The Brussels Post, 1919-7-10, Page 3NAVAL OFFICERS
One, Blinded and Wounded After Ex-
plosion at Sea, Saves Several of His
Men at Great Personal Risk,
The King has been plonsorl to ap.
prove of the award of the Albert Medal
for gain::miry !u silving life at sea to
surgeon Llrutenmlt ('001nuuuler 1",d -
ward Leice tel' Atkinson, 11,6.0., R,N„
and Lieutenant I/evil Wainwright,
R.N.. says a London despatch,
The accounts of the servi''1, 1(l re.
spect of witch (111(4 (le1orutou 11114
boon conferred, are as renews:
Surgeon Lieutenant Commander A1-
icitr nn On September 10. 1018, a Se-
rious explosion ocenrred amidships oil
board 17.11,5, (1latten while lying in
Dover harbor. This was followed inn -
mediately by an outbreak of Tire, the
oll fuel burning to et/usly and spread-
ing fore and aft, Efforts were made
to extinguish the fire by meats of sal-
vage tugs, The foremost magazines
were flooded, but it was found Impos-
sible to get to the after magazine
The, Weekly
8720 -Isn't this simple little frock
charming? The embroidery is taken
from McCall transfer pattern No. 884
(blue or yellow), price 15c. The dress
flooding positions, The explosion and may be made with a high neck and
fire cut off the after part of the ship, long sleeves. McCall Pattern 8720,
killing or seriously injuring all the five sizes, 6-14 years, price 20c.
ofldee•s who were on board with one
exception. The ship )night have blown
up at any moment.
At the time of the explosion Surgeon
Lieutenant Commander Atkinson was
at work in his cabin. The first ex-
plosion rendered him unconscious.
IlecoverIng shortly lie found the flat
outside hes cabin filled with dense
smoke and fumes. Ile made his way'
to the quarter (leek by moans of the
ladder in the warrant officer's flat, the
only ono still intact, During this
time he brought two nnconsctouu men
on to the upper deck, he himself being
uninjured. lie returned to the flat and
was bringing a third atm up when a
smaller explosion occurred while he
was on 1110 ladder. The explosion
blinded hint, and, at the same time, a
piece of metal was driven into his
left leg in such 0 manner that lie was
unable to move until he had himself
extracted it. Placing the third maul 00
the upper deck he proceeded forward
thr of li the slniter deck. By feel, be-
ing totally unable to see, lie Item
f0lind two 1(1o1•0 unconscious men,
both of whom lie brought out. Ife was
found later on the upper deck in an
almost unconscious condition, so
w'uulided and burned that his life was
despah(nl of for same time.
86711 -This ladies' and misses' kim-
Disregarded Personal Safety. one' made from Japanese crepe re -
On February 4, 1919, H.M.S. Penath quires 4 yards of 32 -inch material
and 4i,(- yards of 471. inches wide ma-
terial: McCall Pattern 8675-3 sizes
-S„ M., L. -price 20c,
tion, at once superintended the man- These patterns may be obtained
Mug and lowering of the starboard from your local McCall dealer, or
gig, lull later the launchhlg of the Car- from the PicCa11 Co., 70 Bond St.,
ley floats. Hearing there was a stoker Toronto, Dept. W.
The Joy Our Heroes Bring.
When all aur boys, survived, are here,
9110010 a urine and immediately began
to sink, Lieutenant David Wain-
wright, taking command of the sltua-
injured in one of the stokoholds, he
called for volunteers to show him the
way and at once made his way for-
ward. There was by now a heavy list From out the plague of war,
011 the ship and it was apparent she They're welcome home as to us are
would not remain afloat much longer, Our treasures near and dew;
the upper deck of the starboard side They're like the floral gifts of Spring,
being already awash. Lieutenant Whose breath is Heaven's air;
Wainwright made his way below un. To both delights we would compare
aided, and while lie was in the stoke- The joys our heroes bring!
hold the ship struck a second mine
abaft of slim. The forepart was blown
off and sank, and he was forced to
wait till the stokehold had filled be-
fore he could float to the surface up
the escape, Be displayed the great-
est gallantry and disregard of his own
personal safety In going below at a
time when the ship was liable to sink
at any moment.
Contains Eighty Substances and Eight
Per Cent, of Metal is Aluminum.
