The Brussels Post, 1919-7-10, Page 5w+.., r tswmwxWs,re, M1xq+f w.,v.aMVNWaataz ..IItJ•t!. T.er+rJ4y/. } its rrwan. ,W..ww..iM'^`-'Ts,+v:+MXf,. . lran„r .rrx^+"^^'m -^,+•e•^'.1'^ .. . .. ro-,•:m,w„'•„I y.. +V.. 4'.x ' .fa^.... YCuiavM U NE l A1166, I "':, z.vt arta4gaw,,,b r. 4 r tvlsit Est flllo4 M z. A call has Colne lata the g6ver:n- m1' -, office for ^f I t o is 3 Q THE BEST PAYS e . t g oils -but l s, Ai ..!! ,, Winne (am- nesty, The age limit k lu years, and time to he paid for on the journey river, lhls scents a good chance for some of the Canadian soldiers to r1• turn 111 those l'renell sweethearts Orel; left in Frt111''. JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS i, , v LIMITED ily (_';' J.., I LLIOII' 1 , ,ti,s c`' CPWCif F'1irrda'ild fi fj Yongo & Charles Btu„ Toronto ';i Is noted throughout Can t> aria for high grade bttsi news PdIiratlrliI :iron:itBom :ma Torc:fr Inrezi:;axoa, Odnil s'1; 1'.r, lCn.el nes' Write for ConteAna W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 1'\141,2avra4M rr1+, 4751444 ,4.p.,,, risav t0ualrs®las Garda ,l Asa. It NDERSO N. t . i''%I;yA ger $CFRGEOb• u /l eu Ai H .1L 'Ire. 011lee at AAndcr- son.t. Lr501/ staid., Brussels, Telephone „ No, t. DR. WARALAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary (lour toilet M. tinytWild night calla, ();Noe opposite T. T. IVP' RAE M.. t:.. P., c9S, O, al 0. Ii., Village or 5rnasel, 1'.n 1.015K4 I „_rgtsot ?ono irhset Omar.t0 lrlltlolmo, tionoxitc, alslvilln 1'.}111,011, William street. L; R. J. H. WHITE, B. A. I'HYIlCIAN ANU 8(1100110N, GrndnotaToronto University or hledtatne, Spool 1 nttentlun given to direness or ulilldron K11,1 riurgery. Officer Dr. Bryant Old Stand Phone 45 Brussel; JAMES TAYLOR Licea3ed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Wills -11 for aa good trines ns any other Ane• lloneer or charge nothing, BELGRAVE P.O, POOJOFOOT, HUHU & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GOO SHWA, ONT. Private fiords to loan at lowest rates, W, Pent:Droop, X, 0, 3. L. K1LL011An 1I. J. 1). (mom; Counter Check Books '1'1Il0 Po5'r i, prepared to sup- ply the various atylee of Counter Check Books on shll. imtiee, Sawlike may he seen and prices akeei 1ailied by calling at our office. You can buy its cheap from Its 00 fl'm,l any company, Let. ne have your order. THE POST, BRUSSELS ++ + INS. . EE1,3 + + t. ) .o - n wr . + k4. AGENCY J hn Oliver Bil.USS111LS 4' has taken over the Deering Ag- eney and handles a -full Zine of + harm Ituplerneets including the noted I. H. C. Cream Separators 1 The only Cream Separator wi111 ,+1, tw.o wide ()pen cre)uu oullets- + 110 01 stun screw in t he path of + + + + the ere, nn. Sue 11 %Olen in town +l• 1 The 1. II, C, 8-16 and 10.20 Tractors are among Ilse hest, a The Deering Manure Spreader + + J+' with the hide sp)e)ul and very 4 - light in draft. 41 Jlir + ++++++++++44++++++++++4-H-4- 53 't•+++++•t•++++'1•+++++•r+++44+41'+ n liver". is 511 einstein •Is prepared to pay the ® highest pricy; for • • Scrap iron, alR i.0 b h 1'r rs, d O WOOL • Highest price paid, See o ale before you sell. Highest Cash Price for live Poultry and Bides • • •A • e • Rags, 84c. b • • • ••• • s • • • 4 0 • • Write •or Phone 02x e 0 SAM WEINSTEIN I iMILL STREET BRUSSELS • •••••••••••••••••••••••`•• Q,d omo FgBE'dl': ,11WWI.t- 1'r r BRl/SSELS r40lses 8011rIl Ga1n0 Nle "n Express 7 06 a in I Mall 11 90 a m Er.nre. s A 50 0 m Express ..,.... u ,'1 p Ca sIott1V 9 cEtCll`/C ,WALTON To Toronto To Goderleh Express.,..,..,. 6:47 a in I Express 11 41 pm Express..,. 