The Brussels Post, 1929-10-30, Page 4WEDNESDAY, Oeteber 30131, 1920.
T o. T i1` t,osti foot
WEDNESDAY, Octebef 30th, 1029.
ijjiGE OROAT�.�;. ,
Deeplte the vain, the attendance at
the elxtb annual plowing watch of the
Union County Plow:no: n AasocIa
Mott held on \Vetlnesday of last week
exceeded all expectations. Coulpeti-
tion was keen in all classes,
coThe eonteete were held on the feeule
Henderson, Gordon }Juliette
and William Field, 00 the 13luevale
read, southeast of WIngham.
Results were:—
Class 1, high cut in sod Bert Hem-
ingway, Brussels ; William Conine,
Mitchell, Beet crown and best finish,
Bert Hemingway
Claes 2, wood•handled plows in sad
Featly Nassrnore, Exeter; McKenzie Hon. J. A. Robb, Minister of Fin -
Webb, St. Helene; William Dennie,
Walton 1 Alvin Thacker, Formosa ; once for Canada, who is ill at Tor -
Beet crowd, William Ucuuis. Hest onto, suffering from a milcj attack
flflish, Percy Pae -more, of pneumonia,
Utaee 3, general purpose platys in
end- M. J, Lenton, Mitchell ; Wil•
Baru Dennie, Walton ; Wilfred
Knignt, Oranbrook ; Best crown Bi -
mar Dennis, Best finish, W. J, Len-
Class4, boys under 10 in and, Ans.
bin Nairn, Mauro J. \Villeto, Wing.
hatu ; Walter Woods, \Vingham ;
Thomas R. Henderson. Winghatu
Best crown and fi(((sh. Austin Nairn.
Class 5, buys under 113, in stubble,
George Henderson, \Vinghani' tau h linin, the By -Late i1, Gonne,•
Claus 0, single fort 'mow plows, Rus, tion with (vas 10.1.11111(1 114046011.Cardiff, 13ttissels ; Robert Mt% Rita ray J `). ('am4he;I sora awarded the eon,
Belgrave : CLI; nil 3luchan. \Ltnktatl; (1.. 0t ,.11 111" 1L'tnv•• mentinn0(1 dl sin
Albert Lydia' iV,t1t,.n Best avow ,lt Bolo 011 nu on liti.•n the shin. t r
E. Wawanosh Council
Council met on O,+t. 8.h with all the
members present mulutee 111 last
wee( 14 at1••1111' ,.i i, .,•.l.,. l„
(1111) of coons. (bent Own atm Kerr. Pile
er.giueet•s rrpm', on the Cuwn,g Death
was read .and provisionally adopted.
Ni" appi',al4110ing 1e0eived 011 the Kil.
and finish Nen C,ud111 :aeon timed ilia, fail. The folio iv 111g
Class 7, (recta( 111 s' 111'ble, G'nrdu)i. S',1).
a"Ct pnt9 wet a p+.t,l :— J
114'' tutu, 1V 411 11 (4.11.1 ,n 11,1)1,11 cher p damaged by dogs, $38 On ; 1'h%
r]wnrival \\'„1111. supplies, $174;
Titre- \ b1', sheep damaged by dog.,
20 101 r Gil pie. sh' ep damaged 1,V
.Inge, 2(1 1,0 ; V. 1 Coni ie, +-beep Val.
(..t ,1no ; Geo \\':.lite( ,alseg, V,tht-
uld,Exeter; Crud a (iodic/11. Jetlan,l ,
'1'. P O lhlllay Tee; water Bas,
et own and ftngsb (intdr'u \Icliavin.
Glass 8, tlree•tt11 r„l0 Ma'am., Ern
est, (IMAM. I31'll 1.: `Y1V..(el' 1'',,x
81liesei . Bel.t inown, Etneet C'artlitf
Rest finsh. S. 1%11x.
