The Brussels Post, 1929-9-25, Page 1j
,VOL 58 NO 15 02.00 per annum in advance
1 .4:i s .4"'3 14!' .'* m:. +444 1r r :4. N� .4.4 4 444+ i"444.4'44Ww t Tai" -.;.:M.
The Surroun4.
ding District ._.
bn a reerteent/e a eleletettfette++'s ++i» ++++4. ia: +4 l+t .3.4 :.4.++.: tefre4el a ,+44 I•,a
CRANBROOIC and a social time spent, The October ;
Sunday services at the Presbyter- meeting will be held at the home of f
ian,church. 11 a.m, Rally Day Ser- Mas. Carl Procter.
vice of Sunday School and'Congrega- ,
Con. 7.30, Young Peoples Society. W R'OXE TER
Miss Evelyn Huether chairman; Miss Wroeter School ale prize list on I
Forrest, speaker. page 7 of this issue, - I
• Cranbrook Cemetery is being fixed Rev, H. and •Mrs.Bolingbroke I
at the cost of 3800. The Com nittce ' spelt Wednesday in Listowel, I
would be very pleased if those. in- I Wm. Robinson, of Clinton, was a
terested in the work would send in 1 Sunday visitor in the village. ;
their donations to Rev. Mr. Williams. 1 Miss Daisy Stocks has gone to '
-^ ---�e• :I London to attend Normal School,
GORRIE I ,Tne. Munro and Thos.. Gibson have
Next Sunday will be rally day for i returned to Toronto to resume their
`the Sunday, School of the United t medical studies.
Church and one week later miniver- ' Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Armstrong,
sary services are. being held, and son, David, of London, wlso re- ,
Rev. H. H. Savage, the noted radio I cantly returned from a'trip tc Ire -
preacher of Pontiac, Mich., 'address- land, visited old friends in the vil•-
ed an, audience in the United church I loge last week.
on Monday night, which pricked the I Mrs. Colby and son, of New Haven
building to the doors and turned ; Conn, are guests of the former''s sis-
hundreds away. Possessing an un- i ter, Miss Bella McDowell who will
usual personality, a rare command accompany them on their return home
of rhetoric and language and a land spend the winter months there.
powerful delivery, Dr. Savage gave a I Anniversary services were held in
colorful and forceful sermon lasting l the United church on Sunday. Rev.
an hour and a half, holding the con- 1 James Pedley, of Toronto, a very
gregation spellbound. Eis graphic il- , clever speaker, gave two excellent
lustrations from homely incidents in . ;addresses. Ideal weather prevailed
daily life and his fund o9 ready I and the attendance at both services
anecdotes, drive home points with ! was large. The service at Salem was
great force to all who hear hien. As Iwithdrawn,
he is to speak in Brussels on Friday, I "'a
residents should be on hand early to , MORRIS I
hear him. Visiting clergy from j Council met. 011 Monday at the
Wroxeter, Winghani and rearrlston , Tow hahip Hun. '
were on the platform, I Many attended the School Fair at '
0- "- t Belgtave on Tuesday.
BELGRAVE I We are soil y to hear that Mrs,
The September meeting of the • Peter McDougall, boundary, ender•
Belgrave Branch of the Women:i In- ' ed a stroke (timidity evening. She has
stitute was held at the home of Mrs. ; been in poor health for the past year
W. H. Armstrong, Morris, and was.°1:1414.
well . attended. This meeting was ; or (rat your name on the Vetere List,
e Lamlehonoring the grandmothers of the Tnwg el p Hall,ltaOctober 1
o ni2th,tlto
community and a varied prnjram i place or remove names for the coming
was carried out, several grancimoth-Ontario election. Last day of appeal
ers taking part in the program The : is Om. 9th.
