The Brussels Post, 1929-3-20, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th, 1929 ielikussets Pont WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th,, 1929 Grey Council Meeting Minutes of Council meeting held on March 9th. Council met as per adjournment. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved on motion of Thos. Dougherty, seconded by J, F. Col - lino. Moved by R. L. McDonald, second- ed by Silas Johnston, that the Coun- cil -give A eesoor $10 for extra work, required oP hint in making a purvey of Bulls in the Township. --Carried. Moved by Silas Johnston seconded by J. P. Collins, that the following compose a Board of Managers for the Moncrieff Park: -Jos. McKay,. Flunk Harrison, Andrew Machan, Geo. Robertson, lelartin-Ferg, H. A. ICeys and Thos, Dougherty. -Carried • Moved by R. L. McDonald, that the. Hydro Electric, Commission in- stall one extra light in the Village of Ethel, making a total of 28, -- Carried. Moved by J. F. Collins, seconded by Silas Johnston, that P. J. Bishop return the Tax Roll and that the said Roll be accepted and Collector re- lieved of any further responsibility. -Carried. Moved by Silas Johnston, seconded by Thos. Dougherty that the Reeve and Treasurer have authority to borrow money from the Bank of Com coerce Brussels for ' current ex- penses and to do all necessary busi- ness with the said Bank connected with the Township of Grey. -Car- ried. Moved by R. L. McDonald, .second- ed by Silas Johnston, that we accept the tender of Geo. Evans for supply- ing power to operate the crusher and attending to same for summer of 1929 at 70e per hour. -Carried. Moved by R. L. McDonald, second- ed by Silas Johnston, that this Coun- cil ask for tenders for hauling gravel from the crusher with trucks at either per day or per yard, per mile. Tenders to be opened, Mireb 18th at 2 o'clock p.m. -Carried. Moved by Thos. Dougherty, second s.rl by J. F. Collin..., that the account.; presented and approved hr, paid.- Carried. aid-Carried. Moved by Silas Johnston, second- ed by R. L. McDo"ald, that we ad- journ to meet. March 18th at 2 o'clock :p.m. -Carried. Oldest Rei lent of Seaforth Dead Ontario Breeding Station 1Jllder'supervision of Poultry Dep't ():A ,U, Glic+ipb.. We specialize in liarred Hocks. Jilt'ery bird on our farm is culled, banded and hood tested, by Gov ernmeut Inspector. Wu ttap neat under Record of Performance supervision. Waite for meat% list and price s on Day-old Chicks and Three -weeks -old started Chicks. 3. M• SCUT't' Sunny Crest Farm R. H. No. `L. 4eafortb, Out. • TUX IRU3SELS :R O S horse Is trotted out We more. It Our per capita trade is more than came into sight very clearly the double that of most countries. Sit - other day, with the leader of the noted in such a pivotal position he- opposition holding a string around tween the orient and Australia and its neck and his leading„ lieutenant New Zealand on the one hand, and hanging en by the tail. the old world markets en the other, Immediately after the .close of with two highly equipped lines of lase Ruben tie leader of he opP est- transcontinental railway, with such d Ehohighest tion went to Toronto and told his A wealth of still largely undeveloped that the Xing overn• natural resaurcee, an Tory stalwarts eg g uden quality of production, our watch- metat were ithio ag such a burden word ought to be to scale down gra- 0£ taxation on a0untry and were se tytterly oxllravagant, particularly dually our needless triad° barriers ompeti- with respect to. undertakings design- and go forth to win 1n open e ed to •pleas- their friends that noth tion with the world, We are com- roused abide a halon id d Il►IJCTION SALE ) Notice to Creditors; -„o f-•, Household Effects,&c Property of the late Virginia St. Amour D, At. Soott, Auctioneer, bes been inetruoted to offer for snleby kablio Auction at hoc htte home, Quoeneherry btre0t, lirnesela, on Saturday, March 23rd nL 1 o'olook sharp, the household effects, eta„ of the 1,810 'Virgt to 80, Amour, ouietatem or Bedroom furnngrd, stoves, -hairs, tables, stovowood,gard.h tools, eto. Worms wish, A, 01, SSLOTT, .1011N P, GAYNOR, ow:6.9110er. .. Eseuutor, In the matter of the Estate pi• Virginia Btpmour, late of the .Vlli,i Jago a1 er Is, In tho County of i Huron, Docoasod, };. Notloo 10 beroby gtvon, persunnt to TOeetton 10, Chep• rat, of the Revised Stitt utes of en n- tnelo, that All persons