The Brussels Post, 1929-10-30, Page 1aunete anettrieeeteeeratetetesetesete terve
Garage Work
Having taken over the
Repair Shop in Alex.
Garage, I
will endeavor to give
the public service at
reasonable charges.
W. J. Parkes 2
VOL. 58 NU
20 , x`2,00 per annum in advance
OCTOBER 30, x929
11 eeta H1 H? aeettejtae tee et f f 4e4r}saeaslatataa 4+44-f} .Xs R anee deal �N HW Hysc
j= The Surrounding District 2F
..«:.4+4....K: :.1.40:.H;.P}, •tt..w43H2b+4,444.1.• b»o+i44:.Hw,';HSH.44x%i'44-xo4
lo- Mn. ,
England, well-known
a harry E.
coil merchant, dropped dead in his
store about 11.30. o'clock' Wildness
day morning while conversing with
his Clerks, Haase trouhlc was given
'r tui the cause of death. The late Mr.
England who was in his 48th year I
had not been enjoying health for,
, about three years, being bothered ,
'with kidney and heart trouble. He
'' was a' son of the 'late Mr. and Mrs,
John England and had been engag- I
ed in business in Milverton for about
twenty years. He -leaveb to molrn
'1 his widow; whit was Miss Carrie
Trite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Trim, and four children, Lu-
cilia, Jack, Bruce and Preston ; also
two sisters, Mrs. Hubbell and Mrs.
Haughey, of Detroit, and one bro-
ther, Frank, of Temente.
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction Assured
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker & Black
W. Gibson,Toronto is
spending a week .with' her sister, .pion ro• sea -nate .4 k
Mrs. Z. Gibson. rigs for nary --Keit l Audor,:on
D, D. and Mrs. Sanderson and A. Neck Wee foam,-Phnnr,iax
"kw Advertktomeodl
Locals-111es tiros.
Imolai for sale -Alex, Riskin
•f)allentores for tale -Twp of Grey
(3m•0Qo work -w..1 Parks
moron opera -c ].rotator at Commerce
Aviation $alo-Stanley But1edgo
Davao lit 1(11to1
A twotet•1Ceub ltndios-11, patriots
Drakes to sale -1' Turnbull
,Steer olrsye&t-M Bina].[
Maros forsa'e-(r I. [';nasal,
1, and Mrs. Sanderson were recent
visitors at Breton.
Kenneth and Mrs, Hastie have
returned frons their wedding trip
spent at 'Brockton, Mass.
Miss Eileen Gibson is at present
in charge of the primary room in
the school here. in the absence of
Miss M. Rass.
Under the auspices of the Ang-
lican Guild, the play, "Home Ties"
was well presented by Gerrie talent
in the town hall here last Wednes-
day evening.
Russell Sholdice has left to take
a position in the bank at Palmers-
Doug. Ennis is on the sick list.
His many friends hope for a speedy
Qxval and Mrs. Habkirk and
children, of Wingham, spent Sunday
with Iloy and Mrs. 'Bennett.
James I. McLaughlin, of St,
Thomas called on relatives and
friends in Walton on Sunday.
Miss Eileen Ryan, of Lucan, spent
the week -end at her home on the
fourteenth concession of McKillop.
Robert and Mrs. Campbell and
two daughters, Reta and Cora, spent
Sunday with William and Mrs,
W. R. and Mrs. Stewart, Anita
and Lindsay Stewart visited Rev. F.
L. and Mrs. Lewin and Mrs. A. M
Racey, at' Parkhill on Tuesday last.
David Crawford and his brother,
John Crawford, of Seaforth, were
, in Buffalo last week attending the
funeral of their sister, Mrs. John G.
Mrs. Lena McGavin, -Miss Flora
Harris and Armand Kernick, -of Kit-
chener, spent the week -end with
John and Mrs. Harris of the 17th
con. of Grey.
I The bazaar held last week in the
Workman Hall, Walton, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Be -
'the United Church was a splendid
sucess. The chicken supper that
sucess. The chicken supper that
'was served was well patronized.
Joseph and Mrs. Carter celebrat-
ed their 20th wedding anniversary
on October 20th. Miss Althea Car-
ter, of London, and other immediate.
