The Brussels Post, 1929-10-30, Page 3v
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: (Furnished by the Ontario Pepartment of AQgricuiture) er
((Editor's Notice -Believing that it will be of great interest and ;i
t value to our readers in the rural districts, The Post will henceforth f
++ publish each week a columnof faarrn Dews and
from the Department xhetfozrn of ,
3 toes the paragraphs below. The material comers
Agrieulture and the Ontario Agrieulterai College and will he pre- '
seated 1 brief, readable fashion,)
:etee sees e; .v egtve'e eve ve ea eveel"; te`++4. 0 `,Nie+ a 4ei.0eit tet ,r aW+ ✓,x.,40.8 -eve t`
Royal Winter Pair, Toronto,-- eat, Turkeys thrive best in the open
November 20-28. and even in the fattening period
Guelph Winter Fair--- December should be allowed to roost outside,
9th to 12th. with the protection of course, from
Ottawa Winter Fair December cold winds and raid,
2nd to eth.o loC-
Cp1:::=0 ! Oat's and Sow Thistle
Live Steels Hotelt'Don't sow oats on, fields infest -
Tho finest live stock . "hotel" ed with saw thistle. Rather sow clov-
known is the Royal Winter Fair. ers, plod them when very dry, and
It will house in, comfort 2,000 head work ,thoroughly," is the advice of
of cattle, 2,000 sheep and.. 1,500 of one farmer who has had exper
swine: A now judging ring aug-. ience' with this noxious weed. Sow
thistle, es
meats the huge arena in the Royal well as other thistles,
Coliseum, the central building of thrive in oats better than in any
the show. There are restandlounge other crop. It does not show up very
rooms, shower baths, and warm much in wheat or clover, Sow weed
sleeping quarters for attendants and infested fields to any of the clovers
exhibitors. and cut twice a year. By following
F IQI this course, sow thistle wile be large -
Big Enrolment at O. A. C. ly eliminated.
President Christie of the Ontario C-reete
Agricultural College at Guelph, re- It Para to Spray
ports a largely increased enrolemnt Ontario farmers will this year
this year. A total of 325 students harvest the cleanest apple crop in
have entered for the fall teen as the history of the province. It is
compared with 276 in 1928. Mae- almost solely due to better spray -
Donald Hall has an enrolment of ing, which in turn is the result of
214 young ladies as compared with the activities of the department's
190 last year. This gratifying in- spray service. One farmer reports
crease emphasizes the need for that his crop benefited to the ex:
greater accomodation, which will be tent of $1000 by reasons of spray -
supplied in the form of a new mil- ing. Another claims to have lost
lion dollar administration and re- $500 by not following instructions
sidence building on which work has completely. Spraying must be done
already commenced. It will be the Properly and thoroughly to yield the
largest building on the campus and best results.
its equipment and facilities will be c.zacit=>
modern in every respect. The date Your Water Supply
set for its completion is Sept. 1st, One weekly newspaper editor re -
1930. cently made the fo Bowing timely ited States crop is one of the light-
e,==lpge=O comment : est in ten years, in fact is the smal-
Fattening Turkeys i "While drinking water in cities lest with the exception of 1925. It
Thanksgiving and Christmas din- and torus is frequently analyzed as will be readily appreciated that po-
nce tables in Ontario will not lack to purity, the wells in rural sections tatoes are in strong position. Some
for turkeys, judging by reports are too often taken for granted. In Ontario and Quebec farmers are
from different parts •of the province, view of the long drought and the short of storage and require ready
Turkeys raised in the open during exceeding scarcity of water farmers cash consequently prices are some -
the summer cannot stand close con- would do well to know just what what depressed at present, but as
finement during the fattening per- kind of water is being used in their soon as digging has been completed
iod and should therefore not be con- hones. In the last survey of well it is expected that prices will stiffen.
Export Apple Market
Prospects for a heavier .apple
crop in Ontario this season add em-
phasis to the export market as a
profitable outlet for surplus fruit.
