The Brussels Post, 1929-3-27, Page 8•iiVIII7\TPSDAY, 'MARCH 27th, 1929 111* b l $ POST tgat a.[tetaittatCr¢KKittegtCtalaiCI tl[tINSEISKISKtatiP The lettettenete EASTER CARDS The sending of Easter Cards now ranks only second to Christmas ones. Come in and look over the display of BEAUTIFUL, EASTER CARDS at 5c, lac & 15c ea. With matching interlined envelopes. Easter Post Cards 5c each puska Toilet Preparrations With the Incomparible Od- or in attractive red packages PERFUME PURSE VIALS 30c TALCUM POWDER 35c FACE POWDER $1,00 FOUNDATION CREAM .75c CLEANSING CREAM ... 751' COMPACT$ $1.25 TOILET SOAP 25c Store $30)000 IN PRIZES Come in and get details of the big $30,000 Prize Pic. ture Contest the EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY have put on fox Amateur Snap Shots. Get your entry blanks at our store -- Kodak agents for Brussels and surrounding district. If you have had much ex- perience in picture taking you know that Kodak Film in the familiar yellow box produces the highest quality negatives. Stock up with Kodak Film and when taken bring them here and have them finish- ed on VE LOX PAPER by the latest improved Ko- dak methods. Headquarters for Contest Information Supplies and Finishing F. oSMITH 4 MITl H 4 w OJ 8Fg 2i is 1 --"---.^^.""-^"-' *Im0.4 - P' Brussels United Church REV. A. W, BARKER, B. 0. MINISTER Sunday, Mar, 31st EASTER SUNDAY 11 a.m,•—Public Worship. Subject "Woman's Magda Charta" A W. M. S. Service With a Specht Easter Offering 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. All are Welcome 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme: "King•sh;h• or Marching with King Jesus The 10th sermon in a series on "Ten Spiritual Ships" SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC Will he rendered by the Choir both Morning and Evening. Monday 8 p. m.. --Y. P. S. Wednesday—Prayer Service -Choir rehearsal BARLEY FOR SALE— O. A. C. No 72, 2 -Rowed, good malting barley. `TFsa' Wm, Speir, Phone 544, 41-1. es FOR SALE — Certified Crawford c11 Potatoes. Sample can be seen at i`A. C. Baeker's Flour and Feed g Store. A. Hislop, 41-2 R SALE—Seed Barley, 5rowed, d FODan. McKinnon, Phone 23-16..41-1 k l PIG STRAYED on Premises of Alex. Y4 Murray last week. Owner may X have e ame by proving property and is paying all costs. Alex Murray, Phone 18.15, 414 "!ie Store Druggist and Stationer rlexteiree u aram%taiereiainteretaiaa aiatatatatreataata efeea'.a, .salaiarat�,✓,�. i�rzr�aa;v,..":;rrt.rr�, pl MAMMOTH Pekin Duck Eggs for hatching. J. S. Armstrong, Phone 2349. 41-tf. YORK SOW for Sale, 2 years old, due to farrow April 10th, L. 11). Frain, Phone 38-5. Local News Items Bank holidays. 1 Seaforth Spring Show Thursday. Both banks will be closed on Goats i will heal nu i Seafon orth Spring ofs shotow Friday and Faster Monday.{ week. Foot Bali Meeting at Stratford. The annual W, F. A. ronventiott Library Closed Monday and Tuesday will be held on Good Friday at Strut- ;nee tltelrannu annual convention at Toron- f will be attend - +>rd 1 to, the I.ibrary will be Closed next Council on Monday. i Monday and Tuesday. The regular meeting of the Town IA Creat Service. Council will be held on Monday I Treat is ane department of The evening next. I Pot which can be of great service Easter Holidays. i to the avenge. reader. It is the Easter holidays commence onWart Colman. A. little Ad. coats .Thursday of this week. Schools re• j only a quarter, but the results are often big. open on Monday, Atprli 8th, Usual Holiday Hours. The usual holiday hours will be observed ut the Postoifice on Good Friday. Let Us Have the Names. halter time means vis]tore. Lot The Post have the names of your knownre are going Er' let uwhere youau c Heard Solo. Those who tuned in on C. J. G. C. London, Last Friday night when the Petrolia Citizens Band was broad- ea.etiing a pro:grans, heard Fred Gilroy former manager of the Balk klt aiof Nova Scotia, a solo. over fine. Archie Ballentyne's solo, broaden -t from Wingham station on Sunday afternoon, wee also• listened Il 0 f A Sate Depository tortQouds or Other Valuable Papers A•SAFETY Deposit l3ox in your nearest branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is the logical place to keep your valuables for security and convenience, We shall be pleased to furnish you with space necessary for your requirements at minimum rates, THE CANADIAN. JEAN K. OF COMMERCE ,uirh ,uh/e), is nn,rafgatented ' n 1( 'THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Gave Without Hurting. At ,a birthday shower, held, in The New Spring Samples Have Just Arrived A Quantity of Hay for Sale. Alex. Perrie, Phone 25-15. 