President, Mrs. Carl Procter was in 'rORMieR 8F811WNT PASSES - The
charge of the meeting which was op-' Blyth Stapdard refers to the ptd`ssiug'.
ened in the usual manner. After the of 0 former resident of this township : i
business of the meeting was conclud- , -Miss Janet Craig and her sister, Mrs. !
ed, the following program was en- Wm. Bernard, attended the funeral of
joyed: Reading by Mrs. Michie; a' their sister, the late Mra. elaegaret,
paper by Mrs. J. VanCamp; a talk ' Howell, in Lockpoi, N. IYv, on Sahli -
on ``Pioneer Life in the early Days" i day. eilrat.ngbter ofs the Iall was the
was given by Mrs. Geo. Procter; an , es i
instrumental number on the rano by(Jr"rig' of Morris, She was married to
p Herman H. Hnhvell in December. 1882, i'
Mrs. Jas. Taylor; a vocal solo by Mrs.and went to Akron, Ohio, where they
Jas. Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. lived for tem years, moving from;
Jas. Taylor at the piano; a reading ; there to Lockport tubera she remained I
by Mrs. J. Taylor. Several old time , until her death, She left to mourn ;
a:horuses were also sung. The Roll her loss, besides her husband, two
Call was answered by a humorous sons, Jennie and John, of Lockport ; I
joke and this part of the meeting also one daughter, `lire. At time J.
was quite interesting. The riveting Reit'llavt, of Buffalo, N. Y. She is al -
was brought to a close by the. sing- se survived by three sistere, namely. :
ing of the National Anthem. The Janet 0t', 131yt1 ; Mrs. Annie
hostess assisted by Mrs. Joe. Clegg Bernard, Morris, and Mrs. `1'h"mas
and Mrs. J. Anderson, served lunch 1Vnlsh, Bel gl;ave. There ate four
brothers-John,1W(Ilinnl and James,
' of AIneris, and Robert, Blyth -as well
as nisee8 and nephews le Hi millCol-
i nibble., On Wein and New York ; also
' eight errandfhildvon and nee great
, r. n n k net, The 0rk-
ua d hild i L c Leek -
?Union -Sun paid "'hefnne•itl f
t r a
t t 1
I ablargarel. Howell %vas held Saturday
afternoon from her hrnte, Irving SG.,
• at 2 80 o'clock, Bev Eversley 8, herris
ollleiat ing. The hearer- were Albert
Seshier, Ilenry Zimn1ermtut, John
Morrie, Fred. 1Vright, John Collins
and Clarence Campbell, Intertneut in
Cold Springs cemetery•"
e . .
At Wroxeter
\'Vill Open on
Monday, October ltti
Cider Mills
The Case
The Girl
of breathless interest in which
an amateur investigator' solves
a 'baffling problem in re unique
Bursting with action, incident
and adventure -a typical Ran-
dall Parrish tale of hand-to-
hand ;battles between strong
men, blood -quickening exploits
and the romance of heroism
and love.
Alin on F. and Mrs, Smith 81)805
Sunday with Robert. and Mrs. Mus-
Gordon Mundell left for Stratfn,d
this week where he will attend Nor-
mal Scheel.
H. and 11rs.IllcOall Winghain, spent
•Sunday" et the home of W. J. and
Airs. Doff.
Mrs. Vernon Higgins, of Tnronti•,
isa hnlidt.y l'181 101' with her sister,
Mie. Cloine Higgins.
Me. and Miss Wallace of 'Further.).
were Sunday visitors with Miss Mary
Doff and Mrs. Aitkin.
Harold and birs, Prnrte• tend Airs.
.1, lin Ralph Were similny vieitn18 at
n8. tt •ti..
home U
1 he home
Leslie and Airs, O'Connor,of T1; or -
flirt ate visiting wit h Mrs. O'Connor's
(unsin, Mrs, Robt. Musgrove.
Mrs. J. J. Elliott, of Winglunm,
spent Wednesday. afret•nonn at the
lhonie of W. J. and Mre. Duff.
Gaullism spending a
Afro. Chas, H, Gat 1 1'f , endo
1 g
couple of weeks tat'Ve'.Loll NIA with
her daughter, Mee, J. P. Scott.
Reuben F. Garniss made a business
trip to Sea forth on Wednesday. He
was Itcr0mpanied by Airs. Ga rniss,
hiss. Wilbur Mathes and two cl,it-
dren, of Guelph are flpending a few
days with George and Mrs. Maniere,
x. and Mrs, la's Moffatt and rites
Alnrgnret. (+nrniss and Allan OR 1•11448
spent the weekend at Kingsville and
West. L0ene.
Quite a number from this neighbnr-
hood attended the field day sports in
connection with to 'tVinghanl high
school nn Piidey afte1001111.
