The Brussels Post, 1929-3-27, Page 4WgDNESDAY, MARCH 27th, 1929 trusstio Vast WEDNESDAY, llIARCH 27th, 1929 Grey Council -meeting At Council meeting March 9th the following accounts were passed and ordered palc1:-Wm. Cameron, ex- penses to convention $14.00; Road No, 16, West, hauling gravel:- W. Turnbull, 64.50; Oliver Turnbull 2'7; Andrew Turnbull 03.25; C. CouleY, 70.85; Jno. McDonald, 56.60; Bert Johnston, 81.00; Ted Nolan, 81.50; John Hislop, 69; D. Kirkconnell, 63; Vas. 1VIeDonald, /8.75; Cliff Ritchie, 9.00; Jas. Clark 9,00; Roy Bennett, 9.00; D. Buchanan, 33,75; Leslie Oliver, 70.35; Robt, Holland 83.75; shovelling -A. Sloan, 38.25; Geo. Pollard, 40,50; Wm. Sholdice, 36,00; gd, Nolan 12,35; gravel -James Law son 133,30; Elmo lidy,, hauling , gravel -Melvin Cumming, 47,257 I The Huron Old Boys of Toronto Blighton IFerg, 47.25; Leslie IVIcKaY, introduced a new feature into their 42,75; Allan Smith, 46.50; Jas, Bail- ;winter entertainments, when on Fri- ey 39; Mark Bailey, 47,25; Wm. ' day evening last, they, held a euchre Hurst, 46; shovelling -Roy Cumm- and box-soeial at flygela Hall, Elm inge, 20; •Chas, Buttery, 20; spread- street, This was considered an ex- ing-Martia Ferg, 18.75; Wm. Pat- I periment in the way of entertain- terson, 20; gravel -Wm. Adams, t ments, but, although the weather 126.60; Road 18 West - hauling I was very disagreeable, there was a gravel-Jils. Williamson, 57; John splendid attendance, and the beauti- Ritchie, 80; Jas. Nichol, taking child Iful display of decorated boxes of ren to S. S. No. 1, 50.00; P. J. Bis' I refreshments was something remark - hop, tax collector •and postage 204; able. There was very keen compe- P. Bishop, adjustment tax roll, • tition amongst the ladies and it was 2.35; D. Denman, bailiff's fees, 2.50; (with difficulty that the judges, Dr. Ralph Thompson, tile for 5th con. and Mrs, Moore, selected the prize draM, 46.80; Dr. Lackner, operation re Annie Steel, 100,00; Dr. Huener- gard, operation re Annie Steel, 10; Dr. McRae, operation re Annie Steel Next Council meeting on April 13th. J. H. Fear, Clerk. Ontario Breeding. Station. Under supervision of lioultry Dep't Guelpla. We specialize in 13arred Itocks. Every bird on oar farm is culled, banded and blood tested, by Gov eminent -Inspector. We titip nest under Record of Performance supervision, Wlite for mating list and priers ou Day-old Chicks and 'Base -weeks -old started Chicks. J. M. SCOTT. Sunny Crest Fat m it. H. No. 2, Senforlb, Ont. It BRUSSELS POO "Rs LENDER OF A4LIED ARMIES DIES Huron Old Boys' Association OF TORONTO EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting' of the Council was held on March 19th, with all the members present. Min- utes of previous meeting were read and approved. Communication from the Ontario Educational Association asking the Council to appoint a delegate to at- tend a Convention of that body in Toronto in Easter week, received and filed. Move.I by 'Mr. Thompsoh, seed:d- e!! by Mr. Kerr, that this Council en- dorses the resolution as :weed by the County Council at its January eession, urging the Hydro Electric Power Commieslon of Ontario to proceed with the development of power on the Maitlaed river, The Clerk was instructed to Aver tine for tenders for the supplying of power anti' operating stone crusher, also for the drawing of gravel from the crusher, presumably be motor trucks. No appeals having been- received against the asseeemente on the Deyell Drai'r, the bylawe.in connection there with was finally read and passed. The necessary forms were filled up and signed making application to the Highways Depitrtment for the subsidy due the township on road expenditure in 1928. The following accounts were paid -Municpal World, supplies $27.35; A. Porterfield, bylaws and clerk's fees on 'Snell