The Brussels Post, 1929-3-27, Page 1zoo per annum in advance The Surrounding District WROXETER Thos. Ritchie was a Toronto visitor visitorolast pts week. Mrs A J Sanderson is at present Assessor E. Corbett, of Fordwieh, is now busy in the village. Jas. Edgar, Wingham, was a week end visitor at the 'home of his son, Arnold. - Miss Mary Harris, bas returned from Wingham where she spent sev- eral weeks. Jno. D,avidson and Miss \Mary Davidson returned home Thursday after spendVng the Winter months in Oshawa, tt. BELGRAVE Communion will be held in the United Church at 11 o'clock Easter Sunday, Preparatory service on Friday evening at 7,30 p.m. The Belgrave Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. M. A. Wheeler en Tuesday, March 19th, with Mrs. Cecil Wheeler as the assist- ing hostess. There was a hood at- tendance of members and a few visitors. The President, Mrs. Finlay McCallum, conducted the meeting, which opened with the singing of the Institute Ode. The Pie Social which was arranged for March 16th, had to be postponed owng to unfavour- able road conditions. The (late is new set for Friday evening, April il 5th, A good progfam prepared is .and there will be plenty of pie, The members of the braash are commi- t ing a cook book this year and the Roll Call at this meeting was; Cakes, [Fillings and Icings, whch was liber- ally responded to, An excellent 'paper was given by Mrs Charles Coultes, on "The Co-operation of parents and teachers." Mrs, if,mer- 'son Wright gave• a humorous read- ing entitled "The Irish Widow," I •Mrs, dcohie and Mrs, M. A. Wheeler were chosen captains for a copper contest to be held between the March land April meetings. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, after which lunch was served and a , social hoar spent, j The death occurred on Monday, March 18th, at Wingham of Helen Porterfield, widow of the late J, L. Geddes,, formerly of Belgravo. The deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Peter and Mary Porterfield, pioneer residents of East Wawanosh and had been a resident of Wingham for the last fifteen years with the exception of a short thne in, Water- loo. Mrs. Geddes is survived by two sons, G. Wilson, actuary of the rt Garments —AT— F. A. Hunter's Special Easter Bargains Ladies' Coats We have at present a good ;tock of Ladies' Coats on hand sizes from 14 to 44, including fancy fur trimmed and plain tailored, Special Prices for early Sales. Ladies' Umbrellas Carrying too heavy a stock and in order to reduce price is slaughtered. Reg. to 36.00 for 34.00 Reg, to 34.50 for 3.00 Men's Reg, to 33.76 fot'•$2.50 Dress Silks We have' on hand a fine assort- ment of Satin Crepes,, Flat Crepes and Canton's, all the leading shades and regular up to $3,25 for Easter Selling 32.50 per yard. Ladies' Silk Hose in Pure Silk, full fashioned good heavy quality, Regular to 32,00 Easter Selling $1.65 Pure Silk Lines, full-fashioned and circular. Regular to 31.50 for $1.00 Special Showing of Genuine Peter Pan Prints Thi material in plain and fancy are guaranteed absolute- ly fadeless and are sold on these terms. Choose your Spring 'dress for sport wear before patterns are sold. up. Prints and Ginghams Our entire stack, including all our patterns, Regular 30c Easter Selling, 250. Black Duchess Satin Special 32.00 line, pure Silk, heavy weight, Easter Selling $1.48 per yd. Special 31,60 line, 36 in. width $1.10 a yd. Cuttiin Material 5 pieces, incI•uding Nets and plain colored niarquesitte with colored frills. Regular to 40e Easter Selling, 30c, a yd. Specials in Men's Wear Men's Snits We have on hand a fine assort- ment of Men's Suits, including plain navy's and greys and stripped blues in both single spud double brested, Give us a call and compare prices be- fore you buy, Men's Ties An assorted lot of out. Reg 85e and 31.00 Xmas Lines, ,all at one price 50c. You will buy these by the half dozen, Men's Overalls and Smocks A special factory clearing line of good hearty quality in Red back Blues. Regular 52.50 for 31.95. BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCh 27, I929 New Advertlaemeatr P10'Way