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The Brussels Post, 1919-7-17, Page 4
C lac russets 'Vast Inid 9 , o e fliurnloii in Qrti 1Ultlee.t1A'<, Del.\ rs feta I On ready for the Cep Bove' Re union i in l3russels, July, e7, ati and 29 i 91 st Highlanders' Band, of Hamilton, to be —"' here for 2 Days • Excellent Program by the i *toil. Aeroplane, Baso Bail- Foot Bali, -l=" '�itl w.Mof t' l.estahttive Assembly nodal Municipal hlee;, f• tions ; and that theeald 1104 was first posted ',; rib4 .t •;111.• ,1.11 . ..i. ui-t Way', Athletic and Water Sport4i &Az. 0,411 not be -w.,rrt• 1SOP4FWIPP ,11propit111 1; Ii3.31,•Av + 1191' 0 a M Repair Service Voters' List 191 (f� ._ R„• ., ..., .. �,. ,..,... �. . Munlatpality of tho Totem/du of Grog, toasty of Huron I \ Notion is het a 11 4440444 1,)1,11t 1 buva (.1.1141811311\,. tett or delivered to the persons muuloanl Sections 8 and 0 of the Ontario voters' Lisle , i i• .rf '.4. } - 'a bAct, lite copies required by Mkt smniuns to he •y;, )t jt, er,;fi no trn14 t ted or delivered of the list mole, I '1' ul'sua1unt testae Act, of all persons api acing• 1; + l the hist revised An1330sau•nt hull a (h. Municipality at Elections for members of the •' '''c"', neWriat3r. .aus' '1urnti°'"''' 'lli'nu''1t'ty'"'•'xxx-31sam rcC..L binwAri:ti ..r.d.:.tfiio.verMay.w4+ZIMMr teM&.¢Y THE POo-:i is vets merry to hear pe,s•t mistio crop reports from some parts of the great West, and hopes the flue! re sults may count better than present pre- dictious, THIS week the Chautauqua talent that is to come to Brussels i5101 is filling a program at Kineardluc. `1'hev were said so he excellent nln:ictan.., ler Irtt. 4: and via oust.•. -- New Vorkers appear to think Cana- dian security is o. k. by the way they took hold of the Se75,000,000 bonds. That's no reason for extravagance bow - ever. THERR is apparently no small tiurest among school teachers, judging by the number of vacant schools in the country. Too frequent changes is a great detri- ment to good work being done. NOTWITHSTANDING that over 255,413 Canadians have returned from overseas there are yet about 32.000 Canucks still across the briny, iucluding nurses, doc- tors, patients, &c BoesliEvne program is not making much progress in the world and the short experience shows it to possess very few principles that should entice auy broad visioned individual to drop the substance for the shadow. Arxu1RAL Von Turpetz is to be brought to book for the deviltry he practiced with the sub. warfare. If he and the ex - Kaiser get to England at the same time they should be able to rub thutnbs. STRATI+ORD Chamber of Commerce is planning avisit from ex -President Taft in the near future. The friendly rela- tions existing between the United States and Canada are an exemplification of the brotherhood of man known to both lands. Long may it continue. GUELPH cows devour the shirts and pants of hoys who leave their "duds" on the bank of the Speed while they go swimming. 'Unless the lads wish to go home in Nature's garb they will either have to "bang their clothes on the pro• verbial hickory limb” or arrange another menu for bossy. GREAT preparations are being made 1 for the big Luminiun Liberal Conven- tion to be held in Ottawa on August 5, 6 and 7. Each riding is supposed to send 6 delegates, M. P's and Senators of the Liberal persuasion will also likely be there and there will be a great jam. Discussion of plans and policy and the choice of a leader to succeed Sir Wilfrid Laurier will constitute the business, SIR THOMAS WH/TE dropping out of osi theption of Dominion Finance Minis• ter will likely mean a shake u pof the Cabinet who appear to be most anxious to hold on to power, even if they have not much to show for the years they have warmed the government benches. Little redress has been secured for the people against the profiteering that has no small part to play in the high cost of living. WHEa it comes to a comparison of judgment on Prohibition qnestion be- tweenirresponsible Senate and such theb men as Haig, Foch, Lloyd George, ex - Premier Asquith and tens of thousands of othere who are competent to speak, the old lads feeding at the public crib ' must take their stand at the foot of the ladder. 