The Brussels Post, 1929-4-10, Page 1VOL, 57 NO, 43 02.00 per annum in advance L USSELS, ONT4RI0, IV EDNESDAY, rl PR .IL io, 1 92 fern, Asumptuoue dlenervsas env- grazaticemrearetatet.ratarestergiatergratetete Pdf(t(.l I aureola li ��t1 with Flowers Beautify Your Home and Shrubs Regal[mato{err:'ate:ttetetereavat€tletalatalar✓:tiercaea retetetaterategagratecettt apateretcr The undersigned will, offer for sale Gladiolus Bulbs at $1.00 per doz. and up according to variety, Iris from 25c per rhizone up, according to quality. Perennial Phlox, large bunches that will bloom this year, at 30c each. Parties desiring Peonies can have a choice of some splendid varieties at reasonable prices. JAMES BOWMAN - Brussels _ 4,Lt fl q:.p y.,I to at+[«t»I444s ir%q,?F+dw.444,44.+i:A3:Y! »Y«3» cy, The. Surrounding District HENFRYN George Kerr unloaded a car of fertilizer at Henfryn. sick list. Mrs. M. Thornton is on the Her many friends hope .she will soon recover. Quite a number from here attend- ed the shower for Miss Madge Thom son on Friday last, The section men from here were at Ripley helping to repair washou on track there, caused by the recent rains. There will be a service of Holy Communion in St. David's church o Sunday, April 14th at 3 p.m. Rev. M. F. Oldham, a former rector will t2 drool a p. Sunday s charge. take C g m, W ROX ETER Alwrid Wearying is at present on the sick list. Mrs. J. N. Allan returned from Toronto on. Saturday. Frank Bainton, Blyth, called on friends here this week.. Mrs. D. McTavish is visiting her daughters in Toronto. i were Sun Alvin Moffat and Vanity day visitors in Palmerston. .Norman and Mrs. Brandon and Miss Ruth Stocks returned to Lon- don this week. TRUCK FOR }-BRE Any kind of Truck work, in or out of town, will be hand- led by the undersigned at moderate charges. Give us a call. C. R. Davidson Phone 57 Brussels Harry and Mrs, Smith, Blyth were recent visitors in the village. Miss Mary Gibson, Turnberry, is the guest of relatives in Toronto. Wm, S. Sanderson made a busi- ness trip to Toronto this week. -'a BELGRAVE The legnlitr meetingtif the Belgrave V'V{Inn a'a 1istitute will be held Tues- day afternoon Aptil ltith, at the home of Sirs Chas. Conites, MIs, Carl Pro - 1 or will be the assisting hostess, Roll Oall-receipts fur pastry and filling for pies, alneie by MISS Not a Van Carrs p. All the ladies are invited to attend. The regular monthly meeting and offeringof the W. M.I. Easter r thank Las r and C. G. I. T., of the United church was held April 4 in the school room of the church. The meeting was opened by singing an Easter hymn, "Christ the Lord is risen today" af- ter which Mrs, Jno, Coultas Sr. led in Prayer. The devotional leaflet, Mon- ey talks, what does it say to you? was given by Mrs. Earl Proctor fob lowed by all repeating the Lord's prayer;)this was [Followed by respon- sive reading taken from the Easter program leaflet. Mrs. Anderson then gave an address on "The first Easter morn" (Math. 28). Hymn 85 was CAR OF SALT To be unloaded at Ethel. Station on Monday next. Special price off car. ' Ziegler Leitch & Phone 22.11 ETHEL Spring � `oats April Sale of 75 Principally SaFnplesand Model Styles. Beautiful Twill Cords, Trico - tines and Tweeds. Lined thfoughout with Damask Art Silk Linings. Some hoe Collars or Cuffs of Summer Furs. BLUES, TANS GREY and NAVY \In Misses' Sizes 14 to 20 years . oto Alike Here is a rare chance lio save on a New Spring Coat right at