Science can only guess what goee to
make up the main body of the planet
on which we dwell. But it knows what
the outer crust is made of -to a depth,
say, 01 ton milds -because the ma-
terials have been "coughed up" by
voloanoes and are easily studied,
This crust is composed of about
eighty primary substances, or ele-
ments, among which aro numbered the
various metals, Gold; for example, is
an element; iron is another, and
aluinimlm is another. -
Nearly 8 per cent, of the earth's
crust is aluminum, which is the most
plentiful of all the metals. It occurs
In nearly all rocks; every clay bank is
a mine of It, But to separate it from
its ewes is so difficult that until re-
cently it was a mere curiosity of the
Your and a half per Cont. of the
earth's crust Is iron, Aside from that
metal, the useful elements commercial-
ly available before electricity took a
)mild in the game, such as copper,
lead, zinc, silver, nickel and tin, to-
gether comprised less than 1 per cent,
of the earth's crest.
Idlectriclty has made available other
Valuable elements (aluminum among
000)( which aonetijtlte nearly end -
half of ale crust oP the planet.
Woman ibee been a riddle to man.
for thousands of years. But she is
the one riddle that he always refuses
to give up,
" 'A small house is big enough for
love.' in great lnansiolp Form and
state tend to damp the warmth of
affection. have seen over a little
house in Italy tiro inscription, Deans
Parva, Innes Magna -A little 1louse
And a great quiet."
They're like the sunshine washed
with showers.
In good old Summer time,
When joybells ring the runic rhyme
Of love from lofty towers;
And as such gladsome sources fling
Their cheerfulness around,
So with it too for us abound
The joys our heroes bring!
Again, they're like the Autumn.'s
When harvest homes are gay,
And toil and doubt have given way
To happiness and health;
When all the merrymakers sing
Their paeans of success,
We share their triumph when we bless
The joys our herons bring!
Lint, ah, they touch us most of all
When Whiter snows come clown/,
And Nature wears her darkest frown,
And brooks and breezes brawl;
For then it is our menn'ries cling
To what and where they've been;
But recompense is given in
The joys our heroes bring!
Why worry about things that will
soon be forgotten.
IHlow Best to Overcome the Trou-
hies That Afflict Women Only.
The most fateful years in a wculan's
life are theme between forty -live and
fifty, i1ia11y women enter this term
muter depressing conditions through
(verwerk, worry o1' a neglected con-
dition of the blood, and so they suffer
heavily, Still, V1(1'lattons of health at
this time can be relieved by home
Alining the commonest symptoms
are hendaelaes and pains in the back
mid 81(10(4, fever -flushes, palpitation,
dizziness and depression. Wooten
stand In need of rich, red blond ail
their life, but never more so than in
middle age, when the nerves are also
weak and over -wrought. Now every
woman can prove the prompt ]Lep af-
forded to her health by renewing her
blood supply, It is a test that any ail-
ing woman can make by taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, for these pills
make rich, red blood, which in turn
helps the appetite, strengthens the
nerves and restores robust health.
Thousands of women have found in Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills the means by
which new health and a brighter out-
look of life were gained. In proof of
this is the voluntary testimony of Mrs.
H. S. Paterson, Milford, Ont„ who
trays: -"I have suffered greatly from
those troubles that afflict my sox, and
1 have found that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in such oases not only do all that
is claimed for them, but more. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have done so
much for me that I urge every weak
woman to try thein, and they will 50011
realize the great difference in one's
health they make."
If you suffer from any of the ills
that particularly afflict womanhood
you should avail yourself at once of the
health help of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. You can get thein from any
dealer in medicine or by mail post
paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain, Dates
Back to 1700 Years B.C.
Stonehenge, the greatest and old-
est of the nation's memorials, situated
on Salisbury Plain, Inas been presented
to Great Britain by its owner. As the
remains of a long gone -by civilization,
Stonehenge has a value and an in-
terest equalled by no other monument
in the United Kingdom,
The historic monument is com-
posed of huge stones, some of then
weighing tons, and in some instances
piled ole atop of another. How the
great blocks were got to their posi-
tions, or their age or purpose, is a
mystery, but it is believed that the
monument dates from as early as 1700
B.C. It has been a place of pilgrim-
age for generations.
Evelyn and Pepys, Johnson, Emer-
8011 and other great men visited it,
and some of them lelit records of the
impression which the great stones
made upon them. Johnson pointed a
delightful contrast between the Cathe-
dral of Salisbury (the spire of which
can be seen from the Plain) and
"those girt big stones" as they are
called by the natives.