haying ulabile nob et the eototo o0 the snI1 Virglpla 8082• Alnour, who diol on or scout Eho loth day of Jauu• 10 ry,loAD, rap the (UOTOf London, Provhtoa g20n. tnrlo, aro ragairod Eo send Uy pool, prepnld, er deliver to John P, Gaynor, at h uesole, 4)ntarlo, g. R,01 1110 lOxecutor of Eho 1,01 will and too$gment ut the" hnid deoeaq' 011 on or before Otto Eighth day 0f A prll, A, D, 1000, ' their 180)060 - and 0ddreos0o wt1h Fail perttoulnro in will• Jng of their etnimo and Olt. antics at the R6• r t e0, any , 826 y tem ra y tar b n ntnmmor oolnrntion, tae 08282 t 1 or ) t I(j U bl 11 1 d. CTION- SALE OP FARM STOCK, y further tnke notice that after the said in(, but an a p j' ' peting successfully with the Ivor nuotloneor 1 b^ a}e Aprot, 1D2D. the cola ioxo0ntodr would remedy the situation. If only today and there is nog d t l U And and hnplomonts-Tho undersigned 8th day 82,80 been hlatructod to sell {vin 00 reason r a ed t tlistrlbnt0. tbu 00'eEs of by Pnblfc auctiOn at hot 16, Con, 1 , :the eed es ate among the port ee fortify ➢lc1t111op, three miles ask of : Walton the ret o, having regard only to the shims of wiloh 11e shall then hove Policy of Government Aids Canada's Trade Says Thos. McMillan t tY why we canna continue to had nottoe,. and he had told his supporters that the , on Friday, March 22nd, 1020 at ,one 0 And improve our present favourable clock, the following; I500000-lflatohod the Raid Executor ohat1 nob bo 11082)6 for the King government were standing like watch -dogs guarding the public trees trade position. .Els Sir George I'aish, team of dappled percheron goldAtgs, 7 o(i4vhueet alnico �4ennhull not iheq tyhFlvee re• OR wet(' g $ g P the -British economist has said: J bears old,Weighing ars old, weighing 1 solved nottoe, ury against the attempted raids of *black 8100 g, Dated at nraese , tt1N llOh ddoy q1 p6nrah, Himself and his friends it would havo Unless the United States and 1000; 1 ggod Mack artving harao, 3 "A, 1), 1920. years old, .Cattle -Otte yearling heifers Executor. ehunPiga-2 7 pigs old;1"n' 1.20 18001 - ehunke, 3 weeks 1 thorn bred York shire sow with litter at foot, 8 weeks 0111; 1 sew bred Feb 80th; 1 thoro bred whitert whits Leghorn .Stene. 430011 zoom a good laying stran. Implements-MasseyHar rte binder 0 ft. out with truck; IvloCor- nick mower 0 ft.. cut In good shape; Musser Harris cylinder hay loader wit., truck; Dearing horse rake 10 ft; Cock ehutt 13 -disc seed drill; Massey Harris ty118, nenure arlyannew low liarrisi cul- tivator, nearly now; 1 set. of three eee- tiop diamond harrows land roller; Mas syyneW; Harrisgasoline Harris cutting boxr0 Inch toed, nearly new, with power pul- ley; Cockshutt single furrow rlOing Plow with eveners• Frost - Wood walking plow; rudhepe - Anderson walking plow, nearly new; Frost - Wood scuffles; Verity 2..furrow gang plow; Maxwell lnthrow disc harrow; three-quarter lumber wagon in good shape; set of bob sleighs as good an Peru, with both naprow and log bunks; Coleman turnip seeder,.nearly new; Chatham fanning mill, with bagger set of 2000 lbs, settles, hay rack 10 ft. long with ladders; grain bex with shelving and spying' seat; Frayel Lox nix 13, yds. capacity; flat crate, flat bottom stone boat; 0161gh rack, 12x6, nearly new; Plano box cutter; steel tire top buggy; 2 grindstones; wheel barrow; hand made road grader; 3 sets of heavy team eveners; 80 sap buckets, pain and spites; 60 -gallon wooden barrels; De Laval cream separator No. 12; 1 good set of double breeching harness; 1 set or double back band harness; set of single Karnes;; 1 new set of hoary. teaun linea 1,1-8; 30 rods of hog fence,. 16 wires; 50 grain bag's; 1 bunch of cedar shingles; sugar Mettle; soma ?'t" Pipe; 8Qso some 1" pipe; G -foot cross cut saw; set of chinas; wooden ladder 29 ft. long; 2 afters of timber 22 feet long to ;vinare las; four good horse used to act when I first fell in love been nearer the facts. Every mon- many other nations cease telling ber of this house knows that when their people to sell here but don't we were considering the estimates sell there, the world will, sooner e, last year, hon. gentlemen opposite . or later,, suffer an economic catael- r were always asking for increased ex- yms which no country. will escape, numerous additional pendlturos; during the course of one If we are to be worthy of fulls GRADUAL DOWNWARD REVISION fithelres and day no less than seventeen