2;27 p m Express 9 07 pm WRoxerER Going East - 7:11 a. m, and 9:91 p. n1, Going West - 121911 and 9X.9 p. in, All trains going East oonneot with 4 P. R, at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G, B. atatlone, 0460. ALLAN, Local Agent. Taal liebn Penu A small blaze at the home of A Grant, Kincardine, Wednesday evening, of last week brought the Fire Brigade to the scene, but luckily It 11414 00011 quenched, only slight damage being clone to some window curtains, etc. He Is a son of Sinton Grant, Brussels Clinton New Era says of a well known rtuleut tvho owned ;Brussels Salt Works at one time :-John Ranmlord bas slot been so well duriug the past week. He addressed a I./ninety meetiug at Kincar- dine the other week, during the extreme warm weather, sad along with the tumble he had has made him rest-np at house. Canada Packet, of Julie u), speaks as follows :-"O ! delightful, delightful" exclaimed auilderly gentletnau, enjoy- ing his Brst motor -car ride around Ont- lia. Enquiry elicited the explanation that in his early days the visitor had lived in the townsbip of Morris, County of Huron, and a uaked corduroy road, nearly three miles in length, lay between his pioneer borne and the market town or village of Brussels. As his only vehicle in Summer time was a lumber waggon, his Orill!s experience naturally called tip harpy memories of the hal. cyon days of youth. 1,i tbie,g Suite Swimming mming is once more on the pro- gramme, Attention is called to the tact that bathing suits are a necessary equipment within the corporation limits and trouble Is ahead for those who sport in nature's garb, Other people have some rights in boating, fishing, etc., without being driven away by the Adamac costumes -minus the fig leaves. The authorities should visit 1 the "till clam and receive the name of the offenders. Some of the profane ;1nrl, obscene language used could be "cul out" without any delrinleut. Offenders will be taught a lesson if they are not wise enough to use gentle- manly language. The hint is given by way of warning of what will happen If choicer words do not form the style of conversaion, Newspaper Advertising Bert Bankers have come to more fully ap- preciate the value of advertising and they attribute most of their success to wise and judicious advertising in the newspapers, The Mississippi Bankers Association passed the resolution at its recent annual convention, therein urg- ing the fraternity to use advertising ap- propriation in buying space in news- papers only. This is also true of every other business and profession. Much money is spent in foolish advertising and not enough in judicious advertis- ing. All the large retail businesses and patient medicine millionaires in the country owe their success chiefly to a system of liberal and judicious adver- tising. SEND in the news. Yes, all the news that is at to print -real estate transfers, business changes, accidents, bit tits, marriages, deaths, wedding anniver- saries, church and society news, in fact, any event of general interest has always a news value, and will be appreciated by THE POST as well as its readers. Even if you are not a regular correspondent, bet are in touch with a 'phone, 3001 call. us up, and we will arrange the particu• tars 011g IVa l6 Or writethem down n and send to us at the earliest possible moment. Remember that Dews is news only so long as it is nets. Every corres- pondent should sign communications, not for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. If you have anything of interest let us lumw now, Our 'phone numbers are 31 and 32. 'Cur JPWITT '1'11..10.-'l'10 following Intel eating letter f,( in Rev. Geo. Jewitt 16111 enable teadein n1' '1'a1s` Posse to learn of the doings and safe return home of his !!tree sons faint the great war. None n1' the soldlwa fr,111 131y111 seClio11 ;vete mole is the (teat 1S of the citizens dining the 1063' than the gallant s1111s n1' Itev. and Mrs. Jewitt and with joy and lhwllt- fulnese we 15111'11 of 111611 "tire return. home and Innes 1haat as they have' since event t.e11 to 111 6 11 0 0 1 life their ef• ('ells inay be crowned with abundant imeeesa.: \Vynolillg, June, 16, 1019. 1)10/10 3 It Eot'ron :- 1 thought pet laps, now that all the buys are benne you would he glad as (01'll as I Ise 1'a edeas 1 I' 7 011; Pi ST to hear a few things. 