The Brussels Post, 1938-3-2, Page 6nn„”/,Nill,,,,.. n1„n„n,,nM,nnt„ „,„,„,Mn ..... ,M„Uanttn, .... A .,„„,AHnb„iyt„n,aan, ..., ' News ,and Informationr. 11 For the J3uusy Farmers z ' the pepxrt' bylnent of ABriauiturel (Ftmit�ahofl ,,,,,,,,,.,, min•.unen” Ma..+W. oolO,.,,,,,"..woo ,n,,, n,o m „"n,,, 1...N,n,,,,00n,,,,,a n •enuaaan,,,,,,, n ,,,, at Sell Defiolency these g.auee could teen discus's the general convention: the larger Prof, (x. N. Behnke told the Field probl.ms' of {ale arida t>ds+thdbutton 011YOution in - Toronto at of reed. It was decided to alk soilsitt-Otutaaio were ti�bow1i 3 for greater tlnaneial old to nasty Qxgrtrs of mineral deflclenoy and than cart experimental. warlt, One of �vKts reflected in the crops and live tilt, matters d emanrliug att2nticrn is track, (Fertility is lost in the OP- a Method of (matt -gait temlborna din'at'Y eou :se= of farthing, it can- e +' ngrt, be t•apitaced by the manure al me e'' alma,there le a demand for fertilizers „ to bring back farms, to tut produc- e„,tirve 'Capacity. ":Before ulnas irg theme commercial mixtures it i, xi?teeasary to ticteun4ne if dran3 itis' is ,t^aqu'ired and to test for acidity. Where there is an acid couch run lime Ist the remedy, In c.,aosdng a ' feetttizer the crop history lie also to he 'taken into consideration, 14, Field Crop Convention Orgauizattan oP district atetiotia- liona' to promise the grew•ine ul hatter seed in Ontario wit:+ treeed by Alex M. S'towart, p:t ., of the 'Field; 'Crop Assahclatir 1 at the enn'gal meeting in Torun t t,t the province divided too zee the 'Particular problem's oe teeil and olittuate could be St'udde'd by !oral "gtOsilyi3, Representatives from ieSt et ofSaskatchenn d: a P5. itt Ge Y. elcRaatle outlined the c:cp testing program which had teem prop•• d a yeti. ago and on which sane progress l.as been r mut iia ed q+t soil tu.veys made In 1 '+it.e,th Ontario and ;he- cater• ti+ l ewe n Toyota, and Kingston a number 't• c t ?t t is have been mark• ret trff AVention huv been (elven ill differ: enc., t t elin"u e so that same nu ifOrin :ty of enntiiltoes in ea;it it , ,u 14: • tl.pendcel upon. 'rho /oln eta:vitae Brea of lis -ex and Kele' unit the Niagara fruit belt are 'king eemp-c;; of crepe talented , • Dr. Me•Iter 1e . cain 1 ` .'.... tli,ap-.be-hility of Pre - clueing in:.,, ;std in a '1411 o1 lend d le'td tt Lake Duvet ani tt. lee Bat' t:1ty eenditt to t 11 iI at' t0 t ,31 N,sya Seotiu, al ch vt -.ce it t. been tt ptae• 1 on n, t ., Cil . :! �''• D%' ,.tilrUn i't tit / The,:-: t n :i' t •-d is eeiera1 wee i,« beet yielding r, mare- aecurate earn ieventer.eye Iceeter 1plt. were iee,1 .amt y .c try rt ri the. Agee—tie mai fedhee. It,:, a.'.s se, or i,.tve to ru Hai :eteetvty and oh - t, There t u: I at nt r •t'• c ,' were also u .:.n lipervieed teete w th tort i 1 lee re whh c tee about each a_nl vv':u• bC, pe: cent. re- liable. Ruse of oats has become one of the ntajot user a of the grain grower in Fa tern Canada, • There were heavy 1..