The Brussels Post, 1929-3-20, Page 8" W) DNIaSDAY, NIATSGII 20t1k, 1929 1hHMf. !plRO5 1J.5 PAST 'Ill02310494'1041Eatetletteglettettettgelletaleffileiglelegatteeettiteteittiagaitge4 u aET+ kre Now Showing The New Wall, Papers The New Wall Papers are in mow and Ready for your inspection SUNWORT}IY WALL 1'AI'I.ft'—.A good Teeny of the better patterns are the Snipeorth}' hind—beautiful colorings which civ g not fad t--.. ni1 they retain their freshoe se much longer than A the ord11 ary kind. '1 hey c+ Inee ti:i-tl•ithlncd, (.f euuree. Patted,s•tuital,le for Living Hotline, Dieing Rooms, Malls, Pedro etils, Kitchens, &c. A good choice of pate -time of the \ •iiniehad Tile Pap( rs which give such go -,if e(:rvice fix 1'aletri s, leetceepn and teach 11o,.rns. in the chi alit r pupae the patterns and t.:,nr11 ge are good itud the pi ices unicli lower than they have Leen fr,r a lung time. When yeti have J'21 eilug tit do, it will u fru to see our stock as the paten's, colt,riutrts and prices are tight and will htnud close e011ijtfiiM'Dn h. R. SMITH 724e sPare Druggist and Stationer Brussels United Church REV, A, W, BARKER, B. D. MINISTER Sunday, Mar. 24th 11 am.—Public Worship. Subject : "Citizen -ship" The 9th sermon in n series nn "Nine Spiritual Ships" 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. Missionary Program and Offering 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme : "Abraham—The Gibraltar of Faith" 9th Sermon in a Series on "The Mahers of History" Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday—Prayer Service —Choir rehearsal. 4 Seed OATS for Sale, O. A. C. No 144. Alec 11 young23, 40 pigs. J. -tfA i Ntchol, Phone 42 - SEED OATS For Sale "Gold Mine' and "Granary Filler." Apply to ta P. Ament. Phone 80x. 40-tI to 15 Chunks Pigs For Sale; Also some young calves. Apply to Isaac Clark, Lot 30, Con. 5, Grey. Phone 41-24. 40-1 10 Horses For Sale. All Good Clydes weighing from 1300 to 1500 lbs. 4.11 young. George C. McDonalii, Lot 43, Con. 1, Grey, Bluevale R. R. 2. Molesworth Phone 11-4. 40-2. PAIR of Pekin Ducks for Sale. Ap. Iy to Jos.. Shaw, Morris, Phone 58-14. 40-1 FOR SALE—Timothy and Alsike Mixture. 27% Alsike n, 10c a lb ; Pure Timothy @ 54 a bus.; Yettow Blossom Sweet Clover Cu 55 per bus.; White Blossom Sweet Clover @ 54.50 a bets. All government graded and tested. Russell Dou- gherty, Lot 13, Con, 17, Grey. Phone 37-19. 40-tf. FARM TO RENT -100 acres, Lot 8 Con. 16, Grey. Plowing done. Immediate possession. Apply to Alex. Buchanan, Walton P. O. 38-3. HOUSE TO RENT, on Lot 4, Con. 9, Grey, J. A. Nichol, Phone 42-23 38-1. A Rafe Repository for Bonds or Other Valuable Papers ASAFETY Deposit Rox in your nearest branch of the Canadian Baine of Commerce is the logical place to keep your valuables for security and convenience.. We shall be pleased to furnish you with s )ace necessary for your requmem cuts at minimum rates. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK O1 CANADA JI with which is oma hgamatca Card of Thanks. Did Well. The fanffly and friends of Mrs. The play "The Old Fashioned James Parish wish to express their Mother" presented in the Town Hall sincere thanks to the many friends last Thursday evening, drew a full and neighbors who showed their kind house, and was much enjoyed by all. sympathy to them in the loss of their present. Each and everyone of the caste did their part well. Following the play lunch was served and a dear mother. • Easter Sunday dance followed. Laster Sunday for the first tinge in 347 years will be celebrated this year Shun the Peddler. ' in unity by Christians of all creeds It is the itinerant peddlar, the and sects, announces the Interna- houee to house door bell ringer and • tional Fixed Calender League at thoseof his kind who travel from London, England. The unusual