The Brussels Post, 1919-5-29, Page 41.S,nasnPp
1'HURt11LAY, MAY 29 191,/
BE'rrsa to he A doer than s t Ain r
or aarutel, Yo" neve, meet, ru -haw
for the time empeuved.
Elie '1'tuifl. Steno ,h;1 1heteby pl.(e-
lice t eme.= null patriotism ;lt the same
time, head the rdve',tisements appear-
ing In 'falx Post' relative to Thrift
Dm you know people can be lint:(he•
vists in Canada just as well as in Rus-
sia ? The Canadian type may be the
more dangerous on account of the edu-
cational :Advantages he has enjoyed over
his brother evcr:;eas. It's a low and
dangerous standard anywhere.
PAs1irrs can 110 their children uo
greater kindness than keep them regular -
ren at school. There was a day when a
person who ;:void neither write nor read has steed for many tttiege that were
could make his way through the world commendable and w,.rihy of imitation
but such a handicap today means a bar- but the strike of May leo 'a rot one of
tier that nearly always atands in the was, them. Canada's tio.,d name will never
of prernotioe. Nothing takes the pace be elevated by failure to reeogn'za law
of a+gond Edue-ttien. and order and other forms of modern
it PCme of the moving
Now is the time to "Swat" the early spirits, who carte too little ballast to
keep within hounds. were promptly
taught lesson on what constitutes
Canadian cltleimehip there w mid be
fewer cases of riots, and (listoder and
calling o,:t of soldiers and special police.
Because a set of men have, or imagine
they have, a grievance why should trade
generally he so interfered with as to be
a direct loss to perhaps thousands of
people entirely outside the circle of the
l rowel dissati*lint ? The ,v ere meat
are only tinkering with these samples of
unrest and it iooks as if some of the cf-
have ettecle a moist spell, when rain- fietalz were patting score of the disgrunt-
eoarithliere and nnehrellas seem to led on tee back and telling them to
he a ten, necess;t+; uuless you kept he good boys. Something of another
under the rout. Some isay Old Probs, type is needed but the Government
is In ;ex,;ue :VI•.`, J. Henderson in the seem, afraid to tackle it.
main street watering contract But
this story may Gist hold water if tested
North Huron
'rim Ali nual 1111 ting td the 1.Ili-
erale of Moth 111(10n, 145 eOUHt1 tut•
ed for Federal purpneee, will be
held io the i'nwn 11411, 1Singheur,
on Friday, May '34th, at I p. til.
Stuudard hotel, 0hen A to,oud11'
gilt Libel W01114.11 with alai ti,.1y
Uewee 1, h. i'., 11, P. P , will ad•
dre the 41•'n„40 of tenth etoreti.
awards in each els:::::;,, as to encourage
the yonthful exhibitors to try again,
Every School Boatel should stir up on
this question because it is most practical
and brings g„oc1 resins.
t\'.etiDaa it I114 41luuiprg el1,kers ever
thought that some et the ticgil banded
stunts they pelt ou 1be program were
well played types of anarchy. They
overshot the mark and did the eause of
so-called organized i,abor mutt/ Ilium by
alienating many former friends by their
high handed proem dings Winnipeg
fly arrival. 1r may reduce next
Summer', family by many a hundred.
Nothing more practical was ever done
by the Board of Health than the intro-
duction 04 the tag -proof receptacles for
boldin; manure and seeing that the law
is lived np 1:., in their proper care.
le ell, naeto e` itietui Noah were living
teeilt7 lis' 1.0111 he comparing notes
when h •.:ca•. 1 ;., da5. And ;” 11ighl:i 0
ills rx;'.•n'ece.,,
Thursday half holiday
in Brussels so tar this season appears to
Pr is Most encouraging in the uphold-
ing of a good cause like Prohibition to
hear the unasked opinions and experi-
ences of many me0 as t0 the benefits of
tile abolished bar and treating system
and their intention to vote, when the
time comes, for the complete overthrow
of the liquor :raffle. Sime continue to
violate the law and appear to think
they are tieing something real clever.
