The Brussels Post, 1929-12-25, Page 7T H
aRps§gt, POST I
Highest market price
paid for Feathers
M. Yollick
Place Your 11151111112
J. LS. Scott
Automobile Fire - life
CoeYrneerr 922 0,9
peered forward to see his features
more clearly. For a moment she said piace was seruputouety mean, as
nothing, and the man broke out tin- though unused for some t1t4.
patiently. West made his way to the port,
"He's the lad, ain't he?" ne asked. pushed aside the curtain with his
"We ain't gone and picked up the shoulders and looked out. The small -
wrong guy?" ness of the opening made any hope of
"No; he's the bird, all right. 1 new escape in that way Impessible; nor
er tamped him but once before myselfcould he expect to attract the atten-
Debts Collected I heard his name then, but forgot it. tion of any one ashore. Convinced of
He's her friend, there ain't no doubt his complete helplessness, he sat down
o' that, Joe, and it ain't likely he's on the stool to consider the situation.
We Collect Accounts, Notes and; hanging around here just for fun, Is It? He had been a fool; there was no
Judgments anywhere and every- jilly Idea was it would be safer to take
, no charge. tam 111," doubt as to that ; the only thing now
Where. No collection
Write us today for particulars. was bow he could best retrieve his
Canadian Creditors' Amen•
1 10,;; what's ser name, young fel- folly. He had walked blindly into a
trap, Respecting nothing, confidently
Peg"; Office Box 951, Owen sound Concealment was useless; they eel- relying on his 0100 smartness, believing
• dently had him correctly spotted; to himself unknown. Now he must find
Ms way out. It angered him to rea•
W. D. S. jAMIESO N, 1 lie would do no good.
MD; CM; LM.CC; 1 Matthew West"
Physician and Surgeon "That's the name. Hogan," the wo-
Office Mch.elvey Block, Brussobs man exelainied eagerly. "He Is a 801..
Successor to Dr. White dier-a captain, or something like
• Phone 45. that. Jim told me about him; he's the
same fellow who Wes snooping about
T. T. fiel'RAE 51Ike's place lust night, before we
pulled out."
M. 9., M . O. P., 4 O. O.
M. U. 01., Village of Brume., "Ts that se? How the h-1 did yon
Physlotan. margeon, Aoaouoheur get out of there?"
Oftteeitt residence, opposite Melvin* 01100,11. "Wa had a little tranble," West ad -
William street. mitt -fel, "but they let me go."
newel she was with this yachting par-
te.P. wAteretentee evee, they did: know better than
Honor graOnntoo the Ontario Veurio that; Hill et dee't 11,
; busness that tY-'"1"11"Y f181 (0(8 nt e
00 w00100
College. 1),O cod n11*( Ogfte n;„„ way. playeo
away 00 hoard. Yet, whether she was there
Ploor 7,1111, Saes:.
all right faking you. in. Weil, you
FM Jr. sicragant don't act out of here et, easy, let me
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, tell you. newel you eonie to get onto
CONVEYANOER, NOTARY PURLI*nection with the mystery he was ei-
LECKIE BLOCK • BRUSSELS us.?.;hat's my tel , d
eavoring to solve. That was why le
"int. le it? Weil, eel] nzh it mhail been derived aboard, and maleites
'1.:„.re is 31.11 thing nri,1_ prieoner-to keep him silent; to let
A C 1' IGNEERS t,'lee, him securely out of the way. Yet this
11110,1. 11 11,a,.0 mak, „a„.h airj„,„ knowledge revealed nothing as to that
y„1„ ,a their real purpose was.
11,4. mot 4315 1111, as. mars: tkVli What did they intend doing with him
Licensed Auctioneer for the Connt 114,11 1"' ''11now that he was 10 their hands? Yoe
had declared his fate would te left
of Huron. Sales attended to in "'" """'"" with Hobart. Then it must bi that
parts of the county. Satisfaesies, "lite win. seem- what to do with
Guaranteed, or no pay. Orders lex him " she 84(1(1. " we gin 11 (10 18
at The Post promptly attended ts keep. hen se:-." they had a rendezeous arranger some-
Belgrave Post Office., where with that arch-couspirteter, eons
"I'll intend to that; ("(110 OIL Merit
PHONES: „;,,olt noo ihot hidden spot along the lake show where
Brussels, 15-13. North Huron, 15-824 1„teliand they were to meet shortly, mei divide
, the spoils. or make further p'etas. Ho -
all right. Aw. take hold: a n
hart unquestionably was the ader of
the gang; but who was the woman?