agree- place to place plying their trade and hent is made possible by a decision nnpoeing on the credulity of the un - of the Synod of the Orthodox church thinking, offering bargains in this at Bucharest to advance by 14 days and that which most always turns their Easter, bringing it to the Ender out inferior or in short measure. It is Sunday of the Gregorian calender, the plausible stories that March 31. The Jewish Passover also well to beware of these fellows and will be celebrated at that period. they tell to engage the interest and confidence of their ,prospects. There Minor Locals. are many varieties, with .as many Cars are running ,again. kinds of merchandise to sell. Infer - Good Friday on the 22th. cor articles of many kinds are peddle Have you paid your subscription ed about hither and yon during the yet? different seasons of the year. The Snow and rain has been on the automobile has been a great aid to weather bill -of -fare, this kind of c'hicanerd for, after he A dance will be held in the Town has landed a few gullible propects a Hall on Wednesday, April 3rd. day's journey will take him far be Sale of horses at the American yond the reach of the Hotel barns on Saturday of this buyer, who discovers that he or she week. has been victimized. What better as - Send us in your items but do not sarance can there be than buying leave it off until Wednesday morn- from the home town merchant? If ing, if at all possible—send them in for any reason the article proves un - early. satisfactory he is ready and willing Soon the head of the household to correct all troubles and satisfy his will be putting the back garden in customer. Not so the peddlar—he is order, but probably the motor car gone to -morrow, or yet to -day if the will receive the first attention. chase gets too hot. He is not seeking to satisfy his customer—he is after Regulation re Parcel Delivery. the money alone: The home town merchant stakes his reputation and DtgolatDa ia,$, w.9r ..,.at2;4212 2C1.1iVit22.0J:'" i2C-,Dtrdati2f2 7 5tDt�i Z4DIDtre p c2r�tr2� Local News Items Paid His Usual Visit. Easter War Crys. Dr. Field, Public School inspector Salvation Army Officers from made his usual Spring visit to Brus- Winghaln were here this week eell- sels Public School last week. ing the Easter War Cry. Minor Locals. Half of March gone Good Friday just one week away Mortgage Sale of farm will be held at American Hotel on Saturday after- noon. • Will Hold a Pie Social. The cloy':, Scouts are holding a Pie Social in the L'a:-ement of the Pres- byterian Church next Monday even. ing. A good time is assured to all. Silver Collection. Everbody Wel- come. Literary Meeting Friday Evening. , The Literary meeting of the Prue - sols C ont nu::tion School will be held on Friday, March 22nd in the school. The meeting oecins at 8 o'clock sharp and parents SLS tue cordially invited to attend our Inst meeting of tint school year. We hope to see the parents present at the meeting. Ice Went Out Friday. Fri.iay morning the ice on the dam went oat in a hurry and the water rose higher this year than it has for many years. All the low lands were flooded, and water rushed into the lower floors of the homes of George Edwards and Alex Rutledge, ! Mill street. By Monday the river i was hack into its u:ival challem. No I great (Immure „ was done; around Bru ! Fels. We dne day morning the river was I•i n again, caused no doubt l,v t the •n' nv drains in Grey Towa hip getting opened rip, A Travel Talk. ]iiia, ilabel Zimmer eave her travel talk last T}nneday weitning iu tie. United Church. Those who were present enjoyed the viewe and tee. talk, The views were good and is eluded Fior•eoc,, Borne, Geneva end j e r t i •ethe "Queen P_� 1 On toDc,u a r f t r a n 1 't ri•aii c where , a r, rt to St.Marie,' riatic" 1 church, the