The Brussels Post, 1938-1-19, Page 5c
Notices in this column cost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
A Holstein Cow, due to freshet in
about a week. Selwyn Balker,
1-c phone 43.10,
A Quantity of Hardwood limbs 14-
inclt and 16 -inches long at $2 a cerci,
Alex, McDonald, Molesworth
1-p Phone 9 r 8
Dressed Beef by halves or ,luart-
ers. For ,prtcee call
1-c Geo, Wessenbu,g,
Phone 43.24,
Ten young pigs. seven weeks nl'!
also two Brood Sows, one dual Feb.
the 5th. Two exhibrtion Deem;
Reek Cockerels, Wnt, J Gaut':
1'p pileup 226,
1Fouo-•e, Barret, cue acre land, Gra-
ham Survey, Brussels, Teems,
apply to lames T, McFa tau;
4,p r.r, No. 5, Brussels
10 Cords of Hardwood Maple and
Beech body wood 16 -inches long,
also 15 cords of Elm 16 inches ,ong,
Tenders may ne separately. Wood
to be delivered st S. S. no, 10, Grey
not later than March 1st, Te,i•iers
to be in Jan, 25th,1ow'est tender net
necessarily accept"ed,`
1-c W. H, Speiran, Sec: Treas
Desirable property with acreage
for sale. Possession Mar. let,
brick !louse, gocd barn, henhouse,
hydro t'hroughont, For further par-
ticulars see Wm, Spence, Ethel; or
write Grover C, Gill, 066 Talbot St„
London. Real terms to prospective
'buyer as this place must he sold. If
not sold will be rented,
12 cords Beact' and Maple body
wood 16 -Inches long and 2 cords
cedar 16 inches long. To be deliv-
ered at school house S.S. no. 11,
'Grey Twp., Ethel. Not iwter than
March 16th, 1933.
'Phe lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted,
Tenders to be in by Feb. lst, 1939.
Wm. Spence, .Sec.-Treas.
1-c S.S. no. 11, Grey Twp.
Ethel P.O.
Wood wanted, 15 cords of body
wood, beech and maple; 16 -inches
'long to 'be delivered at Oranbrook
school in February.
Tenders received up to Jan, 29,
Lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted, Dan 'Auether,
2-0 S. S. No. 7, Cranbrook
-F0 R SALE -
5 Cutter% In tto0d condldiaa; 2
set of Good Single Harness; 6 Sete
New Doable Harness; 6 2 -year-old
Colts; 7 Mares in foal, also a nuns,
ber of good work Horses sound and
right. apply to
Geo. Galbraith, phone 41N or 76
Young Work Horses, ivell-broken,
also Shorthorn 19ulis, all serviceable
age can spare a few heifers,
4-c Thos. Herr,
Henfryn, phone 35-9
Will be cone at Brussels oPeosIte
the Creamery In the Spring.
phone 42.11 Janes Stevenson
TENDERS Wanted —
12 cord of Perty Wood, mnpte and
beech, 15 int res long to be deliver-
ed to S. S. no 9, McKilltrp, Tenders
to be received till 21 Sanue"y,
1-0 F. W. Scarlett, Sec, treas.
James McFadzean
Howlok Mutual Fire Insurance
--Hartfo•d Windstorm
—Tornado insurance
Automobile Insurance
'Phone 4e. Rev 1, Turnherry Rt.
Brussels, Ontario
Yoe May call them repllitions
Ont of a book upon the shelf.
But here's a requfsttion-•-•
I)on',t judge .others by yourself
Items Are Always Weioome
for the
Sez, 1. Call'em
—There is a ul'olcen heart foe every
bulb on Broadway,
--Goodaentperecl people escape 'Au,
T115 surly bird gets the germ,
I' * *
Of all the things you wear, your
expression is the most impotent,
* 5 ,:p
—Tile latest 1 , wearing your waited
on your right wrist. —If you have
the time?
* * *
--Marriage and Insut'ance are very
similar ---you. pay the pi-emiunt until
death do ye part,
x: x. *
—You ran plant tulips and be an•
sured of good bloom to Mal'c'i 1
if you can work the soil,
--People don't hale you for doing
them e favor. It is because yen
keep reminding them er
;l• * x,
—You can ger leople to give three
cheers for a t1LI:g that you can t get
them to give 1'lytbing else for,
O s: *
—Very modern "There's romance- in
Me air," 20,00e thrills were sound
under the sea—ht a submarine
* * *
----A good way to pile up enemies is
to give people what you think they
meat Instead of what they ask for,
—No one knew what a bad egg he
was when he was rich—but a bad
egg is only known when it's broke.
