The Brussels Post, 1920-1-15, Page 2Momentous Events of 1919
Tile great event of the year regard-
ed in the light of its Immediate and
future consequences was the training
awe./ and acoeptapce of the Treaty of'
Peace bY the Allied Conference that
assembled at Paris on 3anuary 18. Aft
ter long and wearisome discussions
and disputes, caused by the conflicting
interests of the allied powere, and the
difficulty in estimating the degree of
reparatten to be exacted from Ger-
many for her wanton destruction of
property and her gross outrages
against civilization, a Treaty of Peace
was 'agreed upon. as well as the main
Principles for the formation of a
League of Nations.
The great adventure of 1919 was the
exploit of Alcock and Brown in cross-
ing the Atlantic in an airplane 1hi six-
teen hours. The world rang with the
account • of their performance. They
Were knighted by the King and ac-
claimed as heroes. It is sad to have
to record the fact that Sir John Alcoa
met his death in Rouen, on Dec. 19,
when giving what must have seemed
to him a, tame flying exhibition over
the Seine.
• January
1—Paderewski received with accla-
mation at Warsaw. British land troops
at Riga. German subs being divided
among the Allies.
2—Germans evacuate Riga.
3—Total Canadian casualties for the
past year ended December 31 report-
ed to be 220,182, of which the deaths
Were 60,382, one-half in action.
6—Death of Col. Theodore Roose-
Telt, ex -President of the United States.
18 --Opening of the Peace Confer-
ence at Paris.; Georges Clemenceau
chosen' President.
25 --Peace Conference endorse idea
of the League of Nations.
31—Sericeus strikes in Belfast and
3—Strike on the London (England)
8—Railway strike in London settled.
13-allevolution breaks out in Ru-
mania. Allied Powers decide on new
armistice terms to Germany.
14—Constitution of League of Na-
tions drafted by Peace Conference.
17—Death of Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
27—Marriage of Princess Patricia
to Commander Alexander R. M. Ram-
say, R.N., at Westminster Abbey.
2—Demchilization of Canadian corps
begins with the first unit of the 3rd
Division sailing from Liverpool.
3—Peace Conference Committee on
Reparatiou estimate 3120.000,000,000
is the amount due allies by the enemy.
1S—Deaths in all the armies en-
gaged in the Great War estimated at
9,000,000, and the cost in money at
3197,000,000,000, or 311,000,000,000
more than the total property value of
North America.
19—Marconi Company announce the
establishment of wireless telephone be-
tweei Ireland and Canada.
1—Cuvenant of the League of Na-
tions arefted at Parle.
2—Cleneral Allenby' restores order :
in Egnet. General Kolchak reported
to have control of Siberia proper.
13—The League of Nations, Commis-
sion decide Germany must pay
800,000,000 for losses and damages
causedbee tire war.
23—A. Blue Book at Ottawa shows •
that Canada's war expenditure during
1918 was $343,836.800.
7—The Peace terms of the Allies
handed to the German plenipotentaries
at 'Versailles, and fifteen days given
for them to sign or present reply. An-
niversary of sinking of the Lusitania
observed in Britain. Summary of
peace Treety received at Ottawa.
15-131g strike at Winnipeg, and 27,-
000 men quit work. Body of Edith
Cavell interred at Norwich, England,
after funeral service at Westminster
18—Australian aviator, Harry S.
Hawker, starts on Atlantic flight from
St, John's, Nfld.
25—Harry G. Hawker and his navi-
gator, Lieut. Grieve, picked up by Bri-
tish warship 1,100 miles from New-
foundland, an accident compelling the
aviators to take to the water.
28—The U.S. plane 14,0.-4 completed
fifth leg of the flight to Libson, the
distance from the Azores being cover-
ed at the rate of 82 miles an hour.
30—British land at Archangel.
15—Captain John Alcock and Lieut.
Arthur W. Brown, British war avia-
tors, land on Irish coast after the first
non-stop flight across the Atlantic,
the time being sixteen hours and
twelve minutes from Newfoundland to
Clifden Island at an average speed of
120 miles an hour in a Vickers-Vimy
machine heavier than air.
21—Clash between mounted police
and mobs in Winnipeg and the riot act
read, one person killed and many in-
jured. German war vessels held in
Scapa Flow sunk by their crews.
22—German National Assembly by
vote of 237 to 138 vote to sign the Al-
lies' terms.