Site had evidently been In place
the night befiwe, and had a glimpse of
his face, She Must have 14ft with
that party In the automobile. Tet she
surely was not the one elm had
dropped that note begging th police
to seurch this vessel.
What then had become of 011 other?
II she wits being held prisoner, It was
not at all probable she had b n left
somewhere 11s11or2; apparently e had
reasnn to know where she was being
taken -to the Seminole; otherwie she
would never have written as sh did.
She must linve overheard their lens,
before she hastily scratched 0 the
note desperately; and yet those Inns
might have been changed. Hoe ver,
if so, why were these people -a ord.
plIces of Hobart no doubt-fleel in
the yacht, seeking to conceal. Or
Identity Irl au effort to disap ar?
What were they fleeing from? hy
were they so fearful of discovery by
the pence? What would cause thee to
kidnap 111111, nierely on suspicion t at
he was a friend of Natalie Coolid ?
The very act was proof positive of le
desperetion of their crime. It co d
he aceounted for n11 no other the
West paced the narrow Space, a
bride whirling, as he attempted o
meson the affair out, his own helple
SPAS hemming more and more Rpm
0111. What emild he do? There w
but ope answer -absolutely nothing
he was then situnterl. He cold on]
101111 for :come movement on the pa
ek of the ethers; his fate was out of hi
own hands; he hod been a fool, an
must pay the priee. The cords abou
his wrists chided and 1141,0 with enc
milvenient The metal wash.stancl gav
him an Inspiration; Its tipper strip wa
: thin, and somewhat jagged along the
edge; possibly It might be utilized to
sever the strends. It Watt better to
try the experiment than remain thus
helplessly bound. With hands free
he (bled et least defend himself,
3 T1 made the effort, doubtfully at
first hut hope mine as the sharp edge
began to tear at the rope, It wits slow
work, awkward, requiring ell the
etrengili of his items, yet he felt sure
of progress. He could feel the strands
yield little by little, rind rednubled 1119
efforts, At last, exerelsing all les
temple, the lest frayed strand snepped,
ills wrists were bleeding, inul Ibe
Minds numb, but the Revered eoril lay
on the liner and he again bed the free
; use or his arms. The midden Freedom
broeght new hope n111 COlirligh, He
listeped at the door, testlng the knot)
,; cern Musty. There was no yielding, 00,1
for the moment no sound reaehed hitn
1 from without. The woman (0119 (IOWA^
less there on guard, and nny effort be
might make to hrenk down the door
wrath] only bring the whole gang upon
lize how easily it had been accom-
plished; not so 1110011 as a blow
struck; no opportunity even for him
to ery nut an alarm -only (that dark
cabin, end the threatening revolver
shoved against his cheek. He won-
dered where McAdams was; perhaps
hunting him even then on the pier;
and Sexton, what had be succeeded In
discovering out at Fairlawn? That
Natalie Coolidge had returned home,
0141 (1(111111. At least he no longer he -
or not, It was cleat enough from what
he had heard that this sudden voyage
of the Seminole had some direct con -
D. M. SCOTT afraid of hurting the felb.w."
Licensed Auctioneer They Nominal Win forwavq. loll.
PRICES MODERATE West 0111(1'' 01a; tempt to
hands were bound. and he (1110 hel:s
For reference consult any peram less, The woman threw open the nor,
whose sale 1 have officiatd at. row door, end he Wile handled IITIVort,
61 Craig Street, LONDON monlonely across the threshobt, end
thrown heavily to the floor. Ile -erne:
WM. SPENCE ;led partially upright, protecting
Ethel, Ont, against being left In that helpless Nei.
Conveyance, Commissioner and C. J. dition, but the red-mustnetted ma 1
Agent for only laughed, shutting the dor tight -
Cf "
lv, and locking it. The single port -
The Imperial Life Assurance o....oCanada hole was covered by heavy drapery.
the stateroom In total darkness.
and West could distinguish the movement
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora- of feet In the outer cabin, and then
tion, Limited
Accident Insurance, Automobile In- the closing of a door, Unclunbteilly
surance, Plate Glass Insurance, etc. the two men had gone on (leek. leav-
ing the woman there alone. Ills feet
Phone 2225 Ethel, Ont. were not tied and lie eould sit up. 111.
though the hands were tightly bound
JAMES M' FADZEAN behind him. With eyes accustoming
itgeot Had mom! Fire insurance comprnv themselves to the 5100111, he multi die.