1 haven't mach to sal^, like most, ,f aha 1,038, they 0151) 1111111111148)1111, they 11nv5done lhoir bit alai low wish 1), get hack into ri(ilinn clothes nod In eivilinn 00110 and do 1 heir pat 1 Ila ciLIMMOS M11j(11 O, V. „IJislt(I in 16,1313140y 1915, trailed ill I.he remelts 33111, erne:goll to lvnglnml, lamtleg in Line1100141larch 26111, 1916, reverted from Major to second Odplalnr:y to go to 16110105, crus.,lne 111a channel in ,lune, Returned hone Jlay 1917, after spending ten nmol l,s 111 b'rliner and haver fulling to respond When calh't1 upon In go l0 the front. 0 V. is now ;earthing in \V!rnipeg, iI, \V, and G. O. euilialed in Oelnbet, 1915, 01 the ambulance Cops, 1,1 odor, went, 10 hoglatu4 in \larch, 1916, bind- ing at Santlgale on the `20th. \Vail. wrested 1u 141.11109 on June let., 1',- m11i11i11g hope al 11111 Ifeb, 14111, 1010, reaching 11,03,' on Ma ell 20113, Ile is well and is yet at home, but hopes to C01111nue hie work at. 0 llege its a probationer x14' tale 63ethnrli011 ministry, G. O. alter gni11g to lfng• hand transferr1(I to the dental corps), but feeling that these was not in0011 n na 11111(4 of rt.et hing the battlegl ind , when the call came for A11.illery men tra(4sft:rred and beC003o ole of the lit Canadian Heavy Battery B. 1E. F. Ho went to Prance hl Apt 11 n,)1d was wounded in aha left atm at: Pascben- dttel6 on November 4111, 1917, 1180) had two opetltti1ne on 111)9 11)10, whirllf is still weak, 1-Lowevei' Ins is attending the Den 1a1 Col lege Tonleto, mill 11tlpea 111 proceed to his chosen 1stae1- slots, Mrs, ,lewi;5, iina and myself ate well and enjoying. Wyoming 14.9 well as we u4unlly enJny one wink. We have a kind !temple and some good workers y(lul_y aincel'ely, GI';ll Jr9wapT, P. S, --\Vs feel that we h,10 very 113)101) to be thankful far having all the boys back. The boys are grandsons of Mrs, \Vin, Jewitt, 13enssel6, and ltnown to many leaders of Tim POST. Appreciation Of Newspaper An appreciation of the newspaper and of what the editor does fur the community is well expressed in an article we have noticed in some of the exchanges credited to Ex -Governor Francis, of Missouri. It follows: Ex - Governor Francis once said the fol- lowing of newspapers: "Each year the local paper gives from $500 to $1000 in free lines to the community in which it is located. No other agency can or will do this. The editor in pro- portion to his means, does more for his town than any other ten men and in all fairness he ought to be support- ed not because you like him or admire his writings, but because the local paper is the best investment a com- munity can "lake, It may not be bril- liantly edited or crowded with thought, but financiallly it is more benefit to the comnlunnty than the preacher or teacher. Understand )Ile, 1 do not mean mentally and yet on moral ques- tions you will find most of the papers on the right side. Today the editors of the local papers do the most for the least money of any people on earth." Showa Many Changes The Canadian Newspaper Direc- tory for 1919, just issued by the publishers, A. hlcKinh, Montreal, Tor- onto, Winnipeg and London, Eng- land, indicates great activity in the publishing field during the past year. While the number of daily papers published in 1913 diminish- es from 135 to 128, due mainly to the effect of the high cost of news- print, the total number of Canadian publications increased from 1420 to have arisen during the past year. Altogether, the situation warrants optimism of the soundest nature, re- flecting, as it does, the healthy con- dition prevailing generally from East to West of the Dominion, Who- ever examines the pages of the Mc- Kinh Directory with the care they deserve cannot fail to be impressed with the great labour involved ill gleaning so many thousands of items of information. Not only is the en- tire field of Canadian publications covered, but the Directory is a