'There would not be many tears shed if this Methuselah Society were wiped off the map of Canada as they are about as useless as a 5111 wheel on a wag- on, Freaks could be obtained at a much lower price to the country, BIG JESS WILLARD received $100,000 for the q minute thumping he received at Toledo on July 4, while Dempsey, who slugged him pocked $57,500. No less than 19,650 spo its attended hut paid sweetly for their trip, Toleda secured 113o,000 for charity and the promoters will clean up nearly a cool $100,000, "A fool and his money are easily part- ed" is an old saying but Ole second word might be 5o times accented when it re- lates to the brutish prize fights. No civilized lands should permit such de- moralizing exhibitions. After the government tax of 1141,789 had been de- ducted, there remained le4t0,7s5. Tack about bard times and scarcity of coin, the above figures don't look much like it, The "sore" part about the whole affair is a story that the fight was a fake, the big duffer playing for the guarantee. We clon't sympathise with the crowd este were gulled but it certainly was a great waste of good money that might have done a great deal of good with wise expenditure, On the prngeaol will he lee -union secviees in the churches and Park on Sunday. Mutulay morning, howling on the green, Kincardine Pipe Bands ttce., Proceselon at 1 p. m, that no one should lades, addresses of \Velca1n44 and replies. Baseball between 011111011 and Luck - now, the winners to Iiy conclusions with Brussels, n, lopinlie flights and 1 ...tents, atIlletu ,,pot = ten- 44,• .113141 1 -u, til id•tlnl 1 ,inn,; and ctucc iu;,. 111 the evening a gland li,ul1 toured by Llre well known 91,1 Highlaudere Bend, of Hamilton, who were over- seas during the war. They are it filet class musical organization and well worth going miles to hear. Fancy drills, tire. The band gives vucat selec- tions also. Don't mics them, Tuesday morning water sports swimming and tub vexes for the child- ren. Water fight for men, Band concerts. Afternoon—Peocess]ml to Park, Lively Foot Ball match between the expels teams of Ethel and Brussels, Base Ball Kincardine vs. Beugsels, Highland Piping and dancing, aero- plane manoeuvres, Tug of \\'rte Grey against Morris, 10 men each. Band Concert at night followed by a Good - Bye Procession and parting words, Plans are being completed int Old Boy' parsons and vocalists to take part in the Sunday services, They should prove 'interesting and profit• able. Victotia Pat'lt will be electrically lighted for evening gathetiugs. If the weather is favorable Band Cnn• ceras, with EL number of specialties and THEY have some very ambitious youths at Calgary who climbed the fire escape to the second story of the Col- legiate to steal examination papers. The police got after the culprits and they will likely have reason to remember their search for knowledge for mauy a day. WITH a trip across the Atlantic iu from 7o to too hours the 6 and 5 weeks employed in the days of our fathers seems a long piece off. Some say life is too sacred to trust to an air ship hue what about the bufet,ing of the (ed sailing vessel and the menace of a stormy voy- age ? "TRAMPQVICR," a pacer owned by Reeve Groech, Milverton, has been mak- jog a great name by winning big stake racing events in the t S This speedy horse has a record of 2071 Mr, Groscb is more fortunate than many an owner of fast equines and will continue lu the American circuit for some time yet. THERE is a rumor that a Provincial Election may be slated for the same day as the vote ou the Referendum. Premier Hearst is surely not so shortsighted as that. The Prohibition question sit, u d riot be mixed up with party polities which would be the case if both votes were recorded on the one date. SPACIAL attention should be given to thorough organization for tke coming referendum so that nothing will be left undone in winning a