The Brussels Post, 1938-5-4, Page 5SHADE
The Brussels Council expects to
arrange to bring into the village
within the next week up to seventy.
five Maple trees' to be planted on
the streets, any property owner
wns111ng one or more trees please
leave your name and number of
trees required with Clerk, R, War-
wick. Trees are free to owners,
who will plant them. (advt.)
Baron's Sandy 24031
In loving memory of Frances 10.
Coates of Ethel who passed away in
Kitchener on May 1st, 1937.
Her charmng ways and smiling
Pace are a pleasure to recall,
She had a kindly word for each
and died beloved by all,
Sadly missed by a Friend,
Ia loving memory of our dear
mother, Mrs. Abigail Robertson,
who :passed away May 10th, 1937
Dearest mother how we miss you;
Haw our hearts are filler with pain,
Oh, this, world would be a heaven
Leaves Lot 15, 'Con. 5, Monday,Could we hear your voice again.
You are gone but not forgotten,
May 16th; goes' south to the 7th
Years cant never ease the pain
lino Adorris, Frast to Phillip Amculls In the hearts of those who love you
barns for noon; then to 14th con„ ,pili the day we meet again,
Grey, to Int). Aleock's for night, I ,Sadly missed, by The Fancily.
then to 12111. con. Grey; then West
to the 6th line Morris, to Dave
Smith's for noon and home for
night. North to 3rd line Morris,
West to Jno, Garnieees' for noon,
to Gilbert Nethely's for night;
South through HoiiPer'e sideroad, to
Jas. Michie'& for noon, Home for
Saturday morning, goes east to
Ezra Welshes, Brussels for noon,
then home till following Monday
Barons Sandy 24031, bay, tour
white lege, long star in face, bred
by W. H, Groat, Holstein, Ontario
is a horse of good size combined
with show ghality with eutro. clean
Baron Sandy 24031—Copernicus
14054 (17000). The Conret, 9665
(13.224) Solway Saphit'e 29215 (315-
96) Ideal 4002 (1057) Glithero
Nettie 2nd, 1842G (17097) Guinea
Gold 7S1 (13020) Diamond (19111)
Prince of Carrufhtlm (8161) Mary
Glenturky 49.51 (12645) Prince
Stephen 7903 (9363) ollthero Nettle
7194 (11036) Martellus 4653 (11110)
Galoway Mary 13957 (16730) Mac-
gregor 4436 (1487) Darling Erskine
(311636) Prince of Wales (673)
Duchess of 'Challock (4180- Top
Knot 3438 (6360) Nancy Lee 4926
(2696) Pantagenet 4334 (6142)
Anita. 3174 (7369) Garnet Oros (16-
52) Hachijak 7195 (6204- Hiawatha
3430 (10067) Merry Sunshine 5073
(130633) -Macgregor 4486 (1487)
Mabel of Kerrlanrae 12737 (11465)
Darnley 4491 (222) Sadly 6794 (60)
Rosie Frame 26811 (2S531) Ctn.
quavulli 7268 (11051) Rosie of
„Scoop (28809) Montrave Mac 3087
(9058) Mary Miller 1175 (19150)
Rosediulo 9548 (3194) Jose Sud of
Cerltille (28808) iMaogr•egor 4450
(1457) Montrave Maud 3219 (117 -
SG) Skemrorlie 2902 (4627) Boll
Stering :Maelelnn Alias Newton-
airde (4664) Mary of Fcnringland
9385 (7441) Jess Darnley 4491 (2222)
Sally 5794 (G0) Prince of Wales
(673) Mists Rose (6298) Top Gal-
lant (1850) Bel or )3orelaud (2092)
Young Duko of Hamilton: Bell Royal
Charlie (728) Maggie of Fleming -
land (2447)
To insure a dont $10.00 pitYahlo,
When mare proves to be ht foal
Parties dded)osdng of •their nares be-
fore foaling time or not returning
theta regularly to the horse, will
be charged. insurance, whether 15
Coot or not, All accidents to marcs
at owner's risk,
Thos. (shoo, prop,
Of Farm, Faran Stock and Impti-
metes, at Lot 10, Con. 14, McKillop,
331) miles east of Walton, on Fri-
day, May 13111, at 1 o'clock.