com- plete gazetteer of every town and city in Canada and Newfoundland where a publication is issued, One mayturn to it for information as to n population, county seats, railways and waterways, telegraph, express and banking facilities. Especially with the new conditions arising daily -Reconstruction, expansion , devel- opment -this book in its familiar green and red covers must earn its place on every office desk and in every business library. BE FAMILIAR WITH RULES OF THE ROAD Man On Right Always Has Right Of Way. NOT TE HEADACUES hill Stix Triad "Fruit.a4IYe " --Made From Fruit Aces 112 Comm* Sr., Sr. Jeno, N.B. (11 feel I must tell you of the great benefit I have received from your wonderful medicine, 'Fruit -a -fives'. 1 have been a sufferer for many years from Violent Headaches, and could get no permanent relief. A friend advised me to take 'Fruit• a-tives' and I did so with great success; and new I are entirely rre9 of Headaches, thanks to your splendid medicine". MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW. 50e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, postpaid, by Fruit-a•tives Limited, Ottawa. Here is a case in instance, A motorist is travelling west and ap- proaching a street running north and south, Another motor is travelling east wishes to turn north on the intersec• ing street, In turning the corner the side of the car travelling west is ram- med, The man travelling west has the right-of-way. One explanation is this. A man traveling east, no matter where he is cannot cross to the left side of the road and foul another car. Another explanation is. As soon as the car from out of the west begins to turn north, it is in reality coming from the south and therefore the man to the right (travelling west) has the right- of-way. if the car going west is fouled by the car turning north, the car turn- ing is in the wrong. The situation works out sinhiliarly in all other cases. The police department is asking that citizens who own motor cars become acquainted with the laws of the city and the provisions of the Motor Ve- hicles Act. Every day several motorists appeal to the department for information regard- ing the rules of the road, and then argue the point after they have been told what is right. The greatest difficulty is that re- lating as to whom has the right-of- way. Itis emphatically stated in the Motor Vehicles Act that motorists on the RIGHT have the right-of-way, no Matter froth what direction an ap- proach is being g made. It is also pointed out that motorists turning a corner must pivot on the points of intersection of the streets, except when turning to the right. It Is not lawful for "short cuts" to be Itnade across corners. A WONDERFUL MAN t1'r.LAM _-5.0.a...nw,.' :.,T. 4.7+: Tli'i4:i lin .:Y.:C'e' '4-i°.. "f:'lC4x wv'. .1,._a, iw4biyt0ur hotted and they rtla04 a thousand miles with only orte stop. Theyo. a ive °p e: ?," •11.« -0 a - . , 4I!!' ' • n p 1. ...1 sod 1. aa•' \110° 1, 1 '4. Il't'' ,,4 south they calland stay for the month of November. 1t costs about seven hundred dol- lars to entertain these annual visit ors who eat up 'shout seven hundred bushels a day, fleury Ford we u0 daritand is now helping to feed them and our government have very getter ously voted a hundred dollars t;. Jack as game warden and this also to devoted to the rare of these feathered friends.. On one day 1.l was a timal, 01 by Mr, Ford there were 35Isis birds at the farm. BRITISH ARMY HELPED 11 is not a VLIV, useful occeeetirn n, 1'1 engaged al thio dale In 1he dis mission of "Who Won the War?" but in view of the efforts which have been "lade in some quarters to dis- credit Great Britain's share in the greater enterprise, it is interesting to view the appended information which was compiled by Mr. John Morgan. of Garfield, Utah, and sent to the Literary Digest. Su.enmarizing the totals of the captures of men and guns by the allied armies on all fronts