victory that „ill settle John Barleycorn's reign for- ever. Who wants the open leer back or mau-traps placed in life's pathway of the boys and young men of the land Men and women who wish to pro• tect their homes and the community should not only mark 4 emphatic x's but between now and voting day enlist in the army of boosters for a clry Canada and a sober people. No use crying if the opeortnnity is los' Through indiffer- encs or inactiv'ty. N pw is tate time to strike. East Huron District Convention of Women's Institute Splendid Meeting. concluding with Fire \\'elk.': itiepbtl', will lie on the prow atm The aeroplane feature will be in el1(uge of Alley Rlbinsotl, with an H• A. F. than as pilot who is it speeialisl in his work, with new program. Ir yeti would like to lake it skywaud trip ample opportunity will be given. Many Old Boye and Girls aur plan- ning to lie here for the lie• -union and rlley end the soldier boys will he wsl ome ae the flowers in flay. Tat; 04 \tt 1 to 114iu•• ,tt at iI,t d 10(443 ALnus end (11(•y, with Reeve Rieke! and ex•Ue'Mt y Reeve 1MoNab as Captains, 11 mem co It side. en' deo- \Vhile rnaiu features; t ( street. oration will be done by a Petoiteno ileo don't forget that your busbies Mime and your home are left in your hands Make our "Bewailed Brus- sels," look her very best with (bags, banuelc bunting umttoeg err Large platful in will be erected on Victoria Park for the speaker's Sunday evenhig at the mass meeting at 7 o'clock and for Bands, Drill, High• laird dancing, &c, Monday and Tues- day aftetnonns and eveuinge. Good advertising has been done by Re-uuam pennants on motor earn, rigs, Vic., July 27, 'M4 and 20 are the red letter days. Other attractions are being planned for and the two days will be replcle with hundreds of old boys and girls with us from near and far. Comfortable seats will he arrangers on the park for the comfort and con- venience of the crowds anticipated, It will be a time long to be retnemhel- ed so plan to attend and enjoy the fine prngearu. ' said in tree address after 4 years of War, in Which u•omeu have been so ' busy in War work, we ate thankful in- deed for a change, when we are not required to economize so much, Still this terrible war'has taught UR thrift. Speaking on the Prohibition question ' she said in the Spring of 1919 when • the Allies were losing ground the Germans decided to give the Crown Prince the lrnnnl of taking Paris, Daring their elation they went ou a carouse and during those three days the Allies made good by gaining ground. In speaking of the world's great unrest elle said 43110 had no sympathy with the 8 hour a day movement. Fanners have been used to the S hour movement all their lives but for theta it is S hours in the fore- noon and 8 in Ole afternoon, The District reports of the nine Blanches, given by the Secretary, Mrs. John Robb, also the Branch Re- ports given by the Presidents of the Branches, w01•0. encouraging. During the past, year there has heen a gain of 25 in the membership While a great amount of Red dross and Relief work has been done. Mrs. Bluett, of London, Provincial delegate, Jgave an excellent address cu "Community Lire;" We have always been favored wilh,a good speaker but Mrs, Bluett's address Was perhaps the 411051 practical we have ever had. In her introductory remarks she con- gratulated the ladies on the splendid reports given nn Patriotic work. Colonel Noel :Marshall had said that the Women's Nett tules had ce'tainly been a gretit force in Red Cross work. Sbe then entered upon her subject, "Community Life," explaining that goodg a every thin that la been has ever e accomplished had been done through p il Community • wnrk. The warring countries needed fond and evenime dens were taken over and walked as war gardens. Ontnmmnity. Canning centres were started by the Department in several places and thmisands of cans of fruit, pickles and ieliies were made up and hundreds of pounds of chicken can- ned, This was Community worst and people became acquainted in canning The 17th annual meeting of East Huron