The Brussels Post, 1937-11-17, Page 4THE BRUSSELS 'QST
" 'ra CTi
;MRZara iraggiajZiVices
'et'sonivaaa ttebec, New Proemial; Prince Edward Island, Nova Saone
N. , 26-•-27 OTTAWA, $7,2.01 W{ONTREAL, $0.20;
••QUEt EC Orr, $11.45; STE.oANNE R sP' E BEAUPRE, 512,05
Fares, 7Yoicota ira telt TOW(' and%aformetwnfram4gcnta, ASK FORIWIDBILL Tawe
It.e h-'•:•1 a very d-'aPPuint-
L ei'ter To The Eeitor
Sueltatoon, Sttsie
Nov, 1, I937
in:'; year. Tiee hate sown crepe ala
pot coarse up, The only rain we
had was cm July 22-
what came up then than t even n p
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
ETHE 11 his mother; who will spend evening meeting 'bel- in the near
Doretby and Angio Franklin visit- lienueth Cowan, St, 7ho,,, n . with ! ton of W�ingbaatt will ),Svc toe
111 .'e s on the divorce question
est over 'Sunday with 1 leis s s
Edna, Mrs. Ncoker, is Clea Alan 'Miss Brogden, London with The guest speaker for the deuce
dlton y r s ma 1,
a week in -the city with i•e11Li\es; future at which Lawyer lietheriaa ad-
t1 inter his parents air, and Mia Gtnige , dr s
Cowan; i ss
her 'Sterca, :i'lesdamee Fleetly and meeting was ROY. A, Ii, O'Neon
.Mike Kraeter of Con. 9. Grey Lyon; Mies Pauline Rollirmon 'wee gave a sgtlendld a0c rt.+..
near 17the1 C. N. R. station, was Dt•ueebo, with fret' mother, Sirs. "Peace," bringing thought obtained
t r.:'tin over tate weekend with ` Jessie Moody. k from mistelonarfes returned from
g { was a timely
\gingh m Mends.
u 1.;;7 int 4 b❑
pro. nal. -tofu China, and
GREY { subieci. and one of interest to the
p - duce much pasture, We had 6 ass fIVLtor Cm their
and J, H. Fear, large and or 'present. Refresh
Dear Island: hoppers. Potain bogs and beet web arrived from tUeir holiday hauling 'The many rIlene's a the Vegler'
trip during the week, eaelt bringing large
by hostess and lunch
4 boats Your letter of Oct. 2e wheel worms, more than we ev' r i to u:e l family lu Grey were sorry to hear committee,
of citrons. Th tette • anyone could have and of centre: tet' home a deer as trophy or the haat, of the death of :Kiss Qaralhre meg-
0.1" -at speeding sevet'a�, day; of teethes had
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Matters
and daughters of Hepworth spent
the week -end with hie father in
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Harris and
son of Tilsonbung spent the week-
end with her parents Mr, and Mrs,
>0d, Johnston, lst lime.
'Miss Ethel Johnston os Byron,
visited over the week -end at her
home on the let line,
•Mdse Viola leathers visited on
Sunday with her father In Bluevate.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. South and two
chldren visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Jim Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Johnston and
ing y''ar, en -operated In Win"; tc .p, herd of 7 deer was seen pastur- i son spent Sunday afternoon with
get the tall planing done, for the ing on an Atwood farm one day Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallagher.
benefit it will mean for next seas- last week. When seen they jump_ I Mies Mosstie Milligan anent the
cat's crop, ed the fence and disappeared in week -anal in Toronto,
busy. First we ran out or cabbage,
John Pearson or Grey Twp. north; Nen McNair's bush, There were' airs, Norman Barnard and son
who deals in cattle evtensivel;, bas 3 od ones and 4 fawns, i of Llstotvel is spending a while with
then beets, carrots, potatoes, ultra Mrs', Yotmgbutt and children are
fruits, nettles and turnips; alters telcos in to nut atis:-tont it ghee plated a number far winter frectiag Mr. and Mrs, Sperling Johnston and
t confidence 1 1' woe O spending a few days with Mrs.
wasn't a big demand for to:bins,
*Phe preserves, pickles, maple syrup
and honey and clothing had 'o be
given to the poorest o2 the pear, It
was the first ear received here and
coeeielering the difficulty or dieuling
an unknown quantity ce varilt' ar-
tticles amongst an approxtmattt num-
ber or •people we feet that we did
well and have heard nothi" c but
praise for she part we played. The Wheat production in England for
car contained 66000 lbs, and arrived 1937 has bee estimated at 4i,,3 000
• In good cundLtion. A few citrons bushels, which is about 2,41emeef
were damaged and one 10 lb. pail or , bushels less than in 1936,
maple syrup was spilled,
was in a hag had n lhrng to barye st .tater P g Tet last week, Her U
load was is -petted in Ualm , on hi two weeks vacation at Bruce Just passed on last month. They
Nov, 3, A committee of ; h t ei ' Russian Ir :ate• C1utllti m Irty
riot been good mute 1927.'i '•va peninsula, In proof of skill as a have the sympathy of the entire
named •to look atter the all , 1 ,: u a heavy crop but froze anti graded
huntsman, Y. N. Curre brought back cammuni'ty.
le the contents. Emit manias, 0 no. 0 and since -then thio^t, 1., ate a full allenneltt of venison, Alex BISIOS is going into the bnzi
150tetl•a helper, one of them being returning, at the latter Part of ness o2 raising mink, He has
myself and one the 4!h we uu,e ads dt the week fzam a hunting expedition, three pair and was busy building
-rouses Lot them last week. We wish
im luck in this venture,
va4iss Helen McNabb, who is
teaching school near Guelph, spetat
the week -end with ber parents, Mr,
and ;hiss, Jahn McNabb.
Gordon Knight has brought 240
acres' of land in MCKtl'lap Twp.,
bode- from' the Canada Co, It is located
At the firsit of the week a number on dke 14th con,, lot 6 & 1, and part
of neighbors' of Elgin Barton, who of lot 7, con, 12. Gordon will !ewe a
will have the management 01 the fine rarer, with •tire homestead on
Ben Hollenbeck farm for the 0001• the 14th con o2 Grey.
half •of the ear into the garnet- so e have had a little ram ,et
• t:
'that 'we nniebt have more rvlon and and as growth has stoppeJ :t ,d
find opt what we had as it had to be
divided beetween 223 families ranee
-ng in size from 1 to 1 7;he
potatoes and turnlpe were tee only
t,hinge' khat we had mita-tail of to
give out in full bags. Beets aur
carroty were divided into i' 1tl late
and apples in 10 lbs. Most l tt'i i„; The •pteaPele were all very grateful
took Several citrons and a pennetttt •
for aa•pe },rg which they received
or squasb, Cabbages were. e..e- i••
one to a family and they we non from the ear hut we told them nut to
thank w ,a thank the peep;', who
Mid donated their produce. 1 think
we have b eA he•Lped mentalry as
well as materially. There teinn"I
to be a ge•nw•ai reeling of heLticss,
hopeless forsak.,.alt's btu when
the people aw ty deswn in Ontario
there is very little evaporation new
it will give us a little enceura;.-
ment for next year. The a et ter
has been exceptionally nice fir the
past 0 weeks• This is a beautiful
sunny afternoon, temperature 46 de-
grees Fe in the shade.
gone. Nothing was given out till
the 5011 at 9 o'clock. The I rri•
tory included was 2a townships,
(96 sq, mlie+s) and every one tried
to be there early so we were very
up north, ,Toth A. Wilson, reports
Ii that game was plentLful and there
was no delay in securing the num-
ber allowed for each member o" the
party, Had it been permitted a
much latger supply could have been
brought out, The good luck heap-
ed to make a good time for every -
a new fe fisc a r e u• xt Dobson800)1,
world in general and in our brother- { An entirely uew building has Yaungblutt's parents, Mr. and Mrs, i Mrs, George Wheeler was called
man in particuier, been acted on Grey Twp. Hall John McNabb, i to Winghaut last week with her
From those who received of your ' prop .y for the housing or the The Cheerio worlcere of Oran- r daughter, Mrs, Jack Wyllie who
contribution I say 'Thank yeti very township road maintainer, Stan. brook will meet at Mrs, Cecil Rob- was taken seriously ill and wee
much' 'and I eau assure you that it Alt:ander has had the operation losers on the 14 coo, of Grey, on oPet%lted on for appendicitis in
was appreciated. clad care of the machine for the past Thursday a2ternoon, at half past Win :Man Hospital.
your sincerely, se:teen's work. I two o'clock, ( Mr, Andrew I•Iolmes visited for a
-Victor Harper.The funeral of the late Carrie Isaac Rothwell lost two valuable few dare in Windsor with friends'.
Ziegler was held Saturday after• horses, struck by lightning ret entiy, I Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sparks have
noon. With a short service at the Lynn Evans remodelled his hen moved to Wing:ham, Mr, Sparks
home of Wm. Ziegler by Rev, lir, I house, Russell Knight shingled his has been working in a factory there.
Will:ants of Cranbrook and Ethel, house, Robert Shiers also shingled ' Mr. and Mrs. L, H. Beaman have
it was continued in Ethel Presby- his house with Alex Steiss super- gone to \t'tngham for the tviater, as
tartan church at 2 o'clock. After wising the work. A2rs, Bosman hasn't been well for the home o3 Albert Crook.
which interment was made In Mr, Perdue of Grand Bend is some Came, Frank Duncan .s enjoying the
Brur els cemetery. ( vis:aLng tris brotherain law George The executive of the local 1311,15 hunting in Bruce County this
Practices and preparations are Evans. j Society has arranged to have Rev. week,
under way at Ethel public school for , Alex Cameron, young son of Mr. Walter McLeary, Toronto, repro•
an entertainment at Christmas and Mre. Calvin Cameron, who a r servtative of the Brfitish and Fo-
time. { • mth onago was taken to Toronto elfin Bible Society address a meet -
Ethel 'United Church Young for treatmleet after having eaten lye .
WApa11T7SDAY, NOV, #'i'th, 1937
Come �CorneAll
To Another Big
n t•1 e re -surfaced floor
Town Hall, Brussels
Friday, Nov. 26
wioro .000
," yatoct one
0_2t -T.
3 rt.
2 ouoTorl000n
,a'aooa LAMS
Snapshoctinq will
add to the fun at
your Hallowe'en,
HERE is probably no folk hotida+ 1 By the light from the ordinary
which has taken a stronger hold
upon the imagination than Hal-
Hallowe'en is really an autumn
te-ttival of the old world bat peasant
superstition robbed the holiday ct
r unded
d surrounded
its original m 8
it with the delightful mystery of
ghosts, witches, spirits and hobgob'
Through all its variations it still
retains its place in Canadian life as
a night for grotesque, gay costumes
and parties; and when parties are in
order your camera should play a
prominent and important part in the
A Hallowe'en party simply isn't a
success without some of the tradi-
tional games. It would be like cele-
brating Christmas without some ref•
armee to Santa (haus. One of the
games extremely popular with the
younger generation is "Bobbing the
Isn't such a picture as the one
above well: worth taking? Jimmie
has succeeded in capturing the bole
bing fruit from the tub of water—
and what, a picture it makes. It's
very simple to snap such a picture it
you have a cement
or faster Its 6 f
advisable toot use
super seneitive panrhromatie film.
when making snapshots at night.
Here iswhat you do. First of all
you will geed two or tbree Photo-
floed board, These lights are similar
in appearance to the ordinary elec-
tric ligki bulb used in lighting your
home. They are inexpensive and can
he ptttbhaaed from almost any store
selltag.photographic supplies.
Place an ordinary floor lamp about
three feet to tbe left of your subjects
and slightly forward. 3211 the shade
upwards so the light fully illumi-
nates your. scene. In the sante poet-
tion place another latne to the right
of Your "apple bobbers:' Seedie,.
bulbs in your lamps,you can lo:ate
your subject in the finder. Atter set
ting the distance or footage scale aT
the proper distance set the dia-
phragm at 1.6.3 and the shutter
speed at 1/25 of et second—the cam•
era loaded with a super sensitive
film. Now you can replace ordi-
light bulbs with the brilliant
Photoflood lamps, turn them on and
you are ready for your picture. Be
sure that the lamps do not show.
A shutter speed, of 1/25 of a sec
and will not stop much action ec
have the one who gets the apple hold
a position for just an instant, such
as that of the boy in the above pie-
ture, and zip—you have made a snap•
shot at night. Isn't that simple
If you have a box camera yet. will
need a Photoflash bulb. Set your
camera for a time exposure. For a
time exposure you should place your
camera on a table or a firm support
of some kind for any movement of
the camera may cause a blurred plr
tura, even though the flash of these
lamps lasts but 1/50 of a second.
Afterlocating your subjects in the
finder place a Photoflash bulb in a
floor lamp at your side and slightly
forward but within arm's reach
Tilt tbe shade the same as dese-lbed
above. Now—opeu the shutter of
your camera, and switch on the cur-
rent. After the dash close the shut-
ter immediately.
It is not necessary to have all the
lights eut in the room when taking
a Photoflash ptctnre, but do not have
bright lights near the subject or
any lights shining into the ions of
the samara,
This is just one example of the
many pictures you can fake in the
house on Itallowe'or, night. Demon-
strate your ingenuity by working
out other picture taking stunts. Yottr
Moeda, and You, will get a real
"Welt" out of it.
3014N VAN Gi71LDF1R•
Wurlitzer's Orchestra
Dancing 9 p. m. to ?
Admission 35
sel Currie.
Gladys Fawcett of Blyth is spend-
ing a few days with her sister Mrs,
Milton Lowe.
Mies Betty Currie has returned
after holidaying with friends in
Mtss Velma Duncan spent the
week -end in Woodstock.
Mir. and Mrs. A. Moffat aud ftim-
Ily, Wroxeter spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W, Jardine,
+Mr, Stanley Grainger of Levach,
Ontario renewed old acquaineanees
of Moa•ris.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Snaith and
daughter Doris and Mrs. W, Lundy
of Hamilton were recent visitors at
ing in the United church on Friday
People's weekly meeting was change is getting along+splendidly, 11 is evening,liss Mr. 1MeLeary speaks also
ed from Monday night to Tuesday believed that it was only the mouth on conditions in Spain.
night to give opportunity to attend that was badly •burned, He llutelaJ. G. Robb has arrived here
the young people's training school been able to eat solids for the past from Glasgow, Scotland and writ be
ben, held at Brussels. { week. { with her -brother, Rev, A. Valiance
The Y. P, S. of Ethel Vatted j On Tuesday evening, Nov, 9, Robb at the United church manse;
Church was largely represented at ' neighbors and friends gathered at Mrs. Nell B. \MacEachern, Louise
Brussels Monday night, at one of a the home of Mr, and Josepb Jccklin. .and Gilbert have returned to Monet
-tI'< of meetings beteg gives Forest atter a visit with Mr. and
Sr„ and presented Mr, and Mrs.
there. i Tom Reid with a miscellaneous , firs. R, F. Galniss.
Ethel Woman's Institute eoavened kttehen show1
shower, - During the even- uair, and Mrs. John Sparks and
in their monthly meeting for Nov tug, Kenneth Sellers presented family have moved to \\'ingUnn: for
ember at the !tome of Mrs 0, Bak- the bride \vita a giassdined silver the winter whore Mr, Sparks Is em-
er, 14th con„ Grey. With nearly butetr plate and knife, a girt from ployed at Lloyd's fa0tory.
50 persons :present. This attendance .the choir of Roe's United Church,
Is hide -alive of the interest taken edr.:allege McFarlane read tare
1n the activities of the organize tan, address—
And they are to be commende,t for D
the many bellyful suggestions g.vtul
from tine. t❑ time, and sc eff',,.ittly
nut Ire: eltect, in community fare and many other worthwhile
projects, i
Friday night of this week at
Gr •y Twp, hall, three will he a
tee:grant of soeial act.ivitiee pr.,:sent-
unde•r the auspices of the publis li-
brary managers,
Mrs,Sack Wilson and � tanley
pen; the week -end In London and ;
Rev, Mr, Weeks or Dresden who
bas Nen popoint.ed as rentor for the
combned churches et Belgruve,
Blyth and Au!hurl, will ari've in
town thts week and will have
cltarge of hie work on Sunday next.
On Sunday eveninc Mr. Hutson, ray -
reader, had charge of the service ht
Anglican church,
In the United Church vete lees
were held with the raster, Rev. 11.,
A. Brook In charge. At the morn-
ing service the text was "Serviette
ar Friends."
Ge Friday evening a very
amt. tints was emelt at the homes Of
Alex ivrnillt, Con, 8, Morris, when
the near neighbors assembled to
tvelr.tune his -bride to her ue w home
in the rtnmmttfSty. Gurnee of meta'
and rroklnole were enjoyed 'Inring
the evening. Eerier fier a dainty lun
Dear Imus:— Mrs. Joe Shaw has returned home
We are gathered bete tonight in atter v:attiug her daughter, Mrs.
youour of your ri:ceut marriage aud Jas, Brown, New Liskeard,
ottt' departure to a new home, j 'Mrs. Alex Brewer, 4141 con, Arae a
You haus helped us greatly, both i recent visitor at the manse, Puce,
as S '
unday School teacher and
01' Essex t.'. ,, the home of Rev, W.
fewest for our choir and have e -eat Moore,
your time faithfully on our heltulf. i 01d neighbors of the Sit con.
We ask you to ascent the gift as' Morris, weer sorry to hear or the
a slight token of our appreciation serious illness and passing mini, of
and remembrance, so that whenever Mr, Walter Yuen who vv'as It highly
You may be, yint will not forge' your , esteemed resident of this locality
an appi'npi,la't1' alldreN5 Way lead. IV
Jas. Richmond while 3111ntt Scat
made the presentation of an ttl.true-
tive magaesine table as a token of
the good wishes of those assembled
Glen McGill, Hamilton, spent the
week•enti at his ]lame In 1:. Wawan•
osh, lie was accOm,panied to Ham•
old friends and the happy times we
had together at hoes.
Roe's Choir and Sunday School.
for many year's.
Thomas Forrest
During dhe past week word was
received os the passing of Thos.
Forrest a formed Morris Twp., boy
and +brotber of W. 8, Forreet, tints -
Soule five hundred and rorty ads', While still a youth ire spent
,people sat clown to a bounteous fowl several years in Toronto, gol'tig from
supper in the schoolroom of the there to-Ohicago, where lie carried
United church here en Thursday, ' on a ,profitable business until sever.
Armi-nice Night. it was a record aJ years age when Ice was badly
crowd. The tables were fittingly injured in an accident, Buffering a
decorated, while the audltorhtni was partial loss of memory, tor a time,
dressed with Union Jacks, The 'trona head injury but completely
center( preseeted by The Favorite recovered although lois health was
Four of London was well received not as robas,t as formerly, possess.
and an c'xeclient program was given. ed aa. genial dispoteitdgn 11e had many
The Gerrie Woman's luetitute friends among the huslnese men
met for their !cave program at the• ' of 'the riiy,
home of Mrs, Perry Ashtim, Mrs, { Always gettermte to those in need
G. Shr,ra wee in charge of the biel.! he received many calls for heli,, He
nes+ when nume,ronO 11191)15 were was Nemeth t in Masonic eirele;i.
dealt 51111, The prig; am ton'ete'd Daring the hot comma. weather his
of the introduce ion to the Mathes cal heart began to give out, Some
the co-operation prngsaam 011 boy weeks ago he entered n hoileititl tor
manteltip, given by the local Leder- tieatnieent and improved nicely for a.
