The Brussels Post, 1919-5-1, Page 5�,Y .^^:.•. . .4-10••1•.•.,.•. •-n.-...-.. Pte liAtvata i. Po eis sse-414.1 ' ' Th" at Wing rind (11r. 44014.1•1. -.1.11,1.11 3' `� �q5 1{/t$^ ' 111 3:1;:::;.:,!,•:,t.,('-::;,?; ,r 1: y p IJ !:.1',:.3,!;...,,,,..:, •tai...i,,,,,::.,:....:-, 8A '3'Ww 666JJJr ��„WMM ... ,„.11„ ,I ',• tv, 11. a ( I I'1. r u tt Fri,( 1 low,. I h 1 ;, L Ihad 1'041 1005 Olio 01' (7,, 1111 7 andTilE ilEADAcHEs A,,,ati,/tv1' li1/,•'•'inthe1!linl,f! i Ahna ,l.tnn 3lillrr, 1thrL ni' l.hn Fal,•' I"hu \VIlooi (VII 1 plr.(d 11.1Vtly (11 111.1 f4ri1hyea' 1+1i• 1,tl Ir a 111 'I.1: -- 11+•41,17. not a 1:111111,11 lit , + .1 I, .. 111 i r! 1 . ' l 5 1 ,J11•I'd ii 1.11,41 ,i,'.04 11 1 h., of ,n ,l ,.1.,l I r ,J,• „ , 1 , „ 1171,• 1•' •411 1 Vial I y :i '1.111,• ,7 , •t Ulitll She 'filed!!Fruit-a llYesl1 .A., Made From Fruit Juices 112 Cosuna $o,, ST. 3011N, V.11, "I feel I must tell you of the great Clorrie benefit I have received from your One ovruin r u'ee1'tiv !01111" 4(0' ('1) wonderful medicine, Fruit -a -fives'. t\g0111 I3ratcly, w1,4:1'snt '•ln.• I have been 0. sufferer for many rot"r, d t h:• t1:..i iutl „r n' .i l h'• . ;. n years from Violent ffeadadarr, and 1,11.1 na• , ,i 11., ••( :.: i, i'.1 (;edit get no permanent relief. A. friend advised me to take `Fruit, 1) ':. n ,' (.'t , l ",. ( 1 n,.1)"I;tl. •lt a•tives' and I did so 107711 great n, 111' up am:lg••1. te, 1' ""•• ,,,1.y success ; and now I am entirely free of Headaches, thanks to your splendid medicine" MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW, 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 28c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, postpaid, by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. �A I Olirlton Oddf(-117. '1 nl llvulr,i ', rt N. ' CnLntin 1.11(04 elanch Su; d,y ur,ru• I ing. 7 ,laelts,1l Mtg., ('" • Ins}, opera n 7 farU,ry in IIOlI",ll nheul lin. 1(1 \hly. :..• (;reek It1Hllti.ilant 1i".p('r 1.1.1. 1110'd ills and rostra by Pollee .\l't„I',Llate AI(drews for selling 1)u Sunday. Evangelist Hailey started Evange- listic s rvice4 o(1 April 20th, meetings to be held filet 2 weeks in \Vestey churrh, f e 1.J 1101 Gunn hag home oll NnI se I a 1 a f1 n 0701 stole. Miss Gunn gone to I;nglaid with 1101. fat1101, 1)1•. 01101,, in November 1015 and had been con- nected with the Scotti111 National Rod Cross Hospital at Glasgow aid has been staff \Vara Nurse until Jantui y of this year. late Airs. David Cul tie. In walking along about where the Baul( of Hant- iltol now stands they had to wade through a wet slush or swamp in their bare feet, crouching under limbs and pushing n g saplings s to one side, Trowbridge 1301 McCormick has returned after spending 8 weeks in the West. Walter Savage and Ounily moved from the village to a 1001 in above Molesworth belonghig to Richard Johnston, Trowbridge, Annual election of ofliret's in con- nection with the Methodist Sunday School was held at the parsonage and resulted as follows :-Superintendent, 3ohn.Vines ; Assistant Superintend- ent, Henry Arulsh'ong ; :Secretary, Richard Tughen ; Assistant