draM 85; A. Porterfield bylaws and clerk's fees on Deyell draM 35; Chas. Carter, patrolman, 6.50; M. McDowell, patrolman, 8.75; J. Gillespie, read superintendent, 37.25. Council will hold their next meet- ing on Tuesday, April Sth. A. Porterfield, Clerk. e «OWICK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Council met in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on March 20th pursuant to adjournment. Members all present; the Reeve in the chair; Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion of Hubbard and Taylor were adopted. Moved by Gamble and Hubbard, that the Council purchase one No. 2 grader from the Canada Ingot Iron Co. for the sum of $145, F.O.13., Guelph, to be shipped to Gorrie as +won as possible. -Carried. Moved by Hubbard and Leonard, the time for Collector A. C. Hutch- ison to return his collector's Roll be extended to the April meeting -Car- ried. It was moved by Taylor and Leon- ard that the accounts of the different patrolmen presented by the Road Sapegintendent be paid. -Carried. It was moved by Reeve Inglis and Councillor Leonard, that Councillors Gamble, Taylor and Deputy Reeve Hubbard, be a committee to go over to Wroxeter and close the Library and decide with regards to disposal of poles, wire and plant of Wroxeter lighting plant. -Carried. Moved by Hubbard and Gamble, that the Reeve and Treasurer he ap- pointed to go to Wroxeter and pro- cure all books and papers in con- nection with Wroxeter Carried. Moved by Taylor and Leonard that the following accounts be paid: Municipal World, for 8 copies of ;paper, $8.00; Thos. Nash, printing measles cards, 2.00; Earl Corbett, part salary as assessor, 75,00; Thos. Hemphill, coal for Gillis family, 29.40; David Robinson, supplies for Gillis family, 10.55; Prank Green, milk for Gillis family 7.00; Smith Bros,, flour for Gillis family, 4.00; Bert reamer, salary as sheep valua- tor, 14.00; Sheldon Bricker, real for Mrs. 'Driver, 21.00; Albert Heibeln, cleaning public shed in Gorrie, 0.00; 16. W. Carson, uncollectable taxes, 8,40; E, W. Carson, balance salary ;le (Wieder, 42.40: Manielpal World supplies., 2,132; Itobt, llyelote wend for town hall, Wroxeter, 5.00; Fred C. Taylor, expenses to Toronto, 15; Relit. V' Edgar, expenses to Toronto, '20; J. H. Rogers, filing cabinet and Bond Box, 31.72; Fred A. Edgar, amendments to Bylaws Bolton Men. Drain, 68.38. It was -moved by Leonard and winner. Mrs, G. C. Young, one of the most popular members of the association carried off the honors, turd the box when auctioned off, real- ized the handsome sum of three dol - late, A. McLaren. Honorary Pres!, dent, being the buyer. The boxes were auctioned off with rap!dity, run ing from 50c up to $3. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. :1:owe supervised the bridge and 191,11re, and very handsome priz- es wer" awarded to the suecessful competitors. Dancing, old time and new time, was'earried on until 1 it. with professional caller off; and a violin orchestra, NOTES OF THE EVENING Everybrel7e was delighted to see Mrs. R. C. Kiran on hand again, after a protracted illnees • eld, time dances W.7".r:2 more ;wieder than ere?, and "Allan: and Left" !s now a popular movement. R. T. Irwin, teacher of Thornhill, was one of the first arrivale. He pretty nearly heat G. A. Newton, Lack Kennedy was the liveliest bidder of the evening. He must have secured at least half a dozen boxes. President Forbes is well satisfied with the experiment, and he promises another one during the autumn sea- son, Mrs. A. McGregor, formerly of the Clinton New Era and the Wingham Advance, attended the function for the first time, and was delighted. A. D. Fisher, millionaireinventor, (known as Shauncey" in Clinton 40 years ago) was very much on the job, and secured one of the best boxes, A. G. 'Smith, formerly of the Wingham Advance -Times, for his box got a big heart and it was very appropriate, for A. G. is one of the best. ! "Piper's Dani" was the label on one of the boxes. It was sold for a high price, and it is rumored that the contents were supplied by Bert McCreath. Much real sympathy was express- ed for 'Mrs. J. A. McLaren, who'evas confined to her home on account of a fractured aside. She was very much missed. Secretary Floody, with his usual Orange !proclivities, was the lucky bidder on the Orange and.13lue box, and it was a beauty. He is holding it for next 12th of July. Robert Holmes, ex -M. P. informed Charlie Robertson that elections were far more expensive in West Huron some years ago, than they are at the present time, as you don't have to buy any silk dresses now. Interesting Local News Reply Coupons. In tee future, persons receiving Impel -id reply coupons in letters /rum any country within the British Eineeire, for the purpose of prepay- ing replies to letters, may have them exchanged at any post office for Canadian stamps of the value of two cents. To Offer an Eighth. It is reported that a movement ie. being made to place the Brooks Steam Motors business and plant at Stratford in liquidation. 0. J. Brooks, it is said, now has the con- trolling interest in the firm and is prepared to offer shareholders 121.1! • cents on the dollar. A number of ; loud people have money invested in I this enterprise. Clean-up Corn Stubble. In the 24 counties coming under the Corn Borer Act there reu-t. be a thorough clean-up of corn stubble and refuse this spring. It must be turned under the soil or burned. The results of the clean-up measures so far warrant those in charge Insisting that this be done. Regulafions which seem like a hardship to some are in the best interests of every corn grower. Parcel Insurance Along with the post office bulletins the Postal Service of Canada issues a folder advertising some branch of the Dominion postal service, With the current issue of the bulletin is the information that "Three coppers protect five dollars," referring to par rel insurance rates, and an accom- panying picture carries out the idea with three policemen with club,; up raised guarding a five -dollar bill in the background. Richard Dix and Ruth Elder. Rapid-fire action describes "Moran of the Marines" starring Richard Dix, which opens at the Grand Theatre on Good Feiday night. The story is swift moving from beginn- ing to end packed with thrills, tense moments, and laughter. Dix is at his best in the happy-go-lucky role he has his serious moments, his ability portrays in this pictui.e. While he has his serious moments, his ability to handle the laughs makes "Moran" one of his finest to date. Ruth Eldeg the pretty aviatrix who drew so much attention with her most successful flight across the Atlantic, makes her professional motion picture debut in this picture. She performs in a vet- eran manner, and impresses one as being a natural screen "find." Dix plays an irresponsible youngster who excites his rich uncle's fire by getting into jail. He wants to go to China because the girl he has "fallen" for is gong there, so he selects the Un- nited States Marine Corps to send him there. What he hasn't found out however, is that the young lady is the daughter of marine general. The picture is one of quick action in which members of the supporting cast rise to the occasion. Roscoe Karns gives an admirable characteri- zation of Dix's buddy, and Duke Mar- tin portrays a hard boiled sergeant in a typical manner. Brooks Bene- dict does excellent "menacing" as the villain and Cantle'. H. Calvert is per- fect as the marine general. : Taylor that this Council do now ad- I journ to meet again in Beswitherick's Rooms in Fordwich, on the third; Wednesday