>es in the harvest of 1937, ,ane lieltls being retraced to ten bushels or lets per acre. For- tunately 'there are a few varieties that are resistant to the disease which may show itself either on the &tem or leaf. Dr. L, H. Newman, Central �i t f the C .creelas Dominion C Experimental Farm hast centered results of supervised tests on farms in Eastern Ontario and Sodsthat the old varieties are susceptible and may have to be discarded, at leas: in areas where ultra disease is a eonfirclling factor, and rust:free roo=ts grown in their ,place. As rust, rather than soil, seems to be the detetimindug factor in obtaining goad cnops in many dis- tricts Dr- Newman has taken steps to map •otit the areas where the stems ere attacked and where the Teat is affected With this informs - ft tetil be pots dlele to recom- mend varieties thee may be grown vvlth relative safety.. How great a gain may result is seen in a Case at Winchester where a variety reais- tant to Leat rust went 60 bushels to the acre, while Viotory gave only 8 bitshiele, At the Ottawa Expert - FREE SERVICE QLD, I?ISABLE4 QR DEAD HORSES QR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. SirnPIY phone "COLLECT” fo Harness—100 Sets tVele: Yourself by Buying Some of _This Harness Also Help Sask. Plant Another Crop 1�0 1 --+Sett of Brass Tlaruess, Hand. made set heavy Brass' spatted Com- fctrtabie Bridles: Line's 11, inch 20 - feet longe Hanle% Heavy reversible steel hee:est with long brass knobs: Treeees, a rag style 2aneli , 3 -ply, 44n, long, vvtlth 7 link heel chain; Back sande heavy 5 -in., shaped leather, feiteilned, beet make brass seeped with Brass"breeeluing, ttratP holder; Belly -baro t2ain. folded with one in: ct cheep It ,t 't' mtakiltg a 3 - ply betty ban tie sr azttin'gaies and Pods Straps, 1% in, hes Reavy 5 ringed ;i style Breeching,. 'all brass range& .and brass ;spotted,- A. Rand. some Hatnes5' C n1Y •S igiatily Used This :Iitaruess ` !fit 'Leas Than Baalf. price; ... $28.00 NO.' 2—Set B1tnd Brtclliess ngootl re. pair onernclt 204t lanes; 11h inch Polo straps and maritmgales revers• elide bele° tap Steel rhes, bolt style; Traced, ting style 2 inch•. with 1,hencb, layer' 643eet 4 -inches long with '€ tic heel l�yy tirstn; Hanle Tug 2-:i dY yi^vs, t� felt lined bac Y , EeLly bands 1t%z inch, foTdd- ed ,:,, ; gttutehed, 1-mf.h leather ¢til• Straps; good 5—ringed Breeeh- A Good $ pe(tuble Harness ny Yea* In 1t Cora - AO Deseeibtd a tk •122.00 Less Breachsi'ne. ", $16,00 Less Breeching; & !4Bes $14.50 .Leos Breeching Bridles & Littee $12,50 ''Trrltth Heavy Wood ;EIames— -Same Price N' '3 Blind Beidies„ in good ' re- pair; 1a4a-inch tines; FHmee,, heavy bolt Style, weed tvltlt . hong . brass .tops; Traces strwlght ileeksugh, bush style With butt chainef Back grads,: .good heavy leather, :Jet jdheli;, Pole Sitars and Martingales' 11/2-in4 ,flood 5 -ringed Breeching, Above Harness a Good 'Serviceable Her - nes Price ,-.:.,:::...,.,, $21.00 NO 4 -+Sot •sa+me as. No. 8, except: it, bit orached , crimper with hip sta'atlis to hold ttiee'"eprice $15.00 S-1tIRSE CO'LLP;RS I-IO3LS13 CO'71bA34S-'We have huu- tll'edli•"of God Deed : Collars all sttylee and sti20it. cloth and 'leather fec'ed, Long & Short Straw Collars cositling::$6.25 new 0.01, PRICE 53.00 ,Short Sanaw cloth & teett'he,r faced, -cost 53.50 to 55.50 new O1111 P1Z1018 $2.00 all short. Straw collars, none but best makes sent out and all 1>itret :in' good repair. ,TERMS OF SALE WILLIAM STONE SONS i MITER PHONE 21 INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONI. - 72 feels such as crook rot etc, are made for each log when It is areas` used. A scale elicit has the log reale printed on It, and it le used far measuring the diameters of the logs. HE BRU$SBI.'s POST Victorian ,ideas Lose Influence iMixtures of Flowers, Fruit'; Vegetabl IIBlake, aastiatan(t