Johnson said: "These were two emi-
nent monuments of art and rudeness,
exhibiting the first essay and the last
perfection in architecture." Evelyn,
It is evident from a remark 1n his
diary, made an unsuccessful attempt'
to count the stones. "To number thein
exactly," lie wrote, "is very difficult;
they lie in such variety of posture and
confusion, though they seemed. 10 ex-
ceed•100; we counted only 05."
Pepys found the stones "so pro-
digious as any tales I have ever )heard
of then. God knows what their use
was," Ono large stone, known as the
"leading stone," was, in 1901, restored
to the perpendicular. During the ex•
cavations made then a number of the
plements were found, believed to have
been used by the builders. They were
of stone and flint.
Under various private ownerships
the ancient memorial has been wrang-
led over in the courts, robbed at its
trilithons to mance bridges and mill
dans, and allowed to suffer needless
damage from storm and relic) hunter,
and has been either a white elephant
or a mere source of gain.
A Drink So Delicious
that many prefer its
flavor to that of any
other table beverage.
For old and young.
Gives zest to any meal.
A Diamond That Was "Too Big to
The atmosphere of romance that
surrounds diamond 01101/111 Is, of
course, largely owing to the great
value of the gems and to the p0sslbill-
ly that at any moment a jewel of such
unusual (41.5,0 IOW beauty as to lie worth
it fMrtu»e may come to 115111,
Manmade are r'(caily Identified In
the ('aw state by their 11 1(11lar sheen
and shape, Buys :ter. William J. La-
varr0, Jr., but If there is any doubt
about the stones the matter can Lc de-
cided by subjecting diem to pro'snr0
between two knives. Anything except
a diamond cru/ be crushed. In color
they vary from while 0' pink, blue,
yellow, green or block. Their shapes
range from spherical to flat and In-
clude some nearly perfect diamond-
shaped game. A few 010nes that I
saw in British Guiana were so perfect,
both In colo' and in shape, that it was Pacific, ranging Iron SCa me nnl(0 u,
difiloult 10 bell -leve they had not been St. Andrews -by -t110-500 on the 13a -v of
cut and polished by machinery. Fundy to the Banff Springs Golf Chub,
The largest stone on recdli'd for that Alberta, where the golfer eau play his
region, where the alining is carried on game at an altitude of nearly u mile.
in a hit-and-miss manner, weighed (going farther west he can play Ole
fourteen carats; it was found by a
"pork knocker" named Loudon, who,
because of his great size and strength
and previous lawless acts, was feared
by the other buslmlen. "Pork knack-
er" is a local term given to a group of
harum-scarum men who know no sys-
tem in their prospecting, but move
abotit hero and there in the wake of
such of their group as chance to make
a discovery of any value. At that
time London was working for another
anal, and, strange to say, contrary to
the precedent set by his previous life,
he turned the stone over to his em-
ployer. 1 happened to meet him af-
terwards in the interior and asked
111m (low it came about that he did not
keep the stone for hlmsellf. With an
"Cana(Ihln golfers are hard to beat,
but Canadian hospitality cannot bo
beaten," declare) Charles ("t77iek")
):vans, Jr„ amateur and open cham-
pion golfer Of the IInitecl til 1t1 o, alter
he had retureed from I1)' Hamilton
and Soa'berougli Coif 01111,0 CCalla-
(tm1 expecte 1n these clubs had coin -
Polled 11110 to play his best to with
and there both chubs Lad 11111(1 1(1111 a
Life menthol.. ''('(uhada, In lay 1piuion,"
he added, "is tor golf."
About the third week in June Evans
hopes to malte his lift)) trip to C.auarle
to play for the benefit cif the 1 ing than
Red Cross. (ether tinted golfer„ who
may go along aro Frincie 041111171,
Jerome D. Travers tend John Cl. Ander-
son. The cities visited will be Mont-
real, Ottawa, St, Andrews-1(•v-the'sea
and Toronto.
Canada has a string of well-planned
golf courses front the Atlantic to the
ITS or
The Scotch of It
"flew wag it you never let your
tnetle•r i:new you'd won the V,C.?"
"It wasna ma turn tae write."
His Chance.
1 'lir Bublthns," said the protul fath-
er. shaking the young maul warmly be'
the hand, -let ,ase tell you that you
are 0 man oft'r my own heart:' "Oh,
110, sir prate".trd the blu:,hingsuitor,
'len after your daaglter'.9."