1 relatives joined thein on the happy
Nottee to Ureditora-tllsrl,, Baynard estate
occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Carter re- t
'ceived a number of lovely gifts and i
congratulations. •l aR
Duff s United Church annivers-
services which wore held 00 k
Sunday were very largely attended to
sday alt evi , OL 5
Music by Moffatt. Melody
Mixers • Wingham
Gents 75e. Ladies Free
d 1 1 eta q
rem etaete mete ua a {e eteatet t taiga;
Stores will
Abe Open
V Aero .on 'Thursday after- •i •:
n00ns commencing d' Ly
November •7th i.
LS, N 4
t"f a
I Not open on Wednesday y i r
g evenings after Oct. 30th. 2 ! tf
r-Brussels Chamber n 1 U
d 1,r
:eusysaase�x �teEu +e!aa{et�{ttEet�{e+�Ec{es€{nl.
0 A
`0vtwt„,.d�+.a{.z..E„E:,t>_t,?..�t.:.'�c:,+�`.'.~?.Y C'a
The Ladies of
t Melville Presbyterian
Church - Brussels
Will hold a 13aztnr co„ siding
of the following booths
VI of Commerce
Eat,n;at Vanr2 1B12to:�r72121rJ ttJ-tallt�'riBi2tfe.
an they were a pronouiuna
cess. The messages brought by the %eetaiaele7al testi a'au+a T s -
Johnston, D. D., of Toronto, were Michie,
Land M
Lorne anrs Nichol Mr i "
based on the "Retreat of Marys Journal -Argus, of Thursday is • Wm, Granby, Jas. and Mrs.
h'e Robt Miehie Ernest Miehie, I =
specie]. preacher, Rev, Prof. A, J.
highly aISTlreciated. His both sermons Death of Miss Ball: -The St. tin, Drank Nichol, Frank and My Mar- I
were as to I•
!Christ," He emphasized the vital im- last refers l;o the death of iVllss Mary Brussels; J. Kirton, Miss Bella '
portance of a spiritual apprehension Ball, a former resident of the 9th Kirton Wroxeter Jam and ears.
of God in Christ and in experience con. -Early this morning Miss
Parcel Post Faney Goods
Aprons Towels
Pillow Cases Handkerchiefs
Flannelette Knitted Goods
Homemade Baking
Candy Farm Produce
Saturday, Nov. 2
At 1,30 o'clock
In the Opera House
d rest- - Ileac]., . Clarence , and Mrs, Rat7:, f9 Tea Served - 3,30 to 6,30
of His life and ours as the basis and Hannah Ball, a highly esteeme Waterloo ;Mrs. H. 11. Taylor, Iden ? r!
Foundation of the church. Rev. W. dent of the town, passed away of hzr Mills ; Mrs. T. Langford, Rock- g 20 Gents rk
J. Maines expressed his gratefulness home, Queen St. East. Miss Ball had wood ; Colin and :ors. Cameron, ]f d the con been ill the past two years, suffer- i
treasurer, respectively, of the e rut-
! Ontario dEducat onal Assoc tioers' Section n the 1-
r so by our members of parliament,
school inspectors, teachers and otlr-
dg I ern. Make your requirements alon.T
a; i educational lines known to Chas. A.
rps 1 ieobortson, Goderich, convenor of the
aI resolution committee, prior to the
;convention. Kindly invite your tea-
cher and have this announcement
A read in the school. A special invite-
; tion , ektended to ladies.
ra Wm. Archibald, Pres, Huron Co.,
to Educational Association.
Mrs. R. Davidson. Secy-Treas.
N I Huron Co. Educational Asso.
