The Brussels Post, 1919-7-10, Page 8.,w.,w,.,.„.,.,...wa...aa
*4444,44.0* 4+0+440+4'i'0+4444 •
Vovhur'vd 's
Facial Soap
Bath Soap
isc cake
Rotel! Rose
Soap -2 largo
Bide: Flown
Snap— Large
cake me
Cocoa Soap
lie cakes
Straw Hat
Cleans Pana-
ma Hats
25c bots
�� Reading
Ladle; Horne The Vest Pocket
'A Saturday E v
ti' ening Post Autographic Kodak
'a Pictorial
sit Review,
a Reid Book,
p &c., &c.
3 Ralph Con-
+ nut's New Everything in Bodakery 1 lb. and ; Ih.
p Book— pkgs., and also in
+ "The Sky Pif,,t of at our ;tore and we do prompt 1)e• eatlmr gaantittea
+ No llau's Land," 1 P : ?in the 10' and a e
+ Price 5150 veloping and Printing.i parcels.
1-h8 { c''ore Druggist and Stationer
- i::'yam
+!S•9•de+4'4 4+4+C+&+4+4+444+0+0 444'8.Htsiee t•0+++++O+4*4+O+O•i•O
*04-844,14++1+t „FC'1C,e-*4'4+441
$ J A r 0 R '1' 11
On Your
When interest
Grips You
Ne$,,.d Your
t l.,r11l, my `}.
I etoTielet
t\e'er 75e
t) e,larcl
\\bre 5nc
Crean of Al.
IH 'u,i' 25e
1'17 , x Cutie'e
Renee -el. 35c
, 71'' ug
Inmost 'tal-
oa111 Y5e
1 pkg.
nth, eat
I put
d 0071 shoat g
\`a,,atio!t p;easures :rte -all the. ve,r Green
1, ea,nres when your Kodak keep;
the Record.
is very compact. yet it takes very
sharply eut pier urea.
Thr price i= i7q ' e
Don't let the
Potato Bugs
get a head -
Way. Lt e
Paris (seen.
Sprayed ou
thoroughly it
will rid your
p'aots of the
pest and per-
mit better
of Potatoes.
j t week Harold Lowry went to
Korai ' eb3s ,, bC. Z Northern Ontario with a car load of
horses, buggies, &c., belonging to \Val-
_ _ _-. ter A. Lowev.
THE hent last week refetring to the
number of car loads of heading bolts
brought to l,rnssels this season by P,
Amen' should have read 15, instead of
the number appearing. Seine ,tock !
A'r toe High School Entrance F,xam-
ination last week in Brussels, with A. A.
Naylor, Seaflrttl, 81174 Mrs: McNah,
presiding, 55 candldstes wrote, 3; of
whorl were girls. 'rile papers were
considered vett' fair.
Coot, nights
Do von use spex ? See W . 5, Stret•
tum advt.
SUNDAY morning's rain was a great •
School. Board meeting Friday even-
ing of this week.
23 telephone poles were struck by
lighting during the recent electric storm
and damaged.
JOHN H. GALBRAITH'S trotting horse '
J1 s.
took 3rd money at the \Viol, ,am race
last week in the 2. t3 race.
SAT,'RI.AY of this week will be the
12th, The Orangemeu of this locality
will go to Wroxeter for celebration,
They are asked to assemble at Lodge
room. Brussels, at 9 a. 711.
2Nt, BLOSSOMS.—Last Friday Alex. •
Forsyth, ween street, sent Tim. PST a
sample limb of a cherry tree un which
were well formed and blossoms. accom-
panied by ripe fruit. R is one of Nature's
THE Lower School Departmental ,
exams. are on this week with In eandi-
dates writing. A. A. Naylor is presides
ing, Middle School exams. commence
Thursday and will last for a week. i
'There will be about a dozen who will
A delegation motored to Woodstock
:Monday in coulteraon with the hearing
of the protested Listowel—Brussels
Foot Ball match. Committee upheld
Referee, who was not present. He is
said to have made too widely different
statements. Listowel won district and
will now meet Owen Sound.
