The Brussels Post, 1918-2-7, Page 1VOL. 46 .VO. 32 _ y'I.50 ]ler Afuu)U in Advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1918 W. H. R"ERR, Pra/rietar District ft MS Belgrave A. Patriotic Ooneerti under the age. pieta of the Pall inhe Snehety will be heli) hu the ForeeLot'a' 11x11, Feb, 16(11, A first-oletsa program is being ;meter- ed, ccneisting of ulnslcal numbers, reading, humorous play and panto - mine, Admission 25i, Rrset'ved Neel% 35i ebildron 15e, Plan opens 011 Saturday, Fob. Ihdl 1'W. If. Ih ipper's 11001', D0019 open et, 7, (Inocert 11t 8 o'ole1 k. Dns1) AT .t (1 001) 01,1) Anti —Last. Friday Etiwnril 13rynns, an 1111 '181- 08)111 u1' Ilto 41.h Iio-,1lorris teem:Mit), died in his 90th yea•. Ile had been in failing health fit' some there. !lie brother William pneeed away about a yea' ago. The beothers etre. snrViyed by (two sietel-s, Misses Maty and .lane. Fa"nlily came to Mortis over 50 years ago, beitlg natives of the Emerald Isle, Mr. 13ryatis' funeral. took piece Sunday 0tte(n00n, Ilev, Mo. Hawkins, of the Anglicno clutch conducting Lhe service. Interment was made ih) the Mc0t'ee burying genual adjoining 13tlgrave. Pneu- monia was the cause of death, MoncriefF Miss Annie Tarr, Monk ton, was visiting Miss InaMclCay for a few days. Mrs, \Vn1. Kelly and (laughter, Miss Ethel, of 13alagonia, Sesk., are enjoy- ing a holiday visit with relatives and old 11'iends. Signallet' hhner McKay, who joined the 310 Toronto Battalion and went overseas, hs now h1' 11'I(1nc0, fighting for Itis King and Empire, \Ve hope he will conte through unharmed. An Auction Sale of 8 steers, 3 heif- ers and 200 Itu311ei8 of oats will be held by August Maes, 1111 Lot 25, •Con, IS on Thursday afternoon of next week. le. S, Seat will be the Auctioneer. At the recent meeting of I -therm Dainty Council Reeve R. W. Living. RCM) 0511 elected to the Executive Committee and also appointed on a Special Committee dealing with the securing 00 a Shelter for Ohildten'a Aid Society. It came as quite a surprise to a good many people to learn that George Dunlap had disposed of his 50 acre farm, llit h Con., to Angus Carmichael an old resident .of the locality, and purposes with his daughter, Dliss Anna, to remove to his 01(1 home in Pennsylvania, Mr. Dunlop has lived in Grey for about 03 years and it is 17 yenta since he Carpo beck from the U. S. We a'e sorry to think of their leaving. 51iss Anna will he specially Missed in Knox church here where she has proven herself a most faithful and competent waterer in maty -a department. Dir, Carmichael paid $8000 for the farm 50(1 gels possession 1)1) Alai 011 Isl.. Mr. Dunlop will hold ii 1I nrilWc,(nr;inn sale tali Weab,eN(1N1y, Fel,.. 241 A welenmo-01810)1'here 18 Willi Mc- Neil, who wont \Vest 20 years ago arid thin 121 his 21)d v101L bottle, 11e has travelled over considerable country both 111 080101)1 and the 11(11100 Slates 5101 nee with Horny kinds of people. Mac, is still a hltchslur but Ito telling how alae!! -longer This condi Lim' tufty emit—Mee. Ills 1110oe MIAs McNaught came with hila Inial the West for a 01811. Jamestown 1[lI Auclion Pale will be held on '1'ueeda"y, Fele nary I941), at, Loo 56, Cil. 1, Mamba, (on the ]tntlan farm West. 1'l' here,) 141.1 p. 111, by .Jae, Ker- 11nig ham. 11'ar0( 8)1)1)13, 1ulplomeuts, tic., will be Mnetaled end 5)11e without• ('0110000.08 Iea811 Ills ex piled, &hiss 110(111:0108138 Demarers.—After at period 1,0 Severe illness Mrs, thigh Mose., 111' the 1st line of Motels, an8- 011011 4110 call, to which none can Ray Nay, at 12 o'clock last Monday, The trouble was cancer in the stomach, An opel'ation last -August gave relief but while considerably better for 5 time she soon began to show evi- (1011008 of inability to progress. De- ceased's maiden name was Margaret A. 13188111, Being the eldest daughter of the late John and Mts. Mason, 3rd line Mortis. She was born in Hullett township and was in her 541.11 year. 26 years ago the subject of this notice wa14 married to IOugh Moses, who, with a 8011, .10110, survives, MIS. 511408 '058 111 imdn5tei0ns, kindly natured main, who enjey1'rl the 08tee111 of a )Vide (trolL of relat1008 and ft kinds. The funeral took place to 13russele cemetery Wednesday afternoon of this week, the service being conducted by Rev. A. 3. Mann, Beuesely, pastor of deceased. The bereaved are deeply sympathised with in their 501'1'010. Molesworth MRs. lieu. Mc[AMIN AN 1)1tr,EASIOD.