The Brussels Post, 1918-10-31, Page 8eee'ee +•+1-•+•+4t+0+•+•d+s4.04'O.1,1,+0+.+0+0+0+444440+0+++.+4+10+
Is Fi ht the "Flu" +
I sprays, c. ! Hexall Catdrrh Jelly41
o For the Throat and Nose +
Is Antiseptic and clears +
REXALL SORE THROAT Catarrhaaane. x
ATOMIZERS from 65c up: size: -2 c oe and $t.00 v
c I . 54 w
1 @3 Eucalyptus
ONINNO toetra
The Spanish Influenza, which is raging at the
present time, has been little short of a plague
in many parts of Canada, It is up to all of us
to do everything in our power to prevent the
spread of the disease. Here are some of the
things that are being used :
Comes in a handy tube, 35e.
Reliable Cough Medicines TONICS
Also Remedies for Severe Colds -
CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP Vinol $n.00 bottle •
Two sizes-2sc and 5oc, l Waln ole' • Cod Liveri
p s Oil, $l.00
BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE Rexall Prep. Cod Liver Oil, $r.00
' old
and oe. Scott's i
1 b ok s Emuls on cI o
5 & $
Cold Tablets ±
Your Prescriptions and Recipes. Carefully Filled, •
The ' .s Store Druggist and Stationer .+°r
+r,,e.04..+•+.+•+A+O+•+•+••i• •+• +++•+•+•+•+•+•+e+•+++•+•+9
a . t,,. A. car of corn was reeeiveci by R.
Y; a al t etas IttIU Thomson and George Mtrldoon, It was
y ffor feeding purposes.
A NEW water tank to supply the boiler
at the j. T. Wood knitting factory was
put in place this week.
A matron is wanted for the new Child-
ren's Shelter to be opened at Goderieh
for Huron County Children's Aid
Society. Read theeadvt in this issue
and if you think you can fill the bill ap-
jno. Patterson, who formerly was in
charge of the electric light plant, at
Brussels, died last week at Sudbury, of
influenza, A wife and family of small
children survive. John was a decent
Dm you read page 3 ?
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even-
READ the Local and District news on
page 3 of this issue.
DROPPING off the hour last Sunday
brought the evening darkness on very
How about that subscription to Tux
PoeTthat you have been intending to
attend to?
D. EWAN has rented his house adver-
tised in THE POST to Chris. Seel, who
reeeutly sold his home in the Northerly
section of Brussels.
BRUSSELS Monthly Horse Fairs will
come oe the program as usual this seas
on, the first date being Thursday, De-
cember sth, See list in this Issue or ge'
a bill of dates..
Hexer forget the Auction sale of Cat-
tle at +he Central Hotel yards, Brussels,
Saturday afternoon of this week, at 2
o+cluck, Read the advt. concerning
Sale on page r of this issue.
LAST week Sam. Weinstein shipped a
ear of scrap metal to Toronto and is now
on the outlook for another. He makes
a specialty of buying all kinds of furs.
See his advt, on another page.
ANNUAL meeting of all interested in
Brussels Horticultural Society will be
held Tuesday evening of next week at
8 o'clock in the Boardroom of the Pub-
lic Library. Help a good cause along
by yeller presence,
s Lslnas been veryfortunate in
escaping the influ b
P t;
enza epidemic that has
proved so disastrous to many places.
Probably the precautions taken in good
time may have had no small part in sic-
rouuting for our freedom.
Ownro to the epidemic a postpone-
ment of the: Supreme Court sitting for
Enron County, whiter was to be beld
• remember title, has been made to Janu-
ry (,lir The jurors have been notified
flat their attendance will not be requir.
45 `exalts Aro.-On the esth of Oct -
ter e, year ago snow fell in this local -
30' never let until following
y f u the fo low
Klee;. Farmers were unable to dig
their potatoes but the tubers came
hrour b the Winter all right and glad-
,lenad the heart of more than Irishmen.
t) t' t
EI(.liED PO Da.- 100 last
L N O da as
9 Y
,week an A I sample of White Elephant
potatoes was brought to THE Pose' from
the garden of Jno. Little, corner Prin-
cess and Queen streets. The 6 tubers
:scaled 9 pennds and would count for a
half dozen good meals for any average
Irishman. This record will not be beat-
en very easily from a village garden.
