The Brussels Post, 1919-10-16, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, LINO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED ZeVATI',�, e rM'C ik Gw° s'a`flaiakP OeitVB't9'B.10 T. T. M'RAE M. f3., M• O, P., .6 S. O, NI i1. 1{. 1111144o], f'ay:.i •iat1; nal goon, Artin-lietlr i 1ffine tt revillenre, opposite Melville Ohurob, \vilbum etruet, DR. J, H, WHITE, B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Graduate '1'orinito University of Medicine Spann' attention given to rlireases of ohildruu and surgery. Oilico t Dr, Bryan. Old Stand Phone.46Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer far Horan Co, Will sell for as good miens as any other Aro* tit/neer or uhargu nothing, BEf.c4RAy1S P. 0, PNOOOFOOT, NILLOHAN & COONE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, O11lee on the :Square, end door from IinmtRon Street, OODERIOt1. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W. Paonnaoor, K. U. .T, L, KIf'Loadta H..1, D. eootctc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 1 4. -1- ',t. •F AGENCY + + 4. + John Oliver + BRUSSELS + + 4. -E' r hoe taken "ver the Deering Ag- + eucy and handles a full line of 9 Farre Implements Including the T noted i. 1, N. C. Cream Separators The only Oilman Separator with 'i• '1•t; two wide open creast outlets- '1' no creme screw- in the pant of '� the eveani. See it when in town. The I. H. C. 5-16 and 10-20 Tractors + ,44 '+• John Oliver •1'11'4'4+r'E•h'1++.1r9•'3ro, $1••F'F+++l'd••f•d•9' d' a.. are among the best. The Deering Manure Spreader + With the wide opt end and very light in draft. *4000 0.04000 000.0.0000.040* 4 d • • •• v • o • • 4 I� (l • s �i • • ) i ( i4 • ':'.er.• m r.a,y. 0 0 • �x O 0 0o v a0'4 rj'f t: e 4 1t t't 6 • Fuer Marty Morning • 9 O • 4 4 e Highest Prices paid for •u • all kinds delivered at a • • the Store. o .g 4. er b p H. L. Stewart 9 HENFRYN a •••••••••••••••••••••• (.00o yam pry= einstein Is prepared to pay the highest price for • • • • b A Rubbers, Rags, &a,c. • 41.4 • o W• L o ° Highest price paid, See me before you sell, Y Highest Cash Price for a • dine Poultry and Midas a it Write 01. Phone 02x • SIAM WEINSTEIN MILL STREET BRUSSELS • /�.0000.9!!0•..It :N �•StA.11..tt ' diaeiaie School fair, It Pays to Patronize -�--- } A Wolf -established School ELLIOTT d vondo & Charles Ste., Toronto f(((lays an ex,Nlont repuhltlaa for 111 tn'udr' businose training nag for Oar nig graduates in positions. A caporal 011,0 tion of a 801001 10 Id (1141 ut.nlw:t Itnpor• Panna. Write to -day for our Catalogue, fr ) 8tude(rts admitted ab any time, W. J. ELLIOTT, PR/NQIPAL 61281iTalr.VE2Z,..'a+'s'.'s''1:^SrfiZAVA'A"A.`141x`11., al , wart l.elb s Grey Vote 4 x'41 in the No column on (text Monday's ballot and help win a great 1'iutul•y 1'111' sobriety and the boys. A llew driving house has been com- pleted 11(1 the fine knell of George McFarlane. It is on (cement ('1)11111(1• 110n, with metallic roofing nicely painted, ley melee elsewhere it will be seen Russel Robertson, Lot 27, Con, 10, hits announced (111 Auction Sale of (farm Stook, implements, arc,, for Monday 27th inst., 01 1 p. in. F. S. Scutt will be the Auctioneer. 1Vu1, Wwrk ins pUIehased what, was formerly the cottage house of I4ev, R. and Mrs. Paul, Brussels, and P111 (ISI'S (0(1 ng 1'tnul the fat and making their home there. What we arc moldering ab out is who will keep 11((11410 for "Jack 7" It won't do for him to live 011,110 in that big house. BANieta-JoUNsToN.-A quietbut pretty wedding took place at the 111eth011ist parsonage, Trowbridge, 011 Wednesday, Sept, 17, at high noon, when bliss Emma .1 Oh and Robert Baker were united in holy bonds r,f matrimony, Rev, Mr. Ster- ling officiating. The bride's gown was of Moron crepe de chews with hat 10 mahl11 and she wore the groom's gift, (r handsome brooch, After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding le- paet wets served at the home cif the bride's parents. Bride was the recipi- ent of many beautiful and costly gifts showing the high esteem in which she is held. Among the gifts was 0 hand- some cheque from her father. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will take up limit residence on the gt 000('41 farm near Ethel, Ileartiest 00I((0)ulations and best wishes are extended to the happy couple for a long, happy incl prosper- ous wedded life, GLAD 'r0 HEAR 1T. -DEAR mai, KERIi.-Yoe may be interested ill knowing that one more wanderer has decided to return home. I have just accepted a position as General Malta - get Of. the Produce Department for the Harris Abbatoir Co. Ltd., lbron• to, anti expect to assume charge about Nov. 1st, moving my family over later. The Herds Abbatoir Oo. has 1110 re- cord of leading the packing industry in Canada and they are anxious to place all of their departments in the lead, While I realize the full re- sponsibility of taking the manage- ment of such a Merge business, cover- ing Canada, part of the United States and to a large extent Europe, yet I ac- cepter] the position at the urgent re- quest of my many friends in the Cradle its well as Mr Barris, Ptes, of the Oo., and lir. McLean, Se.aretary and (Sas � ( 1 t ul er and fool confident I will be able not only to operate their business successfullybut. in such wa tt a q as to hold the high standing of the Barrie Abbatoir Oo. where it has been. When you are ii, P118111110 I will feel badly hurt if you have a chance to get in touch with me 011(1 do not do it. With kindest personal regards I beg to remain, Yours very truly, A JAM CTAc(oART. The writer is a former resident of the 10111 Con. of Grey township, who, lifter ti wide and successful business ex- periencein the 1Vestern and Southern States, is returning to his native Province, Old ftieude here will wish him A 1 success. e 111 11 * if 41 k M F it 10 a• $ ' # it WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES N1 at It s• Following is the list of weld. ing anniversary days, generally observed throughout the civiliz- ed world: - 1 st-Cotton 2nd -Paper 3 rd -Leather 41h -Fruit and Flowers 5th -Wooden 6th -Sugar 7th -Woolen Sth-India Rubber 9t11 -Willow - 1 Ot h -Ti n 11 tri -Steel 12th -Silk and fine linen 1 3111 -Lace 14th -ivory 1 5111 -Crystal 20tH -China 25th -Silver 3Oth-Pearl 40th -Ruby 50th -Golden 60tit-Diamond Some authorities Call tite 75111 anniversary the diamond wedding, but it is preferable, in Canada at least, to apply it to the 60111 anniversary, which some 'married couples here live to celebrate. One would pro- bably have to go to Bulgaria to find a Couple who lived long enough to celebrate the 75th anniversary of their wedding. * •k 41 W •k * W 41 V( w 11 • ,a 10 tt it a 111 y r.• ar is 111 Columbia is rapidly becoming an important platinum producing nation. The Argentine government has re - gutted railroads to heat their Cara 1(1 plISsenaef; trains as a 114111116 MOOgure1 tO:whol(4 Sun"11ine 111(11 n11,:wer, 11111110 puwpeet',luubll'nl but by after - must sky 1(0.8 elo1ur11, ((1111 Old Sol smiled down (0 lie neve! rails to do 13Ineval1 1111]11+d I''uil. 1 sehn(Ils ex n Whited 11(141 yearas 1,0140. Mxllibits I00k011 ,v011 1 11 1110 ((pert 1il110 srlauo ruuuI, mud 110. grnun,ls Iver]. in 1l best 111111 101. 