41.1 FOR SALEor Exchange on cattle or pigs, 13 -hoe Massey Harris Drill in good repair, Agar Bros. Phone 11-7. FOR SALE—Crown Seed Peas. Thos- Alcock, Phone 42-5. 41-2 FOR SALE—Seed Oats and Seed Peas; also Black Leghorn Hatching Eggs. Jas. Perrie, Phone 25-10. 41-2, YELLOW BLOSSOM Sweet Clover Seed, Government tested for sale. Apply to Ray Crawford, Lot 18, Con. 14. iicICillop, Seaforth phone 2.13-32. 41-tf PASTURE Farm to rent or Cattle taken in to pasture; good grass; spring water; and cedar shade; also International Farm Imple to with pleasure; by a large number Will Retire. of citizens. Rev. Dr. H. T. Crossley, the Neter- over fine. air evangelist, who has carried on his work for the 'past 40 years, has New Agricultural Representative• derided, at the age of 79, to retire Clinton News-Record:—Mr, G. A. from active service. 'flat true, Huron's new Agricultural Aitenilod Convention. Repro entative, ie a graduate, In an- t, A. Bryans, of Fordwich, ural imal husbandry , and has ef the for to Agri- AAlex. McHercher, of Wroxeter, at cultured fir pa t i 1 a convention or represents- nine menthe)mien k ista.tt txo t lr. in Mutual • err grasp of the work. He week. will fellow out as nearly- as Inc van ntents for sale, at lowest prices if you conte and order them, David Milne, Ethel, Ont. 41-tf SPRING IS HERE—We have a full line of Fleury Plows, plow re- pairs, harness and harness parts. Grass Seeds—We have all the var- ieties, Canadian growls and the hest grades. Also a full line of Dominion Tires and Tubes for the new cars a, well as the old, and the wonderful "Marvelube" Motor Oil. W. J. Duff, Bluevale, 41-2 Seed OATS for Sale, O. A, C. No. 144, Also 11 young pigs. J. A Nichol, Phone 42-23. 40-tf SEED OATS For Sale "Gold Mine" and "Gramm's: Filler." Apply to P. Ament, Phone 80x. 40-tf. 10 Horses For Sale. All Good Clydes (int ec n interest ea wei;,hin•g from 1300 to 1500 lbs. tiers from held n FirTorontoraia t. alltthe work of tlz office and has u All young. George C. McDonald, Companies, held i pretty „rod 1• t t Lot 43, Con. 1, Grey, Piuevale R. R. 2 Molesworth Phone 11-4. 40-2. Celebrated 80th Birthday. the pre rem of work which Mr, Pat - "Charles Ramage, er Revinw, and for many years a neem- reining se.a. on and as 1-,e has been bei of the School Board, cel b ata') n ti„ Cn ort;r long enough to tuneetab- ther his 80th birthday recently, Thie o. lisp rnllt"t, an'1 t ganizntion presented him with 0. belt- lav of th, land, he well, no doiht, r , • kirr'. hisunieta at ,.(.. of r• r 'r.� make a success a and a n a rl lr u(t o1' rose, - •q hntnr ----Thi above. mentioned Ram- Durham , i on and h . had unneel for the timer', is father of Ur. C. C. I.a,n- i A •Former Brusselite. age, of town. The i ran•lon Daily Sun of M urh i.eth, hid the foliowi.e el terry Married at Dorchester. S, I Ifalliday of this city hae rc- A genet wedding was solemnized eetved word of the death of his ei Literary Meeting of B. C. S. at the Rectory, Dorchester, on Sat- ter, Mrs. C. 11. 11(.1..74.1101, widow of I March lath, when ,.late Walter McNi(•hol, Mount i '1"h,. I C. 8. 