the start of the Seasoq. Regular values in groajp to $30.00 Your Choice each - - - $16.75 KI q�� BROS. WI NGHAILI - ONTARIO New Advert/affluents Auction sale -14. Hamilton Dance at Crotbreolt Play-F.thel Presbyterian Church Notice to Creditors -A lex. Barron estate Tract, for litre• -C/ R. Dnvideon /motion Selo -Debt. Pork Ontario mold Bread -W. . A • Grower wi�Ji per -Jr, It Smith Wanted -James M. Welsh Co. May hstehed ohtelce--0.11 Campbell Botching eggs -Roy Sanderson Sweet Clover Heed Thee Bolger Rhin alrc=,Tobe 11t, nnl'e''1 Reap for Halo -G (A, i»-ad,os,, Houseofor Httlo-W _51.Sinclair For.. solo -mise Ziegler Pigs for Hale -Gordon Knight Sweet Clover seed -Wm Grainger Buckwheat for Horses !ornate-Ches.1H nnsnld Maxwell Baby Chicks -Dan McKinnon. See Potatoss-ttiltoo Bands Bull for sale-Beel.Ander2on Piss for enle-J P. McIntosh Sweet Plover head-•toh,• MelSavin Seed Clover seed -John H.. Stevenson ("Alves for eels -Cd (nliia , For sale -Paster Stevelieon Marker oat -An rev aneklink One of Salt -Leitch & Ziegler then sang followed by a dialogue en- titled Japan and America, Frieda Jordan representing Japan and Jean - et Scobie, America. Thank offering was taken by Ruth Wheeler and Mit- chell Stobie after which Mrs. Mickie was appointed delegate to the Pres- bytery meeting at Exeter. The C. G. I. T. girls gave a tableau entitled "Easter in Visions" representing the Resurrection of our Lord. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the girls and their leader, Mrs. Scobie, The Doxology was then sang. Mrs. Scobie closed' the meeting by prayer. GREY Schrnl re-openecl on Monday. 31a„v attended the dance at \Valton last Wednesday night. Miss hlialled Boy, 0th ren„ isas- sieting in Lake's Bakery, Ethel, Ethel ' IIIF has accepted a Mies� Ipl (7 aT 8 CP lfi p Spence es. s'l n with H. Ft. Mol nnail In v th worth for the summer months. Miss Jessie Miller has returned to Elmwood after speiolimg the bolidays P t tis obi. and at the bonne of her pa e t , R Mrs. Miller, 12th con, MISS Olive Bolger, teacher of S. S. No. 10 East Wawanosh spent her EAR - tee vacation al her hone near Wal- ton. ?Jr. Machan thanked his many fri. ends nn behalf of himself and wife. A tasty lunch Was served and the test of the evening was spent in dancing. Mts. Thos. Alcock, of the 14th con., attended the funeral of i1Pr cousi), Mrs, Alex. Smith, last Wednesday at Listowel. Deceased passed tawny in Kitchener hospital. i3f)LGER - NlcxitoZn : -A happy event took place on Saturdtty, April 0 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Russel Richmond, of Blyth, when their only daughtet Elva Pearl was united in holy bands to -Harry J, Bolger of Grey Twp. The ceremony was per- formed at the parsonage by Dr. Barn- by, of Blyth. The bride and groom were attended by Miers Olive Bolger, sister of gt'nota and Mervin Rich- mond, brother of the bride. The bride wee becomingly attired In Sis- tine -blue silk genreette with indium Ince and t' it -bee if embroidery with shoes stockings and gloves of blonde to match. She carried a bouquet of white Carnations with uiaideci-hair- CAR OF 5x Edge Grain Red Cedar Sill es Expected at the Walton Saw Mill this week. John McDonald Phone 1913 Walton 1' >' Die Immo of the bride's where ' only the hear relatives were }[target. The bride end groom left Ijtid showere of confetti 011 -K short honeymoon to pointe ,Last, The bride travelled in a dress of treaty. green silk crepe romaine