The Brussels Post, 1937-6-30, Page 6Amazhig New BREAD Diet
Helps to Bunt Up Fat
-•keeps up energy
whiile you REDUCE!
HOS new Sread Diet takes
off pounds.
Everyone should know that
bread itself is net fattening. It
is an alrrtost ideal combination
of energy -giving carbohydrates
and a special form of protein
that helps burn up fat while
you are reducing.
Unlike extreme diets, the
Bread Diet reduces your weight
'asitho 4t making you weak and
irritable. Extreme diets often
break down vital tissues, and
should never be taken without
n. physician's advice.
The Bread Diet is absolutely
safe for the average overweight
person. If you want to reduce
safely, go on the Bread Diet.
It gives you bread as the main
part of your energy food.
This Diet Plan gives about 1600 Cal-
ories a day — the reducing allowance
of the average womsa.
1 gilled fruit juice; Small serving meat,
85k or eggs; 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 eq.
better; 1 cup coffee (clear) 1 tsp. sugar.
Moderato serving meat, Sab, or eggs;
Average serving 1 green vegetable; 2
SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter; Average
serving fruit salad; 1 glass milt.
sell glass fruit or tomato Juice; Gener-
ous serving meat, fish, or fowl; Aver-
age serving 2 vegetables, 1 green;
Small eerving simple dessert; 2
SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter; 1 cup
coffee or tea (clear) 1 tap. suite.
For Safe at
1Rowland's Bakery
We E. Willis, Palace Bakery
Brussels, Ont.
ice Cream
- A Health Food
No longer should ice cream be re -
,yarded as a special treae for holi-
days and hot days, but rather as a
Part o (the regular diet, being •erv-
ed as a dessert at all seasons of the
Dike all dairy products, ice cream
as a nutritious food, easily tlige.: ed.
palatable and containing all the ele-
ments essential to body :minting and I
good health fat, protein, 11)111-1- I
Yydrettrs and vitamins.
When made from fresh. cl,s.ln-
voured crea=m it has a (1-licc:cy
taste which makes it an ideal fists
for young and (.1d. The following
8ecipes are recommended by the
Slilp C tiIi•etion Service, Dairy 2'..)
told storage branch. Dominion De-
partment of Anlirurture:
Vanilla Ice Cream No. 1
(i'.)ng Freen'. )
. 1 cup milk
2 teaspoons Sour
cup sugar
Pinch of salt
I egg
1 pint cream (16.18 per cent iatr
1 table:sPoon vanilla
Heat 311. cup milk. .111x su :ar, deer
and salt with 1 n;:Iinieg 1a cap mill:
and add to hut m111c. Cook over 11^a
o Open ate Airways
Hon, J. Earl L.a ee , IMP, and Mr.
A, R. 'Douglas, of T.ondoh, Gaye
Reeve Robert ,Bowman, of Brusstis,
Was Named President
The Huron -Bruce Conservative As•
sudation held til auuual meeting la
I the Town Hall, 11'inghuan, an Friday
June 18, with Dr. 1), C. Redmond,
Vice Pres., la the chair. He Salt)
that atter •tlu•ee yeah in office
, Premier Hepburn would mum have
to give an 801011)) of his steward•
ship and the eleteurs must consider
his record and decide it they would
scud him back for auutlter 1otte
years or send somebody batter A( -
ted for the position. He regrett.ti
the absence o4 the President, Mr.
doorehouse Mitchell, of Lucenow,
who be was Sorry to $icy, was in.
poor health.
„....,. - .. -T,- •
Three thillgs are needed for a party
Ind the Conseeatives now have two,
1st, a greet leader in Earl Rouen;
12nd, a sound policy, and 3rd, votes,
witteli She Paley will receive et the I
{ nowt 010111011
by the attention $01189 rule of (futtintg
costs of udirlinietration and not by
collecting more in taxes.
The last year the Henry Govern -
went were in power the revenue
was $50,000,000, senile last veal
funder Hepburn it was $92,000,600,
42 million dollars more colleete'1 n
one year, Mr. Lawson said lisp•
burn had curtwlled services as fol-
lows, Dept. or Iiealth by $692,50s;
education by $1,341,324; Dept. of
,Agrlculture by $288,371. Deasy to
have a surplus, lie eald, by taxon;.
mode and cutting services.