it a smart trick to violate a Statute
and set un as a disloyal citizen, to sup-
ply a oomwudity that un -man's the re-
cipient and causes worry to the home
and friends of all concerned then that
grade of omartness is not coveted by
these 4t,. ti,—.„le,t themselves and value
the .moil of inions of :overs cf taw,
P(u(sT1:4. FF.1000014 of the Ontario
Medical Conned is not pleased with the
prcmtstuotis issuance of liquor prescrip-
tions by the M. D,'s of some sections of
this provinne and thinks where a physi-
cian is convicted in the Courts his lie•
ence should be suspended or cancelled,
There are some Huron Co. practitioners
might be busting a new job if the sug-
gestion were carried out. Why doctor;
and druggists should consent to virtual-
ly become bar tenders is more than
many people can understand unless the
profits .are regarded as an offset to
tile- +l obeying of the spirit if not
the setter of the law. 14 is
sal l (A (':-t Of names may be compiled
and pial,iic:r1 of the number of pre-
scriptiem:...eued which would no doubt
surprise some communities. There
are instants; where doctor's signatures
were f„r;;axl 1..0 orders but such a role is
both dangerous and likely to be detect-
ed, if the stealers are alert to the contra-
vention. We would like to see the
Medical Commit "pinch" both doctors
and druggists who undertake to do a
land nfilee business in booze,
Tna School Garden is one of the
modern methods of interesting the
youth in vegetables, roots, fruits and
`lowers, as an introduetory step to prove
that Agriculture is not a slave's job but
oue of the finest, healthful and most in-
teresting avocatlous. Many a bare, fur-
lorn looking school plot has been made
to verily bud and blossom like the rose
by the happy planning by teacher,
pupils, parents and trustees to arrange
for and maintain a School Garden.
Some have never got up "spunk"
enough to go at it, others have grown
weary in well doing but another big
bunch of "Never Quits" have stuck to
their work and made it a splendid mac -
mess, We know of school gardens
where plots are assigned to currant and
gooseberry bushes, strawberries, peren-
nial and wild flowera, a nice vine and
then the garden "sass," with tasty bor-
ders and weedless cultivation.
Such a condition of affairs
leads • to acquaintance with
seeds, fertilizers and the always new and
novel study of Botany, The aim should
be, of course, to grow A x products,
even though quantity be small. Where a
School Fair is held or a Fall 'Fair the
pupils should be given a good chance to
display their exhibits with numerous
D. D. Wilson will visit his daughter
Mts. W. R. Sampson, Totonto.
.l. P. Bell has sold his billiard room
to bar. Atkinson, a returned soldier.
Harry Beattie, of the Forestry Bat-
talion and son of James Beattie arriv-
ed hoItle from overseas.
Girl (Guides of the Egtnnndelite Pres-
byterian Church purpose contributing
B61) to educate a pupil at Point Aux
C. Eekart met with a serious acci-
deht while unhitching horse waren
his foot became entangled in the lines
and upset frim and the horse in turn•
ing around trampled on his leg and
laid him np.
MTs. Edward Galbraith was in Tor-
onto undergoing treatment for her
George Galbraith, Orange Hill, sold
his matched greys to 0 Toronto buyer
at a good figure.
Mrs. D, G. Kerr and little daughter,
Elinor, who have been visiting rota.
tives in Dorchester, have returned
Adam Young, Orange Hill, had the
misfortune to have some of his cattle
badly werrled by dogs, So badly
were they bested that 8 of them had
their legs broken and 2 had to he
slaughtered, while a third may recov-
er, This is quite a loss as the animals
were valuable tines.
A. 1,V. Kiel was operated on Inc ap-
pendicitis and is getting along nicely.
John Lambkin sold 52,208.78 worth
of fat cattle. to Thos. Bradnock, Gor-
rie, There were 12 head.