ed--Alax, Murray Alonorteff HboralP A'.. Harrison An Old Nalildoned Mother Flog for aervloe - Mac k G. Cardiff Nor bale -.A11, Baelcar Barley for pale -win. Spelt fkirloyforsate-er. ver 0 Gill Farm to rout -David Niles For salt -Agar Bros. Nr petPerrin Heed BA ens -Thom ]anr k Rawl ns. rli r \ 3 Soling ishea �y i If king for Matt --Alex Purr to How for sale• -•1, 1) Frain pooh eggs for male -.1 F Armstrong Awe tCloverHeed-Rayt'rewford Oot,niting-(:, p 1 T. Brussels United Church Aare. of horses -James below' Auotion Hale -Moody Holland Auotion its to -Peter 13 Gardiner Idowrttpfrigvmp-eT-wy1.Fbp opr&ayC , 01,1,1, Pesos -Waiter pose Prize Contest -F. a, smith Ontario Equitable Life Assurance Co Waterloo, and J. Hardy, M. D., of London; also two sisters, and throe ,brother,s Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, of Bay- I field, and 'Vire. Ernest Geddes, of Seafcrth; James and William of Cal i gary and Alex. at the old home in Wawanosh. Deceased was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, always active in all good works and never stinting in the giving of her talents as long as her health per-' )Witted. She was a patient sufferer , from heart trouble for some years ' _ . _ _ _. __ _ _... _. and had been confined to her bed 11.11s. Arthur Hill and son of De- foe the last -seven months, Mrs. troit, have been visitors with Mrs, locality where she liveu practically De - Geddes was highly respected '' the : John Mckinnon, 9th con. The ladies all her life. She had reached the are sisters' age of 60 years and 3 months. 1 Clearing Auction sale of farm, .:, lfatm stock, implements, etc. of the GREY late Wesley Speiran will be held on iFriday, April 5th. 'Full list will be Frost is coming out and roads are' published next yveek. in bad shape. j A certain school maim went visit - in is the order of the day in ' ing one night last week. Something this vicinity. happened—perhaps they listened to I Miss Eva Savage visited with Irene 'the radio too long or maybe it was Grainger on Sunday last. ;just the long walk, but she was late Miss Lila McCracken is assisting in ' half an hour for school the next ,ocis+a {$s,a` o G;{ ,vomet ll,ditot'IaUttbs The Play Entitled "An Old Fashioned Mother' Will be presented in the TOWN HALL BRUSSELS Es Tuesday Ev'g, Apr, 9 1 This his is a real good Play, well worth hearing. r? Keep the date clear. Full a particulars next week. a to 9 SP teimeziobibletete'»w mveteta(a+R two DON'T a FORGET a^ THE ,o EASTER ER DANCE r To be held in the OPERA HOUSE BRUSSELS ai 1 PI Wednesday, April 3rd ,a_ rr ATI to Town's Orchestra in attendance lunch Benet Tickets 95c plus tat Extra lady 25e, EVERYBODY WELCOME for the kindness and thoughtfulness. A tasty lunch was served and the re- mainder of the evening was spent r2 card playing anti ,panting. The presents were useful and numerous. Obituary—The community- was indeed startled on Wednesday morn- ing when it was learned that Wes- ley Speiran, youngest son of Luke Speiran of Grey Twp., had passed s.uddenly away at his home from heart trouble. He was. stricken with- out a moments warning, having re BieKercher's store at Jamestown. lammin tired in his usual health. He wase Mrs, Wm. Bailey strived 'home , Cardg of Thanks — Mrs, Wesley married to Miss Mame Keys, dao last week from the hospital where Speiran and daughters, of the 14th ghter of the late Henry Keys, and she had been undergoing treatment Con., of Grey, desire to thanit all a fams}y of two daughters, Miss for her foot. ; their friends and neighbors for the Madalon and Jean survive, to hold James and Mrs. Ballantyne, 9th :sincere kindness and sympathy shown inn laving memory a good and loving con., attended the weddng dinner of ,them during the loss of their dear father. The deceased is also sur- vived by his aged father and three the -Machan-Heath. The bride is a :one. niece of Mrs. Ballantyne. { brotherssand four sisters. A very Howard Grainger and his friend, ,pretty wedding has sole Biz—A veal impressive M Gseuest, wasbconducted feature by pretty wedding was solemnizled at Rev. D. M. Guest, a beautiful feature gir. Jones motored from Detroit last the Meese, Cranbrook, on March being a solo, "The City Four Square', Wednesday to the former's hone on 20th, by the Rev. W. A. Williams, by Mrs. H. 0. Walker, of Brussels. the boundary where they spent a when Violet Adella Mae, only daugh- Floral tributes were beautiful. The few days. They returned on Friday ,ter of Alonzo and Mrs. Heath be- funeral, which was very largely at - morning, ' +came the bride of John Leslie Mach- tended, was held on Friday after - Trousseau Tea.