with navy r'bttr tnaline emit and bat to match, Hearty eongratulatione are extended to the bride and gt•onnr. Anotias AND t'sIcsicf1TATioN : -- Meat iday eveuiug, Mar, 28th, a number of friends and neighbors withet•ed. at the Monerieff' Hap to , spend a social eveuing. Orval Har i ic- on acid Walter Ward pt'eiented Leslie at d Sirs. Machan with a lovely couch and picture. taunt McQuarrie read the following add; eased :- Dear Fried end nelgllbnls have gathered this evening to tender a [vel•' ceras to your bride by spending a fete , remelt hours together. 'We also wish to give you a semi token of our op. plecfatinn. We aslt you to accept tltie couch and picture as gifts [ecru yout'welt wishetR. Slay God's chole.' eat blessing r est upon you both 0,5 you journey through life. Signed on be- half of the community. 0n1'AL HARBISON semen:it \VAan Leitch & Zeigler, Ethel, are un- loading a car or salt next Monday. See advt. Mrs. A, W. Beacom, of Hullett Township, was a visitor for a few clays last week with her mother, Mrs. Pearson. I Miss Myrtle Dunbar, of Toronto, was up for a few days, attending the funeral of her cousin, the late . Lloyd Dunbar. The home of John A. McNair was struck by lightning last Friday, and damaged somewhat, but no fire start ed, It was a narrow shave. lOn Sunday evening :while milking, Mrs. Harvey Hunter, 9th con., had a bone in her leg fractured when a cow kicked her. She will be confine ed to the house for sometime, The auction sale of Mrs, W. Speir- an was a big success last week and prices far exceeded what was expect- ed. D, M. Scott, 'auctioneer also sold the faun to. Reeve Reyes for 80,000. "Old Fashioned Mother" will be • presented at the Township Hall, Ethel,on Monday, April 15th, un- der the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church. See advt. This is just to remind the people that we are getting nearer July 9th the date of our reunion, S. S. No. 1. Already scores of replys are to hand signifying their intention to be pre- sent on that date. The different committees are determined to do all, in their power to make it a huge success, Don't forget the date, t July 9th. Passes Away.' at Toronto—Word was received on Saturday that lliss Ella McIntosh a well-kaown former resident of the township, had died very sud.ienly in Toronto on Friday evening, where she has resided for several years. Deceased made an- nual visits to the locality, making her home with P. A. and Mrs. -McArthur of the Gth con. The remains were brought to Mr. McArthur's hone and funeral was held Wednesday after - ETHEL Clifford Dunbar has returned ito Detroit after spending a few days here, Leitch & Zeigler, Ethel,are un- g loading a car of salt lt next Monday. Sec advt. The service in the United Church on Sunday next will be in the in- terests of the "Lord's Day Alliance". A special offering will be received for this work. Everybody welcome. Rev. and Mrs. E. J, tR•oulston, of Arkona, spent the week end at the parsonage. Rev. Roulston took charge of the services on the Circuit on Sunday and delivered inspiring ser- mons to large congregations, 'S'ige Isr ,l t N <de".`„<i les sa ae triage" :" ti 'e"' stet :tee , e'?«..ii asaaae t..arw,+ade,; WW area 0 tr i0o,rc ,aid 3 • read ej .liL Ae 3; The richest ingred- ients it is possible to use in the bilk- ing of Ontarin- Y h[a itt Bread are baked into the nutritious loavt;i'. 3 _ FULL LINE OF .t. _� BREAD - PASTRY - BUNS 3i ':' FRESH DAILY Y. ., OS LE AGENT t, W. A. Grewar BRUSSELS 3 3 a+I aelal tale144.4 t"t`444 4"E„7„1„l.'t 14.4+•.»+'t'3$t4+444'44.14444el ilea r': i COMING r r he Bashful Mr. Bobbs" Rte,tat,•'tatC ooz.' e.m..3.4, rt',',°C:tv'xm A A A Great Success o By Kincardine Young People p ri ender the ausplees of Fe, C. G. L T. of Brussels United vChurch Town Hall, Brussels Friday, April 12th V? Admission 35 and 25 gents ragre4�lleatrid` t`dtiatai'etageresaalt"ailatat'al Mrs. Weir returned to Walkerton on Monday after spending a few days with Mrs, McMaster. O. M. Eelcmier loft on Tuesday last for Lambeth where he has been engtiged as foreman in a large cheese and butter factory. Several new cars have made their tt; petu'anee in the village. We notice the following have been investing: Quest Dobson, Harold Vodden and Cloyne Michel. Card of Thanks.—D. W. Dunbar 'old family are sincerely grateful for kindness and sincere expressions of ' sympathy in their recent bereave ment, so sudden and so sad. "Old Fashioned Mother" will' be presented at the Township Hall, Ethel.on Monday, April 15th, un- der the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church. See advt. We have recentlyheard save ran complaints regarding the I frequent practice of speeding through the vil- lage. This is extremely dangerous where little folks are apt to be play ing on the street. It may be wise here to offer a little bit of timely ad- vice to those who are thoughtless enour-h to drive at such reckless speed and to advise that if it is con- tinued, some one will be reported and made to pay for their folly. The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon, April 18th, at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Quest lc THE PLAY AN OLD FASHIONED MOTHER Will be presented by Brussels Talent in TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL ti,Monday Ev'9, Apr, 15 P Commencing at 8 o'clock 4 it 14 1Under the auspices 'of the Ladies' Aid of Ethel Presby - LI terian Church. Lu ti Admission 35e and 25e. 71ti EVERYBODY WELCOME i a1 2:Int2o`t*DiTt20-ar20:01Di i.siaratatZIVZ . L. KERR, Prolrrietrr „,tt +eta'z..twt?i' met tvzstztzf ickitcnroat3" fia iz DANCE Will be held in LONG'S HALL CRAN BROOK t, friday [v g, Apr, 12th Lunch Served Good Music Tickets 55 cents EVERYBODY WELCOME r,axtri taJazoazzr:s maimsma"l Personal Paragraphs 1 James Hardy, of Listowel attended lthe faneral of PIs. 8'. Oliver, Miss M. Bell, of Slratfm'd attended the funeral of Mrs N. Oliver, Mrs. Blaine, of Eitehecier. is visit- ing with her parents, 1), O. attd Mrs, ' Ross. Mrs, W. M. Sinclair az rived home 1 after spending the [rioter in Hamil- 1 ton. I Mae Stevenson s iota ha Easter heir' idayv with his grattttpareats at Can• its goes out to the trimly and eepee- ; suture. sudden loss. 3ttwPs ar.d Strs Grant spent the fa e A A c 1 a 1 n t e tc L The n A f v t of the illethndiet Chalet mouths itt the honteof D. SI, and Mrs. The fnllnwit g is the report of S. S. t1,teTavioh, town, ;tin. 11 Grey. for the n"nth of \it rets. W. W. and Mrs. Bakes, of Preston, Sr. Renes 'xtunhied to Spell . (ieng., httve returned being, The latter has AritIr., Brat.,ttud \Vett- br.I\-Ger• been hpte 'sp atal weeks ettenditlg den Sieighlrolnl77. Margin et Lawless herrn"the'rin her illnees. 