The Brussels Post, 1937-11-24, Page 7THE BRUSsgLrs PO
QG, $4t1, 1931
T he /3russels Post
ir' ' FOUNDED-e10Tg•+
11. W. KENNEDY 'se Publisher
It Pebllehed Every Mednesday
Subscriptl'rn price 01.50 per year,
Dyatd SA edvanee, Suilseribera 1,1
'United Si.:t..s wilt Please add 50c
tier postage.
Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont,
It may seem a little early to con.
elder this sttbJect. But a little
thought proves that 'actually it is
not, To begin with. Ghrietmus will
be over to less than five weeks As
a clincher, toys manufactured for
the 1937 tdade are being exhibitet
by the Toy Makers' Association.
A preview of what will be carried
in Santa Claus' pack shotes shut
the one central idea of all toyntalt-
ors has been to repiOduee to minia-
ture the design of today's adult
Al the toys produced for this
yeaci's trade have been tried out by
youngith rs to check their suitabil-
ity, educational value and fou ap-
peal. The tech-
nique in transportation, architect.
ture, !rouse -keeping, baby care, art
and handicrafts has been introduc-
ed. The skyline building, radio's
myst.erlee, engincertng electro-
chemistry furnish the baek;;mund
Lor various offerings.
For fathers who delight in playing
with junior's yule presents, the
manufacturers have produced tiny
Polariscopes, ' miero-projeotor scopes
and a eciensescope, The latter will
magnify the molecular explosion of
lemon juice or soda and do it in
full colors. Utilitarian machines
mill duplicate the daily doieg cn
mine, factory, and construotion pro-
jects, Roadibuliding toys even in -
elude the familiar sign "Men Work-
ing" in miniature
Fast -action ice hockey, tourist -
(amp cabins, skyscrapers equipped
with elevators that are operated "by
electric motors and dolls barely dis-
tinguishable /rem real babies are
prospeotive contents of the rein-
deerdrawn sleighs. A new drink-
ing doll can consume the contents
of her bottle lying down,
M. H. Brothers
y W
S'.-111 k." viwrl` •a-„ �t i•..),l
Want a Pewtt?:."ta:el I
Porha-pe, butino r, la
drigi liag fee the saaaetoi' +I
a helping hand; or a H 0.0
more capital, atter: •a ;tI? i
money 'a,nct mon trrii.h
ktrRlrts read thin taratia.r. j
Yoy..1 earl rJ ,.:: - ail j
tllret-lotei por Cit etvit l t
Sleek air3tnes are Moro for brother,
while edster can have luggage made
to scale .and weight for tranpor'b%
tion ill thein,
,Games basad on ot'lnto-solviug,
busluess, spouts and chance outnum-
ber battle -strategy games 100 t1 one,
This despite wars and rumors of
wars, Military equipment bas an
insignificant place in the scheme of
the youngster's world of 'play,
Manufacturers say that the ebildr'aa
a,r::,leklars for toys that reproduce
the vary newest lo actual experienc-
es of .adult living, This year's
Chlisanas pack will be bewildering
in its variety and complexity, just
like life.
How much .do you pay in taxes
You know !tow muelt you !runt over
to the municipal tax collector; if
you pay income tax you can add
that; you can figure in your radio
tax, your automobile license tax,
anti You eau even make an esti-
mate of the tax on your gamline
consumption. Jiut taking all these,
and some other more or less direst
payments you will still be n long
way from knowing the total of your
contributions to the expenses of
It RI seldom the average citizen
encounters the customs collector;
and he Is only dimly c0usci:es of
the operations of the sales tax, Yet
from these two ecources the Govern-
ment collects vast sums, which tax-
payers hand out without a grumble
because they are hardly aware that
the price they pay for a wide vari-
ety of ;goods conceal those indirect
A -recent speech by Secretary
Motgeuthau of the U. S. Cabinet has
drawn attention to this subject and
a newspaper egnmentator writes:
-The painless feature is uut to
help the taxpayer but to help law-
makere who fear his resentment or
tax wasters who fear his economy,
Real kindness to the taxpayer we uld
give hrm direct levies which he
could see and feel, Real consider,
abion ori the taxpayer would thus
bete him to judge whether he was
getting his money's worth in gov-
ernment services. Hidden taxes
lead millions to think they ars get-
ting something for nothing.