Officers Elected
The fallowing were elected orbs
ers or the Associattou:
Hon, Presidents — Dr. R. C. Red-
mond, 1V1ngllam; Johu Joyut, Luck -
now, 1)r. Armstrong, Gerrie, Foster
Moffatt, Culross
President --Robert Bowman, Brus-
1st Vice-Pres.—Russell C. Robert-
son, Lucknow.
::fid Vice-Pres.—W. H. Logan,
„rd Vice-Pres.—J. W. heeleibboar
Secretary—J, II. Crawford, Wing-
Treasurer—Cleve Baker, Brussels.
Representatives to the Western
Outwits Conservative Assoc.—Einar
Bell of Brussels.
The selection of the chairmen
for the various municipalities w•:11
be held at municipality meeting; to
be held as soots as possible.
Following the election of ofecere
the new President, AIr. Bowman, as-
sumed the chair. He received a
great ovation as he went to the
platform. He said he was a strong
believer in the two party system. A
third party, the Aberhart group,
had received a great majority in
Alberta and have been floundering
along, He told of our forefathers
who came to this section aud hewed
their farms from the bush. They
had no radios, cars, electric lights,
socialism or communism but they
were happy. People today have
all modern contraptions but are
not as happy. Hepburn, he raid,
speaks before he thiults and does all
the talking for the Ontario Liberal
party, He was proud of the Cou
servative Leader, Earl Rowe, a man
born on the farm and still a farmer,
who served his township, his
county, his province and also fn
the Dominion House and now is a
great leader of the party la Ontario.
Mayor Hanna extended a welcome
to Hon. Earl Lawson, Mr. Douglas,
the speaker,, and also to those iu
,the audience from out or town,
water about 10 minutes. Pour 0 : e1'
beaten egg. Return to beat and
CC/0k 2 minutes. Strain and cool.
Add vanilla and cream, Freeze.
This makes one quart of ice cream,
NOTE: Floor may be omitted and
2 eggs used instead of 1 egg.
118 cup* milk and V^ii 011118
cream may be used instead
of 1 cup milk aud 1
Appointed Vice President In
charge of operations of Trans-
Canada Air Lines. The appoint-
wont of Mr. Johnson, an air
executiv0 with international rep-
%Batlon and former president of
United Air Lines, wee annaunced
ley S..1. 1•Iunget•ford,, President of
'trans -Canada Air Liners and
tl`balrtnan and President of the
tranadian National hallway, fo1-
letwtng a meeting of the directors
cat Canada's new air transport
Vanilla Ice Cream No. 2
1 teaspoon granulated gelatine
1 tablespoon cold water
1 cup milk
1Y cup sugar
1 tablespoon flour
Pinch of salt
1 egg
?Y, cup whipping cream
11 teaspoons vanilla
Soak gelatine 1 ncold water. Heel
cup Milk. Mix sugar, flour and
;alt with remaining ?; cup milk and
add to hot milk. Cook about 10
minutes. Pour over beaten egg.
Ieturn to heat and cook 2 minutes
Add snaked gelatine. 011111. Void
in cream which has been whipped
Pour into refrigerator trays and
NOTE: The egg white may he beat-
en separately and folded in
with the cream,
Maple Cream Sauce
1 c•nl' maple syrup, lit cup cr int
1' 11syetp a 11,1 1•3'f2 111 1c, Si/ft-113;1
ter 1212 d'yte,,A F.), Beat 1
Manse, ie!vt• (03 lee cr'1)0 elute,
pi,•tt r.f niin 1� rut' chopped nut
nu ,Iv'.
Strawberry ice Cream
(rile::: Freezer,
1 pint ,leash
• Il r8Ili1la
1ap sugar
-.;, clip cur •he'd s•r:Iwherire5
1.1 Clip .cm,'
A. R. Demotes
Mr. A. R. Douglas or London, re-
cently elected President or the
Western Ontario Conservative As.