Secret- ary, Ruth Tillman ; Treasurer, Myrtle Marshall ; Organists, Etta Austrian and Eva Thompson ; Librarians, Ida Oollins and Wallace Sterling. The teaching staff was re -appointed. Fordwich The "flu" has again made its ap- pearance in this locality. Roads in and around the village are being greatly improved by the use of the grader and drag. Mrs. Chas. W. Ruttal and children left last week for the West, where they will make their home. Mr. Rat- tan has been out since last Summer, While playing football at Harriston High School, Harry Rogers had the misfortune to have his collar bone broken, He is now at his borne here. Sunday. at 7 p. m , A, T. Ocopee, of Clinton, Secretary of Heron County Alliance, spoke in the Methodist church on "The Present Prohibition Situation in Ontario." While cutting 00100 some elm trees at his home, Egbert Sanderson, sol of Robert J. 13.11(1 Mrs. Sanderson, met 101511 a serious accident and one which might have easily resulted fatally. He and his brother, Wes„ were falling a tree when it unexpectedly went down, falling on top of hgbert and pinning him to the ground. The boys \veto alone at the time and Wes. managed to pry the tree off his broth- er and enabled him to crawl omit. A doctor w118 immediately called, but found that no bones were broken, al- though the young man was severely bruised. I3e is now recovering nicely and itis to be hoped that he will soon be able to be around again, atgard Nrff11011iRMfIIIM'IitlllORI IlflfillfIIII74111 1 41111111 ii7' 74774 ,1�.J 1ii iS 0311Tu6'n H�'11(l17 i„t.1''y IlllllMPINIIIiIIii1011IIIIVIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIMIIII@I 101111111i111111181MiMNImROMEV1EVVIImIHVIUIIVVEIMEIVWUIItIutOEIM. i?tttk.rro., to L98rb t'n lti'ii,t JNO, ;9iJ I MALMO & SONS 7t�s /�,� ) 1ty �pLIMITED y (atA9Xi zpix avrazeiro s*(.trsanuss Oite,7e 4frjr arsi_'4,cr+'f+;A,l, vs, st : Y : t.ncei i=t 1V, g",1 .., 4n. l,lvury 800,10, Brunton.. 1'nlepllan( No. ;. ,{._. DL?.-WAR6L-AW Hu.wr ;7,•,duate of tale Ontario Veterinary C011itF'•• Jily 111111 nal,ht Calla, (67)00 upposite Flour .81d, Ltthtl. T. T. ,.. Et.. at. 0. 1 ., el 03, 0. M. O, lt., V((I'(ko 07 Mammal, 1'a; • feian, surgeon, Arceuelieur ()MBoe..i, rwiaenee, spindle :a.dvtllo t.'hureh, �_ WiJlwut ,+trout• DR. .1.1-1, W-r/TE, B. A. i•RY2104%N AND SUa(000N, Grnesst' Toronto Univer»ivy of al edloine, Sprain: ntiontion glvnn Co dinuoses of children 1)11(7 surgery. Office: Dr, aryans Old Stand Phone 4o Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed auctioneer for Huron Co, w 11 sell for nn ood urines as n other Ana. 1 g a A pp r tinnonr or charge nothing. 6 13751.01(AV11 0.. 0. PROOOFOOT, HILLOHAH & COOKE Iearriators, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 8 c. OIHo' on the Square, and door from Hamilton Ftruat, GOLEit1U(t, ONT. Private fund.. to loan at lowest rates. W. Pa''looms, h. c. .2, I4 11ILLO0AN H. J. 1). ('noxa McCormick Imp eme . is At Lowest Prices Ii ft. Binder, shelf (snits. and truck......