SUNDAY ,^,:chants of St, George's, Wal-
ton and St. John's, Brussels, will hold a
plc-nic in W. W. Sboldice's bush, grav-
el road, Tltureday, July Toth, at 2.3o.,
Friends, as well as scholars are invited,
Adults intending to be present should
give in their names on Wednesday at
the Rectory. Please bring baskets.
WAR PAVER1ENCffis — A. K. Zapfe,
who was n former Brusselite, and who
was a British prisoner of war in Get' -
many for 2 years, will give an address
in the Lecture Room or the Presbyteri-
an church. Brussels. Friday evediug of
this week, at 8 o'clock, under the sus-,
picas of the Missionary Sewing Circle.
lie will tell of his experience, and his
story is sure to be iuteresting. Admis-
sion 25 and. 15 Cents.
93 YEARS n ill --Last Saturday our
townamau, David Ross, celebrated his
73171 birthday, at his home, Elizabeth
street, where a number' of relatives and
friends spent a few hours, extending
congratulations and enjoying the hospi-
tality of the home, The old gentleman
is wonderfully well for his advanced age
and is one of the Hon. Presidents of the
coming Old Boys' Reunion, Mr. Ross
has beau a resident of Brussels for the
past 53 years hence has seen many
changes with few friends of his early
manhood left, THR Posa• nongratulates
this worthy veteran,
JNe. Qn1ax. the well known former G
T. R. Conductor, who lives at Wing -
ham, celebrated his 86th birthday on
Tuesday, 241h ult., and received a
shower of congratulations from friends
far and near, Tux Pose., repreaeuting
many old friends here, joins heartily in
wishing Mr. Quirk many more years of
health and bappiuesa. Mr, Quirk hail
been a resident of Wingham for up•
wards of an years. He commenced
railroading in 1867 on the old Caledonian
Railway and was the first Conductor iu
charge of a passenger train from Guelph
to Palmerston. He moved to Klutaf'
dine in x878 and came to Wingham fn
[BOB and has been living retired since
SEEING t.R8 —,rust arrived at Walton sawmill
Bear load ,f fix B. C. Shingles. ,form Mc-
DnNALU, Walton.
Minna Now and 5 young Pigs for sale. Lots
1 and 5a, Con. I, Morris. J, D. ,\IILLen,
Wroxeter Phone Binevale P.O.
s young Pigs for sale. Leas C. N1CIRAN,
Con. 13, Grey. Phone 4712.
Llys; Pota:rltr wanted on Monday and Tues-
day' 1 each week. Phone Na. 13 for prices, &n.
R. TNomsoN, Brussels,
STRAYED on Lot 19, Con. 7, Grey township, a
red heifer, with white stripe, rising 2 years.
Owner tory have the 05me by proving proper-
ty and paving xpenaea, NORMAN L351051',
Ethel, Ont. Phone 3414.
Naw 2 -horse corn cultivator for sale at
whole=ale price. See N, CARTER, Brussels,
Taansoas Range with n warning shelf, for
sale at reasonable price. 101. Cota,10,
Phone 357 Hetrryn,
('01.517 Fence Posta and Anchor Posts for
stele. Apply N'q Lot 19, [_torr. x, ?Jerrie,
Phone 45111 (400. B. RRADMAN.
GAT your hewn mower put in good working
order i'v Geo Edwards.
t.'r,M ENT Dram Tile for sate, Phone 4728.
ANY person requiring organ Cleaning or re•
pairing should call Pho10 87. brussels,
WANTED.—Dead Horses and Cattle promptly
removed within a radius of •+9 miles. No
animal removed without the hide. Will pay
from s3 to 53 for animals brought to factory.
Phone at our expense, Phone tdeyl 12; (even-
ing. 178. The Farmers' Fertilizer Co , Ltd.,
Dn. PA hare, Osteopathic Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of earth week.