11111 arnaviuu, 11;(11-14• Were not no 11111nern(IH it>i i(1 pl l'V11311n year., owing probably to ill i,,*,1MOO OPERABON WAS NOi NECESSARY 1� "Fruit -a -tides" Restored Her n pupils in the Will Ler azul -the extreme heat in the Summer which made St 1111(11101(0 difficult, however, exhib its shown were of high quality, and large crowd (uanifes 1 d (Wet est i viewing Ihrnt. S. 13, Stotllero, th energetic ,Disk let Repremerald ive, 110 Ids big tent on the wounds, 03(11 alt.; brought up-to-date steel pens it which tojudge the pmtltl'v. Buying afternoon the r.bilchen iron four school seC.t1llnll competed it 01)01 Is of x01111011 kindp, making con siderable 0(nuserne11 for 011 lnokei N. Then followed physical cul Lure drills by pupils, chorus singiu and a public speaking contest, Th last event of the afternoon 1,70, ((1 etoek judging in the ring. The boy led out their calves (211(1 Colts, proudly displaying 11(011' skill inttraining then] Willie Mundell seemed the bronze medal given by the Bank of (1001 memo for beet calf. Supper served in basement of Methodist Church, under manage - meet of- Women's Institute was fol- lowed by an enjoyable concert in Presbyterian Church, with Jack Min - eras the chief entertainer. Robert Haack was chain((,(( and introduced Miss Madeline Walker, Wiughain ; Mist Margaret L GArnie e and Miss Eva, Duff, each of whom sang a solo very, acceptably. Wm, Speer gave 501110pleasing 0101111 numbers and (1 /pall, tette, tllisees Dlrnent and G10q, and L. Rritten and J. W. Klug, rendered an old-time melody Nhi811 was very much appreciated. Dr, Field I. P. S. gave a short address. Mr. Miner oc- cupied remainder of evening with hie talk on his experiences with wild geese and ducks on his fare, in leettex 0o. The large audience listened with animated attention, charmed by his interesting story and his bright wit. This simple, kindly elan, the friend of birds and children, has not yet out- grown his own childhood. He is a boy 0lnnng boys and everyone likes Will, 1101 only for what be says, but for what he is. Receipts for clay ate tl. matter for Congr 0(01011on, being well over $1200, PRIZE LIST GRAIN -Garden Corn, Kenneth Mc- Vittie, Harvey Timis, Glen Garniss. Sheaf Oats, Willie Blundell, Gordon Mundell. Sheaf Fall Wheat, Alice Wheeler. Pint of Oats, .Bertha Gannett, Coro Gannett, Gordon Mundell. Pint of Peas, Onra Gannett, Bertha Gannett, John McDougall. II(tlf Pint Wheat, Louisa Fraser, Cora Gannett, Walter Sellers, POTATOES AND ROOTS Potatoes, Edgar'MIIMiehael, Stanley Moffat, Kenneth McVittie. Mangolds" Kenneth McVittie, Oarl Johnston, Willie Peacock. Swede Turnips, Noble Greenaway, 13erth0 Gannett, Geo. Peacock, POULTRY To Perfect Health 103 PArareAu Ave., MoNrrreAr„ "I`or three years, /suffered greal a fain in the lower part of Illy hod), ti with swelling or bloating. 1 saw a specialist who said I must undergo o an Operation. I refused. 1 1. heard °bora "Resit -a -lives" so e'e ided to fry •it. The first box ga'l'e great relief; and I continued the traumata. Now toy health is excellent -I am free of • pain -and I give "fruit-a-tives" my g warmest thanks", Mme. F. GAREAU. s 50e. a box, 6 for$2.60, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by • Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Plymouth Rock, King McDonald, Jett( Black, Alice Wheeler, White Leghorns, Arian Garniss. White WyILndottes. Olive Garniss, Rhode Is11Lnd Reds, Hervey Thein, Walter Sellers. Minorcan, Alice Wheeler. Brown Leghorws, Jos, Breckenridge, Wm, Mundell. FOUND GUILTY OF NEGLECT mann YEARS' PUNISHMENT FOR. MAN WHO ALLOWED A SERIOUS SITUATION TO DEVELOP. Failure to take proper precautions has been responsible for ninny deaths, and is the cause of much suffering and hardship to-c1ny. Take 1110 011e0 of Wm. Dunn, 813 Gerrard St. blast, Toronto, Out. Mr. Dural was a chronic rheumatic sufferer :for ten years. Three genre of that ten he spout in hoc. suffering indescribable torture. Pirtllre the joy of this 11(1111 011 folding that Tenipleton's 13•hennm- tic Capsules ,fere restoring him to nor - (nal health ngnin. here are a few ex- tracts from his letter to us: '(During the pnst ten years I have been 11t3c1 up with Rhecnlntism. Ono attach-coufin- ed No to my bed for a year, and a sec- ond artncle left me helpless 'for over two years. After I had tried rattiest everything, a friend got mo -a box of T,R.C.'s, and a few doses eo0vineed me that I had at Inst foetid the prober remedy for my trouble. T.R C,'s 1 r proved my condition rapidly, and i feel that bad 11 not been for T,R.C.'s I s1oiild have been laid 11p for years." 