OWING 10 tile iliness of Walter Scott
and the Misses Hunter Postmaster Scott
had a %trenur,us time last week at the
postothce, The situation was relieved
by the appearance of Haft Clara Hunter
on Saturday, It's a busy spot for one
individual to look after. Mrs, G. H.
Samir, Mr. Scott's daughter, lent a band
until she was called to assist in caring
for bar brother, as it was impossible to
secure a trained nurse for several clays.
FINE Youivr. Lam, --Much sympathy
is felt in Sealant' for J. H. and Mrs,
Reid, in the loss of their only daughter,
Gertrude, wlto passed away from pneu-
monia, Miss Reid had gone to Welland
to train Mr a nurse and while there took
a cold which developed into Influenza,
She returned home at once and was
given every care but pneumonia set in
Inc which she succutnbed, Miss Reid
was a general favorite in Seaforth and
was an active member of the choir
of the Methodist church. Funer-
al was held on Sunday afternoon
service being taken by Rey. Mr. Moyer.
Mr, and Mrs. Reid were former residents
of Brussels years ago and are atilt well
remensberett by the older residents,
- GooD pigs, 4 weeks old, for sale.
Phone 8518. GEO. BATEMAN. Ethel,
ALL kinds of dressed poultry wanted, On
account of labor shortage we are paying extra
prices for dressed poultry and premium on
crate fatted chickens. For further particu-
lars 'phone 50. ROUT. TROMson.
beer In bush suitf able for woofor Rack le also
it ettor
sale. Apply to WE. MCCALLUM, MoXillop
twp. Phone 484.
5115 will buy a young sow and has month
old bull oaif. Good beet strain with sufficient
Jersey for good milk. If you are not satisfied
yon van keep the calf and return the cow one
month before next calving and receive 5100, 9
10 young pigs 0 weeks old. Phone 1118,
Roy TGAVEY, Morrie.
85 Leioeater Ewes for sale. Apply to GEosOE
DAvis, Lot 24, Con. 5, Morrie. Brussels P. 0.
DRIVING Horse, 7 years old, and Hres'Claes
2nd hand Buggy for sale. .Apply to
17-tf WM. LITTLE, Brussels.
14 pigs 5 weeks old for sale, T.ot 14, Oen, 5
Grey. . GE). FNAela Ethel P. 0,
a ; nor s of for a
Houma and 18 5 e o land sale, con-
n nil 1 ted. For rice terms Rib 8"
ve ie as
t0 ALExyBTEWART, Queen street Weet,pp y
18.8 Brussels,
AT a bargain price. One'aet'of second-hand
single harness. RICHARDS & 00.
FOR SALE. -Several well bred Leicester Ram
lambs. W. R. BROADPooT, Lot 2, Con, 15,
Phone 2710, Grey,
WE have the Celebrated GranbyRubbers.
They wear like iron, RICHARDS Co.
Codi. Heater for sale ata bargain. Apply to
DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Phyeiolan, visite
Brussels Monday afternoon of each Week,
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Visite residences, Consultation et
Queen's Hotel.
DORENWEND'S of Toronto, the emi.
Hent Hair Specialists will be at the
American Hotel, on Monday. November
Ith with a rand display ofthe
r sv s latest
g P Y
creations in hair goods. including ladies'
transformations, switches, pompadours,
waves, etc., and toupees and winis for
men who are bald. All those afflicted
with loss of hair are invited to this dis-
play when a free demonstration will be
A. McIlwain, a nephew of A. and Mrs,
McGuire, Brussels, died at Paris, sur-
vived by a wife and 3 children. De-
ceased was 35 years of age. The funer-
al took piece Sunday. Mr. and Mrs,
McGuire were also notified that another
nepbesv, Pte. Elmer McGuire, son of
Jno, McGuire, Belgrave, was killed
overseas. A large share of sorrow has
come to the McGuire home during the
past 6 months the 2 manly sous being in
the sad total of deaths.
Overt THE Tor -Canada's Victory
Loan campaign opened Monday. The
aim is to secure *500,000,000 and as
there is over billion dollars lying in the
savings banks of the country it should
be an easy matter to secure half of it for
national purposes when se% interest
will he paid. Iu addition to bei
wl i ad u n a
gilt-edged Investment the money will be
spent in Gamete to maintain prosperity,
and above all the money is needed to
back up our gallant men o1 the firing
line, They must not be forsaken. It is
therefore expected that everyone will go
the limit in investing in what is believed
will be Canada's last Victory Loan,
40 A; E 40
Meeere, Lott & McDonald will bold an
Auction Sale of 40 dead of (Attie at
The Central Hotel Yards
on Saturday, Nov, lad
5 Fresh Oowe with calf at foot,
5 Springer Cows,
15 Two-yeat•-nlde,
15 Yearlings.
All High-grade Cattle and in
good condition.