-To abandon many of the con-
sumer taxes now levied by the Fed-
eral Government and make up the
loss of revenue by broadening the
income tax base would as :fir. Mor-
genthau says, apply "the principle of
capacity to pay more Justly," The
burden would be eased on mlllians
of the poor who now pay consumers'
taxes and transferred to those
relatively better able to pay. Also
those who 'paid would know it and
might show more Interest in the
way the money is spent,
The Reyat Winter it h• last we,:k
opened as a Pie,' go,lure of int, r-
natinnal goodwill by Hen. Norman
Armour, rtnir,,d Sutra Minis:'•• to
Ottawa, ha,: b. c"n:.' ane= of the
err,,,, : ,. , ci,iltitio^.a of IN Rina! 011
the c:,ntinrat, teach year se's the
nutlth•'r of rnirl..•s ;r,-uter and the
attend:r.r. 11;,, , and the \ etter
Far ., ileitis a ve=ry tint jab, nut
only becanr:,. of the eathusl=int it
en_=end,•rs in nttitvltute to Can-
ada's bask• indtts!ry hot also be-
cause of the vary input taut batt it
is playing in bringing Cana,flacks
closer toO:'thor by gtving til•tm an
opportunity to Meet and get a first-
hand tnipreseton of each other's
problems and viewpoint, The ming-
ling of folk from all over the DentIn-
ion, in the friendly (limpet Irian
made possible by the Royal Winter
Pair, Ls a development that cannot
fail to have beneficial result-, and
we would be inclined to set it down
as possibly the most important
feature of the whole annual exhibi-
The management of the Fair has
succeeded admirably in mixing
enough entertainment features into
the proga•aan to make the event
appealing to the general public and
at the sante time proper stress upon
the agricultural side has not beet
The farmer who is endeavoring to
r improve, who wants hatter live-
s stock and who is anxious to see
what other successful fanners have
been doing hue elready learned to
look upon The Royal Winter Fair as
an educational institution w•h telt
simply cannot be passed up and the
result is that a Journey to Toronto
this season of the year has become
a per'tusuent item in tate calendar of
rural Ontario,
Gtntbiett and the tuambexs of the
Peteribrough Are department. Time
Are lmdddes are not only making
their usual contttibutlon to the en.
joyol>Ie celebration of Chrlatutas by
repairing hundreds of brolten toys to
be distributed 141 Peterborough bum -
es bunt they bane altto undertaken to
handle the task of deoorutlug
Peterborough's business section to
that when Santa Claus males his
pre-Olu'Ietnuts official visit to this
clly sourly next mottlh hs will And
the place transformed into a Yule-
tide fairyland of evergreens, that
will make him feel right at home,
The firemen constitute a very 101*
portant branch of the nluuiolpal
vrachduer'y in their own right for
the guarding of lives and property
against the menace of fire 1s a vital
necessity but they are not satisfb:d
with doing that job well, They also
find an opportunity to do a Jut of
useful coulnlwtity work every year
and co-operation they are extend"
ing 011e business interests of Peter-
borough in Making the visit of
Jovial old Santa Calms a success
merits general thanks,
The dossil of a sea hard believer'
Skeleton of a giant Russian has
been discovered, It Is assumc>d he
was iibuidated back In the f1'i4us-
tortc days,
Robbers broke into live office:: in
Kitchener an one night, and the
night police force has already re-
ported that he needs an assistant.
Relcimos in the A:ctic have start.
ed chewing gum: Not having
chairs such as we- use we were
wondering where they would park
it between meals,
An independent candidate Play
run against Icon. Colin Campbell in
the Sault Ste, Marie by-election.
Perhaps he just wants the exitcise.
The Germans eat 1,500,000 yards
sausages every year. They seen:
to be the links that bind the Ger-
man people together.
The Gold Shirt movement in Mex-
ico has something on all the other
spirted organizations in the point of
color at least.
