The Brussels Post, 1938-11-9, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNIDS A,Y, NAY1 MA1R Jt11r OST An Additi nal 3 Months on Subscription [15 Months for $1.50] To each old subscriber or prospective new subscriber INSTEAD of giving an outsider a job or putting on a campaign. 2111®■■■13■■■■11® ■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■t�■■®�■I 91111.11110111RMIEUESIIIMMINIIIMMIll THIS OFFER STARTS — - Thurs., Nov. 3 - TO - Sat., Dec. 3 �r■s■■■■f■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i■■J■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ? REASONS 3 REASONS ? ? +':N,».«,Hs✓+roN:'.»ABS+A*It✓M;!i»,k:=:v:.,:'r',"," w"..fi+»..'r:::_:�3:F+M:3'd«' ? F very reader of the Post f reaps the benefit by being one of the many who share the mess- ages of the advertisers f xn g£ Y. tei :_: 3: Previously we have staged subscription campaigns in which 4. only a few were winners :_ 4: This offer allow each a f share. rot Your community is what you make it. Your local paper represents yourcommunity.Boost- ing your local paper you 3 boost your community. f. Tell Your Neighbors and Friends