Horses --[Horse rising five years;
horse rising six years
Cattle—Durham Grade,
Com" eight years, bred November
20th; cow five years; bred Jan. 11th
caw, eight years, fresh; tom`, seven
years, fresh; cow four years, fresh;
cow, three years, fresh; 3 two-year-
old steers, half fat; 1 two-year-old
heifer, half fat; 6 steers, 1 year old;
1 heifer 1 year old; G calves,
Pigs -9 pigs eight weeks old; 2
Pigs 150 lbs.
impleme'nts—Massey Harris bind-
er 6 ft. cut; McCormick Deering
mower 6 foot cut, nearly new; Me-
('onnick Deering side rake, nearly
new; Frost & Wood hay loader;
30 ft, Frost & Wood dump rake;
land roller; Peter Hamilton cults-
eater; 2.furrow riding plow;; 1 -
furrow Verity riding plow 21 Fleury
walking plow; 5 section Diamond
harrows; Cockshutt fertilizer drill;
hay rack with shift, 1 set of sling
ropes, fanning mill, set 2000 lb,
scales; wagon with box and stock
raov; set sleighs, top buggy, cutler,
Renfrew cream separator, nearly
Done; Daisy ohurn No, 3 Buckeye
brooder stove; stone boat, 1 set
breeching harness; set 1larnese; a
number of collars; set of light
harness nearly new, A quantity of
mixed grain. A yuentity of hay.
Forks, shovels, chitins and Hunter•
ells other articles.
The Farm—Lot 10, Con. 14, Mc-
I:4llop, 88 acres, well drained and
fenced. Brick house, bank barn,
,:rive shell, buildings all in good re.
pair, .Never falling well and wind
grill. Lent in good state of oulti-
vadion, Will be sold subject to a
reserve bid, Tf Fnt-in is. not sold
there is 20 acres of first cut for hay
and 14 acres of mixed burley and
tabs sowed which will 11e offered Inc
tale, anct will take a few head of
entitle to pasture.
Terms --'Cal livestock and chattels,
cash. Tereus, 00 farm made known
00 clay or sale. Proprietor is giv-
ing up farming owing; to peer
Robert J, Dougherty, Proprietor
George 11, 'Elliott, Anotionecr•,
AIen's Sults and Top Coats also
Ladies Stilts and Top Coats, It
Will be 10 your interest to look then)
over before buying. E. Bates,
41) P11ono SXi llruseels
Notice to the Public
EDNESDA:Y, MAY 4th, 1988 ,,,,
xite following letter Was reoelvetl
by the P,tuessls Council from iCrowil
Attorney, D. 19, Holmes,
.Acrel 20, 1958
To the Reeve and Coultcla
of .the Village of Brussels
Diving to the epidemic of break. -
ins in this district and in other 61s-
tricts, and from tuveottgatione made
1t would appear that what bus as•
sisted the burglato in almost every
instance has been tine lack of 11-
From the lnvestigatlone which
have been 'made in this district and
in other districts I Relieve it would
eliminate ninety per cent, of these
break -one if the stol'ekeetperd, sea' -
vice station proprietors and other
places' where money is kept w'et11d
keep a light continuously burning
in their premises from the time they
leave until opened in the morning,
Another thing which would assist
materially in decreasing the number
o•1 hneakine would be for the indi-
vidual municipalities to take steps
to have the rear of ,the stores light -
el by some permanent iixtnres. By
this I mean the outside of the prem.
iscs as they usually butt en lanes
which are not lighted, and assist
the ectivlities of those engaged in
breaking in,
1 think the matter,is of sufficient
importauCe to have it bruught be•
fore your council for immediate
I may also say for your informa-
tlon that the Provincial Police have
patrol cars in this district from
dtt..k till dawn and if the lights in
the places, were kept towards the
rear they coed easiy be checked
by the patrol care passing through
tate communities, and those places
where the fight is out investigated,
astsuming you have no night watch-
man of your own,
May 1 sk your careful considera-
tion and co-operation as it ie not
only for the assistance to the police
but for the protec:timt of individual
memibers of your community.
Thanking you for your courtesy
and co-operation, I am,
Yours truly,
Crown Attorney, Hurnn.