$218 00 741. Binder,'1 •228 00 Corn Binder210 00 0•ft. Mower 70 50 lift Mower 82 50 leo tool !take, Ill teeth 61 00 tlnl T door 78 00 condoned Boned Sid., itoltr and Tedder 111 00 1,11141thit Manton, Din?.,der 108 00 11 Doe 0er.1l i•e,•r Ur111 148 00 13.711. Steel Roller 05 50 Seid % Dinmond tlnr•m74 Per Neetfnn, 0 00 Climax Wako,, u,nro, 31(1 arms, 2l x 3s In. tiro ............_.,.. _80 00 Mimes, Cream Sepnratoro, Plows and other Itnplmnei,to correopnmlingly cheap and a liberal 8(ecuane for cosh. Order early. DAVID MILN[, Ethel .......................... t + rL b r r Farmers' m. L 4I. 7.„( d or04. + 3 !las on hand a quantity + + of + 4. 110 C4.ream or the West Hour + Shoots Oil Cake Meal A Choice Lot of Groceries M F formaldehyde Wire fencing 'Grass Seed and Root Seed 'ji, • 4- 4.J- 4 'l' 1 k 1 f' I g + 4 i t i 4. .i• + 1 y I 14. 4 to 4' .. + 4' + . + 4. F o 4, e1. +•F+++4•++++++++4••11.8+43'•1•+++++ The 11,N. 0, has purchased a seat 00 the Ston Lxll hall e, West 'reveille, with (1. capable 1 e stat!' i1) eh,11'0(. Orarlhl•ook Club shim; ever' Sa.turd110'' For further 0/11.1 1'(1. ars (Lip y Ed. FLIHto111,. Sen..Tl'el1y, (71'antessok Par, Club Phone 285 3am Viol {[per{'r�Y]Q in 11.11 fiLLi� 2 Is prepared to pay the highest price for • • e Scrap iron,o o Rubbers, r; ,r Fags, &c.: • • o, a oF URS •o °a Highest est pric(paid, See $� 4 the before you sell, • ct ` 11 Price for o E, I-Iighest C its • ° . i Live Poultry and tildes 0 a 0 W.ite or .Phone 02x • (a SAN WEINSTEIN • 4. s • MILL STREET I3IIUSSELS • Ss O. -White Leghorn t, ems {. any NI. tontine?. did you ever 113(111,• mil Just holt.nluch your Chis cost yon ":( h ye tt Boni the 744.qh y old loot 1 a skim • 1 110 07114k, g'; t i 10110111g 01,0 (inn( 1. 41', r( l.' '11171 7< 1,00. •I•,1'1, 1111•,' 111 1.ii 117 t'n• I b•n1;+, 1i •. 11 I('.341''11 ortietil.g y+'ue'' ,1,11.11 it is too Irate, Otter then) DOW. WALTER ROSE Phone 3 o(1 38x Ilox 3}, liltl.740,74LS =.1.-w'i` 10�dw."+.-t....... ...w •.ti�':sr✓,�.+.iiL:Fwl'•r:`.: el n 1 1 r • r t t dA Anlnn B.nnt L 1 L 1 I L I'etylo1's stock ot gi ' v es., mid leased 'if'. b9111di1 ;!, 1 i 7)('.:1 ! Nf 1 1 U. 1), (311!01 den has , m eliiists1 5110 I 1'0001 1 and ei !I l 7 (333( y I,I)Hille'NN emote led lit L (1 Hough ped ie now 111 111 -session. \Irs. AdIto ('nio:u}t owl child; on a1.. r rw1 Il+ 1)i t!1.• 11'1 41 n•,+I hill make h, r home with 1,'1. [...tool,. 11) tool '4 vs '',Inlet'+, for ten• [,rn •('lir. 1.!11414. '4' 1111n71 1.n :1. 1.1(1011... -lien. 77o':1.1 Ito};er'+, Who loan ;aeon Ii(, 10,018t. not 75(131111 in Ihp 1'+l. A101110(111-5 (41111011 itt hoodoo, 0111 0011)1)30 to St. T110112. (Is where In, purposes oinking his home. Rey. aid 111H, 1b'gerr 11av0 0 lu:1l•, ird ditinlrr(' 711 Ibal (Thy, A -. • _. fu••well1er•opli n w.t•,lendere•1 Lltetn Ir: 11•" rut i,logio a. ,•f ,lo• La 1eletli fatal Leto 114 l 11.1 •h'nr lae.l,. ,,.,tl „n Tint sound of the carpet beater is heard in the land. Rev. A. E. Cragg, Methodist Minister of (rlenallan, was operated on for ap- pc11dicitls. He had a very serious at- tack. A new cause of worry has arisen in that it rained on Easter Sunday and consequently "It must rein now for 7 Sabbaths." Don't