25—The Winnipeg strike is called
26—H. Hartley Dewart elected new
Liberal Leader by Ontario Liberal As-
28—The German delegates sign the
peace terms at Versailles.
2—British dirigible R-34 starts on
flight across Atlantic.
5—Thanksgiving for peace in Great
6—The British dirigible 11-34 arrives
at Mineola, Long Island, at 8.40 a.m.,
a flight of 3,200 miles, the longest In
history, in 108 hours.
7—The body of Capt. Fryatt brought
to Dover.
13-11-34 arrives at Fulham, Nor-
folk, England, from Long Island, after
a 75 hours' voyage.
19—Great Victory parade in London,
Eng., witnessed by millions; the Peace
holiday is enthusiastically observed in
28—Half a million men now ottt on
the railway strike in Great Britain.
2—President Wilson reported seri-
ously 111. King Albert of Belgium and
Queen Elizabeth arrive at New York
on visit to -America.
4—British railway strike settled by
20— Ontario Provincial elections,
The Hearst Government 10 defeated,
the returns showing:—Elected; 03.
F.O., 44: Liberals, 30; Conservatives,
25; Labor, 11; Soldier, 1. On the re-
ferendum a large "dry" majority was
given. Publication of the terms of a
new Victory Loan.
80—Germans begin dismantling the
Heligoland fortiflcations.
1—The Hearst Government of On-
tario resigns and E. C. Drury receives
a call from the Lieutenant -Governor.
Strike of U.S. bituminous coal miners.
8-320,000,000 voted by Dominion
Parliament for soldiers' land settle-
9—Dominion House of Commons
pass the two prohibition bills.
10—The Dominion Senate passes the
prohibition bills. The Prince of Wales
enters U.S. by way of Rouse's Point, FOCH PRAISES
11—Prince of Wales greeted by
niversary of Armistice Day celebrated GENERAL
large crowds at Washington. First an -
in British world by short suspension
of activity of two minutes' silence,
13—Prince of Wales visits Presi-
dent Wilson at the White House.
15—The 1919 Victory Loan reaches
a total of 3673,000,000, of which On -
tart° takes 854 millions.
24—Prince of Wales leaves by the
Renown for home.
1—Prince of Wales given a warm
reception on his return to London.
Lady Astor takes her seat in the
House of Comnions, the occasion be-
ing the first to see a woman repre-
sentative there.
10—Striking cpal miners adopt Pre-
sident Wilson's proposal, and the men
are instructed to return to work.
19—Sinn Feiners attempt to mur-
der Lord French, attacking him with
bombs and rifle fire en route to his
home from a visit in Dublin. One of
his assailants shot dead, but rest es-
cape. Sir John Alcock, the first avi-
ator who made a non-stop flight across
the Atlantic, dies at Rouen from in-
juries received in the fall of his hydro-
plane yesterday in Normandy. us down to the underlying causes and
21—Dominion Government repeals soma of their results, it is because
most of the war orders in Council, • these reports, written during the
eluding the restrictio-.................000050 of the war, and addressed to
of liquor. D'Anuunzio,who was de- the British government, were destined
"Dark Days" Described and
Tribute Paid to Insight of
British Leader.
Marshal Foch has written the fol-
lowing introduction to "Sir Douglas
Haig's Dispatches," according to the
"Manchester Guardian." The intro-
duction was written for the French
edition of the book, and is reproduced
in English with the Marshal's permis-
sion and approval. Marshal Foch
"Written ' with the strictest regard
for the truth and scrupulously exact
to the smallest details, these reports
are distinguished by their unquestion-
able loftiness and breadh of view. .
"If the facts are sometimes set forth
with a light touch, which does not take
Concerning Rims and Rim Devices.
There are in general use to -day
three basic types of rims, the fixed
olincher, the demountable clincher and
the straight side. There are verb. -
tions of these, such as the universal,
which is a side ring type, convertible
from straight eids to clincher merely
by reversing the side ring. The fixed
clincher type is used on only one make
of car, the Ford, and the writer under-
stands that the greater part of the
present production is going to come
through with demountables. The de-
mountable clincher is used to some ex-
tent and is an excellent type. It is
simply an ordinary cliucher rim, with
which soft bead clincher tires are used,
but instead of being fixed to the wheel
the rim is held in place by means of
the usual lugs. The split rim is the
type generally used for straight side
tires. This type is traversely split and
the ends are locked together so that
there is no possibility of them com-
ing apart. The universal rim is fitted
with a detachable side ring by means
of which it may be made to accomino-
tts.teeeither straight side or clincher
have been in use for some time and rut
has set in the locking device. Also the
rim may be slightly out of shape, or.1
if not when the tire ds demounted,
when it is ready to be put back ond
The makeshift method of forcing a
split rim into position is to use a lif t- I
Ing jack and two blocks of wood. Onet
block is placed under the jack and one
above while the jack is lying 00 the
floor inside of the rim. Operation of
the jack then spreads the rim. In
doing this the blocks must be so placed
that the pressure is properly dis-
tributed, otherwise the ends of the rim
will not properly come together.