Bridge. of S1 he c t 1, (Vic; 1 enjoyed by the audience Miss leu ! mer is a very pleasing sneaker eat I the evening •contributed 517 to the 1 Ladies' Aid, as Miss Zimmer gave brr 1 talk nnrl views free. We would be glad to hear another travel ter':lc 1 later. Mrs. Fred Price Passes Away. Following three weeke' ilio' a t),:+ death of Amaryllias, widow of Fred Price, occurred on Sunday at th home of her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Wunder, 603 Spadina Avenue, Tor- onto. Mrs. Price who resided at 2 Deilwoods Park, Toronto, was born at Woodbridge. Her husband was for thirty years with the Canada Per- manent Loan and Mortgage Corpor- ation. Surviving are one. son, Dr. Walter -G. Price, of Port Credit, Seeond Principal Grand Cheater of Canada, RANI.; and two daughters, Mrs. Edgar U. Wright, of South Orange., N.J.; and Mrs. W. M. Wun- der, -Toronto. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'cleck,. Interment was made in :Mount•?leeerent Cemetery. Deceased was a sister of the later Alex. Rune ter •of Brussels, and the late John Hunter of-Cranbrook. Will Hold Sale. The household effects of the late Virginia St. Amour will be offered for rale on Saturday, March 23rd at 1 o'clock sharp. See advt. in this 1 Sue. Spring Is Coming For— Th robins are here. And the boys are playing marb,ls. And the girls are out with the skip- ping rope.;. 1'11e dam is roaring. j And you can get your feet wet 'trying to get from one side of the street to the other. The bicycle has appeared. And Spring is due on March 21st, Moving to Peel County. Mr. G. R Patterson, of Clinton, who has held the position of Agricul- tural I.epre..ntatty: for the County of Huron for the last two years, is being transferred by the Department of Agrculture to :e elmi'iar position in Peel County. It is understood that DIr. Pstt•:-r,,en uu•:asor will be Mr. MeKay, who has is on his assistant in the work in this county. Mr. Patter. son has been a hard worker aril very popular. Remembered By Sunday School. At the United Sunday School re- cently, Mie Evelyn Cunningham, who hit; be, n p1 an.:at, was presented with a lamp for lir•, room. Mie, Mar - eel 'it J,oyvnin;, read the address and Miss Edna Davison made the pre - e et t on• Iollow-ing w•as the ad• flreee:—Deur Fellow Worker— Real- izin to souls, dt:irec• the high value ::rd �.rr,,e1 p ac a:y, 0n to gnu ic• in the wei•,iiiip of tits iiauch, and the of the Sunday S nn"! ;and wish- in,r tp ou; is t!un rig yon 7i l••ut� and f . ui - v -;•••-- aa pr,u i t of the Srhnnl, mei also in ietitenelitig to yea our ,+11 0 tv 1. ,,e and 1 earnest prayees fur y t r1 fi Jle r• ss in the service of healing, keep- and comfor f rust• thri,i. in dr ere v. w.i ,,r, sent you with thele token of our r steep, Ya.,rt ler thy• Master's 4 A Sequel to "Bean Geste" "Beau Sahrcur" i fradgilb with :r:'.. P t scenes—.how t l r roul,1 :men (a Noah L•e.'rv, Wil'inm Pow - (•11 r5rsi Mitchell L e:vie hav,. each powerful roles? Picture the attack no the French garrison, jest a hand - fill of ]nen media 0 thpa]'ansl —et liebrlful of men wS.r•d nut and th hero le:rapinl w:bh two girls to the d': -e t, that hie mission for i ranee be fulfilled! Picture the dremati+: scene where the Sheikh El Hamel demands that tho woman be turned over to him as subsidy if France would have a treaty with him! Pic- ture the charge of the Great Oasis with five persons bantling five thou - mind! The dynamite mines planted in the sands! The slaying of the I desert. wolves with modern. warfare ' methods! Never has a picture before been parked with so many melodra- matic moments. This picture will be 'at the Grand Theatre an Friday and Saturday of this week. FOR SALE—One 5 year-old Durham cow, fresh; 1 5 year-old Durham cote due to calve 1st of March; 1 'York sow due to farrow 15th of February, and 6 pigs about 100 lbs. Baxter Stevenson, Phone 42-26. 