Miss Susie Walker underwent an
operation at her home on the 14th
Con. and is recovering nicely.
Mrs. Alex, Gibson has so far recov-
er as to be able to be up again. She
has been confined to her bed since be-
fore Christmne.
Mrs. Isaac Gamble and Miss Myrtle
Hainatock went to Toronto, having re-
ceived word that their sister, Miss
Ruby Haiistack was seriously ill with
pneumonia. She is improving nicely
Max, Smith sold his grass farm East
of the village, to Jiro Dickson,
Arthur Simpson received a nice herd
of young Jerseys from Agincourt
Mrs. Alex, Simpson, leettoit, is vie-
iting with Wm. and Mrs. Simpson.
J. W. Dickson disposed of his 3 year
old Clydesdale stallion to Gen. Brown,
it to New
sl 'uppe tl
Molesworth, who
When Fred, Stevenson was taking a
herd of young cattle out to pasture, 2
of them broke 11 leg which neeeseitat-
ed killing them.
Methodist Church, Donegal, organis-
ed a Ladies' Aid with Mrs. Cockwell as
President and a Wnrnml's Missionary
Society with Mrs. Sutcliffe as Preet-
Chas, Laidlaw was home attending
the funeral of his sister, He has re-
ceived a government position as ranch
specialist with headquarters at Bur-
wash. His ,I tion covers 38
1 adi c
W, H. Garnias, of the Canadian
Sault, is visiting the brothers, John
and George, here,
County Warden Campbell assembl-
ed his committee in Blyth on Monday
of last week, to discuss the matter of
appealing to Ottawa for aid in deepen.
ing the harbor at Goderieh so that
the largest boats plying the taken
can use that hrtrhne, It was decided
that entire committee namely 1—War-
den Campbell, Reeves Arrnetrong,
Livingstone, Young, Clark, Isbicter
omit of the :loath of Atte brother, John
At '`.1/.0 tg 411nasacd nwny offer
btlet IlInc.,. 12.laail1l wltn 011,1 14
/1111 011.1 1 1 rvn ”i lir. age, 11,01 h t'lr n
1',td111i.11 thi. North country fur Ilii
4 euuua,t i1' beads of the Teeowater
Odd renews peel a visit to the Blyth.
l odfe 'I'uecd"y evening of last week.
I.orel beech, .•n exetnptitied 2nd and
CHILD'3rd de, re. 31 " number of I:andi,late 8
111 a Veld' ( l .- 1.11+.lde - J,(K ll lltll, at1e1
h h1111 a ill111 Let ut alld115545 were de-
VINOL h\'c'l'eft tlllll tt 1 (01y 1111.11'lt Was serVell
by tlat ever t''. Iletinet t,
And lie Got Well and Strong.
That's True
Monaca, Pa,—"My little boy, who
is the youngest of three, was weak,
nervous and tired all the tire, so he
was most unfit at school, and noth-
ing seemed to help him. I learned
of Vinol and gave it to him. It has
restored his health and strength and
he has gained in weight."—Mrs.
Frederick Sommers, Monaca, Pa,
Vinol is a constitutional cod liver
and iron remedy for delicate, weak,
ailing children. Formula on every
bottle, so you know what you are giv-
ing them. Children love it.
IP, 11. SMI'T'H
and the County (Jerk and Treasurer
be a deputation to go to Ottawa
Thursday of last week and lay the
matter before the Government.
Reeve Armstrong, Hullett, has re-
ttirne(1 home from Port Finlay, Al.
grim, where he had been called on 110'
Popular Stallions
(130781 (168881
Enrolment No. 1867, Worm I.
.1, J. McOAVIN,
Will stand for the improvement of stock
during the Reason of 1518at 70(10 J, McGavin'e
stables, Leadbury, 1.04 SS, Con, 18, McKillop,
Terms : $12 to insure, payable February 1st,
Enrollment No. 8808 - Form I,
MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot
82, Con. (1, Turnberry, and go Southeast, vin
0. Line, to Hugh Hutchinson's, 2nd Con. How.
ick, for noon ; then East 144 miles then North
:.1E utiles to the lith Con. Howiek, then East 144
miles, then North via Fordwich to David Po -
cook's, 0th Cot. for night.