United States apples are not likely
November and December. The this district consult the totcnsliip to glut the British market this year
'young birds should be started feed -health officer. It may save much and although the Nova Scotia crap
ing gradually. The feed should be sickness in the fancily." is heavy, Ontario apples invariably
Mari -
composed of both mashes and whole 0�"1dt-� M
grain, the mashes in the morning I Co-operative Ships Potatoes
and at midnight, and the • whole; The Central Ontario Potato grow -
grain at night, The mash is made up i errs' Association commenced active
of equal parts of ground oats, bar- business last week by shipping their
ley meal, cornmeal and wheat bran, first car from Alliston. This associa-
and should be fed in a moist condi- tion is meeting the problems of On -
tion from clean, "V" -shaped thou- tario farmers by offering straight
ells. Whole corn is the best grain for carloads of one variety grown from
fattening purposei and should be certified seed and graded not only
need for the fattening meal. Never to "Canada 1," but to the standard
give them more than they hill readily set for their own brand. They be -
Herbs, all Herbs,
Gallagher's Keeps
You Wonderfully
($y Lauren 13, Smith,. in " klyieeia")
Mental fatigue. can be loosely de-
fined as a "tired mind", the mind
Take it, Eat better. Slee controls in various ways, but mainly
work, play better. p, In our .feeling, in our thinking and
Mother Nature's own good herbs, riot in our acting, When these get into
in health -giving power, these are what disorder (although not diseased),
make. Gallaglier's Tanto and System we have that tired feeling, or men-
Builderaogood, It really worlcs wonders
fur people who are constipated, rundown,
nervous, folk who have skin diseases,
Eveu dreaded J enema yields to it.
Try a bottle. It will keep you clear of
cold weather ills, hold as other Gal-
lagher Ilerbaliiousehold Remedies are, line between them, lrlentai
32 fatigue can "knock us out" physic.
ti, B. ALLEN BRUSSELS ally or can make us feel as if ware
_--. physically ill„ even though there is
lievo .that by selling their hish-class nothing wrong with our body. All
production under a brand name, '•'f us exori0000 •it, in every -day lire
which they are prepared to protect, and work, and it cuts down our ef-
that they can complete in all mar- ficiency and spoils our happiness•
kets where quality counts. Same are born tired, others attain
Local branches are located at !t, and others have tiredness thrust'
Craighaxst, New Lowell, Alliston, upon them by a nervone and emo-
Whitfield, Orangeville and Cale- tipnal civilization. Physical .fatigue
don. The main office is at on' will cause mental fatigue, but it is
and Carl Whdtesides is the secret-, trot the most important cause of it. 1
ary-treasurer. I If our work does not have a pause 1
7pa all day or if it is monotonous, we be -
5. R. Hargroves, of Beaehville, come worn out more quickly than t
was declared the grand Champion if our occupation is interesting. The ;
Plowman at the seventeenth an -
worker has a tired mind
nual International plowing match in early on the job ; his production f IiLT'�
Kingston, Waterloo County won the falls off and accidents occur, if his '• :,.`
sypecial class for county teams with job is not changeable or interesting.
"Mayfair" Pattern, Sec No. 725
tal fatigue.
Of course physical or bodily fat-
igue is closely linked with mental
fatigue, and it Is hard to draw the.
hay the price
you'd expect!
Oth, 1029,
You'd expect to pay around
$40 for a 26.piece silver ser-
vice, ltuc here are 26 pieces ---
six of each -in a chic little
ease of green and gold, for
And it's the famous Wm,
Rogers & Son silverplate-
guarantecd to give satisfae.
tion without rime limit 1
Knives have solid handles,
plated blades. Come in and
^; e-,\ see the exquisite patterns!
W": aortase'SON
York County second The first in- When a student takes an examine- J 'lf� TJ7 �j •fy f,
dividend prize in the the inter -conn- tion, he often becomes exhausted, al- °
ty competition went to R G Brown though little physical energy is used. JEWELLER WROXETER
Sunday School Lesson
(sotto, of Tho eohoor Volpe)
R• espect for Rightful Authority years latter, the holy Spirit gave
.- - the same principle for all• Christian
(World's Temperance Sunday), believers, and the Divine origin of
Sunday, Nov. 8 -Mark 12 : 13.17 ; human government is declared.
