The Brussels Post, 1938-6-22, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST WEmeeDAY, 41Uhi' 2;2nd, 1988 News and Information For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) CATTLE EXPORTS INCREASE. Canadian ca't'tle experts to the United Kingdom for 1t$9, up to May .4, •amouteted to 11,319 head. The number tor the carves ending period of 1997 woe 1,476. FARM AND HOME WORK 1l'amets and their ,families from all parts 'of Ontario will be congre- gating next week et Guelph for the annual. 0, A. C. Farm and Home Week withal is, being held from June 20th, to 24th. An interesting program Is being provided for their ettteetaillmient and it is ex vetted' that, a record: crowdwill be on .rand to enjoy it. MAKING SURVEY In June of each year tbe Do- minion Bureau of Statistics, in co- overatlon with e.Te Provincial De- partments of Agriculture distri- butee cardboard soheduies to tarn: es for ale Purpose of eellectineg statistics' of acreage under crop and the numbers of livestock and Pent. try on farms. This. survey alio covers the breeding and marketing intentions In regard to lives:Ree (. These schedules are distributed to the farmers through rural 8011001 teachers. It Is hoped that farmers generally will give their co opere- tion in this matter since asthma] agricultural planning is dependent on having a correct knowledge oC the numbers of livestock on favnis WAR ON WEEDS A determined drive' to wipe int weeds In both county and et.1Y is being inaugurated by the Cret'-. Seeds and weeds Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Educational meetings which dare been attended by officials, weed inspectors and interested eitzeee have been held in 08817 district of ' Ontario. 'Weed inspectors hay. 1 been told to be -firm in enforcing the Weed Cou3rOl Act and to use good judgment in all their dealings with the public. However, to be successful, the campaign .1(1u.t have the t'nteu hieRic backing of every househol(- er and farmer, officials pointed out. Judging by the Interest 1isolaye•1 and letter's received by the Depart- ment of ;Agriculture, weeds will he fighting a losing tattle this year. with complete eradication the goal of .the Department. epee neglected patch or plaint this year may lead to :orioles tnfe8tatton next year Careless and indifferent oitlzens can do mucic to undo all the good work of their neighbors' to fighting the weed menace. A weed iuspec1or nestle the as- sistance of every individual, Give him your support, Make your com- munity free of weeds. They are enemies to agriculture, public heo.ldh and to the lucrative tourist business of Ontario. Weeds have• no place i11 a pl'Ogr'ess)ve emit - triunity. Prevent them from gotu; to seed. livery weed destroyed means the death of thousa.ucls' of weed seeds. Will yon, DMr. Citizen, pleeee do your share in this worthwhile campaign? STANDARD FERTILIZERS The standard fertilizer usually recommended for late pot•a,1011), mangers, and most lute hoe crops, is the formula 4-8-10 (four parrs' of nitrogen to eight of phosphoric acid and ten of potash), This fer- tilizer certatinly increases the yields when properly used on these crops. The rate of appiicaltlin for pota- toes is from 800 to 1,980 P011 1103 per ae1e according to the fertility of the land, and for mangers from G00 to 800 pounds per acre, in addition 10 manure. 2-12,41 is, generally accept- ed as hire fertilizer for grain putt cent and is as' good as env fes beers and pastuel's. Of course, there are special types of soil and 00111e crops that may (lo better with fertilizers of different analYaes than the above but generally speaking the 4-8-111 and 2-12-6 are as dependable as any for the above crops'. The Provincial f0rtilieer Cnuticils have gone into the detail of t!ti?, and every f011110r should have Lie SNAPS'i4OT CUL SUMMER CLOUDS AiND SKIES Clouds help your outdoor pictures. Use ea color filter to record them more effeeti responding shade of gray instead of white. Thus, the clouds and sky are more dramatically recorded and moils is added to the appeal of your picture. Summer clouds and skies are Pic- torial studies in themselves. T1'y picturing clouds alone—the different types of cirrus and cumulus; fair - day clouds and stormy -weather clouds. Use the sky and donde as background to' your p1010(ls of pee - Pie. Work them into your landscape views. They give Your pictures real- ity, and a warns, summery fool. Use your filter for all such pi0till'85, in- creasing eposuro according to the Instructions that none with tire fil- ter or with the tilm you use, Snell practice pays rich snapshot dividends, 14.1 join van Guilder. GRA SUMME)#, Is theoutdoor 80115011, and one of the season's chief Motive charms ie. 118 wonderfully richblue skies against which cloud masses stand out in magnificent full- ness and contrast. Given two pic- tures of identical subjects in which the sky appears, it's a safe wager that your attention will be held by the one effectively showing the clouds against a gray sky and not tate Oi50 with the Unnatural and un- attractive flat, white Armament. Here is the wavy 10 picture clouds and sloes as your eye sees then.: load your oan10118 with chrome type or pcl1C11(0 nitic filen, and slip a Yellow color -filter on your 1003. Thd (Migrate below 8110880 11018 a yellow filter works -it preserves the sky tone, recording blue in the cor- HOLD 1J1 BACKGO 111 SCENE K-1 FILTER FiNAL PRINT Color filters are traffic clops. A yellow filter (K-1 or K-2) steps part of the blue light, se that in the print, blue shows up ae grey. Filters come 111 Several colors, hut a yellow K-1 or 1<•2 1s what you want for general use. 00gy or the recom113endtrtiohs so as to he able to buy and use fei+tilizcrs'I for best results. 'Copies or the recc:mlanendatlons may lie obtauuul from the Dee:cameos Demonstration Woodlots By J. 0, Nerrltt There are 2611 woo1Uo!;• Ill (Melee that have Pen selected by the woodlot extension forester as' dem- onstration evoncili 10,. It Is 80.Opel'a- live aal'"ele ell lee w•,'l the owner and the T, use; r) Branch, A forester advises the owner en forestry prae• bees that May he itppleed echuonli- eally to tie woodlot. The Otvuer does the work at his 00nv011ieuce. 13oth have the same abject; that is to eonservcl the wooers and to se- cure as high financial returns over u Period of years as possible. The owner retains fill control of his woodlot as no papers, are signed. A sign is Placed where 11 may be seen by passing mot01'iets, Reasons' for selecting woodlois as demonstrations; (1) To draw attention to a wood - lot that is being ounserved. (2) To demonstrate forestry practices that may be carried on economically in Southern Ontario woodlots. These include thinning% Improvement cuttings and utiliza- tion eutings to provide fuelwood and timber. i 1/:t':1101 (3) To show that a 'wod'1ot Will reforest naturally fon, seed when 1t is protected from stock. (4) To demonstrate planting or forest trees in woodlot. Planting is often advisable in a woodlot that is not fully stocked, as i1 speeds the restpokin•g of an open woods, pro- vides trees for corners that do not seed natually and an evergreen reiodbreak for .the borders' an i.ara- clures valuable species not growing in the woodlot, ("o) To place the stamp of approv- al on a woodlot that is managed ef- ficiently, There is a great diversity in methods of 58000108. aanagement. Many owners (lo not receive as high financial returns over a. Period of years as are economically pee- 8tble. Many notices were all right when the object was ',o clear the land and fuelwood aucl timber• had a loev enones1ary value, compared to present clay values: A few of these short-sighted practices. are: (a) •Cutting everything includ- ing small trees 2-5 filches in dia- meter, Ph) Clear cutting second growth stands', rather than .1luinning them. to secure redwood. (c) Allowing trees to decay. rather than utilizing them when sound. 1d) Resolving all frees' of the more valuable speotes and leaving the lea's valuabo to reproduce. (e) 'Pasturing a 180000t. (1) Not protecting the fine straight trees 2-1 inches nal diameter when large trees are rolled. Tehre are 8arious viws held b)' laymen as to what constettles an efflcienly managed woodlot. Many have said with pride that they Only cut dead trees in ,their woodlot others wish tt woodlot to have a park -like appearance, They think all brush should be, burnt and there should be no underbrush. Owners have ,'1111 bred through their" woods and pastured them in meter to 08. cure tt111s park -like appearance Some have even cut •tire• unde'- bl'11F11 with a scythe, _ allY of the dentonstratior lvoo(llate' present a flue appearanc. now. •Ostlter% will .take many years to bring the c01111 ion when they will be considered ideal woodlot:. some aro quite open and trot silly st1111(ed bccaue'e ,they have been pastured. Others require thin - :tinge. end improvement uuttiligs and it Is a scaly expedient to spread these 010r a 11(1111'1)01' of 3'C1ll'N es the farmer may utilize the wood that it' secant! to emptily his annual rude wood requirements, The Forestry Branch wish to contact owners of WOOcllots who w0didl be wilitug to have tiler' Woodl!at deeiglratrxi' a demonstration The 1800lll0t should be adjacent ur within 40 rods or a travelled road. Either write the 1001•eNlry tb'antli Parliament 111ldings', Tamale. o1' the Meal county Agriculture] Reprc- sen'tative, FREE SERVICE OLP, PISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently, Simply phone °'COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONt; - 72 Electric Fence Stops Animals Keeps Stock Within Bounds On. Many 'Ontario Farms A recent innovation that prom- ises to change still further the phy- sical alinear'ance of Ontario's sura) areas, says the Lindsay Post, is el metric. fencing, Back in the days when the land was being cleared, stumps palled Or blasted oat bodily were used to provide barricades and keep farm stock in bounds. Later came 111e rail fences, only to be replaced in large measure ht more recent years by wire fences, Now comes the electric fence that is destined net only to snake the counhya'Ide more beautiful by virtue of the fact that a single strand mounted on light sheer posts planted 50 feet 008l't, but also will do the job of the more cumbersome and expensive arm fence. Have Healthy Respect For It With the new electric fence, firm animals, from the pig that always has insisted' an rooting underneath to earn for himself and his racy an unenviable reputation as a poor respecter of fences, to old dobbin who occasionally fancies a jump over the top rail, Will buickly at - new gadget. Charged with electricity of low voltage supplied by a battery, the fence gives off shocks that are not serious enough to cause injury, but winch, it is claimed, mystify the animals and cause them to remain at a safe distance from the fence after cote 01' two encounters. Fair Dates for Huron County Are Announced 11r, .(1.011 ll sates' that the '.Erin• inter or Labor's idea of art Ideal re- lief c',tlnp semens to be the Vaneotty- rr po,+tnffire. olid we fancy .the neve. paper verdict will be the leader 1,1 Ina' Opposition w•on Duff 10011,1, 1f you can lone itim a prized honk and rl :roar 1:r11'r eek 11i1n to return It and st111 800111 his, fl'{cnclshtp, 11 inirocle has been perfollna'd, 114osctuitces Prove Constant Menace In Canada -.Females of Most Speeles Are Sloodsuokers, Say Experts Acoordillg to the Dominion ento- mologists, the slender, 4elicaleir built insects known ail 211ost(l1irees are among the worst blood•kuekiug Hies which attack plan tied auhuals ire 1110117 parts of Canada, We iii.artily agree with that statement, oat's, the Kitchener Re. cord, Not only are anostt111'uee a eour(e of ggl'('iit annoyance to MP plans, but they also occasion much lO by worrying livestock, In 801.1e of the worst affected districts a marked drop In milk preduettou is noted in dairy cows at ,the c:on1 menceiuent of the mosquito season. Practical dafrymeu have stated that this may be es much as 40 per cent. Other Masses. of animals lose flesh through loss n 111001 and worry, 'm and, in extreme cases (learn 010f result, especially among young ani - Develop Develop Only In water It Is pointed nut that the fanliil'ee of most of the 611 or more specie; of mosquitoes that are found in Canada are hloodeuckere, and while' they vary considerably in their life hi: tretes and habits, alt of thele re- geire-more or less' stagnant water for 111e Miniature stages (larvee and pupae to develop. li Is quite impoeeible for them to develop in damp grass or 1n a dew on vegeta- tion, althohgb this is a commonly ]lead belief, The fest that the lar- vae and pupae develop only in wa. ter, and although they are aquatic, they most frequently conte to wa ter surface for air, makes it pos- sible to destroy them in vast num- bers before they have a chance to emerge. This is (Ione by spraying pools and flooded areas with petre- teulu oil, Such as. fuel oil, in spring and early summer. Dates for the annual School Ferrs in Huron. County were announced by Ian 'MacLeod agricultural repre- sentative for the county. Prize lists have been given to lee printers and will be ready shortly, L:ts', Year all the school fairs in Huron were (.8n051100 owing to the pol:o- my'elitis gp¢de11110. The date for this year's faire are as follows; Grand Bend, Sept, 15; Hensall, Sept, 16; Belgrave, Sept. 20; Gorr;ie, Sept, 21; St. Helens, Sept, 22; Curries Corner, Sept. 27; and Carlow, Sept. 28 Dates tor Fall Fairs in the county this year are announced as fol- lows: Cli1Tord Blyth .•• Goderich Seel:mat Exeter )3a11ield Wingham 13ruSsels Lucknow Iiir'kton Fo'dwich Zurich Dungannon Oct, 11 .7 The slates for all these fan's Imre been verified by the s'cretariae of the various societies, except i.'etrr. (11311tee and Zuflt:h. The dates fir then three tars tire only Mutative, and 81'e subject to revision. Sept, 16.1'1 Sept. 16 1; Sept, 20 21. Sept. 222, .,..Sept, 23-24 Sept. 28 99 Sept. 28 2:1 Sept. 29 ;a Sept. 2939 .Sept. 29 30 Sept. 10-0ot. 1 Oct, 2.1 C.ZI LLIAX &SON. 11111111111111111111111111111111** Suitor — 'I've come to you sir, to ask for your daughter's hard." Father — "Tell me, 1811511 were you first s'tr'uck by her?." Souter — "Rut, sir, we've not quarreled so far," WONDERFUL. MOTION PICTURE OF "LIFE OF CHRIST" COMING TO BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH NEW "PASSION PLAY" to be shown with music., "TI10 PASSION ,PLAY," or "LIPID OF CHRIST,'1 is' vot'itably a treasured heritage of the agar, to all Christian people, whose faith le anchored In the resurrection at Jesus of Nazareth, The dramatic versions, given periodically, in Europe, at Oberammergau, and Frei- burg, are visited by hundreds of thousand's of Christian people, from all sections of the World, at enorm- ous expense. Produced in Europe and Palestine! The public of BRUSSELS is to be given the rare opportunity of seeing the world.+fanlaus "Passion Play" motion picture based upon, and patterned after, both Freiburg and 'Oberammergau productions, and actually produced in Europe, the P101y Land, and Egypt, with special organ, orchestral aad choral music, on sound equipment, depict- ing many famous scenes in the Life, Cyueitixion, and Resurreetiou of Jesus, at the BRUSSELS UNITED C'hurc'h, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th at 8.15 p.oa, Everybody is in- vited, and adulisison tickets are not necessary, A silver offering w111 be taken, to assist, in Paying ex- penses, DO IT NOW 0, weave 110 laurels• 'round my tread Nor sing my praises when 1 ani dead; If you Have not the grace to give The kll•11d1y word 'while yet I live, 'You need not come to eulogize And sound my Virtues to the skies; When proffer garlands to what avati When I have passed beyond the pale? A rose today, a kindly smile, More pleasing far' than after while, Sanlbo — "Don't you start no fight we me, nigger. Ah was decor- ated in the Spanish War," Rasmus — 'tMaybe you was, but its man 'pillion it's given yo' such a smell head yo' is' 'bona ripe to be redecorated,' 1 THAT'S WHAT THEY SAY WHEN YOU SERVE... ARE YOUR children fussy about food? Have they likes and dislikes? Give them Dried or Pickled Cana- dian Fish, fried up in one of the tasty dishes that can be made with this food. You can get such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives, no matter 11058 far you live from open water. It comes to you in perfect condition, every bit of its flayour retained for your enjoyment. It's grand for the family's health ... fish con- tains the proteins and minerals that help build sturdy bodies ... and it's economical, too. Serve fish more often , . . for the health and nourishment of the family. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. .,eadied l WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Dop,rnmanc of t'Isherlos, 0(1.1)81. PIc115 send me your free 5:•haga Booklet, "Any Day n fish Do", containing 100 delightful and economical Pish Recipes, Nemo 411104)0 Wo5 X66 ANY DAY A *ISH DAY