The Brussels Post, 1919-2-13, Page 1VOL. 47 .Vt , .i.f r.5o I'el' Arnim in Advance. .61 ,S.S1:1.S. ONTARIO. TLTURSDAY, FEI31t'U4RY z,3. '919 1 •C, t ilii(, , [•. 1:1'111•••,1:4 hod Al,n".t .3li, li,n Awl ,Lnlnna n W kiv eh t ln. 1 x VVLa "n'')1"eial I Ir 4'1•. months nor t , loeytillvier—uoorevr,hetetry st1l1 oUf t nMIiit tnl he. 11, • 1unbntot Yor side—i u1(. slits well. Jl tt`iCi tw5 Belgrave Mrs, W. 1I. 1•'etl;uso11 is visiting her Ron at \Vindsor. Stone of our soldier bops are expect- ed home in the dear lulu se, wA social evening will be held by the Fermium' Club next Tuesday evening in the 0, 0. F. Hall, -Short program, games aid 100r11. Owing to the )llamas o1' Rev, 11e, Hawkins last Sunday the service in the Anglican church tvt41 ehndneted by Rev, 1\11. Snell, of Witlghlun, A number from this totvoship at- tended the Annual meeting of Brits - eels, Grey and Morris Telephone Oonlpfmy !net 'l'uesclay utter noon at Brussels. The regular uunilhly rneeliirg oi' Belgrave Wnmer,'s institute will be held Tuesday 1lfler11enn of next week le the 0, 0. F, ibllh As special busi- (I'0) will be ou I he program a fru''„1 1 !vire is (3 tus'sl'e. Ivicle.sevorth Siai.tt 1. gv'f._'1'hesLurc+ of,Inn. lllr- 4 )oneld, lathes will be chimed! Monday, 'fineedity anal r nes tY i)f nest week to arrange an arlan stock, 1n lce0, for itntutnse Clearing Salo of an ell 1$lb,)1)stock, which will begin 'L'luus- day, f eln((my 20, and eOIILioue until entire stook Is disposed of. 1f you wish genuine bt3rgaius don't (ides this selling out sale. IVateb for our fut- vert.isement and profit thereby, John McDonald, Merchant, Ethel. Bluevate PIsitsoN,\L9.—Rob1. and alts, Bos- man, Wingbanl, vleitecl relati ves here Sunday, and Mrs, McAllister, \Ving- haul, spent Sunday at Geo, Moty- hray's.—Mrs. L. W. Rut•tan visited friends aL• Brussels hast week.— Mrs. Snell is at present with her Meter, Airs, 'Thos, wart, at Cliotnn. Mrs, Watt )s eeriO4aly 111•—W. H. Haney and daughter visited with friends here on Sunday.—Harvey Haney, London, wasIlmnie for a few clays this week.— Mee, 11, Mothers underwent et serious operation at \Vingharu hospital, 'We hope aha will soon be o. lt.—Iloivard Stewart is home from London for a few days.—Nurse Ruby Duff left for Kingston this week,—Rohl, Bosman has 8ecurecl R, F. D, No, 2 from his brother, Morris and will 80011 be iu anking Service yOUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1„ Walton Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager vamanalCaimrssisinoassEnal 111311111 I4'1i'17 { tai itn� iilai5 f u.In; i. nim '-.J Fertf zer ay�y;lt���r>wr One car of this well known Fertilizer has already been delivered at Ethel and a second -is expected by close of this month, Place your order at once and make sure of a good crop next Harvest. Goocl results are assured whenever Gunn's is used. 13 urge 1 5 ap9 Locale Agent f1IIIIIIIIDIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIII111liIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIlillilliIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIDIIiliii e aD4.4504)0,4014(i)1S1,001k4 tD' 4!'A(9 AO&41031064'3d00.4004'8O4004 t, 3 P e 0 31 a 4 0 A 0 5 ,) 1 o 4 o 4 am "115 --AT---,_ ll'a,�1DG' I. } �.,., aSale .Positively starts Saturday, Feb. 15th, at 8.3o a, m. 6 Instant Gash Relief at e.lriy Cost • : As you will readily see by a few of our Prices :— `fit 0 Men's M1 Wool Underwear, worth X225 for $ 1 49 44' 4 Men's,Wool Shears, worth 75e, for „ 59 0 12/1 Flannelette Blank eta, (worth $1,75, for.,,,, 4,,,, 3 45 A Flannelette from 18c per yard up, • Bleached Croon (Sinn 17e peeyard op, e 0 Men's HeavyWork Shoos, 30 pail's only, triplexm • :13.5(1, while they last only ........... ................ 