Lott & McDonald,
JAS. TAYLOR, Auc, Proprietors.
MAUDE 0, BRYANs announces her
office will be open, 'Thursday, Friday
and Saturday this week.
Augusto the last three weeks G. A
Deadman has been packing and fixing
up his bees for the Winter in Merlin.
'There were 34,e colonies which included
6 + for Mr. Jones, woo is at present in
1Viscousin, U. S A
CORDON MCDONALD is vacating the
Central Hotel and will move to the
apartments in the Grabens block. THE
POST is not aware of what will be done
with the Central. It is a well located
property and in a good state of preserva-
old and well known resident of Brussels
passed away to his reward last Tuesday
morning, in the person of David Heist,
of Albert street, aged 82 years. He
died on his birthday While he hacl not
enjoyed rugged health for many years
he sues usually able to be about and as-
sistin work in the garden and house,
at which he had few superiors. In his
earlier clays he was a carpenter and was
an industrious, honest going man, whose
only desire appeared to be to do right.
Mr, Heist is survived by his wife, and
3 sons, (William, of Atwood ; George, of
tr tford and Heory. a of Grindstone,
Mich.)Y scop,
John, a son living at Winthrop,
died a few weeks ago, The Heist home
has been a haven of rest to those who
wanted a good boarding house or those
who were old and feeble and the kindli-
ness,care and good housekeeping and
nursing received has been proverbial
for long years past. Mrs. Heist will be
left alone now, as far as her itumediate
family is concerned, although her sister,
Mrs. M. Doll and brother, George Ed-
wards, are residents of Brussels. The
funeral of Mr. Heist will be held Friday
afternoon at 2.3o o'clock with service
half an hour earlier. Interment in Brus-
sels cemetery. For a number of years
the deceased was an active member of
the Salvation Army when that body was
laborin g here but he has held adhereuce
to the Methodist church. The subject
of tbis notice was born in Puslinch
township, Waterloo Co , and was mar-
ried to Miss Martha Edwards, of Mc-
Gillivray township, Middlesex Co., on
ian. 19th, 1864 his note bereft partner,
, children were born to the home of
whom only 3 survive. Mr, and Mrs.
Heist celebrated their Golden Wedding
4 years ago. They had lived in Brus-
sels for the past 53 years and have en-
joyed the confidence of the community,
who svmpsthise with those now bereav-
ed. Mr. Heist's death was caused by an
injury he received 3 weeks ago. While
using a carpenter's brace and bit he split
his breast hone and at his age recovery
was likely to be slow but pneumonia and
a weak heart soon closed up the earthly
record. He was the eldest son of Mat-
thew and Catharine Heist and Iles 2
sisters still living, Mrs. Wm. Aguew, of
Clinton; and Mrs, Little, of Los Angel-
es, Cal. His deceased children are 1 no ,
Chas. and Sarah who reached manhood
and womanhood end Anuie, Benjamin
R. and Benjamin who died in iufnucy,
$ People We Talk About $$
tt t$
W C. Smith is home for a short visit.
He is employed tit Georgetown.
tlissjuneveTaylor has been quite ill
during the past week but is now pro-
gressing favorably,
Miss Gertrude Deadmen, is homefruni
Queen's College, Kingston, on 5ecennl
of the widespread character of the
Tom Armstrong is home from 'Toron-
to owing to his school being closed ou
account of the epidetnic.
Mrs, Erennan and 'Phos, and Mrs,
of Atwood. were visitors Hamilton,W t INst
week witNesbit and Mrs, Hamilton,
Mrs. Robert Kerr, who has been on
the sick list with bronchitis, is improv-
ing in Jtageltb we are pleased to state and
we hope she will soon he as well as e
Druggist and Mrs, Fred F. Wit on
who have been making their home in
'Toronto, are now residents of Windsor
Ontario, The former Is an old Brussels
Rev, Fred, and Mrs. Hueter and
family are here from the U. S. on a
visit to Mrs. A. Hunter, Thomas street.
the former's mother, The rev. gentle•
man is one of the town old boys and is
welcome back'
William -and Mrs. Wilton metered to
Hensall, last Sunday, to visit the latter's
mother, Mrs. McMartin, who bad re-
cently had a weak spell. The old lady
has been an invalid for years and hangs
on to life by a very brittle thread, She
is et tate honteof her son, Duncan Mc -
*Martin, at Hensall.