1: - d their fleeing Rev. afternoon,.Suthe ri r • n1"0th r an Friday errnin;r. Rev. H, Sutton, united in. marriage . eee,000, W ,shin„ton, ]',S.A•, who I t . t y Ruby Fleenor, second daughter of passed avav in her 7rth year after 1 March ..ted in the school room with 1. Y ot- r 100 t. 1 remit ] S. R. and Mrs. Wilson, of Sprmfiekl O o - Ont.,, acrd James Albert, youngest _ehol las born• and Mrs. Armstrong, Cumin to Mleinitah , she w t -t mat by the tool; mann seine, Alberti son of 'fomes ceremony ,• g 0 31r •M11r ,c, Muriei Michel and dram of Brussels. After the, i irrl at Pa • • t la Prairie, and 4 Duple le on • short't "•, ago tiv,mt n oars v • Sender,: oto-• Helen n P,at k'•r, Ruth ]'' •*1 Irak $ 23.50 29.50 35.50 Strathroy recently for the hospital, most of the school children made contributions of soap. There is no other household l childrenould taker greatecle r pleasuh re in giving to someone else. Bequest for Soldiers' Benefit. County .Clerk Holman, of Godes l rich, has been notified of a bequest of $500 made by john McDougall to the County of Huron in trust for the benefit of maimed and crippled soldiers. The late Mr. (McDougall was a -war veteran who enlisted. in i the 101st Battalion. • Miner Locals. Read the advertisements. Soon be time to clean up. Only 4 more days in March. Good Friday public holiday. 1 Sunday is the last of March. { But March has yet to go out! Council will meet on Monday. We are again enabled to listen to fthe robin song. Usual holiday hours at the Post- oflite on Good Friday. Banks will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday. Trees are tapped in number of maple orchards, for the spring's flow of sweetness. Next Monday is "Ail Fool's Day." Spring is here—but keep your fingers crossed. Be sure and see these new Cloths before braying your Spring Suit, J.fergu��nCo, FOR SALE—Timothy and Alsike fixture. 27G AI •ike fie 10c a lb ; Pur.- Timothy tit $4 a hue.; Yellow Illoa rim Sweet Clover Gt $5 per hers:.; White Blo•:son Sweet Clover f • lois. All government Gr �4 ,) a Russell Dou- gherty, Meted, trrl, Iter Grey. ,rherty, Lot 13, Con, 17, Phorie 37-19. 40-tf. Phone One Price Only 24 Always the Lowest Broke Small Bone. Jos. Qucrin slipped his home and in falling broke a small bone in his left hand. He will have a hard time to hold cards for "rummy” for a while. Popular Traveller Leaves. After travelling this district for over 45 years in the interests of the National Grocers, Guelph, Mr. HageY the well ,known traveller, has folded his grips and retires to his home in Hamilton. Mr. Hagey said good- bye to his many friends here an Tuesday and the feeling of regret at parting is mutual. He plans to take up insurance work in Hamilton. Have Many Engagements. The Dramatic Company who put on the play "An Old Fashioner) Mother" so successfully last week, held a meeting last night and decided to repeat the performance in the Towel Hall, Brussels, since so many have requested it. It was also decid- ed to accept invitations to put it on at Ethel, Wingham and New 'Ham- burg in the near future. a lengthy ]rim The late :Mrs, 1Ie at Why Take a Chance? During the past week or two we have heard complaints from sub- scribers of daily papers who have paid their good money to stranger can- vassers and are now being billed for the subscription, This would seem that the canvassers have not turned in the mon, y, and of course the news paper company are not responsible. Why in the world do you not give your subscription to the local agent. The Brussels Post handles subscrip- tions for all daily papers at a con- siderable saving in time and expense to you. If there is any complitint it is easily remedied right at home. In some cases you get the benefit of a clubbing rate, while in others you are saved the necessity of re- mitting direct. es To Prospective Brides, r de of Specializing in the better g'. wedding stationery of all sorts. The. printing unite dons a particularly fine quality of printing o£ al kinds. Expert workmanship and n procedute re e knowledge. of the correct p lakes• our stationery n .tat r. d'nr Y wedding i - work particularly satisfactory. Con- n aeration of the stationery details of title rireat event is particularly important. Pictures Coming to the Grand, Following are a few of the pint. eves billed at the Grand Theatre for March:— , arch t— ate-AO—Moran of the Marines, •l" n IL•n is Out erne: coma ,9 and of: penia' chortle. •1 April the hat.rty e ft 1 t M. 