hon. gen- appreciating our great possibilities OF TARIFF ADVOCATED BY secondary births many of which tlemen opposite demanded "•increased it is our duty to scale down gradual - SOUTH HURON MEMBER - have grown great and vigorous expenditures, while just the other' ly all needless trade barriers and let AUSTRALIAN TREATY HELP- ,through the support of the persists day they were highly indignant be- Canada lead the way. Hon. gen ING DOMINION - PRICES OF' son, agriculture, but which persl cause this government would not im- tlemen opposite would have this CANADIAN BUTTER SHOWS in asking further nourishment from mediately embark on a highway poi- country again go through the hum - SUBSTANTIAL INC R E A S E the same source. The eldest son, eg- st icy which would lead to the expen- ilitating experience it suffered be - SINCE PACT IN FORCE. I ricultre,u has been a most diture of $200,000,000 or more. tween 1878 and 1896 under thena- dutiful and industrious child; heed has 1 It is well known that the Depart- tional policy. • tailed and spun; he has sacrificed and ' ment of Public Works is necessarily An hon, member: You have that given of, his substance for the whole one of the great spending depart- yet. family, and no one knows this better ments of the government; this is due (Continued on Page 6. ;than the Minister of Finance. If it to the necessary expenditure of "' • were not for the continued stamina money on dredging and other works Ottawa, March 11 -In an eloquent speech in the House tonight, Thomao McMillan, Liberal member for South Huron, urged upon the Government carefully considered steps toward a MR. THOMAS McMillan, M. P. Thos. E. Hayes Was Former Mayor of Town and Warden of Huron further downward revielon of the , of this eldest son the whole family County. tariff. He showed to the House tb.e 6 placed there by a group of trustees servative party left Toronto he went aralyzing effects of the national i into whose keeping the property -was down to 'Quebec and the maritimes Seaforth, 1iaren en.-snomag E. I to enlighten the people in that Part Hays, Seaforth's oldest citizen died policy of protection under Sir John confided some years ago, with discs- g P P A. MacDonald, and by statistics es• i trous results. This doctrine of pro- of the country. At Knowlton, Quo - John M. Govenlock, ex -M,1 P. P. 1 tablished the rather astonishing fact lection somewhat blurs the vision of that in one month- during the past the minister and prevents him from of that province to study politics, here Thursday night, : in his 91st ;two ears there had been more til- and then he proceeded to say: y seeing as clearly as he might His L to provide further canal and har- bour accommodation and also to the construction of public buildings and Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsolitis for other erequirements brought about Bronchitis, Cough, Bronchial Asthma, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, all Sore by the increasing needs of a young Throat and Tonsil troubles. Good and growing country. The expendi- results or money back. Sold at F. R. ture upon public works should bear Smith's Drug Store, Brussels, some relationship to the 'growing trade of the country. During the NO DIFFERENCE fiscal year ending March 31, 1914, when our Conservative friends were "Do you act toward your wife as in power, the foreign trade of Can- you did before you married her?" ads amounted to $1,074,000,000, and "Fxactly 1 remember just 'how 1 $27,991,000, or 2.7 per cent of the total foreign trade, was expended upon public works. During the last fiscal year, when the foreign trade of Canada had increased to over $2,- 359,000,000, this government ex- pended upon public works, not $27,- 991,000, 27; 991,000, as their opponents had done, but only $17,408,000, or less than three-quarters of one per cent of the foreign trade of Canada as a- gainst 2.7 per cent under Tory rule. That is a striking instance of the manner in which this government is husbanding its revenues and exer- cising the strictest economy consist- ent with efficiency in control in one of the great departments of the pub- lic service of Canada. After the lion. leader of the Con - year. He was born near after Ile, g is Who is there that does not be- d ft h' crease in Canadian export trade than widest yon, agriculture, is continual - Neve that if we had reciprocity with the American people we