111(111), the consciousness or being ' have been deportee.; a 11.1
The men, envy the hardest uar11:eg j.••••,,z7 /le
race in the Near East, 11:100 their - Fait
spirit of Industry. Hopeless despair
has impoverished the souls of u heat •?:
of them, The women are readier to
work than their husband, and eone.
atrocities; they have smitten and
branded a nation in Its soul.
Grief is the let of all,
'Yet the meadows know
Only when the raindrops fall
Will the green 3101180 1-3110>14',
Swiftly the years are spannea.
No dreams abide
But steadfast the great hills stand
Till the stars have died.
bing them thy song, nor care
If the winter's near;
renew that the rains prepare
For the „springtime's cheer.
Hoed not the dying rose,
By the season's slain;
Pair tin eternity's close
Love shall remain!
111.311(1,1,1 is LW sated -
tiro :woman shrinks from it as from
death. Curious and unfeelhig (pee -
lions keep the fact alive.
Many or these Armenian aerie re.
8011 to burning to obliterate the bete.
ful :lige-manual of their Mbsient cap.
Alen, I was told by Gregorian priests
tivite. I hey Molar() the 1111111 1(181 the , aml Protestant Armenian) Tenders,
ensuilig tliefiglIrenient if only they I there has 11(011 a gravo decline 111 the
may get rid of the blue brands of the religious 11111-11 nail Intermit of the,
Bedouin anti the 131i ('10, 1 thfortunately, 0 tateple, epirithel fervor that
OF FRUIT 0 '1100- 0-431 SAID 175
I <AVE A C(-SIJP LE ,• "itaai
FPEAFeta To c.',” r(
Authber company produced 0' 4,1(1(1-
lar film that only required Et ten of
dynnmite, Four of the enmerae wore
worked by 1910,'! 1!l meters, the t nm
furs setting them to ,vorlt remit a point
tellf a mile away.
'When e. meeluetion pot trayine the
nen Prancleco 1,00;ed,
t1>'fleoelor went to tle. meett tri 'able
of orcol1180111131ititc ,r of
11,1,, trealeiVel 111,0 only 1.,ayet." marked many Armenians in the earlier :Jus-r0O >( tuc 00 1
7.00101 1114e a rent ante -
matte. Great fun! This
byligsuelling pistol
(3.00 worth or Kir soar fast.'
..1101.0 Every woman buys them,
mell hem in 11g (08)0, Jont
si,•11)1 us a 1)1414101 11.101 well send 110,1"
)1)10 goods, f-101 them, return as
mey th01
%101 8 ;veers. Writ,:
4 NMI'.
31050.00 SAVEIS ABSO.I.
riazi-durattleyesszhiagassixassdraseadeitssuldgen=p0 " hum ,
' 1411' ' 1111 ' " , 1,0
oti: 1 MUST
.,i iu. EAT THAT-
FRUIT I SENT °Mu 010 110>0411 you
A WORLD 0 O0013
HUH! 1
eee, .. •
r -1,1)i bad to 1.0 1!)3110
:))10)111y, )11 1> Ile 110,11 11
11 le 0>0.1(1 1' 10.1114
''1,0 1ei..i.1t1 to ra,n. Tin wires
teelel ,'i.e by , 01,1 tile
1,, a Jot: pre Ey [lin tIlree-
: • 1.7 rf+ ryti•
Ta 1. !eve pc mod
".. 1,.,0111.:111 ' al ii.Ing
ite 11-.O11e. oalieee ef r .00
02 'f iv, ,
:Vint 1 ‘«1.!,-!, al.
"et, ar eteliari•
0!) 0011nr,S0
Would $h0.ett 'War,
°He v two you nee me III -waits,
;tear?" ttshod Mrs,
bend, ''if arM0,11 ol
,.:110):11; d the ex- ealler luta.
teem Into Beene duanattel" 'yet to
Seagoing shhps aninthering !Ogg
passed through the Panama canal
between June 30, 1018> and July 14
1910, and paw $0,1,19,598 01 111 tons.