The Brussels Post, 1938-6-29, Page 2THE aguSSF.I,S POST
Wr 'I%.1'l$$DAY, JUNId 20411, 1998
By Allan Rhodes
Dora Sheldon is engaged to
Ralph Ransom, a young bank clerk .
she has known for only a sitars
At their engagement dinner an
unexpected visitor Tansy Clare,
who chums- to be a niece of the
former occupant of the house,
arrives. The Sheldon's take her in
as she bas no place else to go.
Ralph Is much attracted by Tauri•.
He tastes her to board with his
landlady until .she hears from her
Tan h is ect a governess as' she
claims. but .. ohurus girl out of a
She 1u• has to have Ralph fall in
live wi h 11,:' and seems to be ac-
cumpi'.-!ling hoe purpose.
eneeeiiiie Tansy one cv.mieg
W 1,. 1t De. a ',<_ enable to go out :nth
hint. Tansy. her funds almost ex
hate -est. is ben -ming desperate sots
Ralph as her only hope and
:a:reugthe;i- torr hold ou hin1.
Dora met him in the chill drawing -
room with its newly kindled fire.
She was, paler titan usual.
He 1. b a traitor as he drew her
to bin, and gave her the kiss of
custom that held no thrill, Iler
figure felt solid and unyielding.
Of course he meant to tell her
that he bad met little Tansy Clare
last night and had taken her out,
but Dora wee worried about her
mother, and, like 'Martha, careful
and troubled about many thing;,
Sbe talked of what was in her
thoughts, end gave him no chance
to unburden his mind,
In the midst of their talk 3Ir.
Sheldon came in, and after that
Ralph had no chance.
Dora spent most of We evening
In her mother's room, and he had
to play rhes: with her father. Al-
together it was a most unsatisfac-
tory evening, and Ralph_could on1Y
hope that be would be able to gel a
talk with Dora soon,
Remorse, not for what he could
tell her about, but for what she
must never know, was preying upon
him. And against his will he rea-
lised' that he bad mistaken affection
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for love,
Dora was all that a Ulan could
ask, be told himself, Her devotion
as a daughter proved what she
would be as a wife,
But elle tacked something that
his own .nature craved. Too late
he knew his engagement had been
a mistake.
OBI, he might never have found
It out but for Tansy! Whet was
his love for Dora worth If it failed
at the first test? His feelings to-
wards Tansy he did not attempt to
He only knew that there was no
rest for him till he saw her agate,
and that it was his duty to avoid
iter as much as' pos'sdble,
* * *
The next morning brought a leiter
from her, He batt never seen her
writing. but the sight of teh mauve
euvelope, and the way the address
was written in a large, picturesque
hated, was enough to tell him who it
wa.' from.
He read it when Ire was' alone.
"Dear Ralph, --'Lt was sweet - ul
you to give me ,that lovely time. I've
been thinking about it ever slime!
Yesterday, 1 was offered .a situation
at Buenos Ayres, What do you
think about it? 'I told the agent I
nrust consult a friend. first. Could
you look do this evening, and 1 will
tell you about it. Yours,
tell you about it, Tours,
Ralph stared at the letter in 'ter-
ror, Good heavens, the child must
not go out to South America alone.
Terrible stories of English girls
trapped by such bait&, flashed halt
his mind. He could no nothing tie
evening came, and ae soon ae 11e
was free he hurried to Tansy's lodg-
In hist thoughts of the danger
which threatens] her helpless' tn-
nocence, as he imagined, the minor
conventionalities were forgotten.
The landlady, accustomed to free,
and easy- ,ways, told him that Miss
Clare was in and directed him to
her room.
Ralph hurried up and knocked at
the door, and Tansy's voice bade
him come in.
In the gaslight, which was soften -
beside it, well aware of the teach -
little room looked very pretty,
There was a cheerful fire, and
Tansy sat on her improvised sofa,
beside it, wel laware of the touch-
ing tableau presented, She was
wearing a rose-coloured frock, with
very short sleeves, and her wo1 k -
basket was beside bee.
She ae busy with dainty sew-
Binks' was perched on a little
stool by the hearth. and the doll a-
dorned the mantelpiece, while the
huge box of e1ocolates day inviting-
ly open on the table.