District Woman's Institute was hold its the Town Hall, Moles- worth, Friday, June 2701, at 2 p. In„ and wail one of the most eimeesSFtll gatherings in the history of the or- gauizatimt. Day was an ileal one, cool and bright., and cunning as 11 did after the Spell of intense heat was certainly en- joyed. Distrlet President, Mrs. .S. S. i Cole, Fthel, 0netlpu d the (hair. The 11 meeting opened by shoeing the Testi- Lute ode, followed by prayer by Miss 0 Campbell, Molesworth. • 14Irs,;Arnos Smith, i4loleswotth, in a d brief whims of welcome, hoped all e would feel at hone and enjoy the i • meetinghits, A. )itrachan, 11rna5els : in r'arying Raid she was sure elle O voiced the wish of every Institute • member ppteeent when site thanked Mrs, Smith for her kindly hospitable', O welcome. Mts. Strachan quoted from an article in the Globe, written by • Jean Blewetl, in Which she said, "If 1 i you wish to attend a meeting wherein • everything (Rimmed is of practical, sensible nature devoid of frills ;aimed a Women's Institute Convention." 1VIrs, S. S. Colg, Ilthel, who has been ' e choice Groceries memo Flour Bran and Shorts 7!) H AN D Seeds of all Kinds, also Salt Phone 43 cm 27 W. J. McCracken lm, -n.. 1 "1 ltof ti» fh','l g 1Tc4: ni•rniclt '14,41 hlusl .4 Wood elnnhin- .» cry 1, now complete. We .af^, );iv a the t•e,}nircd prom pt sae- + vire in the replacing of hrnk- + e! marls. Order needed Re- + pairs early anti help us keep + + g our alo('k complete. dg "n. aoil gnat antee you Twine ,1, .nd n: no104';quality. [4111yally time, l .i... , \\'P hive again received a a' huge delivery of Me0ormick 051) • ft. Superior D1t4111Ita 'r' I'Wiut• \Ve cam give you the advantage new of aped:- + able ;tdvanee in price later I The Plum + Blacksmith Shop 4. Phone SR Phone 41x ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ centres that had never known each other before, It was dirty work but everyone helped, and cause dressed for that particular work, working togeth- er in a beautiful spirit for the boys who were fighting for them. She al- so spoke on the "Community Hail Bill," the object of this being totelieve the monotony of life in Rural Districts. Government. guarantees for this pur- pose 25`14, of whatever money is raised. Should a township raise $1000 for this purpose the Government, would give $250, making $1250 raised. She ex- plained the "Hot School Lunch" where teacher turd children who can- not go home for a hot dinner, may re- ceive a grant of $40 from the Govern- ment and instal n S but ner stove with equipment and cook a hot dinner thereon. Should the teacherjoin the rhildt•eu iu this she gets a grant of $10 extra and any teacher taking tip this course may take to course of 5 weeks 144 Toronto receiving $7 a week for same, In speaking of the Refer- endum on the Temperance question she said that every woman who is a 13r111011 subje3L• and is 21 years of age and who has resided in the District for 3 months prior is entitled to a vote, i)1usir and Literary numbers fur- nished by the different Branches were sandwiched beltveen the reports and addressesail In di e i g to the pl asnre of the afternoon. The report of the Nominating Committee was given and the following Officers were 11110A1I11IOIt4- ly elected : President, Mrs. Peter Scott, Brussels ; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Robert Black, Bluevale : 2nd Vice President, Mrs. J. J. McGavin, Walton ; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. 0. Tate, Bluevale ; Auditors, Mrs. Edward Johnston and Mrs, Gen. Mc- Donald, Bluevale ; District Repre- sentatives, Mrs, Robt. Thomson and Airs. P. A, McArthur, Brussels. One Director appointed by each Branch will also act on (his Board. A generous and appetizing lunch was served by the ladies of Moles- worth, the genelelne, attending the Board of Agriculture joining the ladies during the tea hour• There were 4(50311170 ladies present. Meet- ing closed by singing Lhe National Anthem,, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. + + Garage :t + + + Opened in Brussels .