2 89 0 f Sale Positively starts Saturday, Feb, 15111, at 8,30 a. m, g •• °realm, Butter and 'Eggs taken as Cash. s 4• 1p • Pholie 2215 • Geo. n ,., NteheUi 4 ei•a wR•14A••'•ae440"•+O+D+:a'3tt,4300000'.000•A00000000m.A0b0•40d 0 6 6 0 a 31 0 a 9 0 rha11 ge. wu1. '1"lun•ul un Mad. a Lu 4. Henn ttep 4'a S11nll'urd b[," at•,q .Pw arid , I w. ..1 , 1 �•, i. ,i : _ ❑ t t atu tl 11 r . v , u 1. Win, and Mrs. Dunn and moils m'e Isere .o torte charge [,' t' ) t 1 41 Dune but u•- h 1 f"'.P IIP 1 rrimurlity 1 1 m' homer , ',' I ad 4v1 1 1 f 111 t nl s,i 1 1 They sold their farm ptnpca t1 in the \Veot. \Ve welcome then) bask. SL:LLINn Cher.—The store "•t' .1 no, McDonald, Ethel, will be closed Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday id' next tveelc to arrange stook, prices, ,le, fur an innnense Clearing Sale of ten :1118,000 stock, which will begin 'l'llure- day, Febufary 20, and eon I Mile until eutil'P stock is disposed ol', 1f you WW1 genuine bargains don't m)ss Lhe selling out sale. Watch for our ad- vertisement and p1 nfit thereby, John McDonald, )1'lerchan1, lithe!, Oranbrook Moncriefp S73LLINo Ou'r.—The store of Jnn, McDonald, Ethel, will be elneed Mon. day, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week to arrange stock, prices, &r, for an immense Cleating Sale of cru 318,0(10 stock, which will begin 'Thurs- day, February 20, and continue mail entire stock is disposed of. 11' you wish genuine bargains don't Alias this selling out sale. Watch for our ed- verLisemen l; and pt'ift thereby, John McDonald, Mendota, Ethel. ANNIvi:RsuoY WILL 11L LONG 47.L- 341bLRCRBID.—Knox elntrrh, Monrrirff, was highly favored by God lens their, special anniversary set vices 11341 Sab- bath. Fine weather, good toads and first-class moonlight brought out large oolgeegations at hath services. Rev. Mr. Abet y, 13. A., of Lnndesboro, inspired all by his excellent annivers- ary services. Choir rendered good an- them of praise and thanksgiving. The special offering amounted to 375.00. Monday evening proved a perfect moonlight night, for the anniveeslu'y enteetainnlent, 400 people wore pres- ent and enjoyed 1t 54plen41)11 uncial ti DUN A high class program (vas giv- en by Miss S(r, ulmn, Miss Edna Me - Call, aliss Jones and Miss Lowry, Brussels ; Miss Lougheed, Atwood ; Miss Ila Harris, Walton, Hisses Harrison, Livingstone, Lowly and Robinson were the e10011(innists. Patri0tie address by Rev. Me. Abery and others made al, full two hours of program. The congregation and community used this historic, nceasiou to welcome house our brave soldier boys and to honor them with a fine presentation. Moncrieff homes have given 30 entitle' s for the cense of God and humanity. The Following ten have paid the supreme 8334116()' of life ;—Allan Me.Leao, Ernest Harvey, Frank Tarr, Victor Tarr, Archie Bar- ron, George Crawford, Jnhn Patter- son, Harry Patterson, Melville Strath- era and Frank Kress. Beautiful sterling silver "In Mentoeiatn” Medals, f and Agent fin. 0001d, Shapley & Muir Windmills and Gasoline Engines, The Louden Machinery Company Hay Tools, Corriere, Stable Fittings, &c. Frost Wire Fence Company, The Cockshutt Plow Co. in Farm fru- !dements, Wagons, &c, AB Supply A 1 Goads that Stand the Test Special attention given to the erec- tion cif Windmills and Carriers and Repairs to Pumps and Water Pipes. When you need work well done give me a call. G. E. McCall District Agent, William St., Brussels Phone 05 and mementoes with addresses were given to the mothers and fathers of these fallen heroes. Addresses with Mementos were also proffered to the following five who enlisted but who did not leave Canada—Harry Smith, Melbourne Stay, Harold Livingstone. Daniel Kistuev and Roy Selling, The Spring will Soon be Here IF YOU REQUIRE Timothy or Clover Seed or any other Field or Garden Seeds it will pay you to call ou me. GUARANTEED STOCK. This has been a special line for many years. We handle goods we can recommend. Order early and be ready for sowing, Phoue 43 W. J. McCracken Grocer and eoedsman '4 4 4•• 4. a As I have decided to go out of business kindly notice that our CI Monday, Feb. 17th Tuesday, Feb. 1 ;::4th Wednesday, Feb. 19th take sed TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR GREAT SALE, $1 Stick s �u Fixtures Thursday Morning, Feb. 20 We will be ready to begin our Mammoth Clearing Sale of all lines in our Immense Stock, Which will be continued until all is dis- posed of, NFffiy-•-.•-".S9831SA JnocDonaId "'117 Watch this Space each Week . Genuine Clearing gale +++++++++++++++++++++++++. MERCHANT, ETHEL W. 1I. KERR, Pro Oleg* following ra"a•ire•1 In.•a"t , 1' i,. , :i• 1'1• kU•I.h e rvu 11.1 ,1 't Saul. i'li..il n , 11 t v ' h. ! hie .`+m" lt. e, 1{ Gat II d 1.5,1,1 - r,'..•) , Marrn, WiIfrod }at t, -i -'.no, .4,.l)(, 3111. li utonr Harvey Tarr, \V titn Naught, Edward Kr .. \Vard Elmer M itY, 1,! .1, 15•M,1I , 3a n3 V JaWilfreds. SmilesWilfrednoir+ 1,3(3-'),,) J Henry,Will. Parish, l),tvid Il;uney, Charles Kt'i'tuc r and Will. ,11,'11, , ('uugrrgation plan ,1141, 1„ (de' 4 Me1110r1i5 tablet in honor .d' I11 soldiers in the ebureh. The ladles served a ta4ty and refreshing Iruu,h In all in the church basement, at the - (114(8e of the eyeniug'13 0111:'1'1 lli Menem 1, Proceeds $150,00. 7 bus 1((14) amide', • sary proved the best yet nod all writ., heartily praised and tleniked, grey 8140,00 were the finan'ild result, 01' Un fen 0410(3411(011(1rsary'• Edward and ,1Ir.1. Galvin etre not Very rugged but we hope the cenliug of Spring will invigorate them. Library Concert in Township Hall, Ethel, Friday evening of this week, See "Dot, the 1110,1'44 daughter." Reeve Livingston was chosen on 111e 101101ving,Oouuty Council Committees for 1919 :—Executive 1cln4irutaul aid Warden's. Don't forget the Auction Sales et the home of the late Chester Al in - strong, 10th Con., next Tuesday atBei, noon and at W,.1, Sharpe's, 111)1 Cull, Wednesday afternoon, SI4LLINts O1'r.—Phe stole of 3 no, McDonald, Ethel, will be (dosed Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week to arrange stock, prices, &c, for an immense Cleating Sale of an 818,000 stock, which will begin Thursday, February 20, and 401'1)110A WI 111 the entire stock is disposed of• 1f you wish genuine bargains don't miss this selling out side, \Nat'l for our advertisemeut and profit thereby, John Mcbonald, Merchant, Ethel. Morris Council will ('0peen' Monday 24th lust. Elston Cardiff, 5th line, leas been appointed Secretary.Treasurer of Brussels Farmers' Club. Mrs. Jim. McGill, who went under an operation for appendicitis 10 Wing - ham Hospital, is improving nicely. At the recent meeting o1' Huron County Council Reeve Elston was placed on the Special Committee for 1919. Alex. Nichol, 011) line, had a fall in the barn some time ago that gave him some 80(38 spots for while but he is about all right now, Friday afternoon of this week F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, will sell for John Evans, Farm stock, implements, &P„ His farm is Ni Lot 21, Con, 8, Sale at 1 o'clock, Don't forget the Auction Sale at Jno. Lawson's, 8th line, on Monday afternoon next. He is giving up farming, hence sale will be withnut reserve. List may be read 011 another page. W. F, Kerney, sou -in-law of Mr, Lawson will take oharge of the farm, Pte, G. J, 1W, MaCutaheon w8,8 bur- ied, Dec, 23rd atChettenham, England, ata pretty spot at the foot of Battle - clown Hill. The soldiers and nurses in his ward gave a beautiful wreath and the Red Cross staff gave a wreath with a Red Cense in centre. The coffin was wrapped in the Union Jack. Six members of the British Red Close anted as pallbearers. The tidy 50 acre farm of Allan Adams treat. Brussels, on 5th line, has been leased for a 3 year term to Jas. and 'Wesley Kerr, of the same neigh- borllood. They get possession on April 1st, lir, Adams will retain house and orchard and he and Mrs, Adams will continue to matte that headquarters but will do some visit- ing, probably in 111e West, It is 27 years since Mr. and Airs. Adams came to the farm from Howick• This Ad- dition will give Kerr Bros, 250 acres to care for but as they are hustlers they will look after it all right. We wish Mr, and Mrs, Adams an enjoyable holiday, TOWN HALL BRUSSELS JUST ONE NIGHT Tuesdays Feb' 1g PALMER AMUSEMENT COMPANY PRESENT Uncle Tarte': Cab i IN FOUR ACTS Special Scenery, Not a Moving Picture Show Prices Children 2Sc Adults 85o r4.4 1.÷" 4 4„4--1..14 4_ t 11'1' 4•+ •t...ya,r of °�nTi�9iE6= 4• I?WI' r.•eeived a car of I''ertil- k Isar. is P' ' Im 'r � '1'1(1 ,41 VMS ) nghl + n • 1'er August, I)117 delivery, 4' �ibut of arcoutit of-re(l:ric1ions of t the United State)+ Government 4 il: Was 1111pnss!ble to got dell Very, '`I, Thi') in t1(.' cheapest car of Fer- •p 4. .e tinsel.n farmer cart buy to -day, + lei pe1• emit. Phosphate available. H '+' 't• re Price : 4• 33(1.011 per too cash or 4- ft147 21 payable 1st Oct,, 1919 + '4. 4' Also have Oar 4. Ontario Bran Jr + f' 30- ° i1::; 1fmBRUSSELS ,g .4. 4. ('111101(1 111141 Mts. Shurrie, of Galt. are holidaying with relatives and old friends lame. St l t INI. C)rr.—Tire store of Jno, lleDmu,dd, Flthel, will be closed Mon- day, 'Tuesday and Wednesday of next week to arrange stock, prices, &e. for %ti hnuleis( Clearing Sale of au slo,(1)1)) stuck, wh)ch will begin Thurs- day, Vein ars, 20, and (1001inne until entire 8)134)0 is disposed of. If you wish genuine bargains dont miss this se niig out sale, Watch fur our ad- vertisement and profit thereby, John MCDe,nald, Merchant, Ethel. Jamestown Mies Pearl Payu is visiting in Tor- onto, Mrs. Jas. Wallace spent the week end in Stratford, 11ise McAlIister, of Dungainon, visited at the home of D. McDonald this week, Mts. D, 1W, Rae, Russel and Winni- Fred, of Wroxeter, were visiting rela- tive here. Hugh Hoses is not enjoying his usual good health, but we hope as Spring opens he will grow stronger. Jamestown Women's Institute held their.' regular meeting in Victoria Hall Wednesday Jan. 29, Mrs, McDonald gave a talk ou "The Importance of the Supremacy of the Seas" and Miss S. McLennan gave a well rendered reading. The Institute is busy sewing for French refugee women and child- ren and a !targe attendance is hoped for at the next fete meetings in order to complete the work, Ethel Wood bees have been all the go. Stanley Dunbar was visiting in Tor- onto but came home alone, Miss Isms Mitchell is at Toronto at- tending the Millinery Openings. Geo. M. Mitchell commences a big Cash Sale Saturday of this week, Mise Bertha Cole has resigned her position in the John McDonald store. Library Concert Friday evening of this week in the Township .Elan, Don't miss it. John King's Auction Sale of Farm Stock, implements, &a, will be held Wednesday March 5111. It is said D. W. Dunbar has pur- chased n house and lot in Listowel and may retire from the farm. We are glad to hear that Alvin Mc- Kee has purchased the fine farm of Wm, Donaldson, 7th Oon, Elvia town- ship. We wish him well, Some of the Ethel yonug people at- tended the Memorial service in Brus- sels last Sunday for 12 of the soldier boys who died overseas. The house and lot owned by Jno, Bryan'', Fordwich, has been purchas- ed by David Milne, who it is said, has Sohl his homestead to his eon -in-law, F, Sleighlhohn, Tuesday evening Capt. Church gave an interesting Lecture In the Metho- dist church on the War and its out- come, He is under the direction of the Army and Navy Board of the Methodist Ohutah. Offering was 311.00, W. 1. Love has be Ia e11 doing a rush- ing PhonU ea h 11 it 1 b s less sellingto 6 K t Geo, S eirau and Jim. Herrington, 14th Con Grey Andrew Machan, 17111 Don , Jas. Ballantyne, 10th Con, t and J. Howe, Molesworth, - tMoo, JNn. ,`+LN\mtON o,.LLgD TO BHHR R1;Wa101),—At Olds, Alberta, tot the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Slelmnon, a highly esteemed resident of this locality, passed away on Janu- ary 3014), in her 80111 year, She went West last June. Her health has been real robust until the pat year, 134. l')'( 3(3518 14111(5(31 name was Ann Tin- dall, her birthplace being County of Renfrew, Ontario, She was the last survivor of her family, consisting of 5 brothers, and a 818)04. Robert, Ben and Abel Tindall, former residents of this lo411111y were Mrs. Slemmon's brothers. Snbjeot of this notice was united its marriage to John Slerllrnnn in 1853, Latter passed away in 1892, interment in the family plot hi Brus- sels Letltelery. :rix 4111153 en were born to lir. and Mrs, Slen11nou, The eur- vivor8 are Wm. of Ills community, and Charlie, of Rosetown, Sask., and a sister, Mrs, Alex, Lamont, of Olds, Tile deceased are Edward, Thomas,' John, and Sarah Jane, Mrs, Slelntnou WAS a faithful member of the Methodist ehurcli and a most wil- 117 a , f heal l ti ba1(.. N(t 1 ,P4' ditty fw,lhtuiiV e 4'1 1i le 1'r oe cul (.1,J14 1031 1urlty 1911st. 511 Tait• ytnpatlty of a wore e•uel'* of relatives and old friend:. Mr. and Mae. talents ton owned a e t ," 1 )n i l d tl ten ! n ivhicl t 1 Mel �es , , now Win. AI rut. an 1 ), ul)1 h w live Y Lot 22Con. 9, and 10113'('(i tin it in 1h.1J Tr11e trews that John McDonald, merchant, intends to hold a Clearing Sale of his fine lig stoclt of rnert•.han- dise and go our, of business carne las quite asul•Ilriee to the people of this rurality but it is 110 idle 4')(111)41' as the store will be closer! neat Monday, 'l'ui'sdl1y and Wednesday If) (arrange goods and mark pi free lura (.h'at'ing Sale, Li, cutnlnenee 'Thur.+dap, 25011 inst. Mac. has beets very ()lonely identified with the life of this corn mutiny for a good tunny ware and 1(410 done a fine trade and the people will he sorry to learn that he and his family will be likely to retrieve from Ethel. Walton A number from this timidity were at the i3univer4 1' gathering a Mom 1- h y 1, 1, at la r 3)1•ieff Monday evening. John ilea 19 here from Edmonton for a shortvisit. He 's ml t, o' [ it 1 1 i )111 old boys who 18 always wc•I'otlle. 