curara'o1• of gaols • for Clrland'a ]nerd niwoum, with a 1 grin minimised the den ' get of life I and 114017as he faced and docuared.1 yen i Vito jmtgle trout which 1141 Itas j'uttt 1 retu•rcted wee less perlloutr than big Decorators city ra es Please -- tern L it traffic. liar lie'told howz jaguar balled him he caught malar - "Ii' 1 had arranged grand:Motlter's fr; and at biood•dt'ainbng vampire bat & weds for her and anixed theta 1)10 hitn, Pitch. fruits from the orchard and "'The jaguar was just a curious vv kitchen garden I fellow,” he said, . °'l've made six I. Ive its ria s 1 a io ft ar my from themore perceptive exP alltione In Seven Years and this I enle'nhs ako would stave said. '\'Whatwait nay arse tench' of malaria not aa't r10110 Vie. t puhlie market?' And out i Bitten While Asleep poyle Rule The 1):ty1t ale hay been the legal rule in oetat i;, :,:nit. lv7at and moot cot etc farm wond',t,ts are meas- ured ure,d by tine rule, 1,. gives extreme. l I, w etches' for loge in the lower' 1111111 t:rr 11.ctses. Soribner Rule e: :;rte• notch t' «. Scribner ihner Ito. leater vitiate titaut tee 1r vk for t ,+; . iu the lower ditemet,r cla•est.c. Doyle -Scribner Rule Tee v true . of the Doyle rule are used for logs up t s mesa-' in Mai n er and ab+,v : 'S Melte* the , c t o r v ln• .e a t tt ed. will people say—my d'raw`ing room. is �ro a would 12eve miry dissenting decor el'he empire bat bit my toe gone into (b•t da.obit,,. Har- i awhile 1 was steeping, I awoke a Sa says (1,12,41, (.3 Spry, to gory sight but ilbibu''t 'ally lose Pets Bazaar, he continues. I enough blood to endanger my Life.” Different 'Design for Living II With 10 natives, Blake t,vavel41tl 1 16,000 .miles and brought bade 30. - "Buil tud+0Y our witole design Yor :' 90 :peclmtens including 1,600 birds, living !a different. Phe ViatoAncl reptiles rias and lttanumals, The '11141' their houses for life; prineipel purposes of the expedition, I flowers were not accented 'to alter I the said, was: to obtain epee/Mere ! the set s'Clt'Gure cf things, On the 1 and bacirgroun t for three "petmtan- 'c•onte ary, we nroclerns are a restless etil 'habitat" exhibits of uncanvinou ! race, 1\'e' l.cep the decorators birds at the ntueeum. t I,nsy 'doing u+' over. And we have lie brought back epecirne'itt of ,the + d:acaverttl Uta: we can be even Iioactuin bird, dubbed by scientisat mare mercurial 1n het.vveen times' "Stinking Ha,ina,” the billy known !mt"t daily changes 03 bird showing reinnanrts of rer,t"itian i exprecee a heart by so using flowers as, to mroestry in -the form or 'finger -.like ,ttpl,le, fluent sualdty to our. WE17NItSDAl£, siAIZ R Zed, 1938 ROUND TRIP BARGAIN' FARES from I3RV$SE Fri. and at. March 4-5 'Po Oshawa, Bowntanville, koot•i' 'Pe, 000tnzrg, Trenton act„ Balleviiie, N1panee • itingstont Gattanonue, 331•ookvtiie, Prescott, tierrisburg,Cornwall Uxbridge, LindeaY, PeterbOco, Oarttpbeiltord, Newmarket eaford, Berrie, Orillia, Ivtidt load, Newmarket, 1'enataa3r Calriuge, Huntsville, Calendar, 3ot'IAt l3ay, land, CSound,lrurst, Sudbury; ail Ontario on line of TKO& Parry sound,Northern all taw'na ittiNCentral 111y,, 1Srd.pielcaa. tam Mg,Lo & Northern OlItario-xi11y., N'P Lookout, Goraldton, 7ellioos ing, Longlac, Nalttna, Tus'bQttt, Sioux Loc Beatrdmx,re, Pont Anther, 5th to ---fir pq�-- ^ at March o Toronto Also to 131 aOtfot'd, Ola0Gltam, Mosley, Clinton., Duohit m, b s• eter, Fergus