The Brussels Post, 1929-10-16, Page 6IWBON:01-SDAY, OCT. 10th, 1929.
With all the bran
of the whole wheat
The crisp, crunchy shreds of whole wheat have a delicious
flavor wheri heated inthe oven and covered with hot milk.
Here are vitamins and mineral salts and everything the body
needs for perfect nourishment. Delicious for any meal.
Who s Who in the
Central United States
The Mayflower Publishing Comp
any, of Waehington, D. C. has re-
eently publishede volume for latie
Central States, which includes At,
1nnsas, ILlinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kan
sae, Michigan, Minnesota, Missoeti,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Olt
laboma, South Dakota, Texas, and
Wisconsin. The preface of said yea
nine says that biography, especially
of the distinguished, who have rime
by their efforts to eminence and 1114:
fulness, is an inspiring and =non -
ling study. The biographies of nen
and women of mark and .achi-ve•
went are almost equivalent to gee-
pels, teaching high living, hist
thinking, and energetic actions :or
their own and the world's good, It..
object is to produce a comprehen•
sive volume of biographical sketches
of living men and women, who
through merit and achievemeet
have attained recognition in their
respective communities in the Ceti':
ral States, adapting it especially, ae
an authentic reference book, of in-
estimable value to meet the need of
banks, merchantile houses, new --
paper offices, hotels, educational in
stitutions, and libraries. The volume
will be highly prized also, as a vial: -
able addition to the library of SCOL*
of homes; treasuring within its at-
tractive binding the records of the
present generation and preserving
for prosperity the biographies of
those who did their work nobly ant!
oell. The individual gains admis-
sion to "Who's Who" in the Centre:
States only by virtue of his attain-
ments, no one can purchase his wee
into this publication. in the Cola
rill States is organized a Nomina-
ting Committee, which recommends
to the Eligibility Board convening
in the National Capital, the names
of those individuals whom they deem
worthy to represent their :tate
this book. If favorably approved li)
this board, tetch nominee is eo ad-
vised and invited to furnish his -bio-
graphical information for publace
On page 269 of aid publication
a biographical elteteh of Wile=
.MacLaren Doig, lawyer, born neat
born, near Kippen, Canada, speeial-
izing in registered pure bred catt'e.
Ile is a member of the Michigan
atate liar Association and St. Ct.::
County Bar Aesociation, a pat nme
ter of the Masonic Order for nearly
forty years a Itoyal Arch Maeoa, a
member of Eastern Star, Wham
Shrine, an Otafellow, a Rebekah.
Forester, a Woodman, a Past Grand
Mieter of the Orange Order, Prest-
dimt of the Caledonian Society arat
a .member of the Good Old Tim r'
Club at Port Huron, He le a latee
byterian in religion and a republic-
an in politica. He was married July
.23rd, 1902, to Mis Lydia Conley ;
has two children, Janet alacLartn
aged 25, and John Conley, 21, Ha.
office is in the Knill Block, 22e
Huron Avenue, and his residence at
1765 Scott Ave., Port Huron.
Mich." Mr, Doig was teacher at 1.1
S. S. No. 16, Grey and Howick, a0
pieta ago and was a school chunt
Rob, Henderson, Brussels.
...For This Week /ate
BMW Tboaghta Momorizad, will prove a
prmaleao heritage m after year%
He made of one every nation o'
men to dwell on all the face of the
earth. Acts 17 : 26.
Treasures of wickedness prot
nothing ; but righteousness deliver
eth from. death. Prov. 10 2.
I have blotted out, as thick cloud
thy transgressions, and as a cloud
thy sins, Isa. 44 : 22.
For thou wilt light my candle •
the Lord my God will enlighten me
darknues. Psa. 11:
Offer unto God thanksgiving ;
and pay thy vows unto the me:t
High. Pea. 50 : 14.
Lay open thy works to the Lore.
arel thy thoughts ehall be directed.
gippen, Canada, son or John 13.
Jnaet (Maclearem Doi a educated at
the public school and Clinton Cea1 SATURDAY.
legiate instatute. Graduated frera ' Honor thy. father and mothee.
