The Brussels Post, 1937-11-24, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
WEDNESDAY, NOQ, 24th" 1937
ome and Enjoy the Crowd
Under Auspiczes c •Uz t4ze Bross lk Legion
r sse6
IViusic Supplied by
Ukulele Bill and
His ill Iillies
Dancing from 9.30 p. m. to ?
On the Re -surfaced Floor
Discuss Giving Stiff
Penal ti.;s to Drunk Drivers
Definite Action On Motion In Huron
Council, However, Deferred
Huron County Council at the
Thursday morning seeelon di -cussed
at same length a reconWendation
to .the Ontario Legislature asking
stiffer penalties for drunk and reck-
less drivers. It also asks teat the
penalty for a second convict.00 for
drunken 'ecTellpg include the per-
manentlr-Cancellation. of drivers' per-
mits.-- --Pee-+:es W- IJ: Bauntiare of
Exeter. and Peter W. Scott of East
Wawanosh - sponeired the motion,
which was referred to the ,Legisla-
tive Committee.
A -emotion was carried unan;mous'
ly asking McKillop Township to re-
turn Warden John M. Eckert as
reeve for 1933.
The Property Committee will
deal with a motion recommending
to the -1935 ,council that it take ac.
tion with reeneect to remodelling the
Court House to provide quarters
for the magielrate, Children's Aid
inspector, a witness room and
lavatory accommodation in the base-
Both federal and provincial goy.
ernmlenta were memorialized to as-
sist in every way farmers and eau
sumers' co-operatives In {heli siert
to reduce the price spread he:ween
the producer and consumer,
Three representatives of the Can-
adian General Electric Company ad-
dressed the c•nunc.t un the Inst.rila-
tion,Of an electric range in the
County Home at a cost of $2.190. 1t
was felt the new equipment would
pay for itself, and will replace a
range which .basbeen in use .since
the Intone was built,
Inspector Govenlock In the c:,ur:-r
of his report said that Mrs. Jarobs.
the matron, had canned 5,000
quarts of Delft and vegetables
Will Buy Range
He thought no other dnst:tutioa
of the hind could boast of that. re-
cord, The house of Refuge corn-
mihtee were, given power to buy
the range, which would lessen the
cost and work entailed in the per -
talon of the home. There are 55 in-
mates -51 males, and 44 female
Board Report
There are at •present 105 bedefl-
claries of Mothers' Allowances in
Huron County, with 240 children.
This informalfun was given in a
report'sent in by A, T. Cooper, see.
151111y of elle Mothers, AlIowa nce
Board, the Met meeting of which
was beld June 11. There we. 21
appliratinn thle year, 1r, of ,vhtr•:n
were granted, - The pensione ring -
front $15 to $15 a month, r •tteen
were (hipped during the year for
v{semens reasons. 'rhe report was
sent to the exec0tihe committee.
The rennet of the Children's Shol-
fr wirer lttee was irreeenterl by
Sleeve Aryans, chairman,
The Chlldren'e Aid Society was
011e "f the meat important orear 10-
attuns and a great deal was owing
to it for its work for underdrivi.
leged children. High compliment
war paid to Superintendent H. Ed'
ward, for his rare tact in keeping
families together, and to Mrs, 01i -
ver the matron, who it was felt
could hot take a greater interest in
the children if they were her :,wn.
There are seven children in the
Shelter, a girl of 14 and six boys
ranging in age from 5 to 11 Years;
also a baby girl of nine menthe
which will require a great deal of
Mr. Edwards reported booing
made 53 calls re child protection;
65 unmarried parents, and 07 on
child care. Cases under tnveetiga-
tion are, 17 of child llrotecon 30
of unmarried parents; 67 eeeee, un-
der child rare and legal adoption 5.