let it keep yon from church. Rev. Mr. Hind, who has beep pastor of the Baptist 711ureh at Heapeler, has accepted a call to Guelph. His wife is Miss Mae Deadmau of other days, daughter of G. A, Deadman, town, Rev. Mr. Konkle, who recently came to the Presbyterian te1. iso chu rch at Palmer- ston, was presented by the Guelph con- gregation with a, substantial sum of money and Mrs. Konkle a silver cas- serole before leaving the Royal city. B. C. 5, LITERARY SOCIETY. -The third meeting of the B. C, 5, Society was held on April (7111, Program was as follows :-Opening chorus -"The Maple Leaf Forever ; ' remarks, Presi- dent, 0, Armstrong : reading, Eldred Miller ; solo, May Armstrong ; reading, Florence Stewart; chorus by second and third form girls ; charades, the leaders of which were C. Armstrong and Evelyn Baker ; solo, H, McQtlarrie ; leading, V. Blake ; remarks by princi- pal Mr, Scott ; solo, V, Harris ; address by ex -student Bert Lott ; solo, Edna McCall ; reading of B. C. S. Journal by Editor MoCuteheon, Meeting closed by singing National Anthem. Ethel \Ve are pleased to notice that Rev. J. L. Stewart, B. D., who is engaged in Mission tvork in China, has been granted the title of D. D. by Victoria College, his alma mater. The rev. gentleman was a former junior pastor in the Methodist. church here. Mrs. Joseph Rociclielr, of Sarnia, nee Amiss Imlay, f0t wetly of Ethel, suffer- ed the loss Or the second finger of her right hand owing to trouble time a felon. 1'lfe affected member was lanc- ed anaed 7 [Mlles 11efole its removal 111 an en- deavor to give relief and save the digit. Mo 171A1RY WAlttvleit PAS8E4 AWAY. - The death orcuered at Bay City, \V(Lehillgton, of Diary Edna War- wick, second' of dalghLee of Alex. and Mrs. \Vtu'wiok, of Nanitno, 13. 0., death overtaking the deceased while visiting her sister. ales. 0. 0. Smith in Bay City. The deceased was a native of Nanimo, aged 25 years. While not i1) the bent of health for some timIle 7,10r death (lame as a severe blow to the bereaved family, Mr. and \Its, Warwirk being trammelled to their daughter's bedside, but did not arrive before death intervened. The rewrites were brought to NaOimn for burial, the funeral taking place on Sunday from her family residence, cornet' Irwin and Sebastian streets, R•aero . GilberC,;Vanncnuver, fHt g Pallbearers were A. Jenson, M. Clark, 1. 5. Bradford, W. Sohade, \V. 13. Mc- Lennan and .1ohu Warwick, Deceas- ed (0(Ls 0, tleire of Warwick I31'os., 3111 title, and her decease is deeply regret- ted. Monkton Film -A disastrous .fire broke out in Menkton on '1'heisday morning 17ti11111,, ((bout 7 o'clock, when the \V bite block, I. 0. F. hall and butcher shop were destroyed. In the building wits White's dwelling, 7)81)11 00111 and barber shop, in the Foresters' block 0. Duflleld's merchant tailor and hi the other building was J. Bl. Smith's butcher shop, or Al wood, whose loos n11101111 Ili 1(1 $125, alnat of the snick i(1 the tailor shop 0008 saved, hub l\li. White lost everything. It WW1 Willi difficnlly \l(. Whit made his wits through the smoke to a room in (1311 ell ti sick (7augh1,0t' lily and rescued het. The feet of the family Campo(! itt -cmnlyattire. Tlie fire is supposed to '1 • o • ii 1Vi r. be duetnaov txaLelst tel 1 e. White Is a heavy loser having only $1,200 insurance. n,•..tiny ,•term,. dInst 1(,a"le foot to Rev. fl,•g'l .' 