Mies Jessie Hoboes and Miss Daley
Helmer have returned home alter
sp.ending00rile 1110)1)118 wit ll friends
in Rrlinlfo'd and other points.
Gen. 3'aleru,er, who 11118 been (Ming
frontier Missionary work in the
West dueller the 1ntnl0ter month,' is
8nendine n Few (lave with his brnlhees
Will and D..3'. le'alcofe• before return.,
ing 50'I'nr11nto to mond college.
Earl and Mfrs. Uuderwnnd and little
Jaek, and John and Mt•e. F1n0ke•irlp0
motored 10 Waterloo 011 Phtn'sday
and spent the day with Mts, Thomas
New AdverlIsenenta
Pure Honey -W. A. Cunningham
A nnlve eery --81h e1 Presbyterian Church
Oar iiR salt lirassels Unrnlere, Club
,lontlers wanted Wuwnslh ii of 510(515
An1'Ik, xle $drvay Huatsr
Auction Sale 06as Liable
Well Paper 1r Itsmith
Hamm t.ounty Proud.' hatch
Sittings or nr.vleing OSeeere-it. le, Lewis
Mare for se a-Teh old 1f, Her
Spar lot : lelephor e.( 508
For 'a a 11 a ,r ,rler e
Pl D
lh +Jno t o "n gra 8.10. i
Marc lost kno'• eesda. wbtghnm
Pies for salo J.O. Beckett
MP's. Joseph Smith and little eon
spent Friday with Mrs. Smith's par.
encs, Jumee and Mrs, Kearney,
Raymond Elliott and A. D, Smith
motored L0 Fre'Lnn an business re-
garding the steal b•trn that Mr, Elliott
rs'having erected to replace the barn
recently destroyed by fire.
W. Harrison, Geo, Robertson, Alex.
Mann and It, ttlollagger't attended the
W. F. 0 Oonvsntion at tVinghanl as
delegates from illonerieff Ferurers
Quite a nurnber of people in this lo-
cality have the whooping cough.
Rally Day Services at Victoria Hall,
Jamestown, on Sunday, Sept. 29t11, at
8 o'clock. Rev. A. W. Barker, of
Brussels will give an address. Every-
body welcome.
Christian Eckmier, who ie under the
doctor's care at the home of his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Irwin, ie in u very weak con-
dition and little hope is entertained
for his recovery.
Glenn, the 4•1nonths-old sons of John
and Mrs Snell, has been critically i11
during the past week. Mrs. Snell and
children have been at Ethel for some
time to be more convenient to have
the immediate attention of doctor and
Many from the township attended
School Fell' at Ethel on Monday.
The W. Al. S. of Roe's Church will
held their Annual bazaar on Nov.
Miss Ruth McAllister, Tornnto, re-
turned after spending' a week at her
parental home, Robt, and Mrs. Me-
Mr. and Alas. Vogen, of Mildmay,
visited in Grey nn Monday and to, k
in Ethel School Fair. Rasa Vegan•
teacher of S. S. No. 4, Grey, is their
Wm, Jacklin, 4th line. went to Kit-
chener Hospital where he underwe,ht
a successful operation for hernia and
xpeets to return horse in the course
of 0 f, w dal s.
WILL Hot) SALE : Harvey Hunter
holding a clearing auction sale at
his farm 9,h con., 00 Saturday of this
week, Full list is published in an-
1.ther column.
Willie Beiv ies, It pupil of Duke's
School. S S Nn. 6, scored the highest
number of points in awards at Ethel
School raft• and won the silver cup, a
speelal prize.
The township crasher commenced
operations at the Vodden gravel pit
last week, and as there is much repair
work on the roads needed it will be
roaming for some time.
e t
Judge Lewis will hold aemn a
the township t ball Ethel, o, Oct. ]1Lh
to hear cnu rlainte or appeals 1111 Grey
Voters List for the Ontario election,
Last day for enrttflainla is Qct. Sth.
CARD OF TEASES -We wish to tike
this opportunity to thank the many
friends and neighhnra for the kindness
'drown in our recent bereavement.
They were much appreciated by us
and shall long be rentetnhered
RROADyooT Feeney
A resioent of Grey driving in the
ordinary way on the road between
Walton and Brussels, with swamp
lands of either side s, reports seeing a
pair of deer and also a pot ermine cross-
ing the roadway. This wee rather
unique as both species are exceedingly
rare in this part of the country.
