The Brussels Post, 1938-11-9, Page 10:theru�tt
g cop,
Uuited Church Town Council
Anniversary Is
Largely Attended
Large congregations worshtipped
in Brussels United Church on the
occasion of their Anniversary Sun-
day, November 6th. 'Rev, J, ,P,
MacLeod a former beloved Minister
of Melville Church came from
Weston to deliver the special mes-
sages of the day. He was accom-
panied by Mrs. MacLeod and their
children Dorothy and Knox who
were eagerly greeted and welcomed
by many friends, The minister
preached on the topic, "Broken
Cisterns'' taking his text from
Jeremiah 2:13 "For Wkly People
Have Committed Two Evils; They
have forsaken Me the Fountain of
living waters and hewed them out
cisterns, broken cisterns that can
hold no water," He pointed out
the abuses and Injustices of an
unholy social order. He scathingly
assailed hypocritical religion and
warned against an erroneous con-
ception of God.
Throughout both services the
choir under Miss Margaret Garniss
led the service of song. Two
beautiful anthems with solo harts
taken by Hiss Addie .Cardiff and
L1oYd Wheeler considerably en-
riched the beauty of the services.
The Bachelor Male Quartette of
Listowel, Messrs Cox, Hewitt, Hei-
man, Leopard assisted the choir
and sang; impressively six inspiring
At the evening service the min-
ister welcomed the pastors of St.
John's and Melville Churches with
their congregations, Rev, J. P.
MacLeod again preached a very
eloquent sermon from John 20.
"Cease your unbelief and believe."
He spoke particularly to the young
people on the subject "The Chal-
lenge of Christ to the youth of to-
day." He invited them to investi-
gation, to predicate development, to
presuppose suffering, the promise of
reward, to accept Him now.
11 a.m.-"Pioneering For Christ',
Inaugurating the Quarter Mil-
lion Fellowship Crusade. j
3 p.m.-Sunc!ay School.
7 p.m.-"Chrlst or Chaos,' Armis•
tice Service,
Minday-Y. P. U, at 8 o'clock In
charge of Douglas Anderson.
Special Mat, Fri,, Nov. 11 at 3 p.m.
Robert Wilcox Helen Parish
Little Tough Guy
The six sensational 'Dead End' Klds
Midnight Show
Sunday, Nov, 13 beginning at 12.05
Tom Kelly Jackie Moran
Tom Sawyer
Ann Gillis May Robson
Mark Twain's Immortal boy
fumed in gorgeous technlcolor
Next THURS., FRI., & SAT.
Richard Arlen Beverly Roberts
Call of the Yukon ,
In a land that knows no law a man
and a woman battle deathl
Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers
Nov. Meeting
Bruseets, Nov. 7th, 1938
The Municipal Council of the
Village of Brussels met in the
Public Library on the above date,
An membersbeing present,
The minutes of the last meeting
being read it was moved by H.
Champion; seconded by W. Cam-
eron that the minutes be adopted.
The following bills
were presented, -
G, McDowell, Oct. salary 60.00
Geo. Campbell, Oct. salary 39.60
R. S. Warwick, Oct. salary 25.00
H. Thomas, police duty 1.50
Wnl. Fischer, police duty „ 1.75
R, Champion, police duty 1,50
D. McKinnon, police duty 1.75
Brussels Hydro, street light 108.00
Hall lighting 4.09
R. Kennedy, printing 1.00
Commercial Stationery,
Ralph Thomson, drain tile 6.75
Transfer to school 400.00
Jno, Riley, digging drains . , 15.58
Wm, Looking digging drains 15.88
Wm. Wright, digging drains 17.00
Robt. Farrow, digging drains 17.13
Jets. Kernaglian, digging
drains 15.50
H, Kirby,
engineer on
drain 5.00
A. Campbell, labor & switch .00
Postage , .., 3.00
W, C. Herr, selecting
jurors 4,00
Jos. Wilton, select juror-_
R. S. Warwick, seleeting
jurors 4.00
Dr. Camppell, medical
attention 10.00
Dr. Colguhoun, medidal
attention 25,00
Jas, Kernaghan, shovelling
gravel 6.00
E, Somers, hauling gravel 12,50
Relief for the month 22,54
Moved by W. Little, seconded by
F. Samnis that the accounts be
paid, --Carried.