— ItIs one sad duty this week to vaunt] the death of a fine woman of this neighbors hood in the poison of Rebec- ca Earls, beloved wife of ,Ino, Mc- Lennan, tv]tich took place - last Mon- day at her tome, Con. 1, Grey town- ship, Deceased had been ailing foe about a year., cancer in the neck being the trouble. An operation was per- foemed last October but only tempor- ary relief were gained -thereby. Mts. McLennan was horn in Ireland and the fondly have lived in 01 e for the past 30 years, about 1011101) time Mr. and Mrs. McLennan w(tre 1)18 ied. She is survived by 1101. husband, 4 80)18 (4Vun. J., Andrew E, Robt. J , and David, all of Grey) ald 5 daughters (Mrs. W. G. McBride, of Hanover, Ont. ; Mrs. Jes. Wright, Ethel ; and Misses Sarah 111 , Ja(e ald Sophia at. home) ; Robt. Earls, Wroxeter and 'l -+++++++++++++++44++++•i•4.+4" 4-144.44.4-44+4.44-+++++++++++++ •1• d - ,p e• ST �a�rrfAi�tstro�s a 3, TAKRIG AL( +44 ,. .,. .. , Commencing Thursday, Feb. 7th Bargains at raibroak Wall Paper at Cost We are going out of Wall Paper and are selling it at cost. Have a large assortment of pretty designs suitable for Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining -room or Parlor, Call and look over our stock. Specials in Groceries —11 lbs. oi' Sugar for' $1 00 —Purity Oat) Meal 1)01'sttck $225 —001,11 Flakes, 5 pkgs. for 500 --Shredded Wheat 901 box 13c —All Laundry Soap, 4 bars for 25c —5 Ib, pail Table Syrup 550 --Black Tea, reg. 60c per Ib , 45e —Green Tea, rel;. 50c pee 1b., 85(4 —Itais1ns (seeded) 2 plugs, f 1. 25o —1 Ib. tin Ruse l4akiog,.Powder reg, 20e, 3 tins foe 60c —1 Ibs, Silts 1'111 25e Specials in Dry Goods '1' —Big reduction in Melee and \Vnmen's All W'n1 ! lvoatees, regular $5.50, Sale price $4,75, 'i'—Full assortment ol'OhiIlllimes Sweat ore at1ll%ori, • —Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Under )year, repine 85e foe 75n. r', 10% e 1't 1 Women's l.' —\V1. will give 1P 1 Men's, a \V 1'r u s and (. irl(1'rau'S n11erwveav u a5 we have oo large a stnrk,tn carr .0050. y s, Y I.' Flannelettes e. Ra 1L I( '11 I->4 —Shirtin R Towelling, , 1 1 el Lt and PI 1 Le 'Phase lines were ' "tat 1 t a o ) bought before LI td v tic s will be able t0 v(. (u 1118m at '1', the 1ef Y L (d price, 11 —Men's Shirts, Mitts, Ottps and Hoeiery all at the lid print's, *.t, —10 pet' cent cis our largo stock of Shoes and 11ubbeis, •l• 4. 4. • IIi .hest Prices for Produce. � g � Oran book t Phone 5210 FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND, A. Leitch ion. }I+ +d++++++,1,++,1,•1,+44.4.4 •a d•+++++4.+ ++4•++++4'++++++4' 4'++++++++4.4. leo. A., of Hnwiek, 1110 brut It )'i lel de00ased, The fu(1o•51 10011 pales Thursday al'u'1.110011 i l' IIlk week to Mole8wor11) °meeL0,y, The Mmbjeftt of this Withal wvas a 411(11 wile, gond mother and as fine a iieighhot. as anybody would ash. 7 b1. tinnily fireas8hr0d 0f the wnL'alest sympathy of the somrnuhily in the pa88mlg away of their dear one. Mos. McLennan 10118 in her 59111 year, A Red 011185 antet'taintneut is being arranged for by the young folk of Forestville, to be held in the school house or No, 16, 13oundery, on the evening of February 22nd, Good program of literary and musical selec- tions i8 being prepared and the pt0- ceed8 401!1 b11 handed over foe 11ed 01'054 90)908es. Accimmodatiou will be 111•rahge(1 3111''1110 pare of horses by ppuple who have to drive. A gond time is peomised Mo dan'L• miss it. Leadb u ry 1'nwvnshhp Cnllneil 1%111111001 at Sea. forth Cnunnerolal Hotel, Friday