Chronic and nervous diseases sn0oe0sfully
treated, Visits residences. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel,
ON Dominion Day Fred Ennis went
to Goclerich for a car ride with Jno
Logan, of town. While cranking the ear
his right arm was injured by a "kick"
from the crank rendering a sling neves•
stu•y We hope he will soon he o k
The Editor of 'rna POST, Mrs. Kerr.
Miss Jessie Menzies and S. Carter
motored to the Jubilee gathering or
Kirktou (near St. Marys) circuit and en•
j',vod the good time afforded at the An-
derson appointment, of which further
particulars may be read elsewhere
A. K. Zaph is renewing oid a.qualn'-
ances in 13russels. He Was a former tel-
ler 111 the Standard Bank and had quite
an interesting experience while a Satish
prisoner of war for 2 years 111 Gertvauy
and will tell :(hunt it Friday evening of
this week in the Preehyterian chnreh.
A son if David Frain, of Detroit,
(formerly harness maker of town.) and
motoring company was calling in Brus
sets last Saturday, The mother of the
fernier is hnrie74 in the cemetery here
and the visit was partly to sec after a
new monument and the caretaking tet
the burial plot.
A large contingent of boosters took
iu the Brus,els—Ethol League Foot Ball
mactll last 'Thursday evening at Ethel.
Score at the close of a hotly contested
game, witnessed by probably 50o people
WAS 2 to 1 Iu favor of Brussels Stanley
Ford, Atwood, was referee. 'i'hisrnateh
was a repealerowing to the first game
being protested by Itahel from the fact
that they lied 0111y TO -men to the IT by
their (pponteds during !atter peat of
play, owing to an injured player hehng
dropped off. In the rush r,f the contest
it seemed the ahnrlege was overlooked,
Here is one of the
Most Attractive
Programs ever of-.
fered Movie Fans
I 1 '1'. and Mrs Wood ar,d t'cmily'meet
t( ('e -r"-: er El re tr, r.!e ect a ',
F•01 ,u I t u 1 t, 11,110'
il/ts Solid n)Int .,1 he home 'd Jno - and
Mrs Lont,
'Major 11 S (lays, Seaforth, is a dile-
gate to the (31 eat War Veterans' Cell-
,, ntlou
she thealv Woods. Abell •Heel, h.r-
i,ren )e, 1' 1..1! ,.'r"1 ,(,. 1101 heath.
Mt 17 (14 tore
elle 11 1„ l :+, 1,• „u rout ilmittlitet ..I
wt ' (t r• e on, I' •. to7'. with
1lien(1 ill lir eeb hist week
111, Aden till.(tit's condition of
• he,i tit sa
u lh 1 .t Int N
t o u matter of c( •u
t deep con.
i (.ern to her 10117 070 and friends!
July 7, 3, M) bliss Beatrice, !Loos, who is teaching
13011 Ly tell in ")hackie's Redeulptiou" at Port credit, is home for her 08021100,
,July 10, 11, 12
Charlie Chaplin in "A Dog's Life"
July 14, 15, 113
Dustin Fermin in "Light of the \\rest -
ern Stars„
July 17, 18, 111
Hale Hamilton in "There Vend"
July 91, 29, 23
Kitty Hoed(ln in "Adele"
July 24, 25, 22
Viola Dana in "'Phe uoia Cure"
July 28, 251, 30
Anita Stewart -i in "Virtuous Wives"
July 33, August 1, 2
may Allison in "In for 311 Days"
.2111'I. s 'r -r I ' s
, -engaged a IIICYei( Nd salary
Mrs. Wm (1,1,1 and Etat or Gor-
don \'ell. maid, Niagara Falls, ere here
for a visit ttf,il relativeseud oi(1 friends
W, H, and Mrs. Peter, Miss Cline,
Harty and Herb, of 137rvie, m(dea
'.hurt visit wir11 the \Misses Monter last
weal.. Tim; are rtl,rliees
B.urislerand Mrs, Sinetair awl Miss-
es Lovice and Ruth are epeu(llug a
mouth eej .y'ng Lake Huron breezes at
Ha, field where they 10110 el a cottage.