The Mathematics of It.
She had seven million dollars
]'laced in bowie and sleeks and
He had 'level 11(111100 dollars,
So they merged their sentiments.
Now they've t e rai:-1'(l a een whose value
Is exactly three cents.
Lazy Worm.
Two miners went en a fishing ex-
pedition. But they were nuvices at
the game.
"flue ere ye getthl' on, Jock?" asked
"Och, simply rotten!" was the re-
pwly, "1try(lont believe my bloomin'
orm's ing."
Vancouver and Victoria golf clubs
where tate altitude Is not far above the
sea and where the golf sharp can play
the royal and ancient game every
month in the twelve, because the
Japan current decrees that there shall
be no "winter lolled" greens.
This year will be the greatest in the
history of Canada and the United
States so far as international golf is
concerned. Ten of Canada's best golf-
ers will play against ten of the best
from the United States at tIle Hamil-
ton Golf and Country Club, Hamilton,
Ontario, on July 25111, and the Cana-
dian Seniors, who won the Dolce of
Devonshire's Cup in a match against
the United States Seniors, will defend
the cup in a return match at Apawa-
unlooked-for show of eloquence he mss Golf Club, Rye, N.Y.
said: Champion Evans has a very high
"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, opinion of Canadian golf courses, and
and unto God what is God's -anyway of the Hamilton Golf and Country
he be too beeg stone for one feller- Club in particular. "This Club," he
man to steal." states, "is one of the very best links
His employer probably never would in North America, It 'swings well,'
have seen the stone if it had been a and is a thorough test of golf."
mere five carats but for once London The . St. AndreweAlgonquin Golf
had been awed into honesty. Club at St. Andrews -by -tile -Sea is an
18 -)hole links, 6,000 yards in length,
and there is also a 0 -hole links near
be-, The long course resembles some
of the best seaside links of Scotland.
Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Winnipeg,'
Calgary, Victoria and Vancouver are
all great golfing centers. At the
Banff Springs Golf Club on "The Roof
Mothers, if your baby or growing
child 1s sickly; if he does not sleep
well at night; if 11e cries a great deal;
is constipated and his little bowels
and stomach are not working right,
give him Baby's Own Tablets -they
have proved of great help to thousands
of mothers. Concerning the Tablets
Mrs. W. I1. Decate', Corson's Siding,
Ont., says: -"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets and have found then excel-
lent for the little ones and would not
be without them," The Tablets are a
mild but thorough laxative and are
guaranteed to contain no harmful
drug -that is why they always do
good and never harm. They are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Rock of Gibraltar.
Many interesting bits of history are
connected with Gibraltar, the ramous
rock at the entrance to the Mediter-
ranean. Among other things it is re-
called that the last siege of Gibraltar
was by far the longest of modern
tinges. It commenced on June 21,
1770, and ended in February, 1733. It
thus lasted for the long period of three
years and eight months.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Dear Sirs, -This fall I got thrown
on a fence and hurt my chest Tory
bad, so I could not work and it hurt
one to breathe. I tried all kinds of
Liniments and they did age no good.
One bottle of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, warmed on flannels and ap-
plied on my breast cured) me com-
Rosaway, Digby Co., N. S.
Who Is Blind?
Will every person who reads this
notice, end knows a blind ratan or
woman anywhere In Canada, kindly
send the name and address of that
blind one to the Canadian National
Instituto for the Blind, 36 Ding St,
East, Toronto.
The Institute is conducthhg work for
the blind along the most modern
scientific lines and desires that each
blind resident of Canada should have
the opportilttity of availing himself or
herself of the benefits represented by
this w,Ot'k.
The 1111111101100 task of registering
every case of blindness can only be ac-
complished seccessfnlly by the earnest
co-operation of the publile generally.
That is why we ask you to send the
names and addresses of blind people
you 0iay knowo,
Tho following depa'tnlents of work
are being activolly prosecuted by the
Institute: Industrial Department for
Alen, Industrial Department for Wo-
men, Department 04 Field Work, De -
Pertinent of Home 'I'ea17b105, Depart -
1110111 of Provent!ot of blindness,
rary Department, Department of After
Caro, Residence and Vocational Train-
ing Centro for Blinded Soldiers.