Romans 13 : 1-14 ; I. Peter 2 :13- "Lot every soul be subject unto the
17, higher (human) powers. For there
is no (human) power but of God t
Golden Text the powers that be are ordained of
Let every soul be subject un:s of God," To defy a hran !elegise
the �iigher powers. (Isom, ].8 s l♦) trate, governor, President or King
_ is to defy God, God placed rulers in
What is the original source .0f. power. Eveli in the rase of obvious
government? How do man 1Y corrupt or unrighteous rulers,
get their right to govern fellow. seen are to honor the office and the
men? There are many saying to- office -bearer as the representative.
day that man's right to govern of divine Governnnmt, quite apart
comes only from man ; that govern- from the individual life. or actions
anent is only a conventional' ar- of the man in office,
rnngement of human society to God's ordaining of capital punisll-
I31'•oteet itself and provide certain ment, established vert early in the
desirable condition. From this history of the race, just after the
premise many are reasoning that 1''1004 (Genesis 9 :6) is reiterated
the governed have a pr:rfc'rt right in this inspired Epistle. The human
:it any time, to cast aside any of Magistrate or ruler "beareth not
alt rr»frictions placed upon them by the sword in vain ; for he is the min-
ister of God, a revenger to execute
wise if they wish. This of course, wrath upon him that dooth evil".
malts, for Communism,. and Balsli- 'the sward stands for the power of:
evism, and in the end for anarchy, life and death.
entire lawlessness, each man being Obedience to human government
a law unto himself. is called for, then, "not only for
The Bible tells us of something wrath, but also for conseience
very different. It is good to have a sake." It is to our best interest to
Sunday school lesson, studied by obey the laws ; it is our religious
millions of people throughout the duty also to do so, because God is
Galt. It was one of the most sac- This is because the emotion of fear world, on the origin and obligations back of it and commands it.
cessfulocievents in the history of the is attached to the work. A stock if we use a muscle without resting of law and government. If there was This is the most practical lesson
association. broker hardly having sua'irsent ex- a time in the history of the world in connection with the observance of
excise during the day, may be "all it, it becomes weaker ; if it is when "respect for rightful author- the various laws not obtaining in
�]Ot never used, it loses its strength ; H' when
was needed more than to -day,
The Potato Market in" at night, because of his load of ity" various countries or communities
worry over the fall in the market. v e exercise it and relax it, it gains , prohibitingthe liquor
Ottawa forcasts estimates the in both use and strength. The same ' it is difficult to name it. Authority is regulatingor q
Canadian potato crop at about 16 Depressing emotions of all sorts are principles are true in the use of 'being flouted on every hand, and in traffic. It is amazing that in the Un -
per cent. below that eaf last year. costly activities, and we must gain almost every nation on the earth. ited States, where prohibition is the•
a knowledge into our own adjust- our minds. Our attentionwhemust bei When our Lord was on earth the law of the land, so many men and
Ien Ontario.belowthe crop is 28. 30 per mens to the world about us and to on our recreation when we Play', Jews were under the dominion of women who pride themselves on be
cent. that of 1928. The Un- not on some worn or problem, or
the.people in it. y , the Roman Empire, governed by ing good citizens and would call
The power of emotion can hardly
its value a lost. Caesar. They had forfeited the themselves law-abiding, take an
Our present ]fie, with its high- right to govern themselves, because equal ride in def m and breaking
be measured but it seems unlimited. powered speed in work is exciting P y' g
A. football team, whipped at the end they had rebelled against God and the prohibition law. Xet the Word
and progressive, but we try to of God is vex v
of the first half, shows complete fa- turned awayfrom Him. So he sub- y plain as to this.
tigue. But after a stimulating talk pram lato much excitement into our
play also. Then it becomes work, jected them to Rome. This they bit- Paying tribute, or taxes is noted'
from the coach, the fatigue disap- not relaxation. Evening used to fatly resented. do this Epistle as a Christian duty,
pears, even though the boys have Some of them, Pharisees and even as the Lord Jesus commanded
fall with a hush, and tired men plannedtrap it in the lessonpassage in Mark,
had little physical rest. After any Herodians, to the Lord
P g
came home to rest ac contentment.and in Maththew 17 :27.
sort of a hard day, we may feel in -
Evening now falls like a ton of by a clever question that they
capable of further effort. But if thought would catch Him in a dil- The secret of keeping the law is
bricks. If the house is quiet be- also giveng
the news came that the Prince of
emma from which Ile could not es- : Love is the fulfilling
fore midnight, the evening is con-
Wnles would be in town
ho to shake sidered a failure. Are we going entre without offending either the of the law." But this is possible un-
hands with everybody, how quickly Romans or the Jews. With a word ly as we "put on the Lord
we would dash down to be the first to give ourselves play, or is it to of flatter for His standing as a Jesus Christ."