TUESDAY—Wilt proceed West 34 mile, then
North via Orange Hili 24 miles, then West of
12th Con. 894 miles to Rich. Clegg's for noon ;
thence West 21.44 tulles to the gravel road, then
South to his own stable for night.
WEDNESDAY—Will proceed South via Brus-
sels gravel to Dov aid Straehan's, Lot 1, Con.
4, Grey, for noon; thence South to Gordon No -
Donald's stable, Brussels, for 1 hour, then
South to John G. Speir'a, Lot 804 Con. 6, Morris,
for night.
THURSDAY—Will proceed East 1;4 miles on
the 12th Con of Grey, then South PA miles and
East 25_ miles, thele North to Jacob Long's,
Cranbrook, for noon • thence North via side -
road to Garfield Dunbar's, Lot 16, Con. 8, for
FRIDAY—Will proceed North 134 miles and
East 21 miles, then North 14 miles and West
for noon ;t then Nb orth 14 miles' to the HowiOk
and Grey boundary, thein West and North to
his own stable for night.
SATURDAY—Will proceed East 214 miles on
Con, 6, Howick, to Gorrle e(deroad, then North
117 miles and East to Robert Graham's, 0th
Con for noon; thence West and South by way
of Wroxeter to his own stable where lie will
remain until the following Monday,
Enrolment No.1280 Perm 2
MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot 21,
8rd Mine, Morris, and go East to Oliphant
Smith's for noon ; then South 144 miles, then
West via gravel road to Brussels, then to Robt.
Nichol's for night.
TUESDAY—East to ravel road, then South
to 8th nine, Morris, to Geo. Kelly's for noon ;
then South to boundary, Weal 14 miles, and
South to Uarloek line, then West to Bert. Al-
len's for night.
WEDNESDAY—North to boundary, Haat 1
utile, then North to Wm. Taylor's for noon ;
then North tooth Line, Morrie, then West to
Wm. Bird's for night,
THURSDAY —North to lith cine, Morris,
then West to John Wightman'e for noon • then
North via Belgrave to dial Line, Morris, to
John Coultas' for night,
FRIDAY—East to Agar Bros.' for noon ; then
North to let Line, Morris, to Jas. Peacock's for
SATURDAY—Will proceed home where he
will remain until the following Monday.
A pure bred Scotch Short Horn Bull, 10
months old, got by n J. A. Watt bred bull, and
out of Lovely Meld by the Cargill bred bull,
Royal Blossom 75443=, grand (Inc Dairy-
maid .97066=• , by Broadhooko Prince Imp.
(880491. The dans of this calf was bred by ulo
and is of the Sootnh Marr R0ohel (010115. f
bred them for veara end they were the best
milkers, *IRO 14111W and beef onttle I had. Re
is At for eervioe now, Price and terms easy,
_-...._.DAVID MILNE, Ethel, _.
Properties for Sale
150 sore Perm, lcnown as the Stretton prop-
erty, 6th line Morris township, for Oslo. POs•
session next Fall. Well located near Brussels,
The 26 mires in connection with the Revere
Rouse, Brusaets, ie also offered for Sale, It is
eligibly sheeted.
House and ,4 acre lot, Elizabeth street,
Brussels roe sale. Apply to
W.F. STRETTON, Brussels.
House and lot for Sale in Ethel
Comfortable frame house and one more of
land 10 the Village of Ethel is offered for 80(0.
Number of fruit trees. Good woodshed and
other oonvenimloe0. For further pertienlera
apply to JOHN 0818011,NE, Ether P. 0.