Detroit College of Law with the ae- Eph, 0 :2.
gree of L. L. D. in 1902. Tougat
school for thirteen r•tir,, practised DAYTIME COLORS
law at Sault Ste Marie, Michienn,
Green, particulurly in Arena
from 1902 to 1919, and in PO''t
tones, like Empire, bottle and eta 'r -
Huron from 19111 until Lilo n
• aid; is the meet important daytate
_time, He owns and operate,4. Inc coor..
'homestead farm, where he wos
There are a great many ways to do a :lob of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kindsy
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way,
P. S.—We also do it In a way to save you money.
7 he Post
Publishing Douse
Meadow Moan Eats Tlitrty theme of
Green Food Evers Day.
The common. Meadow mouse Is a
hartulese-loolting little ehap, but he is
bad medicine for the farmer.
A meadow inoase eate about thirty
gram% ora little oxer au ounce of
green food every day. That mum tue
to twenty-three pountle in e year. A
'hundred mice will stow away over e,
ton of green grass or clever In a
twelvemonth. A kindred mice to an
acre le not an tiatteual number in
meadows favorable to their habite,
while in "mouse yeare" the number
has been eetimated at lima/ands to
the acre.
Mouse plagues, disastrous as they
are locally, are et minor importmuce
in composition wi s the steady yearly
drain on crops le the mice over tbo
country al 10100 111 normal yeere, says
a writer in an Ola Country attper.
Even 48 tew as tell meadow mice to
the acre on 100 acres of meadow
would take about eleven tons of grafts
or Live mut enrahalf teas of hay a
year. This number, on the 65,000,-
000 ACIvegi of hay raised in the thirty-
taight Ladled States would cause a
loss of over 3,000,00u tone of hay a
year, or Li money loss of some $30,-
V00,000 annually In hay alone.
The number of young in a litter
rangee from two to nine, and one
pair averages five to the litter, At
this tutu of increase, allowing equal
numbers or males and females, and
the young beginningto breed at forty-
six days old, the total increase teem
ono pair, if all lived and bred, would
be over 1,000,000 individuals et the
end of a year. If all were confined to
one acro of ground, this would mean
over twenty mice to every square
Aged Blind elan Took Good Care of
lox Terrier.
The love of an aged blind man
for the dog that guided his hesitant
steps during the last ten years of his
lonely life Is illustrated by the will of
Joseph Abdu, filed recently for pro-
bate. "It Is my desire," wrote the
testator, a retired newsdealer, "that
my dog be sent to a good home and
not be given to anybody on the
bloek." The old man's wish has been
disregarded, however, it was learned,
and after his death a policeman pre-
sented the animal, a fox terrier nam-
ed Nellie, to a woman in the house
next door.
Another feature of the will, execut-
ed Sept. 7, 1921, is an offer of $50
"to the person who accompanies toy
body to my grave and arranges fur
my proper burial in my own plot."
The residue of the $1,828 estate
Passes to St. Bartholomew's Church,
Fifty-nrst street and Park avenue,
New York, where Abdul was a fre-
quent worshipper. Neighbors said
that the old man lived alone with the
dog in two squalid rear rooms. Al-
though he had been unable to work
for the last eve years, they declared
he always had money enough for all
Itfia Abram a native of France,
never left home without Nellie, and
when the weather was bad he re-
mained indoors rather than subject
the animal to discomfort. He bought
an lee -box, the neighbors Said, for the
sole purpose of keeping the dog's
meat fresh,
England's Toll Gates.
There are still eighty-eight toll
bridges and fifty-five toll roads In
England. In the year 1810 five toll
bridges across the Thames were de-
clared free. A vehicle crossing Dun-
ham Bridge on the main Linceln road
must still pay 2s. for the privilege.
At Swinfard Bridge, on the Oxford
road, a farthing is charged for every
calf, swine, sheep, or lamb driven
across. Visiturs to Bournemouth
know of the charges made at Tuck -
ten Bridge, where mother must pay
a penny to take the pram across. The
motorist has to pay twopence. The
canny Scot is less willing to tolerate
these relics of the past. Anyway onis
one road toll is levied in Scotland- -
at Cannel Bridgo, Loch Etive, The
charge Is stiff, however -10s. per ca.r,
in tam. There aro quite a number of
toll bridges operating in the Province
of Quebec.