sedation also gave an address, He
said he did not know when there
.would be an election in Ontario but
there has been thunder during the
Past few weeks, Hepburn, ra Maid
was only wetting for a favorable
opportunity. Hepburnism is Just
as Feeeisan or Cominanis'm, Hep-
burn, he said, had developed a new
technique and the Conservative
hope to drive 111111 front power and
to do 1114$ nlu5t get out and work,
Each riding, he said, would have
it member on 'the Executive of the
Western Ontario Conservative As-
sociation, Ile told the audience
about organization and suggested 1
Women's Odganization•e and Young
Canada Clubs, The next eleotio'), I
will net be tenet on one issue, ee
said. Hepburn fooled the public
school supporters also the 1eparate
school aup1201'ters anti be used
Hydro to becloud the issue, lice
charged Hepburn was taking 11111 -
Roue and millions from the taxpayer
and used methods 01 taxation n1
other person had conveived. Hep-
burn had discharged hundreds of
civic servants, Ren and women, re-
gardless of their ernciency,
0. I. O.
Mr. Lawson said 11 was (Mama
to get accurate, correct reports of
the labor stand of the party 111 U11-
tario because of the garbled rePorts
in the papers regarding Mr. Rowe's
Stand. Since 1933, he said, thugs
have been steadily going uphill,
some restoration in wages but not
general. As business improves,
coat of living goes un and the muu
who works fora fixed wage gets
restless and there are strikes. There
are two importa1t factors to
industry, Capital which Is SAS), to
organize, Labor dlfhcuit to nrgan-
,ize because tbere are so many indi.
visuals with their awn opinion, Title
!country has had unions for a greet
many years. First there 10as the
craft unions, then afnliated with
the Federation of Labor and only
recently a national labor move.
meat. There is now a struggle
between the National Union of Can-
ada and the A,RO.L,, for strength.
There was a dispute between Ameri-
can Federation and Mr, Lewis, one
of the high officials, Lewis and sete
eras other officers broke away and
started to organize on a different
basis than the craft system. Their
idea is to line up alt 1n one great
indns'try into. one union, They
made great headway trap affiliated
into the Committee for Indusrt„l
Organization, O. 1. 0. for short,
which is an offshoot of the Ameri-
can Federation. They sent organiz-
ers to Canada and organized the
automobile workers, Then there was
the strike at Genera/ Motors.
Hepburn projected himself Into
the dispute and made himself the
self-appointed abritator and stated
in loud language be would not per -
'mit the representatives of the 0.10.
to aot for two reasons, first, you
belong, Hepburn said to an organi-
zation who committed illegal actions
in the U.S., second, because organ-
ized as result of foreign agitators.
Hon. J. Earl Lawson
During his speech, Mr. Lawson
compared Premier Hepburn to a
child playing hop -scotch, jumping
from one root to the other. Ile was
WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 30111, 1007
Enjoy tea
t its best
campaigThe nain th
July with start their adouble•
Howley's youngsters confident of i,header on Dominion Day against the
otimbing bask into first 1 Buffalo Blames, The Bisons remain
division 1 in Toronto fop games on July 2 and
3. The Leafs are away from Noma
With 21 games at Maple Leaf then until the following Saturday,
Stadiums their tome grounds, to I July 10, when they oppose Buffalo
play during the month of July. Dan • in a double-header, Montreal Mamie
Healey's Torento Maple Leafs are ,a. tour -game series of night games
confident or improving their Pete 1 in Toronto startiisg July 12
nent chances and climbing back up , • 'lllcbeel i large clams lion cNrowd
tato the first division. to
'(lie Leafs 'have just returned July 14. On July 18 and 17, the
(tom their longest road -trip of the , Leafs are in Syracuse but they will
sea8o11 playing 16 games in live dif- I be beck 104110 again on July 19 to
ferent cities. Of this number they remain practically for the balance
won seven and lost nine. Several of the mouth.
1 of their defeats wells close cols- The league -leading Newark Beads
it at the right i open a four -game series on July 13,
1 tests
time would Have meant victory.
The ,brilliant pitching perform-
ance of Woodrow Wilson (Babe)
Davis and the home run hitting of
first baseman Jim Walsh, were ate
high spats of the road trip. Wais,l
double-header• being played on
Jednesday, July 2L Jersey CRY
tWfollow's 151111 another four-game
which opens on July 22, and
ends w'th a double-header on Satur.
day, July 24, Baltimore comes for 11
Mit four homers, three Of them 111 ,f1ve-game series starting Monday,
' Newark against the leading 13eald. t July 26, and ending July 29. There
t v The Leafs are rho firSt team this I' will be a twillght-laodlight double
season to loin a series from the , hill on July 27,
Til B2!../ Newark taking two of toe T11ese games 11.111 have a strung
E Beals in
three gashes, Walsh's hitting was a .bearing on the Toronto lea111s .