For Sale
Helmand lots, containing Re, acres, ht the
Village of Cranbrook, the property of the late
Mrs, Agnes Brown, Is offered for sale. Frame
house, barn, fruit trees, Ria. Possession could
he given at once, Pox farther pertiautars a5'
ply to Niels, Tttoe. (IAnixaohv or WM. 0.11Ma0014,
i6xenutors estate of the Into mtg. Agoes Brown,
Bull for Service
The imdorsigned will keep for service, on See
Lot 80 Con, 2, Morris towh8hlp, the thoro'-hr
Short, Horn 13u11, Galnford of Salome Na.
--80411T. 'Brad by Galnford Marqula1100ati0) 1
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (184 arra
1Broe may he x081 on appll'cation. 1817018—
;10.00 for thorn -hredx payable at bimo of ser•
vl(lo with privilege 15 return, Grade oowa not
T1108, P1E12014,
How the Amateur May Make the Beat
of a Bad Start
The long break coining at this
season of the year is irritating to
the amateur gardener, fol• if he be
on high hld, the cold is delaying
growth, and if he be on low land the
rain is preventing seeding,
13e careful in trying to hold back
plants that are waiting for out -plant-
ing that you do not damp them off
by too cool treatment. Especially
take care that the plants hardening
in cold frames are not flooded out.
Tilt the boxes to hasten drainage
and raise a little from a flat floor
or shelf to give better air circulation.
You can't spray your trees and
bushes too soon. Choose afne day,
or even a lair hour, to get the pest -
killer at work.
This year the amateur man is likely
soon to have an engagement in his
garden every spare hour. Just now,
he has got time to tell his friends so.
Don't soak beans or peas or other
hardy or half-hardy seeds this year
before sowing them. So sown they
are very liable to rot,
if we get a few days of dry warm
weather, don't hurry in your veget-
able marrow, squash, or other ten-
der seeds, or your unprepared or even
half -hardened, tender plants, tomatoes,
peppers and the like. The ground is
still cold.
Don't fear for your It1tAy -Moist
especially eel high tit'ound, tiles
the:' quite stand in wafer they will
take little harm; if they de, drain it
fit at all costs. Better have your beds
rut up irregularly than lose the entire
lM this district the climbing bean,
the lima bean, the pepper plant, the
canto, the egg Plant, melons of all
kinds, are not likely to do well this
season, Try early turnip, the white
varieties, lettuce, and even yet a
later sowing of peas. These should
do well, according to present appear.
Putting plants out in the rain, and
evert sowing seeds in the rain, though
rather dangerous on high land, and
sometimes a dire necessity. During a
recent very wet spring as during the
present spring, onion sets, hot -bed
seedling miens, cabbage, cauliflower
and other early stuff had to be so set
out or wholly lost.
To do this, as you may in light, dry,
high soil, don't tramp the ground,
Use a board to stand on, if you press
the earth around the plant, be sure
over that so pressed you gather a sur-
f':':: of very light, even strawy earth,
and don't press it. This will prevent,
to some extent, baking, should a hot
'sun soon follow.
4.4-44 fi,q-•l,•t„`, •F+•!'✓r'A4F'F' +.1.d ,.gasses;,
4Girls o
+ ie
Stop - Look - listen
+ -I.
t.Steady work as Machine k
4. Operators. Good pay.
4. Apply or write at once. T
+ 4,
Excelsior knitting Mills4.
+ J. T. WOOD 4
dt .i.
+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++
At Least Take 5M% Interest in
Your Future
INVEST your money in Mort-
gage Debentures paying Cloi
z Jo
No worry—no expense —
and absolute safety.
A handy and use-
urfeel booklet on—
maid, :isms some
very sound fas-
cial advice will be
seni /0 you free on
request. Wei/efor
0 fo day,
H. L. JACKSON, Agent,
a IS
-{i'u 7111:111 If li 1 1,1s IL t.: >t T'?p,_I117nr+';;:N .;l Iib Wt :,t4,14Ptfi u,, r =Jit' rt .•144 ;: _nfY.
Buggies !