• Mrs. Garr. Line and Floreece and
Gen , 111 N agars Falls, are here for a
:•.Anlay v'.s't The fu. tner is a dauehter
of Geo, and Mrs, 'I'u 111001), Brussels.
W S McKeraher, the well known
August 4, 5, 3 See •'1'teas 0) die Ilowiek 8111, nal Ftre
Harold Lockwood in "Phe Great Insurance Co and Director Gallaher,
v. -ere in tour 24nuilav on their way to
August 7. S, it McKiliait to adjn.t some fire losses
Bert Lytell in "Blind Mall's Eyes" Airs Frank C alt, of Cuviugron, Ken•
luckv, U S„ ie a v.isirer with her per-
ents, D.' B. and Mrs McDonald, town
Her father went to London to meet her
At the Conserv:a•nry ,unsical exam.
held at Listowel last week Jean, daugh-
ter of Jno and Mrs Ferguson, town, school room during (My and in the.
passed her introductory exert, with hon- I day ay soh Irl church for the mouth of
ore. She is a pupil of Miss Minerva Methodist
The pastor in charge will be
Jones This week David and Mrs. Eweu re• I ready to attend to the needs of both
cougregations where necessity demands
during the period desiguated. Hymns
eommou to both church Hymnals 55111
be selected during the union serv'ces,
large congregations are anticipated
and au euj)yab'e and profitable time
At the monthly Missionary service in
the Methodiet Sunday School last Sab-
bath afternoon Mrs. Skelton gave a well
choseu reading; F. ff. Gilroy sang en
appropriate solo ; Mrs, Stafford's map
talk ou Mission work in China was well
done ; and Mr. McMann, of Idaho, who
is visiting W. H, Maunders, addressed
the school in an optimistic style. Offer
ing was 86 19,
The lneinbers of the L. 0 L , No, 774,
were at Methodist church last Sabbath
morning when the auuual sermon was
preached by pastor, Rev, W. E. Stafford,
who gave an appropriate discourse from
the text "The Truth shall make you
Free." In the evening a practical
sermon was based on Mark t 29 'Forth-
with when they were come out of the
synagogue they entered into the house
of Simon and Andrew." Miss Muriel
Sperling, who was home from Toronto,
sang a choice solo, entitled "How lovely
are Tby dwellings," with pleasing eff:ct
and W. H, Merklinger, Hanover, rend-
ered "It ever I loved Thee my Jesus 'tis
now" in good voice.
August 11, 12, 13
Dustin Family in "A Man in the
August 14, 15, 36
Anna Q. Neilson fu "The Way of Ore
The greatest Serial on earth "The Lure
of the Hircus," starring Eddie Polo,
every 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
IIx People We Talk About $t
Stuart Fox is visiting relatives and
friends in 'Toronto.
Miss Margaret Fulton is home for a
holiday from Detroit.
Miss Dorothy Cunningham, of Palm-
erston, is visiting relatives in Brussels
Mrs, Edward Bryans and Miss Liz-
zie are at Owen Sound with Dr, and Mrs.
Misses Isabel Strachan and Verne
Walker are visiting at Toronto and
other points.
Miss Muriel Sperling, of Toronto, is
enjoying a holiday at the home of her
mother, Church street.
Jno. E. and Mrs, Smith, Brandon,
formerly of Brussels, are expected to ar-
rive in town this week for a holiday vis -
Mrs Leaver anti daughter have re•
turned to Flesherton. The latter is do
ing nicely alter her operation for ap
Miss Gerttude Ross is home from Fort
Vriiliam, where she is teaching school,
for her well earned vacation of a couple
of months,
Mrs. (0-.) McNaughton and Miss
Florence are holidaying eith relatives at
St. Thomas, S'rathroy, Detroit and
other points.
Robt. and Nis Ellis are here from
Victoria, 13 C„ on a visit to the for
mar's parents, Wm, and Mrs. Elis,
Brussels South,
Miss Jessie Cunningham, who holds a
good position in the Queen city, has
been having a holiday at the parental
home in Brussels
Druggist White and son, Alex, of
Fort William, were visitors with Dr
and Mrs. White, Brusela, The gentle-
men are brother's.
