The Brussels Post, 1937-5-11, Page 3THE BRUSSELS 'OST
f y, pltblla linereeenteute are ora close
Historical Sketch of
tribetee anti the public spelt of itseelilether at -
7" he
The Village of. Brussels tuttabitti'ts
Antaeg that beet oe the husinces
buildings are the. (behave, eefolutee,
Little Wee., p`lnieb and Amen!.
Biocle. `i")lt Queens hotel is ane
of the (Meet bnildingti we bare ever
ween le e place of cur, c -pond(';;
"site, The main Wade :Mows. a
chief trop: and two ere jtetlag
,}rings, the interval being silted by a
)handsome plaeea of equal height
with The neele beibing, tvlrich is
three stories aint elegance t; the
eetitre being topped by 'a lofty and
bighly ornamental rectangular tow -
or, surmounted by a (Miele whose
top Is protected :by a handsome iron
railing, the arebitecture of the rep -
tangle being broken at Intervale by
*Wets and dormers, which add to
the general effect, making jt ae a
wbple one or the finest, mut-nencial
buildings anywhere to be found. As
et sample of eechitenlure of a finre
order, we nls,p,, have tree "Teetumeeil
Hoarse," whose qualities as a hotel
are fully up to its aepearanc0 as a
;We have referred to some branch•
eid of mansitaetture here as being of
a character to give the place a very
wide reputation. We allude to the
Brussels Steam Fire Engine add
Agricultural Works, lately located
Isere under the proprietorship of J,
D. Ronald, late of Chatham, Ont.
The village having decided to offer
a bonne of $20,000 to fir. Ronald In
eonsidenatton o1 his es!tab11sliing the
works here, he accepted the offer,
and romoved into the newly erected
Premises in January ot the present
year. Ile had been largely engage
ed 1n .Lhe manufacture of fire
steamers and the heavier class of
agricnllunai implements' for many
years, In company with another
gentleman named Hyssop, he was
the first to comtmence the manufac-
ture of see -am fire-engbies in 'Can-
ada, or, at any rate, to do with suc-
cess, It will be remembered that
the "Centennial,' engine from the
Chatham works was the wonder and
adtntr:tt,1on of hundreds o1 thous-
ands who essenrbied during 1376 to
inspect the treueure o.iierings of a
universe at the City at Brotherly
Love, This engine was afterwards
.purchased by the Town of Paris,
Oat. Another old-time epeclaity of
the eleeers. Hyslop & Ronald was
their separvitors. They were the
first in Canada to manufacture the
celebrated ',Vibrator" pattern
ot separator, which has since then
come into such general use, not
only in. Canada but throughout the
world. IVe are sorry the space at
our commaud forbids auythtug
further than the briefest erference
to these celebated woks. Con-
velem:h iy located en the corner of
two of the principal etre0ts, near
beth railway station and river, they
consist of a sigle building or
three dietiuct parts. The central
or main part (or the angle) consists
of three stories--oifiee, Paint -shop.
and pattern -tocol. One wing is
two stories in height, containing
•Iron -working machinery on the
ground -floor, and wood -working
chop above; the other is a single
storey in height, and contains iron -
venni, blackyrn'itlr-shop tin which is
au uli'right ethane hammer at, Gies•
gow n anafseture), furnace, foundry
and boiler -room, The engine -roans
Ie in. the end of the second wing.
The engine stpplyiilg the motive
power Is a 40 -horse power of llr.
.Ronald's owe 'rake, and is of the
Compound double -cueing upright
eettern-n beauty tit every part,
and runs wdlheat a Mitch, a click,
fora jar of atuy kind, 'These have
a very handsome one =iv tieing
completed for the town of New -
cattle, N.B. Their prices. range
trete $3,000 to. $4,500 for endue
alone, p01uding sue:W '-hose, The
different.° is in the size anti power
or the machine, which has a number
or peeetitett and highly valuable
points member 1a 11501te one of
which tee the tl• st'riptiou 111111 number
o1 the boiler -tubes, These vary
From 275 l0 350, according to the
size of tate machine. and are of
O'antiess deni •, Full head of
5le.1nl 51 guaranteed froth cold water
in six minutes. Though steam lire-
euginCs comprise the specialty or
three -works, o-works,nu exteuc:vn f r,bic ee
is done le castings for agrit u1lurtil
impltnteet,s, noticeably reapnrte
ui d•
,. ,f tit
build -
'u ,
The I
tn),s plane to, waw, over $30,000.