A CORRECTIONS i-Robt. and Mrs.
McAllister attendetTthe Golden Wed-
ding anniversary of Gen, and Mrs. Mc-
Allister, Guelph, last, Monday, Alts.
Sangster and Mrs,' McKenzie acclnap•
aided thein. Airs, A. E. McKenzie, of
Winnipeg, opent a few days in Grey
r'Imewi..g rrld arquaintauee8. She be-
ing a daughter of the late Robt. and
Alre, McAlliotet'
The W. M. 8. of Roes Church held
theirSaPtenler meeting at the hone
of Aire. A. Bain. There were sixteen
members and seven visitors present,
Meeting opened with singing and the
i 11 Mrs. Jas.
Lorre Prayer in nose 1 .
Pearson rend the scripture Ireton and
Mrs, Bain the devotional len flet. A1,'.
nI lor lead Rends
s were
given by .Airs, A. 12nynurd, bL•s. Joe
Peat son and Vera Conner. Three of
the glees sang a chorus. November
113 was the date set for the bazaar and
a shower or towels will be given at
the Oct. meeting which will beat the
Mane of Mee. R, McKay.
Prnvrartrt Govh :-On '1'hur8ciay ev-
ening last, John Breadfruit, it well
known fume'. passed away in bis 90th
year after a (111155 sickness. Deceased
was born in 'l's k1(l'senl 111 Township in
1841 and wag the third son of the late
,Limes and Janet Morrison Broad foot.
When only a lad he earns to Mnrris
Township with his elder brothers, Jas•
and Robert to the 0th line, and wee
the last of the pioneer •sat llel a, With
the exception of a few years in
Kansas, he spent 0108t of his life 1n
Brussels and victnity. U1 1860 he was
married to Mary McNaughton, who
passed away leaving 2 daughters and a
son (Mrs. (Dr.) Watson, Brantford ;
P1010 es M„ of Luuenberg, N ;8 , tend
Mrs, D. Stewart, Woodstook, N 13.)
'The deceased again married in 1888 to
Iielen Ronald, who died in 1020; leav-
inte one son, Walter, on the 15th con,
Grey. The late Mr. 13reaarred is elan
survived by two sisters, Mrs, Jesse
Gar of Salt
45c per cwt.
Car Qiicake Meal
Car Feeding Molasses
To arrive during
Farmers' Club
Phone 46 Brussels
Relate of Dakettt ; and Mrs. Margaret
N ebb, late of 3eaforth. The funeral
was held on Monday afternoon from
his late residence and .the service 0865
conducted by Hew. bit'. Maines, of
Duff'e Churrb, Walton. The mill -
bearer; were : A Hislop, J. Hislop, T,
Welker, le. W. Nuhn, Andrew Sloan,
and W. 1V. Shaldie , t2.1r, and HUs.
D. Stewart and James Broadfoot were
here to attend the funeral, The fain.
ilyl have sympathy of the community
in their bereavement.
Hunter of Concession 10, Grey town-
ship lost his large barn, season's crepe
and implements Friday night in a fire clerks sonic
which is believed to have been caused
J. L. IERR, Proprietor
to eteletea =te;, eteteteierw s eses x pryw tees re
V ^I
a Rt
Alneversary Services
will be helclon
y Preacher Rev. 13,13. Ledin gham
Services at 2.30 and 7.3(11,, m.
To be followed on
Tuesday, Oct. 8th
By a
fowl Supper & Esitertain�lent
s Everybody come to this
6 pick of the season treat
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Supper read at 6 o'clock
$° Rev, W. A. Williams, Pastor
i.301.Vi°dt7VADIuRLR/'dt"at3:'5-312t'cr1Har31`dt'dtr'e-Di ra
time later it was sug-
hy spontaneous combustion. bit, Bested that they go to a dance in
Hunter was away on business neat Monitton,
Listowel, and when the family was I
having supper, flames weref.l suddenly 1 ETHEL SCHOOL
seen shooting from the roof. In a'lQss ETHEL y�r.R41
few minutes the whole building was 1
ablaze. By h.u•d work the horses and
cattle were saved, but everything else
including a new binder was destroyed.