would have long ago have lost our identity and been absorbed in and partner, the Prime Minister, has no by the United States? misgivings; his vision is as clear as T wonder if he had lost all his the noon -day sun. He knows what common sense, when he made an un - should be done, bub he also realizes guarded statement of that kind in a that it is not what any great states- province where absorption with the man thinks ought to be done; that American people would mean the it, is not always wise to attempt at loos of their long -cherished official that moment,but rather what step language. But he proceeded to say in advance can be taken and carry that it was a shame that the home your countrymen with you. markets of the farmers of Canada had been taken away from them There is a further difficulty in the and given to the farmers of New way; the same ,party which fastened Zealand and the United- States. As that vicious principle upon the eco)- a Canadian, Mr. (Speaker, it is hum- amic life of this country is still lurk- iliating to me to think that the lead- ing around the corner always ready er of a great political party would to raise the tariff :es high as Haman's hand out such mental trash to intel- gallows, as they did on July 13, 1926 ligent Canadians. Does he not know t:'e very moment they were sworn that the Liberal trade policy of in. Moreover, that party now has at gradually reducing tariff restrictions its bead a brilliant and astute. leader upon all necessaries, together. with whom T greatly admire and whose reciprocal trade, not only with our political ebullitions throughout Carl- neighbours but with the whole world ads last year n•quire some eonsidera- are the two factors which will tend tion. 1 admire his amazing energy to build up a permanently successful and the spirit with which he endear- agriculture and encourage industry ours to revive a pl'ofeetive policy shipping and international trade? which lits been rejected by the pea- Toes he not know that Canadians pin of Canada no less than seven have become world citizens? Does times since the beginning of 1896-- he not know that Canada has t'lnere- lir. Bennett: And which is still (rd from doing business on the back in fo'ce. streets and has' opened her stand Mr. Moh1itlan:-•--anr1 which was upon the great international business given such a cold shoulder at the highways of the world? •Canada can Winnipeg convention that they were no longer continue to live within her afraid even to mention the name self. The manufacturer in this "1»'nteetionist ," and whel'e their country who within the next five resolution on trade policies was an or ten years, 11 a Liberal government doe not realize that he rmasculaterl exagrrssion disavowing is in power, s the very name. of protection. After must eater to the world's trade, will having taken such an attitude, anal be a back number. more ,particularly after their milk An hon. member: They will not 4. and water amendment to the budget he in that longi' last year, why do they not 1.0018, out Ivir, McMillan: With. less than 10,- boldly and repudiate the whole sys- 000,000 people we now stand fifth tem? T:f they would only do that among the great commercial nations. •+ they would be on solid ground and Our increase in international trade 1 h boar, 8 years old, 1iena-60 collars; logghtg' eltaln; I1u tout 3-4" with her. I • used to lean over the fence in +Front of her house and gaze at her shadow on the curtain, afraid to go in. And I act just the salve way now." hay lock rope, new; sot of two rope slings; 2 lute• x,008, pulleys, hay (0021 and chain; 0 pitch (orlcs; 2 manure forks; act 0f pea .harvesters, teeth and shoe; hay knife, neelcyokes and other articles too numerous to mention, Hay Between 20 and. 30 tons of mixed timothy and alellce tiny. Grata -105 Int. mixed seed grain; 15 bus. seed barley; lou belle's ufeed barley; 25 bus. seed buckwheat; 500 bush. mixed feed grant 'mums -Hay, grain, hens and all stuns of ten dollars and under cash; river that amount eight months' credit on furnishing approved Joint notes, land owners for security, with dis- count of 31,y per cent, straight off for rash on credit amounts. Everything to be sold without reserve as proprie- tors are giving up farming. Coo. H. Elliott, Stnnore Bros., Auctioneer. Proprietors AUCTION SALE of 2� Young Horses All well broken From 1300 to 1500 lbs. At American Hotel Stables Brussels on Saturday, March 23rd at 2 o'clock TERMS. -Four months credit given on bank. able paper. 