'r rnnn to honeymoon spent at London, .1Srus 133 td . She, leavrea to n crIrn her ]n ` "'r.l Dorothy oat. and set, and other points. -le Seter, Mrs, E. II. Sher/nail. of :11,1>eu; rr t lml,', Vera Porter. Laura en 111., and one ]mother, S, I. Willie] Love, A lney Jane Fowler, Gave Talk on Washington City. Ha llida y of Brand i n,"- The l ate an d Helen M cAll ister ; c lb d r ill by The United Church Y. P. S. meet tit..ticvcd1 will he atter known, H ^'lilt; the "Ctreted Hen" ngn Monday evening. opened with arrremembered rr by the r reel. tee! "Highland Seht.h,Fain a hymn and the Lord's Prayer ttdrnta of 'Brussels and vicinity as ill girl.;ricba �• "Resolved that cone • 1 i tem rt stmn than mental, were r a , Thoma,- Halliday, who wasth Scripture lesson. Mr. George Pierce ave an instructive talk on '"rho true one to build at house in what ie now 1 Body': the town of Brussels. Kate Halli- ls of Alcohol by the y day was born on Feeruary 22-nfl, Oa the human body has mo use 1854. She was raised and got her whatever for alcohol of any kin(). schooling in P,rus9sl9 She was mor Miss Alter Pope played a piano solo which was much enjoyed, Miss C. llieg.-tots gave an interesting talk on the many points of interest visited le Washington. It was second best ed there ever since, visiting Brandon ed by all pre esnt, The aim o t to being in this wonderful city ones- . nein ir)Oh alongwith her other sister meeting was to let the parents andCos itto beother pre9entluathc great Belfast tem art. The minutes of pby tee Kati: Halliday, daughter of the late r, tl followed by the a first rich) nein. t:. more 1 a a poor plan", affirmative was taken J• J. llImtter, of the wear tri by Jame, Turnbull and George lievlew 1 e.p er Kirkby of Vaiern 1IT, and negntive by of the Grand Lodge to Onresent est, .Jerk Hamilton and Allen McCracken has been appoint, p t of Form 11, the negative+ side won; body at the triennial a tintiloftlthe selertioni were given by aur B.sC.IS, 'Sorld cotia/id Orange a Lodge' to (hinter wille rigid to Walter Mrtiirhol who pin- orche tit; lash. hut not keret 1 her about ten ears age, Petit Journal' read by Edna Frank- attend theWlGran�iaLodge !tq meetings Shewad h Y o 'ern refreshments 1 America, She was mar hat o had moving re tod- lin. Ae yr the dr lar< late the roast at that time and had reale- were served and dancing was ani he immediately sail forJGreatand fritain fnt I__d 1, al arty, r Ulnrious Betsy. 8..-9—Sawdust Paradise 12 -13 --Topsy and Eva 1r,--.15•----Women They Talk About let- 20 .Avalanche r Sadie 22 -23 --State Street 20---;:7---Three Week Ends 80—May 1 -Midnight Taxi Editor Attending Triennial Council. *At GM/al 16 WaflPaper. We have just received our Spring Stock of Wall Papers, These contain many new designs,";styles and colorings and are mod- erately priced from 5c upwards. We will be pleased to show them Parke Davis & Co's Standardized Cod liver Oil Refined and bottled by im- proved methods which con- serve the Vitamins. An exceptionally fine Cod Liver Oil. Parke Davis & Co's Analgesic Balm Absorbent and healing Parke Davis & Co's CAPSOLIN Effective and reliable prep- aration preferable to Mus- tard Plasters and Liniment. Moir's Chocolates A Fresh supply just received Alien's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox Died in Detroit. Mrs, Rob. Dark received a' phone message early Sunday morning, stating that her sister-in-law, Mrs. Samuel Shine, had passed away at her home in Detroit, following a stroke the Wednesday previous. She was in her 72nd year. Besides her husband, whop) she married 47 years ago, she is survived by one son, William S., also of Detroit. William Oe ley, on the gravel road south, is : brother of the deceased. Burial was made there on Tuesday, Boas STYLES. -To Brussels, on Sunday, March 24, 1829, to Dir, and Dirs. Wm Styles, u non, nun '_ SPEIRAN,—In Grey tnwushtp, nn Wednes• day, iderch•20th,1028, Wesley Luke Spelt, on, aged 40 Pears, 2 months end 8 days. RHINE—A, L,etrcit. Dlich�, pa Saturday, Deer, 28rd,.Jenet C. -hint, wife of S,unual,T. Shine, aged 72 years. IN M113MORL S1 L04ELr.