Mao ' cern something of his surroundines.
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurarte foe was In the ordinary stateroom of
ft 3ma11 yacht, 101011 barely Sport, in
Money to Loan for , which to move about comfortably. Two
The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company , hunks WP1'4, at one side, with a metal
on First-class Farm Mortgages . mend at their foot for 10154111115 33110
. els '' poses. A rug (livered the floor, the
Phone 42 Box 1 Tornberry Mtreet Br,
, _ I hells WON. M11(10, and a stool. s-re'red
JNO, SkiTHERLAND & 4014 h i
i to the (leek, ()templed 11 poereion just
: n 01V the porthole. A few !molls were
LIMITED IIn evidenee on the opposite well ; het
1,XSIVIRaNC, ; 00 gem/limes dangled front them to tell
GUELPH . ONTARIO of previous net•ZIpMe•y. 11111041 the
Cream Grading
We are now prepared to Grade your Cream honesslY,
gather it twice a weelc and; deliver at our Creamery each day
we lift it. We gather with covered truck to keep sun off it.
We pay a premium of 1 cent per ib, butter fat for
Specials over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per ib. but-
ter -fa, for No 1 grade over that of No. 1 grade.
The bask principle of the improvement in the quality
of Ontario butter Is the elimination of second and off grade
cream. Thio may be accomplished by paying the producer
of good &ream a better price per pound of butter -fat toast
is paid to the prodecers of poor cream. We solicit your
patronage and co-operation far better market,
prears.We will loan you a can.
See our Agent, T. C. McCALL,
OF Phone 2310, Brussels,
The Seaforth Creamery
nirn, • Unarmed, he could not pope to
light them n11. Af; he stood there. hest,
tattng, linable to determine what to at-
tempt, lie became aware of a throb-
bing nutter foot, Increasing lu Intensity.
West knew luetantly what it Meant -
they were testing out the engine; If
all worlced well, the bent would cunt
He sprang back to the Port an
stared out, eagerly boning that, as the
swept out tato the lake, he might fill
some opportunity to communicate wIt
morne one on the plea Perhaps by 1111
time lfae would have arrived, and b
watching their departure, unable to in
tervene, as he had no warrant; for or
rest, or any definite knowledge that th
yacht was being used ror a crimlna
Inirpose. He had uot long to wait
Hurrying steps echoed along the deck
a yoke shouted out some order, and
the end of a loosened rope droppe
splashing into the water astern•, the
boat trembled to the pulsations of the
engine, and Weat realized that It was
at first elowly, then more swiftly, silp-
ping away Into the broad water, He
still stood there, gazing back at the
fast receding pier; gradually becom-
ing blurred In the .distance, but hope
lessly. He knew now lie must face
his fate alone.
loetite Jim in a Week, and as for
Netalle, believe me she Is quits Able
tQ, take care of herself.'
But Miens is eller
"At home, of course, if You Lust
know-Tellrlawn,' Isn't that •the name
of the place? We left ber there on our
way to jackeon park."
"Then tho girl was with you?"
"Spilled the beans, didn't 1? That
it. comes from talking too much. How.
y ever, there is sito 1180111 done, Sure
4 ;be left with us, Mit we dropped her
h out at Fairlawn, It was her ineenine
we were riding in. Say, You've ques-
tioned me about enollgh, so let up,
listen now -you will stay in this state-
room entil we get ready to let you
out. Don't try any funny business,
7 either, for if you do, you, are going to
get hurt, Tbere is 31 guard outalde In
the cabin, and we are not afraid to
s000t out here on the lake, Nobody
knows where you are, West; so, 'It
The Fate of a Prisoner.
The Seminole beetled straight out
Into the lake. No some of movement or
speech reached West's ears from the
cabin, ind he settled down Into)l000dy
forgetfulness, still staring (rune out
through the open port, What was to
he, would be, but there was nothing
for Ere to do but wait for those who
held him prisoner, to aet. Fie was stilt
seated there, listless, ineenable even
of further tliongle, when the door was
suSdenly unlocked. He 11011 barely
time to arise to his feet, when the
elm with the red mustache stepped
noldn, facing him, as he pushed tight -
's shut the door behind. The fellow's
syes saw the severed rope on the
floor, and be Funned, kicking the
$tr,ands ask0) contemptuously.
"Smart enough for that, were you?"
he asked. "Well, I wilehl have taken
them off myself, If 1 had thought
about It. HOW did you manage? 011,
I see; rather a bright trick, old man."
The man's tone, rind air of con-
fidence was lillprossive; beyond
doubt he felt that the cords were all
In his hands. West drew in his breath
sharply, "May I ask a question or
"Fire away; I'll answer as I please."
"Who Is the woman on beard?"
"Mary, you mean? Hobart's wife,"
"She came from the place on Wray
street last night in an auto?"
"Yes; I brought her along myself."
"There 'were two of us. Mork and I
-why, what are you driving at?"
"jest putting some broken threads
together. Teen Naitille Coolidge te nut
on this yseitr
"I should sey not. What would we
be doing with her out Imre?" •
"Where ie she, then?"
"Ole I begen to see what brought
you :desert] so easily, West. You
thought we Mut the lady kidnaped,
and was palling off with her. Some
stunt, that. Whnt put the Idea in your
West hesitated a moment, but de-
cided a truthful answer wmild do no
"1 knew an fletomobile had driven
out of the alley hark of lithe's place;
and that a woman was in it, When 1
got awny a little Inter, 1 picked up a
messege-a note which had been
dropped. It was written in a woman's
hand hut unsigned-"
'The little istr. 51), dropped Ir?''
"It seems so. You forgot yolirself
that time. So she wits with you, WLLS
"1 doiet know what you mean,
tow von who wrre with me. Go an;
(011110 1110 the note say?"
"It was only a F0111100 for the police
to Sonr011 the Seminole at mire."
"011, that's the way the wind Mows.
But 5011 prefeered to (nettle the Job
yourself. I am eei ifoligal to
you. West."
have no il-emQn 30 be, 1 took
that ntlle to the pollee, and they are
ell the ease, They are combing the
city right now for Iloleirt, and if they
get him, this bubele of yours Is likely
to he !witted."
011-1, they won't get him. There
Iene s fir -ono lo Chienun '1iO could
r, Robert Harcourt, Profeasor of
IlientIstry at the Ontario Agricul-
tiral College, who has been bon -
red by the French Government
nth the Cross of the Reighthood
O ,,ri('nitural Alert) in recoant-
ion of his tiervices to agriculture,
"If You Want to Live, Keep Quiet."
yon wont to lite, keep oll4it--tltat'i,
nis a sice.
He slipped out, closing and toeking
the door behind him. West, snore
thoroughly confused than ever over
the situation in which he found
self. paced the brief length of the nar.
row stateroom, and then paused to
stare moodily out of the pert.
He had learned little of the slightest
value; merely that Natalie had been
of the party leaving In the automobile
the night before. She, undoubtedly,
had been the one who had dropped
the note. Then, in spite of all they
said shout her, in spite of what she
had told him, sbe was actually a pris-
oner, desperately begging for assist.
ance to escape. As to the other things
Hogan had told bine the probability
11113 they were mostly lies, West did
not believe the girl had returned to
"Fairlawn," the story Ma not sound
natural. The longer he thought It all
over, the more thoroughly was he eon.
vineed the girl and he were both pris-
oners on the same vessel. Yet what
001110 he do? He sank down, with head
in his hands, totally unnerved -It was
Ma fate to attempt nothing; only to
watt on fortune,
'Mark brought in food, merely open-
ing the door slightly, and sliding the
tray in on the floor. No words were
exchanged, nor was the tray removed
until just at twilight, when the fellow
appeared again on 0 shinier mission,
10 beranie dark, hut no light was far-
nished. Outside the clouds had thick-
ened, 811(1 heavy swell was tossing
the vessel nhout rather roughly. Seem.
inely the engine was merit; endeavor-
ing to maintain head -way, with no
port In Immediate prospect, they were
steering aimlessly into the promise
of n stormy night. No emend reecho,
him from the cabin. tine fleetly, worn
colt mentally and physleelly, West
Geng htniattlf en the lower Minis and
my there audirmleas, s; arias up into
the intense darkness.
Lying liere motionless, yet wide
awake, his senses alert, he eoulil feel
the Inhered efforts of the NILSSOi, the
erap of waves against the side, the
rush of water astern. The Seminole
rolled heavily, yet there was nothing
at all alarming In her actions, and
West felt no premonition of illness,
or fear as to the sea -worthiness of the
little craft. He endeavored to arouse
himself, to keep awake, but filially
fatigue conquered, and he sank into a
deep sleep. He had no knowledge of
how long this ;slumber lasted, or
what suddenly awakened Min, so star-
tled at the moment that lie sat up in
the berth, staring Into the blackness.