34-tf. Cars Are Running. Last Saturday evening a car came in from Walton and on Sunday cars were going night through to Sea - forth. Wednesday morning the car drivers were having some trouble at Cunningham's hill, 3 miles south of Brussels. "The Girl From Gay Paree." "The Girl from Gay Paree" will be the feature picture attraction coming to the Grand Theatre on Monday next. The story tells of a young lady who comes to New York to join the hollies but has reached that stage where she is hungry and tired. She enters an eating place and after sats::fying her hunger, de- camps pursued by an officer. She runs into a cabaret where they are selecting a young lady to imperson- ate a famous French chanteuse who has disappointed the management. Girl is given the job with the under- standing that if she is discovered she would be imprisoned. A young ,jour; alk.( comes to interview her and fails it love with her. Another man knows the real Frenchwoman thr 'at - env her with expo..eure. She make - an appointment to mart him and it is +.'rine then on that the fun waxes feet and furious. St. Patrick's Baking Sale. f). : nrittal :ale of homo-ma'e bak- ing :Ind 50130'1 held by th,. Woman's ("eel -thin 7'n mpei•ance Union on S::t- t 1 h lath, r was t .a. 0 !m tto- r1 1 t i )utt Its t i r d nf; wrci given by bnttt WWII +d ' o ,Btey l,r.o),let, and the Sapp, -r served was well patronized, in hon- e ,3 et: I ,t'ic'k, the Irish stew sten vet .t ,ropily =hare of Praire. 1 Mee; in 'barer, of baking bo•,th , 11.:,r ul. -, (Rev.) Barker, W. 4. P e •,err and I. Parker, :yrieelamee. H. 11, ginrion, M,('%11. 1.. S1''tnn, I. Down- ing, D. Demean, S. F. Davieon argil .1. DT 11;r e •v re the table r )173'3 - 1, C. (;. I. T. girls wore in r her..,, 7.1:'• candy booth,• I'rncee,18 w,v'e Ott 1 d lnfy s'n local, County and Prevented work: Twp field wail-con; :a r lu l,t .044: all year. L r t year Ulcers trop n gave ccienti fir 1 te al 7; 1 some .,cid e ere to .1 4,668 pOnsic school ool p ;pf s. and 10.055 high school pal is and 2,757 Sip'rate school 1,' p11,. Thr y also presented the 'remperene 511.•I ria to 127 debit, banquets, C,(r.T.T.'s, Women's Ta- i etitutes, etc. We have also oondurt- ed a huge S. S. Scientific Temper- anre camnnign but on by the W. C. T. U. and now being taken u -i bout 1500 Sunday Schools, juvenile lI Temperance Bari s. have also been organized with a membership of } 1000. 1 Postmasters, rural mail couriers and contractors are aagin ad- vised that parcels which are too large to be placed in the nail box must not, under any circumstances be placed on top of the box or tied to the post. These par- cels must be held at the office and the official notice, R. M. D. No. 2, should be forwardedtto the addres- see. If the addressee asks that the parcel be delivered by the courier, the postmaster must tbe advised in writing on the form, and the addres- see will meet the courier at tlteibox. When the package is not called for after the first, notice has been sent, a second notice, R. M. D. No. 3, will be sent, reminding the addressee that ''a previous request to call had been mailed. Mrs. Parrish Passes Away, On Wednesday afternoon, Annie Combes, widow of the late James Parrish, passed peacefully away at her home here from heart disease, only being confined to her bed for ten days. She was born ie Winthrop in 1809 and has resided in around Lruseels for the past 20 years. When quite a young girl she was united in marriage to Robert Shiells of Grey township, who 'predeceased her 28 years ago and later married Janes Parrish, who died some years ago. In religion she was a mcmbc 1 of the United church, She is sur- vived h -se y 1. r aged mother, 'fir:,, Thos, Combes of Seafortll, three sisters, Mrs, Thomas Shue!