The barn had recently been complete -
Iv overhauled. The lose is placed at
58,000 and is partially covered by in-
sure rice.
The F. H. Brown Medicine Co.
Show is on at Dunbar's Hall, which
is well filled each night..
Mrs. 'Snell and children returned
home Tuesday after spending some
days at the parental home, nursing
a sick child.
The ladies of the community are
invited to call and see the display of
Fall coats and dresses including
children's coats, on Thursday of this
week at Wm. Ziegler's store.
Ethel School Fair on Monday was
well -attended. Ideal weather pre-
vailed and everybody had a pleasant
time. Each and all taking part ac-
quitted themselves very creditably.
Sunday Services in the Presbyter-
ian church: 2.30 Sunday School and
congregation join in Rally Day Ser-
vices. 7.30, Young People Sec
iety. ' Topic to be taken by Hector
Mrs. (Rev.) Archibald, of London
was a recent visitor with Mrs. Hugh
Ritchie and r¢. Drager, el
were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
L. Drager.
Peter and Mrs. Gardiner of Lon-
don, spent Sunday with P. and -firs.
Edward and Mrs. Bogen and Mrs.
John McDonald of Detroit and Wind-
sor, called or ,friends in Walton on
William and Mee. Hoggarth, Miss
Annie and Bruce of London, vete re-
cent visitors at the home or James
and the Misses Simpson,
Fred end Mrs. Rutledge and fam-
ily left to spend a couple of weeks
in Grafton. Garnet Batten, of Mon
.kton, is supplying at the C.P.K. de-
• pot in Mr. Rutledge's absence.
• Rev. Mr. Connor, of Kipper., sup-
plied in the pulpit in Duff's United
church, Sunday rnorreing, while Rev.
W. J. Maines preached anniversary
services at Hills Green United church
- The annual Harvest Thanksgiving
service was held in St. George's An-
glican church on Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Jones of Gerrie, eon
c t
the service and special music render-
ed by the choir and a very large
crowd attended.
Killed in Auto Crash. - S
• Anticknap, ego ot .. of . c
t. Catharines
teller in the Imperial Bank at Listow-
el, bound for a dance in :Monkton
with three companion, was almost
' instantly killed Monday night when
I the car In winch he was riding left
,the road, net fu
•fron the town of
Listowel, struck a wire fence a11a
Iturned over. The unfortunate youth
was pinned underneath the wreckage
and when extricated was dead, pre-
; smnably froshock ltd possible in-
tornal initnim es. One of itis con-
' pmlinns. Edward ('fed) Clerk of Lis-
towel, driver of the car, is in the Lis-
! towel Memorial Hospital with slight
cuts about the atmos and lege, but is
not in a serious condition. The other
two, Norman Tilker', teller in the
Bank of Commerce in Listowel, and
Lawrence Perrie, teller in the Bank
of Commerce, Atwood, escaned ins
jury. The accident occurred about
10,30 o'clock in front of Twanlcy's
farm, a• short distance from the town
of Listowel, on the Monkton high-
way. Young Clark had been work-
ing until about 9.30 o'clock in the
evening, but meeting the tlu'ee bank
Willie Biernes Wins Trophy With 82
Prizes - No. 10 Wins 1st in the
School Chorus and Also First in
School Parade- Jean Fronklin
Makes the Best Speech.
Ethel School Fair had a fine day
on Monday for their annual fair and
a good crowd was present throughout
the afternoon. There were three con
testants for Public Speaking and six
boys entered the live stock judging
contest. In the School Parade No.
10 Won first; No. 11, 2nd; and U. 23.
S. No. 4, 3rd. No. 10 also won the
School -chorus and U. S. No. 4, was
2nd, and No. 6 third.
Following is a list of the prize
GRAIN-Spring wheat, _Marquis, 1
quart, Marwood Smith; spring wheat
Marquis, sheaf, Mer and Smith, 1;
Jim Smith, 2; Ralph Ps -arson '3; Stew
art Brown, 4. Oats, O.A.C., No 1.14
quart, Fred Keifer, 1; Velma Ham(1•
tan,2; Alex Cullen- 3; Irene Willis 4.
Oats, O.A.C., No. 144, sheaf, Fred
Keifer, 1; Velma Hamilton, 2; Gro.