P la 1
big factor in 1i11is tdiumple Davis 1 off chances. Most of the games
won four games and brought his 1 w11 be played under the floodlights,
record if the seasin up to eight! the daylight fixtures being confined
victroies and three defeats. Three I andto t the
Dominion tlayes.Day ouble-Meader
of his victories were shut -outs. The
two ruins made by Newark were Um
only ones he allowed in his four
triumphs, He blanked Jersey City, it consistency is a jewel, trere are
.esti=e1 5 to 0, Syracuse 4 to 0, and wound a lot of speakers who are running
THE ,BATTLE AGAINST up the road jaunt with a 1 to 0 ver . very short or jewelry.
diet over Rochester in which he
How is it going? permitted duly one hit. This wad I Wife—"When we married 1
Our chief gains against the en- I on June 24. Almost exactly a Year I thought you were a brave man."
1. EARLY 7RFATTREATMENTemy are three: previous, June 25, 1936, he pllcited 1 Husband—'So did everybody else:
1 a 004111, no -hit game for Cordele —'^-
The confident knowledge that , against Thomasville in the 1. Host of us know so mai that we
early treatment is often sue- Georgia -Florida League. I can't remember the half of le"
by Grant Fleming, M. 0,
a• ]gLffsa
,Rowe's Stal,d
lion. Earl ltawe was vatted on ler
decision and he said:
, 1st, Labor has the right to organ-
2ud, Labor has the right to bar-
gain collectively.
3rd, Labor has 111e right to select
its own depresentatives and negoti-
ate so long as these people are stet -
led by secret ballot and observe all
the 'awe of this country. •
No one ever betroe, he said, had
even disputed the right or labor to
be tong to 1111 interantional orgaltiza-
So far as Mr. Rowe and the Con-
servative party are concerned, they
will never tolerate illegal acts whe-
ther by labor or capital, He was
informed that sit-down strikes ih
the United States were illegal, but
public; ilien i11 that country Si)
nothing about it.
Hepburn says labu'r has fro
to organize and tee:Motive bargain -
Hepburn sees Iatlor can or-
ganize ae long 11s they do as :1e
wishes. Labor can organize as
they 11)111,8 so long as they stray
8) 1)111 the law, Says 111e Conserve.
fives, Air. Lawson asked, docs
IHepburn propodu new logislatiutt 1-11
rights ed labor to organize?
Ile ,sugde.,ted that Hepburn go to
Ottawa and ask Prime 11iu1.+tut'
]Ging to keep foreign urEa111zers oat
of Canada, Their lrrenlits can be
cancelled by 11,e immigration. d0Par1'
meat also to ask Ati. King ier a
declaration ul their policy.
He would not du this as hu would
force Ottawa to state that hurl
ltowe's policy Js the only sound
Jabal' policy in this country. Ile
said he hall no brief for the (1, le 0.
01' any otbed organization. It fifty
do an Illegal ate out they go, Only
one thing will stamp the 0.h0. out
of the province and that is the
great Anglo,Saxon common sense
of the workman, he said,
Wo deed exports but he suggested
to farmers that their greatest mar-
ket Will be the mouths; of the work -
ors if they receive good wages au
that they can buy rho products.
glad to be in Wingham for two
reasons, first, because he had
been associated with George
Spotton in Ottawa and he paid a
tribute to his work as represents-
• five and regretted that he had
passed on; second, he was glad to
he able to speak on behalf of the
leader of 'tie Conservative pu017
in Ontario. Hon. Earl Rowe. IIc
also has been assocleted with him
In Parliament and in the Cabana
and wished all had an opportuni:;:
to know him as he did. He sail`
Mr, Rowe had a sterling eller/wine.
had the c'01rag1- (10 his convictions
and rings true to rho finest convi'-
rim:; of the (''1)3"1.1t , ivr. Party,
T1: -re Is gre-1 gni. 81IV Whet) 1111
!+!ration will he ia"!d. 11'9lhnrn sat+)
hast 51'55 4111, 111 it al,•t 'inti till :liar
n1.13 s',o.ipr. l.11 -r lie said. havoc±
one soon. Some Liberals :.2y it
1 may be 111.14 -,hortly.
1tet; bete tenet/) t ed tea Hvdrn
vont raci5. Later he made elm-
traete With th,.,e stent, people fir
Crush lite fruit 2111 sprinkle wit -1 lye yours bpea
of ,1,01,tagr• of
1n. cull ,,sear, mix remaining 1111;1.'. .
plover. These contracts are for flee
clients and freeze. Add crushed
trust when, mixture Is hearty frozen
Any fruit may be used in the e,1ir .
way, the amount or sugar h :ng
tarried according to the s81 etn0s•,
Of the
(rub. Before adding algae
to seedy fruid.ti such as raspber rfee.
crush througr a sieve to remove the
The flapper's sena!! brother W,15
Peeking around the Corner of the
door while her boy friend 11911)0(1
her hods down the davenport.