after- noon of this week. - Lradimey school had a holiday last Week a1. el 14e Forbes, the teacher, was 11n I110Bhek Inst with the grippe, 0(1sKillop Telephone Oompany held their annual meeting at Winthrop, with a fair attendance. Jas. Snell, Preeklent was hu the chair, Financial Statement of the Auditors showed a small balance in band. Following Oollmissinners were elected 1—Sao. Mc0oul, Clots. McGregor, Geo, Earn and 3. M. Govenlock. At a subse- quent meeting of the Cotnl11158ioners lar. M,•0oo1 10418 chosen President ; Mr. Been Treasilter ; and Mr. Cloven - look, Seoreta'y, Morris Next meeting of Morris township Council will be held next Monday, Signaller Gordon Ferguson, son of W. H. and Mrs. Ferguson, 5111 line, is now in England. He belongs to the Princess Pats. Gordon enjoyed the voyage. Huron Co. Children's Aid Society was granted $25 00 by_the Township Council and the Sick Children's Hos- pital, 'Toronto, $10 00, Both deserving Mete talons. Officiary of Morris township for 1918 consists of—A. McEwen, Clerk ; A. Shaw, Treasurer; Thos. Miller, As- sess,' ; D. Laidlaw and W. Abram, Sanitary Inape(ito)s ; Dr. Bryals, Medical Health Officer ; H. Johnsnn re-elected Member I3oad of Health ; R. Johnston and Peter McNabb, Audi- tnrs. Printing was awarded to TLE BRUSSELS POST. We notice that A. H. Onchl'tule, formerly of the 3rd line, who has been with the Waterloo Manufacturing Company foe years, is a member of the town Council. He is Chairman of the Finance and Printing Oommittee and also a member of Flee and Light Committee and the Tree Committee this 78111' 80 will have his spare time well occupied but he'll "get there" all nigh t. The fine 150 am'e farm of the late Albert Howlel1, 71.13 line, has been sold by the executors, Messrs. 'Taylor and Sanderson,. to Lents Hollinger, Brussels, the price being $9,000. This is one of the best Parnas in the town- ship, in A 1 shape and M-1'. Ilollinger. I and 1L hustlers 1 a t family who arta n work ( w tk should do well nn it. The purchaser gets possession in the near future A 0188).111g Auction Sale of Fttiln alma, implements, &a, will be by the executors on Thursd) y 21st Meat, See 11004. in .this issue. Grey Don't forget about the '1yeranan Auction Sale. Don't forget ,T. P. Mr'Kay's big Auc- tion Sale next Wednesday afternoon, Stn Gun, '1.9je Auction Sale at Dickson Bens,, 11th 00n., last l0l'iday afternoon, was u good one totalling well Op to $5 000, Mrs, Morish, of Oxbow, 131an,. is Imre 00 a visit to her 'ister. Mrs. H. Tyorinan. 141'. Dau) Ash has gone fur- ther East1 to vigil hie relatives• • It le said Oliver 11enlingtvety, 10111 000 , has pulohased the 60 acre 15110 of L. 140161 1g)% on the Rattle Ono„ 2 Panne 17•ts, of homestead. Price is said to he $8,500 Dr, 11 h, '1') croon, (11' Brock, Sask., was at wolcotne visitor Ott t he parental (tome. 11e event to New York from here to take a 8peciltl 0011)80 in 1(0))' 1181(13)111 with his profession. We wish hint the surrats he desires. A NNOUNOttarti NT.—The .marriage of L(tllla G., only daughter of Geo, and tins. Spoiran, Grey township, to Stanley .l. A. Hammond, win of'J3hos, I!7, 1111(1 Mr's, Hammond, of Elmo, will take place quietly the middle of Feb - rue 1'y. Donald McNeil has leased has 100 'totem on the 141)13) Con.. to Lynn Evans and willt.t f k a t1 test from fanning, largely on account of Llhe poor health f his mother, whom Ave hope will soon regain 1101 former vigor. An Auction Sale of Farm Stock, imple- ments, 41.,, will beheld by Mr. McNeil or Tuesday Peb. 20. The McNeils are old residents of Grey township and well knowntil h. C o a reader " a of Tee Y L'os'e. ex -Deputy Reeve John Brown, writing fenrrl Hudson, Wisconsin, U, S., 01) Jai. 27131, said he and Mrs. B@osv11 were leaving there and ex- pected to get hone thi8 week. Left Monnaie, on Jan. 711), being delayed' 041 account of a bad cold Mrs. Brown had contracted and which kept flet' in bed for a week. Got to Dakota to David Brown's (a