Held Underprivileged
The need for work for the under-
privileged child is growing, the
pointed out and in order to n10,,,t
this demand it will be nec,-::._a.o
for the society to iaunrh an ex-
tensive educational erogralh in the
county in order that the nubile will
fully uuderetand the nature ef the
wutk of the Children's Ahl :neer ty
and will r. i-opt::-a:e, For the moa
part the peripi,' c i t-:ide: the ..r,t•:t'e
a sort 4.1 reeMen100. It is far it lm
the, They toll that when ,t rune
Maim is mad,: to thr,, iocirty ibr-
ch:l,ire•te in that. pteiticular family
shuu:d .,e removed at , it .,
only when all pleas fail the' it
sinelld h neeeee 1) to remeve a
child Dem hie ht,tne-
Adopt Resolution
With Ileevre ('areliff in the chair,
council conourree} with the reeole.
Hon of Halton ('.runty that two
members of the (•e:ulI y emiech
should he appointed to the hoard
of the Ch:ldren'5 Aid Soviets; Ala)
with the resolution from Peterbor.
ough County Council to amend the
Ch1ldren's Aid Are to as •o give
the county council and the cauuci]
of any It -e, or selrarated town with•
in the county ceetributilg t;e the
funds of the seeiety, power 'e
paint the meinbere cunstitut11w the
governing board of the sor net).
No action was taken on the reso-
1011011 from Peterborough asking
the (Altura, government 10 Pa=:c all
amendment to the Municipal Act
prob5hiting the c meell of nee Holm
ipa:ity from paed11g ally bylaw
or resolution changing . eeee "d
time to daylight ea14:1g 3110
'1'lte warden coiled It a fare , "If
P0015' want 10 0rt. 1111. they'll get
up," Fra said,
No altion was faltenh en the n,
Melon from Weer worth .1'.County
ing the gove13(111eiat to grant 11
creased subsidy on leads.
The llnance r01111nfi.lrt', r:•p(rl;
was adopted with Reeve 1eteel i „r
presiding, ae follows,
tMess Dorothy \Vatter ., •ott0r
Written for the Post By Our Ow* Correspondents
t3ELGR'A vi
ror 11;s, 1':'ouse in the neigie,.ate's
chic,-, wee ordered paid.
Ald Age 1'• nsl=ria account 1'f
ral'ials n„1t:4ii ai cents. w, -r,,
nor inti,t ' xi - pJn5 it101 A :b-
fie1d. -
No 1 ,=-,n x t ,li'•n , the 1):•.
1 1a1•, icer tt.ts as 1110'
11.:r, 1. early liven
The esu r.•t $11,50 will Ii 1><I9
for the tl'ahlih5 of the Pell rk•:;ctl
of tho tete lir, Iianiop.
County l: g 11 Pat r -on emit)
there are :Ise mile,, of (ouu,y reads
in litttun,
Engineer's Report
His report feuosss:
"In accord ince with !dans Oat
linen prev:ci lv luereaSfd expen-
ditures have been made this yen' on
dust p.evetttativee, and in the crio.
=3raetinrn. of bituminous suitaee: on
main roads. We have built eleven
and a half m110., of new bituminous
surfaces 20 to 20 feet in width, and
five and a half utiles of reinforcing
or purtiatly rompdeterl surfecr,'s.
Our practice this year, based on
our past exp.rletl(-es, 1111=+' been to
bring 111. old road to a proper- cross
del[. n and with a prime emit
of tan On this is placer} 1,350
cubic yards of grated gravel which
is nixed iu place with a liberal
etu111311) 1f bitum,.t,. and the sines
sin eel uniformly over the road,
giving a surface of about three
inche,f. We find that in eouat raet-
ing these i41111aves to 111e. mllisntl
Widths nP to twenty-six feet, 5(1100l -
lin; alone the edges is elunlll 1t ed,
as well as providing a much safer
stuenccr tor the traffic, The ”, ettne
of our bituminous work this year
have been- very gond, and it is 2x-
00e1ed that the maintenance eteni
35111 Out be ve:'y high. The c et. of
about ;3.2410 per mile is somewhat
higaer than that of other year, due
to the use of increased glla•tt.tiee
and the increased price of 115tunten.