. L. KERR, Proprietor
The annual convention of the
Huron Co. 'Educational Association
of Trurtecs and Ratepayers will he
held in the town hall, Wing'ltam, an
Saturday Nov, 2nd, commencing at
1 p.m share. Atddresses on live
suliJeel.3 of interest to all education-
!ists will be given byiev. H. W.Snell
I ,H \
of Brantford, and Mr. Wm, Morris
of Toronto ,itresident and secretary -
behalf f1 an
on era o imse con -
to Prof. Johnston on corn- ing Prem an inward growth. She
Woodbridge; C. A. and Mrs. Michie,
o i
Mrs. J. Meadows, Mary Lamont. Fa
Ladle:. , . .'e r
was Bespele'r ; Victor and Mee. Dorris, -
ing and delivering two great mes- born at Uxbridge, being a daughter ILrs3e1 Smith, Milton ; W. and Mrs.. Pres. Lad A d 5 clary.
sages. Monday evening a fine en• of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ball. McArthur Mrs. Huffman W. Worden j 1eaaameaexamesy7a;,yrra,2,sx2is7aarga7
her par -
Miss Roberta Michie, Acton ; S
and Mrs. Gisby, Brampton ; Mr. and
tertainment was on in the church
by the Harmonic Male Quartette ents removed to Brussels and there
and Concert Company of Listowel. most of her life was spent. Aboat
Despite the inclement weather there four years ago she removed to St.
was a very good attendance and Marys with her sister, Mrs. Scott.
each number was enjoyed. The pro-' The late Miss Ball was a lady of
ceeds of the Sunday anniversary sterling qualities of heart and mind
offerings amounted to $325. and and was highly esteemed in her forst
Monday evening $60. er home district as well as in a circle
—a---- iof friends here that has been grad-
SEAFORTH ' ually widening since her corning to
Geer a P. Cardno, of the firm of St. Marys. Up to the timeof her
g illness, Miss Ball was a very
Cardno Bros. bakers, and grocers, and interested worker in the young
Seaforth, passed away Sunday people's organizations of the United
morning, Several weeks ago he sue- Church. Her surviving brothers and
fere, a stroke, from which he never sisters are:-fthomas, J. J. and Miss
rallied. He was a son of the late R. V. Ball, of Armstrong, B. C.,; Dr.
Alex. Cardno, and is the first break G. L. Ball, of Toronto; Mrs. Eliza -
in a fancily of ten, all of whom have •beth Scott, Mrs. Bertha Copp and
' passed the half century mark. He Luther A. Ball, of St. Marys. Dr.
took an active part in public affairs Earl Ball of Toronto and George and
of the town and at his death was a Frank Ball of St. Marys are nephews
member of the Town Council, and :The funeral will be held from her
also of the Scott Memorial Hospital late residence, Queen St., on Sat-
' board. He leaves to mourn his loss urday at one o'clock. Interment will
his widow and two daughters, both be made in Wingham Cemetery.
at home.
Council meets on Saturday of
this week.
Plowing and getting up the roof.
crops are keeping the farmers busy.
Mrs. Hugh Lamont and two sons
were week end visitors at the home
of A and Mrs Lamont St Marys.
Council minutes may be seen on
page 1 of this issue.
After last week's rain the farmers
have been busy plowing.
al'ss Bessie Jordon, of Ufa 5th
line, spent the week-eua in town.
'Phos, and Mrs. Pollard, of Iiia
Miss Millie McFarlane spent the cardine, spent the weak end at the
-.sse... past two weeks visiting at tate home • home of the former s brother, C.
of her uncle Jas Turnbull London and Mrs. Pollard.
__— ,home last week after spending a year Michie, a well known former rest
® . with her uncle,J. J. Grainger at !dent of Morris Township, died on
Lloydminlster, lta. Saturday at the home of Wm. Wor-
Don't forget the Hallowe'en Social den. Acton, where he has been em-
• to be held on Friday evening, Nov. ployed for. several yea's. He was in
1st, at Mrs. Jas. Pearson's. Every- his 69th year. Interment was made
body welcome, come and bring your in Milton cemetery on Monday. More
- particulars will be given next week.
Miss Ruby Grainger returned Win. Michie Deceased. -William
Commencing Wednesday, October 16
and for 15 days only, a straight
Discount of 20
Will be given. We have a full stock of Fall and Winter
Merchandise and rather than carry it over on our shelves
we give the discount to clear it out. We have Bargains
too numerous to mention. Give us a call and compare
Men's Suits and
All new stock
20 per cent Off
Ladies' Coats
Including Northways and
several other reliable
20 per cent afF
Men's Home-
made Mitts
200 pairs, good value at
• $1.00 for
Only 65c
Silk and Wool and Ali
Wool, balance of odd lines
light and dark shades.