Plow In t11 111uuiug grrare;t distance, art u 0 t weed-inspector..1 21 ; \Vru
A111lin Niru, NemoFIII tt (tar, 1. n; (;e,,. \V tinea,
You -g••• ;-I ,r, a:, (1' '' fiend (main.; 10o, 1_ _`;: fept'('•(1 1{ech-
tt,,;, 2 b1, ; ,! hn (',tl, wet% sheep vaat-
latttt 400; Foliate 1,f Jos. 1'ttanlney,
1,h \' ,t ,.;21 10 pie !)(ni” lh mo i . !.t - ‘1'41'''• e1 41ili,
l)ta r I,..,•ltatn, 3,4111 Jamie:, "i''' No 11) I3,to.'l: la:ashen Dtau1
\V)1,,gh 4'ti l ) ( U••1',l 11.1 g•avrl 11d
\\'m Sp ,•1 l'"'1- n)••„r I, l m„ as fro J 0 Il • • t , . , vers -oil
itttiun all ti L 1S t;, 'tteteta1 s ..., t .61021 • A Poet-
erfi ld e( so bg :tarots a 011 ; F. 11
MORRIS COUNCIL Stalket elerungilr„c1. 30tt;R 13O
_ Minoan, P"l" (1tut''11 emit/net taeok
Minutes of tit • , 0 eet1,1g held ,i11 t • D 11i11, 118 56 1 11 C tnpl,ell 1 ,l
'1'.,lvu-tt,t• OKI, i tris on )In, 1,a1, ., c'• c.,n.,. i , J) urg-o . fhnil X99
(1•t, 21, 1111.14,• n, revs all pe•.:1.111. ' 131; 1) 1'1,„k 1t pr'ie g vont' itt on
Al mut err .-. u, -nth.; ant i• leo' I 1-111ei.nn DH,. 3x1111,1 .1,('•,e,.11.y,
,..1” .1 i ",.1-11 1114111,
,tr,l p , c ha t ..1 .. 2 (11' 1 i, , 1 , . 1.1+vs R.";
slrur• ,r ' 111., I{
( +,.• Death. n•t. Ral aro
: s ,tl'•n-nu In 91'111 a0 A (• et ks fees on iia• '111 ma., 1., Llai•
hn H 1 - tel :, On Pott
prtilio a f,tr It \I r ;e+pot [litho 11.41, t 't t .•, I
Win Pp .v 1- ), • 1 . 1 , 1 fi-•1 t J33.• 1,110,', 1 t.,1 Clerks feel a. 111
11)411u,led •„s r,,, :1 ta 40tfthe poi K'tl'v-1. 11 ,-dlI'1 elal4'1'„•a,
tion t ,h•• ' u.:1,eer. 'l'.'.- f 11 •wit
acc„auts were hied :--'l'ilr \4ir,ghant
Adson e. let; .cin W111 tip 11, geoid , .
11,11'. P, telt. 4•-„r'at.,tt,$26".5';
S sm. 0riltta'.' ..1 i., k on Hanna fit iiin
$3(100 1 C. \1. H 1Z104)111)1rse 1 $14 1111
Dr. La -knot, %4 "rat,, it. $150 Un; (i,•.,
Kelly, wont: 1,t. 131yili 1',.+ek 1)ta..,
$41 70 ; Parts lin-- 1 •h:, f'• -gig. 9215
43 ; J H. Sellars, $811 00 : \V In. Craig,
$218,34 • Low. .10.1:11 1. 311 711 ; Ii. 11
Galley, $17 51I; 'P. Millet, artend•apee
at audit, $15 00 1 Itis. Snnderrriok 51 -
00 : C. Workman. paint. bridge, $374 ;
0tna( In •con. 4
Mitten I;tw0, s 1 '
$44119; Jobn Rintnid, ernaahar,
322151 ; W D. Henderson. 31u 00 ;
James P.raennk, selecting ,hunts. $4 .
00 ; A, 5lacLwen, :electing int ors,
$4.011 ; express, 50 ; \V .1. Hendpt'•
ano, aelrrting punts, 54 011 ; .1',hit Mc-
Gill, inspecting drains $7 50 ; next
meeting, Nov 13, 1929
A NaeE Ven, Clerk,
Council met in Beswgtherick'e Itlout
Ford,vich, nn Oat 10th, put4uant to
adjournment. All urer.ub„tS pre10n0-
The R, -ave, in the chair, minutes of
the last. meeting were read 011 mo-
tion of Rut/baud aria Uawhle were ad
opted. A deputation composed of
Win, S. M,'Keer her and D. D. San.
damn w.lt01 no the 0-',ii),tnd pres-
entod thein -with the Deed of the Pub.
lic Shed in \Vrnxeler 011 behalf of the
United 01111rch it 1V,4.4 moved by
Habitat 41 end (1'1)14'le that. t 11 (10nn-
e(1 novo)), 11)0 offs,. of the Deputation.
Carried. It 40,19 w•,ved by 1,001131(1
and Taylor that the Clerk be instruct-
ed to notify the hydro Commission to
place one light In AV roxetev Carried
It was moved by Gnmt,le and Hub-
bard Ihet the following at comas he
paid 1-1-1. H. Carew,. supplies f14'Tp.