Moved by W. Cameron, seconded
by H. Champion that the Reeve be
appointed to look after the Town's
interests at the adjourned tax sale.
There being no further business
the Council now adjourned.
The November meeting of the
Woolen's Missionary Society was
held at the home of Mrs. Wm
Smith. The president Mrs. Val-
lance Inglis was in charge of the
meeting. The opening hymn 480
was snug atter whit'h a prayer was
read cy Mrs. Bantle, The Scrip-
ture Rending was taken by Mrs,
Alex Mann and the roll was called
and the minutes of the last meeting
were read, The business was dis-
cussed and hymn 47.4 was sting.
Mabel Robbie gave the Devotional
Reasldng and the offering was taken
up. A paper "After thoughts or
fore thoughts," was read and a
prayer was given by Mrs. Geo, Rob-
ertson. A reading was read. by
Wilma Harrison, after which Hymn
4S8 was sung and the Lord's Prayer
in unison was repeated. At the
(lose of the W, M. S meeting, the
Ladies Aid Society held their meet-
are holding
at the home of
from 3 to 6 o'clock
will be presented by the
' Young People of Atwood
Under the Auspices of
The Women's Institute
ADMISSION -Adults 25c
Children 150
Remembrance day was made one of the officialstatutory
holidays last year by the Dominion Government and I would
respectfully request the citizens and merchants of Brussels
to observe the day. Business places are requsted to
remain closed all day,
Citizens are invited to attend a short remembrance day
service at the Cenotaph, commencing at 10.45 a.m.
W. C. KERR, Reeve
Campfire Girls
The Ca.nmere Girls met at the
home of Mary Helen Ecknier on
Friday, November 4, The meeting
Was opened with the Theane Sang
and the Secretary's and 'p1easurers
reports were read, Elizabeth
Baeker gave a piano solo and the
rest of the evening was spent n
staking cushion -tops. Lunch w4s
served at the close.
First White Child 1
Born In Morris
Township Dies
Rev. Christopher England, Meth4.
dist minister, died recently a5t
Lapee, Mich, He was the son of
Joseph England and was the first
wbite child born in Morris Town
ship, in 1553, He preached up to
the time of his death, and also was
successful in an industrial enter;
W. M. S.
The W.M.S. of Melville Presby
terian Church held its November
meeting on Friday afternoon with
Mrs, J. Parker .presiding. Mrs, W.
McKelvey read the Scripture lesson
Mrs. Kerr gave the prayer. Mrs. Jno,
Meadows sang a pleasing solo, and
Mrs. A. SStnachan had the topic,
"The Church and the Social
Order." Current events were .given
by Mrs. James Armstrong and the
Lord's Prayer was given in unison.
On Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 24 a
tea will be held at the houe of Mrs,
A, H. MuDonaltl when the "I'm so
Thankful' Boxes will be brought in.
An Attractive
Congratulations to Miss C.
Hingston for making a beauty spot
of her shop window, It has been
admired and has given pleasure to
a great many persons.
There is a rockery around the
window with trailing vines and
small plants. In brie corner is a
mirror pool and stream surrounded
with foliage and small ferns, there
are tiny birds resting on a minia-
ture bird bath and with small
stature in. the foreground it is truly
a thing of beauty.
The window with its artistic set
ting has given Joy to both adults
and children, but if you have nol
seen it, don't let Jack Frost get
there first,
St John's
Guild and W. A.
The November meeting of St.
John's Ladies. Guild was held at the
home of Mrs, John Fischer with a
large number present. The rector
opened the meeting with prayer and
Scripture reading and Mrs, A. Cole -
pan, president, presided over the
business session. In the absence
of Mrs, Stratton, tnraugll illness,
Mrs. Geo, Davis actett as secretary.