-In loving memory of William Lovell, who died Meech.lft .1828 We mourn for one we dearly loved, For one we could not save: Beloved in lire end mourned In death. Rememhe'red in the grave. His loving voice we willne'er forget Though years may pass 0167 The Ions of 11101. W e sadly reel, As ween aa�that first day, who, all is still and silent And sleep forsakes the eyes, Our here our dear ratheare It a r nes, nt rave -Inserted be loving Wife and Deugl,ters, rr Have You A Radio License? Owners of radios in Brussels and vicinity might well take notice that a check-up in Forest recently result- ed in nine owners of radio sets being found without the necessary license and as a result will. be called upon to appear in court. The Department of Marine and Fisheries is making a thorough check-up throughout Western Ontario and in time will probably reach this section. Licen- ses are cheaper than court fines and costs. Auction Sale. THURSDAY, MARCH 211711. -Valuable tarot, the property of the late Robert Carr, et the Alterman iotet, Brussels. Ba1e et Steak/0c. ABATUI IAY,1t1Al OMA D. lli -1. Household er• home a ro rietre,s et t }10ir a to P P rents, uko., tet Th Walton Bale et t.110,.'clock. Arra. It H. For. queen. Proprintre • Geo, 14, Elliott, Anc. MA,CURDAY alAti(',k1 :10(11 —Car of horses, at the Grinlda Central +IMAM. LlatoWel. Alex, Dl alomold Prop W.1 Dowd, Ana FRIDAY. APRIL 8th —Form, learn) Mt0ok end atlile'bl,ole, ntDiarytH.(tpolean,, Grey oprfer tress; D.51 Montt, Auctioneer, MO'N'DAY, APRIL 8th —Farm :•ttoek, lm• olomoots,Noy, Grein, 6ae., at Trot 7, Don 10, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock, Moody Holland, Proprietor; ass, ntvinr, Ane TUESDAY, APIIIi.011I.-Form shark and imrlema eta. at t.ot 20, Coo. 14. Al ',Killen, mile West a1 Welton. Mole unreserved at o clack P. B. Gardiner Proprietor ; D. 51. Meptt, Atm. --�.-.--- f t exe was grog "n stuns friends see i Miss Iii g E. II. Sherman, of f on 12th. self to hear bon• fhicag) 14Irs• hoot since last year.parade o Y Barker rnnounaed the made i❑ the sc Rev, 1VIr, l p Chicago, tediction. • Hog for Service 11l Teo undersigned willing) fa, s ary la at Lot 11, Cbn. tN, Grey tow6x31p.,Registered York- shire Hog. 'Terni, tl 00, with privilege of rn• turning If nrnes08e)'• MARE. L. CARDIFF, 41.11 Pi NOTICE Notloe isberehy divan that a roart of Re• vision oil ByL6w No. 4, of 1020, In the Town. Alp of Grey, known as the Mein Northwest Mein Inu envrmrnt ROW, Will be held et tee Clerk's Canon, Bthe1, on Saturday, the 10th clay of April, at tvfo o'clock to llta atter• noon, to hear and (muskier any compiaint Which may lie made ander the 8611 ByLow, nr env other complaint ip respert or any h1 ;1 tl, mutter in the oatrl Bylt0W over to rt ,, e d`will govern theme lv s accordini tlyi8112 • .1. H, FEAR, Clerk, Grand 'theatre Friday & Saturday -. March 29 & 30 RUT Richard Dix With ELDEHR In "Moran of the Marines'' DIX hops in and our of tight sit oat ions, He 11,1119 1111:0 leve and can't get out. You'll lova Dix in his rnarr•ll to the heart of the it•resiotihla Ruth Elder, You'll thrill with this girl as she soars i11 the clouds, Monday & Tuesday - April 1 & 2 Buddy Rogers (Wings) IN "VAr SITY" A PARAMQUNT PICTURE Friday and Saturday April 5 & 6 Glamorous Romance of Two Lovers who defied the world. Dolores "GloriousBetsy" �' Costello lVith CONIIAD NAGIEL, John illiljaa, Marc 11cDertnolt and Beatty Blythe, flr•ing hank to lireAmerica of relonial days, Warner Bine, have brtntght, to the screen a fasclat!ug ehapter of early history --tire romance of l;lizeneth-Pattet'aan, belle of Bald - more, hrnthef•ofNa Napoleon, tnnra, tried Jerome Bonaparte, p "(31ot•lnnsBetsy" neater What waspr•olntbly the Hist milt'- natIrmal rota/met. Napoleon is(nee(1 to ceooguitr' the runt'. ring+. of his -brother to Betel Patterson benanse be had de- creed (hitt Jerome utast marry Princess li`redeeika Cather- ine of lVm•telnbnl8 arul be crowned King of Westphalia, Cromm '(State Street Sadie" '"WINGS" , teAbie's Irish Rose" "Topsy and Eva" .w..- ..,...,--•,