An error often made with one type
of rim is in getting the locking means
to overlap the 'wrong way. This may
seem like an impossible error for an
owner to make, but I have seen it
made very frequently. When a rim
cannot be forced in place with a norm-
al amount of preesure it will do little
good to hammer away sufficiently to
bend the rim. It only makes matters
worse. If an owner finds great diffi-
culty in operating the rims, it is sug-
geeted that he use one of the numer-
ous types of rim expending tools, de-
signed especially for split rhns. One
of the best designs grips the clinch
firmly and pulls the rim ends apart
when the tire is being demounted and
pushes them together Wheri mounting
is done. This uses a rack and handle
control and is operated like a jack.
Another type employs a turnbuckle in
the middle. The accessory shops handle
various types, some of which are col-
lapsible, and in that condition
placed in a door pocket,
Drivers who. are observing have no
doubt remarked about the car -ahead
havthg a wabbling wheel and also the
frequency with which wabbling wheels
; are seen. Half the cases are not' due
to the wheel at all, but to the rim,
which is not firmly secured in position.
This may be due to loose, worn lugs,
poor designed lugs, tole or more lugs
not in place, a worn felloe top or a bad
TIM. No matter what the cause, the
tire on that wheel wears rapidly and
the owner should correct the trouble.
Rim lugs give a lot of trouble, some
because y neveren be tightened
in place, others because they always
squeak. The ordinary lug on cheaper
cars does not last long before it gives
trouble. The owner may cover the lug
with a piece of leathef or shim it, but
usually looseness sets in and tlie rim
squeaks. If the owner wishes to get
new lugs be may well invest in the
type which cannot be losif th
wheel. This lug has the nut in com-
bination and the two parts are perm-
anently attached to the wheel. This
type does not squeak as much as the
regular design.
The rims themselves should always
be free from rust, and to avoid' an ex-
cessive accumulation which "freezes"
the tire in place and makes operation
difficult (especially the side ring
type) it is suggested that the rims be
painted with graphite or kept well
protected by some other paint.
us -
Ing split rims finds the greatest dif-I
ficulty in mounting and An deinount-
ing tires, especially after the rims
entuall fo th f
Canada. posed from power in Fiume, undecidee
ed y e*es 0 tite NA 101
21-250,000 coal millers on strike int as to his course, Paderewski resigned nation, whose feelings must be con -
England, causing the stoppage of the front the position of Prime Minister of sidered, just as the enemy must be
steel and iron shops in Sheffield. Poland, takes his seat as member or kept from gathering information of
31—Ring George signs the Peace the Polish diet, value. None the leee, to read them is
August. , ommons presents the proposal of the '
I Cto disosvcr how resiarltahlo was the
nse( lame, pultmee eleeli
Treaty and the Anglo-French Treaty. 22—Lloyd George in the House of
5—Prince of Wales sails for Canada.Government for Irish Home Rule the British army trent 11(17 onwards
a__Explosion at mammoth grain ole- which would create two Parliamonts, 1 into a maguillvent litetetanent of war,
rater at Port Colborne kills seven one in the north and elm in the south. "The reetilte :11*,' briefly set farth,
men, injures sixteen, and does damage 23—The King's proclamation lemma I their values are net explained. All
' to the amount of $2,000,000. of the new meaeure giving India , mention of the lismeltich guided the
15—Prince of Wales given a mag-
nificent welcome at St John, N.B.
17—Return of Lt. -General Sir Arthur
Currie, Commander of the Canadian
Army Corps, who lands at Halifax and
is presented with an address on be -
ball of the Coruoration.
25—First trip on the Paris -London
air service.
28—Death of General Louis Botha,
Premier of the Union of South Africa.
6— Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto, shows a total attendance of
1,201,500, the record.
10—Austria signs the Peace Treaty.