Pearson, 3; Hugh Pearson 4. B.n•ley
' O.AC No,
1 sheaf, Normen
henaon 1. Sweet
corn. GaI
ea Ban-
- tam H. Keifer 1; Allison Sle it,ht hem
2; Dehner Dilworth 3; Jean Sang-
ster 4. Mangold-, Giant white sugar,
Wnt. Rock, 1st; Doris Muir 9. Tur-
nips, Canadian Gem, Charlotte San-
ders, 1; Nelson Sleightholm Stuart
McInnes 3. Bets, Detroit Dark Fed,
Stanley Wilson, 1; Joe Baker, 2;
Myrle Wilson 3; Dorothea Spence 4.
Carrots. Chanterne, Jean Stewart 1;
Josie Pearson 2; Jack Mintier 3;
Jean Pearson 4. Parsnips,Hollow
Crown, Edith Kreuter 1; Clifford
Beirnes 2• Della McInnes 3; Gladys
Ward 4. 'Onions, Yellow Globe Dan-
vers, Willie Beirnes 1; Myrtle Sav-
age 2; Muriel Hackwwell 3; Dorothy
Dilworth 4. Winter wheat, any var-
iety. • Allison Sleightholm 1; Fred
Keifer 2; Willie Beirnes 3; Marjorie
Brown 4. potatoes, Irish Cobblers,
Willie Beirnes 1; Gordon Wats, 2;
Tack Dunbar 3; Carl Glimmer 4.
Green Mountains, Willie Beirnes 1;
Nelson Sloightholna 3. School Col-
lection of vegetables, No. 10. Pie
Kenneth laPe 1 ; Ross
2; Stuart Brown 3; No.
name, 4. Hubbard Squash, Halbert
Keifer 1; Willie Bierne. 2.
FLOWERS-A,ter:, Grace Speir-
nn 1; ;Hazel Lucas 2; Olive Ha kwell
3. Phlox,
Marjorie Blownn 1; Jessie
calton 2. Zinnia, Myrtle W.on 1;
Pearl Baker
2; Kenneth Kronor 3.
Celeudula, Archie -Campbell I.; Stan-.
ley Wilson 2; Pearl Baker 3. French
Marigolds, Grace Spence 1; Lloyd
Speiran 2. Salpiglossis, Elmer Slei-
ghthohn 1; Edith llerauter 2. (,aillen-
din, Fred Keifer, 1. Dining room
table bouquet, Bob Currie 1; Muriel
HackwelI 2; Carnnata Bolter, 3.
FRUIT Northern Spy apples,
Myrie Wilson, 1; Jean Pearson ..
Gordon Ward, 3; Muriel Rockwell
4. Basket assorted fruit, Halbert
Keifer 1; Marjorie Brown 2; Doro-
thea Spence 3; Grace Spence 4.
Poultry ---Barred Rock Cockerel,
Fred Keifer 1; Halbert Keifer 2;
Beverly Mitchell 3; Archie Campbell
4. Barred Rock pullet, Halbert Kef-
fer 1; Bobby Mitchell 2; Olive Hack -
:well 3; Muriel Hackwell 4. White
Leghorn Cockerel, Jean Pearson 1;
Geo'ge Pearson 2; Hugh Pearson 8;
Ralph Pearson 4. White Leghorn
pallet, George Pearson 1 ; Jean
Foarson 2; Lloyd Noy, 3; Hugh Pear-
son 4. Pi•, Ducks, Della Melones 1;
Stuart McInnes 2; Ross Cunningham
▪ if.503 (-Widteret^,M?xtP+t6tKIZI Er,
' .t
S 4 noey
pyour a:
; get thein filled with
rP Pure Honey at
WA C un.n' >!ngham
R. R. 2, Brussels
3t`d't`»'aci"v rt`�72tii'7i3tw'?i`�18io9t2r$t`�isl°dt^mi�1 u,
5c. per Lb.
Personal Paragraphs 1
Mr:s, Robb. Pierson and Master
Donald ale holidaying at Port Elgin.