London speaker suggests that
world peace might be attained by
eating oysters and at least the rem-
edy has the merit of being easy to
That Philadephia youth who
broke into a tailor shop to get out
his suit to keep a date demonstra-
ed once again that love laughs at
Somehow the declaration of the
Brussels Conference condemning
Japan's invasion of China has fail-
ed to slow up the Japeuese advance.
A 'to:•y ,'ty,,' that ikzzy Dean the
St, Louis pitcher will spend the
winter golfing, fishing and sleeping.
He's not so dizzy after all,
A to„tache itas made its possible
for V,e,olocetdent G:u•u; r of the
'Unapt! States, the forgotten 111an,
to stake the front pag•', He teak
the hard way to get publicly,
Di•iiSll parlament has pian:: for
evacuating the premises in the
event of tt raid. That is somewhat
surprising; you'd in twine the mem-
bers would be hardened to stir
if Santa Glans keeps a diary, anti
the evidence all points to tllr proba-
bitiity that he does, we imagine that
Ilona C. II. Cahan fears that Can-
ada faces disruption. It Is not the
first time such n statement has been
made but in spite of that facet tate
Dominion stents to hang together
reasonably well.
earl Aro 2t0me Pikes k'ruro
7919 of the Foot o/ 60
toter 06 roar, Apo
Wm Manage, Morris, hits bnugltt
the stock of dry goods, groceries,
etc, from Jas. Tinnins, 0 fibro place,
Irving Ciegboru boundary line,
bade farewell to the scenes of boy-
hood last week and betook himself
to Detroit.
• * •
Wm, Smith, well known nrouuri
here 1301111' seven years agn, but
lately of Manitoba, has returned and
is in BR:ovale,
—X -"-
Thos Angus left for British Col-
umbia lust Tuesday morning,
Debate ---At the debate in Ander-
son's school house last Tuesday
evening the question of city and
country life was discussed, on the
affirmative were John Currie, Jas.
Atiklns 'and A Sample, Ftp- the
negative, Joseph Bowman,P.,thert
and Thomas Stracllau, Dcci-loft
in favour of city life.
Ilugh DlcKay recently sold his
farm on the 17th eon, to Enoch
Clark, of the saute Ii11e.
T. B. MPcD•analdthas been engaged
as teacher of S.S. no, 0 for next
Year. Geo, Thomson the present
tether, Who has given such eminent
satisfaction, talks of going to the
Mr, Fred Pelton of Port Huron,
Mich„ is enjoying a holiday in
1:. 4 9
A. Currie and J. T. Ross ate :heir
Thanksgiving dinner in Seaford'.
tion when he did all his hunting in
the civil service and bagged L rec-
ord number of hides.
Gananoque wants to keep its
beverage rooms open until mid-
night during the summer menthe
for the benefit of tourists, Haw --
ever, we have not noticed that the
majority of summer visitors have
displayed any inclination to
around such places until that Hour.
Japan was Canada's fourth best
customer in September and we have
a sort of guilty feeling that much of
wrllat was bought from us by the
Japanese was war material,
Cape Craker Indian predicts that
it will be mild until Christmas but
there will be two feet of snow i11
January and February.
The fossil of n sea lizard believed
to have been 200,tl00,000 years oil
hat been discovered itt North Da-
kota. We never know before that
the !pings carried license Inti kers'
that many years ago,
A Youngstown, Ohio, choir has
worm premier honors at the t?amil-
Mon cotnpetilion. That is not re-
gatYicd, however, as an outside
victory, 01110 people are praticltily
home folit iu Onta io.
Premier Hepburn has been chas-
ing doer up in the north couutry,
Weer will be an entry this year by That is a bit different from the
way of commending Fire Chief period '.fallowing the previous' eloe-
Mrs. Ramsay and Mrs.. George
Williamson visited a few days with
WUtgham friends,
. Miss Ludo Rutherford, Greed-
. Valley, visited over Sunday at her 1
1 home here,
Nies Dellti Biggins ietut'ned from
London on 'Saturday where she has
spent the last two Months.
Mrs. Milligan moved! her house-
hold effects to Brussels this week
where she will make her lune.
Dr, Margaret McKellar, of India
gave an address in the Presbyterial:
church on Monday evening,
The ditching machine nwlldl by
i Herbert Birkby, 7th litre was at
j 'work on the farm of Wm. C, Cue.
ninghani, last week.