in Arril when tenders will be received for power for the ! crusher al1.1 putting gravel in the bins; also power for grader. G. W. Walker, Clerk. MONCRIEFF A pretty wedding was sOlentniZed at the manse, Walton, on Mach 20th when Mies Marjorie Weir Smith, ;laughter of 11,4r,"and Mrs, Fred Smith became the bride of Albert Lynton Quipp, of 14th Con. Elm, The marriage' ceremony was solemnized by the pastor, Rev. W. j. Maint•e, of the United Church, of Moncrieff and Walton. The bride wait handsomely attired a paler blue flat crepe dress, trimmed with orange blossoms, hat and shoes to match. The brick! wit e attended by her sister, Mies Fmnie Smith and Mr. Coater Queen, brother o groom, beet man wedding' party returned to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs, Ge.O. Hodges, of Auburn, were a eumpt- uous wedding dinner was served and a sociable evening was .p with their friends. On their return home the happy couple will reside on the greorns farm, 16th eon. Elma. On lemsday evening, March 19, the Mende and neighbors of Mies Marjorie Smith met together at the Community Hall at Moncrieff end presented her with a miscellaneous sl'nwnr. The genets numbered about 180. At 12 o'clock they presented Marjorie with a lot of costly and beautiful gifts. The following. ad- drese was read by Miss Helen Ray, Dear Marjorie: -Having learned of your approaching marriage, we your friends and neighbors have gathered here this evening to bestow on you our heartiest congratulations, and best wishes for a happy and useful life. We will miss you from our YOU cannot be accused of more than Ferdinand Foch, who has been fighting a gallant battle against fail. ing strength, passed away last Wed- nesday at his home in Paris, Marshal Foch was the generalissimo who dir- ected the armies of the allies to vie - tory in the Great War. He was 11 years of age. SCANDAL pAIN TT NG AND. • , • Paper Hanging The undersigned wishes to an- nounce that be is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above lines, and will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction. Prices Reasonable and work promptly attended to Alex. Coleman Phone 6411 Brussels ELECTED DIRECTOR OF JERSEY CATTLE CLUB EAVNW.13ITT , of Woodstock, Ont., elected Director of the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club Is owner of one of Ontario's hest Jersey Herds. Suggestions Given For Cutting Expenses Never oboe Celery in a bowl ; it makes it stringy. Cut it M desired sizes with a shell) knife. It will take less time to whip cream if it is whipped slowly the first few minutes and then boat rap- idly. Never put a freshly baked cake in- 1 to the cake box. Let it become ab e 1 solutely Celd before putting it away or it ;will become musty, Meat should not be salted until ready to serve. If salted whild code - ling it will toughen the best meat and tend to extract the juices. • Try shaping cream cheese into tiny pears. Roll in paprika and in- sert a whole dove In the top for a stem. They make most attractive garnishes for the salad plate. ' THE SOCIAL CONCERT "Maud has made some swell mar- Chestnutically Speaking I A The difference between a battery . and a Scotchman is that you can Miss C. Macdonald overcharge a battery. ce=itetzere• • I Will Go To Geneva They say that bootleg whiskey ie on the go in Brussels. WILL ATTEND LABOR CONFER. I ENCE AS INTERPRETER TO ELECTRIC HOUSEWIFE WILT, LABOR DELEGATE BE PRODUCT OF 'NEAR FUTURE -Headline Brussels friends will be interested Ah, then we can sing, "The Kilo- to learn of the most recent honor watt Hours I Spent With Thee, Dear , conferred upon Miss Caroline Mae - Heart , Donald. c=eteire=> Word has been received by the Washington never told a lie, hale- W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church ing lived long before the days of he 1 . in Canada that Miss Caroline Mac' come tax returns. i I donald, has been asked by the Labor oe=rne==e> delegate from Japan to go with him This winter wouldn't have been as interpreter to the Labor confer, nearly so bad if there hadn't been l cue in Genev e, a which occurs in May so many old-timers to tell you how 1 ; and June. Miss Macdonald has de - cold it used to be! 1 cided to take advantage of this offer, <==:Ene• thinking it will be useful to her in Job got a lot of credit for patience deailng with the international labor problems in Japan. but we can't help wondering how he would have acted had he been ob- liged to change a tire in zero wea- ther. •teeten==.6 A Scots piper plays every day out- side the King's window and has done so every day since his illness. There is a debate in England as to whether this has prolonged his illness or hastened his recovery. Some express astonishment that, he has survived. Manitoba, by all accounts, is not wasting a great deal of brotherly love over, the Seven Sisters. .3==XIC2. Miss Macdonald is a !former Wing- hamite, being •a daughter of the late Dr. Macdonald, M, P. for East Hur- on. DON'T DO IT Out Tonaile-save them. Mrs, Sybilia Spalnee Tonsilitie tteat suocessfully. Also unequalled for Coughs. Broils chitis, Catarrh, Read Colds, and Sore Throate. Absolutely guaranteed. Stnith's Ding Store BAFFLED SCIENCE Caller (breathlessly): "Doctor, This weather is tough on blos- can you do anything for me? My soms of all sorts, which probably ex- name is Brown." plains the sad fate of Mr. Cahan's Doctor: "I'm sorry, attempt to restore the days when remedy for that." knighthood was in flower. 1=/ •eicics=e AN ARTIST There's only one dentist M. P. at "That woman is a contemptible Ottawa. You'd think the fraternity . gossip even when she holds her ton - would have more pull that that. gue." <=reeie=eo "How can that be?" Bacteriologist declares that onions "She can say nothing in a Man - emit light. At any rate you can ner that leaves nothing unsaid." smell 'ern in the dark, which is just about the same. There's a good opening for a heat wave here. o=esire:=* AS IT 15 TODAY So live that if you enter politics I haven't any inidet, but we are glad to know that six you will not be so far away, that we Oi• eight real murdere, rsons, public will oftere be able to eee you. In steals your new home you will make many And bribe -inspired aid for shady newfriends and neighbors and ace deitie, uaintances, but we hode you can always look back to your many For if they ean't charge -worse than friends in Moneriefli wail pleasure. . . that, it's sure With these gifts we offer our best Your record must be absolutely pure I wishes for you itt you.11,-new home, S-- • .1 I Mi' brae(I Mts.Andy ac um, s. Geo, McKay, Kenneth McLean. Af- the presentation, lunch was served Report of Hog and the evening Was spent in dame- ancl card playing. Miss Marjorie 1 Shipments expressed her thanks to her many , friends in Monerieff. 4. -CISANBROOK- ! The March meeting of the W. M. 14, was held at the home of Mrs. H. Keys, with Mrs. Williams preeding. Mrs. Allan Cameron read the 28th chapter of Matthew and Mrs. IL K. McDonald led in prayer, Mrs. Wil- liams gave a reading from the Study Book and Mrs. Martin McDonald gave a paper entitled "His Treasur- es." A solo was sung by Mrs. Geo. Evans and the meeting was domed with prayer by Mrs. Williams. There was a large attendance, For Month ending Feb, 28, 1920 - w '441 t "i5 E24' ,154 Ftgbi 0152 247 359 22 7 Welton. 37 117 221 22 11 Ethel, 17 38 55 2 Wroxeter 465 134 805 7 10 2 13elgrave 307 122 166 1 10 6' Huron 63558 2229 3602 280 12 86 46 Stmge•LOOK AT YOUR LABEL No. 3 YellowCarn ON HAND AT Farmers' Club BRUSSELS 44++++++++++++++++++++++44 1 ++ 4. For Sale 4. 4. +4.4. AUCTION SALE 20 HORSES 20 Jo Naves and 10 Geldings Aped 3 to 10 ycers Well broken Weighing Sem 1400 to 1500 At Commercial Hotel Barns SLYTH Saturday,March 30th Commencing st2 o'cloolt TERMS -Cash la 30 days or further dine at 6 per cent per engem, JAMES LEVER, Thos, Gandry, Ase. Proprietor, AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm In the Township of aneY The Property of the late Robert Core I), M. Scott, Auctioneer, has been lustrnot. lid to sell by Pdblic Auction at the AMERI. CAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, on muttsuAY, mAaos 28th, at 2 o'clock, the following pro. t.erty, conalsting ONO series ofoollinadAlantirl riages, but divorced all her husbands. jefel4;st end lialanoe bush Goad brick 001100. "Yes, she moves in ene best tri- berenk VI .6biehoreTedaP.*,ignifublgIetOattlerde! angles, so to speak." Reeve bid. Terme-10 per cent of purohnee price to be paid at time of sale and the bal. mum in 80 daye, D. M. !SCOTT, A.G. BISHOP, AUCTION SALE Auction°, r. Executor. 1 2 ROI Dillies One Red And one Roan, ,,, .1. 1 Browndale breeding. 4. Extra choice, +4. + JNO. G. SPEIR :}.. 4, 4- Phone 166 +.. 4-44-44++++4-4-44-4-1.44+444-14+-1-1 Household furniture, Etc. Geo 18. Auctioneer, bee beets in atructed by the undersigned to sell by Pubile Attetion at her home, Walton, on Saturday, March 30th at 1,80 o'cloolt, the following effeets:--2 bed steeds, 2 bedsprings, 1 mattrees, 1 extension table, faillent table, 2 email ta`lles, 0 oak din- ing room chairs with haulm. seats, 6 other (111111,,13. small roiking choir, music rack, writ iug desk, 2 washetends, ;motion sink, kitchen cupboar Gurney Oxford rnnge, flower stand diehes lamps. pietures. Mature uru,08l, drew,. meker's model, are extinguisher, two -quart toe cream freezer, washing ma:thine, wringer, wheelbarrow. 6ot filer, draw knife, pick, aro-g- out saw, 15 cedar posts, soythe, grindstone, ice tonge, crowbar, bueletww, braoe and bit, forkeand tither nrticles too numerous to mention. Terme °nab, MRS. 10.01. FRRGUSON. Proprietress, AUCTION SALE of Household Err. ets, n Rte., 11, M. Seott, Auetioneer, has received instruetlons to s,ll et Lot 9, Con.. 17, Grey, on Tuesday, Attru 2n5, at 1 o'clock sharp, Om Collowing;-1 .mak extension .'"talt117 nearly new; 1 kitchen exteasInn table; 1 small table; n dining room ,'hairs; 3 Ititehen chairs 1 roeking chair: 1 IlIgn enair; 1 eUP- board; 1 0-0etave organ, Plana ,'ase; 1 bed room suite; 2 bedsteads and springs; 1 mattress; I vouch: 14 yards of oil cloth, nearly new; 1 kitchen range. nearly ntrw: 1 clinibg room 1,eltt or: 1 set of smoothing. Irons; 1 Wcieh- ing machine. nearly new; a quantitY or seaters and dishes, pete. Palle and Pltnti, and other articles to numerous to mention. Terms -CASH. 0. al. Scott Auetioneer, Mrs. Jno. Staplee, Pro- prietress. AUCTIONCALE of Farm Stock, he- ft plements, ete. I), M. Scott, Alia- ioneer, has beeninstructed to sell at Lot 29, Con. 14, MeRillop, half mile west of Walton, on Tuesday. April sth itt 1 o'clock, sharp, the following; -2 horses 0 years old; 1 cow calved Mar. tth; 1 cow calved Mar, 1400; 2 cows due about time of sale; 7 heifers 2 YORPS old; 8 steers 2 years old; 2 hei- fers 1 year old; 2 steers 1 year old; 2 young calves; 1 Massey Harris 7 -ft. binder; 1 McCormick G -ft. mower; 1 'McCormick 9 -ft, hay rake; 1 Mammy Harris hay loader; 1 Massey Harris 13 disc drill; 2 flat hay racks, one new: 2 wegons, 33; 1 gravel box; 1 8100P sleight 1 flat rack for sleigh; 1 Ford ;1,. ton truck; 1 light wagon; 1 SEM frame; 1 portland, cutter; 1, 5-30 Inter- national engine; 1 Hamilton 3 -furrow plow; 1, 3 -ft. double disc for tractor; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 scuffler; 1 Fluery walking, plow; 1 set 4 -section harrows; 1 sot 2 -section harrows; 1 ereain separator, Ankerholt; 1 10 -ft. ladder; 1 Clinton fanning, mill; 1 set heavy team harness; 1 'wheelbarrow; grindstone; 1 churn; t dining room chairs; 1 extension table; 1 couch: whiffletres, neekyokes forks, shovels, palls and numerous other articlea. Sale unreserved as Proprietor sae rented his farm. Terme--Surne of 510 and under cash; over that amount 7 months credit given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. Discount or 4 per eent straight off for cash 011 credit amounts. Land owners for security. 0, M. Scott. Auctioneer, P. H. Gardiner Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Or FARM STOCR. implements. Etc., Jas, Taylor, Au- tIoneer, has been instructed to sell at 000 7, Con, 10, Grdy Township on MendaY, April sth, at 1 o'clock the follow ing.:-1 matched team of geld- 1,37,gals' pWilertitheiengtnaCtti:°0 u7ndye3a,90r0s lobl8d; 411tigeento. foal In April; 1 bay gelding rising 2 years old; 1 Percheron gelding 2 yrs.: 3 heavy draft mare 10 years old; Cat- tle -1 Polled Angus cow 6 yre. old due to valve tithe of sele; 1 Polled Angus coW, 6 years old, calved about a month; 1 Hereford cOw 4 years old dut to calve In une; 1 Polled Angus heifer calved about 6 weeks; 1 Polled Angus heifer calved about 1 month; 1 Hol- stein heifer, dee to calve In aunt.; 13 lacers rising 1 years old; 4 heifers rising 2 years .old; 3 yeaelingst 4 small calves liens -5e Barred Rook pullets; 30 W I Le Le g 0 inla ; 1 13 ar r e 11,041; roosters. Maelitnery-1 Deering b 1 6 ft. cut; 1 Maeeoy Harris binder 0 ft cut, 1 Deering mower 1 ft. Mit; 1 Mao' 5,')' Harris mower sit eta; 1 Deering hay loader, new, loaded about 50 loads Of Day; 1 Deering /imams spreader near- ly new; 1 Deering. hay rake netuqy new; 1 Peter Hamilton oUltitator; 1 Massey Harris seed drill; 1 set of section barrows; 1 Coleman land roller 1 Peter Hatnliton corn scuffler for team, nearly 110W; 1 Cocitsbutt plow; 1 Percival walking plow; 1 horee seuffler; 1 Bain wagon with wagon box 1 gravel box; 1 set of l3 sleighs with 0 ft, bunks mondfl,,8' ti,rack;eltP; 1 pine hay rack with carriage; 1 stock rk:Igg; 11'1)°"aectter; T sot ef209-11/. on Chatham fanning Mill; a obantity Of wood: 502, grain bags; 1 In- ternational cream separator; titianti- ty of scantling; 1 heavy set of breeeh- ing harness; 3 single sots or bncit band harness; 6 geed eollars; 1 set of buggy harness. Ilay-Abut ten tone Of Al- falfa hay; Crain- About 1100 bush, of 0-rnwed harloy; about 200 bushels or Terripire oats; eltout 90 hun. or Mink - wheat: grain is ail rit ror seed; 3 lien era tee; 3 pig troughs; forks, sho.'als, elm1n;2, double -trees; whirrietrees, stone hoot and other articles to Titan - evens to mention. Terms -All Rums of 510 and under eanh; over that amount 1months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes, 0 per cont for cash on credit amounts. Jas, Tay- lor, Anetioneer; Moody holland, Prop. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims agalnst the estate of Andrew Pollock, late of Grey Township, in Huron Cotinty. Farmer, deceased, who died on or 0. - bent Deeember 22rd, A. IL, 1928, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or de- liver to J. A. Morton, Wingham, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the Exeeeitearbs,yottilieonr, addresses, with ell partioularti in before April 181, 1929, their names .and tai.:).,1,1..ing of their claims and the nature duly Velfied by a Statutory declare - of the securities (if any) he And further take notice that after Ole meld, April 1st, 3929, the said ex- ecutors will arcuated to distribute the assets of the said estate among the nitrites entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they Shall then have bad notice, and the sate executors shall not be liable for the said easels or any part thereof to any person