75, KPnnelb K,'antel i3, D,>lla \ttI1,-' \Valtel and Mrs. Rnitues, of Brant - nes 70, ,Tito lleN'eil (32 'P''nt tiandere fear» acid Geta g,. .1. i•t la, also o'f the OS. Myrtle Wilsnu 50. .1r. I V-Ornua Telephone Dity, wet s e cr: k e•nd visi- lir his father in their su n os • week end at \\'inghttnt with Dr, and cit Nine 1. Mt Ki c.vi Sits, Pei Vit. Wr,ld t,ns been r w'etved here or the i Miss :Miry Deleu Kerr [vas a visitor death in I3rigli1• of M s. I. A, McKel- last 1'hur'tiay milt Mise Mat aerie vey, wife of Rev 1. McKelvey, t'f,SViggat;;errfurt t. Blight United Char b. Mrs, Mn- ! Samuel 'I', Shine, of DPttait,isvisit- Kelvey bad the flu a t Christmas and ' ing tri« aw.ter, sirs. B. Dark, and other 't l ince filet a nod 1P,11 4 lot Fie n n had 1 J g cid 'level ea' around town. 'hutsdn xuc i t t h -r d .ail i hound, tt It e P 1 Y , t i i s 1lilctred chute of Brau(.fu ing was due to heart ttack. She was , M s 1 l 6 }' l 1 • d. born itt Stratford, rl e daughter of ;days with , 1lea A n,e P pe• Peed Gabriel of the Thompson and ; Mee. Lavinia Churchill was e 1515 a 510118) (11l In ? le 'aster to 1+ 1 > cc ? \Villiaws Foundry which was then in called to ,so on Friday last owing to the. existence. When she was three years illness of her sister, MIs. L.nigfont, of age, the• family n red to Crhnes, ! N1t's, Alex, Swish John S1. returned in Nevv Yank. Site also resided » home after epemiiug bile Wittier 4inritieai lex' sone role atld it alta frith list 2i0tet i\lt•a. 8 Fear', Hiroko urate site ntarltedR••e Mr. MtKe.IPY• alts, J -.sole Seel uud bliss Mary For the last. 1hree ye u s she 1ived fn 21111Mveli, of Tnrentn, wet a week end Bitght. Solv,sin her ere one v visitors at the home of Samuel Wel• daughter, Iainv. IS_ A , T.>r oto and , ker, cue brother, Wilii+n, Conte -Stan, \ re. J. and Mts, Baker, of Preston,. Mrs. Wilhut' Cniline, ' 05 I.litieroa ht., I were attending the fnner'al of the Dobson. The subject "Ili.ds and Insects" taken by Miss S. McLennan. Roll Call answered with an exchange 1 of flower seeds, plants or bulbs. Bird contest in charge of Mrs. J. Bremner, Music at the close of the ' meeting. Lunch will be served. 1411 ladies of the community are cordial- , ly invited to stttend. Obituary: Lloyd Dunbar, one of the most highly esteemed young Wren of this locality passed away at Lis- towel hospital about 10 o'clock p.m. on Friday Marsh' 28th, where he had been rushed, following the tragic arrident at the Ethel saw ,Hill where he was fatally inured. He was born at lot 19, con. 7, Township of Grey and had resided at Ethel and vicin- ity all his life. He was one of the most prominent figures in the ath- letic. life of the community, having been one of the players on the Brus- sels foot hall team the year they se- cured the junior championship. He also ;assisted the 1Ionkton foot ball team at different time,, besides be- ing always to the front i;; every- thing of the kind in the home village. es e e of iia, Presbyter- ion t , h •t r Hcwasamembrt y ion church and took a prominent part with the choir and the young people's society. His mother "ass - `e P1913and u, thattime. r • d wan in he had lived with his father at Ethel There were six boys and two eine in the Dunbar family: Garfield (de- ceased in 1919) ; Stanley of Lot 1t1, Con. 8, Township of Grey; Gen, of lot 15, eon.8, Grey;Clifford, of De- troit, Mieh ; Roy, of Timmins and Lloyd, of Ethel; Mrs. Wm. Brown, (Estella, deceased 1;1301; firs, Itcy Cunningham (Elsie, lot 19 con, 9 Twp. of Grey.) The funeral service was held in the 'Pet byteriau church anti despite the inclement weather was one of the largest held in these parts and was conducted by his pas- tor, Rev. W. A, Williams:, .seised by Rev. Jackson, Rey Guest and 1:.