Regular to $L25
For 75c
French Serge
and Santoy
Regular $L65
Sale price $1.20
All Linen Tea
Regular 20c yard
Sale price 14c
Remember the 20 p. c. Discount
F. A. Hunter's
We are very glad- to be able to Enraged Bull cause of Fire : -
report that Leeward Beckett, who Mark Gaieties, of concession 3.
has been ill for sometime in a Lon- Morris Township, lost his fine barn
cion hospital is getting along nicely and all his season's drops by fire
- and will be back home shortly. Sunday night when a bull broke
Clarence Clark, 6th line wins n loose while he was doing the chores,
free trip to Royal Winter Fair at - attacked him and upset the lantern.
Toronto this year having scored After supper Mr. Gareiss went out
high points in the Junior Farmer's to finial up his work and while he
Judging Competition, at Clinton on was busy with it the bull became
Oct. 25th. enraged, and breaks g out of his
There will be asocial in the stall made a rush at rim
Mr Gar -
basement of Union United church, nils was knocked down, and had his
on the evening of Wed., Nov. Gth. leg so badly hurt that it was feared
Commencing at 8.15 p, nt. uncle• for a w2ilo that it wag broken. He
the auspices of the Ladies Aid. managed however, to eummon help
There will be a short progranune. and all the stock including the bull,
booth of home-made candy, fish was taken out safely. The fire maide
pond etc. Lunch served• such rapid progress that nothing
The many friends of Mrs. James could be done- to nava the building.
Elliott of Stratford, and formerly of The loss is placed at £:3,000, partly
the 8th con.,. is perry to learn that covered by insuranro. It was found
she is in the hospital. She recently by the doctor who attended .Ir.
le was sat broken
broke her' leg below the knee and i. Garniss that his g
knot able to bear up against the see- lot dislocated.
ere shock in connection with the we Passes Away at Georgetown :-
cident. ' The Georgetown Herald of Oct,
, Norman and Miss Beth Hoover, 16th had the following. obituary of
• -0th concession, accompanied be a former resident of -Morris Twp ;-
ears, D. McCallum attended the wed The sudden death of Mary Miehie,
• cling at Hamilton last Saturday of beloved wife of Gen'ge Martel on
Garnet •Gibson to Miss Verna Boyle, Oct. loth, after two weeks' illness
both of Hamilton. The groom is a came as it shock to herr family and
Mor -
cousin to the visitors aurid his fatherfriends. Deceased was born in
was a former resident of the 2nd line ris Township, Huro,r County, 47
of Morris. years ago and was a daughter of
A Islay entitled "Cyclone Sally," the late William Michie. In 11110 she
will be presented in the Union Un- was married to Mr.M,n•tin and has
DO Church, on Friday evening, resided in Georgetown ever since.
Nov,. 20th, under the auspices 01 the
Ladies' Aid, The play will be pres-
ented by the Young People's Society
of the Parkview, United Church,
Rev. De
Coses, lester, of the Parkview Un-
ited Church. There will also be nius-
ical numbers between acts.
The Ladies Aid of I(oe's Church
Will hold their bazaar on November
16th, in Danbar's Hall, Ethel.
Watch for tfurther annouueenett:t.
The W. M. S. of hoe's Chmr•ch
held the October meeting at the
home of Mrs. McKay with sixteen
members and two visitors present.
After the opening and oevotional ex-
ercises, Mrs. Joe, Pearson gave tt
reading on Pioneer Missionary work were slant' beautiful floral tribe- roy, of Fullerton and W, H. Pone -
hi Canada, Mrs. Grainier and Mrs, I tes. Friends from a distance pees- r•oy, of Deckerville, Mich., and ewo
Jas. Pearson also gave short read- ent were 1 Mr. and Mrs. John daughters, Met. E. H. Zeihr, of Rat-
ings, Next meeting will bo lit Mrs, Michie, J. Michie, Miss Gladys rie Mid Miss Retie of Midland., and
Joe Jaeklin's,- Sr,, en October 31st, Miehie, Saginaw, Mich. ; Mrs. Win. three sons, Marshall, of Detroit,
Mrs. O'Connor, Toronto ; Wilbert
Haw, Leonard Michie, Chas, Darby, I
Ben. ,J. Hollenbeck, Palmerston i
visited his parents, Wm. and Mrs.