Was it a dream, or a reality? ilea
some One spoken? Ilo could neither
see nor hear anything; the boat
neetned to be motionless, not even
throbbing now to 1110 beat of the en-
glne--the silence was uncanny, Some-
thing was wrong, must be wrong.
Where were they -at anchor in some
harbor or belplesely adrift on the
lake? The yacht rocked gently, us
though the swell of Ole sea no longer
buffeted hers there was no soend
melon on the deck above. Then he
ln'nrtl a yoke again, outside, machine
him this time plainly through the open
"All set, Mnpes," 11 salt]; sharply,
"come on down, You linlabecP the
"Ay, ay, sir," the newer gruff, but
with a tinge of excitement:1n the tone,
"Tie's fixed all right, 31013 hued, now,
inn te."
West leaped to the port.hole, and,
endeavored to gain a glimpse without.
10 10110 was near remained ins:hale,
noe could he evell he sure of the close
W DNESDAT, DEG, 25t11, 1929
tem would indicate that two or
three more carloads will bo needed,
but considering the fonds available
Mr, Henderson- Morris, Bast
Wawanosh, Blyth and Wingham.
Mr, Hebbersi- Grey, Howlek,
Turnberry and Brussels,
The committee has since its 01"
ganization received and dealt With
423 applications, nearly over on
tins year your commitleion has felt of had tobe investigated
one of the committee and reported
%pen before being finally dealt
with, Of this 423, the committee
used during the year, Ana we 110 iecommended 357, and of thoze
that under suitable conditions it recommended, only eix so far have
conserves the gravel and reduces
greately the, ;amount of scraping ro
(mired, in addition to the features
of dust prevention.
Where binder material in the
gravel is lacking, good results eau.
not be obtained, and 11 411 expected
that most of the Lake Shore reed,
which is surfaced with beach grave;
find stmilar materiel, will be most
successfully treated with 'a surface
treatment of tar or asphaltic oil.
'The prevention of dust on heavily
travelled reads is a matter which
'leserves serious attention.
1n June a motion . 'was passed
requesting your commission to
make out a program of work fen
1930. We find this a very difficult
matter to do, in that we are not in
a position to' judge 'of all the gov
erning circumstances that will pre-
vail next year„ and conditions will
no doubt, change by the time th
working season arrives. But we d
know that it is advisable to under-
take more permanent work than
has been the case in the past
end to do this will require more
funds, which we hope will be sue -
plied by the promised increase in As in all cases m the introduction
of a new scheme or plan of public
utitity, the initial cost is heavy,
and it is safe to conclude that it
has been many times larger than it
will be in the future, and the
same may be concluded to be true
?lint one Carload was 'till could he
h ought,
'Considerable calcium ehloride was
been reused by the central author,
Ries, and these were for some lack
ef residence qualification.
Of the appnc,ations granted, 270
y,ere for the full penpion of 226
month, 36 were part pensions
ranging from $120 per year to
$165, depending upon other resour-
ces of the applicant, The average
pension granted was $18,85 per
month, so the 806 granted will mean
11 total payment of $5771,75 per
nionth, or $09,261 per year, and
the payment will be born as fol-
lows : Dominion of Canada, $34,-
030.50 ; Province of Ontario, $20,-
778,30 ; County of Huron, $13,-
The ages of the applicants ranged
oll the way from seventy to nine-
ty-seven years, and the committee
believe it reasonable to expect that
the decrease in number of claim -
(nits for the next few years will be
much larger than the increase.
The cost of the introduction 01
the pension scheme while larger than
was expected, is not Large when the
trouble, responsibility and work
involved is taken into consideration.
the Government subsidy. While it
is not practicable to recommend n
complete program, we would point
out that a list of construction iterrin
were mentioned in the June report
which shoulti be undo,'taken in the
near future. In addition to these regarding the work involved. Hod
the following should be given cOn the Pensions Act been thoroughly
sideration un erstood and only those acquai-
se. 33, Stephen, from eranonted with business methods and
Bend southerly 3 miles, $9,000 ;No. transactions concerned, the work
7, Hay and ,Stephen, grading and would not have been nearly so
small bridges, $90,000 ; No. 8, Us- great ; but when it is known that
born and Hibbert town line, $4,_ by far the greater number of ap-
000 ; No. 9, Hay from Bronson Plidants who tried to complete their
ine west, 36,000 ; No. 27, C4 own applications were over eighty
borne, small bridge at Hemlines., years of age, and very unfit to
$1,200 ; No. 25, E. Wawanosh and perform such a task, we can read-
Flullett, easterly from lot 30, E, 1.1y understand the imperfect state
Wawanosh 32 000 in which during the first stages,
We would further draw the at- the applleants were sent in, and the
grett amount of work involyed m
tention of the council to the a11 -01s. making them presentable to the
ability of purchasing more truelca critical minds of the auditors or
and one more power grader. representatives of the respectives
The advisability of declaring all
county roads "throu Governments,. who were concerned
gh highways" only about figuring out the finari.