G•oderioh, tluelplt, Hamilton, Hanover, .lierrlstan, Inger• sell, KinoartUne, Kitchener, LtOt410n, Listawet, Mitohoil Niagara Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Pares, Port I)gin :3t, Fads, Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southauiptnn, StraOtord, Stra+ ray, Walkerton, Wiartou, Wingbant, Woodstock. W clam LitnhtS, Train Ittforma'ucp, Ttakets, consult For Fares, di nearest Agent, See handbills for complete list of 'destinations en ations Minimum Fares; Aufts 750 ) C�t, ,IAN NATIONAL agrpt-rt.auges on the wings of the Exeter Citizen Has 'current acctealive plan. Acting young •nnihine' gained, :We have dared , frequently joined Lite nat,1 . Teeth Well Reveal Hobby 1 Maturity Of Sheep •til• on the principle cf nothing ventured, On the lighter side, Blake said he Outstanding In a . 1 e a 1 ! gre.ay. Via this new ireedont veil I repaK of monkey stew, and lilted it. Whittling. for yeah, has been a International Log Rule ��! halihy with Ifo S. has be, of The tt. are.tOuse: rule gler• have exon through 10 many original ears be Ph and beautiful dl signs'• Exeter. and clueing those y value's tl,a.t cry u-tlt� to what cart I ds. Color l Grading has caved jack-knife many „e:i nett o i O/ g ubuy t, b, f b., :awe nut intrles.tit, j It :� tea• to bulli buyer acrd cello, a \i r t dep rtl an Ih is ill these ablcc` Comparison of Log Rules Tire vain :elver ale t,r 16 -foot lege (miy, D nater o v o' o 111 155 bark a ca it;:b!,i Baa:11 Filo g 4 11 v _ t Contents. "—•� 19 16 39 mental Farm it is iterated. to drop Vinlary for Vanguard and at the ILemlItville School Et.ben is recom- mended. Even outside the districts affected with cure Lanark and Er - lean have given better results in yields than other sorts. Salting wheat which is grown to le laniard extent in Eastern • Canada, chiefly for peuie y feed, also needs to be real resistant. Huron and Mesquis', so well known to Eastern farmers, canna', be depended upon as they are With easceptible, to stem ,,est 16 32 10 6 54 15 121 142 2t3 256 230 25 441 459 3,t 676 657 961 376 36 64 131 157 256 290 441 462 657 674 876 930 We'll Do Anything To Break Records Symphonies n Principalswith bit 'v subjects in wood. Many' ,, u . e fearless. :objects -are now on display r-_ The g:chine of farm products A TratuaitY "e slue mixesan colt, the window of 3. 'nee'a with vest h Massed reds. for ints'tan'ee, based on• 'rhe principle that it is in .h They represent and ft' m' sound business to cltat•.s'tfy live stock hardware store, are 1 t,nte ala most ipiadiffito and the nr t;s,t beautiful example to take, 1, in sats a way that. :he consumer ; some very interesting and patten' `t find [ get -the most satisfying and will be corrodttca e tttland that the recognize .i One of thethe nto�gt lofricato pieces' 15 brilliant recaps by mixing every ' chase quad ty 1 :trade • nd latae of red—carmine, vice pre,mimn which the can:Am a '' truer f oxen With miniature. ,A wagon and a des should i rut rar'et vermillion, criuhson will pay tar rhe better g 'r f Item 1 cut from a single piece of wood.' People Are Funny That Way—Some Odd World Championships The marble championship of the world is' claimed by the players of 'Tln'sley Green, Surrey, England. For three centuries they declare, the championship has been decided in the yard of the old Greyhound Inn and, though outside challengers are invited, a Tinsley Green man, W. G. Burberry