Mrs. H. H. Sullivan and Master
Billy of Mount Hope, are visiting In
h e. P
Miss Mar jory Campbell; of Sea -
forth, was a week end visitor at her
hone here,
l Malcolm Black has been tinder the
t weather during the pa.t week and
confined to the house,
1 Jack Warwick,• of Gary, hfd„ is
• :;pending lois holidays with his par-
ents, J. D. and Mrs. Warwick,
Brussels Fall Fair -Thursday anu
Friday, Oct. 3 and 4:
Foot races for the boy: and girls.
The Blyth Brass Band, 24 strong,
will supply the music on Friday after
There will a horse shoe pitching
contest, with three prizes $10, $6 and
Three speeding events: -9.2b trot
or pace; 2.30 trot or pace; and a
local trot or pace.
Besides the big list of prizes offer-
ed in the prize list there are also 20
special prizes offered. See list on
page 5 of this issue.
The Silverware rware donated by the T.
Eaton Co., for best Beef herd. is on
exhil:ition at the window of Reeve
Baekers office.
D. M .M.Tavish, Secretary, or Jas.
Burgess, President, ran give you all
the information required, and A. C.
Backer looks after the speeding
On Friday evening at the Town
Hall, the Ianic Male Quartet will give
a program of 21j. house. Reserved
Seat plan opens at Alien's Drug- Store
on Saturday, Sept. �..2ht,r.
Three prizes are offered for best
appearing school in Brussels and vic-
inity. All pupils etre s.dmitt.r: free
to grounds, if they march from Vic-
toria Park at 1 o'clock on Friday af-
; H. L. and Mrs. Ta•'kson -are at -
1 tending the. Tirkrt Agents Associ-
ation Convention at Poet Arthur.
I 'Fred Lowry, of Port . Huron, ire
spending a' few days in town at the
I home of his brother, W. A. Lowry,
Jno. Duncan has been confined
to his bed since last week. His old
friends hope for a change for the
• ee
I Geo. W. Pepper, of London, and
a former old boy of 9th eon. of
. Grey, was a visitor in town last
Mrs. Griffin, of Winghant, and her
daughter, Mrs. A. Wilford, of Wind-
sor were calling on old friends on
' Blyth Standard :- Mies Lulu
Proctor, of Brussels, visited her -cou-
sin. Miss Madeline Bell, Tuesday of
this week.
3; Ralph Pearson 4. 1 doz brown
eggs, Mildred Biernes 1, Hallo rt Kef
far, 2; Della McInnes 3; Archie Camp
bit11 4; 3hrie Wilson 5. 1 doe.. white
eggs. Clarence Lucas 1; Jean Pear-
son 2; George Pearson 3; Stuart eee-
Innes 4; Alan Hamilton 5.
STOCK --Agricultural volt- -Hugh
Pearson 1 ; S. Cunningham 2 • hoes
Ounningbam 3; Ralph Pearson 4.
Beef calf, Ross Cunningham 1; Nel-
son Slei•rhtholn 2. Dairy Calf, W.
I3nern, s 1; Allison Sleighthonn 2;
Clifford I3eirnes 3; Stanley \V on •1.
halter broken colt, Marjorie Drown
1; Stewart Brown 3; Estelle Cunn-
ingham 3; Hugh Pearson 4. ::alter
broken calf, Willie erne- 7• Alli-
son Sleightholm 2; Clifford Beirnes
R; Nelsen Sleightholm 4. t nkat
lamb, Willie Beirnes 1; Isabel Turn-
bull 2; Ina Turnbull 3; Clifford
Beirnes 4.
BAKING - School lunch, 'Helen
Corr* 1; Ross Cunningham 2; Es-
tella Cunningham i Iruth 1','ulklin
4. Oatmeal cookies Mergarea Maker
1; Grace Speiran 2; Helen Currie 8;
Jean Meehan 4. Layer cake• Jessie
Pearson 1; Della McInnis Jean
Polls 3 IIIarjorie Brown lemon
tarts, Jet ie Pearson 1; Helen Dos-
jardine 2; Jean Pearson .3; Mw r"e Wil
son 4. Vegetable salad, Dorothy
Spence 1; Helen Currie 2; brace
•Spence 3; Myrle Wilson 4. Cream
fudge, Dorothy Dilworth I; Helen
Cox 2; Margaret Pearson ;t; Myrtl
Wiloan 4,
NG -Handmade holder; Jratr
Meehan 1; Muriel HackwelI 2; Edy-
the Speiran 3; Olive HackwelI 4.