The chief business of the afternoon
was the-conlpleteion of arrange-
ments for the bazaar and tea to be
held in the Library on Saturday,
Nov. 19, Committees were spa
110ltlted for the various booths and
tea, The rector will declare the
bazaar open at 2.30 and alarge
patronage is hoped for. The W.A.
will he in change of the Fish Pond
and the home-made candy. The
fancy work and abhor articles will
be priced of the home of \Ira, H.
Chalupion on Friday evening, Nov-
ember 18,
firs, Grahep presided over the
W.A. sessions, The rector extend-
ed a vote of thanks to the hostess
who was assisted by her two
daughters, Ml's. Roy 111mel and Mlse
Velane Fischer in serving a dainty
Newfoundland Dog
Mistaken For Bear
A large black bear Ives reported
sighted on the Alex MacDonald
CAM near Teeswater, so two
truckloads of hunters bundled
up and left for the scene. They
silent the afternoon looping for
the big black ben',' then at
last when they were just about
to go back, and the leaders,
Tom McIntyre and H, Xing,
were about to declare the htmttng
closed, it large black animal was
sighted, Tltey were Met abattt to
fire when out walked Alex Mac•
Donald's black Newfoundland dog,
and the hunt was off,
Buys Seaforth Stock
E. J, McTavish, genera'' merchant
of Brussels has bought the dry
goods stock of the MacTavish store
Seaforth and will conduet the busi-
ness there opening in the near
future, Mr. McTavish is a pro-
gressive business Ilan who will
no doubt make a success of his
new business enterprise.
Church Notes
Services in Melville Presbyterian
Church were conducted by the
Minister, Rev. Samuel Kerr. IJven-
ing service was withdrawn.
Morning service in St, John's
Anglican Church was conducted by
the Rector, Rev, John Graham,
Evening service was withdrawn,
'Buy you fruit at Grewar's and
save, Oranges 2 doz. for 35e; Sun-
kist Lenton Large Size 29c doz.
Marsh Seedless Graefruit 6 for
t5c; Gold Medal Tomato Juice 3, 25 -
oz, tine for 25c; Falcon Peas 3 tins
St. John's
A. Y. P. A.
The weekly meeting of St. John's
Young People's Society was held on.
Monday evening with a good attend-
ance. Mr. Alex, Coleman, the
president, presided, the Rev, J.
Graham contributed a paper on our
Church in Western Canada, after
which games and contests were en-
joyed, The A.Y.P.A. is away to a
good start this year.
Summer Weather
On Sunday
It was more like a day in spring
than a day in mid -summer on Sun-
day as the sun shone brightly from
an almost cloudless sky and flow-
ers bloomer on outdoor bushes.
The thermometer climbed to a
high of 67 degrees, an unusually
high temperature for the month of
November. The clear weather fol-
lowed Saturday's cloudy skies and
high winds which threatened to
bring the season's first snowfall.
Encounter With
Deer Proves Dear
A car apparently was the loser
in an encounter with a deer on the
north gravel road Saturday night.
As Elmer D. Bell was driving north
about midnight Saturday he saw a
big bnek on the side of the, road
about three miles north of James-
town. As he cane abreast of the
animal it was apparently attracted
by the headlights of the car and
bounded almost completely over
the engine, It was knocked to the
roadside by the impact, Mr. Bell
thought it was dead and had his
hands almost on it when it leaped
up and disappeared i nto the
swamp. The left headlight and
grille of the car were broken and
the left fender badly bent.
Honored by Friends
Friends and neighbors of lir, and
Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, of the
ninth concession of Grey gathered
in Cranbrook 11a11 Thursday evening
of last week to extend to the newly-
weds their hearty congratulations
and good wishes for a long and
happy wedded life.
The time was enjoyably spent in
Garde and daucin'g.
During the course of the evening
the popular young couple were pr'e•
seated with a buffet. The address
conveying the sincere wishes of
the gathering for their happiness
was read by Norman Hoover and
the presentation was made by
Lewis Russell and Ferg Connelly,
Mr, Hemingway thanked them
for their gift and good wishes on
behalf of himself and Mrs, Homing -
at 2,30 p.m.