11npa1 in e to til . I'hmns. All or 1 yra!s of 801.0100. 1(. v. 11. (1. I'eiwer..1, II. Chapman and W. N. Manning spoke of Bev. Bogies' de - pectin e with regret. Mr. Manning, on behalf of the Ct1)1741'egaat7 (71, present- ed 11701 with all 011001(37)0 cont(Linfng aL 511 b'iialltial 0,11-11 (f looney, after which en hour was spent, in social en- joyment.,Rev. Mr. Rog'18 was a 1 fol pier wel known 511181 Or 11010 who 1e well remembered by the older Polk. Belgrave Rev. 11. T. Farr, rector at Kincar- dine, had $100 added to his salary 0 C • (.. t meeting. iLT. 11 Easter V 9 i t t Y t?; W. H. Hartley, Rector of Delis- Ret 'R I 0 12 resigned 1 P 1 n II.h rh1 t h ha r wa g and will gaeoept the Recroship at. Shelburne. lir 0010-) formerly rector at Blyth and 13rlgrnve. Mss. JA.s. Ms•Gir.l. Dr11EASED.-It1 I3elglavel on Wednesday, April 16111, Susan Oorley, aged 80 years, 3months and 10 clays, relict of the Tate James McGill, passed away, She was for :natty yews resident. of Pant Wm - wanes!) n11(1 resided on the farm now owned by her son Jame), up till a few year's ago 0011011 shn moved to Bel - grave, remaining there nail her de- mise. The lane Mrs. Mrfiill was a woman of admirable qualities and tn11011 esteeille'1 by all wile) knew her, She leaves a family oI 3 daughters and 2 sols to mourn her loss, namely :- Mrs. P. Rohineon, Tomtit° ; Maggie, Emma:and David, afl1Om0 ; and as, on the homestead, East Wawan0eh, all of whom have the sympathy or a large circle of ftienl4 in their bereave- ment. The funeral took place Friday, service being held at the house at 2 p. tn. followed by interment in Trinity Olruch Cemetery, Blyth. IN nEham Dr. Margaret Caller spent a few days at Atlantic pity. She was ac- companied by Ih•, Jennie Sniffle, Tor - mite. It was decided to close up all busi- 110Es,11tLOe4111 WiImitate al noon earth Wednesday remit May 1st till Septem- ber 1st, Thieves broke into '115111y Brown's stable and stole over $1000 worth of furs, About 5400 worth were found in the river, where the thieves had evidently tried to hide part of their booty. The first white Ulan to lay font in the forest, where now stands the On lying town, \Vinghanl was William 1 Oornyn, who died at his home on Slinte1 5t , Sat et day afternoon, April 10111, at the ( iia age of 88 years. He 10as of Irish parentage and was born lit P,ad1euhatn, near Ottawa. In 1858 he came to this district, where was then a (1 mite fm est and erected a shanty Oyer whet a the R. C. church now stands. I i the Fall he returned to his hone but in the Spying calve back, accompanied by his sister, the Blyth Mrs, A. Elder, who has been 111(10. posed, is improVing. T, R 0,111 11x8 purchased a Baby - Grand Chevrolet can'. Repairs of Reeve Jas. 0ut4's block are steadily progressing, 77'lre. Ben. Meerut eolith -Ines to stn prove since her (eoent 8e701.0 illness (1, T. R. elm:W(1(0ns have been re- wiring I he station here in peep0rat(on for hydro. Archie and Airs, Taylor have taken up their abode with the latter's (1101,11• Mrs T. 13, 'Taylor. Postmaster Wm, Sims, who has fill' 501)111 clays been afflicted with neuritis in the shoulder anti nook, has about fully recovered. Blyth Methodists will entertain Godeti011 District sleeting about May 20th. There will be about 30 clergy- men and laymen and Meeting will cnutinne for 2 days. Election 07 o.filoers tools place in the Methodist Epworth League with the following 1.080!1 :-Pr 8ident, Wesley Killolgll ; 1st. Vico President, Mrs. 7, Mehlfroy ; 2nd Vice Pt'esiden7', Mts, 1 MrOorelrit ; Sr1 Vice Ptesidcnt, Nol 1(01011 ,shoe! eon Secretary, Miss Ada Stackhouse, Treasurer, Miss Alice Gillespie ; Pianist, Miss Pearl Gilley ; .c1ds'C Pianist, Miss Addle Taman, ' 1 will be around Shortly for them, will pay the highest price, cash or trade, and will carry with me a com- plete line of Groceries, several lines of Dry Goods, Patent Medicines, etc. For your other needs in Boots and Shoos, Dry Goods and Hardware 'Phone us. Phone orders will be given Our careful attention. If goods etre not satisfactory will be cheerfully exchanged or your money refunded. 'You will want to Paper several rooms after you see our Sample 13nc1ts of beautiful Wall Paper. ()lir new C; ingllllins, Prints, Chambray(, ole,, will tempt you to start your ,Spring Sewing. R. C. AT . WELL, iVioneriefF Our Motto :- "A Square Deal to Everyone." 1000,000 00.00'0W3'4941(0,ti4,0 '005080.+0skt,0004'041.000+te9044"8 G A 4' • 0 Students admitted any time, Catalogue free. n , Y {fi ij t 4 SPECIAL TRAIKIINC Makes the difference between the love -priced worker and 57)0 high - salaried expert, 'We can smooth tint the road for you from the ono 01(1ser to the other, 0 a • ••NN••0•••••••••®s••••••1t•4•••b+•••A•Nb•4414040 it0 4 3 05 0 4 0 • 4 Stratford, Calt. and Wingharn, Ont., The School that places its graduates in good positions. Atwood Council will sleet at Atwood in Saturday, May 3rd at 10 o'clock for general business, 0. W. Dtulotan, of 19stety011, who recently 1etuated from England, is visiting relatives in town and vicinity. Ste. Alsop 0. (fray, sou or A. A. Gravy, Toronto, is visiting his grand- mother, 12th Con„ after serving in France for 25 years. School boys were enjoying the holi- days by spending anlc'h of their time at the big drains and were successful in htinging home nice b11118110' of suckers. A sleeting of Directors of Edina Farmers' Mutual Icit•e Insureutee Co, was held in the Agricultural Hall, At- wood, April 155)1. All members pres- ent but Mr. Den8tedt, of 1511170'. Minutes of last meeting read, coifirrtl- ed and signed. A claim was present- ed from Gen. W. McKay, (trey, for $5.10, for grain burnt in Monclleff chopping mill in March 1018; also claim from \Vm. M. Watson, 7710021- 10741011, for 543.50 for damage to his house and cont.:0111S by the from chim- ney on tieb. 5111, 1018, which teas paid forlhtvith. Applications for iisul•- anee