•v. Barker, of Brussel Brian Jackson, who had been Lloyd's ttaeli r in vocal and instrumental mu :r, =ung a solo "One Sueetiy mature Thought" The floral tributes were beautiful end many and testified d to the eitteem in which the dcot t t d was held. The Dunbar family, crescent; Win. Brown and ntothe spray; nephews and maces, spray; ; Alex. and Mrs. Dunbar, sprayt 1?. C. and Mrs. Ross spray; J. H. and Mrs. Fears Elizabeth and Dorothy, stir; Dr and Mars. 1VlciVloster, .pray; Dr. and Mrs. Wardlavl spray; Wm. and Mrs.Zeigler, Ruby Cleaver, Lenore Pattterson and Ida Bremner,pray Miss Della Lowry, spray; fti'.ntls, spray; Presbyterian Choir and Y. 1'. S. spray; Ethel soft ball boys, sprats Brussels foot ball club, pillow; Ethel Comntutlty .ball v't•rath. The young lady friends who Carried the ilowel's were; Elizabeth Fear, Lenore Patterson, Dorothy Fear, Beryl Gill, Jessie Campbell, Jean Campbell, Dona Stevens and Carol Evans, The Bpallbearers were Win. Dane, Earl owes, Joe. Cooper, Welland Krnu- ter, Leonard Sinclair land Farl Mills. Interment was mad° at. Mount Picas - ant Cemetery at Ethel, Lloyd was one of the best known young men of the village and' community and was very popular 'vith young and old and -will be -very sadly missed by all, The sympathy of the commun- is a sister-in-law. funeral was format's gtaiidru"thee, Mrs. F. held ort Friday astern ml front ilright Olivet•, [vita[ intervent itl rouciala cruet• } \Ve are pleased tc report (.bat dry, Stratford. Old riendb h, -c,' arra . Samuel or jper is showing progress, 2'u•1v to hear rf bar de th and syrups-' after the slight stroke he suffered thize with Mr, McKei ey in his great (;end Nokia v. loss, They were former residents l \airs Maijotie Stnith has letarned bl•te when Sir. McKelvey was pastor hoiue after sen tie tri,• Inst three Gill 77, D•'reen Lawless70. Stuart SIc• tors ,rich Shat. and Alt's. P. Innes 75. Lee AiLul Win Maw 71, Al- 11 re. \S'ut. ,l,tek,nn retntned to her I ul p rnnkliri 0$, ehpl (i0. Vel- 11'oute in Blyth nn Sarurdny after rot Hlunilton 48(144S1‘).1:1 . III-lEditlt spending the past week with her Smart teetll 4, Nehiy tt leigItiohtt 60, 1 ni niece Mrs. Forsyth and other friends Franklin 79. Bevan Aures 79, Alex. (aomitirl0 Ftax.st.: Miss Mary :McNeil otie Brown 65, Lorne De'5,udtue 00. Univend ry of Toronto, spelt Gond E. FEAn, l'iiday anti the uee•s•end at their PHH40118P, ]rune here at. Not til bit eet palsoil- Jr. Room t- Examined in Comp, age. Art, Aritb., Spelt., \\'tit , Sr. I1-- \1152 Elva Oliver who ens stricken Bertha Eiu l 7]. 8n cion 13) t Wit 711, Ada will[ puontm bill[[ int \Vellpsley F1ocpl tel. Median, 7(1 I?loe CU,iolt' 150m 07. Tor lam while nu Oily is still eolith). 3,. 11 -Ruby Gill SO, Attnld bust 77. , d tit her h -d ut.der the dortnr''s ad - Ruby Giikinsonl 75, li+tell, (nt ming• vice, Miss Oiivet's marry fiieuds will ham 74, Helso C'ntlir 74: 0ttitt Hen- hope fat' a speedy ,'11t,nge, 71, Rolm' Lt ..ince 89- Mad' ('lark and Sir Douglas ('lark, cf the Dorothyr • ail v t.. lttttd Krkroner\� a Michael SO, Stanley 'Wilson 56. Jr. I L hal It rte Sat.