Last week Pte E. A Garton reached
Brussels, crossing the Atlautic on the
Corona. He is very welcome home to
his wife, son and friends
Mrs Graham and ;children, Loudon,
and Mise Ilene Hunter, Wingham, were
visitors at the home of Mrs. A Hutzler,
Thomas street, last week,
Thursday df this week Rev, W 15
Stafford and family leave Mussels for a
vacation of a few weeks at Mrs Staf-
ford's parental home at New York,
Co Field Secretary A,'1'. Cooper, of
Clinton, gave THE Po,,r a call on Satur•
day while en route to Bluevale where he
gave Temperalce add res>es on Sunday
Last Friday Mrs George Jackson
went to Drayton to atteucl the Inneral of
Mts Jas eleEering an old friend She
was 68 fears of age and a very fine pet -
Capt. J. M. Moore was a visitor hu
town for a short time last week. He
had come to Loudon with a contingent
of soldiers who bad come on the steam-
ship Belgiac.
Ste, Oliver Doll, arrived home last
week looking in good trim He saw a
good deal of the British Isles during the
year he was overseas The returned
soldiet is aeon of Mts.. Doll, of town,
Rev, Mr and Mrs. Osterhout, who
have been located at Goderieh but now
go to Dresden, were in town while en
route to visit relatives at Gorrie Mrs,
(Capt.) Keine is s sister of the rev,
Mrs. Mattice and Mrs. Barnes, De-
troit, were visitors with j, W. sod Mrs.
Simmons, Queen Street. Former was
a resident of Brussels at oue time and
is a daughter of the late Samuel and
Mrs. Crawford, Brussels,
Last week Miss Maggie D Shedden,
underwent an operation for throat
trouble and had her tonsils removed,
Pleased to say she Is getting along fine
and is nut R&M and is resting tip with
her old friend, Mrs, Geo, ,Jackson, Mill
St. East,
R, and Mrs 'Thomson, Riverside
Perm, have as their guests this week A,
K Zapfe, W. A and Mrs. Zapfe, 'Tole-
do ; Mrs F. T. Z'ip's and daughter,
Parkhill ; Mrs N. W Racev and
daughter, Toronto ; and Nurse Margar-
et S. MnLauehlin, Detroit.
A weico tle visitor to Brussels last Fri'
day was Mrs. Dean Conrtice, tee Miss
Eva Sperling (Oralei•ly of town Mr.
anti Mrs Coertice, who have resided in
Hamfhon are moving to Chatham where
the former assume'( a position with the
sugar factory company as technical ex-
a,l RVIC,V.--"I"Itis
Bank, it the past
45 years,,11:19
its share in the uc''; eloplueul
(f the business of the I1;1
171111101n. (11th' Ct:porie11c7 allyl
equipment are at the s_fl r\u::
of every customer,
move to their new home at Loudesboro',
They take with them the best wishes of
the community for a successful business
career and the forluatiou of many friend-
ships warm anti Gtle,
F. and MIs Jackono, Arkoma, were
visitors at the home of E C and Mrs.
Danford, 'Their son was a Former teller
iu the Standard Bank here and made
the supreme sacrifice overseas in the
ranks of the soldiers of the King
Corp. Wm. McCall, of Regiva, was
visiting his sister, bliss Margaret Mee
Call and Mrs. Chas, Riley, He was ae-
eompanied by Corp. Parker, also of the
West, The boys have been overseas
and will return to their old home.
Pte. Leslie McCall, of the West, has
been visiting his grandmother, Mrs,
Wm. McCall, 1oho street, and other re-
latives and friends around here while en -
route to his home in the West from
overseas. He's a sturdy representative,
Miss Brydge, Belgrave, and Misses
Kathleen McLaren and Dorothea Staf-
ford, of town, went to Listowel on
Saturday to write on musical examina-
tions. They are pupils of Miss Mae
Wilkinson, 'The results will be publish-
ed shortly.