of whose elahn they shall not then have received notice. et W Ingham, this 0011 day of March, A. D., 1929. J. A. Morton. Winglutm, P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Virginia st Amour, late of tho Vil' logo of Druesole, In the County of Huron, Deceased. Nome id hereby given, pursuant to Seetion 50, Chap 121, of the Revised Stet Mee of On - tart°, that all pardons having elnOns Heftiest the estate of the eat(' Virginia 51 A mour. who died oi. or 00001 the 05111 day of Jenu.. ery,l0s0, at the City of L4OUCL311, PC(el1108orOa• Endo, ere rtquirtd to send by posit, prepaid, or deliver to John P.(Jaynor. at Breadth', Ontario. R. R. 8, the hixonotor of the Inst will nod teittament of the aid5 donnue ed on or before the Eighth day of April, A. D. 1920, their names and addressee with full particolare In writ- ing of their olaIrne and the nature of the se. curitlea, (10any), held by them drily verified by n statutory deolaratten And further take notice that after the ,old 8111 day of April, 1920. the said Executor will proceed to (Ward:este the tweets of the said estate among the perties entitled thereto, having regard only to the chime of which he 14131,11 then have hnd notice, and the Raid Exectutor shall 8100 17,. liable for the said Regent or any part thereof to any parsec of whose olalm he shall not then have re- ceived notice. Dated at Brussels, the 12th day of march, A. D. 1929. JOHN P. GAYNOR, Executor. Hog for Service The undereigned will keep for service at Lot 8, Con. 15, Grey township, n Registered Berkeldre Rog Ternet--21 25 to be void at time of service with privilege of returning. 3. H. HISLOP, 40-8 Proprietor. Farm for Sale or to Rent Tho undersigned offere his 180ooro farm for sale or to rent, bol, 0001 02, Con. 5, Mor- ris. Nearly all seeded coml. Good buildings; plenty of woter 10.,r further partioulare ply to GILBERT APE'S, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE 105 neve farm, being lig hot 22, Con, 0, Mor- ris, the property of the Int° John Black. Good ram farm with never -failing epring oreek. Poe further particulars apply to M. Bite* or Wm. Pipe, the Executors of the estate. 87.0 Property for Sale Theundereigned.offers for Welter property on James atreet.Bruseelo Saab, known 00 008 Ballnittyne home, conelating of 2 twee of land, one nem in good garden and orohard with. nice big berry pntoh ; the other t.treet aore for ohlokan run, with aiongeltie. Six-rootned onaatory tentage, with good two - roomed coller end more room ; eerier, dining rooni, FIRIAPV, kitchen and bedroom off kit- chen Verandnh ell along front of house. A btu wood end noel Mud; work -ohms with up. Mein; eteble and hen house Apply on prem. ises. MISS CARRIE ZIEGLER, Brussels Farm for Sale 60 floras of lend. being omit potted of 61 EX of 00o128, on Olio 1111, C011. of Morris toweehip. Oii their/remise. be o rood frame house en stone well mei also barn double boxed. ed and battened. Good cattle mid horse stable; also idiom t 12 scree gond Muth. If not sold will be rented for paature. 80.5 JOSH LAMB Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 126o Watts ; 110 Volta. Almost new, with polee, wire and nil equipment Nor further pertleolnra apply to DR. A, 10. 11001517311610, Seeretary Villnge Trustee Board, Ethel Farm for Sale Perm knewn es the Dilworth Perm, cam prieing 100 noree meetly all cleared and 11,0 good State of cultivation, lots of water and within 1mile of Ethel edition, ).4 mile to Ethel Viinge. Will be prieed 1.010011R-biy for quick sole. !for further, pnetimilara supply on premises to 3.10 ItaWbASID, Ethel, Farm for Sale A very deeirable stools farm of HO nereti,34 mile from tritstiele. Good buildiage end equipmente. Rosy Urine to stilt patella/ter For further particulars apply to 5.11. 51ACDONALD, Brnssele. t-'