-, of Detroit; Mre. Joeeph Storey, Seat•orth; and errs, R. 11. White of ClarehoIm, Alta; Mat brother, Herbert Combes, of l gniondv:lle, also a grow1e-un Semitic of two dauOhters tel six sense, name- ly Dir,. George Johnston. of Grey township and M;:. \(alt, r Thompson of Str•t ret aft 1 Nn r G, of ars hr S .1.. 7911 ',r :Melvin l 1, R u• S.t sDetroit; Feteaim, , ti Earl, Dimwit ria r l and James garish, of Brussels, •and four grand- children. 'Ile funeral was held from her late holne on Saturday afternoon to. Brussels crone t' 'y. Rev. A. W. Barker, of the United Church, had chuge of the :.crtires at home and 1,r it a•irie, Two favorite hymns of Mr.e. Parish were .:Sag "Lead Kindly Light" and Dir. Eelanier sang `Some D,.y the Silver Cord will Break." The pallbearers were four sons, Leonard, F;phrairr3, burl and James Peevish, and two sons-in-law, Walter Thontp- eon and George Johnston, Among the beautiful floral tributes were:— pillow from the family; wreath from her mother, Mrs, Thos. Combes and sister, Mrs. Jos, Storey; pillow from Mrs, R. White and Thee, and DJrs. Shiols; spray from W. 11. and Mrs. Willis; spray from Postoflice stair. Friends from a distance attend ng the funeral were Mrs. Thos. Combes, Mrs, Joseph -Storey, Herbert Combs and Harry Hart, all of Sea - forth; Mr, and Mrs. Melvin R, Shiels and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shiols, of etroit; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomp DORN 809, -In Hunett, on larch 1751), 1920, to Mr. and tors Lorne Roe, et daughter. SWARTMAN.-At Winnipeg Hospital. on Saturday, March 18(0, to Mr. and lire Gifford Svenrtman (nee Doris Ross) a ann. MARRIED WE"TOVER-DANE-At St. Paul's Nth Uni!• ed Church Parsonage, st. ('atharines, on Marsh Lith, 10:0, by Rev, Charles Morgan Edythe iioe Dane. youngest daughter of Westover, eldest Son ane, of tof Mrsn rheL toti r. Stephran, of Ringarn Fulls, Ont. DIED PARRISH —In Hr11xHPlx, OS Wednesday, Mar. 78th Annie Combes, widow of the late lnmex P,trrixlt.in herdlnt year. PRI' E. -A t the reaidenre of her daughter, Mrs. (I),.) W. M. Wander, Toronto, rn Saturday. March 16th, •smnryiiae (Rhin) (Hunter, widow of the late Fred. Prise. IR 31EBIORIA.I1 GRTFITTH.-To loving memory of Witlinre Griffith. who riled In Winnipeg, ittnnitaba, March 22nd 18:8. I o'e'n for oriel dearly Irn•ed, For one I could no, save: Be oved in life end mourned lo11ean!, Remembered In the grave, H)s loving voloP I'll ne'cr forget, Though years may terns ,1w0)' ; The lone of hill, 1 sadly feel As keen es that Arm day, when e11 lo stilt and .silent And ,.(Pen fnreelr,e my eyes, My thoughts are in a e3IPnt g, nvs Whore my dear lewd ane Is of. -Lovingly remembered by his Mother Auction Bala SATURDAY. : '.lira lard -Household of. from+.. circ , the property nt the luta Virginia St. Amour, at her la, c home Queensberry St , ]Brussels Sale at 1 ri Stool' sharp. John P. Gaynor. Executor .• 1,, M. Scott, Ann, SATURDAY, ;,TABOR 2a-20 young horses, of American motet stables, n•n,,xls. Hale at 2o'cloclr F.11,1(11ER, Prop,ietor ; Janina Taylor. Ano. ' THUetoDAY, iii AI0CH 28t1,--Vnlnnbin faro, the property of the !ere Robert Darr, at Ole American Ilotel, 1lrueselx Nnla nt 2 o'clock. A. it Bishop. Exrmu,nr; 1). 0; Scott, Ano SATURDAY, h tAR(R .tach -H mtsnlenld et. fear, 1i31,511 home Of the rnrt tr . U p a r•ant Walton Sale n nti oek. Mrs. It R. e'er. - gaan Proprietress; fen H. -Mutt, Aur. ett the'Grand lettuce tst bIL lea,taear etf lasses. McD(grand op.;l IMwd, AtoWel. Alex, McDonald Prop. • w, .1 i)„wd, Atm MONDAY, APir ash -F-Farm Stook, t,. pts, gay. orlon. ,ia., nt Lot 7, (inn 18• Gray. Greyy. SON rcrVed'llt 1o'aloeh, Bloody Mallard, Proprietor. Hog for Service The undersigned will keep for set vied at Lot 0, (on.15, (Grey township, a Registered Berkshire flog Terms -$i 16 to be paid nt lima of service with privilege el' returning. J. I9, HINI:OP, 40.8 , Proprietor, Farm for Sale or to Rent The undersigned offers his 100 nor farm for Halo or to rent, being N}66Lot 25, Con 6, Mar- ra. Nearly all Needed( own, Good buildings; plenty of ivnter a`.,r fnrtherportladlnrsal.