stilt reigns es the title- holder. Keeping Pipe Alight Enaeet Marrod, of nearby Godshill has collecited a thousand complete sets of cigarette cards and claims the championship in that direction, A German iPewt oker recently set up a record by keeping one-sevetetit of an ounce of shag alight for 91 mins. 15 secs. Brass bands played as be puffed, and serious'hninded smokers paid sot the privilege of watching biro, Then there is Mr. I(ardos, of Bud- apest, who can give a close shave be 23 secs'., a second off the previous record and several snicks removed from ordinary barbers slao have to keep customers walling. We Hour Kiss Ara you a spinster? Louise Brown holds Ube world's record with eighty consecutive spins on the toe of on•e font, Eleanor powell claiens: to be the champion 4ap.dancer, vvlth more taps to Uro second than anyone else an emit, And if you can kiss, Paulette Day may be. worth beating --she holds the continuous lies reenter with Leo Knight of 6 hrs. 37 mine. ---Ores Harness by Number and startle how you want i't equipped, --Order all collas by size and style —hill prices k", 0. 13. 'Vantage, Sask .—Ale harness shipped C, 0, D. sab- jeet to your intepec ton and approval. ,7f you are not entirely satisfied don't Ott harness; Club with your neighbor to. make 100 Lb, or over; Average cost of freight of Harness or sett 52,25• Average cost of allots 350. --••Com,mullty harness, from dried - ant 5iotriot. John Sellers, Sales Manager, Vantage? Sask. �e, , tl a deepest be returned to the Prc,drttcer u t atnd niageuta- duam reds to the peletel pinks. \Viten it Paretics has proveit the value o is well crane, the effect is a brilliant the theory involved in the grading symphony, principle, Grading activities have be -en a 'tremendous incentive to quality product fon, yith resultant price benefit to Products, Sy i Says City Dangers y Dan Worse Than Jungle Measuring the Board -foot Contents of Logs The number of board fent in lege is t:omented frt:m a long rule (hitt it've.; the nutnl" r of beard fee^ for loge et cliff ,-Nuc diame'"ers and len relee. Th f' are ... 'y It ru s ht us, - axd the nntaber itt 7,r ala feel. assigned by the various t'a,r t n li f.,4 of the {d.nn' : ir., vary eneesAeiati,y, The buyer oatni.+1- I,v w wires to u -e a 1141 3'1111 that gleet+ low valuee and the seller prr- ft ;'a one that gives high vahles• The tllattte' er of the log it: nulaa• ttre.d inside the ba: It at the entail end. Tho diamet,:.ttt aro roan:lea to whole inches:: that, is,. an s,t3 inch log is t non; tel as 9 inehr y and an 841 inch h.): as 4 inch':,, The length is measured and logs are usually cut in 8 10, 12, 14 to 16 foot lengths. Logs should he cut 3 to 4 Inches longer- in ord"t• tlta tine boa^:dt may be F,quartcl to the overt foot laltethes, The nninb"-r of hoard fei-t in the log is taken from the 100 rule, Deductions for deo No Rain "Bring 'Em Back Dead" Spec'men All day earth waited, certain Collector Describes Being Bitten Her cloudy gtteart Vampire Bat. I•r of bus curtain, By A scientific specimen collector who "brings 'em back dead” re- counted a tale of modern adventure on a 13 months' 'safari into the Emmett South American jungles. M`ou tl peer out Spread east and weal. But with the dusk's first candle He fled afar, sandal, crimson s a 1 ]1L LeaV g a Ct And one great star, —Lori Petri, in Golces. eteeteeeneetteitesullesseatessaueefeeseletemeeuel .YJ A