between July 18, 1918, when the tide of war began to rise finally against the Germans, up to the armistice on Nov- ember 10, Mr. Morgan gives the fol- lowing figures. ARMY CAPTURES Prisoners Guns French 175,000 2,250 British 350,000 4,000 American 43,500 2,000 Italian 225,000 x,000 Belgian 14,500 474 The word "guns" refers only to heavy and field guns. In addition the British • captured 4,500 trench motors and 40,000 machine guns -- more than twice as many as any other army. Of couse the British did not 'i h w1, Iona bu what wouId Jack Miner Tames the Wild Birds - Ducks Eat From His Hand -Robins Nestle In His Hair. Jack Miner, one time hunter, and now student and lover of wild birds, the only man in the world who re- ceives annual visits from the wild ducks and geese that migrate be- tween the Gulf of Mexico and Hud- son's Bay, has been giving illustrat- ed lectures in the various towns of Bruce 'County, and from the reports published in the press of the county, the audiences have been more than delighted. It is to be hoped that the next time the KingsVilla natural- ist eotnes this way some organization in Brussels will arrange to have t in town, him lecture N , Excellent Stereopticon slides show- ed pictures of old friends; geese that returned to Miner's farm in Kingsville for the seventh time -ducks that had come back to thank hit" for his kind- ness and brought their friends with then to spend a month with Jack - robins that flocked to his windows and were so tame that they nestled in his hair and flew to meet Jack's darling tad as he came from school. A movie filet was produced that took the aud- ience down to the farm where they met Mrs. Miner and children and where they roamed at leisure around the ponds, and where above all they re- ceived a welcome from thousands of wild birds, At any rate they are wild anywhere else but on Miner's farm you can take them in your hand or put your camera right up against them. They watched the diving and gliding and feeding. In one case Jack had got a goose nesting in an old barrel. You could see her sitting on the eggs and just outside was the old gander who kept watch. A gentleman came along with his dog to see this sight but the dog was not allowed to stay -every time he came near, the gander told him to go away. Mr. Miner 'thinks the geese travel at about a mile a min- ute; before starting they fast for ,•••••••♦••••••••••••••••• • WHY suffer with the'6 • intense, heat of the i j wood fire when you can a baize, wash and cook with • °s A 3 • New 3 3 Perfection 4 ♦ 4 Coal Cil 3 • Stove •• • P• • • New Perfection Stove (3 = • burners) • 0 11 the r 1, t have happened had they kept out of it? Atwood. firs. Reeha et has had a Metes; visit* b 1 (1111 f! m 1'1' sir to. t r.- 11 ' t r. to 11. 11', 'Watt 1.q a at. 111 llr nhr Of ( Cols11a. 11. nut 11, .A rnietrisl'g, 1u111npant• 1st l,y I1 i,a,+ls frets, f.la(ewel, weal on 11 4(4,11.11' 14111 In'J', .,'Iltu. At the MetMidi 41 pa/ 41;11111101, '('uov bi ldg; e, , u 11'r11ur•.dxv (1141 t11,•ut1 111' 1,1111 ut,•l,, 14rs, 'No; 9si,lling uuttr41 iu tllalriege \Ve+irr Carl 7 e on t i 1 "rich and alts Y e" 131 ,4da4 v 1V'rs G „1 1.l,.. A.14 Lyon: •laughterr 3111) ,d 111 1;'1114, l,1, Con., Wallace. nd,u t- were Miss Mae Lynn, els- ,s 1.1 1 1.1id6, arid Jno. Fathers, li elahitl,,fthe (;ronin Grooms gill •I„ tie' litule w1,, a geld peo11an10 051 01,11 41e,11•1s 1114 45111et5, lu 1115 lady al leudant at geld brooch set with luso Is and 4 411'e1F and to groomsman 1 ,gold whisnh- nh. Following a leant 11,1', lir. and MI, Yeti will le -isle 1113 hi) In'!, f4(111. 11,31 041114 111.. IM• 14,4':. 1141445; 1411 111.: 1.4,41111111 y \Vest. Blyth Miss ('nlrfe Hints. tvhn has been at• 1 1)143.14 Multifold No; nod, 1, home rot holidays Canadian) Flex Co have the tenml'- s0o k f„1' theta new millin course 441 1•01,011 hot 1441,. BIvt11 4141.441444 that. 1111141' M1'1cl11 WI' Hattie 4,1 11,e lies os at 1111v4a'to11 )1 .Inly 1.3 II Miss 5481431 ins,', who 1u,s bet 11 11.