5 per cent per annum discount for cash. Land owners for security. James Taylor, E. FISCI-IER. Auctioneer. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Waterloo Count -Ds County, name after his the whole 18 years during which McKillop, near Seaforth, when father and came to the Township a "the blighting., effects of protection" Household furniture Etc t g f strangled Canadian trade. ly endeavouring to appeal to his rea- son, trying to make 'him see a little more clearly, but the blur still con- tinues. In that respect his senior was 6 years std Fora number a ++ years he farmed, then retired to the 1 Today, the world-wide call was town of which he was since Mayor, I for a levelling down of the barriers Mre Hays was a former Warden of , to international commerce. Such the County of Huron. barriers were an anachronism; they As the Conservative candidate he i frttllll the onward they yrsstood in the ntway contested the Riding of' Sonth Hur on against the late John McMillan thought and of trade, and it was, for the Federal seat, and against the urged Mr. McMillan, essential that late Thomas( Gibson for the Ontario I Canada should turn a deaf ear to the House. His wife predeceased him by kind of fiscal policy preached by Hon, o f the 0 osi- leader PP vstwos ens R B. Bennett, n he leaves as and some years, . # E. Y It. Nelson. Hays oft the Papson and , tion, and his followers. 'Clark Company, New York, andWill.1 Mr. Me:Milan was given a most T. Hays of Edgerton, Alberta ; two I attentive hearing, and received pro - daughters, Mrs. John M.I Govenlock, 1lonced applause from his fellow- Seaforth, and Mrs, Edward Munro, of members on resuming his seat. Regina, Sask, The funeral will be 1 Mr. McMillan's Speech. held on Monday. Mr. S;;eak -r, may I ask the atten- e tion of the hnust. for a few moments CANADIAN ROCKIES !this evening? Notwithstanding all WELL KNOWN , that has been said by hon. members opposite, consider this country for There is a feature. about the Cana- tunatc in shaving as its Minister of dian Rockies that has not been ap- i Finance a gentleman of the calibre preciated as yet in this country, and of Iyer; James Robb. The budget that is the reputation these mountain which he presented on March 1 was ranges have with the most experiene- 1 a model of prerieinn; T congratulate ed mountain climbers of the word. him on its presentation, and its soh It will surprise some to learn that l _t'utre should gladden the heart or many parts of the Rocky mountains + Peery Canadian. It is most en - are exceedingly well known in Eur- I rnuraeing to think that after meet- ope and in the United States, and ; !me all our obligations, in six years that men who 'have for years spent Canada has been able to reduce her their dolidays in the Alps are now `national debt by oxer 5226,000,900. coming to Canada year by year. The vision of the Minister of Fin- _. --- I anc•e enable. him to view this country HOUSEHOLD HINTS la' a great estate, a goodly heritage I in the form of a good farm, placed mor- ' • charge under a fat can be rendered out nicely in in ht,, .ha geheavy the double boiler. i tguge resulting from the war, and Chopped chives in the cream dress- after being exploited by thorn who Ing for potatoes add flavor, I seemed willing to do almost anything Smelts are very good boned and to retain 5 ower and position. Like stuffed with a bread filling and then , a thrifty parent with the lasting wel- balled. fare of a Targe family at heart he toes will keep realizes the wisdom of paying off the boiled pots P Left -over! sweet longer if spread out on a plat- I reorient. hefoge (Welding the nro- ter instead of being put away in a perty. His family is large; their pile. names are agriculture, forests, mines Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, has been sin struoted by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at her home, Walton, on Saturday, March 30th at 1.00 o'clock, the following offsets: 2 bed- 0tendR, 2 bedepring0, I mattress, 1 exten+ion table, (tales( table. 