- ply to 013,13ER7,' aPEI R, ilruxsolH. NOTICE The Council of tee trimme l)) of Grey pro 550(03 for ta'lo'n for Imnlloe grnvol with motor trocar from oruRhar. Tendersura t0 state prise dither by day or e nor yard tor l mile. son itnd little son, of StratSord; Mrs. Tri. The..low 1101, neon tr. Thomas and daughters of Ifenfryn Ilynnnoapted�Weatorany!, 15. NIC'Aiinnaouaar• and George Hart of Henfryn, Township Clerk, all Paper We have just recrivc cl our Spring Stock of Weill Papers, These contain many new designs,"styles and colorings and are mod- eratt•ly priced from 5e upwards, We will be pleased to show them Parke -Davis & Co's Standardized Cod Jiver Oil Refined and bottled by im- proved methods which con- serve the Vitamins. An exceptionally fine Cod Liver Oil. Parke Davis & Co's Analgesic Balm Absorbent and healing Parke Davis & Co's CAPSOLIN Effective and reliable prep- aration preferable to Mus- tard Plasters and Liniment. Moir's Chocolates A Fresh supply just received All * n's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox his success on his record for fair and honest dealing. He may be fond of business day in and day out, year in and year out. Patronize your local merchant and watch your town grow. —Brampton 'Conservator. Minor Locals. The days are lengthening. Over in France many automobiles are operated on charcoal. But that's nothing. Here even more are oper- ated on credit, 4 new process, found in London, will make cardboard as strong as iron. This answers a complaint from Scotland that Christmas cards wear out after a few seasons. Still it will be wise to keep the !flannels on for a few days more any- way. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Huron, held at Clinton' on Tuesday, Rev. R. C. McDermid, of Goderich, was nominated for the office of mod-. erator of the Synod of Ham- ;ilton and London. --111 you have a constructive sug- gestion to offer on any problem af- fecting the town or surrounding ells - I trict, write a letter to the editor. i Open discussion of this kind makes for the best solution in the long run. In writing remember that we should all belong to a constructive gang, rather than a wrecking crew. ,nd heatre Friday and Saturday - Mar. 22 & 23 The Answer to ``Beau' Geste" Yea; v waited fora comp% inn pi attire to gallant, faecite itt- "Beim (;Petit.'' Bert. it i': 1 "Henn tSnhreul 1'• !follow the salve davi,Ig ted venturer 01 flie Pi snob Pur sign Legion through another luvi h, glanmtous romance. The thrill of the year 1 "Beau eau Sabreur By the 5311, liter of "Beall Gent." With Gary Ceopor, Evel- yn Brent. Noah Beery and \Viilieuu Powell, • Monday & Tuesday - Mar. 25 & 26 "The ON fror Gay Payee„ SHE SURE WAS A WILD GIRL from PARIS LOVE'S TRIALS ANI)'1'RIBULA'1'IONS—(•lie threats of expnsure• did not frighten the P,etulo G•reurh Cbenteuse— w'bieh he discovered much to his discomfiture. 411 appealing and colorful hit) Leila; ntnent with a great cast of 8 :teen Players including Lowell Hherrnau, Barbara 13ed• fnt(1, Dlelcnhn 9lc1regur, Betty Bivthe, Walter Hiers, 51nrg,u•t'5 Livingston, Templar Saxe, Leo White. 011.1.0101.1. Friday & Saturday - March 29 & 30 Richard Dix WithLDHR • n "A/loran a of the Marines' I)IX hops 1)1 and nut of tight sit tint inns. He linos it1to love and ran 1 get hut. You'll' leve Dix in hie trtarch to the heart of the irrisistlhle Ruth 17Sler, You'll thrill with this girl BS s11ri00,5,0 in the clouds, Coming "State tr n r S get Sadie Glorious Betsy "Topsy and Eva"