• tending 'I'mr,4ln (7111-trentnry 1.5 3111 -- ie, loot so i 16rd hone• f4.1 holidays At n 4114ei•tl meetilg,.f Const Morn ing Star, (: O F, it was decided to ra1.4 Lodge clues front 20 to 25 05nte per month to nuke effect July 1 t, [Myth Flom. ,\l ills have et m100(6 4 ' .o'f'r11011 of a store h• use to the %Vest of their mill, 30x-111 feel in 617.5, 1,04 rte Mrrimger•ur has the nein eel 1'• r the work. Friel (is will 1651'4'1 1, 1('1111) 111,11 111„ 11 JIll'y \lies Lily '1'+tylin ter•eiv('11., hoe leg some I inn- aka neeessilal(d ler go. 011.; 111 the hospital in \Vingham 0111.,4' 11111+ It rg1s1'g05s 6(1101,1 11'64131116n1., Ale, 1fillbula, prnpliel•,1 111' niylh P10111' ;111110, has leu::", I't•nrn J. (1 I$n1,411 the tin('tlin4 b,• 1evently 11nr- 6(1.14ed f1'1•lt1 1)r. ("nest, and expects It) 1(1(164' his family to town shot tly. $21.50 Complete with Oven •• $28,00 $ H. La Stewart 1' IIEIVFI2YN fortune Telling Case A MISS of nernliar interest was heard by Judge Dickson in ('1lmty Jndge 01-11111081 Court Grfdrri1'),, recently, Miss Margaret Pollock, who lives with her brother in Morris township, near Blyth, was charged under a section, of the el imbed code which deals is 1111 fortune-telling and kiwi; ed marl hies. Miss Pollock has fur years had n 1 eon - Lilian as a clairvoyant, til spirit - medium, but the pat Ocular rase on which she was charged seas as out- come of the theft of some grain ft run a Brodhagen farmer. The fennel, and a friend went to Miss Pollock to see if she c0eld assist in disu0ver- ing the culprit. She gave 115111 au ac- curate description of the premises from which Ole grain had been stolen and went on to deemike the thief and his outfit, with such pa'tic(1(11 icy that when 1 d home and 1.5- t '' M t 1.l,R 11151 51. 11 II t F ported the result of their trip the whole community was set by the eels. The defendant to her e1 40(1.1- gave a most Interesting insight into an ex- traordinary m61301111 y. She (111010)4 tn have the power or faculty of 32 tit - notification wit It Gloom lull spirits, From her childhood, she said, she had 11114 this power and for some time did not realize that in this t)'sp'et she was different limit oilier 'temple, but at length, she discovered that other people had no knowledge e1' the spirit wnrld 91151) (H elle pnageaAed, 140,11• yeat 01191' aOSisrance had been 5cnglit by people with problems of ane kind and eine het, and although .she 1101 not make a C11111 go in such ceases elm 405• ()elated a ',gratuity." Mrs. Sinclair. wife or %V, 31. Sin• Glair, banister, of B assets, wits a witness for the defence cud told of go- ing to Alias Pollock to procure her as- sistance 01 ('00001'1 ing n lost ring -e. valuable diamond ring which had been given to her by her luothet, Miss Pollock, said the witness, described her (wihleest6') mother and also lila Sinclair home and gave her such ((d- eice as resulted in her recovering the ring. The rase was copied nn Monday - Damn Attorney Seege • for the prose- cntinn and Ohtules Gtmrtity for 1 h de• fence, hit'. Seager trent into the history (1f th0 law dealing with fie - tune -Fellers, from the time when then wile looked upon RRA 10ltelles Intl 10eee put to deal h, up to the (present time, when their practices wen) still re- garded 115 eiangerou9 to the puhliu welfare. Fle argued that tinder the law it is criminal to "pretend" to pits - gess Reath pewees IA 1 1111S 011in10d by the de'f'endant., Mr, Gm row claimed that 1l(Pl's had been n0 evidence to show thnl his ,tient had nn any ()evasion 10111 ally - thing that was not. the 11)1111, and nn matter how she came by the in roma- Linn it could not be criminal In tell the truth, Hi6 111111111' directed a conV1C110n, but defsrrecl 81)1111101' and in 1111' )1LY4nt11114' a "stated ease" is 101). stilt - milled to a higher enure by (onnsel for the defence, •r•••••••••••••••♦•♦••••♦•• New