Pte. Dau. Fulton, son of Mrs. James
Fulton, is here for a visit, He is ac-
companied ty his little nephew, Dick,
from Portage la Prairie, Man. Mr. Ful-
ton is recently hack from doing duty
overseas but had to go to Winnipeg to
receive his discharge. He is a former
Brusselite and welcome back to town
Mrs. H. M. Smith and daughter,
Gladys, of Dubuc, Sask., Misses Isabel
and Winnifred Hudson, Detroit and
Miss Mary Livingston, Toronto, are
visitors with Mrs, Duncan Livingston.
another to the first and last mentioned
and grandmother to the Detroit young
ladies. Mrs. Alex Yuill, Grey town-
ship is also hostess to the same company
part of the time.
Church Chimes
Rev Mr. Smith's sermon last Sunday
nlorniug in St. John's church, was
on the Forward Movement for Mis-
Sirnt5, hi, text being Luke 15.3,
'"P 11 he fi :deth," referring to the Shep-
herd searching for the sheep. "Speak
unto the childreu of Israel that they go
forward" was the foundation of the
evening discourse.
Sabbath next the first of the union
church gatherings to be coutinued dor.
iug July and u Aust between the Pres-
byterian and Methodist congregations
will be held. Morning services will be
oonduc ed at 11 in Melville church
and iu the Methodist church each even-
ing ut 7 Rev Mr, Mann will be in
charge during Rev, Mr, Stafford's urea
[ton, and (luring Aug, latter will t folate.
Union choir will lead the praise service
end the plate offering will he divided,
Union player meeting each Wednesdsy
evening, at S o'clock, in Melville Sun.
Or,OA1(RY.—At Sunshine Maternity Home,
San Diego, California, o11 June 21.01, 1919, to
2(r. and Mrs, Jas. Olonleey, n son.
LATULAW.—Irl Morris towllalr)h, on June 20th,
1919 to Mr. and. Mrs. Thos, J.,aldlaw n son.
Roes.—fn Olevelend, Ohio, on Sane 80th, 1519,
to Mr, and Mrs, Austin 0. Rose, a son.
VIPONn.—In Elmo, on July 7111, 1819, to Mr.
and Mrs, E. W. Vipond,n son.
Youxo.—In Hullett township, on June 29111,
1019, to Mrs. Henry Young, a son.
Rent—MONRIL,—A1 the manseBrussels, by
Elev. A, T. Mann, B. A., on lune 26th, 1010,
Mr, Arthur Hull, of Grey township, to
Miss Gladys, daughter, of 51r. and Mrs
Alex, McNeil, of Morris township,
HAraanAY — EAn1,—At the Presbyterian
manse Fordwfoh, by Rev, A. Laing, on
June 18th, 1010 to Mr, Arnold Halliday to
Miss Anes Earl, daughter of Mr. and
Mre, Rohit. Earl, both of Howiek.
JARnma—WAnxalt.—A1 the manse, Moose
Jaw, Sask., on June 401, 1010, by Rev. M,
Wilson, Mise M. L. Walker to Mr. Norman
S, Jardine, both of Tsgaske, Saek,
MOMIol1ARL—WIT,9ON.—At the mantra, Ford-
wIch, Amu 18tH, 1019, by Rev. A. Laing,
Miss Annie Wilson to Mr, Archie Mc-
Michael, both of 1to'dwich,
ROBINSON—SttIMa,— On July let, 1919, at the
home of the bride's sister, New York, by
Rev H. Graham, Miss Catherine M,
Simms, of New York, to me. Skelfingtot
M. Robinson, Wroxeter, Ont.
0onwom — in Drayton, on 'Tidy 2nd, 1019,
Lorisa 8, Aitchison, beloved wife of Jae,
14toBwing, aged 87 years.
MOAmmnua, In Hallett Township, on July
601, 1919, Alex McArthur in hie 85101 yyear.
PARISn,—To Morris Township, on JUIN Atli,
1810, James Parish. aged 01 years.