To send tnfol-naticn or obtain in.
forometion, (1(110 ss: 'i'he General
A Wife's Revenge. -
"I am sorry to be critical. my dear,"
said AIr. Lambkin, "but this pudding
is not the kind that /nether used to
make ----not by a long shot,"
"It's too bad, Henry," repined Mrs.
Lambkin, amiably, "I don't know
what to do about it, Perhaps you'd
better write to her and tell her. She
ecnt it over this afternoon."
"Betsy-;" he velispered, as they sat
together on the fence sureoundine
Mrs. Filligan's pigsty, "ow beautiful
you he! Jes' think of it, iletsy! When
Us be married us will Have a pig of
our own. Thick of that, Betsy!" I
"Ian," she nhiepered. a note of re.
sentmeut in her voice, "w11at do 1
��PIAT 113410 P4Fu17nd P310Ol1118. (A1Pige,1( IN
Live Pun1r•y, ons,
Pegs. etc,? Write I. Neiernueh ,4i son,
10-18 Bt. Jean Baptiste Market, Mont.
real, Que.
7111111 ,ll. atilt 3 111111 att)ul0 tip
V Hous, Pians, and lnlormetien (eil-
1ng how to save from Two to Pour 0111n•
dyed Dollars on your new Hume. Ad.
dr,os I1al11day 1'ampan0, 13 Jacicsue
W. Monition, rnition, Ont.
NTIfWS1'AI'111. 'W1tt01Sl.Y. IN 11)11".1110
1111 County. Splendid opportunity. Write
t;ox T, Wltsnn I'ubllebing Co., Llmtted,
73 A iaiaide St. W.. Toronto.
W1CLL I:GQU11'1'1ALl NPlnysi'AT?k'.R
and lob printing plant In Eastern
Outstrip. lnsurance carried 51,000. :4113
Wllaoon Publl Publishing C200 on o, Ltd. Torek sole. onto.
rI.ssCBR, 'OU11M01tS, LUMPS, IITC•.
ike internal and external, eared with -
tut pain by our home treatment. Write
us before ton into. Dr. Itetimaa Medleai
Co,. Limited, C'ollingwood. Ont
Good Diagnosis.
"I/id the doctor lthow what you
"Seemed to have had a pretty ac-
rurate idea. Ile asked for $10 and I
had $11."
Mivard's Liniment Cures 0010,5, Etc.
Army horses and mules sold in all
theatres of war have, so far, realized
over $67,000,000.
tTaxation before the war in Great
1 Britain, I''rance. and Germany, was,
per head, in the proportion of
seventy-three, eighty, and forty res -
1 pectively.
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
Try this yourself then pass
It along to others.
It works(
1�9_O -v 0 0 n 0 O-5--
Ouch ! ? 1 ? 1 1 This kind of rough
talk will be heard less here in town if
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
care for pigs? I shan't went a pig to a tender. aching corn stops soreness
whenI'v: get you:" at Once, and soon the corn dries up
Then all was silent (moo more, save. and lifts right out without pain.
Ile says freezone is an ether corn -
for the musical frolics of zephyrs al- I pound which dries Immediately and
ready mentioned. never inflames er even irritates the
of the World," the golf is excellent I D¢inarcra Liniment Cures pistenner.
and the scenic surrouudings unsur-
passed in beauty.
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezone 441(1 cost very
little at any drug store, but is suiR-
ciont 1.0 ,remove every hard or soft
Not His Fault. ' cola or callus from Dun's feet. Millions
Conjurer --"Now. to help me with of American women will welcome this
this next trick, I want the service. of • annoumcelnentt since the inauguration
oP the high he -els.
At the annual meeting of the Torun- • a boy -just any boy in the au,lkt:es-
to Fat Stock Slow, held recently, it' yes, yon will 60, my little man: come _
was decided to again have -classes for (110115, Now, you've never seen nue be -
female cattle, also that Instead of re- fore. have 7000?"
qulring ninety days' ownership of car- Boy (iunocently't --"No. father!"
loads of cattle that It would be suf-
ficient if owned by exhibitor at time
of entry. This will be welcome news
to some exhibitors who were unable
to compete in some of the classes last
Hang Bath Mat.
Hang your bath mat up when it is
not in use. Three little loops of tape,
one at each end of one edge and the
third in the middle of the same edge,
by which it can be hung on hooks on
the bathrooms wall, will keep the mat
cleaner much longer than if allowed
to remain on the floor -will dry the
mat much more quickly and will keep I
from becoming wrinkled or worn.