—"Is it wrong to go through your
husband's pockets when he has had
a late evening?" "No my dear, it"s
* * *
—Live, love and learn three little
words with big meaning. One may
be too old to )ive, but no one is
too old to love and learn.
* 'I' *
—A theatre in Toronto recently ad.
vertised 463 laughs in a show --but
what if someone was sleepy and
started to yawn, they'd probably
want a rebate on their ticket,
* * *
—Ya call it romants, but maybee
the gent boo was cooed fer 10u,000
fer breech uv premiss, didn think
so. }lawyer i• n11 teech int ne:'ta
sae I luv ya. mi dearest tautsie
xt x: xt
—'SlPpose—•A butcher seeking ma-
terial for an advertisement, raiz he
wants to make 111s opposition look
sick. Sez I, send him one of your
choice cuts 'and see him after he
eats 11.
,t, d' *
—The Sober Nineties
Uncle and niece stood watching
the young people dance about them,
"I'llebet that you never saw any
dancing like that back in the nine.
ties, eh, Uncle?"
"Once—but the place was raided."
H. Brothers
BRUSSELS, Phone 53X ,
Cade and Mrs. Howard Stacey,
IMr, and Mrs. G. Welber wi911 Mr,
anal Mrs, C. Weber New Hamburg;
Mrs, Wm. Worth Jack Worth in
Toronto arid Colborne,
lieu, J. K. West bad sharge of
the sert'iees in Knox church 011
Sunday. 1;u the morning he spoke
ou "Blessed Are They That Mourn
for They ,Shall be Comforted," and
in the evening un "Bar'nabas,"
Obliging Robbers
Buffalo, N,Y
Thanks to a "considerate" ho.du
man, gee stagier) attendant 1':dwar
McDonald was able to contluu
dulness last night.
"I asked hint to leave the nolo
In the register so I could mak
change for the customers," PicDon
ald told pollee,
"He said clay, took the b111
only and ran out." —
No Cemetery Job
For This Negro
field served in the French arm,' dur-
Itug the Franco-Russian war and
and was ill the sige of Parts. IIe
Pwas also on a British man o wa: at
i at the bombardment of Alexandria
Until within a few days of his
• death he rognlarlY took a cold
bath at six o'clock every morning.
• I• He said this ,vet the first prittctple
of good health.
! John McGavin, local drover ship-
' ped two load of cattle, one of hog<
/rem Walton or Saturday,
I Owing to heavy roads and weath-
• er conditions the United Farm \1'n.
men have decided to chance the
date of their meeting to Wednesday
afternoon, Jan. 26 In basement of
Duff's church. Program to be as
formerly arranged. Roil rail to be
answered by paying your menthe
ship fee. Come and spend a plea
ant and profitable atternoon,
At the Y. P S. meeting of 17uTs
United Church, Sunday, Alvin 311'.
Donald presided. Miss Goldie �h:,zt•
er read story on 'Missions' en 1 a
poem was read by Harvey L'r7341l
The topic "A New Church Face, a
1 Now• World," via; given by Iliai
Shaw, Rev. Mr. Cumming gave a
short talk. The annual meeting of
Duff's United Church will be held
Wednesday evening,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Seller; and
son Clayton, -l1rs. Harold Sellers,
Charles McGavin. in Kitchener
A miscellaneous shower was 'tel')
Mond -ay evening, January 17th at
the home of Mrs, W. C. Bennett in
honor of Miss Betty Drager who e
marriage takes place this month,
The hostess was assisted by Mrs,
Chas, Sellers and Mrs, F, D. Rut-
ledge. A programme was much en-
joyed consisting 00 guitar selections
and singing by Beth Shannon, Mary
Humphries and Ethel Shaw. Song
"The Bells of SI. Marys" by Mrs.
Ftngland; reading by Mrs, Woods;
Duet, by Miss (saber Ritchie and
Mrs. Finglaud; song "A Hundred
Pipers" by Mr,, Fingland. Mrs. H.
B. Kirkby made a speech wishing
the bride-to-be much happiness, A
mock wedding caused much n:er1i
ment with Miss Ethel Shaw as
bride, Miss Mary Buchanan, as
groom, Mary Humphries 'vain
bearer Shirley Bennett flower girl
and Mrs, Bennett, minister.