Curious Chri stmas Island
Christmas Island is located in mid- cant) over 15,000 feet high. Rising
Peelle close to the Equator and due
south of the Hawaiian archipelago. A
cable station is there located. Very
surprising, then, might seam a recent
news dispatch which said that people
living there had only just learned from
a Bri-tieh warship that the war was at
an end—their ignorance in this regard
causing thein to threaten with firearms
a landing party of men whom they
Imagined to be Germans.
Expluuntion lies in the fact that the
Christmas Island referred to in the
dispatch is another island of the same
name, 190 miles south of the western
end CY 'java. It is a rather remarkable
bit p2 terra firma, and was wholly un-
inhabited until 1897, when the first. ate
riving settlers found it covered with tudes of seabirds, whose droppings
dense forests, At the present time its converted the carbonate of lime into
population consists of about 250 Euro- phosphate of lime, most valuable for
pans,l1lIalttys, Sikhs and Chinese, fertilizing purposes. It -was the die -
The island, twelve miles long by covery of this precious resource that
gine Miles wide, is the flat summit &1 caused the British Government to au-
aubreartne mountain, an extinct vol- nex the island.
precipitously from tbe sea floor, the
mountain emerges above water to a
height of 1,000 feet, and all ,around 11
the Ocean in its near neighborhood is
more than two and a half miles deep.
Anciently this tropical isle was of
no great height above water, and ring-
shaped, encircling a lagoon—in other
words, corresponding to the descrip-
tion of whet we tall an "atoll." The
ring appears to -day es a fiat central
plateau with a ridged edge, Much of
the plateau is covered by a depositof
phosphate of lime many feet thick,
The mountain -top, Mae it was up-
lifted above the water, acquired a
covering ol shelly ooze that later be-
came limestone rock. After its
emergence it became a resort of multi -
4ITTita' 001'
larger degree of selagovernment. Italy I instrument is em teal. We may be al- ,
lowed to make gcott ,his deficiency, in I
agrees that Fiume shall decide its own
fate. which the alalutportent part played by
Britielt higher command is lost to
24—J, D. Rockefeller gives 3100,000- the„
000 for medical ecluentIon, cne-half of S'”„"
it to raise the pay of U.S. College pro- 1 The Period of Attrition.
fessors, with an authorization to de- ' "The period of attrition coincided,
vote a part of the gift to promote . in fact, with a period of weakness for
medical education in Canada, i the Allies, which was the result of
28—In a supposed Sinn Fein attaek ; their incomplete preparation for war.
upon the Vice -Regal Lodge, Dublin, a To the battlefields of 1914 the Entente
civilian and an officer are killed.
Seventy-four lives and nineteen ves-
sels lost on the great lakes during the
season, the largest number since 1913.
29—Death of Sir Williain Osier, the
world-renowned Canadian physician,
at Oxford, England. Demand kbrling
at New York, 33.79.
had not brought more than a British
army of six divisions and a French
army lacking in the artillery and muni-
tions required for modern warfare.
"With these inadequate means we
certainly did stem the Invasion in the
first year, but so long as the shortage
In our effectives and material was not
30—Strike of iron rnreelere In Enge made good, we were not in a position
land, involving Mame is, creates to undertake the long sustained of -
grave ' appreheasions, • and Lloyd fenstve which alone could force a de -
George is i'.ked to intervene. vision by arms. We were limited to
local and spasmodic eugagements, and
the best that conld he done was to en.
dtinvor to co-ordinate them as to space
and time.
Cause of Poor Results.
Ideas of Sir Isaac.
'sir Isaac Newton was a born thinker
nd inveutor. He produced several
curious inventions while yet a boy.
Otte of these was a toy mill that was
run by a mouse.
Another idoct of his was to attach
paper lanterns to kites, which he flew
on dark nights, They made a great
sensation, being taken for comets,
which by the ignorant in those days
were regarded as warnings of 'dread-
ful things about to happen.
Starfish are used in japan as agri-
cultural fertilizers.
During their ceremonial dances the
natives of Papua, New Guinea, wear
probably the tallest hats in the world
—a headdress varying from six to
eight feet in height and most gor-
geous in coloring.
"That is the explanation oe the poor
results obtained up to 1 he Year 1917.