cement taints are being lin) down this veal. A static of white sweet 010151 growl) on the from of Nelson Kitchen, 12111 000., nlea611red 79 inches, Chas. Wynn is spending the hell. days;at home. He has been 01404) 11 to 1514c11 No. 4, Eltna, after h,lidays, W. T. Thlrnpann has purchased property on Main street formerly used as a bake Shop and intends having it fixed up rot his barber shop and will put in a pool table, 'Pelephone 11051.0 in Rime, who strongly objected to the 10 rent chargeteeeotly imposed when 'phon- ing from 0(14' central to either irf Ole other 1wn, have been informed that pending consideration of the matter between now and July 1510, the extras charge will net he enforced. Trowbridge Mita Elizabeth Stet ling 11111 brother Wallace aro hnlir111ving at Pulletnn, Mrs, Thos. McKee, '('ole)1utt, ha a guest at the home of Henry titm- st) ring. Mt'& 16 611Oalln111 and drtughtl r, T0110111 0, (1)0 vieitin4 Mrs. Meettlltnu's sister, Mrs. Neil Johnson. \V. and Mrs. McConuick spent a 00(45116 of days wills their 8(111, R.t'v R., J. 600011011610, 131y1h Mtn, OMR/lore )Ind family, of SMlI- toeth, have been spending n few neva with their friends bene, Mrs 01113116 and Mt'. 'trine. l:vnnieg set vire Solidity in the Methodist chinch wall oi' a '('h11lk4- ivine. 1(13.6)411 and the pastor, Itev. (Vin, Stet'tin'g, plearhed a spr Mint se, mon appropriate to thv nr.Cnslnrr. 'I'hs Orangemen attended in e, body. 6 fioni Atwood wl':,rs o,: the 'km- 11 01(:5 ePatl)inatl a t.' Listowel. Miss Tana, ?attlq kecretary of the Idilvertou \V'otur 1.l u luahtutc, at tht 1•iuuumcr meeting woe ln•ese 1441 WIth it 1 luso or .9126 (10 in reengnituu nl I'M, 115111 set vicl'a as Secretary. East WavirReletel SJeitaran» 1Jcant,I It;ro 1 4 I :1;11 1,41 .hate itxr at Belgrao''salt 1n:'mf ilresern.. Minutes or cast rt169t,r r^, were read and confirmed, en moths of Buchanan and Streugar,- Barn, Kehue presented a petitl011 ir:I the nonstrt.a'tinn of et 4faniripal drtaio un 0011. 2 and :i. A copy nl' the same was ordered to be seat. to the 16u- giueerfoe examination of the proper- y described 111 said 1letiu)1 As nrtly one emitrator had put ill a 0344,l lot the budding of the bridge ,1n Con 6 and 1 and the amount being o)30-iderrble in advance of the estiimat s1. ,'' t 'l the -((1115 ft 10116 decided 11111 1 h.' 11191' for recmvn14 leudent for the bridge be extended till 5 t)nday, June 3111(1. (111 "lotion of Currie and Buchanan, 1). S. Scott was re -appointed Collect"; for t.in' pi es6nt year (ti a salary of $1fi 1111, 1•'..Il1,wilig accounts were paid .1. Boas. grease 1'l' 4l mist, 40 eent8 51141, 1 Expositor, adv. Bridge cot, asci, $t" 11) ; A. Porter, field rent (4 road allowance 112111) .1 Johnston, grtuvrl, .$11111 land drawing gravel $44u; l . 1 illuug0, shovelling gravel, $1 80 ; .1, Tin vey, gravelling nit Con. 4, 113.0)1; Wm. Arbuckle, grading $4 00, Council adjoin tied to meet at call of Reeve. A. PORRTERFIELD, Clerk, 25 Boys Wanted J Do you ride a Bicycle : If you do we want 3•'(1 I3ig opportunity 110 bright, ambitions boys. \V 11 11' W. J. DALY, 152 Sinicoe St., 1'nrntlto, Ont. Choice Groceries Omemee Flour Bran and Shorts '1'O HAND Seeds of all Kinds, also Salt Phone 43 or 27 W. J. McCracken Our Groceresi Are Always Fresh E not only give Low Prices on Groceries but High Quality. All Groceries are not the same grade. Because we sell Wholesome, Pure Foods for Less Price we sell lots of thein and always have them Fresh. The water in a running stream is fresher than that in a stagnant pond. The Groceries in our store are Fresher be- cause we sell Good Goods at the Low Price and keep them Moving. Give us a Trial. R. C. RATHWELL, Moncrie'ff 420.1.0 Cream Wanted ilelniezmatemmilMI i, amicus ch air Ship yell• Creast Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Create twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trialand you will not want t0 discontinue, St wsrt Bros Brussels C0p a..