2 entail tables, 0 oak din- ing room chairs with leather seats, 0 outer ohalro, smelt rolking elude, music rook, writ lag d0sk, 2 washstands, kitchen sink, kitchen eupboar, , Gurney Oxford range, flower stand dishes lanmps, pictures, picture laminae, dress• maker's model, fire extinguisher, two•quert lee ereom freezer, washing machine, wringer, wheelbarrow, Randier, draw knife, pink, cross - mit sew, 16oedar posts, scythe, grindstone, Jae tangs, orowber, buck -saw. breoe end bit, chains, forksnnd other articles toe numerous ,,to mention. Terms dash, MRS. R. B. FERGUSON, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Car of Horses From 3 to 8 years old at the GRAND CENTRAL STABLES LISTOWEL Saturday,Mar. 30 at 1 o'clock, TERMS -6 months credit given on approved joint notes. 4 per cent straight allowed off for cash. W J. Dowd, ALEX. MCDONALD, Auctioneer. Pr 1prdetor t For Sale I 4. 2 Bull One. Red and one Roan, Browndale: breeding, +1 Extra choice, J!•IO. !.ro. SPEIR might attain some healthy growth, since 1918, and more particularly t1 t '1n(tte ad the old protectionist since 1021, is simply marvellous'. 31 44. Phone 166 AUCTION SALE -of- Valuable Farm In the Township of Grey The Property of the Tate Robert Carr D. M. Scott, Aaotloneer, halt been instreet- ed to sell by. Public. Auction at Or AMERI- CAN HOTEL, BRUK4(0l,S, on THURSDAY MARCH. 281h, at 2 o'clock, the following pro• terty, consisting of 100 Peres of land, being Lot 8, Oen, 8, Grey LowoShlp. 00 aerial are cleared and balance bush. Gond brick Hou 0, bank Mum withcement stabling drive shed, etc Will be offered for .ale subject to a re• nerve bid. Terms -10 per cent of purchase price to be paid at time of aelo and the bel - none 1n 00 days, D. M. aCOTT,: A. G. BISHOP, Auctioneer. Exeontor NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Pollock, late of Grey Township, in Huron County. Farmer, deceased, who died on or a- bout December 23rd, A. D., 1028, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or de- liver to J. A. islorton, Wingham, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or faro April rll tat 1 29 theft names and addrassos, with full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the aecttrttios (if any) held by them duly veined by a Statutory declare - Lion. And further take notice that after the said, April tot, 1929, fife said oK- eeutors will proceed Lo distribute the assets of the Bald estate among the mattes entitled thereto, hnving regard only, to the claims of which they shall then have had nodes, and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose Claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Wtngham, this 1,511 day rf March, ,t. D„ J, 9. Mor1212.ton, ,Winghanl, P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Esbito of Tlnrgnret Ruehnnno, Irate of the ToN•f$hily of Grey, 0 the County02Huron, de- 00ns0d, NOTICE 1s hereby given, parsuaht to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap- ter 100, that all orediters and others having claims against the estate of the said Margaret Buchanan, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of February. A. D., 1020 are required 0n or before the. 26th day of March, to send by post prepaid or deliver to John S. Buchanan, Walton, P. 0., or to A. H. Macdonald, Brussels, P. 0.. the Executors of the Met will and testament of the deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the secur- ities, it any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased, amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and the said Execu- tors will not be liable for the said as- sets, or any part thereof to any per- son or persons, of whose claim notice spall not have been received by then at the tlmo- of such- distribution. Dated at Brussels title 0t1 day of March, A. D. 10220. JOHN S. RIICIIANAN, A. D. Mee - DONALD, Executors, I,, the matter of the )Comte of George linehmmtn, lath of the Village of TtruMoels, In the ('((1uNy o2 Duren, Te,,eh(•r. deeenked. NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, flint all cretliters and others having Claims agalnt,t the es- tate of the en id George Buehauan, who died, on nr about. the, 30th Allty of December, A.D., 192{, are reHuired of or before the 26th day of March A. I]., 1020, to send by ppn0t prepald nr del lvva• to Florence Ina mita Ituelumnn, Brus- sels, 1'. 