• u •
1 The trustees of S.S. no. 4, have
' re-engaged Mies McNabb as teacher
for 1913
The t':;l it:Mcfarms cout,tinhtg
gait acme: on the 241,1 line have Mean
leased to John G -ashy, 1uh11 ^ 10. of
The new ("iv brielge':s naw own,
plat ed,
alrs, (Rev.: A, Warren, of 'Verona,
N.Y., is a visitor at rhe hnttte of h"r
1' ,encs, Jur: and Mrs. Jac•k'au, lath
A vacant house belonging to An-
gus McKay on the farm purchased
by D. lvlachan, 12th con, was burn.
ed down one night recently.
Last week James Cardiff rented
the 100 acre farm of John Lowe,
Lot 6, con. 9, for a year and will
work it in conneetlon with ifs
hon estead,
-Miss Lizzie Lamont arrived back
last Friday from a visit to the West.
• Safe Blown Open -The door of
the safe of the John McDonald
store here was blown off early Last
Tuesday morning by unwelcome
visitors and 941.00 secured,
-hiss Belle Henderson, Bre-sets
visited -hiss Fern Eckmier aver
G i •
Thus; Smith has disposed of one
of his farms to David Baliin',;ai:, h
PBOhTE WALKS il;iK x101. WATSi(?1' eiMx ,i�
"Yes, Mary ... and Tom's fine, too."
Old Mrs. Watson lives with her son
Tom. Yet her only daughter Mary,
miles away, is with her too, for Mary,
though old-fashioned in many ways, is
definitely telephone minded and never
fails to call her Mother on Long Distance
at least once a week -- an inexpensive
and supreme pleasure for both of them.
As Tom Watson puts it, "though
our family's scattered, were never
really far apart --with the telephone,”
Are you acquainted with the
comfort, convenience and
low cost of Long Distance?
Low Night Rates begin every evening
at seven, and apply ALL DAY SUNDAY!
is Lot 5, con. 2 and contains 100
• * •
This week Alex Bryans, an old
settler of this locality sold his 100 •
acre farm to Mrs. L King of Morris.
Good Time -The entertainment
held In Victoria Hall Lase Friday
evening was a very pleasant gather-
ing, Chairman, Thos, Bennett,
program: Instrumental nolo, Mies
Ina Bryans; solo, Miss Rae Moses;
duet, Misses Rosvell and Hoover;
recitation, Miss, Jessie Strachan;
chorus, recitation, Vernon Miller...,
duet, Misses Roszell and Hoover;
Proceeds totalled 919.00, which will
be applied on a cot at the hospital
for Sick Children, at Toronto,
Miss Annie MeQuarrie
Moore, Blyth spent Sunday here.
as 4,
J. and Mrs. Jermyn, who recently
sold their farm in Morris township
have moved into the home of Mrs-
rsJohn Hill, Queen Street.
Evans-alcinnis-tMt the manse
Cranbrook, on Novmber 27th, by
Rev. D. B. lAA'cltae, Mr. Lynn Evans,
Grey Township, to Mies Amelia Mc-
Innis, of Cranbrook.
A tramp had !been knocked down
by a motor -,car, When he opened
111is eyes lie heard a stern voice say
"Stand back and ra're him ail."
I "Lumhane, mister," the protested.
"have they, got nothing else? I've
ana Mr. lived on .that for a ;week."
331,11117., Mr=l1
Have You Ever Seen
thrown into the gutter
ate pa ser basket
before it w= ,s
thoroughly re . d
But gutters and waste baskets are filled every day with unopened,
unread expensive direct advertising sale ammunition shot into the air,
and cheap publications promoted by fly-by-night artists.
A newspaper commands an audie nee with prospective customers, es-
pecially your home paper. It is never thrown aside without first being
read from "kiver to kiver•" You never see it littering the front yards,
or the sheets, annoying the house keeper.
That is why intelligent, attractive newspaper advertising is known to be
the most effective form of advertising for your business.
An advertisement in the `Post' will reach the buyers in the local
trade territory and will be read by thousands of people.