Itrvans,—In Goderlolt. on June 2811t, 1019,
Samuel Rivers, formerly of Brussels, aged
88 years, 7 months and 14 daye,
i,-,•••••.. „sl;I471'1 d.l 1411,-,t4',' 1 I11o64k�P:
','Illeiteirt.e.5151.11kilielit J1lt taeete.,
How do Your
LEGISLATION protecting the public from the
Hawker, Travelling and Faker Opticians is now
ill force.
Come to an authorized Optician where you get all
work Guaranteed. Bifocals Cleared, Frames Fitted
Properly and no ancient Frames put on you, Every-
thing up-to-date, Prices moderate. Call and see me.
W. F. Stretton
Marriage Licenses,
Jeweler and Optician.
riC)&3dGS'.3f4QuiG%'aiGiA4k(fidVd4C,fliWi,1 W"iriBrei sPAtere0OZZ,Aglit.i w 3g.itIes'wti41t6AllIe tti
Fo rug tore
� 'I'I`I
w uwta �rww,attw,w�r•r��wrunr+ri+siw
a Disinfectants
Weekly Store News
One of the very
We note have I.
good stock of the
above on 11111101p1111
up in 2 sizes -
30e and 136c cane
and treatment,
of Pyorrhea
and the rorrec,
!fou ul' TI'pueh
Mouth, Bleed-
ing, Spongy
and Receding
(rums, Simply
need as tt
mouth] weep,
gives splendid
results, Large
bottle 560,
Just the thing fnr a teal Pie•nie,
The package contains :
6 Paper Plates
(3 Paper Napkins
1 Table Cover 46x54
Tired feet
N t 111 01 11,h11 -
Mired at therm
very hub tlayS,
Have you tried
\'et y cooling
1011(1 ruulfot l-
ing to the feel,
Put up in 2.5e,
Shekel tip tin.
Help lu Icetip the
dott'u. 'I'hc,y 1(18
(11 presr•u1 very
Lard to proem),
but ata' Imre 11
a: ,r ,le 'r 17113'
a tl l )
5101ly lint% at
1lb0 tend 150
that auslvera the
purpose well,
NI, the brim Weather
Nothing graces tt Verandah or
Lawn much Meer than a good
111uumuc'k, \Ve have Et good stoek
to choose from both as to color and
price. ,fust the thing for the,
25c per pkge, Old Boys' Re -union
For those who
shave them-
selves nothing
adds more to
e the comfort of
en good shave
than a good
0 Razor Strop.
i A11 Prices.
It Was His Own !ladies'
tilater was absorbed in the;
awening nP,wa whet, bis ynmlg Travelling Bolla
8071'8 71.511114 disturbed brut.
"Whim is that child howling i
foe now 5" lie demanded it-aseib•
ip"1ie wants his own way," said
Mrs. Slatet'.
"\Voll," tu'gued Slater albseut-
tniuhiedly as his eye fell on a
particnlal'ly inte['estittg item "If'
its his why don't you let slim
have it 5"
,\ 711091 htsefnl
uiticle when
going on a hol-
iday_ Rubber
lined and hand-
somely gotten
up in evil y
tufty, Filen
11110 G / 12 1111.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for sole his 108 acro
farm, being 7135 Lot 25,100n, 4, Atonia town
ship. On the premises Is It good frame house,
large bank barn, plenty of water &e, Farm
1s well feinted and. all cleared with the excep-
tion of 4 aortal, For 1trrthor particulars apply
t0 A. L, SE1i114,
Phone 120 Brussels R. R. No. 5.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for R.S. No.1, Turuberry
Township, duties to cOmnlSnoe lifter motion,
2nd Clams Professional and Protestant. Appli.
Cations raoeired up to July 10. Applicants to
state salary and forward testimonials.
Secretary, marmite P. 0.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for S,8. No, 1, Morrie Town-
ship, Huron Co., ltoldl071 Normal Oerttlicnte.