'the writs, will employ from forty
to frfty handle when proiteriy settled
to huo-Qncsa. Though only a short
deme in operation, they employ
nearly lite smaller number n1 ea .dv,
levery part of the angnes is turned
out: from the raw mat erica on the
spot. except the euel.ion.hose, which
111.5 obtained from novelette; the
b'oOer dames, procured trete. Pater -
'lite following hit}'tarical sketce ,p1roatis(ng settlement, and 111x,
'Is taaken itt'ont au Atlas of Heron Ainley laid off what is now the
(emelt), ptubbebed in 1879, Tide V'outh-east quartor.. of rho Village In
article lehoeld paove interesting to e, town plot, nas0ing it utter himself,
many a1 the oltleeimere around bore. ,Aiiuieyville, by, which appellatia,l 11
ewes- known antis its ineerporatiop,
* ,though the ot)leia) Mime of the Post-
Geogrel hieally this village is lo• a0()oe was "Dingle 'Phis jolter
event oecarred during the year 1872.
(tilted(tiltednd Ilion - the Townships of under' the General Act, the mode. 14i�ors'Js,.a pollee, of catch .
being Mutinied in it0 present mutant.
Opel bounds. It is on the line of
the Seatonth and Walkerton gravel
road, being 16 ntlise north of -the
fot'mer plaice and . 32 miles 30344 0f
the latter, 11. (s a elation on the
.South )i htepsion of the Wellington
Grey a,nd Bruce Division of the
Great Western ,Railway, distant
film Kiaaardine, the nearest port,
39 miles; from Harrislton, the jnnc.
;nation of the L,t, CloveiPor which
.set int off as a separate snuulcipal(ty
,heating date 1310 24th of December
Of tIltit year, and its in•ovielees cone
,tog lotto force With the beginning of
,tile ensuing yeas•. The first me0t-
eng of the 4luncipal Council was
;held: on the 20th January, 1873:
Jobe Leckie, Reeve; and' J. C. Hee.
"'day, Benjamin Cerry, Themes 1301-
lantyne, and Chalice Wrigh@, . Coun-
cillmts, The first Cerk appointee)
tion 01 the Male line, 27 wiles; and was It, 0, Cooper; the first assessor,
from Toronto fnoarcet 'all -call, via Donald Stewart; and the first O01 -
Guelph,) 115 miles, BIt. the neat'. t lector, James Knee. Subsequent
est. travelled road tee 0istanee to to 1873, the affairs of the village
Godenfich, the county town, is a have been continuously presided
fraollion over 30 miles', over by Jahn Leokie, Reeve, who In
The location of the place le a 1877 occupied the Warden's choir in
favourable one, being on the south the County Counen. The 'hill list
bxaneb of the Maitland River, of the Council and officials for 1879
everywhere a magnificent stream,
at which tainted William Ainley, Councillors, Peter Theatepeen, ,John
slut nowhere more so than at the
Is as follows': Reeve, John Leckie;
tIh R, Smith, F. 0. Rogers, Pat, Moore;
Ute pioneer at the village, to select Clerk, relay S. Scott; Treasurer,
It as his Yu'tute Losec; the ,ragtag Themis' •)Cells; Assessor Donald
cent waterpower and general fay- Stewart; ('ollactor, nines Knox;
nic)i le surroundings, 111101. 'ting a Auditors, Donald Scott, Anson rich virgin vi,ma lest giving him oath to mage; Constable and xleaith Inspec-
the manifest destiny" of kis tor, 'Thos. English; Chief o1 Fire
choice. Brigade, Peter Thompson.
This gentlemen was. a native or
Yorkshire, England, coming to Cam The statement that Brussels has
alta with lois parents', John and kept pane with the spirit of the
Ante Ainley, when but eight years times is more than. substantial by
of age, and settling at the Town of its present condition as compared
Port Hope; at which place, and in to that of other localities and muni -
tare Town of Petereboro', and the • Realities whose advantages have
Townsh.ire of Fullartna and Logan, i
been a1 a similar descrlpbion, The
in Perth County, he spent the in- buildinigs are exceptonally good as a
tervening years till 1852,During this rule and the whole place wears an
lest -named year ne explored various air of modern elegance, so to speak,
paras oe the then new County or which =pants to the stranger a
Huron, and chose the spot where be most favourable impression, an ins
afterwards settled, lived and died, Pression which is hut heightened
and which is now within the aor- and deepened by- a more familiar ac-
poration of the Village ot Brussels, quaintalice with the place anti its
as his tutu •e residence. He erect- ; people -
ed a small clearing, eroded a log ; Bet thaw stage of progression has
shanty, and returned home, coining not been achieved without serious
bark next spring to burn .oft lois reverses. On two or three several
cleaning and' plant some potatoes, ", occasous within almost as few
etc., etc., for future wants. Agate ! years the major part of the business
returning to his horde in Logan, be porl'ion of the village has melted to
induced a number of his old neigh- ashes before the lire -fiend; and. -the
louts to accompany hint to his new- spirit and enterprise which have
ly selected loctuton, which he came ,net these disasters by fresh and
lu and occupied the 1st. of Nevem- greater efforts, have given Brussels
,ber, 1853, Thomas Halliday had a piece among the villages of the
moved in and occupied a lot on tho Province which many euvy and any
,Morrie vide of the road a few days might possess with` pride, The
,previously, but had not yet gat hie umber, extent and character of
shanty erected, During that fall its business houses ace matter of
nearly thinty families came in and remark and adutiratioff; its hotels
.nettled at lesser or greater (115- are without exception among the
,lances, but ale within what in the 1111001 and best kept to be found in
early day was looked upon as the any town iu th,e Province; its
some neighborhood, though Mr. Ain- private residences are, many of
ley and Mr, Halliday were the only them, models or elegance and quiet
pees for a long time within what 1 cone -fort; its manufactures are of a
Js the present village. diameter and extent which (lrarl;e-
In 1555 or les's' then two years af- ular)y in some special lines) give
ler the first actual occupation, the i the place a more Ulna provincial or
place bad assumed the air of a even national repntetien; and its
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will come to your home every day through
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ructive doings. s.
The h
It es not xp oit the world's ct tt canes
doge not exploit crime or serration; neither does It Moore thou,
fam ly, Malachite the Wee ly Magazinees for section. 'tan and alt the
The Christian seiencc ribllelsr,g Soototy
One, Norway Streit, %•oston, Massachusetts
Please anter m0 aubaerlhtibn to The Cbrtdtlah aetenet Monitor for
e spersod of
1'yoar 05.00 0 htontha 34.50 2 Months 4k20 ' 1 month 765
Wednedddv Inoue, including Mansion Smitten; 1 year 53,05, 0 lentos Mho
loom -.
Se,tpIo CottY OS loquesi
crr -'00.l' - - - ' .�.r-i-,ri�•
w'>r'DNIDSAa1•X, MAX title, 1932
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
s n, N.J.; the bead -lamps and handd-
1,use,nv', obtained from New York
tt id tate carpe; bolter:tubes, wltieh
n •0 or the very best English mane-
tttctune, The establishment is
Under the •manegemen't of Mr.
JImes Ronald, a brother of the
T)te other menuractares comprise
two steam and water gristing and
flouring mills, one of which (Van-
sttone's) is very .estensi'e and com-
plete, one custom foundry, one
hater and one steam saw -'till, n
Stea-n planinginidll, etc„ et Peet
cat din furniture factory, .4x
Week:emelt and the tan carriage -
shops, two pinup factories, 0tan-
nery, steam iiax-niill, three mer
chalet tabor establishments, a num-
ber of boot and Shoe shops' and
millinery and dress 'taking estab-
i sluneots; end last, but cot least
a tutees factory, tbe style and
!malty of whose "make -lip" give
tate eetablishnlen•t a wide reputation
and euvtutble popularity.
The want;' of the people of the
village and surrounding country, in
the way of the various linea of
trade, are supplied by six general
stores, Ove groceries, two hard -
melee, four tin and stove, tOtvo drug,
three book, four boot and ghee, and
two confectionery stores. There
are sevttal butchers' and bakers,
and a barber shop; also two law
offices, three doctors, and one
dentist. Two liveries and five
hotels aoconimodate travellers,
while the hotels 1100 themselves ac-
commodated by one large liquor
The village has no less than six
ehn •rhes, vis: two Methodist (Can-
ada and Episcopal), two Presiby- meats $1,000 s stall owing for tbe
terian, one Hpiscopeldan, and one ]and roller; Peter Hamilton culti-
Raman Catholic. addition to the Public School, 1 host 2 arrow riding plow; 1
L•tterategrs have resort to tale which, by the way, is, as an educa- 11 furrow Vet3ty riding plow 21 Fleury
llecicanics' Institute to (ndnlge .their tional institution a credit to the ' urwaron' Flow; 5 gsplan Diamond
taste ter literature; while litertaure place-enxp)oying live teachers, of harrows; pOlow;
fertilizer dond'
ltee,'.f bas alive exponent in the irllom John Shaw, B.A., is Head hay tack with shift, 1 set of sling
Post newspaper. This more than flasher. In addition to the above, ropes, fanning mill, set 2000 lb.
mutiny ablerepresentative of the $3.02'5 ts• stili doe the olvuships of scales; wagon with box and stock
racy; set sleighs, top buggy, cutter.
Renfrew cream separator, nearly
nem; Daisy churn No, 3 Buckeye
brooder stove; stone boat, 1 set
breeching harness; set harness;, a
number of collars; set of .light
harness nearly new, A quantity of
mixed grain. A yuanti,ty of hay.
Forks, shovels, chains and nu'mer-
0115• other articles.
The Farm -lot 10, Con. 14, 'Ms-
Iillop, 35 acres, well drained and
fenced. Brick house, bank barn,
drive sited, buildings all in good re -
pate. Never failing well and wind
mill. Lana in good state of cuiti-
ya,tion. Will be sold subieot eo a
reserve hid. If Farm 10 not -sold
there is 20 acres of first cut for hay
and 14 acres of mixed barley and
eats sowed which. will be. offered for
sale, and, will take a few head of
cattle to. pasture.
Terms --00 livestock and chattels,
cash. Terms on farm, made known
on day of saie, Prop'r'ietor ls• giv-
ing up farming owing the . poor
Robert J. Dougherty, Proprietor
George 1.1. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Mr. & Mrs. Farmer-
armer"Feed The Best -- The Best Through Test
Life Feeds
GOLDEN GLOW '$1.45 per Bus.
EARLY. LEAMING .. . $1.45 per Bus,
WHITE CAP $1.50 per Bus,
Wisconsin No. 7 • , , . • . • .... • $1,60 per Bus.
"Feed New Life Pig Feed"
Once Tried - - Always Used
of their Fire Brigade, of which
Peter Thompson, one ot the city AUCTION SALE
Father.'," as chief, The Fire Oom- Of Farm, Fame. Stock and Impli-
P meats at Lot 10, Oar, 14, MClitllo0,
puny is Commianded by .Capt.
Scott, wish Wm, Lawson as First
Lieutenant, There is a very
efferlive hook and ladder company;
and all thngs considered, very few
villages can 'boast or se good a
•veteel of Ore preterit= as Brussels
301 miles east of Walton, on Fri-
day, May 13th, .at 1 o'clock.
I4orses-iHorse rising live years; •
horse rising six years
Cattle-Dal'lt'a!m Grade.
Cow eight years. tired November
while but sew have anytltng ,to 20th; corn' five years; bred Jan, 11th
comparewith it in paint et eow, eight years, fresh; eon, seven.
years, fresh; cow four years, fresh;
cow, three years', fresh; 3 two -year -
yid steers, half fat; 1 two-year-old
heifer, half fat; 6 steers, 1 year old;
1 heifer 1 year old; 6 calves.
Pigs -9 pigs eight weeks old; 2
pigs 150 lbs.
Imtplements-Massey Harris bind-
er 6 eft. cut; McCormick Deering
mower 6 toot cut, nearly new; Mc-
Cormick Deering side rake, nearly
new; Frust & Wood 'hay loader;
10 ft, Frost & Wood dump rake;
To revert again to the village as
a corporation. We might state
that its !*resent indebteduees 1s
$31,500, exclusive of a few trifling
Coating debts; $20,000 or the above
was incurred by giving that amount
of debentures to lir. Ronald as an.
inducement 40 locate engine work=•
here; $8,55000 were raised by de-
bentures to purchase fire apparatus,
$2,200 were spent in street impeove-
press was established here same
half dozen years ago, the first bane
or the paper making its appearance
on tile- 10111 July, 1873. As in
malty other eemiar cases, the enter-
m•ise was' established under serious
difficulties, which caused it to
languish for a time; but the eue_•gy,
p,. roevera.nre and ability of the
Grey and .Norris, on the. propartlon
set apart for as'snanptlon by
Brussels as its share of the rail-
way debt a8 those townshine. The
original amount settled to be paid
by Brussels was $2,050 to Grey, and
$2.075 to Mortis.
The assets et the village may be
stated at $14,000; including Bre
McGillicuddy 13rotbers, the original aLrarXltus. $5800; Town Hall and
as well as the present proprietors, grounds, 94,000; and S61oo1 and
g:adualiy worked the paper into grounds (estimated), $5,000. The
ec;nd running shape, and establish -
Hall was chiefly built by the
ed it upon a solid business bass, village's share of the Municipal
Ott July lee 1577, they moved into Loan Fund Surplus, which antount-
-the new office built by themselves
specially for the purpose, and the
be iness and circuation have since
then attained to large proportions
and been followed by battering re-
sults, though no better titan tee
proprietors deserve. The Post is a
live Local paper, spicily edited, well
prntc(I, ably managers, and Rief,1rm
In politics.
It should not he forgotten that
the village bus the most ample tele-
graphic and mail facilities. The
latter is daily, over the wellington
Grey and Bruce Railway east a.".d
west, nail by .etnge north and s'oult.
TIsi:e are tnvo telegraph offices and
American lexpress office; and the
Met. C tu•td'ein, American and
British ins•nranee and Loan C r1n-
paries• are represented by Deal
-'he various societies of a frlttt•'-
nal character here also find a •wide
field for worts. There is a Masonic+
Lodge, viz., St. Melee No. 284
(1.11,C,; an UucamPeuvtt of the
I. 0. 0, F., a Lodge of the same, viz.,
11'estten Strar ° No, 140; a Court a1
the T. O Forest viz., "Alex -
:twirl -al No 24; a Lodge of 0.1513.,
No, 50; and I.,O,L, No, 774. The
Orange Society 03011 their hall and
other real estate, whose estimate
Valuet i
is about $1,000. The Odd.
05110%5 have 11 beautifully furnish -
e e hall in the Grebetn block; attd
the Mamie bad one which Was a
to t local c r ata n•ev us to
the Hra of April 1n_
., which dee,
tr,rye9 the leisltley block (101 whielt
it war s 111111 Oa) and all thell' effects,
By tlri:; fleet -dent the Lodge lost
ae irly $000 worth of now furnilure,
The velvets bee an efficient Piro
Brigade, wth sirs steamer complete
1013in3 a 5+, inch Mune nuts 9 inch
cylinder n eolloo, asst tort 35,000,
Tito viitagers are justly very proud
ed: (lrniluding interest) to $3,166.
'Phe building is a handsome woaden
one, containing public hall, lock-up
with two Cells, clerk's office, fire
hall, 'band rooms; butchers' Pstalls,
etc., est. The Cerparation 01\'0 a
further sum or 9260 tivhich should
be added to its assets) in the lustre -
mute of the Village Baud. They
also own a pubic park, which wan
originally donated by Mr, Ainley
for a market square., and which in
the course of time will become a
valuable adjunct to the attributes
of the village, and a pleasant re-
treat from "city" cares, noise and
The Auditors' Itelront 'far 1873
shotes receipts of $13,7S4.14, and
expenditures of $12,893.50. Among
the .incus' going to make up the
latter we notice 32,080 vet down to 11
schools, $2,971,05 to street improve 1
meets. and $05.65 to ofIICiat '
A)ingether, Brussels is what we.
may 0ldt50 as tt live -railroad town
of suit:tentlei preeent re5'0lnree5 and
great future promise; while the
character and enteepelse of its
citizens In such as will not allow it
to retrograde, but keep- it even in
at the spit:itof the times,
and, in the race for empire bring
it out, second l0 moue,
Phm. B., R. 0,
Western Ontario's Most Modern
Optical Service
Phone 118 Phone 25X
Money is Tight
But the
re ore people e who
are constantly looking tOr.
opportunities to lend mono
On'gocta security. ,It you wantts
to borrow a sew dollers,'on
sew thoused• itouchWt Ada. a.
will put you n
those who have money' to
loan. .......' •