Happily for the Entente the enemy was
obliged during these years to cope
with the :Russian and then with the
Rumanian amnia in the East. Conse-
quently he had employed 00 the West-
ern front only a part of his forces, Ire
sufficient to gain a deflutte victory, or
had put into operation, as at Verdun,
only a narrow and limited conception
of the offensive. The resulting weak-
ness of the two opposing lines threat-
ened to prolong for some time to come
what has been called the aver of at-
trition—that struggle of *Unmarked
and unsustained advantages, which
wears out both armies without haft -
TO THE. 'Ali
tieffANERV ete
leg gain to eithee—a war without re-
sult. If a war 15 to end in tactory, it
must always be given a character dif-
ferent- from this.
"In the course of this struggle for a
deelslon (a necessary phase, be it
said) Germany freed herself of the
Eastern front in 1917 by means of the
Russian Revolution and the Treaties
of 13rest-Litovsk and Bucharest. And
when she turned the mass of her
formidably* equipped armies, more
than 200 divisions strong, against the
Western front to deliver the violent
and, in the ,first instance, victorious
attacks on the Somme in March, 1918,
on the Lys in April, on the' ChrOmin
des Dames In May, on the Oise in June,
and on the,Marne in July, who could
perceive the signs at that fatal attri-
tion, or the dawn of victory for the
Entente? Where was the advantage
claimed from the wastage of the Ger-
man armies during the preceding
years? Was there no danger that the
conflict of armies, even armies of the
finest quality like the British, might
end In disaster, unless they possessed
a Higher Command capable of detain-
ating the situation and controlling the
tabu of events, able to take the troops
in hand again, to reorganize and so dis-
pose them that they might first bring
the enemy to a standstill, then attack
him with such violence, dash, and such
repeated blows as were never sur-
"At every stage both higher coin -
mend and staffs proved more than
equal to their task.
A Marvellous Offensive.
"In order to estimate the ardor and
endurance of these troops during this
final tage it will be enough to mention
the daces and importance of the main
Battle of Amiens—August 8 to 13, in
which the 4th Army took 22.000 prison-
ers and more than 400 gune.
Battle of Papautne—August 21 to
September 1, 3xd Army and left wing
ot the 4th Army; 34,000 prisoners,
270 guns.
Battle of the Campo- August 26 to
September 3, 1st Army; 16,000 pris-
onexs, 200 guns.
Battle of Havrincourt and Enehy—
September 12 to 18, 4th and 3rd ay,
mies ; 12,000 prisoners, 100 guns.
401-1-N- I'M AS L
„, AS*200 &CIE
1'1 -INT CAM'T
Battle of Cambial and the Hinden-
burg Line—September 27, October 5,
4th. 3rd and lst armies, which ended
in the breaking of the Hindenburg
Line and in the capture of 35,000
peisoners and 380 guns.
Battle of Flanders—September 28
to October 14, 2nd Army.
• Battle of Le Cateau—October 6 to
12, 4th, 3rd and 1st armies.
Battle of the 'Selle—October 17 to
25, 4t10 and 3rd armies; 20,000 prison-
ers, 475 guns.
Battle of the Sambre—November 3.
to 11, 4th, 3rd and 1st armies, 19,000
prisoners, 450 guns.
Never at any time in history has the
British army achieved greater results
in attack than in this unbroken of-
fensive lasting 116 days from .Tuly 18
to November 11. The victory gained
was indeed complete, thanks to the
excellence of the commanders of
armies, corps and divisions; thanks,
above all, to the unselfishness, to the
wise, loyal and energetic policy of
their commander in chief who made
easy a great' combination and sanc-
tioned a prolonged and gigantic ef-
fort. Was 11 not the insight of an ex-
Perienced and enlightened command-
er which led hint to intervene as he
did with his own government on
March 24, 1915, and with the Allied
governments assembled at Doullens on
the 26th, to the end that. the French
and British armies might at once be
placed under a single command, even
though his personal position should
thereby suffer?
"In the events that followed 'did he
not prove that he was above all anxi-
ous to anticipate and move le perfect
harmony with the generat'Allied plan,
framed by the new supreme com-
Plenty of Lead Pencils.
The world's output of lead pencils
amounts to nearly 2,000,000,000,000 a
year, half of which are made from
Amealcen-grown cedar. The United
States Makes about 750,000,000 a year,.
or more than eight pencils for each of
its inhabitants.
. A, good cook adds more to the joy
of living titan a poor musibacin.
MUM. Folk °INNER. Torii4HT,-
The Contortionist and
• the Tiger.