—On Saturday af- an, son of Andrew end Mrs. Machan, ' noon. The pallbearers were old tcrnoon, March 16th, Miss Violet of lYlonkton. The bride looked fri - Heath entertained a number of girl ; charming in a shell pink crepe de friends, about twenty-four in all, to, chine frock with shoes and hose to a trousseau tea at her home on the imatch. The only attendants were to uecea$eu:— Angus Brown, Alex. ,Speiran, Ricnard Rob- inson, Wilfrid Whitfield, Isaac Rath- welllOth concession, prior to her mar-eranand Herman Whitfield, Plage. After admiring her trousseau. Valiancea Mrs. fsthe ggroom, After 'neighbors Presentation last Tuesday the girls repaired to the diningroom the ceremony the bridal party re- evening at the home of Milton and which was 'tastefully decorated in turned to the home of the bride's Mrs. Lowe, who have since moved to pink and white, where a dainty parents, where a sumptuous wedding their new home on the 4th Con., of. luncheon was served. After wishing dinner was served. The happy couple Morris and surprised them by pre - the bride -to -he all joy and happiness left the following morning for a senting them with a clock. The even for a happy wedded life, the guests short honeymoon. The bride trtve11- ing was spent in cards and dancing returned to their homes with the ,ing in a navy blue taffeta dress with and the gathering. departed after feeling that they had a very enjoy- navy tricotine coat with mole fur singing "Auld Lang Syne." The ad - able afternoon. We all regret that trimmings with hat. shoes, hose and dress is as follows:—To Mr. and Mrs Violet is leaving our community and purse to match. After a short honey !Lowe: Dear Friends—We a few of her pleasant smile will be missed by moon they will reside at Moncrieff. your neighbors have gathered to - all her friends. A. March Shower — A mnscellan- , gether this evening to enjoy a social eons shower was given Leslie and hour with you as we have often done glvi st e saki ecce. t`Ict"rwts t: , ta`cti'c c„,;; Mrs. bge h are March t the evening thof their before. to e have learned neighbor- Moncrieff move from of the bride's parents, Monza and • hood, in the very near future, which oncrte f f iwlrs. Heath, when a large number of ;we deeply regret, but are glad to b8 friend d neighbors ; know v s nn n t bots gathered. A that you etre not goingfar se es, short program was given, after which !away and that we will oftebe .able, ' a`Miss Jean Sanders read the follow- Ito meet you and when you find time A sal; address;—Dear Violet and Les- to call 011 us you will find a weleome ori lie—This happy group of people 'and an open door to receive you. We Will be Re -opened on - have assembled this evening to pay have found you good reighbonre and Mond -ay, April lst. our best respects to you and to wish ` always ready and willing to lend a you joy and success in your future :helping hand when needed. We will Will appreciate a share se life. You have always stood high in imiss your cheerfulness in our corn, . the esteem of the people of this munity and we hope you will be of your patronage. a community andyou will be sadlys ared many happy years to enjoy � y '', P' ! pY g�f e missed. You are entering now into health and prosperity in your non �. A . I arrgs n pi the most complete phrase of human home on the 4th concession of Mor- , A ° o3 life, the foundation of which is love. 