Hollenbeck, 10th con. on Sunday.
J. S. and Mrs. Wright were Sun-
day visitors at the home of W. J
and Mrs. McLennan, Boundary
R. E. and Mrs. Love and family of '
Hamilton, spent the week -end at the ,
of Mr. Love's parents, W. H. an'i •
Mrs. Love.
W. E. C. and Mrs. Richards and
Miss Elizabeth Hall, of Toronto, •
spent the week end at the home of i i
George and Mrs. Ecknier. !I
David and Mrs. Sanders and fanc-
ily left for their new home near At- brilliarts. She wore tan shoes and
wood on Tuesday. The best wishes stockings. She was attended by her
of a host of friends follow them. !sister, Miss Jane McLennan who
Mrs. B. E. Hollenbeck and laugh- i wore a gown of Mae georgette trim -
tees, Doreen and Marjorie, Palmer- med with brilliants. Mr. Clifford'
ston, visited the farmer's sister, Dunbar was his: brother's best roan.
Mrs. J. S. Wright, last week •end. After the ceremony, a dainty dinner
Jack and Mrs. Mairs and Miss was served at the hone of the bride's I
Berea of Londesboro, accompanied sister, Mrs. S. Jaynes Wright. The
by Mrs. Peter Cole, of Clinton, e•roorn's gift to the bride was a white
spent Sunday at the home o, C. gold wrist watch, to tate bridesmaid '
and eh's. Hansuld.a sapphire set ring and to the grooms
Miss Jean Meisel -men, Vankough- man a set of cuff links. The happy
net, Ont., attended tin- Dunbar - couple left by motor for a short
McLennan wedding hist weer: re- !Inney'noon at Hamilton and :iia•
turning Monday to take up her !gave Falls. The bride travelled in
school duties there. is navy georgette dress ,hat of royal
Mrs. Wm. J. Laurie and children blue velvet embroidered in contrast -
of Winnipeg, have been visiting Wet lir heees. Her coat was blue broad
and Mrs. Ziegler for the past week • moth wall collar .and oars of. kolin-
ancl have returned to Brantford ky Inc. On thele return 'they will
where they will live in future. The reside nn the groom'," farm near
ladies are sisters,
Mich„ Dalton, of Port Huron, Mich.
and Carroll at home. The funeral
took place on Thursday, Oct. 10,
from the family residence to Barrie
Union Cemetery. Services were con-
ducted by Rev. J. S. Short. Pall-
bearers were her three sons, her
son-in-law, and two nephews, Harry
Love, of Barrie and Ernest Love of
Shanty Bay.
Dunbar - McLennan : - The
manse, Cranbrook was the scene
of a quiet but pretty wedding an
Saturday, October 26th, at eleven
o'clock when Earl Stanley Dunbar
and Mass Sara Elizabeth McLennan
were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony. Rev. W. A. Williams
officiated. The bride looked charm -
ng in a gown of royal blue geoget-
:e ova: mother of goose crepe, bea-
utifully trimmed with velvet and
i F;thel.
The W. M. S. of the United ! r,
Church was held at the home of CRANi3R001+
Mrs. Chas. Hansuld on Oct. 24th. A School Report.-Tlte following is
pleasant afternoon was spent in the report of Ctanbrook School for
quilting two quilts foe the societa,
September and October. Examinee
after which lunch was served. in Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Read
Anniversary services will be held fag, History, Azithtnetl, and Com -
in Ethel United Church on Sunday,,
Nov, 10th. Rev. Jas. aeobie, I3. A.os hien.--Sr. H M:rny McDonald
of Belgrave will preach mottling ''' >
Dorothy Hu t]t'r 80; Gert e
and evening.Don't forget the fowl I ride 70. Jr. I\ 1 {cc I oakdu OB.