Played In
O. E. A. Concert
Harold Eider, son of Mr. and
Arcs. II. C. Elder, is in Toronto this
week, where he represented the
Tlllsonhulg, high school in the com-
posite secondary school orchestra
on Wednesday night, VB., Elder
was the only euphonium player
among the 95 members of the or-
ehee:ra, who were chosen from all
over Ontario. The orchestra, con-
dect.ed by J. W. Longus, of St.
Thomas, played selections in the
Massey Hall concert of the Ontario
Educational Association convention
Rehearsals were held on Monday'
Tuesday and Wednesay from 9
a.m. to 6 p.m, Mr, Elder was
merited 99 points out of a missile.
100 hi the Canadian Musical Festi-
val in London and was presented
with a geld medal. At the last
2\-aterrco hand tea;ival he received
06 points and a gold medal. Last
year he and. .Hiss Jean Sinclair play-
ed in the O. L, A, orchestra. For
the past few Weeks, Martin Bounty,
Irae been practicing with
the high school orchestra the selec•1-
tiens which were played on tat
night's concert program.
Mr. Elder, referred to in the
above- clipping from the Tilsonhnrg
paper Is a grandson of -llrs, AV l
Cunning -1i aur,
The annual meeting of the We-
rnoar's Institute was helot at the
Lome of Mrs, J. Adams with Mrs
N, eleLt uchlin presiding. The
rail nail was answered by "What
to do to'prevent fire in the holm',"
Miss Lily Wafter gave it thin on the
lase lesson in "Buymmnshlp," The
topic "Etre Proltetion n Hoare and
School" was given by Miss A.
Schtt1lb, During the husiness Eves -
.011 1121ss Lily Watch• lues chosen
delegate tic attend the conference
In Guelph in Mny.
The nnmliiating 0011111111W then
presented. their list of efvicer•s far
the coaling year as follows lrc,i-
demt, ;11r, Russell Rao; 1st Vice.
President. Miss Goodfellow; 2nd
vioe•preedent., Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Neuglrten; srr.ltrcas , Mrs Laurie
Gan Wiser; branch (Brooke's, Miss
It:tzlew,rod, Ms, Denny, Mrs, '2511
Neuer; district director, Mrs. J. J.
Allen; aurlitare, Mrs, Sleeks Mrs,
J. T, Allen; pies rrpnr;ev, Mrs. 1).
S, AtnNaugbion; pianist, Mrs, 3, N.
Allen; program committee, Ars,
Adents, Mrs. J, T, Alien; lunch
Cna11'nilttt-e, Miss M. Davidson, Mn„
J. N. Allen, Lanett was 101lit d by
the llo.s c t, assit .-4 vy Mts. Me.
Ronald a.;ti Mrs, J. Lovell.
"We're so lad you're
feeling better, Mother.!"
Notices in this column cost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
11 Pigs, s weeks old apply to 1-p
phone 27-0 J. A. .Hislop
A butch of hogs about
phone G
100 lbs,
Baelcer Bros,
One loco lir. Platform Scale with
high -bean, good as new,
,.,. .0 9011
li'e will have a quantity of fer-
tilizer on hand for the remainder of
the seeding season, 2-c
Stan Alexander, Ethel
Any person desiring to work n
garden of themselves, Mrs. Rebecca
Srith's. garden, centrally located.
phone 65-r-10 M, Skelton
(lood Barn. apply to 1-p
Incr, Bangles, Brussels
Peas, for good clean Seed,
James M. Sanderson,
?-_mile South of Wroxeter,
-Reasonable a Buick Sedan will ex-
change for livestock.
I3ox 2, Brussels P,O.
Roan Shorthorn Ball, serviceable
age, apply to 1-p
phone 32-r-13 A, Proctor & Son
Lot 9, Nis Can. 4, Morris
Quau•.ity of good quality Empire
State Potatoes, grown from certi-
fied seed,
phone 23.26 Mrs. Wm. J. Mitchell
Con, 11, Grey
The "I. C. Richards Block" on
Turnberry street, consistng of 3
stores, 2 apartments, all occupied,
apply Mrs, R. Gamanage,
145 Lake St„ St, Catharines'.
A good comfortable house in
Brussels at a bargain for quick sale.
For further particulars apply to
Wm. Ziegler Ethel phone 22-11.