(3 rs 77, .lark Dunhtu' MTS. Askin . Sister. Miss Eliza Alcock, 71, HPIPn I1Psjntdtrlr' Ol, Ratty Iltln- who had a fall last: week and wrench - hal' tin, AlIan Hamilton 54. Bertram ed her left ankle. We hops to hear of at complete recovery before long. James \\'iiliamsni, was taken to Wfnghani hospital last week a here lie atn'lrewe nt a tmlillni operation on n Strat- ford, IsAskin,f SI s Samuel arca M m tote s with ford, ars Spending a day I)emerhng 52. Pi ime.,- Donald Mc- Neil, Olive Sanders, Nola ll mleiitrag. D. saav r ivs. i aecttten. Tuesday, and it railer critical opera - MORRIS lien on Tueedity of this week. We ~cheek le•openld op ;Monday. hope to here g.'nd ie'pnrts later on, A untidier of Mci', 101 1"s attended 1 the dance at. Walton hist Wedureday night. 111s. Ed. Lnwty, of Exeter, is spend- ing the week -end wvith her sister, Mrs. Mt 'a "n +l Ile and 4t it 'n E. and .( n, al a t f n y£ St. Mary's stent Sunday at the hntne Sl,'(till, and filled at \V inghttul to tie e 1 of George and Mrs. Jaeksnn, Walton. her father, .lets. Williamson, alto is Site herd Tittles, 01'T01'011te, is at ttmdet•gning an nprratint, while there, prt'sl'ut rootlet; her parents, Jns, Fled Mervyn 11efauley, -nth line, who Mee, Leve, Ills. Kerley has been ser - lett her,. a week ago to visit t"native• ifItcsly ill with pneumonia hut her :not Itieodein Stratford and London 1utile7 ft'ieinle tale glad to learn of her. rennvPt•y. H'Prg. and \arra. Bulhud and family, John Ballard and Mit-* Jean 'Holland motet to London a, ee[[[ls. Sirs. Bullard intends staying a week Neil it her parents, John and :firs, Arm - {n fere gousg \V psi, left from Landon n'l'hutstlity, Matrh 28, •tce„nlpanied by his 15111)1,', Wardell aleCtutley. mita mum. Askhr are spending a I•t:- days with Mrs, Askitt's brother, liceellant Alcock, who horn been in ..,a health for most of the cringe, it le to be it"ped the spring will help iru• r,rnr,> his health as wellas that of Mfrs :llrork George Kelly, 8th line, received a wire from Calgary, stating that his brother James, had passed away in the hospital there from pneumonia on March 2Sth. Deceased was a former resident of Morris, but had 1'nen in the West for several years. WALTON Lloyd and Mrs. Ferguson and tam• ily unwed Anhtu'n this week. Sirs. A. O. Deane., of lienssels, via - Red with Mire. Pot onion rceetitly, Mims Jean Turnbull, of IKitneardine, 11 tit present visiting her parents, O mud Sirs. Ttn'uball. R.nht, Reid, who was in 'tbrnnto Ole week attending a trivalent ron- ventiom,rettumed on Thursday even- ing, Rrev, IE Chandler and daaghter, Halcyon, of Fordwich; visited friends le le eaten. Mr. Chandler is to former Iytttch. strong, The etigttgtttcttt is announced. of Nora Elgin daughter of Mrs. (aodkin and the 1'te Alhett. 11. Godkltt of the tenth concession ,.f 51'Killn',to John Wesley Litt, er Mitt'hell, the marriage to take glare quietly this month, Miss Goal; in is well known in this v1- etliity and leer many friends wish iter much happiness. The Lnd1Ps (;told and Wnmpn's Mite Sammy .t1rod tiny of St, (1'eorge's Atlg- liran Chuieh, \Van ort, held 1.heii ing• nate meld by meeting at the home of Mrs, Peter McTaggett. The meeting opened with' the 11),',ident h, the chair. The setipttire rending Watt taken by Mee, Pettit' McTag gee t end was fennel in fit. John's gospel, Tins was followed by surging of ']'fire thatch Is one foundation," The bus. loess hart of the meeting was Glett r:ended:ad. The tniesion°ry triple Was splendidly taken by bliss Mary Pol. lead, whn tette assisted by Rev, Mr. Lewin. There was a large attendanee. The meeting was brought to a elope and the hnstetle served a dainty pastor of Duff's United Church,