'flea's are eertn.inly wonder work- ers, 2'ry them Ask your Druggist or write us for our new heckler] Il is interesting (0111 Costa you nothing (Telnpleto ,v 142 icing \Vest, Toronto). We Weil 1',1..C. s anywhere on recolnt of 51.04. ' Sole agent in Rrnssola, Jas.. Pox, Druggist, Ducks, Wrn. Mundell, G, Muudell, H. Garniss. Geese, Walter Sellers, 31tn Brecken- ridge. Cats, Fred. Elliott, Rabbits, Fraser Mustard, Bantams, Jno. Mowbray. VEGETABLES Cabbage, May Nicholson, Edgar Mc- Michael, Jean Black, Cauliflower, Florence Eckmier, Jean Black, Ripe Tomatoes, Margaret Mustard, Kenneth McVittie, Ethel Johnston. Beets, Alice Sharpin, May Nichol- son, Campbell Robettsnn. Parsnips, Jean Black, Olive Garnies. Oitrnns, Margaret Mustard, Bette Smith, Stanley Moffat, Squash, Willie Timis, Jean Black, Stanley Moffat, Best Oollection 8 varieties, Jean Black, Mos Thomas. Grace Kernag- han. Garrote, Pearl Johnston, Clifford Kernaghan, Lizzie Robertson. Onions, Glenn Garniss, May Nichol- son, Stanley Moffat. Pumpkin, Willie Peacock, Retia 004111, Geo, Peacock, FRUIT Collection of Apples (tamed, Flor- ence Eckmier, Beatrice Thornton, Al- fred Johnston. Collection of Plums named, Olive Garniss, Louise .Fraser, Hazel Mun- dell, Special, Ripe Strawberries, King McDonald, FLOWERS Sweet Peas, Olive Garniss, M. John- ston, Willie Timin. Gladioli, Olive Garniss, Florence Eckmier, Alfred Johnston. Asters, King McDonald, Jas. Tor- vey, Jean Black. Nasturtiums, Ethel Johnston. Maregolds, Olive Garniss. Geranium, Violet Eckmier, Begonia, Mrs; E. Nicholls. SEWING Pair knitted mitts, Alice Wheeler. Clothes pin apron, Alice Wheeler, Florence Eckmier, Louisa Fraser. Embroidered eentrepieoe, Marjorie Graeber, Alice Wheeler, J. M. Messer. Hemmed handkerchief, Donna Smith, Hazel Mundell. Oroehet lace on pillow slips, Mar- jorie Gr ashy, Gertrude Robertson, M. McDougall. Crochet handbag, J. Messer Lou- ise Fraser, Maijorie Graeby. Specials, crocheted yokes, Marjorie Graeby, Crocheting on towel, Florence Eck- mier. COOKING Layer cake, Donna Smith, Jessie Messer, Alice Sharpin. - Raisin pie, Jessie Messer, Alice Sharpin. Cookies, Alice Sharpin, Jessie Mes- ser, Florence Eeknlier, Graham Muffins, Donna Smith, Jes- sie Messer. Lemon tarts, Donna Smith, Hazel Mundell, Velma Brooks. Loaf of bread, Edith Breckenridge, M. McDougall. Pound butter, Margaret Curtis, 11I. McDougall. Pint orange marmalade, WVm, Shar- pin. MANUAL TRAININte Doubletree, Willie Mundell. Jardinet t stand, Jiln Breckenridge. Twitch, Wal, Mandell, Jim Brecken- ridge, Campbell Robertann. Bird house, ; Jim Breckenridge, Glen Garniss.• Livia STocic Halter -broken calf, Willie Mundell, Rev Thomas, Gordon Mundell. Yearling beef type, Willie Blundell, Gordon Mundell, Best calf or yearling, Etnnze Medal from Bank of Oommevee, Willie Muu- dell. Black -faced lamb, Jin, Brecken- ridge, Heavy colt, yearling, Willie Mun- dell, •9•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••4••114••••• I • A Faii Term from Sept. 2nd The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup- ply, 'Train for success, Our Graduates succeed. Write for Free Catalogue. 0 eedieedd • • The School that places its graduates in good positions, • A• e•••A••b•a 4dl••Te. Ael a e4.44.44•e $sees le •dl••NA! Stratford, Ont and WI n g st a m, Ont. EVERY one of the million and a IIaIf subscribers to Canada's Victory Bonds knows that he can sell them today for more than be pd id for them., Every one who bought Canada's Victory Bonds has received 51/2 per cent. interest per annum -paid twice a year. Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada's Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved money that they would not otherwise have saved. The guarantee back of Canada's Victory Bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Two Dollar bill. There is this difference, however, that you get interest on the Victory Bonds and you don't on the One or Two Dollar bill. Canada's Victory Bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan. Banks are ready to loan money on Canada's Victory, Bonds. Canada's Victory Bonds may be turned into cash at any time. There is no other way in which you can invest your money with such absolute security -paying such a good rate of interest. Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds 1919. It will probably be the Iast chance to buy Canada's Victory Bonds on such favorable terms. .Prepare to buy as many Victory Bonds this time as you now wish you had been able to buy the last time ',H w y , penf in Canada" I„ued by Canada'. Victory Loan Committee, in eu• „persue(( with the Minister of Financlr of 111r Dur::iniuu of Canada. 4118 Driving colt, yearling, Willie Mun- dell, Jim Breckenridge, Gordon Mum dell. WRITING Fort, IV, Bertha Gannett, Ring Mc- Donald, Gertrude Robertson. From III, Florence Eckmier, Lillie Garniss, Doris Allen. Eorm II, Donna Smith, Edith Breck- enridge, Irene Wheeler, Form 1, Beta Smith, George Pea- cock, Olive Garniss, MAP DRAWING North America, King McDonald, Gertie Robertson, Bertha Gannett. Ontario, Florence Eckmier, Viola bathers, 'Huron, Donna Smith, Wilma Eak- utier, Jean Messer. NA'rtTRE STUDY 8011(sects, mounted, Jas, Brecken- ridge. 20 Weed seeds, Louise Fraser, Ar- chie McKinney. Native Woods, Jas. Turvey, Jas, Breckenridge, Leaves of native trees, Cora Gan- net, Edith Breckenridge. 20 wild flowers, Oor0 Gannett, Edith Breckenridge, Insects, Glenn Gaieties, Muriel Thornton, Edith Breckem•idge. ART September calendar design, Jean Black, Donee Stnith, Bertha Gannett, Crayon "The Old Apple Tree" Gor- don Mundell, Beatrice Thornton, Don- na Smith. Aster, crayon, Bette Smith, John Mowbray, Irving Oleghorn, Printing (ink) Old .English letters, Dotna Stnith, Louise Fraser, tier.' trude Robertson, PPIYSICAL 0ULTITRiE DRTt.T, Pupils of No, 4, pupils of 7'7o, 8 and pupils of No, 10. Singing, No. 10 school, No. 4 school • Speaking Contest, Charlie Messer, SPORTS Girls relay rare, 0. S, No, 4, S. 13, Nn, 8 and S, S. No, 2. Boys relay race, S. S. No, 4, 0, 0, No. 8. 40 yd. race, girls under 8, Lizzie Pioberteou, BMW Johnston, Margaret, Mustard, - 40 yarti boys under 5, G. Hamilton, Noble Greenaway, (3111 Woodrow. 61) yard rare, girls 8 to 12, Irene Mo- Iiinney. Margaret McVittie, M. 111us- 1111'd. (30 yard race, boys 8 to 12, Kenneth i\leVettie, R. Tdevey, 0. Robertson, 76 yd. rare, gi(•le over 12, D. Allan, Janet Mowbray, R. Fiedlay. 100 yd. boys over 12, J. 'Purvey, A. Johnston, NV, Mundell. Carrying race, NV. Sellars and F. 1lustard, A, i1lcKinney, J. Brecken- ridge, K. McVettie and R. Turvey, Sack race, K, McVettie, G, Garniss, G. Mundell 3 legged race, Glenn G011105s and G. Mundell, K. McVittie and J. Turvey, W. Sellars and F, Mustard. 3 legged race, older boys, A, John- ston and J. Turvey, A. McKinney and J. Breckenridge, Willie Mundell and H. Elliott, Wheelbarrow race, L. Turvey anti K. MoVittie, A, Johnston and J. Tur- vey, A. McKinney and J, Brecken- ridge. 0+4+0+1 1.4+A+00000+4+4+++40'l' 0+0.0+0.0+'0+++0.4. •F+++++++4, The Seal' Creamery • re k e Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- pies and day you the highest market prices every two • weeks. Cheques payable at par at .Sank of Nova Scotia. • For further particulars see our Agent, MR+ T, C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to 4"11 The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEA,FORTH, ONT. 4441.N•d:•s$At i 01t4^t^041•s• *dlii'i'I FA44'0'®• 81111**•�9 t