Hall, 10 On ; 'Phos V.111 printing for
B of H., 200; A. 3. Welke), teeing
Mrs. ill4ufermikl to \Vinghatn, 10 00
Samuel Jefferson, grant to s01con1 fait,
25.00 ; J. H. Rogers, grant to Hnw)clt
fall fair, 100,00; Oliver (4'tlletvav,
wood (111 Clerk's 1,111.^.', 4 75 ; tti.'h•ted
Jaekean, sheep killed by dogs, 0 00 ;
James King, part pay as eatetla101 of
Til, ball, 10 00 ; Gen. E Rnht, rn0(1i0
ine for Mrs Haberlie, 1 PO ; .1 '1' Ain•
quire, flour for Mrs. Haberlie, 4 50 ;
John Dettuau, milk and wood for
1VIr8, Habotlie, 9,90 ; Sidney Srnith,
supplies for Mrs. Hahet'lie, 8 60 ; 1181'-
ry Diamond, sheep 14111ed by dOks,.
15001 (i, W. Welter, pItt salary a,
Mink 111(1.00; Mrs, John Water•,
5110011 killed by dugs, 50.00 ; .1. Bes-
witheric;k, rent of 1•0l111, 150 ; Earl
Ball, part nay for witbig town hell,
Wrnx"ter, 125 00 ; R F. Elgar, sal
trey as Road Supt. 86.10 , \V, 0. 1)rnry
13)11(10)1 (1 M11ni'•ip,a Maio No. 11,
83,00 ; Henry Pot 01, (lite)) already
nntntrunted all Mon. Drain no 11,
100.110; T. A. leberi0, 91111,05 1)4 -
bon hitea M 0 0 Drain 11.$100, It tuns
moved by hen,utrd nod P.tylne that
titieri,unril do now adi21t1rn to meet
again on the-t)tird Wedile•.dlty
Nov. in the To H''-11, Carried.
fl. \V. %VA),i(r:1t,
Plymouth corporation contem-
plates spending £246,000 on swim-
ming baths and winter gardens
Among unclaimed (rticlel±..left by
patients in North Middlesex Hospit-
al were 260 pairs of boots and n
h, r f t h •'n I,••..1) NVgn,lra•n
;): ti ('0,41 1 41 101. pit^.,, htl a. )1 7t, ;
C It Vo e,. a a p..; ' (111 '.;2 511 ; 1,
It V t, ,... n.:+n. 17119 1 .1 Gil-
{e.p•p"Fir: l -l01 U.t, (441511 C. n
ell w 11 11 ':d next. meeting on 'Motu' a •,
Nov. 12 h.
A. PunTr:BFtl•a.n, Met k.
Canada's Hunting
'('he physical chataeteetatics of Can-
a•.la—its ttllrtmetable lake., extensive
((.rete, and et eat open 9(4)1148 com-
bine with its 1'a)0(11) geog)apllical sit-
uatin11 (1, cunei it lite a dt.tin"L faunal
region wit hgo which is to be found al-
most eve, y species 14 game native to
tee North American cntltinent. From
the summit iced de' -CI iptiun of the
game eundilinns prevailing in Canada
as outlined below, 1t ult., be observed
that each province posseses Get Lain at -
mations foI' the apolt4wan 111 cow -
mon with all the p(11vinces, and also
entail, attractions peculiar to itself,
\Vhatevet p:,rtinn of Oanada happens
to be lutist readily decei.'ble, there
the sportsman will find genie, anl..) a
tele h .al's (11(001 will bring him with-
in reach of favout ed hunting grounds.
The province of Nova Scotia and
New 13,uuswit-k, with theh' old-wolId
atunq.Iiete, may be deanrib.d ata
c.,un'ry of easy distanree, as the
game areas are practically forests in
rile 111hiIt of :1vlti'r.41km. Thew, pro-
vcnees 11400 for tell year's attracted
thousands of sportsmen from all neer
the world, who enjoy the less stren-
uous hu.,tiloe trig, anti at the. some
time wish to be re 4sooahly mire of nb-
1 4ining game Doose anti dem, are
the eider attraction, but hear, wild-
cat. robin), ducks, geese, brant and
other email gauge at also plentiful.
The claim t9 made for these provin.
cos that they het'hour moire 101)0se. to
the 1111410 -mite than any other pm -
tion of Ctuladn. 'Phis statement is
h5cked up by the nurnbwr of splendid
trophies taken annually.
The provinces tf Onterio and Roe-
der Include within their boo oda.ie8
so ole of the finest hunting territnry
in America. In mine districts in (�1n0•
bee the 1 noting tights nn certain
tracts of lona are leased to organized
clubs, and 1)9011 00s0 pr041et'ves hurrt-
1)11 ra rl .01(31 he 1111410 by psi-
of lessee There are however huge
tract. of public land in the different
game areas which are open for hunt-
ing- to all 110011ae holders, and 900)1
it large number of r-xeellenl hooting
dgoilicts, that the hnnti'r in Making a
ehniee need he pnvPoled only by the
(;atoll." he 101011014 to travel, '111d the
kind of game he prefer a to hoot.. Gond
hunting foe gan1P 11)1018, small game
and deer, 11114y be 11nd close to the aet-
I fled diett•irtS gn Southern 0 nano,
Tile real sig game teriitnry has hone.