"Taney," began Ralph at once,
"I've been so worried ever since
I had. your letter. You meaSn't
dream of going out to South
America! illy dear child it won't
bear thinking oil"
Tansy's face fe11,
"Oh, Ralph, what shakes' you
think that it isn't any good?'' she
"Toll me all about it" he replied
What she toll him confirmed hie
opinion, It appeared that she hail
answered an advertisement, and 50
got in touch with an agent in whos.?
honesty he had very little faith,
He sat down by Tansy's side. He
tried to give her some idea of the
dangers that beset the Pathe or
young girls who are ton veutur'-
some, but she sertmed en vary in-
nocent that his' talk was a difficult
"1 Medil do something," she pro-
tested, nearly crying, "I'm nine -
will .come to your home every day through
/In international Daily Newspaper
d records
s exploit the
ime 00 sona00oni neither doei 10 Is. gnore them
familly, including) thewith e weeklym. 'MagazineFeaturr es
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Tho Christian Selene Publishing Society
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Nemo -
Sat,FAte Copy ee Remelt
teen, and I can tette care of my-
self. Ralph, I've no money and no
friends, What shall I de if I
can't get work? 1 Proandsed- you I
wouldm't go abroad without teniae'
you, but this did seem such a lovely
chance, And now—now you're tell•
Mg me that it lams any good,"
"Ob, Tansy, my dear," 11e ch'led,
"would I vex you if I could help
you. Wouldntt T snake things
easter for you it only it was in my
"Would you?" she whispered.
"You know it, There isn't any
need for me to tell you," be answer-
Did she bring herself into his
arms, or did he snatch her in his
He could not have told, but she
was there, in an utter surrender,
her arms' about him, as Itis, lips
found here at last.
He forgot Dora. He forget every.
thing in that delayed, inevitable
Never had Dora lain in his arms
so; never had his lips and Dare's
known a kiss like this', pligtitea
lovers though they were,
He never heard the sound of
footsteps' outside the door. He
never heard it open,
But when at last he rainiest his
Head it was to see Dora, with n
pale, wondering, stricken fact,
standing just within tbe little mend
In the Time of Awakening.
'There was a tense and dreadful
Tansy, looking up into Ralpdi's
face, her armms' still about hmi, saw
his expression change, saw horror
in his eyes,
She the ted round, but elle Rept
one arin about his' neck, racing
Dora 50,
The Hider girl shut the door be -
bind herr, and came tortvard into the
room, She was wrapped in a fur
coat that spoke of prosperity, but
her face was that of a woman sud'
de,niy beggared,
Radpb put Tansy from him, and
rose to face Dora. He With pale us
"There's no need to cxplaha—i
know all," Dora said.
She was fumbling at her glove
with trembling fingers, S110 pulloe
it off, the drew Ralph's ring from
her halnd and laid it on the table.
"Dora!" he said, enireutinglu.
:215. shook her head dhu':11y, gave
hien one long look that he :would
never forget, and turned to the door
again, He was beside her as is to
go with her,
"Ne,, 9110 said, in a strange, sharp
tone. "Lett me go. Het,'t 11101110
to nme—I couldn't bear it, Let me
He drew- back.
This woman in her agony of re-
pressed emotion, this woman he had
made to suffer, was a reveluti.0,( 10
He had thought her cold and con-
vent:ionul, Too late he knew that
she could love,
Ile tutted, hearing her lootsteee
going down the stairs; out of his
life, as he knew, for ever. Then
closing the door, he turned to sec,
'Pansy% i111e sat with her face !rid-
den, salybing,
She looked 00 as 11e mum over to
the fireplace.
"Oh, Ralph, what have we donee'
oche said,
I'le did not answer, He s'ond
loaning on the mantelpiece, and tits
doll in Its bizarre dress stored at
him. He felt an insane desire to
break it, and thtvlw the pieces ,u'.0
rho flames.
At last he looped at the girl.
She sat. very still, no longer cry -
big, but with her eyes east down,
her hands locked. And she trinket
curion;aly Child -like, and yet in some
strange way old --old 05 the Sphinx,
and with the secret of lite Shihh,x
behind her lowered eyellrll=.
"Tansy,"' Ralph said, "I've been a
cad tonight, 'I had no right to
klett you,"
She Molted 91) at him. intra the
strings eyes. there leapt t1 flame.
'Yea, you had the right; site Fetid.
.she sprang up etlddenly and ffuug
her arms about him,
'Wheter the nee of pretending?1'
1110 cored, "'You know Yen don't
love her. YOU love euro. .011,
oil, Ralph, I was going away—be-
cause I love you, and you were go.
ing to marry her, But 11.'s me you
"'fans,!" lee tried to untwlne
her clinging arms, but she only
clung the closer.
"Ralph, she has everything, and I
have only you, 1 love you as she
never could. You are all the ;world
to me, ,Ah, kiss me!"
And again the madness of passion
overwhelmed' hint, and be was
crushing her in his anus,, his lips' on
bees, His Urate was reeling,
In a few minutes' the solid fabric
of his 1i1'e seemed to have crumbled
beneath his feet,
Taney began to sob again as she
drew away.
"We couldn't help it, It is rate
We love each other, But I will „o
away to South America, and yOa
will exrplain everything to bee, and
she will forgive you."
"I can't think, 'reuse," he said
";I don't know what is t0 happen
now. Let me go now, my dear."
"Oh, Ralph, you will come again—
soon?'' she entreated.
',Very s0011, whatever happens,
And you --you will do nothing 1111
after you have s'ea'l me again?"
She bad rekindled 1115 anxiety tot
her is the midst o1 his other emo-
tions, That was what she had
meant to do,
"No, I will do nothing,' she
promised.. "But, oh, ,come soon
Ralph--coane soon,"
He saw, as he turned to go, Dora's
ring glittering on the table, and
mechanically 11e .took it up and
slipped it into his pocket. He wen:
ottt of the shabby house into the
street, and there he paused.
Where was he going? }t -beta
could he go? Not to the boardiu4-
bouse and the inquisitive eyes of
the women there. Not to Ruse-
lande'—till he had made his peace
w'1111 Dorsi, if he ever could.
He walked the streets. for Hour.,
le the dreary rails and mast,' anti at
101811 be went hack to tate boa.11i18-
house, and up to hie ewe roolil.
There weal a letter ou lits' table,
ad'd1'essed in Dora's, wolf -1,.t0040
hand, it had ensile by nesse..;: v'
He tore open the envelope
"11alple—Pleur shalt haalPened 10'
eight I can only write to say good-
bye eo you, for I realise how false .to
me you have !peen. 11 ihipin even
if you did not pare enough 20r rite
to be true, you should have respect.
ed t8 girl so young and in0o0eut as
Tansy Clare.
11 came as a great shoals to 2110
when 1 'heard from Mabel, who 005
you at the Orient, that you Save
been talotug Tansy about; and not'
my eyes are fully opened.
R shall be sending bank your pees•
ante to -morrow, and I am destroying
your letetrs tonight,
"Pore Sheldon,"
Ralph's, first feeling on readllt'1
{lute was- of indignation at an iat-
jusbice he could not fight against,
He had 'been to blame, He des-
pieed himself eor the weeknosw into
which he had been betrayed, But
Dora wrote as if he 'bad been carry
ing on a systematic course of de-
ception. Mabel Parsons had Petns-
oiled' her mind, and prepared her
for that scene in Taney's room,
'\fanlike he haat no blame for
Tansy, but he did know that she
was, no wronged innocent, He had
been lett into folly, hut he had gone
to see her ibat night out of the sin-
cere desire to .protect her from
danger. it
Hveryitbdng had conspired to piece
his conduct in the blackest light,
and 110 realised that Dora e00 001
the kind of girl to understand 011
make excuses.
She was capable of deep, ceder
Mg affection, but not of passionate
He sat down and wrote to her,
trying honestly to tell her the truth
about that night of gaiety when, un•
known to him, Mabel bad seen'him
w'tlh Tansy, He .told Dora why be
had gone to sea Tansy, also. He
begged to see Dora to see hills once
(To Pe Continued
Wonder why WC never see a Pic -
um of a June Groom? We wonder!
esr,APsuor GUIL
Bence the puppy is likely to move, a photographic flash bulb, which gives
an Instantaneous flash of light, was used In making this silhouette.
PHOTOGRAPHIC silhouettes are
a source of decorative pictures
—and camera feu—which every
snapshooter should try, The arrange-
ments are simple --a white sheet
stretched over a doorway, 01' divi-
sion between two rooms, with e,
strong light behind it and the cam-
era set up in front.
By arranging his subjects in front
of this brlgbtly illuminated sheet,
the clever photographer can con-
struct any number of imaginative
or story -telling pictures. Costume
snaps are particularly interesting in
silhouette, and there are possilbiii-
tles for many humorous pictures of
the "It -can't -be" variety.
For Instance, a juggler ante plc•
fared keeping a dozen or two hails or
bottles in the air at one time, or a
camper can be pictured with two
skillets, flipping a dozen flapjacks
at one shot. 021 both these pictures,
the objects to appear in the air
would be cut from black paper or
cardboard and pinned to the sheet
at proper points,
The sheet must bo stretched
overtly, 49 wrinkles will show to't11e
pictures. Lighting behind the sheet
should Wart be as even ae 1)051(11110,
Five feel is a suitable distance from
tamps to sheet,
Three sixty -watt inside -frosted elec-
tric bulbs will provide enough light
to give good results with tive-second
time exposures, using a box camera
with its lens at widest opening, or
other cameras at lens atop ell, To
slop movement when pets or email
children are appearing in 511110111311e,
use a flash bulb behind the sheet, Or,
with two or three large size flood
bulbs snapshots can be taken.
When using the flash bulb, some-
one can flash it at the correct me -
meet at an "okay" Blgnal from the
person operating the camera, There
should be sufficient light, from un-
shaded regular household bulbs, be-
hind the sheet for the "cameraman"
to see the silhouetted images and
to know when to give his "okay"
When the nllhouotte is snapped,
of coarse, all lights must be turned
off in the room which contains the
camera and subject. einem this 15
done, detail in the subject will show,
spoiling the silhouette effect, The
photographer should also be watch-
ful of stray light from windows, and
mirrors which might catch light
from the i11u1ninated sheet and
throw it toward the shadow side of
the subject,
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