within the meaning of the Highway cial obligations these applications
Traffic Act has been considered, and
it is probable that a by-law in this implied. But that the committee
connection should be passed. succeeded fairly well in the task is
In conclusion, we wish to*exprese evidenced by the small number
turned back Of those passed and
Our ppreciation of the valuable ser-
and sent forward,
ttoo rendered to us during the The committee wishes to thard,
year by our county engineer, Mr. the municipal clerks, conveyancers,
T. R. Patterson. We are convinced notaries public and many others
that due to his keen foresight and who came to the rescue of the old
study of economics, which he un- people in helping them make their
sparingly passed on to us, we are applications more acceptable.
able to show a very substantial say- The committe proceeded to call
ing in dragging, hauling and bridge attention to some features regard -
construction costs. And we, your ing which experience shows that
nommittee, feel that this premier improvement may be effected. Chan-
vounty, Huron, should, congratulate ges were recommended as follows
itself on having such a competent The Dominion and Provincial
and efficient servant. Government should bear the dost
Old Age Pension's Committee or assist the county especially in
The old age pension committee the initial cost, of carrying out ctr
eubmitted its first report. It recited introducing the Pension Act.
the steps taken by the Legislature The assignment of property
and the county in adopting the Do- should not be insisted ;Upon as part
minion Government's pension leg- of the obligation enabling applic-
islation and inaugurating the sys- Ants to obtain a pension,
tem. Under the Act is pension of The residence qualifications
$20 a month or $240 a year, is should be interpreted more liberal -
granted to each person, male or fe- It should not be the concern of the
mile, who has reached the age, of Dominion, the Province or the co -
seventy years, who is a British unty if a poor old father or mother
subject by birth or naturalization, sees it fit to "board around" with
end who has resided in Canada for Ids or her family, even if this in.
the twenty years preceding the ap- volves temporary residence ontsilo
plication for a pension and in the the Provinve, so long as. the ep-
Province for five years of these Mlicant has resided h Canada the
twenty, and who is in need of such stipulated twenty years.
assistance. Of the total amount of The confering of pensions should
the pension, the county pays twen- not interfere with the power of the
13' per cent, the Province thirty county council regarding wards of
tier cent, and the Dominion fifty the county in the house of refuge.
per cent. The county should still have the
At the June meeting of the coun power to insist that anyone taking
ty council a committee was ap- one of these inmates should give
pointed, composed of Messrs. Hen- bonds for the safekeeping of same
derson, Higgins, Craigie, Kennedy and for the proper use of the mon.
and Hubbard, to administer the ey assigned to him.
Act in this county. This committee The age limit for those totalle
mot for organizatin on the lath of disabled should be reduced to sig.
.Tuly and appointed Mr. Henderson ty-five years or less, this is applied
chairman and county Clerk Hol. for the benefit particularly of ro-
man, secretary. The committee di- turned soldiers.
vided the county into five districts, Where pensions are given to Ino
with one member each to look ar- mates of a house of rertipb, these
ter each of the districts. This writ people, because of their inability to
round neceesary because of the transact business andotherwise t�
feet that no inspector had heir look after themselves, should n011
appointed as in the catte of the have any choice as to leaving the
Mother's Allowance Act, The dist iinstitution without the consent of
ride were assigned as fellows : the county authorities ; the pen -
Mr, Higgins,- Exeter, Usborne, sion money should bo paid directly
Stephen, Hay, Hensall, and Stall. to the county to be used for Omni
ley. and in no case thould they be giv-
Mr. Ketnedy-Tuckersmith, Sea- en pensions to do with as they
rth, Hullett and 1VIcKillop, please, except in cases where suit -
Mr, Craigle- Goderieh town, able places can be found for them
oderich townehin, Clinton, Col- and when they calf care for them
ime and Ashrield, Pelves.
Ifinglinftv of II bent. There seemed r
Illsauthitted Next VWee1-1, be