e-"1, been fixed by spot tauten as thle
vast rotl'•try lying north and west. of
the 0', emit; river where game such as
n Irl ."40, deer, hear, wolf and rabbit ole
f ,d 111 lar g0. % oan' s
T .-: prairie section of Manitoba,
(d t,katehowan. and Alberta at'e the
',amts of darks, 3e08", 11,8311 and
tit her wild fowl, and ,;nine of the best
shooting locali,•rw in A:novice pre to
b found in these nervi"r.1's. Tho (10)•
thi'u fol retpd sections i•,1 all tht'ee
pt(Vieees etre 19011 supplied with
In0n6P (10111' caribou, unit hear, ss w
as wi h tui ds 141 d -mall g8MP.
*4'4 :aataVaeWeiaka
it >t40`a oela eeeleat:e t a inaa'a4%'..:1444r't'"114+4;4 44 1
Canadian History in
16 dramatic Pictures
Canada's Leading Historical Painter
1—Cabot. The New Found Land
2—Champlain's Fight with the
3—Champlain on the Ottawa.
4—Maisonneuve's Fight with the
5 -St. Lusson at Sault Ste. Marie
6—Ftcntenac on the way to Cat-
7—Hennepin at Niagarl Falls
8—The Brothers La Verendrye in
Sight of the Western Mountains
9—The Founding of Halifax.
10— Battle ,of Ticonderoga.
11—Wolfe choses the Battle
Ground for the Winning of Can-
12 -•Captain Cook at Nootka.
13—Loyalists camping on the St.
14---Mackenzie's farthest north.
15 --Father Lacombe and the
E lack feet. .
16—Battle of Batoche.
Originals of Mr. Jefferys' work hang in the National Gallery, Ottawa, the Toronto Art
Gallery, and all important Canadian exhibitions, Colored prints and reproductions
of a number of them have been adopted by hundreds of schools throughout the
Dominion as a supplement to the teaching o f history. His work is eagerly sought by
private collectors and large corporations. When the palatial new Manor Richelieu was
completed recently at Murray Bay, Quebec, Mr. Jefferys was commissioned to execute
the two fine panels which adorn the main lobby. Mr. Jeffery is a member of the Royal
Canadian Academy and of the Ontario Society of Artists, of which latter body he has
been president. He was also the first presi dent of the Society of Graphic Art.
Watch for the First of this New Series of Drawings in
Boys and Girls should plan to make a Scrap Book of them
i'..•+» .
/:�•i : s":`.i":"....«.S«y �: �++�.; "i-:.iM :................... . .... a ."i..::............... •, ....-
hardly be said for some of the 1no-
dern lights. It is safe in any barn.
There is neither danger of a short-
circuit nor of it falling and once in a
while Mr. Duff places a candle in
the ancient frame for the fun of
se2fit alight. And he is surprised
every time he takes it out in
The peovhlce of British Onlurnbia Q
an( the mountainous 1,r westel:1 par.
tion of Alberta present a stalking
contrast to the other sections of Can-
ada. both in the epodes of gate avail,
on Huron Farrel
able and the methods nf hunting. III'
this rugged region of splendid scenery
the epnv'tsmaa has a chance for epee• Two interesting and historic rel-
fea of game that are found only in • 5 011 one of the older farms in
mountain sheep, mountain gnat, Ono- limon County are a sundial and a the dark to see what an extraordin-'
this see .,rif of Canada. 'Phase inclode lc
gar on mountain lion aid grizzly wrought iron lantern. The sundial
bear, king of American game unira,tls, was 'built in 1389 and the lantern,
supply al other game, such ass 1 11100
I1, addillon. (hare is an a110000, nt was in use at least 70 years ago.
dear of Revered ep0mes, two species of The sundial stands on the broad
caribou, black .and brown bear, Its lawn in front of the home of L.
well Its a variety of game birds,
According to the sportsmen puff, at rluevale, and was builtsportsmenwin
have hunted in 011 parts of the world, from stones off the farm, by the or -
there are; no finer big game fie'do iginal owner, the late W. H: Leech.
than the Yukon, In addition t0 the It stand, to -day as sound and spick
many 14(100,(418 "1 sig 5,41014, which in-
clude mountain sheep, nl-,uuttuu goat and span as when it was first cern-
moose, caribou. grizzly, brown and eaten by the builder. The face of
black beer, the (01(11111 y 1.1119 1411 iutpel• the dial bears the inscription such as
ii,... alit ;Woo for the tourist who de
lights in exult)) ing the wonders and , a hold pioneer spirit might invent :
beauties of nature On a wild and rug( -1 "What can you say Of yonrs?"
gad connt1y. Alt tong 11 aquiti
" ll', "My face marks the sunny hours.
anger ,rave (r a 1?