THE Season is now on for buying your Buggies
and D. Ewan is all ready to talk with any
intending purchasers as he has a number of
first-class, up-to-date Buggies, both steel and rubber
tires. We use "Goodyear and Dunlop Rubber—the
best that can be got,
Call and examine our stock. Everybody is made
Big reduction on Buggy prices this year.
Call early and pick your choice at
Show RoRoomsr
II 111
I.1. 1,1�',
rl'I ;11'1
1 11111 111
P Makes the (tuteeence between the low-priced worker and the high-
• salaried expert, We can smooth out the road for you from the one
• class to the other,
Students admitted any time. Catalogue free.
Stratford, Ont.
FThe School that places its graduates in good positions. i •
4 •••••••••••••••o••OPoe•00••••••••••*SS O••••es• 0.01100 *SO S••••••••••4•••4•••••••(e•4os..i.W•••K••io0®Oa
and Wifgham, Ont.
Every yea,: e • Ear r,An vest r
In May
('Osf $4,04
In June
Cost 04.05
War Savings Stamps
ran be bought whsr.
•ver this sign is
Even wage earner can be an Investor Ii
gilt-edgt'ct oceurllles hearing a high rate of
interest without Nomin'e of worry.
The pltwt is so Ample anti secure that It
commends Itself to everybody.
All of us spend a portion of our earnings
thoughtlessly. 11 is human Mature, 'Vet
most of u.o would be glad If someone would
tltke the. money w'e trltter away' and save it
for us, because the find it dil110u1t to :-live it
Blake your employer do It by 01. arts of S'ar
Savings Stamps. Say' to Ilial: "I lean( you
to hake 113' per cent.. of Iter money in my
pay envelope each week and buy ole 'thrift
Stamps. Thou with each $4,00 worth of
Thrift Snoops buy 1110 it War Savings Stamp.
When you have bought each War Savings
Stump, pnt 1t In my envelope. (do on doing
that for a year."
That is all. Your mini is tree. You will
not miss that 73 cents or that dollar which
you have hitherto .squandered on trifles.
Brit at the end of the year you will have a
little paekttgc. or War Savings Stantps, each
bearing' the 15.00 mark, but which have
('a(t yoil hot a few cents over ,$-1.00 ettell.
These Canada will redeem in 1021,
Make Your Savings Serve You and
Serve Your Country—Invest Them Ila
War Savings Stamps.
russets 1P1
Soldiers' Welcome and I-fi �':::'�'®
Old ,.toys Re union
The Cotnmmittee is most 1T(Xi0118 to get the names
and addresses of all members of your family, friends,
neighbors, acquaintances and their sons aur1 daughters
who have left Brussels or vicinity, in order that they
join in the Be -union to be held in our Town on July
27, 28 and 29. Please send before Jane let.
Would you kindly fell in the names and addresses
of you family or friends who are absent and mail seine
let once to
Convener Invitation Committee. RA
••0000000000000000400®0e'®0 0000A0000P000004.4.®Ot'00004c1'
Men's Pickit arches
We are offering Special Pfiree 011 our pres-
ent stork of Waltham, Regina, Idampdem and
Elgin Watches, 'These write bought some time
ago. In the 101 are some suitable for presenta-
tion to rel timed soldiers. All going at special
Reduced Prices while peesent stock lasts. II' i11
need of a Watch call in and Dee what we have to
offer. Monogram Engraved Free.
Kodaks and Brownie Cameras, films
And Supplies,
\Ve give special inst:motions with each
Kodak on Brownie sold,
a l R 'Eel i s
Waterrrsan's Ideal Fountain Pens
We always have in stook a good as80rt-
rn6114 of Self-flilblg, Safely and Regular
types. Prices $0 t2 50 up, Others from 114 up,
Waterman'a Ink in bottle and bulk,
Engagement Rings Wedding Rings
For Cleaning Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream.
Itis the BI+7S'T. Pelee 26o,
= Ja R. WEN DT Jeweler, Wroxeter