Come and Buy Your Christmas Gifts
TEA 15o
Mrs. J. Graham,
Prosldcnt St. John's W.A,
Mrs, A, Coleman,
President St. John's Guild
Mn Jaok Oliver went a few days
in town visiting his mother Mrs. 3.
SIM, A, C. Dames left Monday for
Lake Land, Florida, where alie will
spend the winter.
Miss May Armstrong and Mrs. 3,
Campbell have returned from a visit
at Clinton,
Dr, A. W. L. Gilpin and his part-
ner, Mr, Grahae of Detroit, Mich„
spent last Thursday at the home of
Mary Helen Kerr.
Mr, anclw Mrs, F. W. Burchell
and family have moved into the
house of Mrs, A. C, Dames,
Dr, and Mrs, 'H. G. Armstrong and
family, Toronto were visitors over
the week -end with J'as. S. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Neil P, Haines and
Mrs, E. L. Dyer of Orillia were
visitor's at the home of their uncle,
Mr. Mark Buchanan,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Palmer and Mrs.
Julia Palaver and Miss Jardine of
Wroxeter 'were Sunday visitors
with relatives in town,
Mr, and Mrs, Satin Carter of Sea -
forth were Sunday visitors in town
and took in the Anniversary servic-
es at the United church,
Miss Irene Cavanah and Miss
Taylor, of the staff of the Owen
Sound Business College were Sun-
day visitors at the hone of Mrs. Ida
Miss Aleen Gibson was a week-
end visitor at her home here. Aleen
is now beginning her third and last
year of training iu the General Hos-
pital, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs, John 5, McIntosh
and Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Smillie,
Toronto were visitors with James
Thuell's and their mother over
Mrs, S. P, McLeod and Dorothy
and• Knox of Weston were renew-
enewing old friendships in town, They
aco0ntpanied Mr. McLeod who was
Anniversary speaker at the United
church on Sunday and were enter-
tained at the home of W. A. Lowry,
Rev, J. adil Mrs. Graham, Pat and
'Monica also Donald and Jock Cole-
man attended the annual gathering
of the Little Helpers and their
mothers at 'St. George's Church,
Goderich, on Saturday, on which
occasion Mrs. Graham vas guest
Mrs, Garrison Jacklin who has
been home from Abbey, Sask., for
the last few weeks left on Satur-
day for ' the 'West. Her mother
Mr9, ,las, Kernagban went as far as
Toronto with her and will be the
guest for a week of her daughter,
Mrs. Earl Sholdice,
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Blanch and
daughter June of Palmerston were
Sunday visitors with her parents
1Ir. and 1Mts. Win. Wilkinson,
Mrs, 1I. Williamson and daughter
Agnes of Wingham called Sunday
at the home of Mrs, A. Crooks.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Smith and sons
of Bluevale spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Currie,
11r, and Mrs. A. Moffat end fam-
ily of Wroxeter spent Sunday at
the home of William Jardine.
N. McCauley received word of
the death of his sister, (Margaret'
Mrs, John Lucus of 5t. Marys and
he and Mrs, McCauley, Mervyn,
Lorne and (Marian) Mrs. Cardiff
attended the private funeral in that
town on Saturday.
Partial Eclipse
Glimpsed Here
Through Clouds
(:Stratford Beacon -Herald)
Heavy clouds on the horizon pre-
vented observers from seeing the
total eclipse of the moon last night
but as it elin:bed higher into the
skies and the clouds parted in spots
glimpses of the eclipse, as the
earth's shadow began to move off
the face of the spoon, could be seen
The clouds, however, spoiled any
chant'es of getting a good view of
the phenomenon.
Dr, H, It Kingston, head of the
astronomy department of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario, said
the view was most disappointing
and no useful observations could be
tirade 'through the clouds.
No one here saw the moon while
the eclipse was total and that was
really the most important part of
the rare occurrence. Quite often one
may get a glimpse of a partial
eclipse Mut a total eclipse Is Very
tare, .By the time the noon had
risen above the clouds on the hop
loon the eclipse was only partial.