+.y.. + + 4. .g, The undersigned have entered + + into a co•Jnartnership and leased + 'I' the building recently vacated + q, by S. Oarter, and have fitted it 31 + up for a modern garage. + + We are read to attend to all '1' '4'' repairs, a spec + specialty being made + of Tires, having Laken a spacial + + course in dealing with Rubber, is &c, + .t• Supplies of Gasoline and Oils .t+• + always on hand, - + We are agents for the well '0 + known Overland Oar, .t. .)• If you have trouble with your. }t 4' Car or require anything in our 4r line give us a call, We goaran- 4. tee satisfaction at reasonable 4. rates. '+I' + Barris & tittle 4. BRUSSELS +++•P+•r+++++4'•1•+++++++++++++ 4b0O•••0.0•0••0••00••00®000®••0160e••O.0•••0.0.6•••M• Fall Term from Sept 2nd The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup- ply. Train for success. Our Graduates succeed. Write for Free Catalogue, Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ont. ('graduates in good - positions. The School that places its P g p • • 0 •• • • • •• • • • • A • A • S e • L the faithful President for past 8 years, • 44 .00400044N*•4+•0404014b)• t •4••••••••44.1 2 t 944 4•••NN up lin my other. In 41111.-1 an the 11th ens of felt-, COM, and remains there for inspection, aloortnrs are called upon to examine the said i • list and; 1f any clnissione or any other errors f aro found therein to take immediate proceed. Ines to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to Ian. Dated this 14th day of ,July, 1011, A. H. MACDONALD, Cleric of Grey. ({j} MAIL CONTRACT fatnled Tnturot'e, tlddl3'1404'11 to 1)1OP1Mtllnietlrt' General, will be received et Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 8th day of August, 1019, for the eonveyit41000f Hie Msfeaty'e Malls, 011 n pro. posed Contrnut for four years, six times per week over Ethel No. 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleasure, Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed (.oatrnet stay be seen and blank Yonne of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of Rth44), Bruaxals and Henfryn, and at the oBleb of the Post Office Inspector, London, Pont ORlee i nspentor's Odicn, T.00don, ::7144 Jane, 19131, ('FiAS, R. H. FISHER, 2.11 Post Ofare inane, fir. - Farm for Sale The und rsi n offere for sale Ills 100 acre e g ed ship. being S;r1 501 premises6, .Con. d, Morrie ams, la ig, On the rnp ent is 5 good frame house, in werge bank barn, l cleared oa water, &o. Farm in well fenced and all cleared with the excep- tion of 4 accent For A. L. her particulars apply t0 A. L, SERB, Pinna 129 Brussels R. R. No. 9. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. No. 1, Turnberry Township, duties to omlvllenoe after vacation. 2nd Claes Professional sad Protestant. Apply cations reoeivotl np 4o July 19. Appiic5nts to state salary and forward testimonials. ANDREW DOUGLAS, Secretary, Bluevale P. 0. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 1, Morris Town. chip, Huron Co., holding Normal Certifiente: Dutlea to commence Sept. 1st. Apply, stating salary and experience, to JAS. W. SCOTT, 2.2 R. R, No.2, Blyth P, 0. Tenders Wanted Tenders for constructing the Dolmage Drain,in the Township of 1110KIllop, will be r ei tundersigned until Monday, the eo vet h the 21st t day of July, 0000 ny each for bob , inn - towns Arica 37 4.0 accompany Dash ton dor• The lowest prane,ender not, eoe , or[lyainopted, Plane, at t es, Clerk's olllo ,, , of drain. may El ween at the Tenders to opened Lot Ju4,ly Con. , at2 p. m., • T arerss . be o mIIR July lerk, at 2 p, m„ at Soafol•tlt, 311. trIIIRDIE nth 0P Seaforth P. O. Jany 24th, 1919. Properties for Sale 160 acre Farm, known as the Stretton prop- erty, 6171 line Morris township, for sale. Pos. 9e94410» next Fall. Well located near Brussels, The 26 acres in oonneetion with the Revere Huse, situated. offered for Sale. It is Eonse and ;, acre lot, Elizabeth street, Brussels for sale. Apply to W. F. STRETTON, Brussels, House and lot for Sale in Ethel Comfortable frame house and one Bare of land in the Visage of Ethel is offered