supper to be held Monday ay evening, lir 1I rt' Hucther 01;eMuriel
Nov. 11th. McDon lel e. (;•len Huether R1;
TI M'tlrelm Mc l nosh 68; V4 illie Zeigler
i tun Peouto So, fete o
Atwnod United Church entertained fie;,\I:..7zico Cameron err; Jim Cam -
the Ethel Society last Thursday ev- Cron 50. Jr. III -Mae Fischer 75;
Cain(.. A large number from Ethel
Edith Osborn 73; Stanley Campbell
attended and all report having a Y''' ; Doris Long 67; Vida Cameron
God time. The dabat:• which feat- ,3 Jr.11-Velma Fischer 8-1; Har-
the evenings ltragrnrrmc was old Mather 7e; Kenneth McDonald
won ay the• Ethel rontestan, 76; ole McDonald GS. Ist-Jack
Gorden S5; Ivor Williams 7
Buys Out Opposition -Wm. 7.iee 'd; Char-
ley has purchased the stock of Al. lie Fis,.Inr 68. Primer --Excellent,
Hayden & Sons, and will move their \ t'rla Fischer, Jerk McDonald, Good
own stock over, but will put on a
Edna Cameron tills Alice J. For -
reduction sale first for two weeks tor eat, leacher,
make room for their large stack of �-'•�
Selwyn and Mrs. Baker were visit-
ing tit Detroit over the week end.
A dance will be held in the Com-
munity Hall on Monday everting,
Nov, 4th,
Sonia one said got your rates
-just nineteen days after the, death cleaned up fot rho ].rooting match
of her husband. Robert Love, Mrs. ].'boort+giving Day. We will.
Wilmot Love passed sway on Tues- A number from this locality at -
day, Oct. 8, 1929. Frail of hotly, tended the Liberal -Progressive meet -
she was confined to her hone for a ing held in Walton on Monday even -
number of years. She was a (levet- ing•
ed mother and wife. Her sufferings Clifford Machan, vvl,o has attend -
Besides her husband she leaves were borne with great patience and ed the plowing matches at Dlitcholl,
three children, Gordon, ,Gladys and. christiart resignation. Her life was Wingham and Hensall., was success -
Jean. She is also survieecl by her lull of sympathy^ and hell;tfulness. ftrl in winning two thirds and a
mother, one sister, Mrs. Lorne In St. Andrew's Church on Sunday fourth prize .
C e t
Young e Society hold
The 'r Pen 1 i
of v
••tt g p
'• Townsai and seven sunt athetic reference n.
Nichol, Morris rnornin
r p,
g, p
V d r. s -
their weekly meetings each \ e n
Ernest,h a
s3 y
brothers, Janrrs,Robert, and mm(ie by their mmrstrr tote p
Morris Township ; Joh:t 01 Saginaw, ing of Mr. and Mrs. Love. Mrs. day evening, The Executive have
Miele : Christopher, of Hespeler : Love was born in Fullerton, Ont. PS introduced a short recreational
William, of Acton and Thomas of yeat;s ago, being rho dunghter of the
the South Block: Deceased was a late Mr. and Mee, E. Pomeroy. Site
member of Knox Presbyterian had been a resident of Barite for 45
.ehureh and the funeral on Wednes- years, A member of the Presbyter-
iltly last was conducted by Rev. K. tan Church, she was • a regular at -
Maclean when the remains were tendant et St. Andrew's when in
interred in the Greenwood Comet- good he Ith. She is survived by two
ery. The pallbearers were : A. Tost, sisters, Mrs. H. Kargen, of Listowel
F. McNally, F. Armstrong, A. Keon, and Mrs. A. Muxworthy, of St.
H. Hamilton and N. Tuck. There Thomas;. two brothers, R. H. Pomo-
merchandise, sale starting Nov. end.
Watch for the hills.
Sisler-in-Law Passe•::--- The Tia
rie Examiner, of Oct. 171h refers ti
the death of Mrs. Robert Love, a
sister-in-law of W. H. Love. who
with Mrs Love attended the funeral
period at the close of each meeting.