An oak sideboard
t ion,
in good condi-
Phone 84
White Leghorn. Leghorn. Pullets month-
old, also Seed. routines. 24p
phone 46.18 James Nichol
'Villys Knight Sedan -c
Horse nr relit one half of Cl.
apply to Mrs. Sinclair
73 Roslyn Ave., S.
Hamilton, Ont,
White l,egherns, Barred Rocks;
Baby Chicles; Sexed Chicks; Four
week Pullets.
Coln Finglaud,
Phone 90.1-5 Walton
1 1)urhatn Cote tine 'ro frestlen In
May, also Duck Eggs tor hatching;
A quantity of Hay; quantity of No -
barb Barley and Timothy Seed,
A quantity of Timothy and .21-
llie 1111X111 re.
phone 12-26 Baxter Stevenson
Rugs, Stock of late Wipertet', ire
quilts Wilt one, Ilroadlooms and
Orientals, extrrmt(tly low Prices
while stack lasts, will ship mail
nrck+re promptly, write for price list
Traders and importers,
54 Wellington S'. West, Toronto
Habit is Catching!
The Watson youngsters are not merely
playing telephone — they are playing
Long Distance; for Long Distance is a
habit with the Watson family—an inex-
pensive habit that saves anxiety and helps
keep the family together. Let the tele-
phone extend your horizon beyond your -
immediate neighbourhood. Let it keep
you in touch with faraway relatives and
friends—the cost is surprisingly small.
Reductions in telephone rates—local and long
distance—in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected
savings to telephone users in Ontario and
Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly.•
Nephew of Mrs. I. Lowry
Wins Scholarship
The following refers to a
nephew of Mrs. Ida Lowry of Brus-
sels, Jack Poole is the son of the
former Miss Lilly Sharpe who is
well known here.
The award of the Edward Rector
Scholarship at De Pauw University,
Greencastle, Ind„ to Jack Ryrie
Poole, member of the graduation
class was announced Saturday. The
scholarship, valued at 51,000 is giv-
en for outstanding scholastic work.
Poole 17 years aid lives at 7402
D1m,din Ave. He s the son of the
Rev. Frederick G. Poole, education-
al director of the Methodist Detroit
Court of Revision
A Court of Revision on the Assess-
ment Roll for Morris 1938, will be
held in the Township Hall on Mon-
day, May 16th, 1935 at 11 o'coOk a.m.
Parties having complaints: to make
please attend this meeting.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Mr. & Mrs. Farmer—
Feed The Best -- The Best Through Test
New. Life Feeds
Are Good Feeds
GOLDEN GLOW $1.45 per Bus.
EARLY LEAMING , . . $1.45 per Bus,
WHITE CAP $1.50 per Bus.
Wisconsin No. 7 .. $1.60 per Bus.
"Feed New Life Pig Feed"
Once Tried - - Always. Used
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat., May 13th & 14th.
To Oshawa[, Bowmuan.ville, Port Dope, Cobourg, Trenton Jet.,
Beldev4ite Napanee Kingston, Gan noque, Brockville, Prescott,
Mornlsbnrg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peberbollo, Oampbetl0ord,
Newmarket, Penetanig, 00PUingwood, Menford, Barrie, Orillia, 1VIId-
land, Gravenhnrst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay. ,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in Nese Ontario 011 line of Tends.
kamrng & Northern Ontario ray„ Ndpissing Central R1y., KaPiskne•
ing, Longlac, Tashota, Sioux Lookout, Gera44ben, Jellicoe
Beardmore, Port Arthur. M•eofard, Barrie Orillia, Meaford,
Gravenhurs'r, Bracebrtidge,
Sat. May 14 to TORONTO
Also to Brantford, d, Ctlratlham, ChesGery, Clinton, Durhean, Ibix-
eter, Fergus Godcriclr, Guelph, Hamilton, Iianover, 13arnIaten, Inger-
ngersoll, Kincardine. Kitchener, London, Ltebeivel, M12akell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, 'Partite Port Egan, St,
Catharinos, Sit Mary's, Sarnia, SotUOhctmpbon, Stratford, Slraihroy,
'Walkerton, Wiertony W4og'luant, Woodstock,
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent
See handbills for complete list of destinations
1937 Ford
1936 Ford
1932 For
1932 Essex
1927 Buick,
1927 Ford
V-8 Tudor, low mileage, good tires
equipped with factory radio
V-8 Tudor, exceptionally fine finish •& interior
V-8 Tudor, mechanically perfect
Special Sedan — Good Shape
Tudor— privately owned, a Bargain
Model T Coupe — at your own price
otor Sales
The Brussels Council expects to
arrange to bring into the village
within the next week up to seventy.
five Maple trees' to be planted on
the streets, any property owner
wns111ng one or more trees please
leave your name and number of
trees required with Clerk, R, War-
wick. Trees are free to owners,
who will plant them. (advt.)