82 YEARS OLD. --Last Friday William
Marttes, and old and well known resident
of Brussels for the past so years, cele-
brated his 82nd birthday. His health is
consiclerably better than it was for a
time. Old friends extend hearty con-
grattnlatIons. Mr. Martin was born in
Paisley, Scotland and has been a square
G Henderson Mrs. George Hen 1 n sod children
were visiting with relatives at Seeforth
luring the past week. She has leased
her home in Brussels to her brother•in-
law, James Henderson, of MoKillop,
who purchased the dray business some
months ago, Mrs, Henderson and
family will remove to`Seafortb in the
near future.
H.T'D 1872
This Bank offers every facility in
the conduct of accounts, of manu-
facturers, farmers end merchants.
RAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch, 235
G. H. SAMIS, ®.CJ El Manager.
Died for the Empire
Leat week NI 'Re Florence McNaught-
on received the sad news that her
brother Pte. Harold W. Milburn, bad
given his life for his King and Country.
The messago stated :-"Deeply
regret to inform you that Pte, Harold
Wesley Milburn, infantry, officially
reported killed in action on Sept.
80th," He was a fine laddie, 23 years
of age, whose home was at Windsor,
He enlisted with a London unit and
went overseas last April. Pte, Milburn
visited occasionally in Brussels and
old friends here deeply regret to hear
of his demise and sympathise with
the bereaved. Deceased was a nephew
of Dr, J. A. and Mrs. MoNau on
bt of
Brussels, g
Saturday last Daniel B. McDonald,
butcher, of Brussels, was apprised of
the death of his son-in-law, William
Flook, of Chatham, who had spent
over a year in the trenches in France
fighting to overthrow autocracy. Ho
fell doing his duty on Friday, Oct.
11th and is survived by bis wife and
little son. Mr. Flook was only in his
23rd year. Mrs, Flook and her now
fatherless boy, who have been living
at Chatham, are expected to come to
Brussels for a while, in response to a
message from the parental home. De-
ceased is the second son of Pte. and
Mrs. Albert Flook to give his life for
the Empire. Lieut, Albert Flook, a
brother, was killed in action on Sep-
tember' 27th, and the news came on
the Sth of October the day before the
father returned from England, where
he had served for a year in a railway
construction unit. A. brother Pte.
Charles Bleak, is still in France,
On September 27Lh Corp. Alex. Mc-
Leod, who belonged to the 157111,
Simcoe Battalion, was killed in action
in France, He lead been overseas for
paet2 years. Deceaeod was at Pen-
nant, Sask., when he enlisted, having
a farm out there. He was 36 years of
age and unmarried. Corp. McLeod
was a brother to Mrs. (Dr.) White, of
Brussels, to whom sympathy will be
A Saskatoon paper of recent date
has the following notice regarding a
former Brusselite and a nephew of
W, F. Vaustone, of Wingham
"Corporal J. V. Good, M, M., was kil-
led in action yesterday, hie birthday,
He was 81 years old, Cpl. Good is the
son of Mrs, Mary Good and brother of
Mrs. J. F. Blackstock, 105 Poplar
Avenue. Op], Gond enlisted -with the
65th Battalion in 1016 and has served
as a Battalion runner since, He was
wounded ou August 25th of last year
but was able to return to the
trenches in December of that year,
Was slightly wounded abnut 3 weeks
ago. Cpl. Grind won the Military
Medal when he Wae recommended for
carrying meascigee on the Somme and
Vimy Ridge' ander shell fire, and on
the attack at the outskirts of Lens.
Previous to enlisting Opt. Gond was
employed in 0. T. Woodside's grocery.
He was born in Brussels, Ont., and
lived inS e a n e
a It tD m 10 els, He hoe 2
brothers in the army, Ila Harold a bug-
Y+ i
lar, tuba was gassed, wounded arul
taken a prisoner in April of 1015, He
has been working in a salt mine in
Germany since. W. J. Gond, who
was editor of the 1lfirro• Journal, Al-
berta, has been gassed, but has re-
aovere sufficiently a
d 911ft1C Ill to serve a m t
t e i eket
instructor in Brarnshot camp."
Political Men and Events
+1+4++d++l+++ +4+++q++'i++9i++t++l'+'1++84+4+ 441.
Mr. Hoyle, et well known 111. P. P.,
whoas former Immo was (1
tH1i1111 r (11
L 1
died last week in 7`o+onLn.
Dr. Jessup, the M. P. P, for Lin-
coln County for n good many years,
died last week. He was a
tive in poll Hes.
Liberal nominee, .1. J. Gaetz, is el-
ected for Red Deer, Alberta, by a maj•
ority of 879, His opponent, P. W,
Galbraith, a Unioniet-Independent,
lost his deposit,
The United Farmers' candidate in
Manitoulin Island Provincial bye
election, whose name erns Bowman,
was elected as auceesor to the late Mr,
Gamey, who was member for the past
15 years. Bowman was opposed Hard li a
stright Conservative supporter, y
The Toronto Daily News calls open
George Spotton, the so called inde-
pendent Ceueeevative candidate in
North Huron bye Election to poll out
and thereby leave the contest to Dr,
Case and Reeve W, H. Fraser. Mte
Spotton has not consented to comply
as far as we have heard.
Serge, McGregor, who has been Visit-
ingin town spent to months oversees
and was laid aside by trench fever incl
laid up for 6 months in English hospi-
tale, He is regaining his beak's.
Daring the past week Waller S. Scott
wee clangerously ill with pneumonia but
is now improving nicely and wdl•soon he
as hearty as ever his many friends hope,
He had a very close call for a few clays.
Church Chimes
Sunday without church makes the dry
drag wearily to those accustomed to at-
tend 2 or 3 services,
meeting of the Board of Health, held
Tuesday evening, it was decided to con-
tinue the closure of the various chnretles
for another Sunday and thereby es far
as possible ward off any danger of line
Reread of what we are pow free from, as
a nlunicipality,inflttenza Church goers
will not be deprived of having home
services of course.
Rev. A Lloyd Smith, pastor of Elan
street Methodist church, 'Toronto, has
been appointed Field Secretary of Horne
Missions for the Methodist Church of
Canada in successlou to Rev. A. C. elan-
ning, who succeeds the late Rev, James
Allen as General Secretary of Home
Iv i ion for the Methodist churcl
Iss s M 1,
Rev. Mr. Smith is a sop of Rev. A, 0
E. Smith, who was a junior pastor
at Brussels years ago, and who is now 0
living retired in the Hamilton Confer- •
.' Ma4+.v,Mx'. s„vM.5.5W+I,nl.-,^+SM14,, ,,iegOrMe+m.- ....rmov-vne+yr,.wl,J-...-r.,.wq.•,,,:ov,...q.
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Fox' Drug Store
Weekly St Ye Bulletin
THE ow 121'1[,lAIII,J';
Bio Ifr'i V.M R'sot
Cough Cure
'I'll10 "1D14A1 OVA'TI+;HMAN"
Fountain ren
Mnwno.-At Lomond, Alberta, on October 1st,
1518, to Mr. and Mrs. David Munro, (nee
Vera Ainley,) n eon, Ohne. David.
PL ,-In Brussels on October 23rd 1516 to
Air. and Mrs, 'Ernest G. Plum, a son -
Carl Sheldriok.
MITnELL-Roz9LL -In Toronto, on ootoher
28rd 1018, by Rev. Mr. Freeman, Mr. Ed-
ward L. Mittell to Miss Annie E., (daughter
of the late Charles and Elrs, Resell, of
Brussels) both of Clinton.
0111,511-Tn Ethel, on, retailer 281h, 1918, Annie
Lytle, daughter of Win. and Dirs. Clark,
aged 7 months and 5 days.
DDNOANBON-A, Grey township, on October
27th, 1918, Wm. Duncanson, aged 40 years,
1 month and 21 days,
HAIOT.-In Brussels, on October 2918, 1018,
David Heist. aged 82 years.
HDRSER.-It. England, Pte, Carman ,,as.
Roser, son of Rev. Dr. Rosser, of Harrow,
1n the 2105 year of his age.
HOPEER.-I', Morris, on Oct, 1701,, 1918, John
Milton Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3100.
Hopper, aged 80 years,
JOHNSTON.-At Walken, Sask., en October 2101,
1918, Agnes Mabel Robertson, beloved wife
of Stanley Johnston, aged 21 years, 9 mon-
ths and 12 days.
PATTERSON,-H, Sudbury on Qat. 241h, 1918
John Patterson, (Pornnerly of Wroxeter,)
aged 84 years.
RATnwsoL.-In Crsubrook, on October Gird,
1918, Celia A„ beloved daughter of Wm.
and Mrs. Ratlnvell, aged 27 years, 5 months,
and 19 days,
WIsiiN,-In Grey township, on October, 28rd,
1018, Grace Amelte Jane S eiran, beloved
wife of Albert Wieben MoHillo
fherP are many homes that will
not be without 0 and although
nonny or the ingredients entering
into ata composition have 51eatly
eelmi e('(1. ill price W( are et111 sell-
ing a 4 ounce bottle for 25e.
A splendid line of
Strap Haod Purses
Very handsomely gotten up,
ranging in price from Lt10 Lu $0.00.
The latest and most. t'Iiehionable
thing in Purses at the present Limn,
When yon find the above
stamped on a 1'e,, you can rely
upon it being a gond nue, in facie
one o1' the beat, eVe always
eau y 1t well assorted stock of
them ,...:.., 2,50 to 6 00
For 25 Cents
WOODBURY'S Shaving Stick
in every respect egnal to the
other makes thetL have HU grenG-
ly advanced in priee,..25c a stick
Mark Twain was very ill
one clay on a yarhLing cruise
and the Steward went to the
Author, as Ile Was desperate-
ly leaning 0VPL' the rail :
r, leunens can't Iget
something that might: help P"
"Yes I" answered the Au-
thor, "Get me a little is-
George Ade was once travelling
in Arabia, Ho lead as a companion rt
roan Who had' spent sevet•al years 111
that country. One evening they 11051
an old Ilam and Ade's friend started a
0nnversati,rn. After several inhumes
of fruitless effort he turned to Ade and
said : "I've spent plays ill learning the
Arabic language and yet 1 can't under-
stand a word he's saying." "Oh, 1
wouldn't warty," said Ade, consoling-
ly, "the old duffer hate lost all his
teeth, Ile is probably talking Gunn
P '- nsila,r ' (i, ,th Paste
'N view of the fact that a great many Tooth Pastes have considerate-
ly advanced In price its interesting to note then our most popular
t.9 Tooth Paste remains at the old price........,.. 25c per package
tl aaa FJ0000se avatrabanposeette0
s. F
TUESDAY, Nov. 5, -Perm stook, implements,
eta., t,ot 5, Con, 10, Groy township. Sale un-
reserved at 1 p. m. Jas. plclrndzenn, Proprie-
tor, John Purvis, Aim.
THURSDAY, Nov. 7TH. -Farm stook, Miele-
ntents, &0. , Lot 10, Con. 14, McEntee town.
ship. Sale at 1 p. In. W. S. Forbes, Prop. F.
S. Scott, Auo,
Fell Wheat $210
Spring Wheat...-. 2 05
Oats 76
Peas 2 25
Barley 1 00
Butter 48
Eggs 50
Hogs 10 70
Wool 05
14 00
1 50
p, g Potatoes per bag
27 years, 10 months mid 0' day. Wool (unwashed)
$2 10
2 05
2 26
110 The Annual Meeting of Brussels Hortfoultur.
4B el Society alt be held according to Statute on
60 the evening of Tuesday, November 5th in the
10 700 Public Library. All are weloome and urged
86 to attend. A. special invitation is extended to
15 00 the Indies,
1 50 TAS, FOX, President,
00 B. S. SCOTT, Seo.-Treas.
Applications Wanted
Applications wanted for the position of Mat-
ron of the Children's Shelter, for the County
of Huron, nt Goderieh, duties to commence
Deo, h -t, 1518. For particulate address
18.1 G. M. 'ELLIOTT,
County Secretary, Goderich.
Horticultural Society
•••••••••••••••A••••••Aedd ••OOA•••••••••••••••••A••O ++$e+$a44d••0••••••i••O••• •
°e0 Go g.II. fJ.... A C
et asp Price Cutting
The last 9 days of.our Monster Moving Sale are being made days of
unparalleled Price Slashing. The urgent necessity of clearing out our
Stock has caused us to make some especially marvellous offers for the
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