All the young people of the com-
munity are invited to attend the
Report of S. S. No. 9, Grey, for
September and Ortober.-Sr. IV -
Cynthia Meehan, 81.6; Jennie Mc-
Kay 73; Howard McNaught 68,3;
Jeanie Harrison 60,3; Herbie Huff-
man 60. Jr. IV ---Dorothy Mann 88;
Lindsay Malloy 86.2; Lillian Hate
rison 81.4; Myrtle Gole 73.7; Cecil
Machan 64; Russel Cole 63.7; Mar-
shall Harrison 63; Cecii Robinson 51
Leonard Meehan 43. Jr. III ---Evert
1 Personal Paragraphs
Reeve A. 0. Backer was at the Co,.
Town on elcrndev.
.e• .•. 4.
Miss Addie Cardiff is speuding a few
days with St, Thomas friends.
'1 @s4
J. L and Mrs, Herr were visitors in
Toronto last week for a few days.
A. C. Dames returned last week
from a two week's trip to Winnipeg.
G. A, and Mrs. Deadman tetuined
to town last week after spending the
.ummer iu Merlin.
4 : ❖ ;�
F. A. Hunter was a visitor with his
sister, Mrs. James McCallum, at St,
Thomas, Iasi week.
Mrs. George Edwards has returned
from a three weeks' visit. with Strata
ford and Londnn friends4
v .
W. 3. M,,Craeken,• who is at Kit-•
chsner Hospital, is progressing tine
and will be home one of these days,
Oliver Smith hay been boss during -
he past week repairing the damage.
Anne by Lhe recent fire at Geo, Han-
fi . : 4 R•
Mr.. Lavinia Chnrebil1 hss rettrl•ned
to Stratford after spending the past
six weeks at the home of bur mother
in town,
n + .e ,:.
Gifford and Mrs. awe'hman and nen,
Andrew, of Sioux La,dcnnt. are here
nn m visit at the home of D. 0..mid,
Mrs. Bradley, tabu n,t5 epwnt blit.'
last couple of weeks with ivies. Thus.
1?e(3tegnr, eelnene1 to her house ire
Toronto on Tuesday.
�6 h r 0
Cleo. 1:. Hanley, Margaret. and Jack,
„old Mrs. ScanClehlary, (Ir",ge and
Gertrude. all of Stratford, were tecent
visitors tvit.h their parotin, Geo, and
Mrs. Hanley, Qnee„ sneer.,
Sttuclay visitors at Hie home of U'.
1'. and Mrs. Ross were Dr. den H. and
Mts. Russ and 0anghter, Barham, of
W'v'ingba,lt ; Ariel and Mrs Nehinbein,
of Listowel ; R. M. Blain, of Tal onto ;
rand Arthur and bus. Hahne:, of Sea-
fortl7, accompanied by their sorts,
1'hnrles mild Pc, Roy FIarmer and son,
• f itetroit,
Robinson 66.4; Louis Harrison 60.
Sr. It -Edith Hayward 71.0; Irma
Huffman 75.6; Bette Machan 58.3.
First -Isaac Gole 90; Charlie Har-
rison 67.5. Pruner -Eldon Munn,
Ross Machsn, Lloyd Hood, Dorothea
Turk, Stirling Hood. -:Tics Helen J.
Roy, Teacher. -
1'lsa end eh's. Andrea Ferguson,
Belgrave, Ont.,- announce the engage
ment of their only daughter, Isobel
to Ma Norman M. Geddes, son of
Dir. and Mrs, William J. Geddes, of
Belgrave, the marriage to take place
early in November.
Grand Concert :--A conceit will be
given in the Forester's hall, Bel -
grave, on Friday evening, Nov. 8th,
ander the auspices of S. S. No. 5,
Morrie. A splendid program is be-
ing prepared consisting of solos,
rcadin::•s, at short play, drills, or-
chestral and other musical select
tints. A quartette under the able
leadership of ell. F. J. Hill, Wing-
hant and others will also assist. A
cordial invitation is extended to all
to attend. Admission -Adults 25e -
and Children i6ic.
E, 1) 11 is wiring the parsonage•
for li 1ro this week.
Root. and Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. J.
Robertson tson are visiting with friende
at Chereywood and Toronto at pres-
Quite a number .from here at-
tended the anniversary services of
the United church Wingham, on
Mrs. Lillow met with a very pain-
ful accident while assisting in put --
ting up stove pipes. She stepped in-
to a stove pipe hole in the floor;
causing her to fall across the back
of a chair.