Duties to commence Sept. lot. Apply, stating
salary and experience, to
R. R. No.2, Blyth P, 0.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 4, Grey town-
ship, Protestant and. Normalite, duties to cant•
mance after holidays, Applications, stating
Salary expected and qualifications, received up
to July 15. 13 PAYN,
Phone 4414 Bluovnle P. 0 , R. R. No. 2.
Sealed Tenders, addreseed to the Postmnetor
General, will be received at Ottawa until noon
on Friday, the 8th day of Angnst, 181m, for the
conveyance of Me Majesty's Maite, on a pro-
posed Contract for four penra, six times per
week over Ethel No. 1 Rural Route, front the
Postmaster General's Pleasure.
Printed 11001080 containing further Informa-
tion as to conditions of proposed Orin treat may
ba mien and blank forme of Tender may be ob•
t,dned at the Post Moen of Ethel, Brumsela
and Henfryn, and at the Dittos of the Poet
Office inspector, London,
Post ()Mee Inspector's Moe, London, 27111
CHAS.1)1. H., 1rISHEl0,
2.9 Post OAloe Inspector.
Teacher Wanted
Teaehor wonted for S. N. No. 0, Morris town
ship, duties to 80101001)0,1 after vetatlon. Ap
nitrations, stating salary expected, will be re-
ceived by the undersigned, up 10 :Saturday ,
July 120h. WAt11ER FUILI„ >(e,: Tread.,
Phone 151(1 Brussels 1t. R. 3.
Tenders Wanted
, Tenders for constructing the Dohnnge
• Drain, in the Township or Mcliilinp, will be
,'eoeiv,•d 1.y the undersigned until Aionday, the
21st day of ,tole, 1919. A cheque for 5'$. of cut,'
tract Pane omixn)• each.
tender. Thr
loaceG or luny tend,,' nut
nuc,esurily ne.rnptud,
Plans. profiles, estimates, \r , of brain. only'
benison at the Clerk's olli.v, 1..t 11, Col, 7, 11n•
1Cillop, Tenders to he opened .1111y 22nd, at 'i
p. m„ at Noaforth. 51. 11UItlllt;, Clrrk ,
Senfortdl P. O.
July 2+7111, 1919.
Voters' List 1919
Municipality of ttyho Villago of BI•i/aeelBPI/8801NCounof Huron
Notice is levees' elven that I have transmit-
ted or delivered t0 the persons mentioned in
Sentiona 8 and 9 of alto Ontario Voters' Lists
Aot, the copies required b,v said section to he
so transmitted or delivered of the list mad(',
pursuant to Sald 20, of all persons appearingire the hist revised Assessment Roil of the
klunicipality nG Blentiono for members of the
Legislative Assembly and tet Municipal E1Oc--
Mons ; and that the meld list was first poste.'
up in I5y office in Brussels on the 5111 day of
July1019, and remains there for in0peet101.
Electors are malted upon t0 examine the Raid
Ilst and, it any omissions or any other errors
nru found therein to take immediate proceed-
rocee -ings to have the said errora oorreetsd senora.
Ina to law.
Dated this 8th day of July, 1519,
Clerk of 13russelo.
For Sale
As I have sold nmehblery nut of my !fanning
Mill Factory I have two Gilson Gasoline the
giu00 for,nl0—ono 12.11, p. and the other 114 11,
p.,both almost new. Also Gasoline Content
kixer, with Wheelbarrows, Plank, etc.
Will soil the foetory bonding winch 1s 42x811
feet. Can be sold in two parts.
Hove also a quantity of Dressed Lumber ono.
801110 gond ()odor Poets
Pero Bred White Leghorn Pates, Stook from
0. A. 01., tet 5o each, Phot 0;154
41•tt S. S. COLE, Ethel.
THE Season is well under way, but you
yet have time—if you place your order
immediately—to have your Engraving
done before the Old Boys' Re -union, many of
whom will visit our Cemetery, All Lettering
entrusted to me will be neatly done and in the
best style.
Why not improve your lot with a set of
posts or have a Marker placed at the foot of
each grave with the name of the departed en-
graved thereon.
Brussels Granite and Marble Works
A. E, H1 RSEY, Proprie'kor,