The Brussels Post, 1938-1-26, Page 7tWESTERN avat
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From all Stations in Eastern Canada
GOiNG DAILY - * FEB, 19.- MAR, 5 inclusive
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:40814 SkcDleBCMresuveffotas', eadall imlorraatioa from any Rant. AHE 101 HANDBILL
T he Brussels Post
R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher
Published Ev!
cry Mednesasy
Subscription price $1,60 per year,
paid in advance, Subseriptins in
United States will please add 50c
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Telephone 31 —.- Brussels, Ont.
The Canadian Red Cross Society
and the religious bodies of Cacaaa
are making a united appeal for
funds to be expended for relief for
the suffering ;n China. Both Japan
and China wets tendered medical
and relief asoist'Ince by the Interna.
Hanel Red Cross representing all
national societies. Japan declined
but China accepted with a gratitude
that reflects her terrible need. This
Is a hurried appeal, hence the re-
quest that it be acted upon at ante
—within a month at the most. Do-
nations made payable to the 'Pled-
Cross Chinese Relief Fund may be
deposited at ary local bank or Red
Cross b'rancb. The extent and
severity of the suffering has seldom,
11 ever, found equal in the history
of nations. The call is as earueet
appeal to Canada's humauitarrsm,
It should meet with a warm res-
One day a stoke man sent cls
son ever to the neighbor's t ouse
to borrow the paper, and while the
son was,on lois way he ran into a
swarm of bees. In a few minutes
his face looked like a simmer
squash. Hearing the agonized cries
of his son, the father ran to bis
'assistance, and In o doing ran Into
a barbed wire fence cutting a
handful of flesh from his anatomy
and ruined au $6 pair of pants, The
old cow took advantage of the hole
in the fence anti wandered off into
the corn field where she ate so
much green corn that she died the
next morning. Hearing the prayer-
ful words of the husband the farm-
er's wife ran cul of the house, up-
setttinga four -gallon churn of cream
into a basket of kittens, cud drown-
ing the whole litter. The woman
slipped on the cream and fell down
on the porch stops, breaking her leg
and a $24.60 set of false teeth she
had bought from a mail order house,
The baby, left alone, crawled
through the cretin and just about
ruined some rugs in the living room,
Duping the excitement the daughter
eloped with the hired man an] took
the family savings with her.
have met their muster in
ZEV—made by the mak-
ers of Buckley's Mixture.
Stockmen, poultry breed-
ers, etc., who have used
ZEV say It L positively
"sure fire" relief for all respiratory
diseases in hones, cattle, sheep, pigs,
poultry and dogs. It is amazing how
quickly it gets results in the most stub-
inm cases. In fact, we guarantee ZEV
to do in a day or two what it took old-
foshioned remedies a month to do. Pet
size Sne, Stock size 31.00. Get ZEV of
.learsd.Y R
William Street,
Brussels, Ontario
'Phone 65
Day or Night Calls
6 mbalmer and Funeral
The heavy snow fall this winter
has cost the taxpayers a lot of
.money. And, by present appear-
ances, it is going to cost them a lot
more before spring is with us
There was a. time, and not so
many years ago either, when snow
was lust snow. Something to be
taken as a matter of course. It it
was a hard winter, with storms and
a superabundance of snow, it WEIS
not looked upon es our fault, if the
roads got blocked, or it they stayed
In those day, we simple dog our-
selves its and waited for a January
thaw or spring to loosen up trans•
portation again, so that contact and
business could be resumed once
more, and the world go on as usual.
We didn't like it, of course. Bust•
ness didn't like it. But what coati
either do about it?
That was one attitude in other
days, so we didn't do anything. But
that is not our attitude to -day. Far
from it, Snow or no snow; storms
or no storms, our roads and 1'gh.
ways must be laept open. And kept
open mot only for cutters awl
sleighs, but for eats and trucks too,
And that is where the menet"
conies in, It rest's money to keep
the roads and highways open during
a winter like the present one we are
having. It ta.kcs reel money to
keep up a !wanly -tour tont Jolly
service with plows and men. Even
with a twenty-four hour service,
Mr. Merchant
You know thoroughly well that you have poyer in your
store to influence the decision of your customers in regard to
what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to
give them products which in use .or consumption, will give
them complete satisfaction.