Dust rap, Jean Pearson I ; Margaret
Pearson 2; Jean Stewart 3; Norman
Speiran 4. plain apron, Jean Pear-
son 1; Della McInnes 2; Jessie Pear-
son 3. Luneh cloth, Della McInnes
1; Jean Pearson 2; Myelo Wilton 3.
foot ruler, George Pearson 1; Hugh
Pearson 2; Alex Cullen 3; Jack Dun-
bar 4. Any model in wood, Alex.
Cullen 1; Ralph Pearson 2; Hugh
Pearson 3. Scrap Book, Gordon
Leslie and Mrs. O'Conner, of
Thorold were visitors in Brussels on
Saturday. They were former resi-
dents of town.- -
F. W. and Mrs. Wigg, of Seeforth,
and Miss A., Wallace, of Clinton,
were visitors on Sunday with J. L.
and Mrs. Kerr.
se ee
Fraser Strachan, who is attending
the College in Chicago. was a visit-
or in town this week with relatives
and old friends. -
.Mrs. Thos. Davidson is away to
Toronto and will spend some time
looking after a friend who is not en-
joying the best of health.
Miss Edith Willis, R. N., who has
been spending her vacation with
friends here will ret•:rn to hes pos-
ition at Tarrytown, N. Y. next •week.
Miss Beadle, R. N. of Stratford,
and a • former nurerein-train ng at
Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. has
been visiting with Miss Elva Oliver.
se se es
James 11. Broadfoot, of Lunen-
burc N. 3. was renewing old ''riend-
ship; in town. He was railed to at-
tend the funeral of his father, the
late John Broadfoot.
.• - +
Miss Beta Lowry, of London, On-
tario, • nd Frank Tursill I A., of
Osgood(' Hall, Termite, were v:;itors
with Mrs. Ida Lowry and other
friends an Saturday lust.
• s y•
-Mrs. Gen. Barker, who has spent
some time visiting with her family in
the West. •arrived home on Monday
accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
Robe. Fairless, of Winnipeg.
ee '. '.
Manager Henley of the ;loyal
Bank. Aylmer, with Ilei,. Hanley and
their two sous P 1, si-l'ilding a few
days of the fol ora r s vaeatiot with.
lois parents, Geo. and Airs, Hasley.
Ward, 1; Jack Dunbar 2; Dori, Muir
3; Wm. Machan 4. Artificial flowers
Ruth ranklin 1.
CioiFfECTIONS.--10 Worst. Weeds
V'nl. Reines 1; Archie Caunpbell 2,
10 Native weds, Wnl, Beirnes 1;
Archie Cann,bell 2. From trop seeds
Wm. Vm. Beirnes.1; Pearl Maker•.
Edythe Saeiron 1• .can Meehan 2;
1 1 Itch u
Jinn Smith, 3; Lloyd Speiran .1. "The
Land of Nod", Gladys Wald, 1; Doro
the- Dilworth 2; Ada Wardlaw 3;
Grace Sangster 4. "A Wet Sheet and
a Flowing Sea", Edits Kreuter 1;
Norma Speiran 2; 'Ivan Franklin 3
George Pearson 4: "Chriatinas"
Stella Sellers 1; Della McInnes 2;
Margaret I.nwle.s 3; Norman Step-
11e110n11 4.
DIIAWING -Group apple, .potato
and 1ttrrot, Jean Meehan 1; Joe Bak-
er 2: I.r•nnard Ward 0; Mnrparet
1 :'5,'r. .^, frn;ts in colo•, Gladys
Wand 1; Dorothy Dilworth 2; Doro-
thea Spence 3; Risby Gill 4. Union
Jack in color, Hdith.l{rauter 1; Jean
'Stewart 2; R. Crane 8; Archie. Camp
bell .4; Calendar design, Willie
Beirnes 1; Stella Sellars 2; Christens
McFarlane 3. Map of Huron County
Dorothy Dilworth 1; Dorothea Spen-
ce 2; Grace Sangster 3; Phylis Ward
4. map - of North America, Carman
Balzer 1 e George Pearson 2; Noryna
Speiran 3; Doris McAllister 4. map,
of the British Isles, Stella Sellers 1 e
(Continued on Page 5)