Baron's Sandy 24031
In loving memory of Frances 10.
Coates of Ethel who passed away in
Kitchener on May 1st, 1937.
Her charmng ways and smiling
Pace are a pleasure to recall,
She had a kindly word for each
and died beloved by all,
Sadly missed by a Friend,
Ia loving memory of our dear
mother, Mrs. Abigail Robertson,
who :passed away May 10th, 1937
Dearest mother how we miss you;
Haw our hearts are filler with pain,
Oh, this, world would be a heaven
Leaves Lot 15, 'Con. 5, Monday,Could we hear your voice again.
You are gone but not forgotten,
May 16th; goes' south to the 7th
Years cant never ease the pain
lino Adorris, Frast to Phillip Amculls In the hearts of those who love you
barns for noon; then to 14th con„ ,pili the day we meet again,
Grey, to Int). Aleock's for night, I ,Sadly missed, by The Fancily.
then to 12111. con. Grey; then West
to the 6th line Morris, to Dave
Smith's for noon and home for
night. North to 3rd line Morris,
West to Jno, Garnieees' for noon,
to Gilbert Nethely's for night;
South through HoiiPer'e sideroad, to
Jas. Michie'& for noon, Home for
Saturday morning, goes east to
Ezra Welshes, Brussels for noon,
then home till following Monday
Barons Sandy 24031, bay, tour
white lege, long star in face, bred
by W. H, Groat, Holstein, Ontario
is a horse of good size combined
with show ghality with eutro. clean
Baron Sandy 24031—Copernicus
14054 (17000). The Conret, 9665
(13.224) Solway Saphit'e 29215 (315-
96) Ideal 4002 (1057) Glithero
Nettie 2nd, 1842G (17097) Guinea
Gold 7S1 (13020) Diamond (19111)
Prince of Carrufhtlm (8161) Mary
Glenturky 49.51 (12645) Prince
Stephen 7903 (9363) ollthero Nettle
7194 (11036) Martellus 4653 (11110)
Galoway Mary 13957 (16730) Mac-
gregor 4436 (1487) Darling Erskine
(311636) Prince of Wales (673)
Duchess of 'Challock (4180- Top
Knot 3438 (6360) Nancy Lee 4926
(2696) Pantagenet 4334 (6142)
Anita. 3174 (7369) Garnet Oros (16-
52) Hachijak 7195 (6204- Hiawatha
3430 (10067) Merry Sunshine 5073
(130633) -Macgregor 4486 (1487)
Mabel of Kerrlanrae 12737 (11465)
Darnley 4491 (222) Sadly 6794 (60)
Rosie Frame 26811 (2S531) Ctn.
quavulli 7268 (11051) Rosie of
„Scoop (28809) Montrave Mac 3087
(9058) Mary Miller 1175 (19150)
Rosediulo 9548 (3194) Jose Sud of
Cerltille (28808) iMaogr•egor 4450
(1457) Montrave Maud 3219 (117 -
SG) Skemrorlie 2902 (4627) Boll
Stering :Maelelnn Alias Newton-
airde (4664) Mary of Fcnringland
9385 (7441) Jess Darnley 4491 (2222)
Sally 5794 (G0) Prince of Wales
(673) Mists Rose (6298) Top Gal-
lant (1850) Bel or )3orelaud (2092)
Young Duko of Hamilton: Bell Royal
Charlie (728) Maggie of Fleming -
land (2447)
To insure a dont $10.00 pitYahlo,
When mare proves to be ht foal
Parties dded)osdng of •their nares be-
fore foaling time or not returning
theta regularly to the horse, will
be charged. insurance, whether 15
Coot or not, All accidents to marcs
at owner's risk,
Thos. (shoo, prop,
Of Farm, Faran Stock and Impti-
metes, at Lot 10, Con. 14, McKillop,
331) miles east of Walton, on Fri-
day, May 13111, at 1 o'clock.
Horses --[Horse rising five years;
horse rising six years
Cattle—Durham Grade,
Com" eight years, bred November
20th; cow five years; bred Jan. 11th
caw, eight years, fresh; tom`, seven
years, fresh; cow four years, fresh;
cow, three years, fresh; 3 two-year-
old steers, half fat; 1 two-year-old
heifer, half fat; 6 steers, 1 year old;
1 heifer 1 year old; G calves,
Pigs -9 pigs eight weeks old; 2
Pigs 150 lbs.
impleme'nts—Massey Harris bind-
er 6 ft. cut; McCormick Deering
mower 6 foot cut, nearly new; Me-
('onnick Deering side rake, nearly
new; Frost & Wood hay loader;
30 ft, Frost & Wood dump rake;
land roller; Peter Hamilton cults-
eater; 2.furrow riding plow;; 1 -
furrow Verity riding plow 21 Fleury
walking plow; 5 section Diamond
harrows; Cockshutt fertilizer drill;
hay rack with shift, 1 set of sling
ropes, fanning mill, set 2000 lb,
scales; wagon with box and stock
raov; set sleighs, top buggy, cutler,
Renfrew cream separator, nearly
Done; Daisy ohurn No, 3 Buckeye
brooder stove; stone boat, 1 set
breeching harness; set 1larnese; a
number of collars; set of light
harness nearly new, A quantity of
mixed grain. A yuentity of hay.
Forks, shovels, chitins and Hunter•
ells other articles.
The Farm—Lot 10, Con. 14, Mc-
I:4llop, 88 acres, well drained and
fenced. Brick house, bank barn,
,:rive shell, buildings all in good re.
pair, .Never falling well and wind
grill. Lent in good state of oulti-
vadion, Will be sold subject to a
reserve bid, Tf Fnt-in is. not sold
there is 20 acres of first cut for hay
and 14 acres of mixed burley and
tabs sowed which will 11e offered Inc
tale, anct will take a few head of
entitle to pasture.
Terms --'Cal livestock and chattels,
cash. Tereus, 00 farm made known
00 clay or sale. Proprietor is giv-
ing up farming owing; to peer
Robert J, Dougherty, Proprietor
George 11, 'Elliott, Anotionecr•,
AIen's Sults and Top Coats also
Ladies Stilts and Top Coats, It
Will be 10 your interest to look then)
over before buying. E. Bates,
41) P11ono SXi llruseels
Notice to the Public
EDNESDA:Y, MAY 4th, 1988 ,,,,
xite following letter Was reoelvetl
by the P,tuessls Council from iCrowil
Attorney, D. 19, Holmes,
.Acrel 20, 1958
To the Reeve and Coultcla
of .the Village of Brussels
Diving to the epidemic of break. -
ins in this district and in other 61s-
tricts, and from tuveottgatione made
1t would appear that what bus as•
sisted the burglato in almost every
instance has been tine lack of 11-
From the lnvestigatlone which
have been 'made in this district and
in other districts I Relieve it would
eliminate ninety per cent, of these
break -one if the stol'ekeetperd, sea' -
vice station proprietors and other
places' where money is kept w'et11d
keep a light continuously burning
in their premises from the time they
leave until opened in the morning,
Another thing which would assist
materially in decreasing the number
o•1 hneakine would be for the indi-
vidual municipalities to take steps
to have the rear of ,the stores light -
el by some permanent iixtnres. By
this I mean the outside of the prem.
iscs as they usually butt en lanes
which are not lighted, and assist
the ectivlities of those engaged in
breaking in,
1 think the matter,is of sufficient
importauCe to have it bruught be•
fore your council for immediate
I may also say for your informa-
tlon that the Provincial Police have
patrol cars in this district from
dtt..k till dawn and if the lights in
the places, were kept towards the
rear they coed easiy be checked
by the patrol care passing through
tate communities, and those places
where the fight is out investigated,
astsuming you have no night watch-
man of your own,
May 1 sk your careful considera-
tion and co-operation as it ie not
only for the assistance to the police
but for the protec:timt of individual
memibers of your community.
Thanking you for your courtesy
and co-operation, I am,
Yours truly,
Crown Attorney, Hurnn.
Played In
O. E. A. Concert
Harold Eider, son of Mr. and
Arcs. II. C. Elder, is in Toronto this
week, where he represented the
Tlllsonhulg, high school in the com-
posite secondary school orchestra
on Wednesday night, VB., Elder
was the only euphonium player
among the 95 members of the or-
ehee:ra, who were chosen from all
over Ontario. The orchestra, con-
dect.ed by J. W. Longus, of St.
Thomas, played selections in the
Massey Hall concert of the Ontario
Educational Association convention
Rehearsals were held on Monday'
Tuesday and Wednesay from 9
a.m. to 6 p.m, Mr, Elder was
merited 99 points out of a missile.
100 hi the Canadian Musical Festi-
val in London and was presented
with a geld medal. At the last
2\-aterrco hand tea;ival he received
06 points and a gold medal. Last
year he and. .Hiss Jean Sinclair play-
ed in the O. L, A, orchestra. For
the past few Weeks, Martin Bounty,
Irae been practicing with
the high school orchestra the selec•1-
tiens which were played on tat
night's concert program.
Mr. Elder, referred to in the
above- clipping from the Tilsonhnrg
paper Is a grandson of -llrs, AV l
Cunning -1i aur,
The annual meeting of the We-
rnoar's Institute was helot at the
Lome of Mrs, J. Adams with Mrs
N, eleLt uchlin presiding. The
rail nail was answered by "What
to do to'prevent fire in the holm',"
Miss Lily Wafter gave it thin on the
lase lesson in "Buymmnshlp," The
topic "Etre Proltetion n Hoare and
School" was given by Miss A.
Schtt1lb, During the husiness Eves -
.011 1121ss Lily Watch• lues chosen
delegate tic attend the conference
In Guelph in Mny.
The nnmliiating 0011111111W then
presented. their list of efvicer•s far
the coaling year as follows lrc,i-
demt, ;11r, Russell Rao; 1st Vice.
President. Miss Goodfellow; 2nd
vioe•preedent., Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Neuglrten; srr.ltrcas , Mrs Laurie
Gan Wiser; branch (Brooke's, Miss
It:tzlew,rod, Ms, Denny, Mrs, '2511
Neuer; district director, Mrs. J. J.
Allen; aurlitare, Mrs, Sleeks Mrs,
J. T, Allen; pies rrpnr;ev, Mrs. 1).
S, AtnNaugbion; pianist, Mrs, 3, N.
Allen; program committee, Ars,
Adents, Mrs. J, T, Alien; lunch
Cna11'nilttt-e, Miss M. Davidson, Mn„
J. N. Allen, Lanett was 101lit d by
the llo.s c t, assit .-4 vy Mts. Me.
Ronald a.;ti Mrs, J. Lovell.
"We're so lad you're
feeling better, Mother.!"
Notices in this column cost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
11 Pigs, s weeks old apply to 1-p
phone 27-0 J. A. .Hislop
A butch of hogs about
phone G
100 lbs,
Baelcer Bros,
One loco lir. Platform Scale with
high -bean, good as new,
,.,. .0 9011
li'e will have a quantity of fer-
tilizer on hand for the remainder of
the seeding season, 2-c
Stan Alexander, Ethel
Any person desiring to work n
garden of themselves, Mrs. Rebecca
Srith's. garden, centrally located.
phone 65-r-10 M, Skelton
(lood Barn. apply to 1-p
Incr, Bangles, Brussels
Peas, for good clean Seed,
James M. Sanderson,
?-_mile South of Wroxeter,
-Reasonable a Buick Sedan will ex-
change for livestock.
I3ox 2, Brussels P,O.
Roan Shorthorn Ball, serviceable
age, apply to 1-p
phone 32-r-13 A, Proctor & Son
Lot 9, Nis Can. 4, Morris
Quau•.ity of good quality Empire
State Potatoes, grown from certi-
fied seed,
phone 23.26 Mrs. Wm. J. Mitchell
Con, 11, Grey
The "I. C. Richards Block" on
Turnberry street, consistng of 3
stores, 2 apartments, all occupied,
apply Mrs, R. Gamanage,
145 Lake St„ St, Catharines'.
A good comfortable house in
Brussels at a bargain for quick sale.
For further particulars apply to
Wm. Ziegler Ethel phone 22-11.
An oak sideboard
t ion,
in good condi-
Phone 84
White Leghorn. Leghorn. Pullets month-
old, also Seed. routines. 24p
phone 46.18 James Nichol
'Villys Knight Sedan -c
Horse nr relit one half of Cl.
apply to Mrs. Sinclair
73 Roslyn Ave., S.
Hamilton, Ont,
White l,egherns, Barred Rocks;
Baby Chicles; Sexed Chicks; Four
week Pullets.
Coln Finglaud,
Phone 90.1-5 Walton
1 1)urhatn Cote tine 'ro frestlen In
May, also Duck Eggs tor hatching;
A quantity of Hay; quantity of No -
barb Barley and Timothy Seed,
A quantity of Timothy and .21-
llie 1111X111 re.
phone 12-26 Baxter Stevenson
Rugs, Stock of late Wipertet', ire
quilts Wilt one, Ilroadlooms and
Orientals, extrrmt(tly low Prices
while stack lasts, will ship mail
nrck+re promptly, write for price list
Traders and importers,
54 Wellington S'. West, Toronto
Habit is Catching!
The Watson youngsters are not merely
playing telephone — they are playing
Long Distance; for Long Distance is a
habit with the Watson family—an inex-
pensive habit that saves anxiety and helps
keep the family together. Let the tele-
phone extend your horizon beyond your -
immediate neighbourhood. Let it keep
you in touch with faraway relatives and
friends—the cost is surprisingly small.
Reductions in telephone rates—local and long
distance—in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected
savings to telephone users in Ontario and
Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly.•
Nephew of Mrs. I. Lowry
Wins Scholarship
The following refers to a
nephew of Mrs. Ida Lowry of Brus-
sels, Jack Poole is the son of the
former Miss Lilly Sharpe who is
well known here.
The award of the Edward Rector
Scholarship at De Pauw University,
Greencastle, Ind„ to Jack Ryrie
Poole, member of the graduation
class was announced Saturday. The
scholarship, valued at 51,000 is giv-
en for outstanding scholastic work.
Poole 17 years aid lives at 7402
D1m,din Ave. He s the son of the
Rev. Frederick G. Poole, education-
al director of the Methodist Detroit
Court of Revision
A Court of Revision on the Assess-
ment Roll for Morris 1938, will be
held in the Township Hall on Mon-
day, May 16th, 1935 at 11 o'coOk a.m.
Parties having complaints: to make
please attend this meeting.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Mr. & Mrs. Farmer—
Feed The Best -- The Best Through Test
New. Life Feeds
Are Good Feeds
GOLDEN GLOW $1.45 per Bus.
EARLY LEAMING , . . $1.45 per Bus,
WHITE CAP $1.50 per Bus.
Wisconsin No. 7 .. $1.60 per Bus.
"Feed New Life Pig Feed"
Once Tried - - Always. Used
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat., May 13th & 14th.
To Oshawa[, Bowmuan.ville, Port Dope, Cobourg, Trenton Jet.,
Beldev4ite Napanee Kingston, Gan noque, Brockville, Prescott,
Mornlsbnrg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peberbollo, Oampbetl0ord,
Newmarket, Penetanig, 00PUingwood, Menford, Barrie, Orillia, 1VIId-
land, Gravenhnrst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay. ,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in Nese Ontario 011 line of Tends.
kamrng & Northern Ontario ray„ Ndpissing Central R1y., KaPiskne•
ing, Longlac, Tashota, Sioux Lookout, Gera44ben, Jellicoe
Beardmore, Port Arthur. M•eofard, Barrie Orillia, Meaford,
Gravenhurs'r, Bracebrtidge,
Sat. May 14 to TORONTO
Also to Brantford, d, Ctlratlham, ChesGery, Clinton, Durhean, Ibix-
eter, Fergus Godcriclr, Guelph, Hamilton, Iianover, 13arnIaten, Inger-
ngersoll, Kincardine. Kitchener, London, Ltebeivel, M12akell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, 'Partite Port Egan, St,
Catharinos, Sit Mary's, Sarnia, SotUOhctmpbon, Stratford, Slraihroy,
'Walkerton, Wiertony W4og'luant, Woodstock,
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent
See handbills for complete list of destinations