If it is right to use big dailies and natonally.circulated
magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use local
Weekly Newspaper!
the weather bee been ahead of the
plows .aimoat since before C'tulet-
And the olid le net yet, Far
from lt, A good six Melted of
snow fell on the level over the
week -end of Jan. 16th. And the
winds blew. Roads and highways
titch were open for' traffic aneater•
day, were closed on Monday. And
tits travelling public doesn't like it,
Won't stand for it, in fast,
And as the whole world is Pretty
much on wheels these days, the
travelling public spells ,public aplrr•
fon, and pubic opinion wants the
reads not only opened, but kept
open and fa'ee'from snow, All of
which means that county commits
and the Provincial Highways De-
partment will ]cavo to bow to public
opinion and keep the roads open,
To do that, of course, It means
that these governing bodies will
have to provide more and better
plows, larger and better equipment
and more men le do this work, And,
because this equipment is not avail-
able, Nhe tn'avelling public thinita
some one has fallen down on the
' job. Has even sent deputations
down to Toronto to tell the Govern•
meat so,
The general public, hawever
seems to have lost track of the fact
that as far as the county roads are
concerned there never has been
anything like a sufficient equip.
went available to keep the roads
open even in a moderate winter,
Has never had even a fraction of
the necessary snow -fence available,
not to mention plows.
The reason for that is, of course,
the cost. County councils have a
greater fear of raising the tax rate,
than they have of the devil, The
The theory ell economy 1s their re-
ligion, and they practise It in some
strange ways solnetimes,
But `they will have to get over
that as well as some other things,
if they hope to maintain their place
In the sun. Have to learn tha:
public opinion does not distinguish
between summer and winter roads,
That roads are just roads, but very
important things to them, and so
must be avaibthle at any time of
the year. To learn that hereafter,
snots will be a very necessary item
of expenditure, the same as g,-avel
and crusher stone, when we get it
In quantities ass we did this wilier,
—Huron-Exp'rsi tor.
By A. R, K.
ir When the r,-eighbors come for
supper, anti tbey bring their wives
along, we like to make it look as
though life was a happy song, we al-
ways like to serve a meal that's fit
for kings to eat, we pile on pickle>
and tbe cake, and carve for them
great slabs of meat•,
f We like to bave them go away
filled from the head tight to the
heel, so tbey will spread the word
about we serve a good substantial
meal, -
tj We put the Sunday dishes on
and spread the :•pings around with
glee, we really like to male the
place look cheerful as a pace eau be,
Tr The butter's not on saztcers
then nor is it gouged with hasty
swish, we cxlrve ft in artistic shape
and place ft 011 the silver dish.
And things go well indeed they
do until It's time to pour the tea,
and then there'e something haps, ns
which always puzzles me,
1i The cups without handles - on
we thought were stowed away, they
got lugged out anal there they stand,
to spoil and mar the whole array,
Don't lefty the man who hustles all
the whole day through —
But pity the other te110w who hasn't
a thing to do.
Condole with elle chap who's idle,
tvho has rte "row to hoe,"
Wtth no 0)1e depending ou him, and
nothing to maks bit grow.
IIe plisses the best of living, the
joy of work well done,
The thrill of Itigh achievement and
victories trebly won,
And the plan who "digs in" flatly,
and whose bread and butter
On his doing his very utmost, and
10110 earns all he spends ---
Ts the one 1x11,1 land completeness In
every well -Silent day --
Whose life It tilted with sweeeness
in work ae well as play,
His joy is in providing -- through
his own brawn arid brain
Pclr those whose love inspires hint
to hustle with night and main,
That maun will keep on climbing,
and nothing can snake hint stop
For with such power behind him
11e's sure to reach the top.
So envy the titan 1%'llo hustles, and
neecis to hurtle too;
And from your heart be thankful ie
that elan should bo — YOilt
One hundred yearn ago, according
to a 1rtilndelnhia story whiskey was
selling at 12 s cents a quart. But
then only a few folk had 1214 cents,
—e: -5e—
A Saskatchewan man predicts
Weather by studying the condition
of phis onions, Premier Hepburn
should be able to turn that Idea to
good advantage,
It is argued that the question of
the export of power is a matter of
business, What complicates it 31
e00ree is that It is aleo a matte: of
Egypt's pickpockets have defame
a holiday for tbe royal wedding --a
nice gesture of loyalty from a elves
who are usually too busy with their
hands to wave flags.
Petrone remains in the dry
column by a margin of three voters.
That was close enough almost to
cause some of the wets to say '-See
what the boys in the back foam
wd11 shave."
The official view of the Unite-`
SI'atcs is the S'ro-Japanese r..,nft t'
is not a war. Still millions of reik
cou6d not be any deader it it hail
:"been an official affair,
There has been a lie -down strike
in a publicly -owned stone quarry in
Philltpines and the government is
going to leave no stone unturned in
dealing with the offenders.