were accepted amounting to 5209,800. Meeting adjourned to Tues- day, May 20. Listowel Rector Dunbar's salary has been in- crease, by 53110 per annum. Dr. A. H. Nichol has been appointed district medical officer for Grand 1'1 rink Railway System, J. H. McDonald has purchased the business block on Main street from Percy Peppier, occupied by 0110s. Brumley. J. \V. Scott received a cablegram from his sol, Lieut, Morton Scott stating he is sailing from England for home on May 5th, Peter Hefubecker, son of Mr. and Mrs, Helobeckel', Listowel, bas pas- sed the 3rd exam. in bacteriology at McGill Uuivei•vity with honors. After being identified with the coal business in Lis10w01 for upwards of 20 years, J. C. Hay 1105 sold 11111 to Harry Ellis, who is now in possession. It is reported that Barrister J. M. Oarthew, who had been in the \Vest a number of yews, purposes reterning to Listowel and opening up an office 110(0. Upon the ievitat.ion of some of 1110 citizens of town Sergi,. Major Denmp- sey, Toronto, Caine 10 Listowel to 1)1i801188 the question of starting a band here, Rev. Dr. G. N. Hazen, who conies to Listowel in July as pastor of the Methodist chervil, is receiving the de- gree of "D. D," from Victoria Uni- versity. Rev. 0, I3. Peckham 110s been in - if .('u Have io1Cy ((11uv3sl " Standard Reliance " Serves the Best @pt3V1 1T "poll/. money isooiir Mort A. ,:};e L1..1,, 11In.1-(3 reor l(1. f'1 1 Nil ',iv. 171)4 .. .>i'4 Ire..1-417 -,: expense - - and absolute safety. 4 Io(,dr and we.• 1 f"!1 Fxoat a he. '. u / / Net m1 regh4 /. It, dr fur tyro -tray. r{IStt ip;u;®ill �`•-'�I :''• �J}9' o 11,`4 ti'sl?r �✓ , 114l ,1 HEAD ¢I FriCE: 'a17HJra. r. r.t.Ae,e TDIEV 1 1/fI/J AYR OROGr1VIL.LE CHATHAM WIZ E:1 [Et MIRA NF',V HF,MHURG W0005TQCK H. E<, JACKSON, Agent, Brussels s era :,6,sLii1,.::FUS:,d.•r•aa+a":•C.w+r�C3HI6)000•s 04.14F'a(1)f.'1Giue l"erLizsio916161(<J(;se H 81 81 1) i8 C) e P s c+ e 1.9 4. 4 tl 0 n 73 e Q b e n n U e 5) erne c000C aefols000eeozo(acneaseoeeoeeerSooseease(i1G•Ceeeas6 4 I I'1tIOne 83 wadi` Bei vice t «. ITII our pt(,.0nt stork of ..11 8011710.1 0 7C.0p11frg, Plnw 4110700. t'te , we MID 10 give th(h •,1 ,:a+i-rlartiou ins>ilde• 111 evpt•y- lh1ig ' uvering unt' lin fir 11rpai(s. all of width are exact. duplicates 1w'1 give 1110 net vi 't' the of i;;i,nll 3)811.• Fl 'l7) 118 keep line e.•tupletc by otdrtiu +'',arty Wheel and Woodwork Repairing \V. give prompt attention to all Wheel and Wood -work nub ing, 15e -fitting of Rubber 'rites :old Uliiiniefs, and catty in stock and apply all Standard 877408 of heelgrades of Car( jag" Huh. bet Tire,. 'Use the hr"a and get 0X1 VS valu0 11111(1 your tires, We tau satisfy yen fol the line o1' work, Our Carriage Painting Will stand the' 0114014 insp011inn ant' Vtu 11741/05 any ressamahie test, and all applied by (t carriage painter who thoroughly moire- (•y 41,0)1(74 the effieieucy in this line of work. \i',. ,[iv'' your work, (1 03) prom((! attenti11i, 0'1511 clu•eful'(oleo", Iluuh'rutelt The Plum Blacksrnith Shop (D+•+0i'+. M0'1.4.+;4.0? -Gd 64.O+' 4.83. 0:-10<.e,04.1•0.1.0••0-1,44•P4••0+.