What is nicer for Christmas Gifts
than tinted pictures, either portrait
or scene. Have you thought of
leaving yeti' favorite snap tinted
and mounted for Christmas Cards.
For expert tinting -
Mies 13, Parker, Brttssels
Single Copies 5c
Day Service To Be
Held At Cenotaph
A Remembrance service will he
held at the Cenotaph at 10.411
Armistice Day, Friday, November
iltll. School children of the dis-
trict are to 'meet at the Brussels
school at 10.15 of that morning
from where they will parade to the
Cenotaph accompanied by the local
band and members of the Brussels
legion, Local minister's. will con-
duct the eervioe which Is in charge
of the legion. All citizens of the
community should pay tribute to
our glorious dead by their presence
at this service.
''Lord Gad of Hosts be with us yet"
Lest we .forget -lest we forget!
Grey Township
Council Meeting
Minutes of Council meeting held
Nov. 5, 1938.
Minutes of last meetings were
read ana adopted on motion of Les-
lie 'McKay, seconded by Thos.
Moved, by
G. 0,
Wilson seconded
by Alex Alexander, that the Reeve
Clerk, Treasurer and Assessor be
authorized to sign the application
for the provincial subsidy. Carried.
lcveid by Alex Alexander second-
ed by T. C. Wilson, that all approv-
ed accounts be paid, --Carried.
Moved by Leslie McKay seconded
by Tilos. Dougherty, that we do
now adjourn to meet again at the
next regular meeting or at the call
of the reeve, Carried,
The following accounts
were paid -
Wm. Spence, coil's. bond „ 22.50
Jno. Kreuter, assist
valuators 4.00
Howick Fire Ins. Co„ temp
hall 3.00
H. A. Keys, select jurors 4.00
J, H. Fear, select jurors , . , 4.00
Jun, Kreuter, select jurors 4.00
Baxter Stevenson, 14th con
drain 52.00
Baxter Stevenson, south•
Beauchamp 25.000
WBhur Tem:bull, collector's
account 31,50
Oliver Turnbull, Hislop
drain 5,00
Andrew Turnbull, Hislop
drain 27.00
Jas, Snaith, Hislop drain 2,50
A. L, McDonald, sheep .„, 6,,50
Municipal World, supplies 9.52
Prov, Treas..'Iusulin .98
W. Love, funeral .. 60.00
J. 11, Fear, Nor. salary 41.65
3. H. Fear, to Stratford, 5,25
to Goder'ich 2.00; to
Toronto 14.75 32.00
J, H. r, weed Insp„ 5..„00..;
AwardFea: Dianna 10,011 15.911
Joe Carter, Smillie drain „ 21,09
Donald Buehaaan, Sritillie
drain 26.00
Barry Bolger, Sandllie drain 35,20
Geo, Ramsay, Smillie daatin 12,40
Richard Hoy, Smillle drain .. 8.40
Wm. Murray, Smillie drain 8.00,
Robt. S•malidon, Smillie
drain S,40
Jas, Williamson, Smillie
Robinson Hamilton, Smillie
Geo. Wlliiamson, Smillie
Herb Kirkby, SmIllte drain
Calvin Cameron, Smillie
Harry Bolger, Sanillie drain
L. D, Frain, IL McKay iltaiin
Austin Ralvarcl, 6th con.
Wood for office
Jag. Me(Taggart, Wast Mc-
Taggart drain
Geo. alert, West McTaggart
drain .................
Angus Cartaichael, West Mc-
Taggart. drain ..
Allan MCTaggart, Weat Mc•.
Taggart drain
Ken, McPerlane, West Mt -
Taggart drain
Je's Pearson, Close drain
Albert Carson, Coates drain
Jacob Fischer, Baker drain
Hart .Speiran, Shover :Corners
Gilbert McCallum, 'Rattgst
Community Hall 25.00
Twp, Road AOtioullts , , , . , , 1207.44