'tis. We ask you Mr. and Mrs, Lowe dat�tne^w21 ;0:‚‚.2 �'�.nr u,& tstsrA However as each building needs walls !to accept this clock as a ,enta11 token as well as a foundation, we are here of our esteem and appreciation and ' to wish you those walls -or financial as it ticks away the moments of time success 1n your undertakings. This as the years roll by may it bring :shower consisting of kitchen utensils back sweet memories of the .geed is to help make your work easier times we had together ort the 9th . and while you are using then to make concesis on of Grey. Sinned on be- your mind wander back to as, your half of the neighbors: Donald Me - 1 old friends, Since you are moving hittnon, Oliver Al'minewny, A1r.- only a few miles from here we hope Lowe aithaugh taken by surprise FOR SALE :AT ito pee a great deal of you and you gave a suitable reply and narking EL ELEVATOR you. Again may we wlsn you health company then sang " For they are all always find a welcome awaiting thenall for their kindu.s. Th' • 1 wealth and prosperity in Your newjolly good fellows," �s t home. Signed on behalf of your C rover a friends null neighbors, Daxid Sand- MORRIS i els, Joseph Cooper. Mr, and Mrs. Slaved Jo.. and 41t'. Smith, 40Ph Intl 59 1 4 1 '1 11 it L i Machan thanked their many friends , con, are getting settled on the Wm. Douglas farm, 7th con. lir, Smith ]tus rented the farm, J. A. and lir: Burke, who were visiting the latte is parents, Jas. • and Mr. Anderson, tt e lice, return- ed to Toronto Mor l iy afternoon, I(. J. and Mrs. McLennan wish to express their einem thanks to all who so kindly gave such efficient aid when their farm Immo was burned last weer .and to the Misses Mather~ who Katie so gencrou.ly given thole furnished house to be used until 11 home eats he prepared for 0(10 use, Surprised by; Friends— A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of I,ert, and ]Sirs. Cantor, 6th con., on Friday evening, when :rriende and neiglthois gathered to spend n socia} thew with them before they leave for their new home near Ethel. During the early part of the even- ing games and dancing were eajoy- ed after which the gathering was en tertained by -a program which was in charge of Bert Watson. The pro - Store QUANTITY OF Men's Wk. Shirts Cotton Plaid, work shirts, sizes 14 t0 1710, Regular 31.50 Easter Selling $1.20. Also an assorted lot, Regul- ar to 31.35 for 31.00. lftlF. i'Ett6t€",{oca. atw>b't4',dmttiom."(6"•tit&Zg'.,kdi' t.".tN.towtrottmtulL',..,e ..,1...;t`, FOR THE tillElls 11 Corning Wednesday, April 3rd, and for the day only, j 1 Mr. Charles Hunter, representative for Skill Craft Tailored -to -measure Clothing, will be here, [EXTRA PANTS FREE With every Skill Craft Tailored -to -measure Suit at 325.50 and up. - ,rr`2t 7mbtt°alaK.t+�(m"721,:tgtlil`ait o,D, lD'(^sgvan?iD7"d7 12t'1'tr9i`2121%..,,r4,v,r;;mir oo,DA nalr•These prices given above are for Easter selling on- ly. Take advantage before the lines ggt broken. F. A. Hunter Phone 61 .Brussels nrcnoremedirtgap*IrafraftWarMaeltlefnmiallnel6MPIMINIMMV. hick A FTER a thorough test of the Chick Feeds Ill by our it1r. Pierson with wonderful success, we are this year offering thein to the poultry public, You can feed these Feeds with every confidence that you are going to raise all your chicks, Every ingredient in these Feeds is the very best we could, buy, A supply on hand at all times. Also kept by W. .1, McCracken, Davison's Hard- ware and Farmers' Club Store. Also expect to have a supply at Walton and Ethel. WALTER ROSE C formulated ecteletateKleteletaensatsteaneeeetewgeMeeel,04 ab r,' COMfl G ! "The Bashful Mr. Bobbs" By Kincardine Young People under the auspices of C, G, I. T. of Brussels United Church Town Hall Brussels (Watch for Date) Admission 35 and 25 cents ETHEL Mrs, Robert Bremner has return- ed home after spending a while with ' Mrs. Jag, Bremner. Moody Holland, of Con. 16, Grey,' who has been quite .er ou.ly i11 for some time is at pre ae::t at the home ' of Job and Jir< ping, --at. 10 and under the care of Dr. McMaster. Bert Lake was rather unfortunate to have a rather serious break In ' his bread truck so early in the sea- son. On Monday last the alit was broken and as a result the car made a trill to the local garage. Every one in the community is requested to be at' the Union sett -ice in the united C'lierrh on Friday af- te:r::oon at 3 o'clock. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. Williams of the [ resbyt. ritn church and Rev. Jackson will also assist it is also expected that some 't, eci'.i ,nuei0 • s ' furnished e! service. y Il br furor h d for t1, been e the Fishing ha: b n i1, order of h 'day around here but the story sounds very Much like a nursery rhyme for most of the fishing has been carried on in the vicinity of the cellars Where fishing' was indeed necessary to rescue apples, potatoes and preserves from a watery bed. So bad has been the high water "epi- demic" that a number of furnaces have been out ofe A wedding of t Ethel folks was solemnized last Saturday at 3 o'clock in Colborne St. United Church, London, when Rev. H. J. ' en united in matrlage Cuvier Henderson, son of Rcv. and Mrs. J. Henderson, of London, and Eva Lil- lian, daughter of Jas. and Mrs.! Hobbs, also of London •The groom is a son of Rev. and Mrs. Henderson' who were on the Ethel Circuit a few years ago and friends here will ex- tend congratulations to Cuyler and his bride. The regular Official Board Meet- ing of the Ethel Circuit United Church of Canada was held on Mon- day afternoon with a good attend- ance anti much routine bu e was attended to. A epeeiai meeting :or Cie "Pu:,•it. Supply" Committee was alto held and plans made to extend all invitation to a sucoeseor for the present pastor who is leaving the Circuit on July 1st. John P. Mc- Intosh is the delegate to represent the • Circuit at the Annual Confer- ence which will he hell in London about the first week in June. Quite a few from here attended the funeral on Friday last of the late \•it e St'• l y euan who a •' away i p y o suddenly on Wednesday of last week. The late Sit Speiran was very well and favorably known by every one in [hie community and seldom has a community reveived a greater hock than was the result of the re eeiving of the news of his sudden call. The funeral was the largest held in these parts for some time in spite of the very bad' con- dition of the- roads in Grey, Rev. D. lI. Guest of the Unio't United church was in charge of the s'1" vice. Y. P. S. Banquet. -- . pleasant evi ping was spent on Thursday, March 21st in the basement at the United Church when a St. Petr c s banquet wee held under th au:l i e. of the Young People's Society, Short ly after 7 o'clock about (10 sat down to tables well loaded with appetiz- ing things to eat and tastefully de- conned e: col ted for the occasion Atter the meal wap finished the program yy t• given, in charge of Itt'y. Guest, who was Toast Master for the ,('rasion. Mr. Guest proposed t1, tenet to the Bing and country and it eta t.',o otid ed to by the singing of the National tntli nt, Cecil 13atermen proposed the toast to the Yount;• People's `?oc- lety and it was responded to by Ella Pearson, Sits, Q. I)ol,son in a Ilam ot'ous vein proposed tete toast to Ireland and Mss. 11. Hall responded by• singing of a suitable Irish solo. Dorothy ranklie gave an interesting' reading on "St Petrick" and Mie C. Evans sang a suitable solo, The pastor, het. 141[•. Guest took the oe'- rasion to express the appreciation of the r011g i. ration ti, h t', I• and Miss 11. Stevens for their a silt mice in rho choir during the past few months. Community singing was there entered into by everyone with Cecil Bateman leading. A pleasant hour was then 01:01it in 'nines and contests after which the National Anthem brought the social to • a crape. The liannuuet was in charge of the Social Committee of the Young People's Society with Miss Stevens as convenor and an active committee that gave her' spice dial assistance. 