+c'1•1..0 • • • The Seaforth Creamery � 4 ante Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knc'wing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Rank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. M1CALL, Phone 2310, Brussels. or write t(, The Creamery •, C , p a aate�'-en� 6A ,1 Seaforth y SEAFORTI-I, ONT. 0 +44•04.4.+4+4,1•04•84.0+4.7.4+O+4044+4.4. 4.04.*+4++.1301+4.+•+0+ .4.411 Fo voted to except Ole pastorate of bap - List thineh at Paisley and will proe ably Lake charge the first Sunday in0. May, Rev. B, P. Davies, Laketdeld, .1 has been invited to the Listowel church and will probably accept, An athletic association was organ- ized at a sleeting of young men in the council chamber, with J. 11. ('amp - bell as President. Other eflleers Hum- eri wife : M. 1L. Hay, Vice President ; 8. J. Kemp, Secretary-Treatenrer7 17x- ecntivs 0nm011210e Mayor Watson, W. Greenwood, H, Hamilton, B. Bam- ford, 0, Flalron, 0, Recker, F. 0. Kelly, J. G. Burt, L. Bernie and A. Sohinbein with power to add to their number. The Executive Committee appointed the following sub -commit: tees :-Finance-M. R. Flay, chair- man ; J. M. Oallpbell, S. 3, Kem n, N. A, Gowdy, W. A. McDonald, 3, (1• Bort, It'ootball OominiLtce-G. 75. Herron, chairman ; P. 0. Kelly, S, 1, Kemp, E. 1+I, Hay, 13, L. 11. Bain - rota, 13108eba11 Oomtnit.t.ee.-H, 11am- ilton,'4V, Greenwood, (1, Rocher, N, J. Kemp, J. Askew. Grounds Comnlit- tee--J. 1411 Campbell, chall'mal ; Mayor Watson, F. von Zaben, L. H. Bernie, H, Bernie, 13. Hamilton, G. Darr0011, B. Bamford, House Coln- inittee-L. II, .Bernie, chairman ; 14, Hamilton, 0, Rocher, Tennis (70111- mittee-M. R, 1Jav, chairman, L. Il. Bernie, (.1, Darroch, It was deckled to enter 3 Leans In the W. 1+'. A., In. termodiate, junior and llo07h (1117), and P. 0, Ko.11y, 0, 0. Cavell and Hay Were appointed delegates to the 0nnll0.1 meeting in Stratford of Fri- day. A, team will likely be entered in the Northern Baseball League. tel S tt O • is 41 v a 4 4 a e 0 a 0 0 0 e•OP0000••4at .o9O+®990i4.0 44 0C. e)S£©tr`0,^.*0Ont9 41 gckefl' tlEtches We ate offering `pecial Prire1 on our pres- ent stock of \Visit ham, Rogitta, 1tempdet) and Elgin Watches, 'Those wet( hotght some time age. In the lot ale 80111e suitable for presetlln- tion to rt'Itwried soldiers. All going at special Reduced niece while present sfolrit tests. If in need of (L Watch call in Enid see what. We 1(0.017 to offer, Monogram Engraved Free. A FL'i.i, i3'I'OOK OF dodaks and Brownie Cameras, Firma And Supplies We give spieled instructions with each Kodak or Bumuie sold. Waterman'S Ideal Fountain Pens We always have in steels a gond aseort- ulent of Self -filling, Safety told Regular types. Priem; 52.541 up, Others iron $1 lip.. \V1lerman's Ink in bottle ood lnnik, Engagement Rings 16Teddihag Rings For Cleaning Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream. itis the BI+IS'P, I''t'inn 25e, 44 • • 3) O; (3 a • '4 P a EY • s • • • 1 • U r J. I'm WE N DT 9 jeweler, Wroxeter • 041.41.444444#0.4) 94'44 0.44,04.+4?..4.4,494.'044,44.4.++4.4.4.+4.l7.'04*; •