London Quiet 0' Naghts.
Have you ever stayed for a night
or so as i slid recently in the heart of
Loudon, asks "Looker-on" in the
Lorpim. Daily Chmnicle. It is luite
an experi;nee. After the thousand-
fold bande ofe day workers have tie-
parti.d, o entire aspect of Oa City is
c.har.....d, and he quietude that settles
on the rstwhile teeming streets
snakes the night a restful time. Not
many suburbs are more peaciefeff.
period of week-
eads the tranquility is even more up -
patent, and to wake up on a sunnr
Sundt* morning to a backwater of
Cita is te have the sense of being in
some littl i old-world town, instead of
it the rt-ry coreof the nlighttest
Where It Le Warm.
Our heat -ways would have to
mount raneelerably before forcing
the thertnemeter to heights such as
are registered in some other coun-
tries. At Bahrein, on the Persian
Gulf, the temperature has been
known to stay for six weeks on end
11,60V" 160 degrees in the shade, with
oceusiotial playful leaps to 12d de -
' 21' more. India possesses the
highest erasion:0 heat the record
teeter to Australia. Brisbane, thopgb
not often, fortunately, has known
what it moans to endure 130 degrees
in the shade.
Rubber Tires.
Although approximately forty dif-
ferent tire sizes aro Inanufeetured,
eighty per cent, of the sales MVO con-
flned to five sizes.
Potato Largely Water.
As solid a vegetable as a potato
contains 78 per c.ent. of water,
11 Monumental
Has a large and complete
stook of Family Memorials
in newest designs at very
reasonable prices.
()ail and see us before place'
ing your order.
Plump Qffico 520 Wingham
Houeo 256
IIHere and There
Differences lo the price of wbea
at chicit"eo and Winnipeg and re
tai -ding 01 the wheat movement in
western Canada is due to the view
of Canadian heat owners that its
good quality Justifies holding it for
higher prices while Britisb and
continental buyers believe they can
obtain their present requirements
from the Argentine and the United
States, is the explanation tff this
condition given out in a statement
recently !sailed over the signatures
of E. W. Beatty, chairman and
president of the Canadian Pacific
Railway and Sir Henry Thornton,
president of the Canadian National
Railway. Until the present im-
passe between buyer and seller is
adjusted there will be a practical
stoppage In the movement of grain
with consequent serious effects on
gross and net eareings of both tbe
rail anel water carriers.
Travelling 300 miles north of
Edmonton over the waterways
branch of the Northern Alberta
Railway to Waterways and Port
McMurray, E. W. Beatty, chairman
and president of the Canadian
Pacific Railway, accompanied by a
number of directors of the rail-
way, inspected the salt wells and
tar sand deposits of the region.
Experts of the Canadian Pacific
and Comedian National Railways
are at present examining these de-
posits which Mr. Beatty said he was
satisfied would be a great asset
do Alberta,
Delegates from the Canadien
Chambers of Commerce who have
been travelling extensively in the
west of Canada, mainly over Can-
adian Pacific lines, have through
their national committee reiterated
their stand In favor of a continu-
ance of a.sststed immigration of se-
lected British settlers of a desirable
type to Canada. .
Charles Reid, of the Banff
Springs Golf Club, won the Prince
of Wales golf trophy, famous and
coveted prize of golfdom, from a
field of 427 competitors recently.
His score was 144 net, his handi-
cap being 17. This is the first
time in the history of the competi-
tion that the cup has gone to a
Banff player, Calgary golfers hav-
ing taken it to that city on each of
the four former competitions.
Canada's reindeer industry takes
abig forward step this year with the
trek of 3,000 northern animals
from Alaska Into tbe Dominion. In
November this herd, secured by
Canada from the United States
herds in Alaska, will begin a trek
which will take 18 months and
will land the animels In 1931 an
the Arctic coast east of the Mac-
kenzie river.