brother) o1) Jan. 10th and on the left 2 f 1 th fob an uncle's Wul. 1tttddow, and 11040 there to River Falls to see Robt. Brown and family 1(11)1 then homeward,. Weath- er was fine in Montana when we left, Mr, Brown says, cold in Dakota and in Wisconsin it 118 6010 but clear. Me. and Mrs. Berwyn teat/oiled about considerably while away through Oanada aid the United Spates and Waiton Business Places Owing to the 1egulalinus of the Fuel Controller all Walton business planes will be closed from SATURDAY NOON, FEB. 1Tcn., UNTIL 1'TJ I JeDAY MORNING of next week. Customers would do well to govern themselves neenrding- ly in :the way or supplying their needs in advance. met many nl(1 friends and argnaiul- ahces, The trip was t1)) enjiyeble one and will no doubt do the travellers good. Ethel Grey township Council will meet next Monday in the Township 1•lall, Lockett Dane left for Niagara where he is taking 1t position in a chair fac- tory. The Girl's Patriotic Olnb will meet. at Miss Della 1McKee's next elonday night at 7.30 Annual meet ig of Ethel cheese f5rtiu•y will be hell in the Township Hall here at 2 o'clock, Satiteday of this week. All interested are asked to 5t10ud. Small Wavle and white- hound with brown head strayed on promises (10 unjlersigued. Owner Is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take Ilio away. Walton Last Finlay afternoon Rev. 14. A. Lundy was at Brussels conducting the preparatory service to the Com- tnun1on hu the Presbyterian church. The woi.k Oontest for the Red Cross will conclude the end of Febinary in- stead of close of March. No imnre material will be given out for. the con- test. All work must be in by the last; of February and all unused yarl) to be returned to complete socks not finish- ed. 'felts will be resumed next week, A clearing Auction Sale of Farrah stock, implements, 40,, is announced by Wm, Robb, who lives a short dis- tance South of Walton, for Friday, 22nd 1051•., at 1 p. 111. F. S. Scott will be Auctioneer. Me. Robb las sold his fat m and will remove to Brussels, after the sale, where he has purchased a comfortable home. - Rev. A, eloNABB Revel -ea mom UNDERWOOD threnMI,—B.ev. A. Mc- Nabb, 90,810' of Underwood Presby- terian church, formerly of Whlten, announced his intention of retiring from the Underwood congregation in order that he may be nearer a High School. It was with regret 11he1t the announcement was received as Mt. and Mrs. McNabb have been much ap- preciated told p d 511 e were always read to assist in fuethl,ring any good cause. The reverend gentleman 1011s a form- er pastor of Duff's church, puler to Rev. R. A. Lundy and old friends hope he will get what he is seeking for.V Oranbrook 61.81110 oak young peepl8 are good' patrons to Brussels skating rink. Deputy Reeve el eNabh is a member of the Oo. Prop e•ty (311114(111 t,Lee ((31 the (Jo. Council. . The fine lawny 1)r Wm. Ferric are otfeled for sale. See the notice in another column. (Messes. Leitch & Son a 1. tut ooune- ing a Bargain Sale (luting the next 15 days t •f stock-wlc i ig. 'l'hei r ata 01.1 l Ise- llheut quote.; Rome 1'l' many tt'Ivant- ages they fifer. 1tead the advt. A I.lt'nw111 ly0p(1l ler 811('11 of a I'm mar resident :—Itev, .1 le, Knight, (11th" ohtetacteei81 he 011(1 gy ha, h 110'0 (mite a 'umbel. nl' lags Peon Iii'• r.0uutty, which, we believe he 1,,te1,(18 834(111y turning into 11;mud ltu"g0 d+t entity of firewood through tie medium of a 55)ving bee. \Vi11. meg-AN-4)m —ylt'R tV11t. 540, Kay, of this place, 0)!) is spending the Win Ler at. Lhe home of her soh, Adana McKay,. Seafo)'lh, received tt telegta1) from Philadelphia statin that her son, Win. McKay, had (lied in that city on ,January 19111, and ask. ing instructions as to disposition of the body. Following the reply awe - sage the casket arrived g td at Seaforth on the 24111 tilt., accompanied iv a mem- ber of the Iron Workers' Tlninn aid two brothers of deceased from Niagara Palle, N. Y., who Whet the remains at Bntl'a1), Fuuetal serVine, wns held Friday evening at Adam Mellay's Thome by Rev. Mr. Lat kith Seaf0rth, and interment took place here the Saturday following, Rev, 1. L. Mc- Oullooh officiating. g Deceased was Lin youngest son of the family and he had been home to visit his mother and other relatives )end friends for 2 woel(5 last Summer. 'J.'he only information received as to cause of death was that it was from a gas 1105tee in his room. Mr. McKay was a structural blot worker and a geed mechanic!. He ie survived by his mother, 8 brothers and 4 sieter5, Mrs, R. L. DI cDonald, of this locality, is one of the lett et., All share in the sympathy of the community. SAVE,nioney by reacting the advet•tise- MOMS to see whale the 1)8rge100 are WE don't require to go to the North polo for a freeee out as the cold dipped to 32 degrees below zero Monday night, 210 reliable registers say, Dominion Permanent loan Co. The Woe' ng 0f 1111'410,121 ..I' 1110 111 ,00 01.11 known (Mtpa'ly, whose 11 ('1)1.•e. was 111'i'••rn1,l.•end 1.11• handing of the. business 1111(1 the 11,Lnd" of the Assignee last week, weal 1-(1 much talk 411(1 nn 4lnall anxiety ho dein lo- ('111ily Ms mt+tiy, Bt•tissels ion i1) the uualhel, Worefiat Irially 101,•1- e,4NI in 1heil' d06,•nl111''1 1' ail s:1gnre 0141.1c8On'6st•LI •mnvll i4 ('111It. .unlit(,( lit Ile ea11 110.,'1.(,1 '0(01,111.4! 1110 1 '1,1 re014 Alit/114141,4' \Irl'hilip: f11ink4 dollar roe dollar 'Mould- he tellu'10,1, 4, Sent) wag the Inial agent. here. 5nd wee el' 8111 wised (then he revel vett a t elegre in 1)f' t he 5e"I g1' u10u 1, (,(IIs ol' 11)0111 da1.0 dehenlure4 and large. Mae :1.1110rue in the \Vest not et eeeent realizable, °Mug to lnnralm•- hens anti other reasons i4 said Ln be I1' (aloe.., hope h • W. h p }' good ml.wage. cent 1'1' 1111' llnanees 1h:11 both deben- Inre h;,Idere mid shareholders will r•e- wive their ntvn before tlo+ 1111141' of 11n(i1y ulnil(h8. The lie.ilp of the Dominion Per- inemer t is nlum)st 5)1.10 to le hug 10..01 h'0' [(Rion to p111814 all Lean and In- vestnlentCompaniee in (311115115 antler government control, which will be a good move for both the (30ruplul1cs and the patine generally. Brussels Council 'Phe regular 11401)01y meeting 1'l' Brussels Onuneil was held last Mon- day evening in the Council chambeu, Prevent, Reeve Plus) and Com10iller5 Wilton, Fraser and Best. Minutes of last meeting read and priced. Accounts were paid as fellows :— Bert. Whittled, work at coal,..$ 1 91 inn. \Vtight, exp)ems 2 79 W. A. Lowry, tank rent......... 4 410 R. Oliver, salary.. , 415 00 R, Seeling, wood for Hall 7 00 Anderson Bros„welghnlastels 50 ((0 Anderson Bros., snots plowing 8 00 R. Thuell, salary and rent, Electric light ..-.,120 00 Electric light repairs. 20$ 00 A. Strachan, Treas.' salary65 00 R. McKay, refund of taxes 6 95 3. Ferguson, Auditor 10 01) N. F. Gerry, Anditor. .. ,10 00 Assessor Long asked for an increase of $10,00 on salary. No action. A long discussion took place be- tween R. T1111011 and the Board as to the management of the Light plane and increase of salary, Present ar- rangement stands in the meantime. Gen. McNichol asked about cutting tees on lillizabeth and Frederick streets, alongside his Int. The Street Committee to decide. Councillor Wilton asked concerning Inge elms 00 the river bank near Bowling lawn, that have been undermined by the river, The town's investment of $4000 in the Dominion Permanent Loan Oo. was talked over and the matter left in abeyance until Assig- nee's 1 eport is presented. Receipts from weigh scales for month of ,January were $29,45, Ouuneil then adjourned. - Pte. Geo Inglis Writes from England Concerning Pte. Robert Lawson The following is a copy of a letter received by Mrs. \Vm. Kenley, 0(1oeri8 township, from Pte. Goo. Inglis, to- nging to Pte. Robot Lawson DEAR MRs KERNEY,—I now tnlce the opportunity of writing you, although I do not know you personally. Have known Bob (Lawson) well in the past year as be was al way with me, except when working with 1111. tunnelling Company, \Vo cane back just be-, fore We went 13p to Passcliencl tae and on the morning of the 20111 we "went over” together, he being right beside me. Got along fine bit the Company of olu' left was held up and started to retire. When we sant this and we 1weee in advance of them, we stopped and began to go back a little too. Bob, got hack the (hist' 100 yards all eight, as 1 stayed and wakened him. but iii the ronfusi0n that followed I lost sight of him altogether, as I got hit just as we got batt( so do not know where Bob went, I lead in the cas- ualty list that he wile ol15sing, I doh'( think 1113 could be taken prisoner as lie got back quite a distales. ' The weatketahad been awful, with mud up to your knees, with shell boles toll of water to the top. I wrote one of the fellows after T carne neer here (Bath, linglnii l \Pru' hospital) asking about 13011 but received no re- ply. Bob was the that one 1 thought of and not haying seen hint it made me feel doubtful. There was only a fewleft in the )3attalioi one hardly so knows who to write to. 131b was well liked by all who knew hint and was sure well known in the Battalion, 1110001 nlef anyone to whom( I was so attached: Mother was saying in live letter thea ale had 110011 mit to see you. l 11,111 01.1 )' glad Dir that and if T he pp et t0 he Incicy and get hack I will 1.r t foler'P, you. Have had a very 1111'0 111110 abler I cane here, but, my w0nnil is not new- ly heisted yet, while my band is better I can't grip 511ything neatly' so (Vel] (18 100(11d 11110 4100'4 know Whether you I 14n' not, will ho able to rlluke 1111 11111 1 Bob saw "Soot Lie" Anoint. (Br,ssels) the night before he well( op the line, He need to often speak about. him, Well 1 Will rinse for this time hop- ing to 1>ea' from you in the 11011r fatten. Will write if 1' tear sly word of Bob, I remain your reiend, Gheo..TNc+r.4s, War Hospital, l3akln, JIng., Jen, 6, 1018. 3 Heatless Days toat W' �t r With Saturday, bunchy and Monday all business houses hu Ontario, in- dustries and stores, except food anti newl+papet' plants, 11.0 ordered 10 010140 by Fuel Controller C. A. M..11,'t11), t,1' a6 10 puns eve 101 a(1d1'xelnd- ('(1. 11,•.(0)' Idles 1411)1 ilnpl'INo11- tneuL al 0pcoto14elI t'or 111061, whod1ubey, An Order-in-Cuuhcil at Ottawa backs 11p the demand. I3tuls(libeM will no doubt fall in Hue and observe the command for Saturday 11nc1 Monday. 'I'ite pub- lic should 1)1113851 buai0es8 with the facts before theist and Save an- uoyauee and (lisapianiit1nem [, Huron County council Notes Council is composed of $1 members, all of whom were present. Most of them were there last year or on form- er 0cca51nns. Reeve W. R. Elliott, Reeve ,,f Stephen township, was elect- ed Warden, defeating Reeve Lobb, (1 ,110141111 townshi9, by o)te vote. A new County Clerk, in tate person of O. Bohner', wag in Co, Clerk Lane's eletir, the tauter prrmutiug to the Treasurership as sueressor to the late 1)r. W. J, R. Hulme.+. The fetrlking Cnululitt08 arranged the standing Committees for the year its follows :— Executive Committee — Cleo, C. Petty, ,J. N. Campbell, R. W. Living- stone, Jas, A. Fold, S. '9, Plum. Special Gonnnittee—A, 111, Erwin, M. Armstrong, John Douglas, \V. H. Fraser, Joseph Hackett. Finance Committee—B. W. F. Beaver's, P. Harburn, A. Tinting, J. M. Govenlock, John k, ,J hu Laporte. Education 00100111tee—John Love, J. 0. Lallhwaite, H, Crich, J. McKin- ley, T, K. Powell, Road and Bridge Committee—W, H. Lobb, Gordon Young, N. A. Tay- lor, Jns. Dalton, J. Mallough. County Property - W. hi'. Clark, Thos, Brock, J. McNabb, W. J, Spot - ton, R. Harding. House of Refuge—J, 0. McKinley, Thos. Brack, J. C. Laithwaite, B. W. P. Beaver's, Warden's Committee --R. Harding, Geo. O. Petty, T. K. Powell. J. M. Govenlock, M. Armstrong, • There are always many communica- tions, requests, applicatinus, &c„ at January 0ession and these are read in whole 1)r part and passed along to the respective committees to be dealt with. Aiming some of the noteworthy de- cisions 50118 tae agreement to have a County Representative whose head- quarters will be at Clinton ; to cut out many of the customary grants to Agricultural Societies, Institutes, Libraries, Fairs and the like o1 ae- ennnt of the grants to patriotic and Red Dross projects ; to endeavor to arrange with some neighboring Conn - f)' t for a Shelter b• 5 e tel 1 t the 1' Coun- ty .joint Oltl dren's Atd Society. The Warden, Clerk and Reeves 'Ctpliug and Living- stone were appointed Committee to report; the Good Roads Movement to be pushed and' that Reeves Govenlock, Brock and Harding be the Co. Gom- tuilsi0nere. The School Inspector's reports were fell of interesting matter, Tee PosT gives place; to Inspector Field's next week, Bonds of the 000111y Treasurer for $50,000 were accepted, $25,000 9era011- al and $25,000 Canadian Security On. Toronto. Comity pays the annual premum of $100 on the )atter. Among the visitors at the Oo. Ooun- oil were Aar, Kelso, "Provincial Super- inte11deut of Neglected clhilnrei and Huber, of the Peovinc15l Good Roads department, who addressed the representatives. Among the appointments were 1— Audlto's, A. Omens, \Vingball and P. Cantelon, Clinton. Board of Ori111- inel Audit, Olerk Holman and ,T, A, Ford, sleeve Lobb goes to the (food Roads Convention at Toronto. Gode- rich Signal got the 00, printing for 1918. Oaretakee D1c0reath was grant- ed $100 addition to salary, which will now be $1i50 play sessional allowance during County Cornell sessions. W. L. Elliott, Sas, 1\1celath, W. liartry, and De. Redmond were appointed I'rnstees to Collegiates at Goderich, Olinton, Seafofth and Winghnul. Greets 1•!1' . n Co.( 8 were e made f $500 to the G Children's Aid ; $10,0011 to the Red (cross Societies of )myon ; High School and Continuation School grants same ern,tlllle 11.8 1+141 year ; $306 to Y. M. 0, A. for soldiers cotnfort8 ; 5500 melt to at ,els 1108F t C de.r)1 stn r' oh and Wing - ham, $10 foe flowers to Court Hoose equate and $15 )membership fee to Good Roads Association. Time 0,1•0 11 prisoners in the 00, jail, A very b 1)l) sensible n to 1'e5ol 'n 04421 n•0- 1 pose(! calling alaentiotl of 4110 folly of continuing the heavy expense in Him - on and other 0001111es i1) maintaining a jail, nflieei'8, &C„ where i11 Metes eta few and 00010 Intensity combined with other Counties. The wiping out of the liquor 1(51)10 is credited with a gond share. 1'r the rodnetion. Council adjntmlted a1, noon on 13313 - day to meet, tiext June. LETTER 011)1' BAITER W. H, (:cox TO Tits SISTER,-- Writing ("rote "Some- where in France" Mr. Cook laments the 1)0l1 -arrival of hhrthday and other boxes Rat had been forwarded to him, He says be gets 'Thai BRUSSELS I'o,RT, "which is very welcome (0 any soldier from that locality." Weather 18 cold and rough but bot much rain. Expect to get leave and will visit Old Blighty. 0 is ant all smooth y,"(lig in a -01110 1'1' Ile. Billy say., d nt't send any more parcels a4 they cos. vett 'Ino nitlell and 0011'1 r43>411 me 80101 I'D W. Canada v dqvery proud of "ler sons if She '-0(1101 see what they are 00111g for her. 1 honestly believe they stand supreme. They call us the ''13,agboys " Remem- ber me to the olcl Blends in and around Bruseels. I have a slight cold but bops :loon to ben k. Board of Agriculture Meetings Thursday sad Friday, Jam 24 and were the dittos of the meetings for Brus- sels, under the auspices of East Huron limed of Agricniture Weather was cold and toads none too good, hence 1 he Attend:nce was small, al'li ugl), scores could have got there no doubt if they were 5)' determined Io the ab(.euti 01 Ames Smith, the President. Secretary, P. A. McArthur, 0eeupied the chair very sats-facterily. 1, W. Clark, of Cainsville, was 00 hand and discussed various prtblem5 of interest et the farmer ti -day. S. B, Smith, oI 4lnithvii!e, one if the speak- ers auimenced W05 unable to an end. In the evening Mr (11e113 spoke 0(1 Poultry, dealing 011180with e•ng pro- ductunl. Mr Schaefer, of Guelph, dealt with the Dairy cow, illustrating Ills topic by lantern views. Mrs- Parsons, who had addressed the Women's Ic- stitute in theafrern000, gave an h0tere11t- hng uccouut of a tom through Northern Ontario. A choice piano duet 4001 player1 by Miss Minerva Jones and Miss Ruth Sinclair au1 F. H. Gilroy snug a good song. Furley afternoon Mr. Clark's topic was Fertilizers and Mr. Schafer dealt with 13reedint; pure heeds, provoking c.nyiderable discussion. Unless a better season for bolding these meetings eau be arranged and a wider interest evidenced it Woks almost like a waste of money to carry them an. Some were wondering wily the various Farmers' Clubs do not boom these gatberiugs as they are right in their line. The proposed evening session was withdrawn a1d Mrs Parlous spoke to a gathering of ladies at the berme of Mrs, D. C Ross, of which TWE Posr reported last week, Church Chimes Melville church Sundav School for- warded to Toronto for the Armeo'ao Fund the sum of $78 00. Brussels Methodist School seal $53,00 The Official Board of the Listowel Methodist church has invitt<l Rev, W, E. Milison, of Grace church, St, Thomas, to succeed Rev. J. E. J. Mill - yard, who has accepted a call to Kings- ville. Both are 35(1 year mea. The Hamilton and London Synod and also the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church of Canada will con- vene in Landau in April and June re- spectively. $ People We Talk About $$ t$ D. M Scott, Grand Repels, is hove on a short vieit Colin McAllhur is visiting his sister at Lucknow locality. Mass lila Bailey is visiting relatives and friends i0 Toronto, Miss Iva Speirao was visiting Miss Beatrice Whitfield fir the week end. - Miss Margaret Robinson hes been visiting in Mouerieff and Mockton localities Mrs. D. 13. Moore and Miss jean, William street, have gone on a visit to Toronto friends, O. G. and Mrs Martin returned to their home at Buffalo this week. Call- ing at Kitchener, Harold Milburn, of Windsor, is here on a holiday visit with his sister, Miss Florence McNaughton 0. C. Manners was off duty for a few days from the prevailing sore throat end grippe that is bothering so many, Miss F, Scott, Colliugwood, is the guest of 13. S. and Mrs, Scott, The visitor is a sister of Mr. Scott's. Mrs, John Rogers and Mrs. 'Thos, Hamilton of Atwood, were visitors with Mrs. Nesbit Hatelion i11 town last week. Mrs P. 5 Scott was precariously ill last week hut has rallied somewhat. Her condition is the cause of much anxiety, Tito. Ross, of Argyle, Mich , is reuew- ing old friendships in this locality, He is a nephew of Alex, and Mrs, Ross, Princess street. J. E and Mrs. Stewart, of Red Deer, Alta„ were renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality, Miss Mae Stew- art, their niece, of Listowel, accompan- ies them to the West for a visit. Juo, and Mrs, Bruce, of Saskatche- wan and their danghtcr, Mrs. Goddard, of Bright, Out., have been visiting J. and Mrs, Evans, Brussels and other relatives and olcl (Thence. Mrs, Bruce aid Mrs, Evans are sisters Mrs. Wilbee sr., has been seriously ill this week and Is still in a precarious condition. She is go years of age and hes been a wonderfully smart 010 Indy. Mrs. Wilbee mattes her home with her dattehter, Mrs, P, Ame111, where she is well looked after. burs. Lorne Dunfod end children are visiting et 1110 home of E. 0, Rud Mrs. Do0f0r(1, 13rnssels 'Their home has been in Portage la Prairie, Man,, but Mr. Dunford, who le expected here shortly, purposes locating in Detroit as the West is not agreeing any too well With his health. Lieut, Vernon Ross was home from St. Thomas for Ilia last leave before going overseas as be has to report oh Friday. Ile is the youngest son or D. 0, and Mrs, Ross, of town and goes with the Dental Corps. Many old Mende wish him Godspeed end a safe retire, -