After the unwrapping of the many
uesful and beautiful gifts lunch Was
erved to about sixty guests.
Milwaukee, Wis.
William Brown, jr., uegt'o Works
Pr'ogr'ess Administration worker. ar-
rested after he threatened a fal,onv-
worker with a pick handle and call.
ed his foreman names, explained
"Yes, it's tree, but you can't
blame me. We're building a fence
arounda cemetery, and cemeteries
Is one place I don't like to he I
figured if I acted mean -like, the boa;
would transfer ole to another Mt, -
2000 Cents On Show
Too Much For Thief
Abe Yancovifel's display of 2,000
coppers in the window of his St,
Catharine street drygoods shop to
emphasize his "one -cent -sale'" bar.
gains, proved an attraction—but to
the wrong persons, Some, one
smashed the window last night and
carried off the three sacks of coins,
Fans Get A Laugh
At Printer's Slip
Wingham, Ont.
V. A. Stette, editor of The Tees -
water News did not know what all
the consternation was about at first
when people began calling hint up.
All of then were laughing and play- '
fully mumbling something about'
Then he looked up his article
on a former Iiincardine hockey play.
er going to England. To his co'1. 1
sternation he found that the
linotype operator had made a mis-
take, The arttele read: "Murray
Munro is starting on the forward s
line in a black coat with Persian
lamb trimmings and black hat with
matching accessories."
Letter To The Editor
Dear 111r, Editor:
Reading in 70110 Paper a leiter in
reference to "Relief Problems" It
was brought to my mind again,
while lis.entng in 10 OFRB Ifouday
night, it seems the Toronto City
Council has a problem of the same
111410re "Should the men on relief
help out by :moving snow from
streets, etc.., while on relief," Sonle
member's of that council, think they
should, because if not, the money is
going to run cut, does that mean
some people still recognize the tax-
payer, or did a little bird get to
Toronto !'ran) 111055els with good the
tentions of helping to solve T"ran-
to's relief problems. Whatever
happened, the "Snow 011150de" re-
ferred to at the Nomination meet-
ing, and many times since, atlould
not be discarded, to my Dray of
thinking; because it is just as im-
Portant to Brussels as it Is to a 0117
like Toronto and would add, when
the relief recipients (locally') re.
spondcd as they did, when asked to
help out in that respect, with half
of the problem solved, surely some
satisfactory method could be fur-
l' nished by our Council (0 maintain
the spirit of, "live and let live,"
which would he welcomed by, the
man that gives and the man that
At last Nomination meeting the
taxpayer was informed, there was
around $1,000 spent on relief, but,
the taxpayer only has to Pay he
tween three and foto' hundred dol-
lars, who was the Santa Claus, (lir,
Taxpayer again) and the result:, 0?
this year's election, shows the re-
lief motion that was under way, was
not wanted, does that mean the
taxpayer is not interested in where
mat money is coming from, the
difference between $350 and 31005,
In closing I think our councillors
should receive at least double their
salary, the money is being spent,
why not pay the then that are work-
ing for you, it wouldn't be un; eltson-
abie to expect a'libtle business then.
Thanking you for your space.
Your; truly,
"Secret of the World"
Locked In Mind
Dr. W. S. Mansfield Passes
The Missionary Department had
charge of the Y, P. S. meeting in
the United Church Sunday evening
d Leonard Partridge presided.
yma Holmes read the scripture
sson and gave the comment, and a
oem was read by Hugh Gale, Dore
thy Inman led In prayer. Viola
ennick gabs the topic and Misses
dith Shine and Margaret Bettger
ng a duet, Margaret Wilson read
poem, In Ibe business period It
as decided tr. have a skating
my January 25, inviting the Y.
S. of Knox Church. It was also
tided to prepare a play.
In the United Cburch, Sunclay
orning, Rev, James 'Gale had
arge of the service and spoke on
hen Life Cracks Up," Mea. Al -
d Anderson sang a solo and a
et was rendered by Mrs, (Rev,)
Slough, Eng. p
Dr. William Stanley Mansfield, o
who in 1560 offered the then Arch- 11
bishop of Canterbury "the secret of E
the world' 'at a price of 450,000, ea
died here recently. He was 96 a
years old. r w
His offer was refused and the pa
dootor declared that the secret P•
would die with him, He never di- ' de
vulged It.