Summer is not so far away. More
than one hundred Toronto citizens
lined up the other day to apply for
permits to hold picnics in the city's
parks during the warm ,weather
Toronto pastor says tbat the
world is going wrong and loalelag
at the headlines on the front page
of any newspaper these days you'd
alenost be compelled to say that he
is right.
A report from London snys
Britain has seen the first signs of a
trade recesion but no indication of
a slump. But lust when does a re-
cession cease to be one and be-
come a slump
Alberta is considering the ques-
tion of taking care of all sniglc un-
employed transients by pruv;dlag
them with work in the bush, The
tread seems to he back to the camps
that were roundly condemned 'a few
years ago,
"Imagine H:outle at Ottawa" Bays
a headine on a Globe and Mail
Metal. But there are other n1'11 at
Ottawa who goe there because they
were able to ccnl'ince their consti-
tuents that victory for their political
opponents would mean that Canada
was going to be plunged into war.
Editor Sent Out S. O. S.
The Midland Free Press sends out
.this S, O. S.: "Will our fellow etli.
toes please tell ns the best defense
to offer for printing a story which
says that the ladies of the United
Church have arranged for a bazaar
"to be MOLL"? We did i' last
week, and we delve dare go to the
bazaar for fear we'd get the devil,"
—Wingltam advance -Times,
Student Is Stirred
To Poetry By Chick
A humorous het or verse by ilruce
Adams enti'led "Incubation," ap-
pears in the IT. T. 5, megaine, The
Twig, Ilene i the little hay or the
science-lbegntten thick:
For 20 days or 1more
As warm as toast 1 lay,
And then I made a door
And sale the light of day.
I'm brought up so hygienic
In brooder clean and hare;
My outlook le not scenic,
I live in heated air,
And now T 101 a chicken
I do not bit '1v my mum:
Perhaps it's Ito use kiekin' —
it maybe heti to come,
I',m really no seltbooster,
'Rut tell Sly lea, I beg,
tiler little 11111r -eyed rooster
Has turned out no bad egg,
W19TaNiTSDAY, JAN, 24)th, X
/ rri Are items rakes ,Prow
Ms of the Post of 80
..ed f6 Xacsrs ADO
.. _- .,-.,...,.,,.,. 0,100.1.06
.Ti. F. McAllister and Win, Doig
&Pent lash week in visiting ';;alt,
Berlin, Waterloo and other towns
t0 the east,
Following drivers were appointed
at the annual meeting 01 tits Pres-
byterian cburclt last Tuesday even.
ing. Rev. D, B. McRae occupied
the chair, Wnt. Spence was re -
effected Sec,"l'r'eas. A flnanciai
committee consisting oe R. Barr,
Jiro, Lamont, A. Bremner, A, W.
Panaber and the See,Treas,, was ap-
Pointed, Wm. Patton anal Wt,
Campbell, collector's for the year
and Misses Keys, McKay, Spence,
Davies, McNeil and $remuer, cel-
leetors for church schemes, 3, M.
Davies and J, A, Young, audttord,
A football match is to cu1na off
here on Saturday newt between the
Walton school red she pupil; of S,S.
no. 2, Grey. Owing to mild weather,
Presentatioa- -Rev, Wm. Tor-
rence was made the recipient of a
buffalo robe and Ml's. Torrance of a
silver butter dish by the Young
People of Ula Walton appointment,
accompanied by an address read by
Mrs. W. Neal, The articles were
presented by T, Morrison and Miss
John Hunter, of the 7th, was ap-
pointed school trustee to MI the
vacancy made by the retirement or
J. Wallace whole term of office ex-
pired with 1887.
* * *
Debate—There was an unusually
large attendance at the debate in
Anderson's school house on Tues-
day evening, Subject was "Re-
solved that the mechanic is more in-
dependewe thau the farmer, The
affirmative was most ably sestained
by Jas. Brown, Jas, Bowman, Neil
Black and Tbos, Bone, and the nega-
tive by Jno, Mason, Peter Barr, Jas.
Altkins and Nei' McI.auchlin, The
cbadrman, C. E. Harris, decided in
favor of the negative, headings
were given by Neil Mclauo nin, Jas,
Brown, M. Blaric and Jno, Currie; a
recitation 'The cld maid's snllloquy,
by Mies Mary Ireland; song, by Jos,
Hawthorne, C. B. Harris, Jai Ire-
land and the Misses Steell, .1.15.
Ireland, Q. Anderson and Wee, Coch-
rane were appointed to challenge
the debates in Barrie's sc'.ror1,
James McNt:t was eie,:te :rustas
for S. 5, no. 3 ,n place of .1, Mc-
Mrs. Geo t'latk 011ia Mis.. D,t x,in-
00n, 17:1r ton„ 1:re away pis v,
10 friend, n \tiehigan,
• * *
Iklaattl Lamont. 7111 on,, had the
misfortune to ideals his
while un'.oadia11 sawlogs in the 10111
yard at Ethel hist Monday.