Young Lady—I'Ii glue you a drum
if you'll go to bed,
I{iddfe—I don't want a drum, I
want a watch,
years and Mr, Lawson predict+ed
that by (he ('11,1 of that time mere
powder would have to be purchased
from this same source,
tinder 11'epburtt, 11e said, we have
liquor sale not central. Government
sells as nne-1 liquor as possible so
that they can boast abont a surplus,
People in 14uron•Brnee had no (dee
of the conditions In a riding such r -s
his, West York.
Leet year, Hepburn showed 118 as.
tlmated surplus of $1,000,000 at
which $4,000,000 le depresented by
increased .sales of liquor in the
province of Ontario. A surplus is
a great toting, he said, if it 18 male
The discovery of how some
Cancers are paused, thus show-
ing how to prevent these can -
3, E.A:DIU'M and X-RAYS
The use of radium and x-rays
as an aid to surgery 10 destroy-
ing cancerous growths without
harming the healthy tiisues.
Early Treatment:
An cancers have a beginning u5-
ually a very small beginning, Here
, is a mole—a dark brown, Tat spot `r
on the cheek. The outline is Some- I
what round the sibe is rather small
But the person begins to notice in l
the course of time that the spot is
growing larger and seems sorter. It
seems a simple thing—nothing to
be afraid about. Perhaps not --but
experience has taught the medical
profession that this is often the way
a cancer begins and wben the mole
8grolvs larger and starter it means
The matter is simple now. The
spot is easily removed by a treat-
.ment with radium in the bands of
a skilful radiologist. Theft the mole
will disappear and never do any
harm. But if negledted it may be-
come serious and may develop into
a cancerous growth. This knowl-
edge of the success and safety of
early treatment is a great gain 1n
the battle against veneer.
Take another example. Here is
i a small sore place on the side of this
man's tongue—an ulcer. It int,
been there a 1V11)1,''. Ile thinks it
may have been Uteri about three
months, Likely it hat been there
Mx mom lauds at his teeth.
There, just by the ulcer on (Ile side
i4' his •confine, is a broken tu:lth,
That is what matte the sore Place.
The dentist must act that right at
once, so 11111t lite 11)1111 may be
stttoon' and sure and comfortable to
his tongue. If that had been dune
the day that the tooth broke, OM'
Than would have hail no ulcer. Now
,the 311171 is repaired and we nest
try to get the ulcer healed for that
is one of the ways that cancer be-
gins ---a little ulcer on the tongue
that does not beat. That nicer was
caused by irritation -,The irritation
of a broken tooth. Again we see
the safety of early treatment. .to
prevent cancer developing,
Avoid irritation and prevent can-
(T1 be continued).
Questions concerning Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As.
(iodation, 184 College Street, Tor-
onto, will be answered personally
by letter.
*Vary your diet with
the healthful, appetizing
goodness of Canadian
FishandShellfssh. Serve
Fish Foods more often during
the week. Whatever form is
most available to you ...fresh,
frozen, canned, smoked, pic-
kled or dried ... you will find
it an easily digested food .
rich in proteins, vitamins,
minerals, Iodine and other
health -giving elements.
t You'll find its variety of
flavour adaptable lip count-
y less simple and delicious
Write 1 recipes. And you'll find.
1 that Canadian Trish and
FOR FREE BOOKLET 1 Shellfish give you full value
Deparent of Fisheries i in sound nourishment for
Ottawatm5 everycents spent.
ttr. send me ywr ince ShpagsP
back "Any Day a Ntah Day", con- DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES
balling Over 100 delightful PIM 1
gam 1 SALT FL451 1)E WXu
1 l 14. package of boneless cod or other Csav
,amu, dhen sate fish freshened. Burns
1 5/4 cup of hoe water 2 horrl•boiled eggs
CW -2 1 Y' tap at pepper 1 ap *f de mwo.ed
Maki hreewed dah Into pf bet
liaa waist In which
cup d Lot
fuh. Witch 1101 btci D
plotter ar shallop flab. SerleLs
with teaspoon of dry mustard. sad
hall teaspoon M pep
heed boiled egg over
wt ht bnetu,