A doctor of literature, he was in m
itis youth a Roman Catholic priest eh
and used to say that the sore!, was "\'\r
revealed to him In a dream after he fee
had given up priesthood, Dr, :Mans- du
Mr. Merchant
You know thoroughly well that you have poyer in your
stere to influence the decision of ,your customers in regard to
'what they buy from ycu. Your customer's rely on you to
give them products which in use or consumption, will give
them complete satisfaction.
If it is right to use big dailies and naionally-circulated
magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use kcal
Weekly Newspaper!
A Taxpayer,
Recent Purchases •
At Public Library
Biruningham—,sp"anish Gold
Collins—The Moonstone
Greig—Workaday Lady
Ferber—Show' Boat
O. Douglas --Jane's Parlour
SStrange—With the West
In Her Eyes
Stringer Heather of the
Baird—John High Hund
Douglas—White Banners
Willison—The Longest Way Round
Cloe,e—,'Turning Wheels
Juvenile iFiction--
Tarloingtton—Gentle Julia
Polster -,Art the Foot of
the • Ra'ubew
Mulock—The Little Lame Prince
Asop's Fables
Angell --.Petite Suzanne
Denison—,Susannah of the Yukon
Montgomery—Jane of Lantern 14111
General Works _
Chase --Richman Poornlan
Brittain—Testament of Youth
Hale—This is Ontario
Lyman—Wonder Book of the Air
O'Brien—Alone across the Top
• of the World
Ilaltburton—Seven League Bouts
Fine Arts—
Ibsen---.Best Known Works
De Mille --Three English ('omcdie3
Viola --.Child Art and Franz Cizek
O'Brien--Will Rogers
Dale Carnegie—How to Win
Friends and Influence People
Aldon--.Wily the Chimes Rang
Aclaed--Tho Huuso of 'Windsor
ACland--fl'he Princess Ielizaber ll
etonegomery--,Courageous Women
Iiurbert--,S'tory of the Bible
Dickens—The Life of Our Lord
Keith--G.latd Days In Galilee
Moodie--•Rouglthtg it In the Bush
Gibbs -Ordeal in 110212nd
Gibbs—The Cross of Peace
Yl14ang--*My Country and
81y People
If you i't . . .
your are missing something
Your favourite dealer can get you a variety of
Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish, the flavour of which
is as tasty and as perfect as though you had caught
them yourself and promptly popped them into the.
They can be served in various appetizing ways .:
Dried Fish such as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and
Pollock, and Pickled Fish such as Herring, Mackerel
and Alewives can be brought to your table as new
dishes ... than the family will like.
Serve Canadian Fish more often. Make "Any Day A
Fish Day", Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled
Fish for you no matter how far you live from open
water ... with every bit of its goodness retained
for you. And, by the way ... you'll find it pleasingly
Department of Pfsherles,
Please send me your free Booldet,"An
Day A Fish Day', containing 100 delightful and
economical Fish Recipes.
. 156
One of a Series Issued by the
Dept of Fisheries which will
Appear in Each Issue.
Mrs. Fisher Suggests
Canadian Fish and Cheese Casse-
role—Place a layer of cooked peas i
or cooked spinach in Ireh ,.bottsm of
a arge shallow, greasedbaking dish,
place on.the vegetables a layer of
any variety of Canadian fish using
either slices of fish or i!llets cut into
suitable serving portions. Spttnkle
salt and pepper and cooking oil
over the 5213, Place the diah,ily a
hot oven for six or eight minutes.
Then, having a cheese ;sauce ready,.
9!oltr It over the fish, sprinkle with
due bread . ,crumbs, dotted" wick
l butter, and; put' the dish back into
the oven udt'u the top la nice)yr
browned. The cheese Sauce. mitt'
be anade as fo lows:• Meh.' cwor abJe-
spoons of butt.-, blend with It two
tablespoons of flour, and add a cup
of liquid (a cap of milk or of milk
and 'vegetable water combined);
cook the =lettsrre until it is thick
and smooth,' stirring constantly, and
just before removing : it from the
ettove add it; mall a cup of 'grated
Canadian • cheese, and continue' to -
stir the saute until the cheese is
.Canad.iau'Fish are rich in vita
mins andheat 1' -building ntine'ai.
and'; ung" regard to unierlt ye
Value aantng the most n t0
fug of foods. ks
Family Herald and
Weekly'. Star
• 'h"'
Clubbing Rate with
For 1 year .'