in line. be frenzy? In order properly to teneher and His independence of ' Peter's first Epistle sounds an
Some may wish to know re, The gain play and rest, we must use our ilemeht, thee- asked : "Ts it lawful
equally clear word. "Submit your -
time -savers to get ourselves moresi
scores to ever
signs of ns dependtal nelson and peaceful , leisure rather than more he 10 give tribute
"Yes," theyr or He for the Lord's sake."y clinance of moa
g p If He enAnd
the way in which, he reacts. excitement' craned lose standing with the Jews. ringing word is this "Honor all
Not man • of us like to follow
symptoms • would be irritability, rest -y tf He said "No" He vmild he men. I.ovn the brotherhood (the
rules, such as the six given with
command a premium over the ori- lessness, loss of interest, headache, this article. But if a constant and marked by the Roman Authorities Christian Church). Feer Cart. Hon -
time product in Britain, due chief- inattentiveness, inefficiency, and a us seditious. out the Ting." Here is citizenship
sincere effort ds made •dtt this I. t at its truest and best. Chh taunt
ly to the fact that Ontario apples tired feeling. if the condition is not Btu think of trying to trap God .
ection, the practice of this method
are inspected by the Government relieved or corrected, more severe Jest of NavAreth Cod the Son, should show all men, in an un.n
will soon become a habit. Hu using swernbly rnnrincing way, that mere -
/fa may follow, such as inability to ![is answer, immortal, has come
such a habit we can nn- t r bersltdr in the family of God means,
concentrate and solve problems. dnR• through the ag"s.
joy ' the fulness of a rehnlrsotne>
fined to pens. Confinement often waters from farm homesteads, the
results in the birds going off their • samples submitted showed only some
feed and developing some digestive 24.4 per cent. as pure and whole -
troubles, sometimes in death, The some. Every farmer may have the
.proper time to commence fattening water tested free of charge, providl-
is four weeks before they are want- ` ed' samples are collected and sent in
ed for table use, which is usually in prepaid. We suggest that farmers in
ew �''yyh� i s
"N "
re ews
-0 VERY member of every family in this eum-
1 lam' munity is interested in the news of the
day. And no items are read with keener relish
than announcements of now things to eat, to
wear or to enjoy in the borne.
You have the goods and the desire to sell
them. The readers of THE POST have the
money and the desire to buy. The connecting
link is ADVERTISING. '
Give the people the good news of new things
at advantageous prices. They look to you for
this "store news" and will respond to your
messages. Let us show you that
"An Advertisement is an Invitation"
.. exportation. The permanent;
appointment of an overseas sales
representative at London will great- 'flus may start one to worrying, even happy life. He asked for a denarrus, a Re- the, beat citizenship on earth.
ly benefit Ontario shippers. Full in- to the extent that a fear of men- 1. When we work, let ne keep man `oin. Wh n they brought it to
formation may be secured from P. cal disease may follow. The atten- our interest in it and make it pleas -
arable. Ilio He asked : Whence is this im- Says a fashion writer"No wo-
W. Hodgetts, Sec"y. Ontario Fruit tion may became fixed on a neck age and superscription? And they man nowadays somet'nmpletely
Association, Parliament Bsildings, nota, a headache or a rapid heart. 2. When we play, let us enter it said unto Hint, Caesar's. And dressed without a buttonhole."
Toronto, In other words, purely local symr- 7e us, answetm said unto then : Even small mercies like this 1 sup -
for all it is worth without regard tonings that I'
y pros may become_ the natural ex -
for anything else. Render to C.;e•mr He ase, 0710 has to be thankful for.
Average of Crops pressions of an emotionally irritated d i r t are Caesar's and to Gnd the things
Some interesting statistics have and exhausted nervous system. 3. tVlten we test ins stem. < thstt are God's. No wonder "they
been compiled by the department Mental fatigue is Nature's sigh 're turn the mind and betty lone ,nervelled at Him." No Jew could
dealing with the acreage of princip- for us to watch out. If this disorer and let them do what they will. pemxn$t mimtion this reply ; no
al field crops of Ontario and the is present, we want to eliminate it, Tsrarn to rest the mind by leaving Roman could question it. Not only
yield per acre in bushels for 1929 and then use preventive measures to the mind alone. that he established God's law for
as compared -with 1928. The acre- keep it from recurring. The treat- 4. When we think, let us make a all men, for all time, concerning tt
age of fall wheat is shown to be meet (nr elimination) and the pre- decision and carry it out. If we dee ritiz,•n's duty in the matter of tax -
about the same with an increase vention'of mental eltigne are based eide incorrectly, it can be recon id ;ttien, and ,nl'n a citizen's duty to
in the acre yield. Spring wheat, on the sante principles. The ae-erese Bred later. obey human laxer, respect govern -
both in acreage and yield, was • person's life, is merle up of eight, 6. When we are very tired let mental authority- unless the human -
slightly off. Oats showed a similar lanes' work, eight hours' sleep and us not permit a temporary or ex- len, should actually conflict with
tendency. More barley was planted eight hours' play. The wisely plan- treme emotional reaction to drive God's law, Then vend.tine "to God
but the acre -yield was lighter. Less nest day is the nee in which work, us into an act that will have per- the things that ere God's" would re -
rye was grown hut the yield remain- rest and • play are proportioned. manent results. quire one to disobey the Govern-
ed stationary. The acreage of peas Work is healthful. ut it should not 1 6. We must keep aur attention ment---hut only then. And that sit -
dropped about 30 per cont. and the Work is healthful, lint it should not on one thing at a time, In the ercd, nation does not often occur.