1t is rather singular that 1n no
other part of rile country have eat-
isfaclory results• been obtained by
constructing surfaces as we do
here, I believe that the old ['mates'
of sheet asiihalt surfaces, pushing,
has influenced others and induced
them to use a low percentage of
bitulnen in order to avoid this pee-
- sibility, Such a practice will pro-
duce :;actions of improperly bonded
aggregate and result in holes, We
have had only one short secelen
give trouble from pushing, and the
ubvioua cause may readily be
avoided, However, road eugi leers
from other parts are being impres-
sed with the results that are being
secured, and it is probable that
suds work will become more gen.
Only one two-mile section of
grading was completed this gear,
tine read teem Carlow to Nile e1.ln-
Meting. the Luckuow Read. This
was c'arrierl out by teams, ;!aid it
may be the last job of this. kind to
be. se undertaken by the county.
Power operated equipment now up-
eratee at so much lower cost ilia;
the cost ter team work is too high.
It muy 0eetu unfortunate that emit
work will not be available ni tine
tanner; in the future, but the far-
mers have to pay for much of 1t, .
and ;lard manual labor is (11)vr„tod,
Moreove , 1110117 farriers n &legit
their tarns to help ant with the
road work 00 that the disadvar.t-(ges
and the extra cost more than offset
the advana afire. of the pied1 system',
which offered some farmers an ep.
portunity for an extra source of le -
The trucks bought by the „tunny
In the Spring have been opr"'1ltlug
at a Fra' cost, The improvement
in trucks during the past has been
While u0 stabilization wad 1111d,n•-
taken- this year, it was on temou 1,t
of the press of other work, anti not
that the 1mPortance of this work
has been overlooked, or has
ed minimized. Special equipment
is needed for the production of eta -
blitzed gravel in the beet form, and
etanitard, practical machines have
1(01 y'I been evolved. The time win
come 131110 gravel of an 1111,4.cbl,
01(3(1.0 will net be used ort Iaurrhe
loads to any extent,
The• Vouee, 3'11:un 1.f 010
I'11i5t41 Childs 110.1 :n lite sc11nd-
rr,n1 on Wednesday meet w1^': the
51 :..lart111'y 10:01101311• 111 a-eeet5'
,,\1r. Clercnce Yu111 reviled 11nd
Mese Freda Jotdail timed as Pte'd_t.
The 1...,:',8011 was read by MIs • Alma
Gra0',y and .he topic mate:eat pre.
serriedby Miss Edna Vincent, An,
interesting cilsru:csicn Perite1 fnl-
lewee the lope 10 r ging pramiee
was held for the ept t a1 serr re) of
story awl song that is being ineintre
el for Chri-tmas-tide,
Miss Jennie T0wnend, R.N„ who
has been on the etaff of the Dunn -
vine Hospital for the last tl00
11101lilis left recently to take a posi-
tion on the staff of the University
Hoepital in Ann Arbor, Mich, U.S.A.
Miss Kathleen l'ownend of West.
ern University Melted at her home
beer for the week -end returning on
Sunday eight with Mr, and Mrs.
Norman Stonehouse,
+111. and Sira N, Keating and
Mr. and Mrs Je..sie Wheeler were
visitors at the Royal Winter Fair,
Toronto; 'Mrs. R, J. McKenzie and
daughters, Marjory and Marlene,
with relatives in Toronto.
made to understand t._at anyone tak-
ing chances with a motor vehicle
is a public menace, and is pouted
to as a fool, a proper attitude will
not be acquired,
Many charges in practice and in
standards for Toad c'on5tenct ton
and maintenance have taken place
in the lase twenty years. and n'eli
waste has been the result of , fen.
tire to anticipate the demand, of
the future. Nearly all the ('1aeges
in standards may be traced ee the
derelogment of the motor ear, and
much of it to the increaser) speed at
which vehicles• now operate, During
the past few years, however, there
has been little tendency to hold
cars for operation at higher speeds
so it would appear that present day
standards for horizontal and ver.