0., Ont., the Executrix of the last w11i and testament of the deceas- ed, their Christian and snrnainos, ad- dresses and deeerlptions, the still par- , deniers of their claims, the statement ; of thole aceo1n s t and the nature e fat 7l' 0 of then ori s.o tlas it any, held 011 byOmni, Y, o t. And further take notice that attar , Mach last mentioned date, the said Ex- , ecltrlx will proceed to distribute the assets of lite deca0aeed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard. only to the 0laline or which they shali. then have notice, o.nd the said Exeou- • trix will not be liable for the amid an- I sets or nhy part thereof to any pera011 or persons of whose claim notlee shall not have been received at the Elmo 0f suet, distribution. Dated at \Vinghnte thle second day or March, A. D, 1020, It. VANs'1ON10, Winghnnt, Ont, Sollritor for the Ivxeoutrlx NOTICTO 'r0 C)tEDI'rORS -NOTICE IS I 2 1114BY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the es- tate of John Black, late of the Town- ship of Morris In the County of Huron Partner, who died on or about the 12,th dray of January. 11129, are requested to forward thttr claims to the under- signed on or before the 6th day of April. 1521, .tNn NOTICTI IS I'I'RTHER GIVEN' that after the said date Executors will prorr,•d to distribute the estate,; hav- ing regard onlyto such claims as they shall then have had notice. DATED at the tillage of Brunsels In the County of Huron this 21th d0Y of February, 102 0. :ualeolm Black and 'S1'iiltam Pipe. Executors, Brussels, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE Mortgage Sale of farm pronerty un- der and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a rertaln alortienge which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Queen's Hotel in the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron on Snturdny, March 23rd, 1029, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the followingpro- perty, namely: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being In the Township of Morris, In the County of Huron and. Province of Ontario, containing one hundred .acres be the same more or less and tieing composed oft he north half of farm lot Number Ninteen CIO) in the Eighth Concession of the, said Townslrlti. of Morris. Of this property there Is repute) to be a good frame house and barn and also a hardwood bush. The property will be sold subject to n reserve bid. Terms : 10 per cent of the purchase money by cash at the time of the sale and the balance In 30 days from the date thereof. For further particulars apply to D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, Brussels, or A. 1(6. Macdonald, 13russe,s, or to Cowan, Cowan and Gray, Solicitors for the Aforgagee, Sarnia, Onto•to, Darted at Sarnia, I•`ebruary 19th, 1939. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre Man, bei) ;4 Lit 22, Con. 5, Moe.cls, the property or the kite John Sleek. Good imamernl } with nevergalling spring K creek. p rtionlara t For . Pipe, t e Executor apply a of . or Wm. Pipe, the Executors of the estate. 27.82 Property for Sale The rinder0lgned off era for 5010 her property on James Street. Brnssola Beet, known no the 13911nntyne borne, ooneiatina of 2 Aortal of lend, one nor. In goad Rard,"1 and orchard with. nice big berry p80ob ; the other street sore }or ohloken run, with river alongside. 51x•rnnmed on wet ory sot Mee, with good two. roomed cellar and 'gore room; parlor, dating ronin, nentrn, kltehen end bedroom off kit. -hen Vertndoh all along front of house. A tie wood and cool Abed ; workothop with 11). 'mire; 'gable and hen Ionise A )ply on prem. leo, MIYS CARRIE zntoLER, Broe0ela. Farm for Sale 1 n0 earn of lend, being composed of 11 13 ke of 8, an the 0th Con, of Morris township. On the ;Premise. Is aood [mune hoon 8tene well andoelhtr; also horn double boned - el end battened, Good matte and horse entitle; n1.0011001.)2neres good bush. It not sold wilt be rented for pasture, 80'0 JOHN 1,A11111 Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1200 Watts ; 110 Volts. Almost new, with Doles. wire and all equipment For further pnrtleuhtro apply to DR. A. E.010111ASTER, )ieerelary Vlilsvo Trustee Bontd, Ethel. Farm for Sale Merin known 5s the Dilworth Farm,o01n priming 1011 n0r00 -tenably all °leered end in n 9e00d stets of eultivetlon, lute of water end within patie of Ethel etn3lon, r4 mils bo Ethel Vllingo. Win be prlend reasonably for qu1ok ltnh0. Mor. licher 010rtf201810, appply on pr0lnlees fo J. E, IR/WEAN!), Ethel, Farm for Sale A very desirable stook farm of 160 pores, 3 mile from Brasaele, Goal 'bindings 521)1 equipPmeetO. Easy Menet 06 8011 purchaser For further pnrtloninre ripply to A, H, MAobONAI,D, Rrtssels,