for sale. Number of fruit Ween. Good woodshed and other conveniences. For further partienlnrs apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Ethel P. 0. Buil for Service The undersigned will keep for eervioe, on 81 Lot 80, Con, 2, Morris township, thethoro'-bre Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No, 00410 Sired by Gainford Marquis (100890) 1 Dam Mildred VPI by Royal Sailor 118019), Ped- igree may be seen on application. Terms— $10.00 for thorn' -brads payable at time of ser- vice with privilege to return, Grade cows not allowed. THOS. PIERO%, Proprietor. Farm for Sale Oontelning 200 pores, viz., S%Lot 80, Con. 8, Morrie township, and Lot 1, Con. 6, Grey town- ship. Well watered, comfortable house, bank barn and manure soled, driving house, wind mill, orchard, &o. 2% miles North of Brussels on grovel road. Rural mall and rural 'phone 1,5 anile to cahoot. Will sell either or both farms. For further particulars apply to ALBS, FORSYTB, Proprietor, Brussels, or F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 0.4 For Sale Ronne and Iota, containing a% sores, in the Village of Oranbrook, the property of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown, IS offered for sale. Frame house, barn, fruit trees, &o. P09tessio11 could be given at nnoo. For further particulars am ply to MRS. Taos. 0001000N or Wm, OAntnuoa, Executors estate of the Into Mrs. A44ties Brown, Oranbrook, Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM (19078) (1.8080] Enrolment No. 1807, Form I. J. J. McGAVIN, Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of stook during the 0440000 of 1010 nt John J. meGSvin'e 015bles,Leadbury, 50122, Con, 18, matinee. Terms : $12 to insure, payable February let, 1020. CRAIGIE DOUBLE (104501 Enrolment No, 60.00 Form 1 ROaT, NICHOL, Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of stook dor. Ing the 005500 of 1010, at hie own stable, Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris. Terme, $10 to insure, payable Feb. 75t 1020. This colt's circ 10 SSlethhl Stamp, Nip., DAM (16008), 0 d his coo i dome a Daley', Imp. JOmom (012804; You will get Good Value and L' ^ng Service if you buy the from R. C. A°! Y E L L Plioncrieff Jiff Motto : "A Squ:u•e 1)1';tl It) 11,\'rr\'1tnss• " Crewante Ship y cur Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for ti.e pay - meet of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yeti will not want to discontinue. BrusselsBrot o Pr Creamerys. Stewart p 1 oeseeeoeeeeee000eose4Vateed lse®ee©ecleoetleesseseeoeemeo 310 0 f) 5, 106 09 0 W 0 n 0 fi a (3 m O 411 q (0 (a e e e t3' 0 143 80 t7 is (3) eeOLSSeeeeeeeemseeoeeessoe els®®(aOneeosee(M®Bisdoei®tf®eee Phone 83 Phone 41x Carriage PainCng and Tire Appiyi {g Our Rubber•Tire Applying and Carriage Painting are - equal to the demand for an rip -to -date -job, combining Quality, Appearance and Lasting Service to the user. We carry in stock, apply promptly and Guarantee our work, •all Standard sizes of the better grade of g C'ar- r ria o Rubber Tires. Iu considering •h ll' the purchase tcllase of aBuggy g newbuyone you will be proud of iu after y0ar?, '44131ch requires careful selection. Our Buggies we fully Warrant, aro reasonably priced and have- given the service repre- sented as is -proven by satisfied users. Terms to suit any purchaser. In all lines of Wheel .and Carriage Wood -work Repair- ing you get protnptse ivies and satisfaction at a mod• orate price at e Plum Blacksmith Sh ( 4 x O•P•+•+. 1.4,00000•04#04,004,J0,40 o+000+6+6 0.1,.÷.÷6,011÷0 +0+ • The Seaf•'lrth Creamery • 1 ream a dalenteeNEEIreetnefennente Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you 'Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. + + We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- • pies and pay you the highest market prices every two • + weeks. Cheques payable. at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. iMcCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to • t The Seaforth Creamery Co. SL iAF O R'I' I II' N O ' 0 • • O a 316• •P•+•+•'A.+•+ A