Australians are "fiercely loyal'
so far es Empire Trade is concern-.
ed, and bay, for example, 98 per
cant. of their automobiles from
Canadian manufacturers, Sir James •
elurdoeli, rtember of the Legieletive
Aesembly 01 New Smith Wales, told
the Vancouver canadian Club re-
cently. Sir James brad Just re-
turned front a eross-Canath tour h
Canadian Pe'e11ic liars and wm 021
bib way bat!: to Australia,
in the river coun-
try ht 7e ti 1271 ot•:,1 y of
coVI 11 prwzresq n`
V, 1:ni 20, 0,04 (.01.
••• •
• ' n rn I 1'..1 0'
• , -
`',r • ;
t: " •
'rife controversy which has been
raging id the emeal circle at Wifsit-
beton as to Where Miss Isithel
MacDonald, daugliter of Britain's
Prime Iffinister, will sit at ()Metal
banquets while in this country is
not troubling her "so long as
there is somebody nice to talk to,"
To be able to select the best eat.
lets for production purposes, it is
,important to have the young chick,
hatched at the time of the yeer
which will allow therm under prove.
management, to make a study, Nag
emus, uniform growth. It has bee,.
found at Nappnn' that the April het
ched chickens are of more unif011:1
quality by the middle of September
1than those of May. This period oi
time of is to six and one half months
gives the birds a chance to have I
laze, vigor, body capacity and egg
However, at present, there Ine
not not been a successful meta .d
out of selecting high and low pro-
ducing pullets before commence ley
ing, but all the birds of low vitality. 1
crow headed, slow maturing and ell
type individuals, as well as thoee
with breed disqualifications. aro
culled out.
An individual, whose hpdy ,s
deep as measured from front e. f
keel to the centre of the back
gradually tapering flat sides, wedge
shape, back of good breadth carrj 1
ing its width to the bass of the tail:
good width throughout the pelva.
region and wide, full breast is orme,
that possesses both capacity a ri
egg type. Along with the propel
body conformation, the type anti 1
shape of the head has a very Me
portant part in selecting gooa
The pullet to select is one the' ,
has a head that ist clean cut, of ma-
ium length and depth, wide and
flat, the width increasing uniform:1Y
from the attachments of the beak 5-
o point directly behind the eye : the
eye should be large, bright and P1'4-
minent and the face smooth and leen,
with skin fine in texture.
By selecting birds showing a C011
bination of the above characters, we
have found at Noppan that we a..
able to pick a large percentage
of the pullets that prove to be 2,061
Four buyers at Drumbo are buy
ing turnips and shipping them to
outside points. They9 are paying
forty to fifty cents a bushel.
Income tax returns for the fits:4
1six months ef the fiscal year were
over $10,000,000 more than for
the corresponding period in 19S9.
Sir Alan Cobham has just com-
pleted another trip of 60,000 miles.
He is by all odds the king of the
air, although that fact is seller.
The Panama Canal from August
15, 1014, until the close of business,
June 80, 1928, transmitted 46,834
commercial toll -paying vessels on
which a total of 8103,307,728 'in
tolls was paid,
Five persons had a narrow escape
from destruction when 50 case,: of
dynamite were scattered around the
highway near Brockville in a colli;
ion between a truck and en :intorno
bile, but failed to explode.
justice L. A. Cannon of the Que-
bec Appellate Court, who is men -
Oohed as the successor to Justice
Mignault of the Supreme Court or
Canada, who has to retire from 01-
1 113 he has reached the age limit
of seventy-five,
Bees are a comtnon article of foo
in the diet of the American skunts
Argentina has been referred is
as "the bread basket of the world".
Not withstanding the fact tilos
male seals are called bulls and fa.
mats, cows, the young are known a,
1 The weight of whales ranges e"
the way from a few hundred pound'
to 140 or 150 tons, The heavies:
whale on record weighed 147 tons.
Rhode Island, with 666 persons to
the square mile, has a denser pope
latlon than any other state in tee
Union. Wyoming, with only two per -
eons to the square mile, is the most
sparsely populated state,
Eyes of To-day
Sevonty neople ont otevery one huudred have defective
eyesight:and it is NOT beeanse eyes are being made
"KOBER" than they wore irs Grandfatheeff day either.