field per acre decreased. About 26 have depressing, wearisome, mon- skill counts more than hurry in To the Alrostie Paul, some 30
Per cent, more beans were grown otonous associations. The working saving energy.
and the yield increased, Alfalfa was conditions and the working man
off considerably from the heavy, should have a proper adjustment to
crops of 1927 and 1928, but still each other. Then the mental reac-
f ar above the average for the past , tions of the workers will be happier
16 years, The yield was not so ' and healthier, and trouble, efficien-
good. Alsike had a good year. I ey, accidents and discontent will be
Sweet clover fel) off both in acre- ;reduced. Pauses or changes in neon-
ate yet a fine yield. The figures for otonous work will serve to cut down
otter• crops will be furnished at a i boredom and monotony, Pleasant
later date, The logical conclusion ,interests associated with the work
to be drawn from the above figures must be stimulated to serve the
is that the unusually dhy summer ; same end. Rest periods may be est-
has mot been so injurious as might nblished, not for rest, but for ac-
he imagiued, tive relaxation in diversions and re-
• creations.
AST„ A Head & A mental interruptioni is more
ASTHMA Bronchial important than the =smiler relax -
You CAN have tiro relief that so many i ation, as it interrupts morbid preoc-
others have had. For instance, Mrs. W. A, eupation, If we cannot be happy
Warman writes from Moncton,
about ItAZ-MAII: "1 have had Asthma
from ,birth, For 0 years have depended
on RAZ-MAIto keep me. right, -now
1 have very little trouble, lam glad to
recommend RAZ -MAIL" Relief guar-
anteed from $1 worth or moneyback.
No harmful drugs, 50o and 51 boxes
with our work, it is drudgery, and
not work, and should be changed.
It does not matter so much what
we do, but hoev we do it. This 15
true alto in playing or in resting.
We can play and rest even while we
at your deplores. 162 at'e sating, reading, thinking, or do -
Go now and buy Templeton,s ing anything for a rood time.
Our play must do us good by giv-
;•1. Z ing relaxation, or its benefit is lost.
When you know the sic): person le
fond of a certain picture in the
house, hang it in the room in which
Ise or site is convalescing. It might
add a note of cheer.
Diseourage in the youngster the
habit of reading in bed. It overtaxes
eyes which have already clone a
day's work.
Paint the shelves in the medicine I1
cabinet with white paint, then they I
are easily wiped out if any medicine
is spilled.
A button bag near the clothes
washer is convenient to hold any
buttons that may be wrung off, they
are sometimes hard to match.
If your eyes are not strong and
water in the direct sunlight, pro- i
tect them by wearing dark glasses in
hanging out clothes in the sunshine I
or washing white marble steps, " ou
will find them very restful,_
"Do you believe a rabbit's foot
ever brought: good luck?"
"You bet ! My wife felt one in
my pocket and thought it was a
Five hundred rent, before the
birth of Christ Hippocrates, a Gr, ek,
wrote a book cm medical science
which is still studied by students in
America and Europe.
The 1,,$00,n00,000 inhabitants of
'he earth are .,aid to speak 3424
languages or dialects. Nearly 600,-
000.000 of these speak the seven
(thief European languages.
One of the best habits (rne can cultivate
is reading the small "Buy and Sell" ads.
on the back page of THE POST care-
fully and regularly each week.
There is always something of interest to
be found in them and buyers and sellers
who are anxious to get in touch with
each other in the quickest and most sat-
isfactory way can make no mistakes in
using this column.