1)un'au Johnston lues anumuneed a clearing Aut•tion Sale of Far'(n Stock, implements, &c, for Thursday, Feb, 2501. See 114, Wednesdayafternnnu of next week is the date of 1hm 4'.l- string Au01100 Sale of Rohl. Archibald, McKillop, Read the fail list in this week's Pose.. Rev. J. P. 1`'esttnan, formerly Methodist pastor Hers whas b i 1 s km been for 8 years the efficient. Field Secre- tary of Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies for Alberta and British Columbia, Inas resigned from - his work, and will r -el ,,1the petunia ate in his old Oouferenee, leaving ac- cepted an invitation to N,•i:;orl tor the ensuing Conference year. Walton Wnnteri'8 IostiIut.e will meet at the home of Mrs, A. Gardiner Thursday afternoon of next week, at 3 o'clock. Report of the Central Con- vention at Toronto will he given by the delegates and Mrs. Soo. McDonald will read Chapter 4 of "Our Govern. anent," which will be followed by dis- cussion. Good attendance hoped for. #t People We Talk About $$ Jno. Brown, of London, was a visitor at the home of Fred, and Mrs. Ennis. G, A. Deadrnan was home on a short business trip from Florida last week. Mrs. S. Dunn was visiting her sister, Mrs. Fletcher Sperling, Church street, Mrs. R, H. Green, of Cayuga, is here on a visit with relatives and old friends. Alfred and Mrs. Seeker are spending a week in Toronto combining business and pleasure, F. W. Boyd, representative of the London Advertiser, is in town and locality this week, Mrs. Robt. Thomson was at Toronto as a delegate to the Provincial Women's Institute from Brussels, Miss Ionian and Miss Mary Ross are attending the millinery openings at Tor- onto and purchasing new Spring stocks, 1. S. Ross, who was here from the West on a visit to the parental home, has returned to the land of great possi- bilities, Sergt. W. H. Cook arrived here Tuesday noon from overseas and was very heartily greeted. He saw the real conflict in France and bears the narks. Miss Linda Colvin wept to Toronto last week to take in the Spring Millinery displays. She will take a position in the store of. Messrs, Gordon & Orr, Stmt. ford, for the coming season. 4 - Church Chimes Service was held in the R. C. Church last Sunday, Annual report of Melville congrega- tion has been issued iu a booklet of 17 pages. It shows a veru creditable year's work, A week from next Sabbath the an- niversary of the Methodist church will be observed, Rev. A. J. Won'. B. A., will be the preacher, 'trustee Board is asking a special offering of $roo,00. Special music will be atranged by the united choir, 0 For the next 7 Sabbaths the union services will be held in the Methodist church, at it a, m. and 7 p. in, with Sunday School, Vouug People's meet- ings as usual, Thursday evening of this week prayer meeting in the Metho. dist church Lecture roomat7.3o o'clock. The weeks spent in Melville church proved most enjoyable, SUNDAY NDAY FanRVARY L6 DAY OF LNT R• E C$ee1ON In accordance with the action cf the Federal Administration, the On- tario Government has issued a proclama- tion setting apart Sunday, February 16, as a day of "prayer and intercession to Almighty God that His blessings may rest upon the Peace Couferauce, and that under Itis direction and guidance its deliberations and conclusions may result in the establishment et a world- wide Peace," ADDITIONAL LOCALS MANY a person has taken a tulmIble during the past week on account of the icy sidewalks, coveted sometimes by it thin coating of snow. The A. Y, P. A. of St, John's chi -welt are having a sleigh drive followed by a Social in the church basement on St. Valentine's night, Friday. 34111 Inst. BANQUET 4'01( TILL• Solnit,Rs.»-'Ar- raugeneuts are being shade by tic con- gregations of Melville, the Methodist and Anglican churches, Brussels, to hold a Banquet in alio Methodist church Lecture, room on the evening of Tues- day, Feb. 2gth, for the returned soldiers of the 3 a(orenent)oucd congregations. Plans are being perfected and fuller particulars will be given next week,-