Buy your out-of-town supplies with i
Dominion Express Money Orders. Five
Dollars costs tin'ee cents.
After you empty the wash boiler
rinse it with clear hot water and
while still warm rub the inside with
Make this beauty lotion for a few
cents and see for yourself.
What girl or woman hasn't heard of
lemon juice to remove complexion
blemishes; to whiten the shin and to
bring out the roses, the freshness and
the hidden beauty? But lemon juice
alone is acid, therefore irritating, all
should be ]nixed with orchard white
this way. Strain through a fine cloth
the juice of two fresh lemons into a
bottle containing about three ounces
of orchard whits, then shake well and
you have a whole quarter pint Of skin
and complexion lotion at about the
cost One usually pays for a small jar
of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to
strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets
into the bottle then this lotion will re•
main pure and fresh for months. When
applied daily to the face, neck, arms
and hands it should help to bleach,
clear, smoothen and beautify the skin.
Any druggist will supply three
onuces of orchard white at very little
cost and the grocer has the lemons.
soap. This prevents it from rusting _ _ - --
and next wash day it will be there to
serve as sunds,
Get Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Asper•
in" in a "Bayer" Package, Plainly
Marked With the Safety
"Bayer Crosse'
There Is not. a penny of German
money invested in "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," nor will n Gorman citizen
1)001(1 by its sale or ever be allowed to
510(11re interest,
The original worldeaueus Aspirin
marked with the "Bayer Cross" is now
made in Canada mud can be had tit
your druggist's in bandy tin bones of
12 tablets and larger "Bayer" pack-
Genuine Aspirin Inas been proved
safe by minions for Iain, Headache,
'l'ootharhe, Earache, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Colds, (101(1pe, Neurits.
Aspirin is the 1nude marl( re;,ti-ter-
r 1 111 Ca'n't 11, of Boyer Manufacture of
Secretary, (,111181@n Nance!! 1r•,t•- :ereevrUra(idester of 91:ilicyhcncid,
tate For The Blind, 30 d i •: i=t 1, -
Tolvnto, Lee 7. ISSUE 7,7---'19.
Mrs. Lilian Taylor
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Her Baby
"Our baby was two weeks old
when his face became very red and
terribly itchy, and be
"' . was fairly crazy rub-
bing and scratching
seee , till the skin broke and
. -bled, He could not
sleep, and did nothing
Il 1 but cry. His face looked
as though he might be disfigured
for life.
"I thought I would give Cuticura
Soap and Ointment a trial. I found
the free sample so good that I bought
more and two cakes of Cuticura Soap
and a fifty cent box of Cuticura Oint-
ment healed him." (Signed) Mrs.
Lilian M. Taylor, Box 99, Brace -
bridge, Muskoka, Ont., Dec. 30,'18,
Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pur-
rify, Cuticura Ointment to soften
and soothe and Cuticura Talcum to
powder and perfume are ideal for
daily toilet purposes.
ment and ample
Dept, A, Septet, T, S. A." Sold everywhere.
vac er orWaa
..-....o.s'ac �,--'•s :,. 10x,.. ed l d..,�..,,e�
Spring Fever
-What Is ft?
THREE o'clock in the after-
noon - and absolutely no
"pep," You call it spring
fever, but is it?
When you are constipated waste matter re-
mains in the intestines, decays, forms poisons
Which are absorbed into your blood and carried by it to every
cell in your body. When your cells are thus poisoned, of
course you have no pep.
I'ills,salts,mineral waters, castor ail,cte.,merelyforcc the bow, -
els to act, and make constipation and self-palsonhng a habit.
Nujol is entirely different from drugs as it does not force or
irritate the bowels.
Nujol prevents stagnation by softening the food waste and
encouraging the intestinal muscles to act nlitllrally, thus re-
moving the eau50 of constipation and self-poisoning. It in
absolutely harmless and pleasant to take.
Nujoi helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacu-
ation at regular intervals -the healthiest habit in the world.
Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and watch
your pep" come back,
YY (I?,?Z' Nulel iv .enld in named t,attiec Ucnrine the NulnlTtatle Mork,
. All dru,nglsts, lnsistun N, Ice, P01) may ate%r hoe subatltntaa,
anzirm sur.orsmar 00.1110x: Yt ;acne
1(0, W.S. 1710 0Fe,