Huse on Your Bands 1 Old you ever Agave out how smell a percentage of our popu- I atloe pease your haunt, whore they could eco aa 'To L,t•• edge., or how large a percentage rend our paper? Good tenants re nal the kind Matt have lttao to act' Ila doing a wand 100430g Cer rig . They Spelt to our '•0r, 01 Ade. If yo t have ,b henna on roar Y. tion nt 1.2euoo to Let" watt will brit* them to Ton. Sevc•'.al pieces contain balls with it frame. There are other pieces :,,telt as a pair of stissons and a vice that works, wooden cloge1, sae) yoke and buckets, also several pieces tlut.t puzzle a person to know how they are ever put together, bottle stoppers within bottles that cause wonder how they were ever put in- side. The dttplaY, wlrich is but halt of w'h'at 51r, Sweitzer owns, has attracted, the attention of many. A number of years ago Mr. Sweitzer gave a Whittling deunonacration in one of the 'windows of a London store and at haat time the crowd that gathered around was so large The age at a sheep may be estim- ated by the tecrlt, The teutporarY, or milk teeth, white and eott, while ten: teeth which replace t1Ye 1- - therm at ytatly iutesvals. are larger and broader, widening out towel the top, and the enamel is decided- ly a (brighter cedar, The ape'r'ntan- ent teeth replace the tr+nt+pnraro tt'u91t in pairs as the sheep grows older, The first pair or middle teeth replace the milk teeth when the sheep is 12 to 15 month old, The next pair, one on each side of the central pair, appear at two years; the thbd pair appears at three years, and the lest pair at four years, 'Sheep that are kept in high condition for shave purposes often have these changes atseurd, wise scanty fieeding or ntgleet +may ave tire opposite pas- ts A. sheep 1 O p tsured on very gritty laud often gores will break a tooth off before toter Ate has reached maturity. live years the teeth begin to wear down until nothing is fest but stamps, or they begirt to fail out. Women constructing the subway that several ,policemen were called [. in Moscow, Russia, have a woman on to keep the traffic moving. ,t foreman. —Exeter Times Advocate. E!'tO'ET H T ENGINE for LD lye„iE NED CAR Wuttrated-Ch o hnger Mane' De LnzeSy a( 5 pEt 1l'SE the Valve -in -Head type engine is the ' moor of mini known it's the. Lind you find in securd-lacerint; ruling cars, speed hunt,, airplanes . tntd on lite 111.l12 (hrrrottll \'alvr-111-11(11f1 efficiency means that more power is developed from go tilitee Or you ten put it this way ... Cicevrolet 3i0: -e owner,: tq, to 27 miles pre gallon of erne-wilhuut sacrificing the full 85-.11.P. pt•rfurttrtutc,, needed for necelcrnlion, hill-elirnhing attd smooth cruising speed. Adel to this the fact. that Chevrolet's exclusive Valve- in-lleud Engine cuts down oil consumption to d new low minimum—reduces carbon formation—la famous fur dependability ... And there you have the reasons why a Valve -in -Head Engine is the, very last ]rind for a car that emphasizes low running and upkeep costs. Come to our showrooms today. 'Puke the wheel and experience the thrillof Valve-in-Ii'eud power! Prove for yourself its matchless (Tonality/ Orval Whitfielt1 PRICED FROM (2 Pats. Master business Couto) Molar bo luxe Modelo from $892 Delivered nt factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Govern - ;tient tax, IrciBlrt and license metra. Itt) pay- ments aymenu on the General Moron Instalment plan.