It is related that a ntitive of India,
who had learned some of the elemen-
tary Principles of juggery and contor-
tion, put his knowledge to a decidedly
practicable as well as novel use ono
rieydeguyispgialivuh.en he was walking upon e
When the Hindu ltad reached the
top of one of the mounds, he saw a
tiger ahead of him, 500 or 600 yards
away. 13efore the man could hide be-
hind a mound, the tiger had seen him
and began to bound toward him at its
topmost speed. Having no means 01
defense, there was nothing for the
man to do but to race for the nearest
tree, but though he tried it, aad put
forth his utmost strength, the tiger
steadily gained on him,
What was he to do? In sheer des-
peration he resolved upon an unusual
scheme. Just as he disappeared for
an instant from the tiger's sight in
running over a ridge he halted, and
stretched out his legs at right angles,
curled down his head so as to look
between his legs to the rear, and ex-
tended his arms upward in a fantastic
manner, like sails of a windmill.
In a few seconds the tiger hove in
sight, and at that instant the face of
the object assumed a hideous grimace.
A. prolonged yell arose, such as had
Perhaps never before pierced the ear
of any tiger, and the sails of the wind-
mill begun to revolve backward and
forward as if a sudden whirlwind ltad
burst upon the scene.
The tiger reoolled. What, he evie
dently thought, is th4s? There stood
a ferocious star-shaped monster,' gi-
gantic against the sky, Its vise -like
jaws between which those fiendish
roars were issuing, were actually
placed above the two fiery oyes. Its
limbs were furiously clamoring for no-
tion: and the man he had been chas-
ing, where was he? Already devoured
by this terrible beast, The tiger did
not pause to reflect. He turned tail,
and as he disappeared over a friendly
ridge, a last awful yell caused hint to
redouble his pace._ He was conquered
by the unknown.
Carelessness in Handling Hens.
A poultryman ean readily change
the nature of fowls by the method in
which he handles them. It is surpris-
ing how quickly fowls gain confidence
in their keeper when he handles them
A "rusher," one who hurries and
fairly jumps while attending his flock,
will soon have the fowls excitable,
yelling and flying the moment he puts
in an appearance. On the other band,
the man who goes quietly about his
work does not in the least alarm his
birds, nnd they naturally become very
tame. It has been proved time and
pagroafiintabthleat tame hens are the most
Hens unaccustomed to trapnests will
become greatly -alarmed at first when
the attendant reaches in to release
them. It may be some time until they
understand that there is no cause for
fear. But, after a while, they become
accustomed to handling. I have had
fowls so tame that they would actually
step out of the nests and stand still,
waiting for me to look at the numbers
on the leg bands. (Trapnested hens
are known by numbers.) The moral
to all this is that in order to have
fowls tame we must avoid carelessness
in handling them.
'The man who chases bens about the
yard in the hope of catching one, has
cut out a hard job for himself; be-
sides, he stirs up a spirit of resent-
nient that seems never to be forgotten
by the fowls. Gentleness is the rule
in the .poultry yard, A "helter-skel-
ter" sort of fellow really does more
harm than good, and often gets the
stock eo unnerved by his hasty actions
that it requires considerable time to
restore confidence. Don't forget that
hens are very sensitive. •
Carelessness 'bordering on 'Cruelty
is often exemplified in the way fowls
are carried. The only proper way to
carry a btrdle to tuck it under the right
arm, with head pointing. backward,
and the feet held finely with the right
htincl, When held thus the bird does
not become startled, and can be held
for a oonsiderable time, 'When the
position is reversed, the fowl quickly
scares, for it faces objects that are
continually approaching. In cense-
quence it will struggle and make every
effort to get away.
Picking up hens pnd holding them
by the wings is cruel and dangerous,
especially with heavy birds.
Carrying, fowls by the legs, an old-
time custom, ds equally risky, especial).
ly if the fowls are overfat,
It is just as easy to be gentle and
kind as it is to be brutal. Kind treat-
ment in the taro or poultry libowg geed
48 Diseases of Eye.
Thee e110 forty-eight distinct die-
CLISOR of the eye. No other organ of
the human body has so many.
"What etalled generosity is gen-
erally only the vanity of giving, whish
we like better than what we give."
Get rubber,tiovered bits for inteee"
bridles or, if you Can not gat thein,
carefully wind the steel ones with boll -
lace. Then you will not need to take
the bridles in by the fire nor hold them
between the hands to breathe on them
in zero weather.
Following Lite crowd is all ight, so
long as the crowd is going in the
right direction. Sometimes a man
must strike eat in a new path all
alone. Ile may be lonesome for to
time, but if he is right, he will soon
kava plenty of good compm,y,