Mrs, Carroll Gregg; musics of aerie- i cunt. 15(1 11 ilre 1' Intel' crams 9'ar's-
tic. Hang+, by 51,'8. Neiman \ytule, , day or la 1 week, lii8 34160 �Slnlin
Thr rtrrntaltverail11 wa8 11n 0:14 1" Itogereon, m Pn•aler Toronto ;tri anti
ie'nt one, on the lnxiittrte Chrisimat two ctuughior's *survive,
cake8. 'Nee wa8 dome by Alts, Mari
1 Toner, who alto gave a Alert talk 1 (letc'nded for last wt'elt,)
on "The Icing In the Making," Mr, aud Mrs. Ilarold Currie card
Tickets aro being Hold on this cake son Warm of Weettla)e, -tame*nn
and tine drew is to he made at ah spent Sunday at the ndmo of Rus -
Japan, Frank Marshall; India, Mary
McDonald; Korea, llelen Turnbull.
airs. Mary Dressel, Miss Edith
Ennis, returner to Toronto after
spending a few days with their par-
euite, Mr, and Airs. Fred Ennis;
Wm, Brownlee in. Toronto; Mr, and
Mrs. James Humphries, Windsor,
with relatives• here; Mr. and Mrs,
Russel Marks have returned from
their trip North; Mr, and Airs,
Thomas Watson, St. Thomas, Mr.
' and Sits, Jos. Davidson and son
Murray, London, with relatives
here; Mary eleDonalcl, Isabel 31c -
Call. Ronnie Bennett, Ross 13eanett
received certificates for proficiency
from the Sunday School of Duffs
{ United -Church; W, C. Bennett, Wm.
Kelly, returned from their bunting
trip; Miss Mary Humphries bat re-
turned home atter spending several
weeks in Wndsor.
The matey friends at Mats. Smith
of this village are concerned be-
cause of her serious illness, She
bus not been enjoying the bat of
hearth for some time and has now
contraoted ,pneunemia.
The Y. P. S. of Duffs United
Church held their regular meeting
with Moss Ethel Shaw presiding.
The Scripture passages were read
by Rev, Mr. Cumming, Miss Betty
Drager, Rabt, Kirkby, Mies Isobel
Ritchie and Miss Ethel Shaw rune a
duet. The topic, "National Lead-
ership,' 'was given by the pastor,
At the monthly meeting of lite
Mission Band Earl Coutts presided.
Tho Scripture lesson was read by
Willie Leeming. It was requested
that the mite boxes be handed in at
the December meeting. Heralds
were read: Canada, leathlyee Far-
quharson; China, Carl Coutts;
Wins Silver Trophy
Mr, Clifford lbachau, buttertnaker
of the Dresden Creamery was again
successful in winning the six
mouths' conlpetttion open 1•i all
creameries in the South Western
section for creamery work. He is
now the holder° of the De Laval
Trophy having won the came'eii-
tion three years in successin'1, and
also woo the Lawrason 6' Co.,
trophy, of London, a silver casserole
for the same enmpetition as a epee -
Ile • Wee
Ile•pxize for htrbest number of
Points, having 9;;,62 I,oints,
This is. the eleventh* trophy won
by ilial In the past three yeah, IIe
has been chosen as one of several
to compete at the Royal Winter Fair
at Toronto which competition be
also won last year.
Cent a Mie Round Trip Bargain Fare -
Minimum Fares: Aults 75c Children 40c)
Fri., & Sat. Nov. 26 - 27
To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Halle, Cotteurg, Trenton. Jot„
Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Gunanoque, Brookville, Prescott,
Morrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Patentor°, Campbellford.
Newmarket, Peuetang, Col'iliugwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Mid -
kind, Crravenluur•sd, Bracebridge, Humtsvilie, Calendar, North Bay,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Tennfs-
kanriug & Northern 01vta.rlo Rly., Niplssing Central Ray„ Kapiekaa-
ing, Lolvglac, Nak(na, Tas+hot:a, Sioux Lookout, Geratdi1i n, J'elllcoe
Beardmore, Port Anther,
Sat Nov', 27 to Toronto
Also to Branteord, Chatham, Ciiesley, 01111tor, Durham, Ex•
eter, Fergus Godoricle Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Hari'Iston, larger-
soli, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mittison Niagara
Paints Port 17
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston,, in St. g'
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Strairord, Strathroy,
Walkerton, Wiarton, Wlugham, Woodstock.
For Fares, Return Limns, Train lefarmation, Tiakots, uousult
nearest Agent,
See handbills for complete list of destinations