1 f, L. KERR., Proprietor 3p( Personal Paragraphs 511ss Greet, Iiecuagban spent II'riday In Kitchener, 81,'s. tVirl, Backer was es visitor with reh4tveset011lfm•d, George 51(1 yards i8 visiting 'wibh'Inia dad 'te u1 S , a t b i t tUe,t. g 1 Mack I eagusou, of Toronto is home fur fhb Easter vace unn. Mise 3i Tavls r f *meet a few daysae the guest of her cousin, Mrs, Walter ltoye Bal c irate r.1.111.8(.0 and \Val ter Scott, i3eafortlt. were viestnrs in town ou. Sat- urday, I}arry Qne, in, of 'I'arai,in, spent a Few days with his Inuants, Jos, and Qnetin. • MIs. 0,V, J. Pineter and bliss Lulu spent the week -end with friends in Wioghilm, 1V. P and Mrs. Willis Iver, visitors n stat (:t ase l'huteday. They ei00I '(1 down, 51, A s. .lartin hnt111011, T of Hen fry n, spent. a few days with Mts. Florence Ros.ell and family [loin [halt attended the funeral of hie sister -1n -law, Nis Samuel Sh111a ill Detroit on 'fuel -day. Frank Olivet, (•f I�taiisfort, N. Y. was bete leaf week owing to the set' - tons 111,,,., of his mother. Mrs. Rnitt. Strachan was in Detroit last week visiting- Ward and Mrs. Buchanan pad ethrr old Fiends. Mrs. J. 11. Bell, of Nh:ikeepeare, has been aseisll10 in wailing ell her mother, Mrs. Oliver, who is setinusly ill M`.ea SVilma Galbraith, of Toronto. is spending the Monte, holidays with her patents, 3. 1-1 and Mrs. eat- braith MIS. Breus M Phel0( 8. of Detroit, M w't« the guest ,f Gen,ge and. NL s.141lwindslast week. The visitor is 41 01ere. 55,0. kohl'. 0. Dark went to Defrost Monday last to attend the funeral of hp,' sisiet•1,1•lawi Mts. Salo. Shine Tu estiey aft Pt, en 40. lies. it ('•star, of Bright, and son Archie, of Uldga,y, t•l,itrd Iver the wsek•end at. the homes of Robert O:iver and Jobe Cu era, W. 411. Sinclair 'Omitted home Mon- day evening and is feeling fine. Be WW1 aceomeanied borne by his daugh- ter. Mrs. -Oltuk, of Hamilton. P. and Mrs 5c.,et are visiting with the lattet'e staters, Misses Brine, at Sw(fnrtb, Ther expect to visit at 'retain to anti Hamilton with their sons, Mrs Ft ed Slownnin and two child- ren, of Oap+roll, wet(+ on the 0. N R, train that was in the wreck near Par - 1•y Sound, lira. Storm is a niece of Mrs, Spatting rf town F. \V. an.i .lint. Wigg and ll aster Stewart, of Seafutlb, were visitors with .1. L. and Mrs. Kerr on Sunday. 'titsater Stewautwas relel:rating his 611, hi, 1041 nn Sunday. Talisa Jean Pei glee, n leaven New York next week with Dr. and Mrs. Lackner. of Ki,,i,s•er, nn 411:114)10 the Old t`. antsy and Selene, hiss J 0 ', ra-uly 11 lend. wi.l, 1,:'t• a Micas- ,' r Itis, PAt.ait?Hs'ren r SPECTATOR ; - Mr. 141 *1 Cox veined hs.. puertlt" du W ed- n,sday prior to leaving for Wood- stock where he has been transferred to that branch ,nf the Canadian Bank of Connote re from the -branch in Ar- thur. Earl W't0 le f Tater member of the Stands,tl flank bele, before mov- ing to Arthur. r•.r' Church Notes 1 � St. John's Church In St. George's Church, \Valteu, the timid Friday Memrn1:tl Sex wee will be held at 3p. Iu, --tbe he lie When the 1V,,rid'c 8300111' et;p=14 i. Next Friday being Good Friday, there will be divtre servile in 'St, John's (."0ln eh, Beers: is, at 7 p. tn. The coed Friday oifeungs in all Aug- Beau ohm ekes in l':.1 An ate used fns the eOurerefe n at' the Jewe, who etuc- if:rtl the Messiah, gram nesis'to. l of community sing- er, humorous readings by Mrs. 119.1, c and Mee. Wcteon, an Metrtt- ntental by Bob and Ellen. Nicol; solos -- by T. Clink; duet by :Urs. Clegg and Mrs. Carter; and musical selection h•. W. Clark anti G. Martin. During tee snot, nn Mr. end Mrs. Carter Were Veiled and Miss Martha Arm- stcong read an addrs, .nd Mrs. T. Cladk oe behalf of the gathering, - presented them with a beautiful gasoline lamp es a remembrance of the days they had spent here. Mr. and 111,. Carter ,:1,-11 made a reply, thanking the people for their kind - n nee. Lunch was . eeveel and another Nodal hour semit. CR AN BR001. Earl. Rudd hes been an the! sick - list for tits past ween. George Baker has left us. He leas gone to London i'or a visit. We re- rrc t loo ing old friends, N _ t Sunday .r ,: Faster Sunday,- vett is ': 10 -Lim, Sunday School Ii 1:1 a.m., Preaching service; '7,'0 p,tn Youn • People's . Society. The boys are getting frivolous a- round Cranbrook. Where is the . Liquor Control Officer? .:He would find lots to do here some nights, The Irish ,Social wheh was post- poned from:Morel iSth on amnia of the bad reads, will he held on Friday evening of this week in Long's Hall. Jt is sunder the tsetse pities of the Ladies' . Aid of -TC.nox . 011110011 and everybody is weleoine,