On _Monday, Pill fust„ a very en-
joyable time t 1,, spent 1,; 10001:
thirty friends at the ro:ni'ort.tble
residence of Johnli(Tag.,;trt, 13th
con., helping him and his .•tut lady
to celebrate the 21st anniw. 1t'y of
their wedding.
s '0 *
The debate 'Resolved that Con1-
mcrcial Union with the United
States would be beneficent to Cale
ada," came off in Shine's school
house Tuesday evening
:t * *
The offirntative was taken by
\gni. Penile, supported by ,i, ROheet.
son R. Bishop and A. Illelop, The
negative 1) Itobertson supported FY
James Petrie, A, Pertie, 111, A. Mar-
tin and has. ]laic, Deci.'m was
given in favor of Union.
Rotrt, Menzies and Jim, McLattcltlin
were chairman
Mr. and Mrs, !Reran, whn have re.
sided here for rho past y•_a:. have
removed to 1Vllkerton this week,
On Thursday of last 1vt•e,e ,T, D.
Ronald had itis left leg se.erely in-
jured betweee the ]thee ani ankle
by a wheel falling against it.
Rohl. Rose, v:hu leis been in Juo.
ll0rgreave's dreg store for iho past
!hies years has gone to clerk in
Jas, Hatrgreave's' drag store in
Verne McDonald, who bad the
"This is just like being home!"
Bill Watson occasionally gets fed up on
that out-of-town job. Work is oppressive.
His pals are dull. Meals are tasteless. The
outlook, generally, is bilious. Good, old
fashioned homesickness, that's what it
really is — and Bill has a sovereign
remedy, once he has diagnosed the case;i
a long distance call home. And it costs t
so little, too, that he has decided to fore.
stall attacks by a regular schedule of
weekly calls.
Bill's ideas are right in lind with the rest of the
family. The !Watson have come to appreciate
fully the comforts, conveniences and low cost of
Long Distance. Do You realize how little it costs
to telephone?
[Low Night Rates begin every evening
at seven, and apply ALL .DAY SUNDAY!
misfortune to fracture his arm two
weeks ago, is getting along nicely,
A number of young folk attended
a dancing party at Councillor 3, W.
Edgar's on Tuesday eveninp.
* st *
Noah Bowman bas secured the
contract of miler drawing on this
route for tbe coming summer.
* * *
T. R. Bennett was elected a DJ
ector of East Huron Agricultural
Society and was named a delegate
to the Fairs' Association at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen, formerly of
Essex County, have moved to the
Rasmussen Block.
* * *
F. V, Dickson and family expect
to leave for their future home in
Toronto on Saturday.
James Morrison, Bear'iaford,
Man., was a welcome visitor at J.
Denman's last week.
Wm. Lineham and son Will., at
Okatoks, Alta., visited D, Deunlan'.,
12111 con, The latter will take a
course at Guelph College for the
winter months,
*- :s
about 8 pen. on Thursday of last
week as Wilfred Whitfield and Bonus
friends were driving past school
house no. 10, coa. 12, Grey, he hots
ed the glare of Are, Calling 'far
help Chas, Buttery and WIh. Wide-
ittefield soon arrived and ' by aiea of
snow the fire was soon put out, tits
examination it was ,round that areae
had been set in the •teacher's desk
and in two of the -school desks, Tent
of these had, gone out but the hint
was burning m slily.
This week Jas.' Bowman, M.P., .tit^
turned to Oita\va to fillhis seatt'a'i
the Dominion Parliament,
Mr. Woods, c' Regina was visiR-
ing'at S. Walk'l's during thee --past
George Cerenleghnm, V,S„ ratollr,
ed to IVfoosejaaw Ikea week after s.
holiday of a feiv weeks at the
elibbal home in T5rus%sal
* 'r'1.,
J, 70. andl"1.1r .. Sher4d8A ot iTtjT.
Deer, Alta., (Mrs, Stewant was faro.-
ugarty Maggie. M. erriatewart ot Brnas1i01
are ivekeome visitors .in' Brim elk
and Grey this 'week.
1IR�r/ a i
Eliminate the fire -risk of old faulty wiririg'and
at the same time give your home plenty' of
baseboard and wall outlets, smart` new wall
switches and modern lighting TfixtureS. Letus
look over your present wiring andiive you an
estimate on a new installation that will enable
you to take the fullest adva tage,,of'the mar.
vels of electricity. Wiring and -`fixtures, of
course, come under the Home Improvement
Plan for easy financing.