' tide curves will endure for a long
Public clemancis from reads have
been year to year,
and during the't past, a minimum
i amount of imp•:'ovenlents have been
made in order'`•to keep expenditure
at a minintum.)There are now 385
miles on our County Road Sestem,
and the Department of Highways
is assuming thirty miles of road in
the south. On a great many roads
assumed by the county, littlen er-
nnament work has been done, al-
though an effort has been made
to :provide improved malntenerre,
but the requirements of these roads
cannot be postponed indefinitely.
Road Committee
The County Roads Commission
report was adopted as follows:
"The work of the year hue been
carried on closely 1u acc0rdarre
. with the estimates, though wont an
new road, and unexpected 1 eau ire-
ments have necessitate,) some
changes, It ie expected that t}1(' ex-
nenditu:es'and 101'lpte of the year
will balance,
"An insurance policy 1,010-1115
W0111men', cumpeneettion was se-
cured for a premium of $1.252.29.
Two accidents have occ'itrred that
were covered by this policy,
"It is the intention to carry on
511011. removal from the roads t(s 111
the bast. 111 view of the increasing
number of accidents on the roads,
Ave recommend that stop sign, be
erected next Spring on the fellow.
ig roads: Road No. 12, Seafortb to
Be5more; Road No, 25, Dunlop to
Blyth; Road No. 27, Lttcknow to
Carlow; Road Na, 4, the Crediton
Road; Road No, 6, the St, Marys
Road; Road No. 3, Bayfield to Eg.
nlou5ville; Road No, 35, Clinton to
"We further recommend that a
emeahl number of our roads in.. so
signed each year.
Ite road south of Wroxeter, rr.
quee e'(1 as a County Road, your
ronnniltee has examined the road,
and we I'501111111Iend that a Mimi be
rhderrl'rl 1,1,01 further extenceio1? : 1,
the Comity Road System may be
The 11,1.11 announced that two
Nines n11loHues, of Western 1 ni I-
verelly had brew here on W dnee.
flay looking ever the liiitnrlr, doe*
Memos in the attire and L:crl init.
mated they would ire ^willing lr, me
1101 -take the che,illeatitol and prop.
er klieg of the same.
Celina!) adjourned till 10 am, 1re
Many Aceidents-
A f.euat 11111117 nt-1 ir,u 3110 3, Lou -
0 oa•r•.1lrrerl
any apps:t-01 re10 elf 111,.
11.,,) ut til,:•' eteeemen 1113,
Mem eeeiquua'lt, bet the al,0retr'
111crea,,• in rrat0,' acrirh its dols
c;1 t1,-7 15(11 :u1 raln1ahioia1 'eel/l't:e',
timet)e ear delvers ,s fin
r01/1111011 11 1011: r,. ,y ;s 110. b 00 of all
propel' '].suing, and 1111111 •151'• ear-...
for $20 for two weeks' subetitetlre leas and reckless driver can be
1111 Iiansuld and family or 'raves-
torn vieleity were Sunday tine..
mutt risi:o1•.0 with C. 1e, nota 5lr,
Iiansuid incl other relatives In the
0:liege, The de;:t1 of snow ant}
wintry weather met with at ih;s
of the jou,ney was something they
uot expected to see on that.
,5ldse lllia Hallsuld who is teach,
el' in S.S. no, 0, Grey, ice put;.Ing :n
overtime, 1(1 preparing for the seined
convert to he held before Chr1 m,w,
Percy Stephenson )las been wur}t-
tug with tit te, N. R. section gang at
Atwood while putting iu a new sid-
Ing at that potut,
'rhe bight train, ou the C,N,It„
due to arrive at Ethel at 9,50 p,m,
has been running close to schellnla.
It le to be hoped that this regularity
of service will hold good for Chalet.
was time arrivals.
holiday period being ended P.
N. Currie resumed duties last Satur-
day, as C.N,R, agent at Ethel
Ethel United Church Y,P,S. met
'Monday night in regular weekly
session, with a large attendance
present. After routine order of
service was observed, Election of
officers for the ensuing year was
proceeded with.
Quarterly official board of Ethel
United Church was called to con-
vene Tuesday night, Nor, 21,
Sacrament ordinances will be eon,
1 ducted in Ethel United Church at
the 7.3u pan, services next Reuday,
' With the pastor, Rev. H. Snell, pre-
Several Motor car mishapa have
occuered 111 Ethel vicinity due to
slippery condition of roads, follow-
ing the 001001g of show and frost.
• Considerable dissap'pofutmenl was
felt by local member's of I.huert
Ethel C. 0,1"., when owing to un-
favorable road and weather eoti(11-
tion& they were prevented from at-
tending, a special prevented
function o1 111E
Order beteg held .1londay, NOV, 22,
at Godericb, to which they had been
invited and had planned to go.
A furnace Inas been installer re -
1 cetiy in the farm dwelling Monne 01
Quest Dobson by Geo. Reenter ane
The social activities sponsored by
Ethel W. I. was changed Dom Fri-
day, Nov. 19 to Wed. Nov. 24.
In correction of an item, which
last week stated that Ethel public
school would be giving a (ronuert,
it has now been decided that a pub-
lic entertainment will nut be held
at this Christmas time,
On Friday, Dec, 17 at Ethel Unit.
ed Church under the auspices of the
Sunday School, an entertainment
will be field when the Clirletmar
tree and convert program will be
presented, Keep the data to mint),
You are invited to be present and
share in the good cheer of Christ-
mas season, Rev. Mr, Snell, Roy
Hall, 11rs, 1'. N. Currie, maneeeng
Bert Vodden has been doing suite
a flourishing business during the
fleet week, selling Sparton Radios,
Wm, Spence attended the Dletrfct
Agency meeting and supper sponsor.
e(1 by 11:. North American Lire As-
surance Company at Listowel last
Thursday evening,
George Kreuter and Calvin, t3u-
smith and plumber are very busy
this fall, having several complete
bathroom outfits to install also new
furnace jobs.
An automobile accident occurred
at the corner 8011111 of the C,1 13
station last evening when a
truck driven by Ross .MeTaggari
crashed Into a car driven by C.
Hutebiuson, both vehicles were
badly damaged,
air, and Sirs, R. W. Whitfield, Mr,s
P, N, Garlic and Mr, Selwyn Baker
spent the week -end in Termite at-
tending tate Winter 1"udr,
The 1V, M, 11, of the United
church met at 011e home. 01 eirs,
Charles (erashy on Thursday after_
non for the regtrtar thamkofferine
111, Brook meMing. Fifty 1a111er,
present. Mrs, Brook presider) and
the theme of the service was "The
Wot'sbipeing Church.' A nominat-
ing commutem eooiti,lltt.g of Iles
Sautes W. Laidiaty, (', 11^11, J,
Tett E, ',flitted was mimed,
\irs, IIlix)rn, .+aperiulaimdea'. of
th, 5Iieslnu ltntnd, ,eprn'tell 011 the
work, A rea'ihtg was given by elre,
W. 11111., Scrlp(u1'0 reedings
were given by .Mrs, Brock, etre,
tot t., «buil 'Hobert Johnelon 'rbc
first chapter in the new study book,
"Tltc New Church Faces a New
Coyne One, Come ,All
To Another Big
nt the resurface
Town Hall,
rus els
Wurlitzer's Orchestra
Dancing 9 p. m. to ?
Admissi.n 35
World," was taken by 'firs Frank 1
Marshall, The closing prayer was
given by Mrs. John Mafues. A ten
cent tea was served by Meedanies
Grassy, Bloody, Logan, G. McGow-
an, Fairservice, Garrett, Mise
A most pleasant evening was
spent in Memorial Ipall Friday whet&
neighbors and fiends to the n:unber
of 230 tendered a reception to .lir.
and Mrs, Archie Scott, concesstun
8, Morris, who were recently ma.1.
reed, Mrs. Scott before hr1' mar--
iago was .Hiss Alexandra Margaret
Hamilton, only daughter of firs.