Ont. preseut mode of living, with confining work, insurii•
cient exercise and two many hours spent with artificial
lighte, throws it load On the eyes which they were never
intended to (terry. As a result, more and more people
ne&rthe comforting help of Glasses for 0)05 which have
been ovee-worked,
Do not put off giving your eyes the attention they deserve.
11 18 inore than likely they need it NOW.
[ The Car Owner's Scrap -Book
y the Left Hand Monkey Wrench)
Accessories aed tools used for re
pair work should be Cleaned and re-
turned to their proper places an
mediately after the job is complet-
ed. This will avert delay when fl•
ture work is planned.
The life and mileage of a car—lre
increased if the vehicle has a thoia
ough check-up every six months,
and now is the time to give it a com-
plete overhauling to meet the
strains of chilly fall weather. If vib-
ration is the most annoying trouble
see that the belt holding the en-
gine -clutch -transmission unit to the
frame are perfectly tight. Some-
times the fan is out of balance, due
to the bending of its blades. Leek -
age of gas may oppress one of the
cylinders and cause it to give im
pulses that are weaker than the
others. It is well to see that nothing
about the car is loose and thus 2an
be set shaking so as to exaggerate
the engine vibration. It has beer.
found that a bent driving sheat,
misalignment of wheels, loose top.
loose fenders and other causes may
make the car vibrate.
Motorists should frequent!)
make for test proper light focus now
that the hours of daylight are or.
the decrease. Place the car on a
level space facing a wail. Mark a
horizontal line on the wall, which
line shall be the same height from
the ground as the centres of the
lamps on the car. With lights Tr
and both lenses installed, cover one
lamp to shut off the light and 11.102'0
the sere* or device in the other
lamp, which regulates the positive
of the bulb, =tit the narrowest her-
izontal beam of light shone; on tae
wall. Then perform the same aper
ation with the other lamp. 411-favitte
focused the lamp, lift or bend el -5
lamp until the top of the beam is 1.n
higher than the "lamp level line" tot
-the wall.
Careless Driving Causes Waste
Careless driving will rause m PT -
cess consumption of fuel and "n" -
less wear on the moving parts or
the car. Here are few of the bed
habits t
Letting the oneene run at high
speed while idling in traffic.
Driving too long in first and in
second gear before shifting te
Ravine: the engine in strung alien
waiting for the traffic! "Go" eigroa.
Uneven acceleration — that ja
stepping on the accelerator u.nstral-
Allowing brakes to drag. This
wastes gasoline and wears out
brake linings.
Dashing up to a stop street aad
then jamming on the brakes. This is
hard on a car and is a dangerous
' Driving with fouled spark plugs,
This wastes about 20 to 25 pal
cent. of the gasoline used for every
plug that is out of commission.
Steering and braking are affect -
ad by soft tires.
Sticky valves and a lean mixture
makes a poor combination, and of-'
ten a dangerous one.
To stop suddenly places a strain
on the body of the car, loosening
and weakening the chassis, springs,
wheels and top.
Oil falling on the fan belt or tl:o
fan pulleys will cause the belt :s
slip with the result that cooling ef.
ficiently will be greatly reduced.
The eye strain caused by reflee.
tion of rays of the sun on nickel
parts in front of cars can be elirMn.
ated by frosting the surface with
metal polish.
The stoplight should be in treed
working order at all times. The op -
crater in the car in the rear watch-
es this more than he does an !trot
Serape off all the carbon before
grinding and removing valves in the
cylinders. Otherwise some of ti.e
particles may lodge under the vet-
ves and cause them to seat poorly.
Due to head winds, a car does et t
need a fan so much when travellims
at 35 to 40 miles an hour. An et -
gime needs more air when eubjeciael
to a heavy pull or going at a fairly
low rate of speed.
A sheep can be told its age by it -
The weight of an elephant at birth
ranges from 100 to 200 pounds. '
The district of Columbia conta:oe
more than 7000 persons per square
Capablanea scored his ninth vie
tory in the chess tourney- at Ber-
celotes Spain. Many ISuropeeser
Ore in the contest,
The historic Jubilee curling tro-
phy was destroyed by fire in Ore:
sten, Quebec, Tuesday night. Vs:.
osp was melted in the Clubhouse
7 ,
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per ib. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited