The Brussels Post, 1938-3-9, Page 3THE SRUSSEX•S POST
Starts This Week .. .
Be Sure To Read
This Glamorous
Thrilling Novel
"Out of the Storm"
By Peter Munday
The Mystery Man.
There was something fresh and
virginal about Gale Desmond, remi•
niaaent .of the dawn else. Iwo hours
previously had flooded the valley
with light, and turned the distant
mountain tops into tpennacles of um
earthly glory,
She was the type of girl who
would inevitably attract the ay'tten-
bton of any artist who happened to
see 'her. She had the authentic
touch df loveliness, with dark brown
hair fitting closely abort a small
bead, wide, dreamy eyes, and a
scarlet full -lipped mouth, In ad-
dition, there was, a wistfulness
about leer that was irresistible.
Not above me.c1itlm height, she
was ,r=ender, with a boyish figure
set off to perfection, and the fingers
of the hands reet4ng on the
veranda railing in front of her were
long and slender, and full of
From the eminence upon which
the house was built, she could see
out over the entire width of the
valley. From the bottom , of ,the
garden, eche ground fell steeply
away to where die silver streak of a
distant river could -be seen winding
Its way through reed fringed banks,
.Beyond the river, a range of saw-
toothed mountains stood out clear
and sharp in the hot morning Sun-
shine, and .further north, the snow -
,capped peak of Mt. Kenya brooded
in a'i nt maiesty over the magnifi-
cent seene.
Everything was on a huge scale,
and the colours '.'ere equally dur-
ing. Without blending, yet W!thoatt
(Rahannatty, blues and reds and
browns vied with each other in at-
liemp'dng to strike an individual
note, and the gaily coloured, birds
of paradise flitting in and out of
the grove of poplars, ae the foot of
beauty of the mornings, of
there is none in the world to come
pars, The air was like chempa4gne,
and it would be some hours yet be-
fore the increasing heat drove away
the last of the mists. which, tenuous
as a chiffon veil, were rising from
the river.
She bad been standing there
about five minutes when the sound
of footsteps caused her to return, to
see her employer, the .mother of the
two children to Whom, Gale acted as
"Good morning!" Marten Redfern
was a pretty woman who managed
her adortug husband and her house-
hold with a rare combination of tact
and efficiency, which produced a
surprisingly happy atmosphere. She
had treated Gale as rue of the fam-
ily since the latterts arrival at
At the moment her eyes. were
alight with enthusiasm,
"I've told Jerogl to set the break -
Case. table on the veranda," she
said. ']ft's such a heavenly morn-
ing it would be a sin to miss a
moment cf it, Have you ever seen
anything s•e gorgeous as the hills
look to -day?"
"I 'haven't! rt's beyond descrip-
tion. And' the air—',
"That's how I feel, It's worth
sweltering through a rainy season
jus: for this. And to think—in
London 'I't's probably foggy at the
Gale laughed, The comparison
seemed so ridiculous.
"I can hardly believe. such things
as fogs exist," she .confessed,
'Every clay I'm here I'm thankful
I came. I wouldn't change my lot
for anything."
Marion's, eyes twinkled.
"Don'e be too sure." she 'warned,
"When I sane you getting off the
bcat my heart fell! 1 knew we
,rltouldtl't keep you long with us."
the slope seemed to combine in 1 ""'Y " (tale's eyes °pent' in
colours. of the rainbow. I At her expression Marion laegh-
Gale drew a deep breath, and 1 ed outright.
leaned against; the stone pillar Sup- I Don't you ever Ioak Ina mirror'!"
porting the veranda roof, around 1 sbe teased, "You surely don't
which a scarlet bougainvillea. grew ! think you're going to escape ---i '
in wild profusion, Ste haat' only Gale flushed.
been in Kenya four months and had "Oil!" she exclaimed, "Please
their iridescent wings' all the alarm. `I—%artery--"
sat yet grown accustomed to the 1 clan't "
rMarion's mood changed,
"You positively frighten me at
Thyme," she said with emptiasis.
°You're such a law unto yourself, I
"T believe In hiving :sly- own life
lit my own way."
"That's all right, 'But, untor-
tenntely people that are
seldom popniatr--•w^itlt 'heir owe
sex," s'a'lt' Marion. clerkly. 'You're
new out here yet—"
,She broke off, AL frown of Mete-
elelel marring her brows,
.arty you trying to warn rue about
something ' 'risked dale, amusedly,
Follow summer to its all -year
home. Thrill to golf under blue
slues, relax on warm sands.
For a winter vacation or a
longer stay, there is never a
dull moment. And living costs
are very moderate.
Choose your own route. Fates
apply director via the Canadian
Rockies, Vancouver and Vic-
toria to San Francisco in one
or both directions.
On Application to any Auenl
bheaitselvee on 40 41i0 veranda,
BettY, aged four, was triumphantly
holding aloft a small, spotted tree
frog In her chubby hands, and John,
aged six, was uttsucceesfaily endeav-
ouring to conceal beneath anair of
mescaline 'superiority his envy ae
his sister's gond fortune,
With an exclamation, Gal � out -
pert on to one knee and
hand into which Betty promptly
dropped the quivering little crea-
'Oh, 13etly," she said reproaehful-
ly. "How unkind: How would
you like to be taken from your nice
home and carried og by the leg?"
Betty openee her china .blue
eyes, and glanced uncertainly from
Cale .to her mother, and then ,back
again. She .appeared to be con.
s'id'ering the matter. At length—
"I s'pe'cs I s'ltould swy," she an-
nounced gravely.
"Girls alwayscry," interjected
John eicoratully, "Don't they, Miss
+Marion turned away to bide n
smile. 'She lent Gale to take the
oilmontunity of pointing a moral to
the children, after which the girl
made .hem accompany her to the
hibiscus hedge at Ole bottom of
the garden, where the frog was re-
turned uubarened to its home.
Gale bad been thankful for the
interruption however. Thoroughly
free from vanity, it had never occur-
red to her that the increasing num-
ber of male visitors to Mehenga had
anything to do with her. 13ut
Marion's warnleg had put a differ- tion."
ant complexion on the matte:', anti Womanlike, Gale wanted to know
she felt uncomfortable, Actually,
she was as beret whole as she had more.
been the day elle arrived, and could \'11at is' he like?' she asked. "To
truthfully ecty. that of all the men look at, I mean."
she had met no one teat made any (To Be Comttuned,)
more tmpr es:on than another.
'73ecanse i8 you are --
"Nat exactly, Only, Kenya's a
Meer country. We've Sat' too
malty ellgt'bie bachelors and too few
gins, Adel' to that ht's at lonely life
out here, and you have all the
atmaterials for a quite exulting ex-
plosion. d just wanted to fine owe
i f- 'ie---"
Ga'e redd'enecl,
"The ,tum;wet is in ,the negative,"
She said. "Brut don't ;,worry Rhea
rte, When the time comes, if it
ever dues,. 1'11 carve ,out. my awn
'1 believe rut will," replied commented heifers, slyly. "Ali the
Marion. "!lf only—" 1 district ---the feminine pant of it, at
"1,00tcl Look! ISO gat a ,'wog!" ; anyrate—wand] give their pars In
Thera was a sudden s'cr'amble, and : know what it's aril about!"
Gale's 'Iwo charges tprcolpltat'ed , "So would the Wren!'' retorted his
wile, "You can't get away with
that, my lea! You're ae curious
a£' the rest of us,"
'Redfern grinned,
"Merely because he hoppt'ns to
be unsociable," he commenced,
when ]tib wife interrupted hem.
"There's, more in it than unsooia-
llility, Alec;' she remarked thought -
fatly. "I'm contain there's a story."
Gale looked interested,
"Of whom are you speaking?"
she asked, "I haven'', met hien,
have I?„
",scarcely anyone has," replied.
Merlon. "Malar McAllister came
out here Just neem two year's ago and
bought a small farm tee the head of
the valley, Naturally, as one does
to a place like thin, several of his
ueighbore called after he had settled
in, and tried to make fr'iend's, You
know how it is --'we always' 'try to
make a new charm feel at home—"
"There isn't a colony in the world
like Kenya for that sort of thing,"
interposed Redfern, "And—I don't
quite know bow, it seemed generally
.a.neelted that he was all right, if
yon know what I mean. Retired
Army man, and ail that sort of
thing, Seemed to have money,
Gale nodded, One of the first
thtugs that had struck her on her
Arrival was the free and easy cam-
araderie or the colonists, and she
could imagine what had hapeeend.
"Well," Redfern continued 'I rode
over to invite him to dinner. He
received me with perfect. politeness,
but made it quite clear that all he
asked of life was to be le1't alone,"
"How strange—'
Marion nodded.
'But thata not 'ail. It became
,obvious that he knew something of
the couu'try, even if he was new to
this part of the world. You can't
scop 'boyre' from talking, you know.
Then, one day, he chisel/Peered!"
'Disappeared? YOU mean—"
"It leaked out that he had de-
parted with a small party of 'boys'
—Porters and gumbearers, and so
on for the interior, and had left his
farm in charge of his head boy. Ile
was away about five menthe, and re-
turned as myeteri'enaly as, he had,
"Signe: then," added Redfern, "he
has made three more of these trips.
The puzzle is what he does on 'em.
It can't be hunting, as he never
brings either ivory or skins back
with him. le might send them
away front Ole lakes—I don't know.
Only I can't see any other explana-
that the Dominion GOverwtnenk leis
a re:l;tonsibila'ty lu seeing thee. the
pubi'ic obtainer' good teed In the in-
terest of the health of the people,
second' it Weistts that eggg ellen be
marked atec:ordiag ,to quality In
order that the producer Will be peed
on the basteof quality and the eon•
sumer assured Of the quality hede-
When sire returned to to veraudn,
Jerogl the .houeeboy 'Way b•-1n,4ng
on the breakfast. She .seated she
children at the table, and then they
were joined by Marion and her hus-
4 tic liked Alec Redfern. She
coo iclerete him, a splendid example
of what an Empire builder should
"1 hear McAl!ls•ter is back again,"
he remarked after they had settled
down. and the children had been
erved, "The headrboy tells me he
was to Nakuru yesterday, and saw
Moan there, I wonder how
long hell stay this time?''
'Marion looked up, tied helped her.
self to more "milk,
"Poor man," slue said softly. "I'm
sorry for him."
She broke off to attend to some-
1hirg Jahn W^as wring, and then
Owned eo Matte.
"Major McAllister is our lnc1l
mystery man," she explained. "P11
tc'Il you about him presently."
The rest of the meal passed off as
breakfast In the .Redfern household
tieual'ly did, the ebilclt•eu keeping
n1 a running fire of questions which
Redfern found difficulty ii answer -
lug. •
WVireu they hod finiehell, aul had
heen excused to run away to the
orchard! and play until time for
their morning lessons, Marion tools
up the subject of the :man mention -
rd by her husband.
"Why do you call him the ,mys-
tery men?" asked Gale.
"Ally loan Is' a mystery to i4 VO -
1118 11 if she 1lllllks he's got a s,+ory,"
Away la shadowed depths of Sum-
mer woods,
Where ,through the noon of day no
sound' Is 'metal,
A hush that thtwba, amongst! the
fragrant flowers.
Soft wings of ail', and mutes oath
singing bird,
And o'er the sleeping ,purple—
breast-ed moor
A haze -hest survives' far across', and
How bees' drop down, with honey
sweetness cloyed,
And breezes shake the heather's
soundless* bells,
And In the secret places. of my soul,
Where uo man enters; thought's go
dreaming by;
I stretch beyond this world of time
sad space,
And find in ,dance there—that God
Is nigh,
What Grading Of
Eggs ,Has Done
In Canada
cauatliatts, on the average, each
oat about 23 dozen eggs per year.
This consumption is among the
highest of the, countries of the
world, One reason for this un-
cloubtediy is that Canadian eggs. are
careeully graded according to Do-
minion Government regulations and
the merchandising of eggs is con-
trolled and .upervised from- pro-
ducer to consumer.
The eggs available in the retail
stores of Canada to -clay are a die.
timely different product from those
which were commonly offered for
sane fifteen to twenty years ago,
Improved production methods,
better handling and quicker market-
ing all leave been instrumental In
bringing about this improvement.
01 greeteet trignidcance, however,
has hem a system of egg grading
which for year; Naas required that
the pure a.e and sale of all egge
in Canada he candticteed ou a basis
.of quality graders.
All eggs' .sold in Canadian retail
stores etre required to be graded anti
identified with the grade name.
There are three main quality grades
-Grade A, Grade 13, Grade C.
Grade A c'gga' are sold in three
weights. Gentle A Large, Grade A
Mediuut, Grade A Pellet, The qual-
ity is tete same in ,lid three weights,
Apart from the unexcelled food
valet' and wide uset1uhless of eggs
in molting as indicated by tbe
lltldt'eele elf Wiles of ll.`lillg 0586 as
food, there are two sound reasons
why the Dominion Department of
Agriculture is so concerned about
the grading of egalsl First, it le' reit
The Value
Of A Smile
It costs nothing and gives much.
It enriches those who. receive with-
out making poorer those who give.
It takes but a moment but the mem-
ory sometimes' last forever. None
are so rich that they eau get along
without it and none se poor that
they cornett he made richer with it.
A smile creates happiness in the
home, testers' good will in business
and is the countersign of friend-
sep. dt. brings rest to the weary,
cheer to the disrouragedf, sunshine
to the sad, and is natur'e's best an-
tidote for trouble, Yet it cannot
be bought, borrowed or stolen and is
something that is of no Value 30
anyone until it is given away. Some
people are too tired to give you a
smile,—give them one et yours, as
none need a smile more—so much
as he who has none to give.
Girl 3, Knows
All The Answers
Maritime Prodigy Refuses To Be
Stumped Be Most Abstruse
Questions Flung at Her in New
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLtECT" ie
French engineer named' lerditnand
de 'LesUups.
Walking Encyclopedia
"That's shelled with a small *d'
a capital 'L', she advised gravely,
for the benefit of newsmen.
She knew that Woodrow Wilson
drew up .the Nine -Power Treaty,
that the United 'States. bought
Alaska from Russia ire 1867—"for
$7,200,000," she added gt'attattouely
—earl that the longest river in
China ie the Yangtse.
In a qudak, piping voice, Jean
Kathleen Demers, 3 -year-old prodigy
of Tracadie, N,S., rattled off wise-
cracks and random' facts from
an apparently inexhaus"itble fund of
knowledge at New York last week.
"Jus', ask me anything you like
like," she said. "They call me the
wal'kin'g book of knowledge."
;She knew all the answers. With
an air of boredom, as trough impa-
tient for something hard, she re-
plied glibly that Paramaribo is the
capital of Dutch Guiana, that Lake
Michigan be the fifthlargest lake in
the word with an area of 22,460
square miles, that the buffer State
between Russia and China is Mon-
golie, and that the Suez Canal was
opened in 1869 and built by a
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 20X Brussels, Ont.
General Insurance Agent
Ethel, Ont. -- Phone 22.8
James McFadzean
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance
-Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado insurance
—Automobile Insurance ,
'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry $t
Brussels, •Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer for the, County
et Huron. Sales attended to in all
Parts of the country, Satisfaction
Guaranteed or no pay, Orders left
at The 'Post' promptly attended to.
Belgrave Post Office
PHONE: — Brussels Phone 14-r•9
Estate Agent, Conveyancer
and Coanmissioner
General ln5urance
Main Street, — Ethel,. Ontari
important Notice,
Accounts, Notes, Judgemen
Our collecting depa,.lment is a
result of years of euccesslul expert. `1
enee in collecting local or olut-ot
town accounts.
No collection. no charge, Mall
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(License 176)
Head Office, Seaforth One
Licensed Funeral Director
and Embalmer
BRUSSELS, Phone 53X,
Brussels, Ont.