Hamilton of Gerrie. During the
evening an address was read by
James Laidlaw, Jr,, and the presen-
tation of a purse of money was
made to the newlyweds by Stiller
Richmond. Thiee orchestras, Witte,
Jackson's and Keliy'31, pruvitled
music for dancing, A delightful
lunch was served by the ladles of
the gathering. .lir, and Mrs. Scott
,will reside on COI. 8, 1Iorris,
Mrs, Robert Newoonth, con. 5,
Morris, had as her guest last week
an old schoolmate whom etre had
not seen for 46 years, in the person
of Mrs. T. 0. Morse of Pasadena,
Oat, Mr. and Mrs. Morse left Cali-
fornia Sept, 1 and have had an ex-
tensive motor trip,.
Mr, Morse has spent all his life In
California and the snow of last
week was interesling to hint, but
to the extent that ire decided to
leaves a once for the sunny south
before being snowbound at this
northern end Of the trip,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, Tor-
onto, spent few clays in town; :Sirs,
Nellie Leslie in Toronto with her
sister, Mrs. Gifford.
ELMER D. ti}r.LL, S.A.
Barrister, soitcttor, Etc.
Phone 20x, —x— Brussels, Ont,
Mr, and Mrs, W. 1I, Fraser spent
a few day's In Toronto enjoying the
Royal Winter Fair.
Sir, and Mrs, Leonard Gates and
family are spending a week with her
parents, 511, and Mrs, Itobt, Shaw
and other friends,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Joh nstoi. vts•
Red. on Friday afternoon with Mr,
and Mrs, Richard Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Mclllw•ai visited
their cousin Sir, and Mrs. Richard
Johnston and attended the fu. rat
of a cousin,
One of the inost interesting and
best attended meetings In the in-
terests of the British and Foreign
Bible Society for some time was
held in the United ('Murch Feeley
evening- The president of the
local society, Robert Shaw, preeided,
The scripture 1eseon was read by
Rev. A, Vallance Robb and Rev. J.
R, (.lrclg led In prayer. The rlesi-
dent introdeeed the Rey. '',Vatter
McLeary of Toronto repeneenta-
tive of the society who gave an il-
lustrated lecture on "Spain, yester-
day and Today." 111, Mc•Lia y's
lecture dated back to the time of
George Barrow, the first colpoture
to visit Spaiu and his 'tranelatiun
of the Bible into the many differ-
ent languages. The pictures :-bow-
ed the public buildings, street
scenes, cathedrals, paiacee and
people from the ('ides 01 Seale.
Many of the 1( 3101:tut huiiclinge aro
now in tains as a result of the war.
The work of the Bible Suclotl- is
continuing tilt-uugh It ali,
The election of officers • elemli'd
as follows: fres., Ib-,bert t4haw;
sego ea,., 5I Alex Mae:bray,
James Nichol, W. 3, Joltn,te•n, Ar-
thur Shaw, John Mundell and ,vex
Mowbray form the c'nnmed:l.' e,
Colleetnrs have been app0107,.d fee
the different districts,
Cent a Mok Round Y rep argain Fares
Minimum Fares: P,ults 75c Children 40c)
Fri., 84 Sat, Nov, 26 27
To Oshawa, 13owmanville, Pont Hone, Cobourg, Trenton Jct„
Belleville, Napanee Kington, Gr1natnoque, Brockville, Prescott,
Morrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford,
Newmarket, Penetang, 0°111ngweed, Medford, Barrie, Ortlita,
land, Graysnhirst, Bracebridge, Hurvteville, Calendar, Nortel Bay.
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Teals.
'taming & Northern Ontario bOly„ Nipissing Central Illy„ Iiilpialtas-
Ing, Longlac, Nnittna, Taslnoia, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, Jellicoe
Beardmore, Port Anther,
Sat. Nov,, 27 to Toronto
Also to Brantford, Chatham., Cllosley, Clintoh, Durham), Ex.
eter, Fergus Godorich, Guelph, Hand lion, Hanover, IIarrlaton, Iagsr• .
soli, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell Niagara
OWen Sound, Paisley, Patmeeeton, Paris, Port Elgin St,
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Slralbroye
Walkerton, Wharton, Winglutm, Woodstock,
For bares, Return Linins, Train Infornultion, 'rickets, consult
neatest Agent,
See handbills for complete list of destinations